Minecraft Xbox - Randoms Adventure Map - Part 2

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video this is episode number two of randoms are you jumping he jumping stamps i'm doing it i'm gonna go skydiving that was a little bit better than last time wasn't it just a little bit it's a little bit better i did i didn't die so i put that as a positive right level number 12 push the correct button oh i can't wait to slow down slow down slow down don't don't push anything yeah oh i feel like dd off okay this is laboratory what does this button do don't touch don't touch anything can i press buttons okay oh no there's lava in these buckets again oh no all right i've i've pressed this button down this one oh look oh it locks you in it locks you in when you press the button oh no i'm being burnt and i can stand on these pressure plates if i press this button again you can do it if oh did you get out quick enough yeah right okay i'm gonna i'm in a bernie room we need to keep track of um okay i've got which one's impressive are you in this side hi stamps how are you doing hello could you i'm a bit stuck you see because the block's still this thing is the problem don't worry about it you've got it there's long no no it's it's not you've got 20 minutes to get out of here it's all right okay will you go you go press all the buttons uh i'll be here punching a block i've got a good system i press the button and walk off and then it doesn't trap me it's too slow well i would have had the system if i knew what was going to happen if i knew i was going to be locked in i might have you know came up with my own system as it was i didn't and don't right i'm nearly broke my way out of here though by the way have you yeah have any of them opened up the the end no not yet i mean i've got two is that the last one you're doing uh near no no have you done this one yet no i don't think you have right i'm gonna go back really quick then let's have a look and go go go go go go go which one are you doing i don't think i pressed it did i press it uh i'm doing like the far left one and i did press i just didn't do anything let's have a look unless i actually open the door oh it's open there we go i ended up finding the right one anyway so i was useful i was using it was this is a nice corridor flash room isn't it i want to i want a color sample of this of this green i like this green this is a good gray i want to i want to paint my face this green say who said the quote tip if the quote is from a movie it's the actor okay okay say who said the q oh oh back back to questions oh this one looks more difficult to avoid rather than the love to fear is fear itself oh uh batman um i careful all these dispensers they're all full of fire charges uh oh yeah by the way by the way look magically i don't know how we've got swords stabs i've got an idea can you back into your darwee yeah we can do this okay who you reckon my my guess is washington i don't know actually maybe maybe bruce i'm gonna go washington i'm gonna go wash it we can we press any of the other buttons out i think we need to retract oh did you get it i got that one i'm gonna go for batman ah oh they've oh they've ran out they've run out live okay this week okay i wait for you okay live earth finds a weird life uh finds a way i don't know i'm a rubbish with stuff like this steve carell because i like him he's a funny actor go do it do craft okay and go right now we wait oh no i'm going to die please don't die squid please i'll take a hit fair enough okay do you press what oh there we go i got it open like yeah ow well i i gotta wait though i gotta wait oh man we have to tp2 now how did you die yeah i died i got i got i got fried okay right well we can get through though right i want to get at least one of these right it always it always seems impossible until it's done um right i reckon this is going to be an inventor so i don't reckon it's stan lee thomas edison edison and i think uh fool draken i aah remind it if you got it right oh dear we can set our spawns now as well by the way oh it's good it's good then it's good wow okay yup you're poking me in the eye with your hats you turn around it's a cozy collar very painful very cozy connor was very warm very toasty and warm all right don't press anything yet let me go i'm gonna go set my spawn over in this burning room here not stanley you just said the dispenser is going crazy revenge okay benjamin franklin no nelson mandela okay with nelson mandela yeah okay it's really good to invent you need imagination and a pile of junk uh thomas edison and dr seuss what disney uh henry ford i'm guessing henry ford okay stab his guests if you get set on fire it's not my fault the fight he said about a pile of junk nope not henry ford we gotta get one of these we did much better at the normal questions yeah you press y you press push yours ow i tried i don't know if i got it or not press the one on you're right i think that's the one okay okay i got it i got it did it open ah did you press but i i don't know if i i don't know if i got the one on the left yet i'm feeling a little bit a little bit fragile just just reach round and press it don't worry about it okay there we go yeah thomas edison of course it's thomas edison well everyone knew that the map maker says hi hello joker hi hi joker2039 hey i think he's from the future this is the birthday he's from the future he travel back with future noise he's going to be quoting aliens and we're not going to know what he's on about level 14 get your spaceship without getting caught i told you guys you've created aliens i told you you are an alien and don't be seen by the villagers i told you can't write it down can't you're an alien don't be seen by them oh there's one right there what we're gonna do we can't be seen by the villagers get to your spaceship without getting caught oh no about to creep up hello okay sneak it off i think we're caught it'd take us long to get caught did it sneak dude there's a patrol there's a patrol over there open sesame are we going we climbing we climbed through the roof of course this is how we designed it oh it just shot i think did it what happened then um spaceship saws remember remember it's your owners oh oh there's always a fellows here yes yeah quick into the spaceship yeah none of the villagers saw us what was that about i just told you it's all about aliens he's from the jokers from the future oh and that was weird right the level it is random i'll give him that level number 15 build a diamond build a diamond pickaxe look at this oh these some of these are trapped chests by the way um are spotted so be be wary opening these ones is it okay so what do we do just like okay try and find a pickaxe in all of these well i think we're gonna get diamonds and sticks and things in them should we do can we go do this in order because if we're opening randomly we're going to be here all day so we're going to keep opening the same ones so i'm going to do that i'll do the floor and you you do the walls okay okay i'm hoping that there's not just the exact right amount to make what we need but there is and that there's like ah yeah i think that probably is as well but hopefully he put more in just so we can find them a bit quicker this is gonna take forever if yeah i've not even done like one strip of these bottle chests i'll tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna do speedy speedy chesty opening so we're gonna we're gonna speed up the video so you're gonna see in super fast speed us opening all of the chests until we find what we need speedy speedy begin do do do oh hey hey finally we did it um you can probably kind of get an idea of how long that took by seeing it sped up but oh that was um that was not any fun throw me the diamond and let's just get out of this place right so yeah squid found two diamonds i did the entire floor and found one stick of all of these chests there was one stick in the floor so thanks for that joker thanks a lot she is met and now we got a mine obsidian oh now we've got a jig for even more fun he's been like cruel to us to this half of the uh the map he he has been he he has been he's been he's been making fun well to be fair he did start the map by making us jump into a pit of laughter yeah he didn't start that well that's how it started that was like the beginning freedom yay dies on me it's never been so nice to see a googly before walk the tightrope uh walk the tide rope hold the circus oh oh see how quickly my happiness switched then oh oh no okay right checkpoint charlie we would take turns having attempts then okay okay your turn all right my god i tried running like a madman over it i'd say take your time okay i'm going to go slow instead it's kind of hard a little bit hard to see exactly where the gaps are all right yeah i forgot i respawned like around a bunch of remember to tell you me not teleport me to you oh yeah oh yeah i did do it quite quickly then nope no good no good oh good oh good right tell people can we can we hmm i'll tell you what let's put this a bit easier okay so let okay we can easily get to this one so i'll just stay here as a checkpoint and then we're making progress okay okay we're take turns being checked points right you want to stand a little bit back soon we can easily get to this bit apparently not careful all right do you wanna have a go i'll i'll be checkpoint checkpoint stamping i wanna move right back so i wanna do a double buying okay and i missed completely i knew that was gonna happen i knew it was you want to give me do you want to give me a little nudge excuse me a little bit of a nudge a little bit of a point just give me a well nudge i i said but i mean punch i guess yeah i've got mine okay i don't want to go too far over it though you ready yeah three two one go whoa oh very nice okay stay there stay in there don't do this one yeah i think that's that that was like the only a difficult jump i think i think yeah apart from that it's all pretty easy yeah right take it away oh you're so like dark and silhouetted i just see a little hat poking up there right here comes squiddy to the tightropes oh ooh very impressive and the crowd goes wild dude that was cool jolly good fun walking the the type right right out of the the circus and into the this place the swampy swamp place uh level 17 i like turtles so do i ah spider oh look at that little turtle with eight legs that's a little eight-legged turtle yeah that's the door too you know oh are they just like whoa um do we just pick no do we just become turtles then to the map we just live on turtles we just live live our lives as turtles now you can poke can we poke the turtle eyes do they do anything nope hmm check it's to be time to do the turtle sure is there is there a gap in the shell anywhere cap in the shell i'm looking for gaps in the shells not seeing any stamps let's go ahead and have a look around this one see if there's any still got grandma's teeth on me i got 26 of them 26. wow yeah she's she's lost their teeth i don't seem to see any openings here i see torches everywhere courtesy of stamps um no i'm gonna check around the perimeter see if there's anything can't see anything there's just walls oh there's a bunch of dirt here ah there we go ah has opened a door here that was sneaky very sneaky sneaky sneaky turtles hiding buttons well you know what turtles are like hiding buttons level 18 oh here we go get to the very tops your favorite past time stamps oh well at least it's quite a small area so like at least there's no like long jumps you know yeah like that well there might be a few awkward banging your head jumps but like you know we can't need to jump any any further than four blocks really which is now like for free yeah which is which is which is handy so i i think i got a chance of being able to do this you just make sure you don't bang your head yeah keep keep looking up okay all right it goes up wow though yeah yeah we're probably not even halfway probably no i'm not even halfway you feel like you've gone really far then you look down you're like oh okay no we're still right by the bottom the problem is the higher we get up the more dangerous it gets as well because you know the fool is you know gets bigger and bigger and bigger yeah and we're still uh not able to set our spawn yet so we've got to be yeah we've got to be careful okay i'm doing well i hope that's i think yeah i think there's no blocks right in the middle so if you fall just try and like push to the the side so that way you don't fall just straight down the the middle okay because i have put a bed down there but i don't know how bouncy the mattress is going to help you out right up this way and then here all right and hope it's that one i keep failing a really easy job oh then i went the wrong way now it's happening squid it's happening i start failing for a bit then i try and go too quick and it just gets worse and worse and worse it's happening already i've done it you made it made it to the top oh yeah does it get any easier later on oh no it's quite a tough job that one i'm gonna throw some pumpkin pies down in case you get hungry stamps okay i could just see the wizard you throw them right down the middle you're gonna get pumpkin pie all in the bed i went i purposely went down to get the pumpkin pie that's what i did there i purposely jumped down the middle say okay i need to slow down no take it right this is the one i don't like but i did it all the same because i'm so good doesn't get any friendlier in the next level stamps it's called don't burn don't burn um i'm i've done enough burning i think i'm used to burning from this map already just from what we've done before um it's got it it's got to be better than the the jumpy jumps getting really hurt because i still can't set my spawn yet all right let's keep going um i've got a pumpkin pie in my hand and i'm punching and it's shaking my squid booty check your and i'm missing it i'm missing all the fun look because i can't do these jobs right oh no how'd i miss that one so i know everyone i know this is really annoying for you like if i watch this video back it's going to be just as annoying for me seeing me failing because i know how easy it looks and how easy it is but i just you know it's i'm just i struggle i struggle the second i stop recording like i do great i promise you i'm not just saying that the second no one's watching i'm suddenly like not awful and i that is a hand on a hand on my heart i promise i'm not actually awful i just i just i'm awful sometimes i'm occasionally awful you could look at my view stamps i mean it was kind of flawless i'm not gonna lie okay okay well let's let's have a little look at your view what are you doing now hey i was just throwing pumpkin pies on your head and now um should i give people a sneak peek so you got this lovely red and yellow corridor with glowstone and then it turns a bit dark because obsidian netherrack and it's kind of like a really the dark room ahead it doesn't look too good so yeah if you had enough stamps do you want to come to the top i told you the second piece i just went he went straight up just brilliant jumping amazing perfectly perfect timing you can switch back to my view now it's all it's all good i made it jolly good fun squid squid yeah do you think i fooled them uh not really because on my view i saw you fly around the corner and then go backwards oh wow maybe i fooled a few of them that weren't watching anyway let's uh let's not but oh no whoa um ah i'm going this way okay oh yeah i reckon doubling back that seems the sneakier option let's try let's try and relatively stick together so if one makes it then we when we both can we really should have set our spawn at some point hey it's fine as long as one of us still survives then we can become checkpoint i think i prefer the tightrope this is very i think looking down at the floor and like kind of you know the little uh the little white arrow you have if you just try and line that up with the middle of the block the whole time i think that's the only problem is you can't see where you're going but at least you you don't burn too much you can actually go through the lava if you want to there's no walls obviously there's a lava wall but yeah but there's but you burn like you do know what lava does don't you it doesn't just look pretty it's baked beans remember i know i know it looks like baked beans but it's it's not actually basically bike bench so we came around this way just keep your whole circle stuff up have you okay well i was i was kind of following you but i lost you at some point so hopefully i i went off a different way oh a dead end all right i'm gonna go and try and go a little bit quicker i'm gonna risk it i think i was going a little bit too slow i can hear you chewing through the lava house you scared me you didn't push me straight in you know how careful my spawns so far back i try to be so careful here i feel like i just want to go through the lava i might risk it it's not going to end well it's not going to end well i'm telling you now i'm on fire anyway let's just risk it okay yeah dad i knew it like if you could see that the exit was definitely on the other side it might ha might have been worth look what happened i was being so cat i was being so careful the whole way i was being so so slow and just delicate and you know making sure i did it right then you just charge in smack me and we both die and now we're all the way back here where even are you i'm in the i've got the bunny rabbit in my face oh you're even further back than i am all right okay i'm having to see the only reason i'm cheating is because i'm lumbered with this idiot as a partner to go through the map i was like i was going to set my spawn soon and everything you're listening to this guy you're not fooling anyone stops even like fly oh god back to i had to go back to the chest room i'm going to put some obsidian back so you gotta go and find another pickaxe no oh tyrone now look that was stuck in the way here all right i'll give you a rest whoa oh you went flying oh i am flying what have you had for breakfast i'm gonna go make my whole way better i didn't i see i don't mind cheating when i feel like i don't really have much option but like yeah i mean that's the only reason why we do cheat what amazing time to teleport tomorrow is this anybody right well no now i'm going to start it's still not even right will you stay away from me this time you stay back all right i'm going the other way i'm going to go i'm going to go which way no you don't like me stamps well i don't like you when i'm being super careful you running up and just punching me putting us a little way back there you okay yeah there's a fight there's a fly in the room um what are we supposed to be looking for here anyway like it's like a big hole in the floor or well it just said it just said don't burn didn't it well we're not doing a very good job off right now um yeah well i'm not yeah we don't know i i guess we're just making our way to the other side of the maze making my way to the other side of the maze yeah like normally like a good cake here's a good tip for all the the map builders making maze is to make a very obvious goal so like have a high ceiling so you can see like the middle or you know like allow people to see the maze from above before they go in because otherwise if you're just randomly wandering you know you're just you're just randomly wondering you know you just kind of we have there's not much you can do diamond pickaxe hmm i don't know if that's gonna help you digging the floor i don't know how beneficial that would be right i'm doing a new strategy if you do the same everywhere i've gone i'm just placing torches on the floor like everywhere okay so that way we're nowhere near pac-man because we have we're like the opposite of pac-man like if pac-man was like putting little dots everywhere rather than eating them up so yeah because we have like a million torches we can just put them like everywhere did you just start burning at the exact same time as me you better as well it sounded like my burning had an echo because you were burning at the same time oh no yes so just are you putting torches just on the floor everywhere yeah it marks my death um well because at least then we know we're not doubling up hello squid tried to go too fast again lucky i'm here you want me to rely on me i didn't touch i did not touch you oh no back at the beginning now though this is where we drop down yeah right right there at least we're um we're at least like narrowing down like the places to go now i think i feel like doing the torches method we're at least making progress can we can we sleep now ah there we go we can set up our spawn in this bed as well now so hopefully we won't get uh set back too far right uh let's go off uh this way then shall we all right now i've got my spawn i'm gonna risk it and i'm gonna go a little bit faster now i just just saw a torch up here have we been anywhere everywhere this way i've been down here and yeah that was a dead end there on your stamps um okay why are you that's fine yeah so if you come back here uh then then yeah you can set your spawn as well if you if you want to have to rely on me so much okay please don't die there we go just about right slow and steady again slow and steady wins the race i feel like the maze the maze isn't as big as i first thought yeah there seems to be like torches everywhere i look so i think there's there's probably only one route we haven't been and that's where we need to go all right so we've been this way i've been down that way been haven't been this way yeah let's just go and check every corner it might just be literally like a one block hole also keep an eye out for like any tort um any like buttons or i don't like levers or just anything anything sneaky it might not be like an obvious exit there might just be something sneaky somewhere yeah i know there's nothing down this way i've been down have i been down one of these little bits been down there have i been down here yep i've been down there i don't want to go i can't find any any unexplored area anymore me neither hmm i'm at a bit of a record we're gonna direct we're gonna find like a fire resistance potion or something i'm just kind of walking through lava now it doesn't matter so much now we've got the spawn there i just kind of keep checking places i've already been just in case i've missed something but i can't see uh i can't see anything new hmm this is too i can see that the maze i can see the maze carries on like the other side of this wall like if you kind of look right in the the corner of where the lava is you can kind of see whether like there's things on the the other side or not i think i think i need to go this way and then left somewhere nope is that another dead end i can't go anywhere further that way i don't know i'm at a bit of a loss to be honest i'm not oh hello hello i'm not the biggest fan of mazes to start with and when the walls are made out of lava it's you know it's hard it's so annoying it's literally so annoying there's nothing there's nothing we can do to make this better there's nothing that i don't know so we can go quicker through here ah this way this way if you turn left now aha we've not been down here yet there's no torches okay let's go and explore this way dead end there there's there aha i've done it i found the hole oh no no no no don't die don't die don't die i haven't died tp to me quick looks i am burning there we go we did it we were able to find our way to the middle of the the lavanes and uh we can now go on to the the next obstacle right first thing to do is to set a spawn right on the the other side of this maze so we never have to do it again uh but sadly now we have just about run out of time in this episode of randoms but yeah but don't worry there'll be a new episode online very soon and i'll be leaving a link to that in the description but for now we want to thank you all very much for watching and we will see you all later bye bye
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 12,641,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Stampy Cat, Part 2, Adventure, Map, World, Online, Download, Ballistic Squid, Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry)
Id: d2Uo33Ijh6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
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