Minecraft Deathswap, But we have CREATIVE Mode...

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in today's video zyph and i are playing minecraft death swap well there's a little variation to it every five minutes we're gonna get creative mode for 10 seconds after our swaps and we're gonna have that time to get any item we desire that we think it's gonna kill the other player if you don't know what death swap is every five minutes it is gonna teleport my position with my enemy which is zyfe and vice versa and we're both gonna be trying to kill each other and because this is overpowered it's the first to three points so if i kill's life three times i win and if he kills me three times he wins who's gonna be the first to win i guess we'll find out and uh credit goes to dream for this idea if you do enjoy make sure to subscribe turn on notifications if you haven't already all the social media is linked down in the description anyways that's all we got so let's hop into it also we're doing death swap and um if again oh god oh god i was trying to get the jump on you you you ain't ready you ain't ready i wasn't ready for that you know you got a whole whole mill a second ahead of me i know it's the millisecond that's the time that's gonna get you one extra dirt block that just might save your life yeah exactly exactly dude it's already been a whole minute how is it already been a whole minute i don't know why don't you ask the uh the the world clock i don't have to tell you hey father time what are you doing man i'm off to see the wizard see ya okay you coming to see me all right i'm on the way are you the wizard yep that's me that's me oh hey oh yeah there's a hole there whoa whoa whoa whoa oh hey bud how's it going you're going in my cave huh how you going that was happening here dude we only have two and a half minutes left what are you so worried about me that's insane how fast that is you freaking out there but i'm freaking out there a little bit okay that's good to know okay so you've got a shield gotcha yep oh let's go okay no he okay i know what he has yep no that was such a lie you're such a liar what do you mean i could tell by the tone of the vocal waves of your voice that you're such a liar okay dude time flies yeah it does time's always moving just gathering some items here yep yep i i think that can be said for both of us don't mind me oh god i literally hear you clicking why are you clicking i'm not clicking i'm not doing anything hey target how are you doing are you here yeah what's up get away from me oh no don't fall in that ravine you can play it back oh hey you want to jump over the pond okay we're going to have a fun time zayn and i hope we both land our water buckets so this is going to be a short round okay oh god okay that was close here we go [Music] oh my god we lived we live another day baby dang it dude that that's terrifying oh that was really scary can we just agree not to do that again i just had a heart attack i'm not i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anything no let's agree to not do that again i just i'm freaking out i'm gonna have to go change my pants after that one that was bad oh god really yeah i feel so sorry for you oh yeah it was really bad you might be able to smell it from here oh god i am smelling what you're stepping in we have four and a half minutes till creative can come on uh actually it's 20 seconds oh it's after this oh god yeah yeah yeah no problem that's no problem here we go fun time [Music] oh crap click the wrong thing no i got what i needed oh no no i didn't get what i needed oh i got one i needed one more item oh my god let's go i forgot an item okay good that makes me feel alive oh no it makes me feel better do i wait i don't know i'm actually kind of excited for you to see what what's gonna happen i don't like how that sounds we may or may not have both messed up but i got most of what i need i i just needed more of one thing see i'm scared though because it doesn't work it's like ah oh my god i need to pick up my pace you having a good day yep having a great time me too we're getting kind of close [Music] that why is i cannot find it oh no no no no no [Music] oh i hear something oh there we go that's more like it oh jeez oh lord oh that's really bad oh my god dude i don't know oh god i messed up a little bit uh okay i'm worried oh holy geez what are you doing oh dude i'm fine i'm fine what a nice area why do you surround me ah why is there one up there whoa mine through the top oh god how do i get out of this without exploding oh okay can i break this without dying that's what i was scared i was like what am i gonna do why'd you put me in such a deep cave i just dug straight down man creative oh oh crap [Music] oh yes i got it and i got mine oh i actually deleted an item though dang it okay that's fine oh wait no that's the wrong time dang it we both messed up now gosh i forgot such an important item it's fine it's not gonna make a difference this is gonna be a good one i can tell i got this i got this this is gonna be fun i'm pretty excited to see what's gonna happen i just need this to be done faster well you only got two and a half minutes i freaking went with in crystals to start good lord i don't know i didn't know what you were doing i thought you were gonna go like ham i'm just doing some regular like traps and stuff and you just put me in a box with any crystals i had a heart attack dude we troll people for a living on bed wars i i thought you were gonna go like so hard you know i'm trying not to make the video two minutes long holy crap i'm not gonna have enough time to set this up oh crap there's no way i'm gonna be able to set this up in time i i'm good i'm so good i don't like how that sounds i'm not even gonna get to where i need to be much less build something i think i made my idea too complicated you think so potentially we only got 30 50 seconds oh crap i'm not gonna have time to do it in time no no no i can't finish it in time oh crap this should be interesting ah oh okay dang it what i mean oh that's tnt under that i made a new c what did how much tea and good lord target that's a lot of tnt what did you try to do you meanie wow so disrespectful what did i do that's a long fall trap did you actually fall down it no oh it's the same i made him you spawn on top of that pillar right yeah that was an accident oh man okay oh my gosh okay cool cool cool i literally had no idea that was gonna happen oh my gosh there's one thing one thing i'm stupid so stupid oh gosh i think i know what i need to do and it's not i'm pretty much already done that's scary we just swapped i have a little bit of setup but i know what i'm gonna do i got a wrong item though i was panicking i didn't know like i was three seconds late uh okay oh my god this is okay this is kind of messed up this might go terribly by the way i don't know if this is gonna work okay oh okay that doesn't work noted completely noted oh uh oh i almost just died to my own thing that's a problem i don't think you're gonna survive this uh oh oh crap oh jeez what did you do don't worry about it what is this i messed up and accidentally spawned one too early so i couldn't get in there with it what did you spawn on i'm so curious i i spawned exploding like into a creeper but did you see the creeper for a second and then it was like almost blowing up by the time i saw i was like oh god did you see any of his buddies i didn't see anything i just saw a creeper and was dead i was already like i was super low health because of the ravager hit me three times through the wall what are these are these guardians i spawned elder guardians and ravagers oh gosh somebody thought i think there should have been an achievement you are horrible i almost joined it i didn't mean to oh ms dude get a better internet connection wait wait you took my crafting table oh okay i got gotta dip bye okay stone age stone age you found son already what are you doing yeah a minor yeah well guess what i found stone welcome welcome to the stone club now welcome to the stone age all right out of a scale of one to yes how was your day so far no no no i just scale one to yes i thought that was a shipwreck it's actually just a piece of dirt you know it's like uh it's like when you look in the fridge and you think you see a nice steak and it just happens to be a smudge yeah that is how it do be oh gosh oh just a little i'm swapping with you in a minute and a half so uh oh this is not helpful oh don't worry i got a fishing rod target oh dude we're gonna go on fishing expeditions i'm going fishing but i don't even need the fishing rod i'm just literally killing him underwater oh my gosh i wasn't even paying attention to the timer oh oh um you know you're gonna have a bit of a surprise for you what does that mean oh my gosh i wasn't even trying that wasn't a trap i was just running away from those guys oh good you left your boat for me i appreciate it i could help oh dang they actually did get my hearts down a little bit no oh no oh god oh my god [Laughter] oh god oh god oh you're dead man oh my gosh i i i am a home oh this is fantastic for once it's going my way boys let's go what am i gonna do okay i have an idea but oh god why are you so worried man what's the big deal there is a very good reason which you will know once you've watched this video please do explain no i'm good i'm good are you sure you don't want to elaborate just a little bit notice that there was a significant lack of achievements from your last creative mode yeah that's true i wonder why is there a reason for that probably i have a really funny idea hold on oh this is gonna be awesome you know we only have 35 seconds i think mine has a chance to kill you and i didn't get 90 of it but this is my one attempt at the trap well if i die you're definitely not gonna die before me what this is so stupid but it's kind of funny oh oh what happened don't worry your lo your world is loading in oh my god am i in 500 blocks oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god you landed my mlg what what happened to you i had a shovel i suffocate you at all yeah you got me down to like four hearts i think i literally thought i was like my world's been outletting in no that's why i was like yeah you're worth it my heart is racing definitely okay i didn't get all that i wanted but that's fine i didn't get all that i wanted either but that's okay oh no i'm missing one very important part of my oh crap how did you get that high wait what look at my achievements oh oh my gosh dude you're so devious that was terrifying that was the sickest like block clutch ever i hope you can do it again shut up dude oh my god i am struggling right now what am i gonna do oh did you do it again okay i'm gonna this is gonna be the oh my god no sensitivity down oh oh my gosh i don't know what to do oh oh my god got one boys he got one boys holy crap let's go dude i'm out you go where you want i have my own sort of place you know it's a nice little like cowabunga thing like i'm getting at this whole starting bit having done it so many times in a row well let's see the thing is i don't even need stone tools i i'm just i'm just gonna bypass that actually what are you at a village oh said a village there were some farmland blocks right next to our spawn point so i was like what's that i'm gonna go that way and then there's a thing there and i went the other way you might be a little ahead of me on the uh on the gear curve but it's fine nothing i haven't dealt with before [Music] okay just in time okay me too okay i think i got what i needed that's good i got some plans i got some plans too do your plans involve planning really your plans involve planning mine dude i got him guys i figured him out [Music] i have an excellent game plan me too does yours require me dying yeah oh wow me too would have thought that's crazy oh my god oh crap yes yes oh my god i don't know how i'm gonna finish this in time anymore there's no way okay we're just gonna really hope for the best here no no i really hope you have a water bucket oh gosh you have a water bucket yes okay that's good i messed it up so bad oh this is embarrassing this is embarrassing uh don't worry about it don't actually just don't don't oh crap hey bud what on how are you here no how why don't you come over here here i'll place water for you oh okay what are you doing what why did you go down there i i wasn't done yet because i was confident in my block clutching abilities if i didn't block clutch there i would have met i it wouldn't have messed up so much i had an idea and it would have been sick no trust me i'm kind of glad that your idea messed up because mine messed up worse well yeah i'm here so oh yeah i guess that that makes it doesn't [Music] oh man oh my gosh i literally saw you placing something and i freaked out if you didn't know about it man that would have worked so well oh my gosh that would have been sick dude that was genius oh wait i have an idea oh oh that's that'll be fun [Music] okay that was good i am feeling pretty happy with the way that that went what about you me too me too okay okay it could be worse this could be worse yeah i can re i can redo it i know it works at least oh my gosh what the heck oh my god what the heck dude no wait did it explode or no the trident missed you were so devious dang it this was two really good ones i also spawned on the side of it to be fair but i would have died from the blast yeah i know that's what i was trying to do oh i care where you were i just wanted the thing to blow up oh my goodness dude i got what i wanted i think this is gonna be a little hard to set up in time but we'll see oh wait i didn't even get the thing out oh my god oh i had an idea this should be really interesting all right let's mix it up i did not realize that was right there oh no i'm just probably dead aren't i i don't know depends what the crap i don't know oh did you get out yes did you like it oh my god a magician never shares his secrets you left a hole in the roof a magician sometimes fails his secrets i may have forgotten a very important step of that process i luckily had a water bucket and just swam out the top but i was scared oh god we don't got much time okay and uh oh my god i can work with this i would be very surprised if you are alive what nothing personal but uh good luck i i'm like i'm a little lost in the water right now like i'm oh crap dude i'm missing a very certain thing that i need that's how i felt last right i would be very impressed if you lived what i think i need to figure out what i'm just going to get on the next creative run i might be able to escape here is the thing you think so i think there's a chance and i'll take a chance this might just be more of a defensive round what does that mean how do you defensively play this game oh god oh god oh god this is never gonna it's never gonna work i don't know what to expect i don't know what to expect i'm terrified how did you live what what wait where did you try to put me what do you mean i didn't go in the obsidian thing it doesn't matter it didn't start a chain reaction how i don't know does tnt not set off in crystals oh my god now that i look up holy crap how did you not die from that what do you mean how did you not die i'm just kidding you're a skeleton those skeletons you had a fence gate i just opened the door and walked out sorry i forgot what i was i forgot what i had just done wait what didn't work oh crap okay that's decent i'm okay with this this is gonna be very interesting zai okay oh oh oh uh um um what did you do gravel you got me i guess really yeah i really have a chance to escape that kind of sucks again oh my gosh i was literally i was waiting for it that's why i was just staring at you that's why i was just staring at you oh okay we're high up holy crap and this is a jungle tree that is how it works yeah let that do be how it do work we have some ideas in mind i'm wondering i'm wondering if we potentially cross paths across the same idea maybe there's always a chance you're hamming it up and i'm scared what could i possibly do i i wouldn't hurt harm with anything i don't know what you're talking about what about my bed wars kd well that's not a living thing so that's okay here we go oh okay oh i got my stuff too i missed one item i have enough i have enough enough we'll be fine we'll be fine don't even worry about it okay this has got to be like quick prep time right now dude holy crap that's probably good what's the worst thing that could happen what's the worst thing that could happen wait is that not enabled did you not check oh my are you oh there we go what does that mean what oh geez okay you are so lucky those did not spawn [Laughter] what do you mean they didn't spawn there were like ten oh you're talking about the withers what happened to you i just landed back in the water pool you made oh but did you like it yeah that was actually sick oh my gosh why did those not work what the heck that was so scary my heart is pounding okay oh my god i keep forgetting essential things this is good keep her going it's a shame that wither didn't work the first time oh oh let's go oh god do you know why it didn't work the water bucket why because those are all half slabs teleport to me teleport to me look at look you hit the water bucket how are you back here i pre-pearled oh look i wanted to watch it happen but i didn't get here in time what i actually hit the water bucket you hit the water bucket but you died big brain stretch you thought it was part of the mountain i did it's it literally was invisible from up there i was worried you were gonna have like a pearl or you were gonna be able to make it to this water so i jumped really early okay i got you with one finally i know you know that one got me that's super smart because i did you guys you can literally see my water bucket right here it worked out oh my gosh bye why are you running my way you said bye and then you came towards me i wanted this oak tree yeah it's like when you're saying goodbye to someone uh when you're on your way to a class and then you walk the same way yeah it's terrible so we're tied up in here yeah it is the tie breaker right here is for all the marbles it's for all the marbles all you know the blue ones the red ones the green ones and the purple ones those are the only colors i have the biggest surprise ever waiting for you right now that's cool i'm just being annoying by the way okay this isn't even a trap i'm just being annoying you're a nice person you are valued oh man you're wow you're so mean you're such a better friend than i am i throw out a whole message meanwhile zeitgeist traps me in an aubie box at least i didn't have enough to complete it thank god right because i would have done it your message is so wholesome now i feel like such a jerk you are a nice person cap cap i tp and it's just like stuck in obvi i'm like oh i take that sign back uh uh uh what else do i need oh i think i got most of it actually oh god what i had forgotten the most main thing i could ever need oh that sounds important [Music] oh no too soon too soon too soon too soon whoa whoa what is that what are those what i've never seen that before what even is that i almost died to them they're scary i'm glad i i'm not going to die to it what activated too early it was down to one heart before it teleported me and then you water clutch yeah okay you know might help you some armor okay thanks yeah that'll be great slowly this will work it is just very extreme persistence at how tedious what i'm doing is oh my god oh okay okay run away that was slick that was slick but i lived [Applause] oh my god what's happening what what's happening what's happening they can hit me through walls [Laughter] oh god what i'll be fine but what the heck oh crap okay that should be enough that should be enough for me too i didn't think i was gonna live that round so i'm pleasantly surprised i didn't have enough time if you saw how big the box i made was okay we're finally getting i need to like step up my game dude oh boy here we go oh my god what i'm so glad i brought a shield holy crap wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa relax guys okay okay i'm alive you're alive i uh well kind of barely i'm in a box oh how many hearts you got i had to eat a gap dude i they were like coming up through the floor i placed two stacks of evoker spawn eggs in that dispenser i was like this thing's gonna work one of these times can we like get out of this confined area i'm a little too close to you hey buddy how's it going i don't know how i would have gotten out because it comes to the floor right yeah so what i did wrong is i put the dispenser one block too high so i was like okay ravagers are also like two by three so like i needed a giant box that's why i had it bigger at the start but then i had to i had to mess with it in sizing but i i did not think i was going to survive that going into it but i thought maybe there's a chance that you would die but i wasn't able to place nearly as many skeletons as i wanted to yeah there was a bunch shooting at me and i didn't realize i was drowning until i was pretty much taking damage so i was like oh okay so i just like panicked blocked with my shield and was just trying to outlast you [Music] you
Channel: Zyph & Target
Views: 492,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft Death Swap, Deathswap, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, zyph, target3dgaming, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, scaffold manhunt, 30 hunters, secretly used in minecraft manhunt, End Manhunt, xnestorio, wisp, silver, Minecraft Deathswap But we have CREATIVE Mode..., god bridge, Minecraft Deathswap but, CREATIVE MODE
Id: hxoWMMLOg08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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