Minecraft VR But I Can Feel Pain.. (Haptic Suit)

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this suit literally lets me fill everything in minecraft watch this i can literally feel the heat of the lava below me so yes if i fall in it'll really hurt right now our goal is to make it to the top of this ultimate minecraft pain course the higher up we go the more painful it gets and the top room will probably be the most painful experience of my life i wonder what's more painful falling in this lava or 20 20. if i slip up now i'm actually gonna feel real-life pain okay guys i can literally feel the fire like i can feel it on my body oh my god it's filled out ow i can feel it i'm not even in the fire and i can feel it right if i fall into this fire i will feel it but i won't fall in because i'm good at parkour oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i could literally feel the fire i died because i just died i've lost a life which means my pain level has to double yes i did it come on one more this must be the easiest way yes okay this is the next bit oh my god this is so hard oh go please please please yes we did it we're smashing this we're smashing this okay okay we did that come on are you serious wait what's down here haha get pranked screw you i just want to get up but how am i okay oh a mysterious pressure plate i wonder what it's going to be please don't kill me please [Music] didn't kill me what the hell is this i don't know what this is i'm just going to go wow ah i held the arrow oh i've lost another life [Music] my suit is currently on 200 pain intensity if i get hit by an arrow it's gonna seriously hurt so i don't want to get hit now i think these pressure plates lead to arrows being shot off the air and spawning those things and i don't want to get hit how do i do this while getting shot i think the best way wait can we just dig we could just dig it whoever made this map did not think of this so yeah i can just dig it okay oh what does this lead to okay screw you guys you can't even shoot me because the fence in the way what if i dig the fence [Music] how do i get over this without triggering i'm just gonna go for it i'm just gonna go it's gonna go it's gonna go yeah we did it we did it we're fine haven't even been hit yet okay we've now got some apples so we can boost our health not that we need it we're the pro gamer tray like really car do you need to disturb me while i'm trying to record okay how do we get out of this without getting hit i really don't want to get hit oh roller coaster yes please i don't know what's going to be at the top of this i really hope it's not another trap but i'm just going to eat another apple just in case it is all right here goes oh my gosh i can feel it i can literally feel the rail tracks it's like i'm actually on a roller coaster and like i'm in the game so it's so real where does this go really hopefully what no no no no where am i gravel is gravel let me dig the gravel let me take the gravel stop please stop hurting me please um luckily enough gravel doesn't really hurt of course every single roller coaster i go on is literally a trap why am i doing it by pressing this little look guys look at this i can literally mine it with my hands that's so cool look at this i look like i'm an absolute idiot oh have you caught your breath i actually haven't i'm exhausted i'm really worried it's not the trap everywhere so far it just leads me to real pain come on please please let's go on a trip okay why is everything like distorted oh it literally feels like i'm on a trip okay it's down here do i really want to go down there it's gonna hurt i literally felt that i felt that landing where is this place i'm assuming i have to jump in here but whatever this is i can feel i can feel it like i can feel the vibrations from it but you know what sometimes in life you just have to go for it no matter what the the consequence is so that's what we're going to do no pain okay i spoke too soon go move yes screw you no no how much health we have we've got enough health come on come on come on move yeah die no not you you yeah go away go away oh how much health we've got no health we've got no health we've got no health oh yes yes we did it we did it oh my heart you know what peace out i want to feel the lava wait is it really going to be this slow hey the hokey cokey arms then arms out oh come by oh my look where did that go oh we didn't even feel the lava have a rest that only gets better from here for some reason i don't believe that for some reason i feel like we're gonna feel extreme pain now oh my god look how many animals there are oh my god can i feel them let me hey oh my god i can feel the animals i'm sorry pandas i like pandas but there's oh my god i can feel the pandas get off me there are oh this is a mess this is a mess get me the hell out of here get me the hell out this is absolute mess oh no the bees are after me the bees i'm surrounded by wasps and bees and it hurts that really hurt and it didn't really hurt oh no wait i just realized we've lost life oh no i've got to put on the spike suit now i've just lost all my lives which means now i have to put on this really sharp spike suit man the things i do for these stupid challenges guys please like and subscribe this right here is the spike suit i'm going to put it on under my t-shirt and every time i get hit in the game spikes are literally going to dig into my skin and this is going to hurt a lot we're doing this for the science because i want to feel pain in minecraft right so as you can see i've got the spike suit on underneath my t-shirt all the spikes are facing towards me okay so i'm just gonna close it like this and this will stop the spike suit falling so i'm gonna have to try and just run through this i think we've gotta get to the door without being hit all right we're just gonna go for it go go go oh oh no okay they haven't hit me nothing's hitting me nothing's hitting me get me out of here get me out get me through oh my god i'm safe look i could actually feel oh no no not the spiders get it away i'm sorry panda i'm sorry i'm sorry we're gonna get this thing go away okay we're safe we're just in a maze oh hey we're in a maze of cactuses and it actually hurts when i touch the cactus now guys watch this watch this oh oh my god oh it hurts how do i get out of this oh the cat let me try that again i do kind of like the pain a bit it feels so cool it's so cool that i'm in a game i can walk up to a cactus and it literally spikes me because i've got the spikes on it feels like a cactus i watch this oh my gosh that is so cool okay all right i'm going to the next room i don't know what's going to be in here oh it's a bed oh is that it is that the end of the game i can really feel the spikes digging into me and they've really hurt but we're going to have it just a golden apple because that should help this a lot the spikes are really digging in though i what the hell is that oh no no please no oh the lag the lag no please please please please oh my god oh i can get i can escape i didn't realize it oh that really hurt oh there's so many creepers here how do i get out of here guys so there's a button over there on the far right and i've got to get through all these creepers i don't know how i'm going to do this why is there a bee here go away b okay i see the button it's on the far right of the room all i've got to do is i've just got to run there okay ready three two one go come on come on oh no no don't give me the button you press the button press the button why is there the button pressing my belly press here to call an uber is this going to cost me money or pain would you be coming oh a minecart oh no no no no not the tnt chill chill oh no oh i felt that and it was a mile away so where do we go now go down here we finished congratulations you did it oh did it what's the button do no no no no no no it's gonna hurt creepy go away no no please no oh the tnt hasn't exploded i'm gonna have to light the tnt manually because this button just forms a creeper which doesn't even blow up the tnt and i've gotta blow up the tnt to get to the finish oh okay stop stop jay three two one just do it oh no get me away give me a way i don't wanna be near it i don't wanna be near it oh my sorry still hurts respawn oh my god that really hurt we did it this is the ending what a lovely ending i'm so happy i went through that pain to experience this this anyway guys thank you so so much for watching this video i love all of you have a lovely day and a lovely week and i'll see you in the next video peace out guys
Channel: TheProGamerJay
Views: 5,775,582
Rating: 4.825809 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, vr, virtual reality, vr minecraft, Minecraft vr, theprogamerjay, gaming, haptic, haptic suit, haptic feedback, quest 2
Id: 2mkDgCvjNT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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