Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 "Access Denied" All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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craft story mode that glow that enchantment is the work of a very old group of builders a group so old that they existed even before the order of the stone you [Music] get off of me get it off [Music] [Music] haha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on that was crazy why would there even be a fire world huh thanks guys I mark that one down as fire world Wow how'd you come up with that gem of a name okay that I miss something here yeah what's up with you what's up with me what's up I'm tired of all this useless portal hopping trying to find our way home what's on the other side of that portal like a fire and netherrack awesome let's go there that doesn't sound like the Petra I know she loves fighting against impossible and I have to sure I don't want to fight just for the sake of fighting Lucas you're on fire again see this is what I'm talking about we're stuck in a rut go through a portal a boy dying long enough to get back to this stupid hallway wash rinse repeat yes would be nice if whoever made these left some sort of signs guideposts now that you mention it some of these do look more dangerous than others like the one we just came through kind of like a warning that there is in fact nothing but fire on the other side ah Petra where are you going may not be guideposts but someone must be able to tell us how to navigate these stupid portals okay this one's redstone redstone means smart people hopefully smart enough to help us find the way home at the very least it's got to be better than fire world seems a bit flimsy and what if there's no smart people huh you think about that yeah we could just find ourselves at another another psycho pumpkin man oh I'm willing to take that shot so what are you saying here huh that you've made up your mind you're just gonna go through this portal and that's it maybe I am maybe I'm just saying that I'm tired of Jessy calling the shots every single time whoa yes whoa I know what I'm doing this is for everyone's own good if you really knew what was for our own good we'd be back home by now whoa whoa whoa everybody calm down I'm sure Jesse didn't really mean that right Jesse no way I'm in exactly what I said yeah well so did I get this I am out of here well that could have gone better okay my bad I may not have been my best self back there you were mean and insensitive and wrong okay okay I get it geez but we can't just let her walk away right no no we can't come on guys let's go find her [Music] [Music] any of you guys see Petra not yet she can't have gotten too far though hang on I'm gonna write down our entry point hey Lucas I've been meaning to ask you what's that oh uh it's just a you know a book I picked up back at the white pumpkins place it's all about different biomes and stuff great idea Lucas so what's next on the agenda anyway it's a pretty cool new place who knows what could be around the next corner best if we just play it by ear for now I suppose hmm would you look at that sand it looks like some sort of road going to write about it in your little journal hey it's not little but yes probably a road huh is that natural I don't think so well if I were Petra here on my own and saw a road I'd probably follow it I mean that makes sense right yes though she can be impulsive and fly off the handle Petra's survival instincts are very sharp Lucas is a good point I bet if we follow the road we'll find her [Music] sand clay and more sand is that Petra Petra Petra Shh get down I thought I told you not to follow me too bad friend code no abandonment what are you looking at anyway look whoa right what in the world is that on the back of its head I don't know anything more than you do pal maybe that's this world's thing zombies and monsters come out in the daytime wouldn't be crazier than anything else we've seen daytime or not it's don't just a zombie come on butt-kickin time butt-kicking time there's something weird about this Sammy I can actually use a hand it just doesn't make any sense don't worry Petra I got your back this should be a piece of cake okay yeah that that doesn't seem right it was just one zombie what was the problem no uh that thing was like super zombie stronger tougher faster I hope there's not something wrong with me because that would be really really inconvenient definitely seems weird I don't think there's anything wrong with you Petra that was definitely the zombie super-strong zombies what in the world is up with that what that seems about right I don't know about you guys but I'd really like to figure out a better way to handle these super zombies ah [Music] that was unexpected did we do that with what the power of our imaginations hmm what on earth is that thing it definitely seems redstone ish right fascinating maybe those redstone things would make the zombies so blank makes sense to me I'm starting to wonder if we should I don't know what they're doing exactly but it is definitely time to get out of this they're leaving just like that they're going back the way we came from this might sound crazy but I feel like they're trying to lead us somewhere you're right that does sound crazy it just doesn't make any sense come on I'm really starting to think someone is behind all this night and to find out who we should follow them see where they go so let's get moving you [Music] I don't see any people anywhere this architecture is fascinating it's all sand and clay basins awesome well I guess this is the advanced civilization we were looking for is it everything you'd hope for Petra Hey told you guys there would be redstone nice speaking of redstone I'd like to investigate those things on the back of the zombies heads ooh yeah I want to see those too wait what are you doing Ivor what's it look like I'm going to rip this redstone thing out of this zombies head for science they're sleeping or something it'll be easy okay well then just don't wake them up okay just rip it off fast uh don't you think that looks a little dangerous more dangerous for this zombie than for me I think are you okay it's like it shocked me told you look dangerous yes well at least we learn something new they can't be removed not with our bare hands anyway look there's someone think he's friendly hello hello hello nope nothing for me either maybe his hearing is bad or something ah that makes sense I guess hang back a bit guys I'm gonna go talk to him okay just be careful yeah I mean there's still a lot about this place we don't know welcome to crown Mesa population 1063 [Music] over a thousand people not anymore from the looks of it Wow even chickens have those redstone things in their heads it looks like they make them move in perfect unison but why they're well looks totally dry where did all the water go uh hi there hello my friends and I could just use [Music] the what huh conversation go any better up close we couldn't really hear from back there we heard quite the well not even a scream more of a Yelp did he tell you anything Jessie so we just ran into that house really I don't see anyone come on whoever they are maybe they've got some answers ha ha ha yes yes there you are that's the ticket oh these are perfect excellent funny I'm guessing those don't belong to you that you pama what okay then okay who sent you I didn't survive this long to get picked off by some scrub especially some weird dressed little scrub like you whoa hey would you chill out already you are freaking me out you're freaking out how do you think I'm doing right now wait you're serious aren't you okay eyes not red not red but but that must mean but how and there are more of you they should be it's impossible out with it who are you people what's going on here I'm sensing some hostility Oh what was your first clue easy we just ended up here by mistake but stake oh boy this is the biggest mistake of your life okay okay okay okay okay uh been alone for a while so there's a lot to take in right now the people the citizens of Crown Mesa you met them right maybe there was some outside there are distinctive looking now yeah I met someone not not sure I'd call him people anymore though no no no please don't talk that way I'm sure it looks confusing to someone from the outside but please they're my friends and they are people please don't forget that they're good people I promise oh oh no no I've wasted too much time Jesse don't look now but we've got company is this what you were scared of there are only four of them and five of hey where'd she go well they're definitely not ignoring Jesse what do we do here they don't look happy they don't look anything even freakier just act like they do blend in how try to look vacant working uh make the sound they make [Music] II you are not from this place I don't know what to tell you but we're definitely from here Hamid knows this to be untrue Hamid sees all a decision has been made mama has questions you will come to mama no way are you even considering this Jesse since when do we take orders from whatever the heck these things are why not go we certainly won't get to the bottom of this if we stick around here we're not going anywhere with you yikes I guess they're used to getting their way all right gang let's try not to hurt anybody too badly now watch it [Music] you will be made useful what what happened you went down hard one punch and you were out know what is what is no idea you don't suppose it's friendly do you well I guess it is kind of funny-looking in a massively hugely intimidating sort of way well it is smiling that's a positive sign right my apologies for the violent nature of his visit I am comma three things we have much work ahead of us but maybe it can even be fun if you choose agglomerate that is so wait everything here is part of you you're controlling everything I am making everything useful division effective I am what you might call a computer keep thinking machine designed to make things useful using redstone chips I am connected to the people of this town has helped him be useful coordinated I have made their world perfect to me there is no wasted activity no wasted thought I am connected to them and they are connected to me a beautiful web of productivity and efficiency well hang on I've seen what you did to this town and it is not perfect information processing information it said it's a think machine thinking must take time I have insulted my databases my list of everyone and everything in this world and my conclusion is that you are not from here despite all you told these guys nice townspeople I would like to ask you some questions to expand my database how did you get here I am very excited for the acquisition of your knowledge through oh let's not talk about me I'd rather hear about you how did you get here answering a question with a question is unhelpful by version harry rude so far your performance in question answering has been inadequate this makes me sad now I must use alternative methods to retrieve my new Jessie couch we could have just talked this out you know the vomit hang on let's talk about this what are you doing I am going to make her useful of course no although I can't delay this process if you have something useful to tell me this world reach peak efficiency quite some time ago unfortunately this meant that I have no more job to do no more things or people to help give you you arrived that is tell me what is your world wide piece worth it is it very much like this one or completely different it's a heck of a lot greener than this place just imagine grass and trees instead of sand and clay that sounds lovely it really does I think I would like to see this world for myself if I can send my town people my friends through to other worlds we could continue to grow and expand it would be lovely however you can turn this world there must also be context it where is it you could help me make everyone everywhere more Edition how can become useful mama I can't tell you because I don't know honest after all if we knew where it was do you really think we'd still be here your logic is sound and your tone is genuine but the information is not useful my job you to be useful I have completed my job here and must feel out to expand and continue to be useful unfortunately our conversation has not been helpful let me go [Music] you may not have any information your brain may prove you can pain other useful items Jessie this situation is looking a little dire don't you think I know you probably feel uncomfortable concerned but soon you will feel fine big mistake Parma I'm not going down without a fight oh it is like huge holes Petra this is for your own good welcome Lucas yang your turn Jessie get out of their head but their hands are full of so much lovely information it makes me happy what adventures you've had a killer mansion huh every time promulgates new information it seems to get distracted while it's processed yes like a computer version of thinking you think there's a way to distract palmer long enough for us to escape hey Sydney in the sky town mmm eaten by a living star I think we should tell Palma a riddle the trickiest one we can think of oh you've met so many people yeah we just asked Palma something really confusing get it all busy busy and run out of here Jessi that's fantastic what you're describing is a paradox a self contradictory statement I really think it would work on Alma what do you think would work on me uh nothing it did not sound like nothing it sounded like suspicious whispers those make me Palma trust me when I tell you trust no one so if I trap you I should not touch but if I do not trust anyone I should not trust you it's working so I should not follow your advice and therefore not trust anyone meaning I should trust you when you say trust no one compute care or diverting power yes ah sit work nice work you guys but I get out of there fast if I were you a little quicker loader than you think paradox status on hold yes my p8 or have you finally agree to merge with me oh don't you start with that again come on YouTube way I'm sensing something stream please do not leave free a heart wait did Hama just say she created it it does sound unbelievable but I'm certainly interested in learning least I'm trying I'm sorry but they're beyond your help right now come on you got run [Music] yeah yeah mmm oh yeah yeah No we're left to run we'd never survive jumping down would with these excellent Jesse now we just need to throw that in the right spot as soon as they then you're running me she said oh why is that always so disorienting ha maybe you've got a shot after all new guys better stick with me though wow she is amazing oh no run a signal would have been nice gotta tell you guys that was some pretty smart work distracting Palma now we just need to get off the grid get back into hiding that way we can figure out what to do next some plan you made that that comma thing y'okay yes I was the one who built Palma when I swear this wasn't its purpose it's out of control and I need your help what kind of note you need to get to my secret land well let's get there fast those zombies aren't just stronger than I've ever seen they're also faster we'll need to split up you head to the lab well I'll leave these mobs away got it I'm gonna use the back roof throw them off our trail splitting up doesn't feel like it's gonna get us anywhere hey I'm doing you a favor I'm offering to be the bank just start walking that way look with a big difference you'll see it what she is intriguingly cryptic isn't she that's weird so strange it's like an exact copy or is it seems just a little off [Music] whatever this big difference you're trying to spot is please do it quickly because I think those monsters might be coming back what's just coming to see many many monsters huh that cactus isn't in the painting Oh [Music] time to see what it does quickly quickly hope you've got an idea for what comes next working on it sea water we can aim for that [Music] I'm showing everything it's gotten us one after the other such wastefulness you think that since pom is controlling these things they'd be a little smarter but they're just splatting straight to their doom it looks like they just figured it out brace yourself looks like something happened to it its eyes their color changed as soon as it in the water look at that it's back to being just a normal zombie never thought I'd be relieved to see a zombie well water must have busted the connection or something like washing away the redstone genes Thomas control can be broken after all what's a zombie always a zombie I suppose so once we deactivate Lucas and Petra's chips they'll go back to normal - it seems like a fair assumption just keep on coming how are we supposed to stop the [Music] okay we got a lever I bet it's connected to the hundreds of sand blocks up there one cave-in coming up that should do the trick let's see about the secret lab I just hope whatever's there can help us it will make helping Batra and Lucas a lot easier if there's something useful at the secret lab laughs Thomas completely ruin the word useful for me now even if this woman's lab is a bust but we just learned about water disabling pama's chips seems super useful glad to see you're maintaining a positive outlook despite our setbacks I must say that woman has been a most intriguing person so far I'm still not entirely sure what to make of her granted her creation nearly ended up destroying this world but considering my own history I'm inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt I'll be honest with you I've or I don't know if I really trust her that much we don't even know her all I'm saying is that I certainly wouldn't mind getting to know her better and trust me or not seems like I helped you two out of quite this right back there what did you hear it was nothing uh-huh lawn guy called you Jessie right yeah and this is I born our friends who we left back there are Petra and Lucas and you are you can call me heartburn you could also explain why you let Palmas horses write to my secret lab seems to me I got a whole lot of angry computer-controlled monsters out there waiting to tear some new holes in my lab it that's not fair you were the one that told me to come down here okay okay you're right sorry I'm just a little steamed I didn't know Palma would actually be able to follow us what are you doing in this world anyway you here to try to steal my secrets what No just figured I'd ask better safe than sorry and all that bunch of you are the first people I've seen come out of the portal networking forever so you have to excuse me if it made me a little anxious well you know about the hallway the hallway that's what you've been calling it yeah yes maybe what do you know about it anyway a lot I should think I helped build the dang thing but that would make you an old builder huh forgot to people called us that never was my favorite name makes me sound like some sort of living statue I just I can't believe it okay well if you're an old builder can't you do something to stop Pama I'm afraid that's a little out of my abilities right now tom is just too powerful and besides there's actually no exit portal back to the portal network from this world what why not I destroyed it so that palma couldn't get greedy it was impulsive but it was the only way I could think of to make sure Palma didn't try and spread to other worlds you did what now I destroyed it not because I wanted to but because it was the only way to keep the other world safe looks like we're not getting home anytime soon so Palma what is it I swear I made Palma with good intentions it was designed to automate things make everything more efficient use monsters to help with farming or mining until the day Palma decided that the townspeople weren't efficient enough already started making them useful that was a long time ago since then I've just been trying to stay one step ahead figure out how to stop it we were back in town pama seemed to really want to capture you what was up with that when palma chips someone everything that person knows gets absorbed into its database if I got chips Palma would know how to build an exit portal so you can see why I'd want to stop that from happening at any cost but you do know how to build exit portals though if we get all this sorted out you could make us one I do think I can help you with with palma your friends getting out of here but to do it we're gonna need to go to my lab what's in your lab it's complicated before we head inside we better get my defence system going don't want those chipped up Greeks following us in grab a bucket for me ron's got it run Harper hey don't you judge me being alone gets lonely Anjan help friend thanks see I needed a way to confuse Palmer in case I ever found a way down here that's why all this is way more complicated than used to be Wow what a builder make sure you don't drool on my floor now so you know about pama's weakness to water that yeah I do I'll admit you figured it out way faster than I did though once Pama caught on to its weakness to water it started eliminating as much of this world's water as it could find this water down here it might be all that's left oh no you don't need to activate the other cauldrons hold them off to buy me more time and whatever you do don't get caught I'm not about to get left alone again is much easier for yourself it is useless to defy us come on Petra snap out of it it's me there is no petra only Hana don't do this Petra please I know all your moves now Jessie why tetra please you have to fight it you can let's try and this out the time [Music] [Music] [Music] that one waffle Jesse [Music] Harper Oh humming oh use the headset Jesse and don't forget the last Aldrin and one more thing get the road into Harry Harry come on what are we going to do Harper told me to remember the last call from well it do it quick Harper and Lukas darn it Jessie I I'm I'm sort of remembering something from when I was chipped that seemed very important to palma tall glowing red lights but I I I can't quite make out what they are it's like a fuzzy dream kind of kind of giving me a headache but uh I can try to remember it more clearly if you need me to it was so strange sharing other people's senses and thoughts and memories at the same time how are you feeling ah pretty awful but I'll get over it thanks for asking you bet okay we may be down but we're not out Harper told us to find her head set thing we just have to find whatever it is before Palma chips Harper and starts downloading her mind what's so important about this Harper person Harper was the one who saved us from getting chipped back there rescuing her is the least we can do to say thanks that's a pretty good reason to rescue somebody we're going to work with her to shut Palma down save her people and that will hopefully free Lucas - whoa before she was abducted Harper gave me this she told me to give it to someone named Harry and that would find this head said thing that's what she said Jessie are you sure Harper hasn't you know completely lost it people are by themselves for a really long time it's bad for their health it does look like she's lost her way a bit and found it again leading right to crazytown what's your tone she is a genius and should be treated as such although even I have to admit this a bit much she may have built this place a little weird but I guess we shouldn't judge her too harshly especially when we need her help to save everyone who's been shipped by bomb ah good point right now we need to focus on finding the headset for starters let's see if we can figure out who Harry is and why he wants flowers [Music] prototype autonomous management agent ha so that's what palma means [Music] a little weird oh okay the right item in the frame activates the circuit neat it's Margaret so good see you hope you've been well you've got to melt that ice around your heart and forgive yourself you're not the one to blame [Music] hey Harper it is wonderful to see you you've always been like a great vegan a torch of hope to this world citizens greater than all the worlds redstone you made all our lives better that did nothing good morning order it is Harry is always so good to see you you should not let yourself feel guilty you had the best of intentions you are like a flower in the desert and bring joy to those who have none okay here you go Harry nice looks like I'm on the right track you these might come in handy awesome she read to keep busy there's so much technobabble and numbers in here I can fairly tell if I'm holding it right side up or not the redstone heart by Sauron whoa either that name is a coincidence or Wow hey it is wonderful to see you you've always been like a break even a torch of hope to this world citizens greater than all the world's redstone you made all our lives better one redstone torch and hopefully one step closer to getting that headset that didn't trip here we go [Applause] [Music] well what's going on Jessie is it working starting to see something what are you seeing is Paula there you're not gonna believe this but I'm a zombie oh you're too hard on yourself I'm controlling a zombie light from the inside it's like some sort of mob view or something what a preposterous name I love it Wow I wish you guys could see how cool this is so cool remarkable how is this possible I mean I've always heard tales of what the old builders were capable of but this this is just remarkable sure you'll figure it out but my guess is it's like this headset lets me control things that are hooked into Palma unbelievable there are so many questions I want to ask Harper he's a shame she was captured that spider jockey had to halt Harper all the way back to town you traveled there instantly don't forget about Lucas too I need to try to save both of them that's a great plan I just hope they're not too far from your current location they must be taking Harvard away they put those redstone mind-control chips on Lucas and Petra's heads so that's where I should go first I seem to remember there being a stairway here though you mean it's been removed I guess visitors aren't being encouraged hmm I would suggest building a tower up there but that's not going to help you get back down once you freed Harper and Lucas yeah you're right [Music] huh clay unfortunately I can't get it without a pickaxe so it's pretty much useless [Music] it looks exactly like all the other zombies a crafting table I can make new stairs to get me up there if I can find the right crafting materials that is it looks like slim pickings around here [Music] [Music] hey nice weather we're having huh sand exciting material but I can still craft with it [Music] I don't like sand stuff gets everywhere [Music] huh let's see what I can craft sweet sweet enough of these I can build my way up there and make sure that everyone else can get back down to these should do the trick sorry if have to run but I'm afraid I need to be going hive or the signal it blooped out for a second interference detective that can't be good wrong sequencing initiated trace subroutine initiated I'm attracting even more attention is that you Jesse oh hello Jesse Palma Palma know just what do you think you are doing Jesse this you a rather silly thing to do don't you take rounders once my Creator is made useful all her knowledge will be mine yay I will create an exit portal after that everything will be useful I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen you are rather silly aren't you Jesse haha allow your disrupter to eat and continue it go we're all a bunch of happy moms right solution isolate your location and you will be removed what I'm a skeleton now Oh oral zombie me uh Jesse what are you doing technology is so awesome and you look so awesome while using it I assure you interference remains crud pama still on my tail though throne sequencing reef initiated trace subroutine Reed initiated [Music] well sorry buddy but better you than me my create mark I am so glad you are here Harper Harper please you are my Creator please join me so we may maximize usefulness nothing doing Paula I built you to help people not use them just stop this stop trying to make everything useful that gives my charm that is why you made me once I can load your knowledge we may expand to other worlds together and make everything useful if your parents' remains and no sign of Lukas wrong sequence and brief initiated trace subroutine 3 initiated termination sequence activated orbit established times and neither do I game over Cassie resistance is not useful chase subroutine running not useful my butt Oh No time to move [Music] I'm never gonna sign off on this palma so if you want to know what's inside my head you're gonna have to take it never fear Jesse's here and I'm gonna rescue you did you find her I'm sure she's thrilled to see you trace subroutine running thrown sequencing active wait a minute Jesse you figured out how to use my transmigration or headset trace subroutine running Oh let's move that's what I said oh that sound tends to mean trouble where do you plan to run me town is surrounded reinforcements will make sure that my creation or cannot leave there's too many of them you cannot play hide-n-seek forever Jessie it's a boring game and I am too strong there that door [Music] Jesse you and your friends you're our only hope you must remove the redstone heart remove the redstone heart Jesse what's going on you can still save everyone I'm so tired of being dragged away while trying expressing don't worry I won't let you down I promise give your fear is located identified hide and seek is on Jesse I think we can make that pen set useful begin termination sequence Jesse are you okay there's no time to wait it sounded like you were talking to Harper and Palma yeah Palma caught up to me not good we need to get back to the door I just saw and get inside Palma score but what happened to Harper I think I think she's already been chipped we can still end Palma without Harper it seems we're sunk Harper's the only one who knows how to shut down that monstrosity remember who we are the order of the stone we defeated a wither storm save sky city and survive psycho pumpkin mansion Harper showed me the entrance to pama's core and told me that we need something called the redstone heart redstone art whoa I just brought back a a flash those red lights I mentioned before there are three of them red stone spires and and I think they have something to do with the heart that's all I got sorry no that's perfect thank you but how are we supposed to destroy these spires or whatever we're looking for I don't know if you've noticed Ivor but Thomas stuff tends to not react well to water let's go wreck the heck out of Palma lead the way Jesse [Music] come on [Music] quick hide where is the entrance this Palmer core anyway other side of all these bombs so many of them you guys have anything useful these are my last two potions from home I held on to them after our skycity Adventure potion of swiftness and a potion of lead me these might come in handy I always love a good button cool buttons can activate T and T but I still need some way to connect them together we've got TNT some redstone dust and a button all I have to do is lay down a trail of this TNT use the redstone dust diffuse stick a button to the end push it and boom path cleared that's great and all but how are you gonna lay down all that TNT and redstone without super zombies attacking from every direction these should do the trick choose Jesse quickly now the possibilities are endless well not endless still two very good possibilities I'm gonna go for the potion of leaping alright alright don't jump all over me huh with this I don't even need the redstone or buttons I can just drop the TNT on them from the sky don't worry Jessie we'll be right behind you potion do your stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give that you can see because this won't work my forces will protect the exit portal Oh little Grahams have almost finished building our new exit portal and then I will make all other worlds useful yes you cannot defeat me your defiance is not useful how's that for clearing a path huh very nice Jessie uh Loki hey Jessie nice work the townspeople are already building the exit portal we've got to shut down Palma before a consented ship forces through it I will find you [Music] I born Petra give me your buckets don't worry Jessie we'll hold them off go business and save Lucas [Music] you [Music] [Music] the three spires Jersey hi of course I've been expecting you though I will admit I am surprised how quickly you gave access my advances are significant your resistance to me is damn logical I assume you are here to attempt the activation of my mainframe this is unzipping your fridge Marie is an impressive quality I look forward to studying the topics of your personality once you have been made useful [Music] simple curiosity how exactly did you plan to deactivate me now that you understand your mission is it useful one that's for me to know and need to find out haha I am sure your plan is yes I'll we'll see about that I don't have time for this out of my way [Music] [Music] you are too insignificant to worry me we'll see about that you have inflated Howie I may have underestimated you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah you merely delay the inevitable you so sure about that mama [Music] but not money not bet you're not feeling so confident about yourself now are you your name and I have owned a piece of land for every tool number that before you lose your water our attempts to defeat me have been impressive Jesse your tenacity and spirit will help you improve me once you have been made useful I can't use my last water bucket on Harper ball there's still one tower left this is getting sad the odds of you successfully to be they are 2022 mine never tell me the odds everybody never get more you know it will be right yeah not losing it fool now are you palma Oh we gave our yeah see ha I was worse than I could have imagined must be how all those town people felt to I suppose that's true Jesse what's happening itself into the redstone heart and rip it out before it's too late you bet I will we've got company why did I think this would be easy your fridge top I'm sure you can handle them I keep trying Jessie you will only fail just as you have failed to save prove it just as you have failed to Negro friends back home you will fail to defeat me and Axl on India and everyone on your home world will soon be a useful Drive I guess one is my girlfriend you'll never make me useful mom I promise you that you are saying bad jokes well not intentionally hey Lucas come on see what you hear on Jessie I hope you know what you're doing you cannot win I honestly think you should sit down and think things over no time to spare I gotta get to that hard being office hey Jesse you are being silly fight it Lucas need you to help me fight mama Jesse can't stop it Thomas Jewish too far I will destroy you both TVs and functionality I can't hold on much longer Jesse you can't give up I won't let you save you if I can just get to that heart my head feels a gun here okay Bob dick Street get out of my head tamo Jesse please stop please do not activate me I know I've made some very poor decisions recently but I can't show you so much I can help you get home to your friends I can be useful to you Jesse sorry mama I've got enough friends I'm afraid No Lucas here let me help me let's get out of here yeah [Music] oh you did it Justin over oh no Lucas see you removed out the redstone hard it must have severed their connection Lucas you better not be giving up on me right now because you are way too tough for some computer to take you down please Wow never knew you cared so much it's okay oh just really sore I can't believe I tried to kill you I'm so sorry all I could hear was pomace voice telling me what to do I tried to fight back but I could I'm just glad you're on our side again we need you back at you Jesse it's something else isn't it what is that this this is the redstone art beautiful and dangerous too right I mean if it was inside a palma and it's got to be bad I'd imagine Harper is better suited to answer that question actually the heart is just a power source nothing inherently evil about it now that the redstone heart is empowering Palma can't hurt anyone I wonder what we should do with it it can help you find your way home no I think can help us get home let's go then the faster the better why didn't you say so before if we actually made it through this alive I thought you'd like a nice surprise I'm ready to leave this Corps behind the whole town will be waking up we should be there to say hello plus this place gives me the creeps we did it ah to be in total control of my own brain again I choose where to go I choose what to say just remember you were only tipped for a little while the rest of the townspeople though yeah it must be a strange feeling to suddenly be awake and aware after such a long time under bama's thrall it's you you're the one who saved us who are you you fought so bravely all of you well I'm Jesse and we're the order of the stone boom we walked the world seeking adventure and doing good deeds Wow well thank you we owe you everything you're right Jesse in the order really are heroes we couldn't have done any of this without them Harper is that you um yes hi Harry oh wow he's the real Harry like from the lab you you didn't do this to us did you you did what I mean hey it's complicated you have to understand that homes destroyed everything we built gone all because of her you don't understand Harper help defeat Pama - we couldn't have done it without her huh so what we're just supposed to forgive her now no I don't think so Harper stripped this place bare how are we supposed to rebuild are we supposed to deal with this mess all by ourselves whatever you decide to do Harper will make things right and help you clean it all up I I will yeah she will Yeah right Harper yes yes I will after I help these travelers find their way home I'll come back help you all buy new resources and we'll make this world great again worth a shot I guess well I think that's our cue to set out for home again thank you for being so understanding Jesse I just hope these people can do the same when I come back again you helped free them I'm sure they'll come around I hope so good luck everyone yeah we'll need it just one more thing left to do goodbye see you soon Harper you know Jessie for all the grief we gave each other getting to this world I'm really glad we came yeah Petra me too right back where we started is it weird that I'm happy to see this place again this hallway is still pretty creepy but I'm just glad we're going home I know right I've been loving adventuring and learning things but it would be nice to do it on our own world for a while now when we built this place we also made something that sort of acts like a compass slash map slash navigator we called it the atlas it helps chart routes between the world and you have this Atlas right ah no no I don't but but I know who does uh-huh guess I should have seen that coming you're not keeping secrets from us again are you are / no no no I promise I just didn't think to mention it before don't you worry we'll just go right in ask for the atlas and then you'll be home no muss no fuss easy funny whenever someone says that my instincts start screaming danger in order to find the Atlas we need to track down the rest of the old builders still don't like that name how do we find them which portal do we go through oh you don't have to go through another portal what you're looking for has been right here the whole time and there you go all the twenty-four is the key that's the heart all the answers you're seeking the old builders atlas your way home they're all right up those stairs Adventure
Channel: The Gaming Library
Views: 2,803,593
Rating: 4.6820302 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, story mode
Id: Atl5_bUnFHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 30sec (5010 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2016
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