Minecraft, But I Craft An Infinity Gauntlet...

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oh wow my village is getting a bit too full right now i think i might know the way to fix this got my infinity gauntlet ready i think this should fix the problem real quick oh my god welcome to minecraft but i craft an infinity gauntlet in today's video my goal is to craft all six infinity stones to make up the final craft of an infinity gauntlet is it enough to beat the dragon what happens when i snap stay tuned to find out and only 20 of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe and for today let's go for a crazy goal of not one not two but three likes and i'll continue the series enjoy the video guys and here we go guys it is time to try to make an infinity gauntlet in minecraft and use that to kill the ender dragon and already i already see a village over there that is a beautiful start might as well go straight to the village right away oh and there's a blacksmith yes okay perfect so obviously we're not gonna be starting with the infinity gauntlet because we actually gotta do a couple of steps first so before i explain that what is in here oh oh that's obviously not too bad all right we're already half iron armor and an iron pickaxe don't mind if i do gonna grab these furnaces real quick sorry villagers but i'm gonna steal that real quick because we are making an infinity gauntlet today oh and i probably need the food okay thank you very much all right i think that's pretty good i kind of just vandalized the whole village but we're just gonna run away now so like i was saying we actually can't make the infinity gauntlet right away because we actually gotta get the infinity stones so on the screen you're gonna be seeing every single stone we gotta make but we're definitely on a journey now to get all the materials we need to get each stone and i think the first one we're gonna be going for is definitely gonna be the soul stone because it kind of looks like the easiest to get and i really gotta be careful with making these because each stone has their own special abilities with some of them being able to kill you so hopefully i don't get unlucky with them all i need now is just find a good cave and then sooner or later we gotta go into the nether get some blaze rods and then somehow figure out how we're gonna kill this dragon i don't really have a full-fledged plane yet but um oh wait this is actually a pretty nice cave not bad all right let's go down all right we got our first iron but we actually don't need iron for any of the crafts the only non-vanilla thing that we're mining today is a new ore called uruz i'm not really sure what it is but apparently it's really important for this gauntlet because we need that to make a dwarven hammer and also the gauntlet itself oh okay yeah this should be a nice cave alright we got baby zombies there ants get oh my okay all right not a great start okay i don't know why but i made this in hardcore mode and if i die once i'm gonna die forever and i don't think the usual minecraft butts are this way i should have probably played this in an easier way okay good thing i got armor from that village we are not staying down here we are gonna real quick eat akira and we should be fine all right how's it going guys we got redstone right there i'm gonna need that for the reality stone also this cave is trying to kill me immediately oh my goodness i need to cook my stuff oh wait but this game is so good what the heck i need a shield too oh that's a mineshaft nice okay all right uh mr creeper please uh i'm just trying to become thanos today lapis is really not bad i do need that for the time stone i think or power stone i'm not really sure all the stones are just kind of hard to make so i'm trying my best right now to get all the materials i can also gold already don't mind if i do i'm gonna mine this real quick that's actually a lot of gold we might actually be able to make two things immediately so i think the soul stone and the yellow stone which i don't know what the name is but it'll be on the screen we do need the gold for that so we're getting somewhere right now also probably best if i actually cook everything up i'm really forgetful while every ability on this infinity gauntlet does so i'm really looking forward to actually making this thing and trying it out on mobs and hopefully the end of dragon if i do make it that far again i don't know why i made this in hardcore mode but i guess we're stuck with it now might as well go ahead and make a bow probably a good idea to get one of those all right so we almost have enough gold for two infinity stones but we still need a diamond and emeralds but until then we might as well make some iron armor i'm not sure i'm gonna need to sword once i have the infinity gauntlet but for now i definitely need to sword with all the mobs in these caves i almost died earlier don't want that to happen again yes okay perfect all right so we actually need more than one but this should be enough for one stone actually we have enough for our first stone so with this we should have oh i've completely forgot about this one so now we have the mine stone which some of them do stuff when you hold them but i guess this one does nothing but we at least now have one of them out of the way and more lapis perfect okay i actually need a lot of lapis for one of the stones oh and another emerald okay this is actually a really good cave holy and more gold nice okay i'm gonna make all these stones as soon as i can all right three emeralds we need five more and then we should be good to make another stone make that for perfect oh slime how's it going buddy you're dead wow okay actually a lot of arrows probably need that for the dragon unless the infinity gauntlet is good enough again i really don't remember much about it i have used it before and i do remember it being very powerful but this will be my first time actually crafting the gauntlets so fingers crossed that it's worth it okay i definitely need to find diamonds soon because honestly we're finding everything we need except diamonds and uru ingots but i feel like uber ingots might not be too hard to get once we get diamonds okay we only need one more emerald after this perfect okay even though we only have one stone so far i think after this batch of mining we should be able to make four more and then only have one more left that's the last one yes okay perfect all right with that we have all eight emeralds we need and now we just need to find diamonds wait a second i think we might have enough for another gem so with this we should be able to make eight blocks of redstone and with these eight blocks we can go ahead and make the reality stone okay so i don't know what this one does either but might as well have them on our hotbar for good luck there we go okay we finally found some diamonds okay so please be more than enough one two and it's only two that that's pain as long as we don't find any uber or anytime soon we should be fine any diamonds over there no all right we're almost getting there i just gotta cook this real quick and on the bright side we can finally go ahead and make the time zone which apparently this one actually has an ability when you hold it but we can't see it yet until i'm on the surface again and we can finally also make the soul stone there we go we have four of them and this kind of looks like the windows logo wait is that the windows logo i need one diamond and a lot of obsidian and that all requires having diamonds so we are definitely on the diamond hunt now oh and lapis there we go okay this should be the last of the lapis we need perfect now we just need our diamonds and uber ingots and then we can finally make this giant infinity gauntlet laser power stone time stone who knows what it does but all i know is i am going to be killing half the mobs in this world holy cave all right that is a lot of good stuff and oh there we go okay beautiful nice no oh my gosh what the heck this is why you don't mind diamonds like that literally i always burn the diamond somehow all right i better find diamonds very soon again on the bright side we can go ahead and make our second to last stone which is gonna be the space stone there we go okay can i do anything with it okay i can't do anything with wait don't hold it for too long why should i not hold for this for too long all right that's kind of scary i guess i won't be holding the space stone for too long i'm not sure what that does but we're gonna stay away from the space toner barely look at this we got the mine stone we got the soul stone we got the time stone we got the stone stone when we got that stone there we go oh oh was that was that the stone i'm sorry stone i i'm not sure if the stone just hurt me wait what um okay okay so apparently when you hold the space stone it tps you randomly well i do need the sugar cane so uh thank you space stone i guess i don't like that it's nighttime right now so let's change that real quick all right real quick and uh there we go daytime again beautiful all right let's get back in the caves guys we still need diamonds all right we are back in the caves and we actually have a pretty decent one right now any dimes around here just need a little bit more diamonds then we could go into the nether get the stuff we need finally make the gauntlet and that's actually pretty convenient because diamonds are right there there we go okay so with that we should have enough with this perfect okay so we don't need the diamonds for the actual stones but we can finally make a diamond pickaxe to mine uru or and i would make a diamond sword but i don't think we need that oh wait is that more diamonds over there we might actually be able to make some diamond armor a lot of gold too holy all right let's get these diamonds real quick another five eight there we go okay perfect so sadly this video i won't be the fastest obsidian miner in minecraft but obsidian montage time okay that should be enough i think so with that we have 14 and oh wow i'm sorry that's more than enough we should be good okay so before we enter the nether to get the final stone we need for this infinity gauntlet might as well get enchanted just in case something bad happens because again we are playing in hardcore mode and i really don't want to risk it right now and look at all those stones we need one more just one more and we should be good all right it's time watch this all right that should be it and there we go okay so before we do anything i think i'm gonna make some diamond pants you can never go wrong with some diamond leggings all right we have diamond leggings in a dream all right so all we need from the nether is two blaze rods and one gas tier here we go oh and we're here we got our gas okay i need to get a gas stair here please don't fall in lava oh it's not even mad at me buddy how's it going all right this might be the easiest gas kill ever oh that was not difficult at all did it fall on lava i think it fell on lava all right bad news it fell on lava good news there's a fortress over there let's get over there so on the way to that fortress i actually found another guest where'd it go oh there it is okay all right i can't mess this one up where did you go mr gas oh why are you in lava no oh my goodness okay this is gonna be a bit difficult but we can do this on land please please no no mr gas i cannot kill you right there really really really really i'm not going to this way what are you doing guys you're going all the way to the bottom this man okay you're just dying i got returned to center really really we're going to the fortress and then we're going to find another guest i just need one guest here oh another one yes yes okay please give me your tears i need this power stone and i just realized there's another man right there just chilling how's it going buddy oh that didn't kill him please and guest here did it fall in lava okay i don't think we got gassed here at all man all right i guess we'll get another one soon oh actually wait i might need you gotta find the stronghold sooner or later there we go okay nice end of roll oh blazes two blazer rods and we're good oh first blaze okay should take two shots there we go nice oh probably bad idea we're doing it no oh okay that could have been a lot worse all right i'm not doing that again i'm not a bridger i am a uec player a manhunt player all right we need this blaze rod then we can finally get this infinity gauntlet and then you guys can finally see the true power of the infinity oh no no no no i'm in hardcore no no no no no no no no no no no no no no mama mama we're gone yes we're good what is even my hotbar let me know in the comments down below how you set up your hotbar i won it and please blaze rod i just need two of you and then we should be good to get out none nice oh that's a lot of blazes yes okay no no no no no oh my okay okay this is getting a little bit too close uh e e e and we're good okay i made a couple of blazes mata oh nice okay one blaze rod right there one two perfect okay um that dropped nothing and we only got one out of all that dang it all right that's not too bad though yes one two three two blaze rods perfect i think that's all we need and you might be wondering to yourself why i'm not getting more blaze rods for the eyes of ender but don't worry i do have a plan so you guys will see later on to the video stay tuned all right all we need now is just one gas tear and then we should be good to go oh yes okay there's nowhere it can burn i don't want to jinx that but we should be good here oh wait what a shot oh wow oh that was sick and i think i just saw something fall there no why since when did they drop gunpowder oh what a scam okay another perfect positioning watch this best at it oh i missed come on come on come on come on and please yes finally oh my goodness this took forever guys but we can finally make the power stone i need some glass though so see you guys in a bit all right so we have the glass now all i gotta do now is make one eye avenger and with this we should be able to make our end crystal perfect okay so with this final stone i gotta be very careful because i can't actually hold it or else i die instantly and that is because it is the power stone you can die holding this so we're gonna leave that right there we're not gonna show it off all we need now is two uru ingots so it's time to actually dig straight down and see if we can find some okay we finally found our first uber please pickaxe fork and yes okay perfect there it is okay finally it took me a little bit but we finally got this okay i almost birthed that that that could have been bad okay we finally found the last bit of uru or so all that's left now is just to cook it all right so with this we should be able to finally get all the things we need to make this infinity gauntlet there it is two ingots and i think to make the dwarven hammer we just gotta do this oh there we go dwarf hammer nice all right so all that's left now is just to craft it so i think we put the dwarf hammer right there the uber inga in the middle and then with all six stones we can finally make the infinity gauntlet oh my gosh there it is holy this took me a long time but we finally have the infinity gauntlet in minecraft and all that's left now is to finally hold it in my hand and look at this giant bad boy holy and then straight away we can already see you have not selected a stone yet so because we used all six stones in the craft we're gonna be able to select from all six tones to use a different power each time so we have soul mind time power space and reality and finally after going through all that this is gonna help us fight the ender dragon and actually get to the dragon might as well start with the space stone one of my favorite stones because once we right click we can literally choose to go to any dimension and any coordinates so we go to zero ninety zero hopefully i don't die we're back on the surface there we go okay not so nighttime i don't really like that let's real quick time stone oh wait it doesn't change time but it freezes entities the chickens are frozen what if i unfreeze oh that's sick okay wait i might use that against the dragon so we tried out time we tried out space i'm not gonna show the other ones though until we actually go fight the dragon which is about to happen right now so i set up the space stone we right click and i'm not gonna pick any coordinates because i'm just gonna click dimension and this should either send us to the nether or the end all right here we go in three two one okay welcome to the end i think we need to do the power stone first so we got the power stone going and if you guys don't know what the power stone does well we couldn't hold it because it literally fires the power stone laser which is what i'm gonna be using against this dragon look at him go okay so before i use this power stone against him let's go ahead and use the time stone i put a lot of effort into actually getting this stone and i think we might as well just real quick let's freeze time oh my gosh okay not the best spot let's let it move for one second let's get this guy real quick to perch down close enough all right so all that's left now guys is go to the power stone and i think this should be it with one hit oh that doesn't work apparently okay uh all right uh well i'm gonna bring you back in time buddy i am so sorry about that wait actually before we do that there's the soul stone and if i remember correctly guys if i go up to this dragon and i right click him this should do a big thing hold up i probably have to unfreeze him oh gosh okay i gotta do this quick no he flew away oh my gosh okay all right let's go back to the soul stone come on perch real quick i have an idea i'm gonna use the soul stone on him so what i'm trying to do with the dragon right now with the soul stone is if i right click mobs well i kind of become the mob so i'm now literally an enderman and oh hey how's it going guys all right yeah i'm kind of just chilling here oh no the endermen are mad at me oh how's it going guys okay um oh this is bad oh he's coming down he's coming down no oh no oh that's bad that's bad okay okay and i kind of just lost my enderman all right so the soul stone did not really work on the dragon so there's only one thing left really to do and i think it's time to finally see the true ability of the gauntlet but by snapping my fingers let's do it it only killed them oh my gosh okay they literally turned to dust okay dragon please be affected by my snap so he survived the snap might as well kill it now there we go and in one hit we finally killed the ender dragon sadly the snap did not work against him but either way that is gonna be it for minecraft but you can grab an infinity gauntlet just like that we got the dragon egg that's all that matters and with all that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,361,085
Rating: 4.9240627 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Gauntlet Minecraft, MC But, I craft an infinity gauntlet, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, Minecraft but I craft an infinity gauntlet, minecraft infinity gauntlet mod, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge
Id: gJ2Nku0aPOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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