Minecraft Story Mode | REUBEN IS BACK?! | Episode 8 [#2]

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hey guys Dan here welcome back into episode 8 of minecraft story mode parts to the final part now if you haven't seen part 1 of episode 8 yet or any of the other minecraft story mode episodes that I've uploaded go ahead and check it out in description below because from this point right now there'll be mad amounts of spoilers so you ready you ready are you sure let's continue I am so hyped for this I cannot wait here we go it's gonna meet the old builders cuz they're mad at us they're really really mad cuz we're not dying that's why they're angry so this is how the old builders live yep lots of colored glasses big right ain't bad sometimes I just like to stand here in man I've seen stuff away more epic than this yep oh I bet you're just making that up snob yeah why am i standing around I gotta go find a dream thanks to you we're late such a whiner geez and don't touch anything hey darling lab said don't touch anything never sit don't look at everything exactly exactly right this isn't really that great I mean the armor stands with the sea lanterns I do like that that's a nice touch not gonna lie I've never seen a quartz desk before yep that's it's not bad let's have a look at the glass I mean why not now that's a view it's like dessert Lucas stop the gloss Hey stay back hey Batsy look what was the point in that what was the action point in that what's this is just glowing looks like it's teleporter but it's not right bookcase as well no portal analyst no unfortunately and forever voyaging bite Soren another one where do these keep coming from this man's like properly established author up in here Soren who knew he had it in him right uh what else is here we've got banners we've got oh dude here it is the armored Tim's not real that's what I'm gonna say I don't think he's real cuz surely Tim surely Tim would have had that armor right right click to back out or do you want to go ahead and try it uh I'm gonna I don't like these guys so I'm gonna take his armor let's do it that now belongs to Jesse yeah exactly so yeah oh no it seems Armen gotta say Jesse I'm surprised at you try and steal that armor all the guys having everyone is calling you the new Tim doesn't seem like a very Tim thing to do does it and yes I've heard the rumors that they're calling you that and I can definitely see why people love an underdog story so I'm gonna say that they invented him to let people think um people actually get out of here but really they don't so that's my theory but I've is true tell me why I'm here you're part I did you invite me up here Hadrian why so we could continue to discuss the terms of our deal more terms you can look closer go ahead I assume by now you've heard all about Tim son yeah repeatedly everyone loves him and why shouldn't they after all he's 10 doesn't that bug you aren't these supposed to be your game they are still my games well I love having a legend that can inspire my competitors Tim is an inspiration to them even when he's not here one could say he's an inspiration because he's not here I guess what do you mean it's so much easier for legend to stay nice and shiny when it's a fond memory easier to control it I've been watching your legend grow but I worry that with you is still in the picture it could get messy I'm starting to think it would be best if you made it quiet exit no you don't belong here a games aren't for you I don't really do quiet exits do you have any idea who you're talking to I could ask the same of you I know a lot more than you might think Sporto so there's something you should know about the games no one ever wins unless we want them to not even Tim told you let that sink in for Mama day here we go the big question the money question is Tim even real am i buying it Hadrian is Tim even real I knew you were a smart one bucko hmm of course he's not real oh yes that gives them hope he keeps them playing the games but no one wins I coat it guys why I think it'd be in your best interest to play along but don't you miss your friends your tree house wait my tree house hey the atlas could see where people are from you know so I had maybe a go check it out turns out you're pretty famous I was impressed yep how'd it bring back some things you might be interested in Oh No that was pretty cool not gonna lie oh no oh man here yeah this really scary lady showed up and knocked us out now we're in these smelly boxes dudes and that guy's voice is the worst I can even hear it through the Obsidian you guys free I promise it's great to hear that you're not a prisoner at least well like kind of em oh I'm just glad we're all back together wait until I tell the others you're here I've missed you guys so much this Wow such a tapestry of human trauma and emotion and we haven't even gotten to the best part what now I save that for last what oh yes your best friend will Ben what so I've heard all about him your best friend your partner in crime Reuben nothing too much how about yourself haha this is so awkward this is Grace the Atlas to kidnap all my oh that's friends why yeah instead of Jessie instead of see even if you win and that's a mighty big if they will be staying to work in the mines forever alright till they get a shot at competing which is still basically forever no okay so what's your deal if you lose the next match and go work in my mines and I'll let your friends go all of them you'll just have to stay behind it in place no I don't think that's true I don't believe it you're just a dirty cheater you know that I'm gonna win so you're just trying to stack the deck however you can you wound me Jessie your barbed words oh okay I had hoped that watching your sad Yusei sport your freedom for theirs huh do you think you're worth more than my friends don't take this on the wrong way but I'm gonna say no chance because we're gonna win and we gonna save everyone including the new Ruben which I'll explain in a minute if you guys don't get it my goodness no I don't know why deals with cheaters fine play it your way we're to say I will crush you and you won't win anyway oh wow get this garbage out of my office sure thing boss come on idiot yeah you know any guys we'll save you don't worry we will add Reuben - I guess these problems above so if you guys don't understand it basically let me pause it real quick basically he's uh he's looked with the powerful atlas item about our backgrounds and stuff like that and he's he's seen about Reuben but he doesn't know the Reuben was a pig that ain't around anymore he just knew that Reuben was our best friends and he's have picked up this random guy called I don't even know if his name is Reuben but he's picked up this random guy and he thinks that's our best friend which is absolutely hilarious so now we caught up let's carry on Oh Reuben Reubens back everyone kinda is his creepy creepy town all of they look him above as well I've lost in his boxes creepy yeah Adrienne has Axl and Olivia what yeah he used the Atlas to snatch them from our world and Reuben home everybody hey other than Hadrian having them trapped in obsidian prisons but he offered me a deal he said he'll send you all home if I lose and go to the mines in your place I didn't take the deal oh yeah guess that was probably the right move probably what you thought that deal sounded good I don't know it's a complex situation yes a no-win scenario it was a no-win scenario and I don't believe in those I know we can find another way I just hope you know what you're doing I knew Jesse was smart Hadrian never would have kept that deal even if you did volunteer to throw the game he just sent you all of the mines anyway exactly while claiming that was the original deal so who's supposed to help us then Hadrian and Maivia are both clearly the worst but what about the third guy Otto how could he help he's always stayed out of the more lever pulling sides of the games he seems like a big fan of the rules maybe we can use that to our advantage yeah he rulz that's for sure always plays Brian if you won I know he would definitely make sure you got that Atlas car was the original deal so he's definitely our way in um that our per Hadrian still has my friends trapped in that obsidian prison I can win the Atlas but I'm gonna need you to get them out I can handle it good there's three of them there in Hadrian's office wait wait wait you really think you can free everyone in this place and win the games yes yeah good do you really think you could just beat all the other teams by yourself yeah a tall order even for you Jesse it's impossible is Jesse whoa focus looks like we got a little bit of an audience here cuz I'm Tim brah Tim doesn't even exist what's going on is this creeping me out you two do your thing do what what do they want me to do all I see uh yeah well well together he's getting the ring after event after event they build up hope but they're still controlling everything they'll never really let anyone win unless we work together Hadrian keeps twisting and changing the rules I say it's our time to change the rules on them what's the point Hadrian will still have all the power there's no way he's gonna let us just take that from him no just make up some new rule hey dreams not fully in control winning is possible him don't you want to win I do more than anything but nobody beats Hadrian at his own game nobody Hey Oh No oh geez thing keeping me going in here Oh for Tim I probably would have given up a long I'm gonna it's not the right thing to do but I think I'm gonna tell them that he's real just because then they believe that someone can win so yeah let's do this right Tim did beat the games and so could wait yeah sure except nobody's been able to do it since Tim so what's the point and it's not like I haven't been trying oh come on short Tim's a legend but we're better than Tim yeah Tim somehow beat all those gladiators alone I don't think any of us are better than that ha ha I mean well it's like an inspiring idea and all that but those gladiators are like super tough today I don't know how Tim pulled off beating them but ok look for real I don't think I could do that like max-level scariness I think the final China's gonna be fighting the Guardians oh definitely true no way any of you stand a chance against them juicy goodness that's just because you've never had a leader to help you make a plan you've never oh I get it now and with my help we're gonna do this even better than Tim did we're gonna do it as a team oh this is embarrassing luckily inspiring what everyone yes yeah um oh ok this is awkward this is very very awkward oh dear look it was a nice speech but strength doesn't come from speeches actually speak louder than words can't expect you just talk your way through this Jessie strength comes from believing in yourself sounds like a bunch of nonsense Jessie sorry Oh No some crowd think they got through to him wait so who are we fighting then yeah well she definitely seemed mixed we're doomed I don't know how we're gonna pull this off yeah what of course we're gonna pull this off you're Jesse yeah we can still do this I know I was joking you know for sure in the morning ah hello indeed this is this is gonna be rough and they still think that Tim exists I am a bad person indeed but let's do this let's play this game I don't know what the next game is gonna be here we go ready for the final challenge oh oh okay scared nah okay no one will judge you for it after putting up with your breath this whole walk Oh Savage Jesse's been dealing some savage lines this episode still got your sense of humor cute belly ax for those unfamiliar with the walls you want to walk us through how it's played sure thing Hadrian teams start out separated in their own sections divided by the high inner walls each team has a short amount of time to gather materials build defenses and craft in their section before the walls come down wait I only see dirt and gravel in my section oh I'm sorry is that gonna be a problem yeah the sections are drawn at red whatever I'll make it work on that awesome Oh can't wait once the walls are down it's every team for themselves but it's surviving the walls the end bevy I know it is not Hadrian whichever team survives the free-for-all needs to step on to the winners platform and fight the gladiators I'm quoting again because that's only if the would-be winners can defeat I'm just on point today guys I told you dog okay so this is a problem because the walls it's like four on four and four and four and one and I'm not gonna be great at this so let's just grab some gravel shall we as much as you can Knox ensure you can actually get Flint from you can get Flint from gravel so let's grab some guys well shall we nope just dirt come on there must be something here surely there must be what about course that there must be something here please yep just dirt no didn't convince people to join up with that speech I'm gonna need something to work with I am going to steal your axe that's what I'm gonna do I do have lapis I mean I don't know what to do seems like they're happy you didn't get anything yeah I think I'm making fun of you but just mine you know professional opinion oh my gosh do you really think so that's terrible Wow yeah could you not tell Jessie though oh my goodness obviously gave me a crafting table now yeah I actually had anything to craft with okay we need to we need to look and see if we can find anything there's stones down here oh do you know what time it is ask me what time it is maybe are what time is it Hadrian it's time already I have nothing okay this is definitely gonna be really interesting its Riggs here we go I think she stood out the deal going [Music] Oman Jesse let's help you seem pretty sure you're about to kill me are you with us or not o ye of little faith I don't have anything that's all and she's like five times the size of me oh I think she's gonna kill him oh yes figured I try believing in myself for once and take a chance yeah I knew it thank you you made the right decision thank you good see really inspired me Oh oh thank goodness but don't what is he doing no idea come on yeah why aren't you all killing each other there we go yeah man I can totally see why you'd be confused we're not killing each other because we're done fighting slab it's over uh-huh so why do you still have your weapons out done fighting each other yeah you see none of us are the enemy it's them they're the enemies they're behind everything here we go my head hurts revolution many perspectives idiots Haledon Saab Rafi and shut your cakehole muscles us join us join us join us you should join up should be on our side join us no face mate finds that idea weird yeah come on please please join us not going with them slab in my life I've done some things I'm not proud of but I won't work for bosses who use people or manipulate them that's inconsiderate yeah slab I'm so proud of let me finish you made me late when I was just trying to do my job and now I'm a considerate - and then you really rubbed it in my face reminded me I couldn't kill you who even though I really wanted to at the time oh I'm sorry I need some time to be my own boss fine sorry slab it appears all the competitors are headed towards the victory platform as stated in our rules anyone who is not eliminated may step on the victory platform and win the games it looks like they are going to do this together okay did your fearless leader this is going this is going too smoothly right now something weirds gonna happen I'm sure my colleague means to say we are going to find some way to disqualify no we are not they oh yes coming off so you can do this buddy we're ending this oh we did it guys so help me none of you will leave this place until you eliminate each other uh-uh not happening don't even get me started with you Emily just give it up already Hadrian I beat you at your own dumb game yeah really you think you beat me that just shows how little you understand the circumstances of your situation this is it up to you we control the games we decide their outcome maybe is Otto come on Xavier just admit you lost you'll feel better lost will never lose oh yeah yeah that's the thing Jesse won these games fair and square he's earned the Atlas also you're the best man would think very carefully about what you're doing you're the best Jessie with the power vested in me as an officiator of the Builder games I am proud of paper I knew that was gonna happen I knew that was gonna happen no it's been fun really but I think it's about time we end this how this is majorly bogus dudes surrender the red stone heart now no because uh uh uh come and take it you come fight there's no way want it come & get it your wish is my command buckaroo buckaroo really oh okay that's a problem it's a little bit of a problems useless she's gonna do so awesome I think soon you really don't stand a chance run away little Emily you're gonna need all the help you could get Jessie okay he's actually pretty cool um I wanna be doin laughs boom we're gonna say this bout straight away he's got an enchanting shield as well but yes I am here we go let's go down that was close okay these guys can't ask me what is going on no this isn't fair oh okay I've lost half my health already this is Ray goddamn it kid you showed you got skills but you're still no match the I got this Adrian no you haven't there we go and boom yes right Scott too far it was just supposed to be a game you expect me to believe that come on sport haven't you ever had anything get away from you before I mean can't you forgive me oh no although you are going to get Rex she's pretty awesome though the red stone heart has been returned to its proper owners what's respawn okay uh back in my normal clothes I just go Rex I lost no over yes em it's us yeah I'm so happy to see you guys you said you believed in me Jessie figured I'd return the favor and believe it everyone else oh yeah I told you I'm awesome and we both need to get out of this as someone once told me teamwork makes the dream work oh yeah let's get to work let's take him down but I lost my inventory when I respond how am I supposed to get the Atlas back without any weapons or armor or anything well we may have made a little stop in Hadrian's inventory Roman helped ourselves to a few things oh yeah buddy what does this thanks hey suspenders over here all day rumor belongs to you now Tim I'm Tim I was stable along all this is epic guys check this out and I am Tim no there's no way my sweet new armor uh should we choose one I want to go for should we go for the double pickaxe or let's just go classic I'm going bashing I couldn't choose the shield I mean come on with all those other competitors who betrayed us well maybe uh spending eternity in the quartz mines does it seem like punishment enough I have something special in mind do you Brian maybe uh this game just went into overtime oh yeah well isn't that cute you found Tim's armor oh well isn't that just the sweetest thing Hadrian time for you to be eliminated what's Tim's army we made our paper or something with Jo like crushing round two jump here we go oh okay he can just spawn stuff whenever he likes that's fine that's fine we're still gonna wreck you buddy there we go geez this is the most uninvent spy ever off smacked him alright I cost the shield and I shouldn't we should no come on what come on the set this is it this is when we beat her this is where we don't get out here Rumpel it I'll wait come on no I won that let's do this yeah so bad thanks for oh man at least I've got diamond pickaxes though that's good right oh yeah double double picks up pickaxes I am out of here don't even think about it dude oh yeah you need bedrock sucka you need bedrock oh well her inventory was huge it was over there geez I'd move of salutely right I'm still gonna get you sucker let's love it let's let him straight out of here ah and come on well we could do this oh we're doing this now are we you're still going down you punk jaw tougher now bucko you don't call me bucko please yes with one member of the order of the stone you mess with all of Jesse that's what I'm talking about take this is going to help you're deluded I will personally see to you and your friends will forever suffer okay just shut up oh yeah shut up I see you don't like having a live audience Adrian remember spleen got it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah let's do this it's keeping back and take away boat opens yes this is it see you later buddy is going down I'm not saving you I feel sorry for most people but you no way oh wait a second where's where's Ruben with a new buddy Ruben get out here you chump Hey look how much tree that guy hides I knew it you and your stupid there's no time for that now Olivia we have to get out of here come on oh hey guys how's it going it's going not the best they're not going anywhere jime face meet wants to discuss his benefits plan Jessie you did it that sneaky oh that guy say that a lot I couldn't have done anything without all of you well done Jesse an excellent job thanks Otto you have truly shown my friends and I the error of our ways I'm glad to put this whole messy business behind us man do you need some new friends you know that yes I have come to that same conclusion and I am working on it I also know that the Atlas is not mine to keep yes om I was earlie defeated them seems only fair that you get to decide their fate oh come on you can send them anywhere you want uh-hmm you know there was this game that Olivia and I used to play back in our tree house huh remember we called it which would you rather fight oh yeah um what are we doing to them what are we gonna do to them I want to know and that's when I yank pama's redstone heart right out oh yeah they they wouldn't have known any of the things we've done you guys have had some crazy adventures so many people trying to kill you yeah see you later and all of them everyone that wants to go home anyhow except you folks that is I can't believe how many competitors actually want to stay and keep playing the games thanks to you my intrepid new friend I can actually work on making them fun again yeah very exciting ah I'm sure miss Delf a spot like your own little mine cross up something like that you promised he'll stay fun this time right oh yes I don't intend to let the games get corrupted like they did before good I'm bummed my journal never showed up oh yeah I had a lot of good stuff in there yeah I'm sorry Lucas I think I messed that up well um how about you you said you wanted to go home right yes I just can't decide if it's what I want you get to leave and go and more adventures do I really want to go back to farming come with us I mean it has been ages since I've seen it oh my friends well seeing as though seasoned eggs Guardian guy God hates a help also fix the game like we're starting the games you could stick around and help with that Jesse that's an awesome idea we can actually make fun maybe I can be head gladiator yes yeah thanks Jesse I needed that no probs what's up Ivo how you doing buddy hey Ivor oh hello what are you doing I was just observing Harper all by herself over there she seems lonely ah God I bought say goodbye BQ Mon be really cute hey Harper oh hey Jesse I bore I was just watching folks head on home things really worked out huh yeah well I guess this is goodbye I'm gonna head on back to crown Mesa and see how the post Palmer construction is going just hope they'll take me back it's not a real home but it's the closest thing I've had for don't worry I'm sure they'll come around I sure hope you're right you'll be fine y'all be fine getting over the I was a bad guy humph can be awkward but hopefully soon right back into their lives right Jesse yes you are a strange strange man I bore but you know something you're okay Oh flooding is happening right now take care of each other all right and I'll see you around with upper yes good come on let's go get out of here come on evil it's good she's secretly amazing Swiss you with a secret evil person ton good that's why well the Atlas belongs to Jessie now deals a deal and all that there it is let me take it let me take you here we go what we came for we still got a redstone heart the white pumpkins thing and the crown two from all our other adventures which awesome how does it work now you just say where you want to go and the atlas will show you the way nice why don't you just go ahead and open it let's do it okay book take us home okay here we go let's see if this works I'm a little bit skeptical still but three two one boom wow look at that that's awesome here we go is that ads you gonna take us home please don't explode alright this one it wouldn't take it as ages to get to that one you might think we just picked that one a random when we just went home figured it's about time we get heading on home huh that sounds awesome yeah yeah let's see what's on the other side of that portal we're going home let's go where's Ruben where's that guy we picked up randomly huh where is he I kind of want to know oh look at this this is amazing Oh Ruben Oh shed a tear shed a memory moment of silence please for Ruben oh and the other Ruben as well cuz we don't know where he is everything good all our treasures are here can you believe it yeah after all that time all those portals we're home yeah and I couldn't have done it without you guys you're the best team anyone could ever ask for oh that's lovely I'm just so glad we're all back together yeah this is so cool I'm glad I'll let you keep it daddy this yes and that's not all we got seriously what else did you get yeah Sean Jessi oh yeah we get to show him all these cool stuff that we got so let's go for glowing flint and steel first chanted flint and steel the one that started the whole thing yeah one of these other adventures could have happened if it weren't for this very important now we've got the Ewa saucepan which was the chicken that laid any egg you wanted round of the eversource the magical source of all of sky city's precious materials yeah whoa wicked very wicked that's a very old word but it's fine there we go the mask of Cassie Rose aka the white pumpkin I was in the episode they met dime CDM it was fantastic it was great red said hot pama's red stone heart I know that Palma was evil and everything but I still kind of wish I could have seen it it was pretty cool I'm not gonna lie and then finally the Atlas of portal atlas long as we got to keep that yeah I wonder what Sauron would have thought of it so much power contained within such a tiny ant it's easy they're on board yeah hmm sorry well now what now you've got all these amazing game believe you got to do all those incredible things makes sense though you were gone a long time don't we show you all the improvements we've been making to town oh yeah let's have a look I want to see this this is also it's kind of weird to what actually home really weird wasn't that where the portal atlas was a minute ago yeah that was definitely where you put it guys flint and steel are missing too and where's Ivor [Music] headed for the portal network is that bad which um I mean I guess he mostly knows they'll be back back eventually after everything we've been through I think I finally trust him yeah I think so yeah come on guys let's go home I think we've had enough adventure for one episode series what do you call it for one adventure I think we've had enough what are you doing now why did you smile that's so freaky just smiled up into the distance we did it we're actually home that's the end it's actually the ends no way okay I can't believe this so I'm actually playing the game again before it's out so I don't have any any options available which is annoying but I guess I don't really know what to think of that um first off the concept of the whole of episode 8 with the games and stuff what awesome is a little bit shorter than normal but still was very very cool indeed I loved how epic it was at the end I honestly thought someone else was gonna die it was such a big deal but luckily Ruben kind of came back I guess even though we don't know where that guy went maybe he just stayed with everyone else but um that was really cool and the whole the whole series of minecraft story mode has literally blown my mind it is pretty incredible I know you guys have loved it too I really really hope it isn't the end of minecraft story mode because eight episodes is the longest series the um telltale I've ever done I'm pretty sure of one single game who's usually do about five either three or five and then it's ending then it's on to the next series so hopefully they continue it we do have the Atlas still we still do have the I'm enchanted flint and steel so maybe there's some more adventure available there but apart from that guys thank you so much for watching I'm glad you've enjoyed the series as much so I have playing it hopefully we will see some more in the future maybe no reintroduce my character because that'd be awesome I have no idea hopefully minecraft story mode will be back if you enjoyed this please leave a big like on this video that would be greatly appreciated and if this happens to be the first video you see mommy please do consider subscribing to join team to the end today for daily gameplay videos apart from that guys thank you again so much watching you guys are awesome have an amazing day and I'll see you all in the next video goodbye twist it appears we are in the land of chickens that are indeed the size that's right Adrienne and it looks like we're just gonna have to wing it wings chicken wings you're fired maybe yeah you're fired [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 12,763,564
Rating: 4.879456 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft: Story Mode, minecraft story mode, story mode, minecraft, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game, story mode dantdm, episode 8, story mode episode 8
Id: tmg4j_kDTzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
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