Minecraft UHC but you can craft a "Multi Sword"..

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have you ever wondered what would happen if you combined every single sword in minecraft well i'll let you know it crafts a multi-sword and this thing is absolutely insane so if you want the multi-sword for yourself be sure to click that subscribe button and while you're down there be sure to click that like button we've been smashing records recently so let's aim for 65 000 likes on this one click that like button with me in three two one i know you guys can easily smash that enjoy the video [Music] okay guys here we go as you saw in the intro we are making an op multi sword so we're going to get straight into the game let's smash some trees let's grab some stone craft up a full set of stone tools for some reason i made a hoe maybe it's because i think i'm speed running i'm definitely not speed running we are gonna have to kill a cow because of course we're gonna need to get ourselves some op enchants because the sword it's not gonna keep us safe from other people grab some sugar cane really quickly uh hello there we go we got some sugar cane now we need to find the cave and go straight down okay here we go we got something we've got something indeed let's grab some iron i think we're gonna need a little bit of iron we'll need a bucket we'll need a smithing table because of course we're gonna need some netherright as well let's just take a bunch of this we'll make some quick temporary armor just so we stay safe from the skeletons okay here we go the mobs are out to play already creeper please please please oh okay there we go that was perfect do a little bit of mining for me we need to go oh there's a skeleton i was talking about oh boy okay put him down the hole he's gone he's dead okay okay let's just grab this iron and it looks like we're going deeper right now just check out for some mobs no we are good okay our first diamonds pull relax i almost did it again this that's happened a few times now i keep almost mining diamonds with stone pickaxes i don't know why but there we go oh that's a really nice amount of diamond six straight off the bat that means we can make ourselves a diamond pickaxe we're gonna need to get ourselves some obsidian of course so we'll make that for now now we need to keep our eyes peeled there is gonna be ancient debris all through the caves and okay right as i talk about it there it is right in front of me but above lava okay i'm gonna deal with this zombie and then we should be able to mine that oh there's there's some right here too perfect okay we're gonna need three netherright swords for this multi sword and a bunch of gold too let's grab a bucket of water so we can go get that other piece of netherright really quickly just completely flood this area we need to catch this we cannot let this go in the lava that would be the worst thing okay i see some more diamonds through here as well and some more near the right right there okay got some ancient debris and we'll be able to get some nether right please creeper i don't know what the other hero skeleton okay okay this is getting bad this is getting real bad we're gonna need to get ourselves some healing as well luckily we got some gold right here grab this ancient debris i hear another skeleton it's coming for me i don't know where it is but it is coming for me that should be enough netherride that's yeah okay that's a perfect amount now we'll be able to graft ourselves some nether we got more diamonds over this way as well okay drop down there grab these and that looks like plenty of diamonds [Music] oh go the lava go in the lava please go in the lava there we go okay saved let's place this down we're gonna have to smelt that take care of this guy oh my god we're on a mission right now to craft this multi sword come on we gotta keep it together keep composed and we will get it in no time and trust me once we get this thing okay yeah it's gonna it's gonna do that it's gonna do what the lava just did it's gonna kill everyone in the game the effects on it are absolutely insane and some of them are anime inspired so if you like anime you're gonna love this okay there is a bunch of gold in this cave this is perfect we're gonna need all the gold we can get let's grab these scraps let's make the first bits of netherright there's one there's two now i think we actually have the resources right now we have we have enough for four diamond swords three there we go math math i think we have enough i think we we just need to go get a little bit of wood and then we're gonna be able to craft this thing okay we're actually doing this really quickly let's just take care of business down here please do not touch me with that spoon thank you oh boy oh boy oh boy i'm going to do a tussle with another skeleton please okay i just need to find my way out of this cave please leave me alone oh boy everything's after me everything's after me need to get [Music] oh please please oh my word there was a creeper right above me this is not good this is i just need to get to the surface let's just go straight up that was way too close i almost had a creeper exploding on my head i almost had a skeleton shooting at me i almost had a zombie slaying me with a spoon and then a spider attacking me all at the same time absolutely not let's keep going up okay now the grapple's trying to kill us this is not good okay so getting the multi sword is gonna be one thing but then afterwards we need to grow why is there gravel everywhere this is not good but yeah after this we need to make sure that we get ourselves some good armor some good healing in time for pvp because as soon as pvp starts anyone that's actually managed to survive will be trying to kill us and that is a yeah that is not gonna be a good thing but hopefully with this sword we should be able to take out a good amount of people before we you know inevitably get 10 v1 let's get the axe let's chop down this tree let's get to crafting the multi sword here we go we need this and we need a smithing table let's place that and we're gonna need all the diamond swords in the world there's three one two three netherright swords just like so and then we're gonna need four diamond swords so we got four diamond swords just like that and we're gonna need two gold swords the one two and then when we arrange this in the perfect order we're gonna go gold diamond netherright diamond netherrick diamond netherrite diamond gold and there it is the multi-sword look at that it's got the gold handle the netherright blade and then the diamond fire it comes with fire aspect 10 and oh my god look how sick this thing is it's gold tip it's netherrite and it's got the diamond fire now we need to get into a cave because if you look at us we're not looking too hot we got the iron armor but we do have the multi sword so you know things could be work okay i don't why am i grabbing more iron we don't need more iron we need diamonds we need diamonds and gold gold by the way we got we got some gold guys we have some gold right here we're gonna mine this gold this is the most important thing in uhc gold some blue gold here we go we got okay we got plenty of diamonds we should probably try and make netherey armor but i don't know if we're gonna have the time for that we have 10 minutes left maybe we have a little bit of time we'll see ideally we should be getting netherrite with enchants we do have the book for enchants and we can get the obsidian and we can get the enchant table okay wait maybe we should do that okay we got more diamonds after this i'm gonna mine that obsidian we definitely need to get those enchants if we stand any chance of surviving with this sword the sword is op like i said but if we get into a fight we definitely can die and we don't want to do that there we go we got two pieces three pieces let's get one more there we go four pieces let's craft that book and then there's the enchant table you know while we're at it let's get these leggings and a helmet because if we get into a fight with any more mobs we might die and we we yeah we don't want to lose okay we got some more netherright so awesome ancient debris i should say this could be uh this could be pretty handy even if we only get one piece of netherrite we'll probably be able to get more netherey armor from other players okay this looks like the right place to go right now yep okay just like that we got some more diamonds we're having some really insane diamond look in this game right now are you ready for those five blocks this way is gonna be some diamonds one two three no way okay okay it was close three blocks not five it was three i hear some lava through this way okay we got some extra lava right here be careful okay this all right some extra diamonds this is insane luck right now okay that should be the rest of our diamond armor we've got the chest plate and the boots left to make there goes somebody else perishing to a skeleton oh my number one enemy a skeleton okay i'm really quickly going to enchant all of this your protection one protection one protection one and uh you know feather falling two okay that yeah fine we'll take that now we need to take care of the nether right let's smelt that up we've got the yeah we've got the gold for it we could do with some more gold though we definitely need healing that's gonna be very important i haven't even shown you guys any of the effects from the sword oh we look sick well as soon as we get there right we are going to look insane wait i just had an idea oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay we can mine with the sword i just completely forgot that we can mine with the sword let's wait for this to smell okay there we go we've got that just craft up that one piece of netherright because why not we might as well get our first piece of nether i left my smithing bench on the surface it doesn't matter if we can make another one okay that was close i almost didn't bring down enough wood again there we go let's just go another right chest plate first there we go now the right protection one chest plate nice and basic but it's gonna be very good for us in the long run there we go let's get her let's get a nice distance away from here because uh this explosion could be pretty big so we need to be careful let's just put it down there oh it's already coming oh my word okay let's do a little bit more oh my okay that's the mining i was talking about um okay yeah so we did a pretty good job i will say that much yeah i think we did a pretty good job of mining and we even revealed some extra ancient debris so i think that's a win you're the only l is that i don't know how to mine this right now oh okay wait oh we're still on the we're still underwater okay okay finally this is safe to mine we got one this is gonna be enough for another piece of netherrite okay this is going well this is going we should probably mine with the sword a bit more after this that is probably a really good idea okay we actually got five netherright from that and there we go four netherrace scraps i don't know why i threw them on the floor here we go bang and bang there we go another piece of nether i will go leggings i think the leggings is definitely going to be the move do the leggings and we need just a few more netherice scraps but what i'm going to do i think i'm going to go up to the surface if we can yeah there we go oh wow okay i really made a mess of this place what i'm gonna do i'm gonna build up just to make sure we survive the explosions because when the swords come down it is absolutely insane it comes spiraling down super fast and they can kill absolutely anybody so let's uh yeah we'll just do a little bit of mining right there and there they come okay there's the swords we'll just paint a bunch of swords down here mine out the entire area and then you know we'll be able to go find as much nether right as we need okay yeah i think uh i think we're good now is there any gold around there's a little bit of gold down there there's so much diamonds oh there are so many diamonds but we have two minutes until pvp where is that gold it's down there okay let's get that gold that's gonna be very important to us let's grab that there's another bit right here okay perfect one two three oh this is a good amount right now okay i can't quite see if there's any more so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the mega jump this is gonna let us see everything in the cave right now okay do you see any gold i don't see any gold we have one minute one minute to smelt seven netherright come on let's get to it i don't think that's actually gonna be enough time i think it takes ten seconds per netherite okay there's one i think what we're gonna do we're gonna save the gold we'll craft one more piece of netherrite we'll turn the rest into golden apple so we can have some healing oh we still have enough gold oh please smell please smell uh we have 11 seconds let's do the boots like so bang let's pick this up this up this up oh just like that we clutch out and here we go into pvp there's gonna be people absolutely everywhere we've got beast boy in the nether right and we've also got khan pro 24 okay we've all been healed and pvp has officially begun let's see if we can sneakily smell these last couple pieces if anyone comes nearer as we've got the multi sword hi chicken oh boy that was a little sneak preview you guys are gonna be so excited to see these effects oh no no no no no no no i just completely destroyed it didn't i i just complete okay i just destroyed the furnace so i guess what we're gonna do now is fight you don't wanna do this really you you you really don't to do this all right that's it you're gone you're right you do you should not have stood there you really should not have stood there i think it completely eviscerated their loot as well so that's uh that's gonna be an l on our part we're not gonna get the loot from that now if we switch this into our offhand another thing we can do is we can shoot the machine gun of a of multi swords okay i couldn't even get my words out because he killed that guy so fast i was also a little bit confused okay we've got someone in oh they want nothing to do with us they said i am leaving instantly please there we go they're locked they're locked in the sword combo effect and if we just spam as quick as we can before the water gets us oh boy we gotta go we have got to go we just converted them to the moon right there okay i found another victim he wants to jump in there okay i'm gonna mega jump on to him here we go we'll mega jump then we're gonna shoot some swords at him here we go they're coming here they come the swords it's gotta get him surely oh okay yeah we uh we found him we definitely found them okay we got someone here in full network we got grazer crazy got the multi sword grazer also got the multi uh-uh uh-uh i do not want to fight with that we've got just a circle right here oh they're going into the hole they don't want anything to do with this they're locked they're locked in the anime slaughter fast if i just shift and left click there we go there goes my clone they're going to do the attack for me they're going to take him out and into the sky we go we'll be able to just claim all of that loot okay i think our next move is to mega jump into the sky oh we found someone oh we found someone and we're gonna get them straight into the combo here we go oh my that is insane oh oh you made a big mistake you guys made a huge mistake what i'm gonna do right now i'm gonna say hi to you all i'm gonna mega jump and i'm just gonna spawn the swords on you all and uh that's triple kill okay uh yeah you can get a triple kill with that i guess here we go it's time grazer it is time he's running he's running he's running for the moon here we go come on please here we go it's happening it's happening oh what is going on he's killing me i'm killing him oh yeah oh okay that was absolutely insane what just happened i actually don't know what just happened i would it and it all happened so quickly um here uh final person please please take take the multi sword take the multi sword take the multi sword do what you gotta do do it finish me finish me finish me they just blew themselves up they said yay at least they were happy it was fitting that we had one of the greatest anime battles of all time and then we just had to let somebody win i'm okay with that hopefully you guys are okay with that that was absolutely insane if you want the multi sword for yourself of course be sure to click that subscribe button click that like button check out that playlist you might find your new favorite video and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 274,060
Rating: 4.9458919 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft uhc but you can craft a multi sword, minecraft but you can craft a multi sword, minecraft uhc multi sword, minecraft multi sword, minecraft uhc but, minecraft but, minecraft but multi sword, minecraft uhc but multi sword, minecraft but craft multi sword, minecraft uhc but craft multi sword, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but you can craft, uhc, minecraft multi armor, minecraft multi tool, minecraft, kiingtong, multi sword
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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