Minecraft Players Simulate The Zombie Apocalypse

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I gathered 100 members for my Discord and told them I was hosting a prison event so here they are in my fake prison little did they know in less than 30 seconds they were about to be dropped into a town completely overrun by zombies over the course of eight real-life days the zombies will get faster stronger and smarter and on day eight a helicopter will arrive and rescue the survivors that is if there are any survivors and there I was in with the crowd of these pretend prisoners and the only person who knew what was about to happen the fake prison guards made us open chests underneath our feet to reveal a starting kit for each player needless to say everyone was a little bit confused in each box there were a few random items ranging from diamonds to grappling hooks to full-on guns I'm sure everyone was thinking to themselves why the heck would I be given these items if I'm supposed to be a prisoner but next thing we knew the guards threw flashbangs out of and all 100 players were now scattered across an abandoned city and there were no guards here only the undead my first order of business was changing from this bright obvious and terrible orange skin into my camouflage skin I'm not a tryhard you are I follow some power lines until I see buildings come into view it was the main city center and something I assumed would be the most contested and dangerous area on the map I Sprint into the City and almost instantly I meet a couple of players holed up in a building but I leave them behind I felt like I needed a clearer picture of what the overall player base was like before I found a team so I take a risk and run straight through downtown I managed to find a parking lot deeper in the city and there I find a truck blocked in by Rubble so of course I clear the rubble and take out my first few zombies and then off I go driving illegally without a license but a group of players pops up right in front of me as luck would have it I knew these people I had just picked up fellow YouTuber welcome in TV and two of my friends Tech Wizard and Abdul the other two guys I did not recognize them partly because name tags were turned off to make it more realistic now because I had changed my skin welcome in and Abdul didn't even recognize me at first until I started speaking and they were like oh God it's this guy get him out of here we drive around for a bit and find a gas station we load up on any loot we could find and decide to grab all the fuel that is in the pumps which turns out was almost all the fuel on the entire server heck yeah monopolies right so we head back out onto the road to find a good location to start our base given how much luck I had running into these guys it was a no-brainer just to team up with them and you know they're pretty good they're good players we spot a few more vehicles and picked those up too but we eventually decided to ditch them and stick with the truck conserve our fuel right while we were swapping around vehicles in this parking lot a player with an ax tries to swing at us in the truck he's gonna ax go go go go go go go go run he's crazy he's crazy because nothing screams survival Instinct like attacking a moving vehicle with a handheld tool we leave our cheeseburger friend behind and now it was just the four of us so we spend the night driving around and seeing pretty much the entire map we catch glimpses of a few different groups of players but overall we try to avoid meeting them because we have no idea what their intentions are and one attempted murder was enough for the first day right now we come off as a powerful group because we have the truck and at any point we could be targeted for having it so after a few more Loops of the map we find a prison and yeah it was massive but you see on this post-apocalyptic road trip we forgot to bring snacks and we were getting hungry so we had to make a farm to conceal ourselves we dig into the side of a hill and park our truck inside of this fresh new cave we create a fake wall to hide the truck so that it doesn't get stolen foreshadowing a red man stumbles into our secret operation it was our friend and fellow YouTuber it Ryan and he absolutely scared the bejesus out of welcoming we recruit Ryan onto the team and get to work Mining and farming in the meantime Ryan and I went to collect food for our farm but on the way we bump into tankster VR ironically not playing on VR what a fraud we interrogate tankster confirming if he's friendly or not we recruit him onto our team as my official Squire the three of us head back and in the cave we distribute the loot amongst each other which is where I craft my Samurai Katana my goal is to be Michonne from The Walking Dead and then we choose to head off to the prison and find out what lies inside breaking our way into the building we find a bunch of bodies inside I don't know if they were killed by other players or perhaps other zombies but who cares it's free loot I don't care I even found a chest with a missile inside I just need the rocket launcher now while working our way up to the top of the prison I end up losing the others but I eventually find them again and they're holding someone hostage it turns out it was a player named gumrock the admin of my Discord server who has chosen to take refuge at the top of this beautiful Sanctuary my teammates uh they did Rob a few things from him you know we're not proud of that but uh yeah in any case gumrock wasn't a threat and so we leave the prison to him back at the cave we drop off our Loot and head towards the suburbs right next to our base at this point we're a few hours into the first day and we know that players are probably forming their teams by now so it's our goal to find out who is where on this map and who could be our allies in the suburbs there weren't any players or loot from what we could tell so we pushed onwards and we scout out towards downtown that's where we spot another team there were four of them and they were taking up residence on top of this apartment building and I could see that they had Diamond gear which at this point that was pretty rare so while we're stalking the rooftop team we were also being stalked there was a spy so we bum rush him and uh he was in pretty much no gear at all his name was box deity and he is another YouTuber so why was box deity stalking us and and what was he scheming in any case I organize a trade with him his radio in exchange for an enchanting table see radios are like walkie-talkies and if we collected enough of them our team could talk with each other across the entire map so after trading with box we decide to make an ambush on the rooftop team we climb up the vines and arrive at the top of the building only to find it empty we check around for loot but honestly there was nothing here so before anyone could come back we boogie down and start walking back to our base that's when someone spots another player stalking us in the forest so we chase after him the player submits to us and while he tries to negotiate peace he throws a live grenade at us he's got grenades tankster VR knocks out the player and gives us time to negotiate with this new threat so you see when players are killed at first they don't die they go into a knocked out state where you have two minutes to revive them and then if no one revives them they permanently die as if it were hardcore so anyway we decide to revive him and take him as our first hostage what a good memory his teammates saw that he got knocked out and so they call out on the radio to see if anyone could revive him and luckily I had just traded for this radio so being the genius I was I decide to negotiate I set up a prisoner swap they are to give me 10 diamonds and in exchange I'll let their man go I'm an entrepreneur even in the apocalypse so our team heads to the meeting spot at a nearby Crossroads and there we wait men approach from the front but hey I specifically requested that only one of them come to make this deal I noticed they hang back for a bit and this is a huge red flag they are stalling and then in the distance I see they're trying to pull a fast one on us and they're trying to surround us clearly these guys missed the memo on how this trade was supposed to work so I kill the prisoner [Music] welcoming tries to be a hero and gets knocked out by the other team like the brave men we are we flew the scene didn't want to be there didn't want to die I was out of there good luck welcoming however welcome and didn't die he was taken prisoner and I mean that kind of sucked for us he knew where our cave was and if they interrogated him we could be found and all of our sweet loot could be lost so our surviving members pack up and hit the road oh and that mystery member right there that is box deity the same YouTuber who had traded his radio for our enchanting table why was he here how did he get here I don't remember inviting him in but I knew he was scheming something was he infiltrating our team I don't know but uh we apparently didn't care in the moment after driving around some more we end up settling in a new cave this time near the air base tankster VR and Abdul start building our new infrastructure and I decide it's time we reach out to other group and make some trades with them so I take a horse and find a random player to trade with we exchange his Anvil for our protection and uh yeah I never see him again sorry bud then I head to a nearby farming Town these players had taken this rural Village and walled it off completely I make a few trades with them and confirm that we are friends and now if we run into the group who ambushed us the first time we can have an ally to back us up I head back to our new and improved cave and start planning for day two we are gonna take over an entire skyscraper just to ourselves [Music] day two was here it was skyscraper day as we're chilling in our cave base guess who walks over top of us welcome in and Ryan welcome in had escaped his captors from the day before and made it back to our first cave base there he found Ryan who logged back online for the day and they just started wandering together and apparently we were blabbering in our new cave way too loud and they hurt us from the surface and you know what that means we were meant to be together and they were gonna help us clear out the skyscraper so we start securing the building and it's a rough job I mean clearing out zombies lighting it up with torches and tearing down walls and it is dangerous really really dangerous I mean especially at night like this sucks honestly I think now is the best time to do this task because as the event progresses the zombies only get tougher so if we do it now we'll at least have a bit of a head start after we managed to secure a few floors I run out of torches so as any good leader would I tell my teammates to keep doing the labor and I will go back to the base and get more torches and back at the base I take my sweet time in fact I took so long that box and welcoming literally had to come back to check on me and confirm I didn't just abandon them I mean come on guys I have some patience I'm a slow guy now it was just box and I who head back downtown with our fresh supply of torches this was my opportunity to get the truth out of this man what did he want why was he infiltrating our team and what was he scheming Vox and I continue clearing out floors in complete silence and it's looking all right I mean everything's lit up and it's not a bad spot for a base I hear something interesting happening on the radio that says Azrael calling in if he sees the time they were dashing uh bear wanted but I do have uh some diamonds on me all right since the rssu has never given uh Team lasagna any trouble we'll keep an eye out for them uh we might not actually kill them ourselves unless they attack us but uh uh we'll keep a look out thank you so we've got the farmers calling themselves the rssu and then at the prison gumrock is now leading a team known as team lasagna and these two parties are actively hunting down the Rogue players it sure would suck if the Rogue players showed up at our door crap so I tell this team that we're open to trade and we're not gonna be hostile to them so long as they don't bug us and yeah they took the bait just like that they got swindled because next thing you know I put these guys on my Hit List you know hearing on the radio how they robbed other players I mean especially the peaceful farmers at the rssu now they were my number one targets and as long as they were alive there would never be peace on This Server so we had to take care of them I radio back into our teammates at the cave and I tell them to pack up the base and bring everything over to our new tower and just as the whole team is arriving we spotted an aircraft flying through the sky those were the admins and I knew they were about to deliver an airdrop filled with good loot so our team decides to follow the aircraft through the sky but guess who we find at the drop location that's right dashing's team Public Enemy Number One and I know what you're thinking we should kill these guys right here and now while our whole team is here and their whole team is there but look I'm not suicidal those players are 10 times better than us and if we took them on here we would die and soon enough more teams start showing up eventually dashing's team leaves and we end up in a meeting with the leaders of a few different groups on the hilltop there were three major teams here and we all agreed that there was a threat to the entire server as long as dashing's team was still alive now while we were back at base discussing our options guess who shows up at our front door once again it was dashing's team asking for hell help at the air base apparently they had some kind of confrontation with another group and needed us as backup however we turned them down because honestly I mean they probably asked for it you know but you see I'm a Savvy businessman and I saw an opportunity we could rob their base while they were away and luckily they lived right next door to us in that big apartment building that we already robbed on day one as we made our way over guess who we saw in the streets it was dashing still there grinding mobs for XP and he was completely alone so I propose that we gank him take out the biggest threat right then and there and put an end to the server conflict so like a pack of hungry gorillas we attack America [Music] dashing goes down we had done it we took out the madman and now all there was to do was guard his body and wait but way sooner than expected his team arrives and we begin reenacting day one all over again our team splits up and Hell let's loose [Music] whoa Khan whose team are you on bro whose team are you guys on I can't even tell who's who I get taken down by an enemy player named zotau but again I have two minutes to be revived before I permanently die we still have a chance to pull through Tech wizard tries to help me but gets overrun welcome and takes out a few of their team members while trying to save me but he gets knocked down in the process by an enemy player Tech wizard dies permanently and uh so do I but that isn't the end of my story and I'll tell you why in just a second team lasagna rides into town from their prison and they decide to save the day the threat is now taken care of and peace can Reign on the server almost that is until Anthony runs in with a rocket launcher and tries to blow everybody up okay now the threat is taken care of but like I said My Story didn't end there in fact my story had just begun the other server members took some pity on me they said look man you put on this cool event and you shouldn't die on day two so they allowed me to return using my ALT account as a fresh player I am no longer protagonist I am antagonist I was a newbie again and it felt good you know I had options I could do anything I wanted so of course I sneak into team lasagna's base that's right I went full double 07 mode into the prison I make it all the way to the top without anyone spotting me and there I was on the roof eavesdropping on top secret conversations but you know information means nothing because I have literally no gear at all so what am I gonna do I'm gonna steal from Team lasagna specifically I'm gonna steal straight out of gumrock's secret stash and I mean to say that team lasagna wasn't on their a game when it came to security was an understatement I walked right through this place without having to open a single door because you know there were rules about breaking into bases and yeah I didn't break a single rule doing this after 20 minutes of poking around I had a starting kit full iron and a diamond sword word so next up on the bucket list I needed to go mining so I find a random mine shaft and head down to collect some goodies after mining for a good while minding my own business a death message from Abdul pops up in chat now this guy was my teammate so I get curious and I go spy on the old base I mean these guys just had a huge Victory the other day and there shouldn't have been any enemies on the server I didn't approach yet because nighttime downtown was scary as hell so I waited until the sun came back up and mustered the courage to step inside of their base to see what was going on I find some loot including you know welkomen's handgun that he started out with and it felt kind of weird like I was robbing from one of my friends but he wasn't there to see it hey okay never mind he was there to see it welcome and had been hiding out in the base the whole time now of course he recognized me instantly and treated me like a friendly again and he tells me that a surviving member of dashing's Team a hostile player named Adam blew into their base killing Abdul and making off with their loot you know I I was so gullible I had thought that these enemies were no more guess I was wrong with Adam on the loose welcome in and I decide to team up again just like the good old days literally yesterday we grabbed the Jeep and scout out for a new base location and as we're scouting we end up finding Adam's base and we see he has a teammate a player named Khan so that makes two new enemies welcome and I drive back downtown to pick up box deity who had just logged in and with our team patched back together we drive over to the prison to see Team lasagna we show up at the Prison Walls cover up our truck and great news gumrock wasn't there but we still tell his allies about the new danger and share the location of Adam and Khan's base hoping to strengthen our alliance and just as we're wrapping up the meeting we see in chat that gumrock is under attack at the rssu we race over there but by the time we arrive the danger had been handled so we take this opportunity to be a post-apocalyptic Uber and we pick up gumrock to drive him back to his base on the way we converse about our alliance and when we get there we have a meeting to officially clarify where team lasagna's alliances stand thanks for throwing rotten flesh at me that's you know great way to start a meeting would you like some diorite as well or oh dude my bad that's and to say I'm not partial to Granite but you know when it comes to them like I said I'm trying to remain neutral here because really the zombies are what I'm more worried about than other players at this point did you guys leave diamonds at any point or is it just like you're just gonna save them up no um someone did Rob one of my diamonds and my uh my fuel and my slime balls uh I don't know who that was wink if conlude or anybody makes an appearance around here I'll let you guys know okay so uh he was on to us I guess at least we knew we had allies here our team decides that this is a good opportunity to get some mining done because I mean we had no diamonds at all and that put us at a huge disadvantage long term so we take the tunnels beneath gumrock's base and we mine away an hour and a half later our inventories were bursting so we head to the surface what are you doing like like actually I'm helping you're just mining random blocks like like I'm making the staircase and you're just like Willie waggling okay see this is what you do this is what you do oh no we're no staircase anymore I'm going up alone heck y'all yeah you guys deserve this I just took box out accidentally and welcome and nearly gets ganked by a hostile player all right diet is then but we gank him in return and score ourselves six more diamonds and I get myself a hand grenade then we head on over the rssu they agree to let us use their enchanting table and we trade with them a little bit now we found out that there was a pretty op weapon in this mod pack it was a diamond crossbow and it could one or two hit players with little armor so I made one for myself with our gear fresh and new we head downtown again into the supermarket and mine straight through the floor into the caves we are on the hunt for more diamonds at some point during our mining Expedition there was a massive lag Spike now this was the result of 85 gigatons of TNT blowing up the power station our admins had a little bit of fun with us which meant the radio Tower no longer had power and the radios would no longer work after another hour of mining I came within inches of level 30 and I wanted those sweet juicy level 30 enchantments but the server was literally closing in 60 seconds and I was desperate for any XP I could get I don't hold on hold on there's lapis here there's two there's two oh there's coal there we go that's the win I needed to end off day three day four we immediately head to the surface and find the massive crater left where the power station used to be we needed more experience which meant grinding zombies the experience we gained directly contributes to how powerful we are on the server and news flash we are a little behind I mean we don't even have our own enchanting table yet and we've been borrowing the one at the rssu so together we hit up the buildings and start mining out bookshelves like a band of apocalyptic Librarians so we leave and I spot this random bunker in the middle of the road hello outside of my house oh that's evil that that's just pure evil can we come in oh yeah hello all right so welcome and nearly kills him because he's using his creepy voice changer making him sound like a weirdo I convinced welcome in to leave him be let him do his thing because I mean look we had things to do we were busy guys I finally get to enchant my crossbow with piercing 4 and quick charge 2. and then we continue our mining Saga we are hunting those elusive diamonds which yeah so they're not very easy to find and when you do find them they're only one at a time cause look when I built the map I didn't have diamonds enabled so we added them in after the fact in a weird way where they only spawned one at a time which means that if you found a diamond that was it it was just one Diamond at a time no veins so we devise a plan to use a fortune pickaxe to multiply our drops and guess who our designated Fortune Miner was box deity the most suspicious person out of all of us and I think I finally found out what he was up to two oh I got you you guys are so nice for giving me all these diamonds bro he was a scam artist if he scored two diamonds from a single ore he taxed us 50 taking a whole diamond for himself Jesus is he like a government employee or something and you remember how I told you that zombies got scarier and more difficult as the event went on well at this point in the scenario zombies started to mine through blocks so if you stayed in the same area for too long they would bust in there and eat you which is when we found out the fate of our dear friend Abdul oh my Aldi why is Abdul in our texture pack he had come back to eat us so I cremate him and put his soul to rest R.I.P Abdul and later on in our Journeys we find the edge of the world and decide that that is a perfect spot to make our base I mean come on underground it's so dark and gloomy that a bit of natural light is really nice to have we continue enchanting our gear and sort through our crap and finally get things organized a little bit after that we mine back up to the surface and find we're right next to the military base which means we have a physical Landmark to find our way home now that we were on the surface an airdrop announcement throws us right back into action we rush on over and find it's at the supermarket and the drop is complete chaos a zombie horde and a mutant zombie boss have made it their goal to keep anyone away from this drop our team secures the roof and welcome and decides to shoot a player named Dusty inside the supermarket Dusty falls and gets eaten by zombies yeah that's a really bad PR policy because we might have stirred some bad blood here I mean these guys were friendly Dusty being completely surrounded by zombies meant that his teammate couldn't revive him as long as the horde was there so I try and use my explosives to clear out the horde but damn that mutant Zombie is a tank in the chaos Dusty is lost forever we drop down onto the shelves and box deity manages to help recover some of Dusty's items which are then donated back to his teammate as condolences for our mistake and then another team arrives who appears to be friendly and then uh and then oh no no get out get out please don't die how the hell did box survive he was all right but anyway look at this satisfying multi-kill I guess oh yeah sweet sweet XP just as I'm about to head down to collect my XP we start taking shots from a nearby rooftop we're gonna shout out we're getting shot at oh welcome and chases the culprit and I head back down to bathe in my sweet sweet comb of XP [Music] I see that we are now being shot at by Adam and Khan from another rooftop Adam has an extremely rare netherright chest plate and look I gotta give him credit those two are ballsy there are 10 players here and it's just two of them attacking all of us I move over to the neighboring rooftop and join up box and Ryan again I begin returning fire with my crossbow and we are being shot at from both sides of us now you could say the tension was through the roof Adam manages to knock Ryan off the roof with an arrow and knocks him out luckily box was there to save the day a minute later con and Adam closed in on the streets and try and kill us [Music] oh they're coming they're here they're here [Music] run run run run if you need to heal for now [Music] they have another right chest plate running don't stop running don't stop there's one on the supermarket right now together we regroup near the crater and welcome and tells us that he managed to kill the one mystery man firing at us from the rooftop which gets us some decent Loot on our way back home we decide to make a pit stop at Adam and Khan's base maybe we can catch them off guard or at the very least we can break in and steal some loot now while we're doing this a massive event was taking place somewhere else on the server in the prison team lasagna was about to Spring a trap and defeat another team consisting of the most devious players on the server named Bill Rico and Harry team lasagna even Enlisted the help of another team named the gurgle boys however at the last minute before lasagna Springs their trap Bill and Rico Poland Uno reverse card on team lasagna and begin executing their own trap hello lasagna and the gurgle boys are entirely wiped out in this battle although before it ends someone revives gumrock allowing him to escape the scene so yeah I was pretty confused seeing all those death messages because I had no idea this was even happening we figured we couldn't really get into Adam and Khan's base because we didn't have the necessary explosives so we left it be and returned home to our cave on the world border today we were on a mission to spy on Adam and Khan and see if we could spring a trap on them but on our way over we stumbled into a player welcome and does his thing again knocks the player out only to realize they were actually friendly now this time time we revive the person and let them go but we were so close to Adam's base that they ended up spotting us and the plan was foiled so we Retreat back into the military base to reconsider our options and uh guess who we bump into none other than gumrock himself on the Run keep in mind we don't know anything about what happened at the prison so bumping into him kind of just seemed like a normal thing to us but gumrock had an Urgent Message for us Adam and Khan had taken tankster VR hostage and they were demanding we give them 10 diamonds within 30 minutes the problem we didn't have 10 diamonds another problem two random players show up right in front of us and gumrock runs away I'm confused so I chase after gumrock and ask him what's going on that's bill dude he just killed my whole team these two players are Bill and Cavo the cat two people who just executed the entirety of Team lasagna and team gurgle so we chase after them but they flee on their horses too fast for us to catch them just then we see in chat tankster is killed by Adam the 30-minute deadline was a sham uh unfortunately during our little meeting they decided to attack first which did not expect and then my whole team died listen man I'm not good at making traps I'm good at making potatoes and giving them out to people speaking of which you have any potatoes yeah actually those are those are pidgeys actually so the group of us Retreat back to the safety of the rssu and we have a bit of fun me and protag are just having so much fun over here but we were here for more than just a bit of tomfoolery we had a job to do and the rssu was going to help us destroy Adam and Khan and bring peace to the server We Gather our combined forces and March onto the enemy's base unfortunately the enemies were extra cautious and spotted us as we were rolling up to demonstrate our power to Adam and Khan and lay down some covering fire and shoot fox in the base that'll show them so instead of running straight towards their fortified Behemoth of a base we instead decide to go to an airdrop downtown to get some loot when we arrived downtown gum Rock spots now maze scaling a building trying to get to The Loot drop and now maze was a member of Rico and Bill's team who was responsible for killing team lasagna so we spring into action I try and scale the building using my grappling hook and yeah definitely drop straight into the middle of a horde oh God surviving on sheer stupidity I regroup with box and eventually swing over to meet welcoming and gumrock on another roof together we watch Naomi's runoff with the loot and escape and to encourage them to never come back I show them our true power once again by shooting welcoming in the ass back at the rssu We Gather a larger group of Warriors to eliminate our enemies I deliver a rousing speech this group of brave people some of you well equipped others of you not so well equipped some of us good at PVP others of us just absolute dogged at PVP I will cower in the background while you brave men and women go and assault conlad and Adam's base and then you will bring me the treasures some of you will die but it is a sacrifice he is willing to make we re-gather at this entrance right here on Sunrise tomorrow yes sunrise tomorrow is in uh 15 minutes right it's noon oh we ride fully hyped up we storm Adam and Khan's base like SEAL Team Six and nobody was home so we loot everything and burn what's left all right now look hear me out our team we are so perfectly organized that we all go back to the rssu and then go back to Adam and Khan's base I don't know why it made sense in the moment yeah we did it so there you go we arrived back at Adam and Khan's base again and the wall is repaired they have been here very recently so we blast our way in this time even better Seal Team seven because seven is higher than six but it's empty yet again so okay all right we use our brains this time and we we sit there and we figure out our next move maybe we can stay and spring a trap when they come back I don't know but then while we're chilling there an rssu member named Gumbel spots bill and kavo the cat riding near this base yeah oh boy I want him gone he's walking look look they walked that way they were wandering around the back here that's both of them right there and we chase after them welcome in on their heels he tricks them into stopping by asking for a conversation but it was a trap all along and now we have them within Arm's Reach I knock kavo and box takes down Bill eliminating two of the server's biggest criminals bill bill bill bill you robbed me on the first day how does it feel now huh Gumball takes his revenge on Bill and gumrock brings Justice to Cavo for the crimes that were committed against team lasagna and in that moment box deity being the mysterious man that he is hands me an advanced rifle this thing is like a 50 caliber sniper dealing 18 points of damage per shot the problem it had no ammo but why would box hand me this weapon and not keep it for him self-suspicious very very suspicious box so we head back to the prison the old home of Team lasagna we head over to the forest to check up on our Jeep and it was gone someone had stolen it the rooftop base was miraculously untouched so we head up there and chillax for a bit box and I attempt a water clutch to see who the better player was and turns out we both suck but there was our shining Knight welcome in there to save the day today was going to be a very important day we needed to collect as much high-level gear and experience as we could Adam had a netherright chest plate and that Advantage was way too big so we needed some netherite of our own to compete and as luck had it welcoming had some netherrite scraps he had grabbed them off of Bill and all he needed was some gold to make it into an Ingot however there was no naturally spawning gold in this world so we needed to collect it from zombies instead we head downtown and spend the night farming zombies in the streets come morning we move back to our allies at the rssu to restock on gear and I accidentally burned half my stack of harming arrows good moves and then something extraordinary happens Eerie ritualistic text appears on screen and on the other side of the map a ceremony is taking place I need to give you a bit of backstory here in this mod pack there were these Invincible mushrooms that started spawning in very rare instances so of course a three-man team started collecting these cows and worshiping them hence the name gurgle boys anyway two of the gurgle boys died in the prison Ambush but the final surviving member offered the server admins one of their prized Invincible mushrooms in a sacrificial ceremony to reanimate the dead gurgle boys the admins accepted the trade and the gurgle boys were brought back to life so at the rssu we are just straight up confused so we set out towards the insane noises and discover the sight of the Resurrection on our way back home we run into the gurgle boys having a skirmish with another team I mean look the server was so full of chaos already that we intervene and end the fight but uh remember we're on a mission we need gold so I mug all of these players for their gold we're gonna make this real simple listen to the guy with the gun who has gold on them [Music] all right you're no longer being mugged a few minutes later an airdrop is announced nearby and oh man we are really close to it we rush over and find it's being guarded by powerful zombies known as Knights of gurgle and all of their minion zombies too after some epic teamwork we dispatch the zombies and secure the area and welcome him finds his final gold ingot completing his first piece of netherrite armor what what with our Newfound success we take gumrock back to our cave base and officially have him join our team but our time to relax is short-lived another airdrop is announced and this time it says it contains Advanced bullets which I totally need for my rifle that means we have to be the first team there I don't want anyone else getting these bullets once we arrive we're met with more Knights of the gurgle this time they're in maxed out diamond armor and weapons not only that but inside the swamp the airdrop had landed underneath the sand and there were Guardians in this swamp so you couldn't just mine down willy-nilly we start fighting the zombie horde and trying to get down to the package but look there were so many things in diamond armor at this point I started getting confused thinking they were players while I was on the water shooting at some Guardians I get snuck up on and downed by some gurgle zombies and yeah good news I'm underwater that's easy hey luckily a friendly player arrives and revives me so I'm back up and in the fight and 60 seconds later I get downed again great once again my team pulls through and saves me from imminent death we keep fighting the Knights of gurgle and it is insanely difficult to kill them in fact it was so difficult we actually found out that they were Immortal they could not be killed so the admins took pity on us and realized that you know they had made a mistake spawning these in so uh they killed them for us which was uh yeah really good all we had to deal with now was the Guardians oh and welcome in I had to shoot him too ow don't with all this zombie gurgle action the real gurgle boys arrive and they lend a hand mining into the lake when super hempfi reaches the airdrop he discovers it has already been looted we suspect it was Adam and Khan the whole time and you know what that means round three of Navy SEAL operations this time we didn't even have to use explosives because the hole was still there but that also meant that Adam and Khan weren't there but this time our focus wasn't on the base it was on the tunnels under the base we wanted to see if they had a tunnel Network that maybe could give us Clues to another secret base but our search yields nothing so we return to our cave beaten but not defeated today was supposed to be a peaceful day you know because tomorrow we were getting picked up by the helicopters and freed from this apocalyptic scenario today did not end peacefully it was actually a crazy crazy day first things first we kill some zombies outside of our base to get some XP and while we're doing this a stranger on the military base roof is staring at us menacingly so like a group of professionals we sling ourselves up onto the roof somehow oh my God this is embarrassing anyway the player's name was Genesis and he was looking to trade with us he wanted a gun but uh I didn't want to give my gun up because it was really powerful so I asked if he has bullets by chance and he does he says he has 27 Advanced bullets okay so that confirms it this was the dude who stole the airdrop right from under our feet now okay he was a good guy and instead of wanting a gun he was willing to take Ryan's prop 2 diamond boots in exchange for those 27 Advanced bullets an amazing deal for us our team was now stacked on gear and a scheme takes shape the plan was simple we enforced martial law and steal every pair of Yeezys on the entire server no boots are to be worn by anyone except for us and we had just found our first victim if it's your shoes hey whip out your toes get the dogs out drop them keep them out next we moved on to two more victims at the rssu drop the Yeezys if I ever see your dogs in something again it's kill on site we even scour the prison but find no Yeezys there and then an airdrop is announced and of course we pursue it I mean heck this was gonna be one of the last airdrops and I guarantee you it has good loot we venture towards the suburbs and there we spot our Nemesis Khan the chase finally begins they're right here they're right in this town they're right is that Adam and Khan is that Adam and Khan they're down below they're down below I think yeah right here to the right right here con to the right I flank to the right keeping my distance so that I can use my rifle and deal major damage I fire off two shots but uh yeah both missed the pursuit leads us into a field of tall grass making it almost impossible to see the enemies through the terrain I'm forced to catch up and get closer to my teammates it's there that welcoming catches Khan and the fight begins while they're focused on Khan I see Adam running away in his netherright chest plate and good for me I have this rifle welcome in knocks down one a huge victory for our team I chase after Adam but at this point he has fully disappeared on us now all we had to do was defend Khan's body and make sure nobody revived him we take our guard and confirm the kill and here is where things get real nasty as night fell we hadn't moved on we were sticking around we wanted to see if anyone would come back and if you would believe it we saw some players watching us from the Airfield they're shooting they're shooting we started taking fire because we had just had this huge Victory we all hopped down and charged straight at them our team makes a critical mistake and we split up I take the right flank on the enemies because I assume they're running behind the hangers to our right and I am gonna be there to cut them off right here right here back here they have a loaded bazooka be careful my teammates arrive and they push into the forest chasing the enemies away so I hop on top of the hangers and try to get a vantage point to see where they went but the forest was too dense where's Ryan oh there's fire over there there are players right there duking it out but name tags were disabled and I had no idea who was who wait wait that's box box was just downed by now maze oh he's over there he's on the farthest one oh my God what you're behind you there's a zombie let me want you that thing Rich oh that thing hurts I'm bad I'm bad [Music] thank you [Music] day eight was totally nuts but hey that's not my story to tell go check out the other creators who have also made videos and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Protagnst
Views: 591,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mine craft, mine, craft, zombie, forgelabs, ish, sword4000, magicgum, magic gum, welcomin tv, speedsilver, speed silver, ryannotbrian, ryannotbryan, apocalypse, undead, civilization, simulate, 1000 players, 100 players, 200 players, 500 players, family friendly, 100 days
Id: D7dM4VFtIgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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