Minecraft Story Mode (Season 2) - All Bosses

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[Music] there are so many of them stay behind me nerm [Music] [Music] i don't know how it works try everything then no please please work please work please work please work please work oh [Music] come on i'll show you what we did to our enemies in purgatory still behind me norm get ready you guys think you're all cool cuz how tall you are huh proud of how tall you are [Music] metaphorically why hello uh hi die now whoa too close stand still well dodged mostly [Music] whoa close call jack i'm okay mostly no jack i'm i'm so sorry it's now it's all right nowhere to run you are resilient though sadly either oh dear is there a leak in here i [Music] the waterfalls go go i'm right behind you [Music] there guys so much distance to color also you know [Music] how's that feel you dumb pile of rock ah there you are jesse i loved what you did with the weather storm awesome [Music] you are acting very weird mr admin what's your game here game huh why the greatest game of all that's why i left you the gauntlet you left it to tempt you down to the sea temple but now your true test begins it is time you fight me fight me champion unless you'd like to see that happen to your entire town who knows what i'll do next [Music] enough talk let's fight let's add some drama oh he's powerful so much for them just you and me now champion don't let them down [Music] really not good beacon town is gonna be like like one big smash fest to this guy we need to help people he's gonna break everything swords aren't gonna cut it uh what can we do how about a bunch of obsidian walls structure block time if you can cause a distraction i can plant some of these guys they'll help hold the city one major distraction coming up let's go jesse hey stone face over here yeah that's right your courage is so much larger than your puny size oh let's see how you deal with the enchanted deliciousness of this butter i could pink my teeth with that blade the [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks using my own structure block against me where's the structure block finder's keepers this tiny thing will save you jesse not from me okay this is a little intense but i guess a giant colossus did follow me champion should be better than this if you're going to be a coward jesse just give yourself so annoying a design on the back of his head i've seen it before prismarine soldiers back at the sea temple had the same symbol [Music] here i am looking a little helplessly hey rock face eat this good to see you too what is that quick version the admin he like built the world or something uh okay are you all right i mean he really had you up there and now man i missed you oh i'm just saying that because i pulled you from the literal jaws of doom i sure hope you got an idea here i saw a spot on the back of his head that i'm hoping might be the key to defeating him sounds like i better keep him distracted then thanks lucas be careful calm now jesse all this stalling is just making me angrier hey blockhead you want jesse you need to go through me first and i don't think you stand a chance you're protecting jesse oh please all these interruptions that ends now don't know anything about me if no you're gonna wish you hadn't done that admin oh think boy can defeat me just i don't think i know [Music] confidence here that was really something [Music] oh man these are gonna keep coming in until we get the sun back up any idea how to use it nice not bad not bad you're a fine shot almost feels like i made this challenge too easy for you oh wait no i'm totally messing with you time for level two [Music] [Music] what are you oh man jesse take care of yourself this way guys follow me hmm okay guys this is it radar come on boston hey jesse i don't wanna fall sometimes you just gotta fake it radar it's hero time we did it let's get out of here oh come on radar take this help lucas hold off those golems yes oh no no no lucas help hey ugly taste by bravery radar you did it take that you big chunk of ice all right time to get ourselves a pumpkin and open that door come on before he thinks up a stage three petra [Music] of course of course it's jessie why am i not surprised admin the warden told me you were zooming up the associate ladder now you're trying to disrupt the therapeutic benefits of my zombie mine what gives i don't know if you're dense or what but working your stupid zombie mines were just a start admin i'm busting out of this prison oh you really think so eh boy oh boy i can't wait to see [Music] [Music] that edmund sir i'm very disappointed in you warden i'm j i'm uh yeah i'm just a nervous eater i'm sorry no no not that your star guard jesse is nothing but a saboteur you were my greatest hope you were moving up the ranks and now you've ruined me i thought you were following in my footsteps i had to get out of this prison nothing personal warden oh sure nothing personal just my whole reason for existence [Music] enough and that goes for you and you and you and especially you and as for you i've been looking for an opportunity for you to prove your loyalty to prove your worth as my champion [Music] so unless you want to be added to my naughty list i suggest you pull out your sword and attack jesse and as for you jesse well don't think i don't believe in fair play now we'll have some real fun [Music] i had such high hopes for you jesse the highest gave it all away no i can't this isn't happening [Music] serious ouch zip it jesse we only got one shot at this i'm gonna go to the admin and then we'll both attack him just trust me on this one [Music] now jesse you're joking right that's your big idea swords can't hurt me oh all i ask you to do is fight your friend to the death and you can't even do that i don't even want you to be my friend anymore and i don't want you to be my friend either in fact as far as i'm concerned this old place can burn to the ground what about prisoner x what about all of us the institute remains inescapable so what do i care i'm leaving and i'm never thinking about any of you ever again so i'll just be my own friend now can't dwell on the setbacks i'll keep looking forward that that's so sad oh spare me the petty party i don't need it i'm gonna have loads of friends soon after all everyone loves jesse right no no way you coming good news jesse you're not my rival anymore since you're gonna rob down here forever you're nothing no coming darling admin stella is just the beginning your other friends will fall in line too lucas axel olivia all of them don't worry i'll take good care of beacon town he's good whoa there it is hey wait where are you going she ditched us don't come up here what why oh okay got it [Music] a three-headed cast why would the admin create that uh [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] starting to attack the big one now [Music] foreign i think that's its weak point [Music] uh that was insane jesse you're amazing that was unbelievable and you stuck the landing nice oh that that's just my perfect reflexes and photographic muscle memory well there it is guys our ticket out of here man a track is a complete wreck yeah [Music] what the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes oh my goodness yes only one person i know fights like that [Music] you are the real jesse ivor yes it is i your friend ivor i'm a ninja now jesse what those pressure plates release waterfalls upstairs it's so calculated so precise judging by the multiple pressure plates there's some complex engineering behind these walls i wouldn't expect anything less from the guy who made an icy palace of despair i think this was meant for the three friends romeo zara and fred how do you guys feel about pulling some mystery levers and seeing what [Music] designed all this just for his friends are you ready for the most really good death-defying heart-pounding challenge you've ever experienced what are these things no idea but they don't look friendly great another golem this time made of magma oh wow what a showdown okay so poking fire might not be the best idea we've got to try something else yeah take that overgrown barbecue waterfalls jesse water turns lava into cobblestone yes we've got to get them under it all right golems time to get soaked it's mining time congratulations challengers stage one of 600 complete what stage two and there's no way we're making it to stage 600. three levers got us into this so so maybe those three levers will stop it come on radar let's bust that machine radar you have to break the machine i'll cover you [Music] shooting jesse come on come on come on that was too close now repair yourselves no one is smiling maybe we can bring this one down with water too radar ah all right let's mine them down to size yes [Music] well the thing's not a total dummy doesn't want anything to do with the waterfalls now it doesn't i broke my pickaxe anyway so i guess it's time for another idea we have gunpowder tnt just gotta get some sand and we're set right good thinking radar radar get ready fire incoming just need four sand blocks quickly hey cola [Music] come on i'm right here [Music] gunpowder placed like an x sand on all four sides come on crack craft [Music] that might work you've done it oh yes the power of our friendship prevails yes let's get out of here before we stumble on a hidden stage how the how did you uh why do i even keep asking uh jesse that's our way home oh man everyone get out of its way it's the fred folk those are not the people from fred's keep those are mobs oh just what we needed to find the event that i have been so unhelpful [Music] go mobs don't stand a chance [Music] [Music] uh don't let it eat me i'm really not tasty i'm not i know that anderman wouldn't really hate radar but no i will not run anymore you just you jesse go don't you have any decency it is not cool to go around smashing everything up making a mess and grabbing people eat this looks like all my training for the marsh hoppers of the har-lying swamps totally paid off jack you thought a little fall will get the better of the velvet tornado please for fred's cape for the future fight [Music] someone's gotta catch me up time to let my sword get a taste of monster hide it's hungry we have to repair the building otherwise that enderman is never going to leave us alone nothing like a little pressure to make building fun exactly sure what this will bring us but hopefully it'll be close to home everyone we are leaving oh boy radar we're winning for now but they're not gonna be able to hold that line for much longer especially not if that enderman takes the portal apart it's bad news [Music] more bad news i think it likes me but that means i can be a distraction uh yeah if you want to be stuck down here i know but if i do that it'll let everyone get through the portal safe and sound radar you have nothing to prove to us we know that you're capable yeah look how well you did back in romeo's challenge you don't have to do this it's not about that it's about doing what's right no way everyone's getting through the portal with that huge creep hanging around they get left behind the enderman is after me i can buy you time you're our friend radar we're not leaving you down here we have to stick together this is my time jesse i know it i have to do this [Music] go for it radar i'll see you topside come and get some of this oh yeah that's right i'm talking about these huge arms [Music] where anywhere it's got to be better than here what well this should come in handy [Music] what have you done this is your big plan run directly at me i don't know what you're playing at but it ends now i said it ends now what what come on oh you you think you're very clever aren't you well how about we finish this with a little change of scenery the the sea temple collocally jesse remember when we first met oh that was back when i thought we could still be friends [Music] figures this temple this challenge was my first gift to you now it's going to be where i bury you [Music] running out of platforms [Music] just die already [Music] this is impossible no one gets to make me i can't go why do i feel so powerless come on i certainly hope you're enjoying this trip down memory lane as much as i am wow games are over admin give it up aren't you happy to see me our friendship's gotten a little unlucky on this adventure hasn't it little worn thing i wonder who did that i'm not listening to you admin no that's a shame here i thought it would be a nice way of working through some things ah get off me [Music] not point please please stop don't take all my powers away without them i don't know what i do you you can't take that from me those powers aren't what make you special romeo powers don't make anyone special it's who you are how you act don't you you judge me to judge me [Music] give me that that's goodness that's the cause let's go [Music] through admin it's over you can say that again how's that level playing field feel huh jerk get away from me yes [Music] aah once i get my hands back on that gauntlet [Music] the gauntlet ministry this [Music] uh why'd you have to go and make everything so difficult now everyone likes you and you're nothing hey we're not the ones trying to rule the world what no no i'm not i just i just wanted people this place is held together by my powers no more powers no more terminal zone we're doomed we're gonna get buried if we don't get out of here pronto what about him what about him he's not our problem anymore but look at him he'll never make it out of here on his own no she's right just just leave me my power it was just frosting on a cake an empty worthless cake no this is where i belong this is where i'll pay for what i've done i can't believe that this is what it took for me to realize you can still fix things romeo no matter what you've done you're still a person like everyone else you can be redeemed redeemed you you really believe that don't you jesse now's the time we gotta go go on leave me i deserve to stay in this oblivion you're not staying here that would be the coward's way out come on the lava gets to that portal before we do we'll be stuck here forever let's move oh [Music] almost there everyone keep moving i don't have my powers i can't control it [Music] all the way here by yourself now
Channel: aWiibo
Views: 881,028
Rating: 4.8292742 out of 5
Keywords: all bosses, all boss fights, minecraft, minecraft story mode, minecraft story mode all bosses, season 1, season 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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