Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate a Zombie Apocalypse

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in seven real life days a helicopter will land somewhere in this zombie infested City and we have to get on it if we mean to survive and when it's on its way in the server will switch to hardcore mode but for the next seven days myself Ford Shadow Mech sneeve Kim Robert and it's Ryan are all gonna be trying to survive against zombies that can break blocks run faster than we can and can see us for miles and they're not even the most dangerous thing here the other players are probably gonna kill you because if they do they steal one of your hearts you are not prepared for the surprises the secrets and the drama that is about to unfold and I'm probably gonna do something like this with subscribers soon so make sure you're subscribed so you have a chance to be in that video but now let's roll back the clock seven days and get started we have 168 hours until extraction my spawn for this event was at the airport in a crashed plane at the end of one of the runways the whole story we were going with is that I was escaping on my private jet when Kaboom a lot of the chests and overhead compartments here had leather armor so I was able to get myself pretty well geared at least with basic starter things it's weird almost nobody makes leather but in the zombie apocalypse you take what you can get in the chests out behind the wreckage I found a few more things like cobwebs which would be useful for combat a redstone torture too which might help me get into areas I grabbed a quick zombie head if I wanted to disguise or distract somebody with it at some point in time and looted the fire engine that was right here getting a few buckets of water which would lead to an infinite water source more cobwebs for combat but two fire resistance potions which honestly feels like a big win right away I'm stucked from there my first thought was a sustainable food source I had found some bread in the plane but I'm gonna need to grow more so I was breaking grass while trying to get seeds while running from Runway to Runway finding even larger abandoned planes just sitting here on the tarmac I made my way up the the air traffic control tower thinking that an elevated position further away from any potential zombie spawners would help protect me in the night and help me be a little bit less obvious as far as a base that I would choose to take up residence and instead of building something completely of my own because it's worth noting this is the apocalypse this is the end of the world any of these players if they kill me they get one of my hearts so once you start losing in fights it's a snowball setting you off worse and worse and worse and I'm gonna be totally honest this led to a really tense situation whenever you saw another player back to the first day though I dropped down into the staging area around the ATC Tower which was the only place that I had seen wood like at all grabbing just enough planks to be able to create a pickaxe which would allow me to go out and mine a lot of the tarmac and Roads getting Cobblestone from the smooth stone that was around I went back up to the top of the tower while the zombies were running around in the very first night on the server and just spent a little bit of time organizing my inventory making sure that I had a clear plan and strategy for what I wanted to do once the sun rose I went down and grabbed a little bit more wood running across the tarmac fighting a few zombies realizing that they are a little bit tougher to kill than normal vanilla zombies then again that one was wearing armor as I was digging into a plane though Sean announced to the world that he had found beer maybe there was something to survive for after all in this apocalyptic Wasteland I continued while the sun was up looting everything finding a baggage cart with a bunch more leather armor a few name tags which would come in handy and more of those Redstone torches and cobwebs which are probably junk items for most other people but I know how important they can be in combat I climbed up the vines looking into the terminal seeing you know what's clearly a Starbucks based on the prices and looking to see all these different shops that I knew I was gonna loot but I feel like I needed a little bit more gear before I would venture inside from there I went back up to the ATC hour blocking off the stairs to the bottom to make sure no zombies can follow me up and using my buckets of water to clear out the carpets just to make sure that no spawners were hidden underneath so that I could get jump scared by a zombie popping up on my face Kim was apparently having a rough go of it with a bunch of super fast zombies spawning all around him so make sure to go check out his video after you're done with mine to see what his day one looked like I had to log off for a little bit when I popped back on it was night time and oh boy were there zombies basically everywhere I brought off a few at the bottom of the tower but my main thought here was to evade they're extremely slow and I can move so much faster and I don't have the tools and durability to really fight them off I was grabbing logs from a few of the trees that existed in between all of the different runways and near one of the edges of the airport before venturing into a bunker seeing a ton of different supplies of resources enough crafting tables that the members of my community SMP might actually be satisfied with this probably not let's be honest but they were spawners basically everywhere and while I'm trying to break them to get my experience up so I would have the ability to do higher level enchants once I would get to that level the sheer number of mobs was absolutely terrifying what even am I supposed to do with this what is this oh my God I found what can only be described as a stealth bomber just parked randomly here in the corner of the airport flicking a few of the different levers I heard everything happening but it didn't really take me anywhere we're playing this map on an updated version from what it's most recently been used on so some of the command blocks and things that you've seen on it might be broken that's our fault not theirs this place is absolutely amazing I dug into the back of another one of the hangers since all the zombies were collected at the front just trying to loot any additional chests I climbed up onto the plane to get a bird's eye view and look at those God Rays right there that's amazing but I saw these containers for lack of a better word stuck on the side went over and my disappointment is immeasurable almost nothing happened okay I have a plan we're gonna run in and grab that exponentially explosive fuel really quickly that is a ton of spawners oh my God it might seem silly that I'm getting excited over things like flint and charcoal but I don't know how much I'd be able to get from mining in this place so I figured looting chest is my primary road to decent loot plus we're gonna see new things and potential map specific items all throughout this playthrough I didn't know it yet but some of the loot here is Bonkers I worked my way into the Aquatic restaurant at the end of the airport terminal finding my way into a kitchen which was absolutely stacked with food the problem is the door was openable by zombies and we started having a bit of an issue with a choke point being Point as I was grabbing everything like the anvils smokers blast furnaces all of stuff which is gonna cost a lot of resources that I genuinely won't have and it'll be super useful for me later down in line I was just trapped in here there's one way in one way out and the zombies were kind of opening the door which is exactly the situation I was telling you about earlier that you wanted to avoid seriously a bit of a problem oh no oh no no no no no no no okay ax I was able to finally work my way through the horde break the plates on the outside of the door so they wouldn't be able to work their way in and take a sire relief that was almost really really really bad and I had to log out there ending my first day in the apocalypse and preparing for whatever dangers were ahead thank you day two and the first mutation of the mustard virus has occurred now zombies are a little bit faster and it's going to be a little bit harder to outrun them realizing that I couldn't go out the main door of the freezer anymore since there was just infinite zombies in that direction I broke my way through the glass and swam through the aquarium breaking out into an overall Atrium area at one end of the airport terminal there's a ton of trees and other things that I could use for basic supplies in this space but I don't know if I'd actually be able to hold and defend it I worked my way into several of the different shops trying to see if there were other just either custom or just basic items here that I could use to stay up on food and potentially you know get iron I had very very limited iron accessible to me the arcade really didn't warn anything nor did either of the shops there was a bunch of empty glass bottles at the airport bar in the middle of the space which would be useful for potion crafting later but here's where things started to get interesting there was a coffee which would give me straight strength and speed but I didn't know that none of these potions were labeled you just kind of had to figure it out as you went but a lot of stakes and other high saturation Foods were in here as well as a few swords and other weapons but when I made my way into the WIC models if you watch RT game you know what I'm talking about there was something kind of disturbing waiting for me in the freezer I hate my job my boss EMZ is the worst I've been working here for about a year and I have no idea why I didn't get back at her last week MZ wrote me up because she would my name tag was crooked that's not fair my other co-workers love me unlike her this is the last straw she knocked a large metal tray over and split to drink all over me she blamed me it was her fault she wrote me up for having pop on my uniform her faults I get it and where is that tray oh no don't be a jerk to your co-workers friends it never ends well okay yeah this map is this map is a lot it's a little heavy uh I've thoroughly suggest playing it but I had other things to worry about the zombies that we had on here and the other people who I was sharing this city with I made my way over to the car park looting my way through car trunks trying to find Food Supplies weapons but also mining out any stone or Cobblestone that I saw to just get a good Reserve that I could use for furnaces extra tools and additional crafting recipes the zombies being a little bit faster meant that they were actually catching up to me as I was mining blocks and I had to be a little bit more active on the move I climbed up the vines making my way up to the roof which was a relatively safe area with not many zombies up here making my way back into a second level of the parking garage and finding a camp that had been secured with a bunch of cars up ended on the wall this this is a potential Gold Line smart idea to put the cards in their sides of spare kids a few zombies we did get got killed instantly because they banged on the wall I can't wait to be a part of the Guard Duty this is like an actual livable space potentially I started looting through all the different chests that were around here finding dogs a bunch of different supplies and some food that I could use for farming and actually start growing things there's also Expedition logs some hints as far as some other locations that I should go visit and then a book that again dives into the story of this place killed us all Bob killed us all I swear after that night he merges if he did the farmer none of us know how to plant crops but the main problem I have is that some of these zombies a random amount of them are spawned with a ton more Health than any others and it gives you absolutely zero indication of which ones they are so you can find yourself trapped in the corner with a zombie that you just can't kill and look at how long this clip is to kill this just this one zombie but my thought process is here's a place that I could potentially stay make safe and make a base of my own and that's what I did finding a last little bit of seeds and bread and other supplies I made as many torches as I could and ran around the area throwing down torches to hopefully prevent zombie spawns and killing any zombies that happen to be within the space now this was a pretty big ask is it's a pretty big overall area to attempt to secure and I kept finding additional spots where zombies would just walk up on me which doesn't make for a great base but it's all I had to work with right now I started putting down Roots breaking down any logs that I saw anywhere inside the entire facility crafting those down into planks which I could use for chests sticks crafting table and converting some of them back into charcoal and as I was working my way over in the airport establishing a small little Colony or community that I could keep safe over in the city it turns out people had found each other and very quickly negotiations went South as I'm just minding my business Kim just killed Robert In Cold Blood stealing a heart of his health and putting himself immediately on everybody's hit list that set the tone pretty quickly for this entire scenario when you see somebody you have no idea whether they're going to talk to you or shoot first and ask questions later and in reading the lore books of this place I can kind of understand why I don't know who Bob is but we hate Bob Bob is the worst but my priority here is to establish a beachhead get myself someplace that I can safely start setting up infrastructure food enchanting weapons production potentially some potion brewing if I can find the ingredients so I can set myself up for Success plus I'm gonna trap the heck out of this place so if anybody walks in here who isn't me they're gonna get killed I found a ton of charcoal a ton of buckets a ton of cobwebs and I was just collecting and consolidating all the loot down to a central area and in what is potentially the silliest find but one that I was genuinely quite pleased in I found a sponge hidden behind a wall you know what you got to take the little victories but on top of the cheese the biggest finds was some Gunpowder and an iron ax which is a huge weapon upgrade from what I'm looking at right now and a tool upgrade as well just iron anything is invaluable once all the torching was complete and I felt a little bit safe with my surroundings my main thought was food putting down a bunch of dirt tilling it and then planting my potatoes well everybody in all chat was talking about getting revenge on Kim and that is something we'll address a little bit later my first thought was getting a bed down and setting my spawn if I die I want to be reborn here and not out on the tarmac but when I logged back in my fears over this overall area being something that I could secure it they were kind of realized but one or two zombies in the space quickly turned into an overwhelming horde forcing me onto the wall literally bopping them as they started climbing up over the ladder and this got loud it also served as an impromptu experience Farm but I don't have mending on my tools nor do I really have good tools or weapons meaning that I was blowing through all of my resources getting myself up to level 30 and I don't even know if I'm gonna survive that long to be able to use that in an enchanting table I already put on the wall for the better part of 15 or 20 minutes one thing I did find out while this was happening though is that zombies dropped more and different things they dropped ender pearls gunpowder glowstone Redstone all of that would be extremely important for just the mobility movement but also being able to enchant and brew potions I banked up a lot of the supplies killed any few stragglers that I found repaired and replaced my stone sword keeping the iron one in case I happen to find something a little bit harder to kill you know like a person and collected all of the iron nuggets I had found into my first Iron Ingot on day two of this server using it to make a crossbow which I had the thought of loading with the road flares that I had found in one of the trunks using it for an explosive attack the problem I had though is just as it turned to night the zombies overwhelmed the overall Camp again maybe that's why it was actually abandoned forcing me up on the roof of my tent so they wouldn't be able to bite at me hitting and opening my chest from standing on top of a bunch of wall blocks at this point I'm reduced to eating just a few apples organizing what little inventory I have including a few Treasure Keys that I had found and I'm just trying to plant crops while not being overrun but despite trying to plant crops and secure this area it was starting to feel like this wasn't the best place to be this wasn't a good long-term base so it was time to venture out I went back into the airport terminal checking all of the chunks of cars again because I had already found some pretty good supplies in there making my way all the way up to the front terminal and again the slowness of the zombies and the fact that there were far fewer of them here in this brighter space than in the parking garage meant that I could move around a little bit more securely I found some fresh milk sitting in the trunk and uh what why did I drink this oh my God this is the worst once I had gotten over the sickness and I would remember those they would come in handy later I went over to a airport History Museum or something along those lines finding a little bit of upgraded armor but there was a screwdriver in one of the chests which would allow me to unlock a few different locked containers that existed on this map and that would definitely come in handy but I made my way out of there ran my way back through the parking garage that I had tried to establish a beachhead at and it was completely overrun just dozens on dozens of zombies and that space was far too large to try to secure so I gave up I abandoned it thinking that it was probably time to venture out from the airport anyway heading into the city proper to get towards new and more varied Loot and potentially start encountering the other players working on garnering some Ally ships or alliances or seeing who was a threat and potentially taking them out I made my way through a very crowded tunnel packed with cars everyone trying to escape the city checking every chunk I could because you never know what you might find and then the blood moon decided to rise and things were not looking great I just ran over to a billboard that I saw on the side of the mountain climbed up it and just camped out waiting for this to pass how how convenient does Steve needed to leave right when it's a Blood Moon how perfect how perfect yep and blood moon definitely problematic we're just gonna camp out up here stay safe until the morning as much as I want to do the blood moon I'm gonna log off because it's 2 A.M IRL and it's time for bed yep no more playing spooky Minecraft to 2AM and now you know why that nausea effect hit me even harder I'd been at my computer for like 14 hours by then so that was rough I had to sleep that one up it's day three the Next Mutation of the mustard virus has occurred now ten percent of the zombies can start breaking blocks which means even if you build a base it's not fully safe anymore when I logged in the server was actually in the middle of the night which was kind of scary I was trapped up on that billboard still with no real way down I jumped off and ran in towards the plane blocking off all of the entrance points to a small compartment of it and just hoping that none of the zombies that came close were the ones that could break blocks I started looting everything I could find finding a pilot stagger which actually increased my speed whenever I held it in my hand which would be huge now I could outrun zombies again and I didn't have to worry about their speed increases down inside the cargo hold was a whole ton of leather armor and a few different tipped arrows now I wouldn't use these on other players but being able to give myself strength for a few seconds if I could time it right that could be a serious Advantage the zombies that were taking quite a few extra hits to kill so things are starting to get a little concerning there but as the sun started to rise I made my way out the plane and into the city proper making my way immediately to a warehouse with a bunch of different banded banners around it and what looked like in the initial little Survivor Camp established inside but I couldn't clear that yet so I went up onto the roof seeing a whole bunch of wool which I was able to break down to create a bed even though that would be Irrelevant in about 90 seconds and I went across a quick little bridge that had been established here going into a hotel up on the fourth or fifth floor something like that now this this was a pretty defensible base location and while I was failing to record the live voiceover basically saying that this is where I decided to establish a new beach head and where I wanted to live I figure with multiple different rooms and high up into the buildings I would be pretty safe from the zombies and be in a defensible position if any of the other survivors happened to notice where I was just needed to try to make sure that wherever I lived looked like it was part of the ruined map in the first place and I know this might not be smart smart but you technically can't loot somebody's base when they're not online in this scenario so I put a sign on the door it does announce me but if somebody's gotten this far they probably know it's somebody's base already the next morning as I was continuing to loot my way through the adjacent Tower to my new home all of a sudden one of the monitors sparked life and I started hearing something and he needs to die his name is Kim and anyone who can kill this man will be rewarded handsomely I've got a chest hidden with some good stuff and when I tell you this is good stuff you got to believe me it's some good stuff it if you kill this man I'll give you the location of the chest and it's yours all right I want this guy dead and go one day well that is interesting I mean I'm certainly not against killing Kim and if I could get a bunch of stuff by killing him well this seems like a a win-win actually if Sean is willing to offer a whole bunch of resources to somebody else odds are he has more or better stuff for himself and I need to close the gap when it comes to gear doing a little bit of Light reading while I continued my way through the hotel and securing all of the different floors yeah everything kind of went very bad very quickly in the city once the mustard virus was released but as I was sleeping everybody was talking in all chat about how we all wanted to kill Kim I think the feeling was pretty unanimous at that point the next day I used my bucket of water to be able to infiltrate the Bandit Camp from the roof circumventing a lot of the different zombie fighting that you'd have to do on the lower layers and just working from rooftop to Rooftop inside of this building with its own rooftop there was a ton of cobwebs glass bottles bricks and other resources that I could use a lot of redstone which would come in handy definitely but the biggest find overall was a ton of gold blocks being used in multiple different decorative places throughout the Bandit Camp golden apples would be great to be able to keep Health up and as an excellent recovery tool made in combat the only problem they don't break with the stone pickaxe and I had found very little iron and no iron pickaxes so I couldn't Harvest it just yet okay game plan back to the airport grab everything I can and bring it back here because being up this high off the ground means zombies aren't finding me and I can move with a little bit more freedom and in doing so I can escape a lot of the problems that I was having at the airport just being surrounded with everything committed I'm heading back to my original base to grab all the resources that I had left behind to venture them out and bring them over to the hotel location and while I was on the way I did some looting and had some awesome finds is this a WIC models yeah oh oh my God I found a diamond while diamonds are good and all in all honesty the biggest find I had was this horse which was just kind of sitting out somewhere with gold armor on chilling in the middle of the road I immediately jumped on and used them to be able to save a ton of energy on my own part not having to worry about food and also being able to outrun most of the zombies this horse actually moved pretty fast so now I wasn't alone in this world anymore but don't worry that was about to get even more populated with allies because as soon as I got home I had a few things in my pocket phone please oh my God yes we have a dog as I was using my new wolf friend to defend me however and feeling really Riding High that I had just had a ton of things go my way Ryan was killed by a zombie and that basically set the tone for this day you served me well house but it's time to go this was huge super successful honestly the best way this possibly could have gone the main thing I wanted to do at this point was grab more dirt so I could use it to establish different crops in Farmland to get a renewable food supply that was something I couldn't do up in the hotel so I'll grab the resources here finding out that the other side of the tunnel was super empty so I was able to just run right through it however it sounded like Ryan saw me or heard me when I was going through the tunnel that was something I was gonna have to note for later because at this point in the day I didn't have the time to stop and have a conversation the fact that he wanted to chat though was definitely something that I filed away a potential ally or friend would be wonderful having to go this completely alone in the apocalypse just opens up your back for a potential sneak attack but I rode the horse all the way back into town right around the hotel area stashing them inside a small little Fence location climbing up the side of the building and taking a deep breath absolutely huge absolutely huge diamonds iron anvils smithing tables a horse that is everything we could have asked for and more now all we need to do is make this floor of the hotel actually sustainable for life so that's what I focused on now taking one of the other rooms removing all of the carpet and planting down all of the dirt using a couple different water source blocks to hydrate all of the Farmland planting all of the potatoes that I could then cook on campfires to save on fuel once all of the sweet berries were down and I was getting the intermediary food from there while I was waiting for the potatoes to grow I did something which I thought would be big brain in case anybody made it to my base and did happen to loot it when I was online I didn't want them to get my best stuff so I threw it in a barrel underneath the wall and if you're wondering where that elytra in the corner came from I had actually found it on top of the factory earlier in that day but we decided as a group to not allow a light dress to be used as part of this competition I wanted to hold on to it just in case people change their minds if they happen to find one as well but we all know how that played out for me back in The Purge so call me cautious but I didn't want to repeat the same mistake again but I also didn't want to completely give up on the opportunity of diving down and killing someone from the sky I used water to descend the side of the building finding my horse wandering around a little bit grabbing them and heading over to the amusement park area that was relatively close to my base there was blood and skulls everywhere and I'm pretty sure that predated the apocalypse I've been to Six Flags I know how that goes but inside all of the different vending machines was mob heads and different foods crops that I could grow which would be extremely important cakes and corn dogs weird combination the arcade machines really didn't do much but there was potatoes and hoes in one of them that I was able to pop out of the item frames but I thought I had a few moments it's the end of the world who's gonna stop me I jump on the roller coaster and have just a little bit of fun and enjoy we go [Music] well that was fun while it lasted [Music] without somewhat disappointing roller coaster ride out of the way I jumped back on my horse ran back over towards my house climbed the mountain and went to sleep with grunts watching me from the corner yes I renamed the dog the next day I celebrated my newfound success by plopping down a cape marking and harvesting all of the berries and went out to venture for more supplies and resources and then I saw someone [Applause] Kim Kim that's a bad call Kim hey guys oh boy oh boy I regret everything I will give you stuff I would do a favor for you I'll do everything for you you're gonna get me hard what what was that okay so I think this is something that you all need to know this map has a ton of amazing and really unique Loot on it and one of the most scuffed items of the entire balance of the world are grenades these are a one hit kill lingering splash potion that you can find in several different high priority areas around the map and I did not know that that was a thing when Kim used it to kill me now I was down a heart half of my gear was gone Kim had evaded my initial ire and knew that I'd be coming to kill him if I happened to see him again plus he had me massively outclassed if he had more of those grenades there's almost nothing I can do to attempt to combat that so this was a major setback I collected what little loot I could find from the fight Zone and did a little bit of raiding around that harvested nothing consequential went back up towards my base to harvest all of my crops reset and recollect my mind and oh boy did I want to kill Kim but Ryan was whispering to me and he could be a potential ally in the future so I jumped on the horse and headed over to where it's where I had heard him last to see if we could have a conversation I can hear you now so I'm gonna be keeping my distance because grenades are busted and I didn't know about them yeah I got you got you you want me to just kind of drop him off the side yeah I will tell you what you dropped the arrows I'll drop the sweet berries over here and then we can trade oh heck there's the 20 arrows here I'll kind of get out of your way there's your there's the sweet berries right where you just dropped them if you come down the vines it'll be safe for you to get what you need so hopefully that's easy a lot of zombies are you gonna be okay do you have any grenades on you uh yeah I've got two on me currently because I was gonna use them to kill Kim but yeah he's already got the bounty on Kim so no I get it um I was gonna offer you uh being able to run but never mind you're good I'm gonna wait until you're inside so I don't get hit with those grenades that'd be great pleasure during business with you we will murder Kim later just for fun okay I think I heard you okay bye I gotta run so on that little graph that you'd like to put up on screen please editor Kim is definitely over in the enemy column Ryan isn't the potential ally and everyone else is under a whole big set of question marks because this city has brought out the worst in all of us I had a little bit it a playful banter with everybody poking at Kim definitely having a lot of fun just a reminder we're all friends we're all just messing with each other as friends but oh boy do I want to kill this man right now but as we were all talking and then I was doing some fishing in a hotel room on the fifth floor of a building and definitely catching fish and don't think about it too hard it'll hurt your brain Rob was able to kill Kim and recovered a lot of my stuff and he and Sean were trying to offer to sell it back to me or anything else along those lines and that that just didn't feel great but Rob seemed pretty genuine and offered to meet me over the airport to deliver the items back to me okay this is almost certainly a betrayal so I'm leaving everything here I figured it was worth a shot and maybe this situation would be a little bit different and we could have a nice clean exchange of items information and potentially friendship riding on my horse back towards the airport I was nervous the whole way I was looting a few different chests seeing if I could find anything good knowing that I'd likely stash some of it aside so I wasn't bringing in and potentially delivering it right to Rob as I made my way back to the airport and announced that I was there I dropped off a bunch of stuff into a barrel and did a little bit of Looting of this hotel that actually existed at the airport finding a few more fireworks that I could load into my crossbow and grabbing a little bit more food and supplies from several of the different storage spaces from there I ducked back in towards my original base grabbing the stone cutter to be able to save on resources and a few other small things that I left behind because my inventory was full from there I cooked a little bit of food and as I was working on clearing out some spawners so I wouldn't be attacked Rob walked up Robert a little low you brought a lot you brought a lot of zombies with you not for wants I have had a very hard time securing this space the good news is they're still very slow and very dumb yeah that's good I brought your dagger um you'll have my thanks I really appreciate it uh no my inventory is full I'll pick it up if you can no I got it I got it thank you it's so nice to be able to kite all because they're everywhere sorry yeah this has been very hard to secure a base in amongst all of this I've barely even died yet right only to Kim oh he killed you too he ran over to me tried to kill me I got into a fight with him and then he grenaded me yeah he had grenades so that's the only reason I was just traveling around and I found him and I was trying to say hi to him and he didn't say anything back to me he just kept he kept being quiet and trying to hide for me and I was like Kim I know you're here yeah and then he goes I don't trust anybody and I was just down and he went to a tower and I was like Kim come on what are you doing and then he just throws a Grenade on me at least he said something to you he said literally nothing to me he just he just killed me I trust no one and then throws it down where are you finding all of that loot oh I went mining for diamonds but I found a lot of um oh that's smart I found a lot of books enchanted books yeah you have a totem too I have a couple did you loot that crash to airplane several yes that's where I found the paratrooper stagger oh okay like the big one on the highway yep that's the furthest out I've been all right but yeah good good doing business with you thank you I appreciate it I owe you one this is very very kind you got it that honestly went really well like really really really well honestly I'm gonna be completely honest I'm a little surprised how genuinely frictionless that all was and that I walked out of there with my paratrooper dagger in hand and I had everything I wanted that was a net win for me I ran back towards the house dropping off everything just trying to make sure that I hadn't been followed and storing everything away in that little extra chest just in case I had been and didn't notice as it rolled over to the next day though Rob wanted me to return back and that was a little strange but I thought you know what the last conversation had gone really well so maybe I could go ahead and go for two for two that works [Music] hi what's up so the thing is I wanted to um like that was also kind of a test I wanted to see if you'd be friendly I guess it seems like you are no hard feelings from a past scenario whatever you know that is what it is what's a Bugaboo who knows who knows either um so I wanted to to know if you wanted to kinda work together and find Kim you know see if you had any information you're and you want to work together Kim dies at my at my hand here's what's gonna happen you're gonna drop everything right now all right I knew it I knew it oh stop stop we're not we're not attacking we're gonna know I promise you back up stop following me stop following me you don't blind people that you just want to talk to oh I do I need State five minutes of where the hell did you even get this we I didn't know Sean oh you've made an entrance I didn't know Sean was gonna blind you behind you I'm trying to kill him this would be really great if you know I wasn't blind I guess I guess it's good because now he actually can talk and we have you here um [Music] you worked for us now you're gonna find Kim's base Kim's already killed me with those stupid grenades once I don't want you to I don't want you to fight him we will fight him we just want you to find him I can't risk getting hit by those grenades how many hurts yet jump doesn't matter we're being friends you should share information you have 11 hearts you're in a better spot than I am I know how much health do you enough no no so I think I think uh what we're trying to say is um you find Kim's base or next time we see you we kill you okay so once you find it I want you to make a radio broadcast saying the eagle has spotted the dog if I'm gonna track him down I need something that he took for me what I need some pearls so if I find him I can like her here's here's pavement up front one Pearl that that repays the one I just used to escape you go I can finally see again oh and if you can pull this off I just need to find him I don't need to kill him you don't need to find him I just need to find him I don't need to kill him you need a positive idea where his base is I'll send a radio transmission or if I tell you that there's a dead drop at site a it's in this barrel all right okay okay so that was kind of unexpected getting blinded and cornered in a room with two people who were in full diamond gear I had no idea where they had even found all that stuff or how much grinding they had been doing to find that kind of resources when I was still barely an iron or having looted almost everything I could find you're gonna have to go watch their videos to see how they got to that point or whether or not I should have trusted them at this point but I was no longer a man working on my own accord I had a boss now and a mission that mission just happened to align with my own interests and what I already wanted to do Kim had to die except now I had a much more concrete reward waiting for me if I happened to accomplish it and I didn't have to do the killing myself I just needed to find his base so come day four I was on the hunt foreign it's day four in the zombie apocalypse and zombies can now break more blocks and their health has been doubled meaning they're going to be much harder to kill and much harder to evade as soon as I logged onto the server this day Kim logged off which made me think that maybe he knew I was coming for him that timing was just way too suspicious what the heck all right what keeps connecting and disconnecting foreign what keeps connecting and disconnecting I am under geared our main priority right now is to get some diamonds but I do have the task that I've been given by Sean being torn between my own Survival and serving the people who were blackmailing me with death I kind of split the middle I definitely need to get myself upgraded I'm severely under geared compared to all of the other players because they've all been mining for diamonds or have been in more loot rich areas of the City Airport as it turns out was not the best place to start as I was running around and just destroying a few different zombie spawners trying to secure the general area that I'm in I got a message from Ryan saying that he wanted to catch up with me since we had missed each other talking the previous day so I jumped on my horse and headed out towards the airport he said he was around this overpass area so as I was running around and just trying to get his attention I finally saw him pop out on the ridge we had an interesting conversation hi can I come up yeah come on up okay I come to you a Broken Man oh I need to get diamonds I've looted this entire city and I found one yeah so uh here come on in um okay you know what are you offering for uh for these 10 diamonds and of course you know I can get you any more that you would need for a full set of diamond armor if you can get me a full set of diamond armor and a diamond ax so that's what 20 so 27. how many golden apples is that worth to you how many do you have to offer first I'm saving up iron I'm assuming if you have diamonds yeah I've got three four stacks of iron in my back pocket right now in my inventory can I just have like like one there's a free stack yeah why have I been looting this city when you all just go underground I know of a building that has what looks like three separate four by two by ten cubes of gold that's a few that's a few and I've been farming apples so okay okay enough for armor a sword and an ax I can give you say 16 regular golden apples it won't improve your health but that's a really good survivability tool specially for extraction yeah getting a couple Hearts getting some free regen really quickly make it 25 golden apples and we've got a deal I'm limited on apples that's the thing I don't know if I'll get it yeah if I can I can probably do the gold the gold I can do that like 25 blocks of gold 25 blocks of gold for full diamond armor and a diamond X and a sword I could get you a sword thank you because I want to be able to set Kim on fire here I'll give you a sword as a down payment just real quick oh yeah just to show you that I'm serious hey yep feel free to enchant it if you want I'm not level 30. or else I took chance it if you want I got 33. okay oh that re-rolled to Smite four oh that's even better that's a zombie killing sorry hey yeah this is not a people stabbing sword this is a zombie stabbing sword fair trade oh I I mean with this iron I'm gonna go get that gold but yeah I could I could set that aside and then let me know when the armor is ready and then I can swing by and pick it up okay so here's what I'm thinking though speaking since you saw a name tag we should extract very easily break up this block I do this and then put it behind me all right okay bye all right see you later now that was a successful negotiation Ryan had no idea just the sheer amount of gold that I had found so handing him over a few blocks was a paltry cost compared to a full set of diamond armor without having to spend the time to get it I jumped back on a hunter and started riding back into the city wanting to get to a place where I was Secure and safe and collect all of that gold before somebody else happened to potentially stumble across that area and I would default on my promise having had it be looted first as I made my way up into the base however I found it partially flooded my dog apparently attempted to be pushed out the window and Shadow was lurking on the streets below something had gone wrong hello hey how are um I'd be careful putting light on because Kim has been wandering around here murdering people oh has he yeah he definitely killed me at least once yeah I'm running around the city at night because I'm trying to see if I can find people's places yeah I just been searching for irradiated apples and every time I fine when I eat it so I had a rough couple days yeah I I've heard how bad off are you I was I was down to six hearts oh dang and then I'm at nine now oh okay so you're better off you're better off that's good oh yeah a lot better there's a potion there's a potion through instead of a golden apple instead of a god Apple to get a heart that's good information I need spider eyes there's tons of them in the nuke City okay yeah so here's the thing if you can get me spider eyes I can craft the potions because it also requires a lot of levels so I've just been slowly getting up to like you need to be level 35 to make them okay but that happens you would drink the potion you'd get a heart oh nice all right I'll go get some spider eyes and I'll I guess I'll come back here yeah I'm I'm around here so I can get here with relativities okay okay sounds good okay sounds good okay bye bye now I don't know who it was who went into my base and tried to kill my dog it might have been Shadow it might have been somebody else but at least grunts were safe everything was fine I immediately jumped down into the warehouse since others were around my area I wanted to secure this Resource as soon as I could and I spent all the time getting all of the gold blocks from from all the decorations and structures around here when Sean sent me a message the farm by the bridge get here now now this seemed ominous maybe it was my boss looking to get me new orders but it seemed like he was trying to get me to find Kim's base not catch him out somewhere so what did he want me to do either way I wasn't going with a gold in my pocket so I went back up to my hotel room and stashed it upgrading myself to a full set of iron armor I'd still be under geared compared to everybody but I had spares and I was able to handle that fight and my whole thought process was those awful milk potions that I had drank a few days ago back at the airport the ones that made me nauseated and blind if I could throw one of those on under somebody else they would be Easy Pickins to be critted out and killed and I could get my heart back but as I went to brew them they turned into uncraftable potions with no effects I even tested it throwing it down at my feet and well absolutely nothing happened while I was doing that though Sean messaged me that I was gonna wait nearby that location and then track Kim from leaving there back to his base that was Sean's plan or at least that's what he communicated to me that felt unnecessarily risky but it was something that I kind of had to do my life was on the line as I Was preparing to leave though I saw Kim's name tag on the street underneath me and I knew I had him caught now instead of heading to the farm I went the opposite direction where Kim had come from doing a little bit of looting to grab what I could and just trying to find a base that was illuminated somewhere that I could potentially get access to and as I was standing and waiting the nerves started to set in I think I've narrowed down Kim's base if I'm right and I see him enter that space my mission is complete and I've successfully done what Sean asked if I'm wrong that's a separate problem for a separate day so now we just wait and I didn't have to wait long only after about five minutes Sean sent another message in chat come to the farm we've got Kim that was a very public and be very unexpected and alarm Bells were immediately running off in the back of my head okay I'm not gonna lie this feels like a trap this feels definitely like a Bugaboo style trap and I don't know what to do with him right now I don't know what to do with him right now so my first thought was let's go check the base see if that's where Kim is held up and it turns out nope it was a barbell which super unfortunate but at least that makes me a little bit more confident about my base maybe people would pass it off as something that the map was built with Sean was very insistent however and I was very very nervous I've been bugabooed before and I'm not about to have that happen again so I walked and I waited listening closely and trying to catch glimpses of a conversation see what they were up to what they were planning and who was working with who Shadow is here which made me a little nervous he had just told me that he hadn't seen anybody the entire game and Kim only halfway sounded like a prisoner who is your friend exactly Rough Around the Edges now Kim it was you that that uh you sealed Your Grave here now while this is happening I was also messaging Ryan trying to give him a little bit of an advance notice and warn him about the very obvious trap that was happening because who says this is not a trap aside from people who are about to click you into a trap every fiber of my being was telling me that I should not go through with this I should just wait and observe but at some point in time you just gotta send it Ryan where's Ryan there you are right Kim Kim drink the potion we're here drink the potion Kim we're here we're here purely for Kim do not worry I know it looks it looks like it could be a trap for all of us what happened it really does look like a trap I'm not I'm not gonna lie and it seemed like it would kill you oh god look on those upstairs get down here bring him down Robert escort him down come come Ryan [Music] this really stinks of like We're not gonna kill you this is your chance to get a heart from Kim if you do not claim your heart from Kim we will take it from you well that doesn't seem very fair oh there you are looking we're here Ryan do you want a potion it'll help you like your speed and stuff I don't know come on this this is not a truck this is not a trap I've gotten two of you in a lie in the last 20 minutes what do you mean the other line I've got two of you Elena lie in the last 20 minutes and you're gonna tell me that this is not a trap Kim because I mean bring it upstairs and we all I I we can't bring him up we have him in an obsidian tomb down I created obsidian tomb for him I've already heard you say get back in the cell two or three times at this point so I know Kim's walking free no no and I'm gonna end up right next to him no you won't that's the that's what I'm worrying about we have you haven't killed anyone Willie Kim's the one that's killed you I know and I want to get revenge but I don't want to die being promised it when it's not going to be delivered you know right now you have the option of walking away from here with an extra heart or you have the option of respawning there's so many zombies out here why is there no option of don't go into the murder basement because it's for it's a murder basement for Kim no one else is going to be murdered here so much the only person the server that we want dead is this computer man right here in this how do I get in because right now there's just a zombies everywhere uh I'm on the roof come down in here oh this is such a trap it's not a trap it's not a trap you guys need to get in there's so many zombies just get in nothing's gonna happen to you I promise I don't yeah I don't trust y'all for a second oh I know I get it I promise it's nothing I promise yeah you also promised me you were my brother Shadow my nether bro but we're all here for one thing lagondo that's it look look who we have look at him look who we got in the corner get the man away from me whoa whoa whoa my heart oh he killed him so um what just happened uh he hit the ground too hard how I knew it yeah yeah okay we're gonna pause here for a second let's count the red flags do we need to count the red flags I'm not I uh I'm mad at myself future me watching this video back is now looking at past me the dumb dumb stupid head that is past me and just thinking so do me a favor leave me a comment about day four and tell me whether or not you would have gone into the murder basement and trusted John I will be judging you all harshly for your responses I'm not gonna lie I was a little heated right after this happened and I logged off for a few hours just trying to clear my head and then I got a message from Sean and you gave me some coordinates and told me that he was gonna make it up to me and when I logged in it turned out the chaos had continued after I had disconnected now I know we have some resources but I'm gonna save those because well I'm gonna try going to these coordinates and see negative seven oh geez okay I have to cross the whole map to get to those but as I was harvesting potatoes another radio broadcast came through here in the radio tower and I just wanted to get this out to anyone that's uh you know still alive I found a tape and listened to it myself but I didn't really uh I just didn't know what to make of this I'll just put the damn thing in so you can listen get Thrills Bend his orders seek word in Mario's seniors and since but probably no drinks but a treasure Okay so oh never mind somebody already beat me to it there was a puzzle of some kind oh and Shadow won a grenade to the face oh great so that that's that's pretty nasty I don't trust John which makes me potentially going for whatever this chest it is I really potentially bad idea might cost me a heart but if I can get some spiders off a shadow I can make more hearts we just need levels luckily there's like a bajillion zombies down on the ground gonna cook these up I'm gonna store some of them and then we're gonna get going lucky me that I didn't hear that one before it was too late you all know that I love a good puzzle and would have immediately jumped on that given the opportunity to do so but with my supplies restocked and everything essential stashed away just in case this was a double trap I ventured out of the base and out towards the location that Sean had sent me I sent a quick message to Shadow maybe Enemy of My Enemy I'm still not sure if he was the one who tried to kill my dog but Sean seems like he's doing his own thing so we'll see how that goes he said he was hunting Sean right at the moment eluded one of the factories right by my base finding a bunch of speed potions inside which would be good for getting a little bit of extra mobility and right underneath the hotel that I was staying in I found a Subway tunnel now this could be a really advantageous way to navigate the entire map end to end without getting spotted that's what I was really worried about with these coordinates being so far far away so I just ran down the tunnel it was kind of boring and uninteresting so I'm gonna cut through it a little bit here making my way into another subway station but it looks like if all the command blocks were working we'd actually be able to fast travel with this but we were playing on a slightly unsupported version this might take me is exactly how far I need to go Sean is being honestly quite terrifying right now and after he's just genuinely killed several people yeah I'm not surprised at this point but even without any light this is not spawning anything so so far so good we're just gonna skip past this one as I continued making my way down the tunnels trying to get closer to the chords of the item stash I came into another station and then it opened up to what looked like potentially the crater from a nuclear bomb oh oh and that's nope nope we're just gonna not touch that all of the buildings here were sheared off all of these streets were filled with rubble and debris and I had no doubt that this place was covered in zombie spawners but I had a clear goal I knew what I wanted I wanted to see if Sean was potentially trying to trap me again or if he actually felt guilty for that and was willing to work together as I ran up closer to the casino I was constantly looking over my shoulder trying to see if anybody was trying to keep tabs on or would see me coming or going and when I thought I saw an opportune moment I went and I looted the chest oh Golden Apple Soul Sand region potion a totem now that that is a heck of an apology if you're killing somebody I'll just have to say I tried to get the diamonds out of the slot machines but the map makers were a little bit prepared for that and I replaced all of the carpets to make sure that it didn't look like I had been here at all but as I was starting to head back my whole thought process was wait if you were playing this map normally this is like the high tier area that you need to be wearing a gas mask to be able to access and there's tanks sitting around here so I jumped into one of them trying to loot the chest at the back which was locked so I broke it and I found three grenades just sitting there that that was a game changer right there even if nothing from Sean panned out this turned the tide of my playthrough with my pockets entirely filled of high tier loot either gathered on my own or collected from a potential new Ally I jumped into a minecart which made the trip home way faster that wasn't until light hit the uphill portion of the whole course and it didn't really work out then and once I returned through the subway tunnels near my hotel I climbed up the vines on the side of the building and returned home stashing the grenades away in the barrel which is just to keep them safe for now and just as I was doing that I saw Shadow get his kill Sean was down and then he wasn't he killed himself with a grenade too so just one heart evaporated Into The Ether so wait what was that fortune just killed by shadow shadow gained a heart Shadow killed shadow shadow lost a heart Forge Labs lost to Heart oh that was a really close engagement there they grenaded each other into this thing after they exchange Forge logged off and shadow shadow came over my way looking to get into my house when you thought I might not have been looking hey Shadow what are you doing I'm sorry I'm really nervous all of a sudden listen I had no idea Sean was gonna do that I no sorry I'm just really nervous because those grenades are busted and they can just kill you in one shot and that's kind of unfair no oh oh sorry yeah so I got that radio broadcast from Rob I went to the uh thing for the riddle and I got killed yeah as soon as I opened the door it like threw a grenade at me I want to kill Robert do you have the means to kill him oh yeah I do he knows where you live oh so he's the one who fled in my house maybe yeah well yeah well I know where you live because it's right there because we're over there talking and when I was running back I seen the bridge and I was like I must be his house to be fair the bridge was here before I was uh was it okay yeah the bridge was here first and I just kind of took up residence in that floor because I figured it's pretty secure so look I I just want to survive I I genuinely just want to survive I'm not playing any games or anything else like that I just want to make it to the extraction and get it yeah that's that's where I was at that's why I wasn't attacking anybody or whatever yeah we have what three days before that comes yeah as soon as he comes um I don't want to be a party to this but yeah okay so Ryan and Robert know which means Sean knows and you know which means Steve knows Yeah so basically everybody but Kim knows where I live no Steve doesn't know I never mentioned it to him well I wouldn't feel about it like I figure you two are partnering up and that's fine I'd like to Ally with you both like tentatively here I'm being cautious because I always seem to get betrayed in these things yeah but I wouldn't portray you it's just zero no no it's just you and me I wouldn't portray you should get some water so I don't fall here oh thank you I have spares so I thought I gave him a bucket we're probably friends now Shadow could be a potentially useful Ally if he had more grenades and he definitely has a grudge against Robert and Sean he could just be something that I kind of point in that direction and let him do his thing because at this point I don't know how much Sean remembers that I was supposed to help him kill Kim because I kind of did so it felt like that deal was maybe over as the sun rose Rob was coming to me and he was either pretending or just honestly forgot where my house was so I gave him a little bit of coasting since everyone on the server basically knew where I was at that point and just invited him over to have a conversation hi jump onto that building in those torches I know it's good sound no no no no not that one that is Shadow up there he just came over to talk we were talking Shadow you gotta Come a Little Closer making sure you didn't put like lace it with TNT or something no I didn't lace it with TNT I didn't even Place those torches there Shadow did the last time we spoke please die I hate I hate how I'm wrapped in with Sean you know it's so no no it is literally everyone at this point I'm gonna be completely honest here right like I called that from a mile away and I think the thing is like I I had no intention of any doing anything to you I wanted you to get revenge nope I pause here I am standing on this roof and here are these two standing on the other roof now I'm trying to talk and make alliances with both of them and I'm pretty sure they hate each other so in retrospect it just wasn't smart Shadow no oh my God Shadow no dude no you didn't now they're gonna think I was just trying to kill them what the heck am I gonna do now now everyone hates me this is a lost cause well there goes my sword and any potential for an alliance they're gonna fight they're gonna fight no no no no no no don't do this oh no I was hoping no one was gonna find it right away I didn't I didn't think anyone was gonna look for it right now and then shoot there's a lot of zombies right here does anybody have a bed we're going to uh yeah yeah hold on let me sleep it's okay I gotta sign off anyway you guys can talk you see DC okay it might kill me the second I log back in [Applause] okay I think the shout out Shadow left completely um I'm putting your sword in this chicken so it is in there okay look look look genuinely like I just want to survive I know I felt so bad when Sean killed you I think shot shot is literally like infesting everyone right now he's infecting everyone's Minds with with what he's doing because he's the virus look I have no reason to trust you I know you don't I get that so as you can see like my play like you see how spontaneous and just crazy Sean is well sure so that's why like that's that's why I'm I'm like like teaming up with him sort of In Cahoots yada yada I am I'm on his good side four being on y'all's good side and just being on doing my own thing being out of the chaos being maybe a source of information if everybody talks but I'm not getting involved in The Killing I trust you if you hang a barrel from that sign right there I know it's from you and anything you put in whatever the outcome is I'll split with you evenly oh my God you got me wanting to read documentation for all the mods we have good luck all right we'll do okay bye see you later see ya it's okay grunts we're gonna make it now you're probably wondering why I'm telling everybody to collect me spider eyes it seems like a generally worthless item right well with them I can craft hearts and it's the most valuable knowledge on the entire server it's day five and zombies are faster and more powerful not the damage sense but in the knockback ability meaning if they catch you near a ledge you're probably falling off of a building as I logged in I thankfully found my base undisturbed but I got into a conversation with snive to start planning what our next steps could be survivors the survivors I don't know how this works in the whole Canon of the Zombie Survival but you know what it's good to just talk to you buddy it's been so long um well what we could do is uh talk an fft filter on the voices and then you chop off the low and high end and you've got yourself a impromptu radio tell you what I'm holding a compass and I'm gonna say I found a walkie-talkie yeah that's exactly right Steve Steve I found you I found you over you found one over I found you over CH uh yeah I got got I got got hard most people have told me that that wasn't the plan that's what I've heard but after after being betrayed it's hard to believe it being the guy that has suffered three people walk into a bar and the punchline is Laguna Shadow basically tied me to you just there whether I wanted it or not so tell you what the thing I need right now is levels if you would trust me I would like to like come say hi and we can talk and we can try to figure things out there's a potion you can make and I think I can craft a heart how how is it how is it made or are you keeping that a secret I'm keeping that a secret until because I'm the only person who looked through all the all the stuff this is my Ace up my sleeve okay is I know how to craft a heart now this is a big moment because I'm revealing that I can do it but I'm not telling them how I want to keep that information valuable and controlled just to me so I have a little bit of Leverage in this situation I've already been double crossed once before in this scenario and I don't want that to happen again I need to finally negotiate from a place of power well I know I know Shadow really wants to have you in our alliance and if you're moving somewhere new and if we're potentially going to be working together I want to propose moving in together you have to get confirmation from Shadow you can if I'm gonna poke him right now and be like hey can you get on because I think the three of us really need to talk yeah yeah like full stop I don't trust Kim right now I was I was going to trust him when he said he was neutral I just like was like I'm not saying anymore I don't trust this man anymore and thankfully he was available so he jumped on and we all jumped into the call he found a walkie-talkie too and I made the initial proposal so we found these walkie-talkies over oh yeah yeah last night your play right you tied us together oh yeah yeah yeah I just you kind of made me complicit to attempted murder my thought is do you just want to base together yeah I mean that that makes sense because uh Sean and Robert are basing together and cam Kim might be on our side anyway but maybe right now I'm grabbing a bunch of wooden resources from the believe side and I'm leaving only lye back lie left just because I think it will be really good and thematic do you I mean I can I can come over and help you transfer stuff if that's what that's part of what I need it's literally everything on the line if we die or if someone logs in and attacks us that's it like there's there goes all of my supplies all of everything if you two want to head over this way and then we can co-base and everything I have almost all of what I need I just need a safe place to do it in time I am so nervous about this I'm not gonna lie to y'all no I promise like I promise like I'll give you like a thousand bucks if I betray you deal deal it was on video everybody that was on video I caught him on camera okay so I suddenly feel way more confident about this Alliance like extremely supremely confident about this Alliance so yeah sure let's just do it let's just do it let's just move in together what could go wrong everything will be fine okay [Music] so at this point um come on grunts let's go this is where everything was on the line if we were attacked or surprised or one of us died to zombies that was a ton of loot a ton of experience and a ton of progress lost this is probably the most tense I was up until this point throughout the entire scenario oh my this is this the ship you blew up yeah I had a nuke in it and uh and uh I blew up with it it's gonna be a whole thing like I let's switch for ignition or whatever and I flipped it and then it's like you have 60 seconds to evacuate the boat oh okay that was the whole thing yeah funny thing was Laguna yeah I died in the boat and I respond so all the chunks on like unloaded and then when I came back just to see if I could get my stuff the chunks were reloaded while it was still blowing up oh and it killed me again oh no going past the nuke ships and sailing over to just on the edge of an active volcano man the city is really busy there was an underwater base that Steve was Walling off create a little pocket of air underwater it seems to be a thing that he really likes to do if you watch these videos a lot so with the main front base and then a secondary tunnel in the back for a lot of crop growing this could really be pretty safe I helped Shore up the walls and dung all of my stuff into the chest for now we'll worry about organizing and decorating later and we headed up towards Shadows base which was relatively nearby and the two were not connected his bunker in the middle of the volcano's Caldera was the antithesis of stealthy it was quite overt but at the same time was extremely safe there's also a kind of ruined wild Westy kind of Village right on the rim of the volcano with a lot of husk spawners around which moved very fast but died to just one hit and that that was gonna be essential we need to get up to level 35 to create these potions that will allow hours to craft additional Hearts so we just had to sit there and farm zombies we spent some time talking about potential strategy and reinforcing the area digging a trench around the house so that zombies would fall into that and we'd be able to just make the whole process a little bit more seamless but it took about two in-game days just grinding away at zombies and reinforcing the space to get myself up to level 35 and sneeve was not far behind me the only problem here was if we were going to use his levels I'd have to tell them how to make the potion and this Honestly made me a little bit nervous This Heart crafting potion was the only real contribution I had and if they had that information if they wanted to betray me although they promised me a thousand dollars I was still nervous that it might happen hello there we'll see in a second oh the hot the hot thing oh geez zombie spawn inside oh all right drink it let's see what happens okay here you go yes it does but it works it works it works I can stop hunting for irradiated apples yes all we gotta do is zombie hunt I have all the ingredients the literally the only ingredient that I was I was short on was spider eyes and then like 35 levels fighter has 35 levels and a bottle of water that's it that's it oh wow why am I telling shoot this is supposed to be just my secret knowledge well no but because if we're gonna if we're gonna no no I'm just I'm just making fun I'm just I'm just making fun but yeah a bottle with three spider eyes around like a bottle in the corner three spider eyes around it and 35 levels and it'll say it's gonna craft an empty bottle and as soon as you click it it uh it's like the gods shine upon your tribute uh I'm gonna do a thing I'm gonna make a barrel and I'm hiding the these crossbows because the last thing I want is them to be found by somebody who happens to find the face actually you know what I'm I'm putting this in my under chest oh my gosh did you guys know Sean's on he's right there what don't you do that the second you said that I hit Tab and I had a heart attack there's this zombie looks like he was crouching over I was like is that Sean Shadow memeing aside it was time to actually make this place look good so we spend a little bit of time setting up the crops in the back area so we could grow carrots and potatoes and turn those into golden carrots at some point in the near future set up an enchanting space in the front and use some bricks to decorate the wall so it just looked a little bit more like a basin not just a random hole in the ground this might be the apocalypse okay but I have standards it's like that super soldier serum you've got so much of whoa look at this there he is and then uh there's sep you have oh how many of those do you have I just this is my last one I was gonna use it save it first save it for extraction night here's the thing we cannot let people know that these potions exist this is the most classified information on this entire server right now oh for sure I ain't telling anybody else Dominion ride or die let's go dominion for real this time listen I'm a Dominion I wasn't invited nine apples added to the fire Dominion ride or die yeah let's win this yeah I ended the day by doing more chores and decorations and building around the base feeling far leagues and above better than where I was when I had started this day I'd come out of potentially the lowest point of the entire scenario and was now potentially in the strongest position to win this thing amongst everyone on the server we're gonna have the gear Advantage we're gonna have the heart advantage and we're gonna have the Tactical Advantage going into the last two days of this thing thank you [Music] hey what's up so um I was checking in on the footage and I was noticing that like there's nothing there for day six is there's something wrong with that or did you forget to upload it no I I actually didn't get much time to play on the server on day six so there's no footage for day6 no come on everything was getting tense there was all the drama it's coming close to extraction day what are we doing come on don't worry we'll we'll put in some kind of joke to cut the tension give everybody a little bit of laugh and then we'll run a YouTube ad and then we'll be back and we'll just cut straight to day seven Gotcha Day seven it is perfect talk to you later adios bye day seven it's the dawn of the final day zombie spawns are now doubled and the zombies are smarter than ever before it's almost on par with everybody else who's a human who's playing on this server and the drama started literally the second I logged in okay there's something on the floor feeling hungry we need a farm Laguna oh oh whoa you scared me oh wait till you're ready you scared me I just logged in okay feeling hungry we need a farm Dominion Rod or die we have a farm right as I thought I don't know who left this here can you come back here I just want to see what this is yep so the whole compromise thing I'll fill you in yeah I don't know Farm oh XP farm compromise yeah so I was out getting I was farming XP I was up in the building but I wasn't actually farming I was just talking to myself about getting food Golds carrots oh my God golden carrots oh I can make my crossbows multi-shot yeah okay anyway Robert finally up there and I ran down before he even went up so I took off in the west direction to think that because I told him I was just here uh mining obsidian which there's a little patch up there where it kind of yeah where you can kind of see it so yeah hopefully I was hoping he would have thought that and then I stayed on the West Side pretty much all day until he got off because I didn't want to come back and kind of give the impression that I was living over here good call so anyway I went back to these firm I'm so excited it's rigged to blow you drink to blow yeah like how experience Farm is rigged to blow because I was gonna I'm still lonely at ten Hearts I was gonna need to show you a different spot it's actually a lot easier um and safer but okay um don't acknowledge it because if if we acknowledge it that it's there that he rigged it then he knows that we're still around the area so our base had potentially been compromised there was a break in the wall and through all of her security and defenses the spot the location that we thought was really protected had been found I sat and coordinated with Shadow for a good 20 minutes and we had a plan we would go ranging out trying to find either a new location to temporarily base out of in the last day before extraction or attempt to find Sean and Robert's base and repay the favor are you just not swimming do you just walk on water am I I don't feel like I'm swimming for me you're just running I got depth Strider whatever that is oh now you're swimming oh you're so much faster well Shadow is busy flexing on me with his super soldier Powers while that was happening though Ryan messaged me and it was time to potentially meet I still had to deal with him a bunch of blocks of gold in exchange for a full set of diamond armor and a Diamond Tool or two we did end up trapped in the middle of a street in the middle of the night which kind of worked in our favor you can really just pillar up a few blocks that they can't break beat zombies down to get your experience to hopefully get up to level 35 for more Hearts so what you've been up to oh nothing just grinding out the hearts I'm so nervous Robert that we found those potions yeah I won't even drink them when they're online oh yeah that's what I was saying like classified information right but I'd be lying if I said that deal was all I was coming here to really discover I had ulterior motives it was time for the art of manipulation there's three steps to this conversation giving him a little bit of info that is either outdated or irrelevant getting useful information in return and being able to potentially coerce him to do something that would let me off scot-free but negatively impact those I'm fighting against hi hi foreign you got some issues yeah my uh my base stands out of it oh oh whoa yeah I was talking about your party guests down at the bottom uh no uh are you just standing on the porch while they bother you you should really get somewhere with there's more coming up the hill Ryan Ryan there's more coming up the hill Ryan there's more coming up the hill Ryan oh no I just watched that happen oh no oh no no no all right a few moments later I I have your pants in your pickaxe ah thank you are we still friends yes yes absolutely Sean is crazy okay and then Shadow he poisoned me okay um can I come in yeah yeah absolutely please please come in I need friends okay yeah here's your pants and your pickaxe this is ridiculous looking you didn't light this up over here yeah yeah I was just I was just working on uh you know expanding over that way yeah here's your uh here's your diamond armor that uh as promised yo here's your golden blocks as promised that's step one down I've already proven that I can carry through on our previous agreement so my word is good I'm trustworthy and I'm a great Ally now we poke a little bit deeper I've heard that there's a bounty on Sean there's a bounty on Sean there's a bounty on well there either is or is about to be a bounty on John kind of want Shawn dead um there's like no that I don't like them what he doesn't he doesn't know that I don't trust yeah I know so uh Sean John uh are you here Sean Sean are you here maybe by chance my man my man's my man my man okay ignore the answers to that all right step two I'm planting the idea in Ryan's head that killing Sean is not only in my best interest but it's also in his and I can actually back that up I've proven that I'm good for it and I'll give him the things that I've offered him before I have a very simple request and uh what's this simple request have you seen Mad Max yes it's been a while but I've seen it do you know witness me so I have something I can give you that you could just walk up to Sean drop it on the ground and you will die but so would he well I mean I already grenaded him once so I mean hey volunteered for that even if he volunteered for that yeah he uh he was like that wasn't my heart to have and then he just let me kill him oh the heart that I got from Kim uh yeah and then he stole from you he killed me and then you killed you got to kill him all right step three I think I have Ryan on the hook to potentially take out Sean or at least take him down a peg so let's see what other information he could get because he was acting as pretty much a free agent for this entire past week just saying like I'm pretty sure I'm persona non grata I think they don't trust me I'm solo I'm just running around doing my thing you're the only person that I've been talking to because we had this deal beforehand and it seems like we're good uh I know I was nervous about it being a 1v5 that's not the case anymore that makes me feel a little bit better yeah I've heard like apparently Rob and Sean blew up Shadow and sneep's base and all sorts of all sorts of stuff has gone down yeah like all sorts of stuff has gone down I haven't seen I haven't seen Kim since I killed him I know where Kim lives you know where Kim lives yeah we're just gonna in this city we uh in the nuke City actually um oh me and Robert stumbled across he actually has like the firework charged crossbows which oh that's a good idea it really is yeah he got it from me he killed me with one of them sorry I was gonna do a whole bit about like oh I have no idea I couldn't start laughing step four point out that he has no reason to trust me and I could potentially be lying to him and I kind of am but not entirely I'm just not mentioning certain things and getting Shadow to be able to be live commentary fact checking everything that Ryan is saying that's definitely reassuring um so I think we're I'm Gonna Leave the same way I've always left your house if that's good uh pick a spot and then because I'm always nervous about that door and somebody being able to just be right above it uh pleasure doing business handshake thank you and Shake as well uh uh thank you and see you on extraction night all right see you then okay bye bye and I will now disappear but I left Ryan's house through the wall feeling extremely confident I had a ton of additional info now and I knew that Ryan was on my side and I gave up basically nothing to get that information just a deal that I had already agreed to days ago so in heading back and meeting Shadow over the plane my manipulation was appreciated hi what's up that was funny some real spy stuff right there the trick about being a good liar is to make everybody believe that you're a bad liar well it looks like Ryan's not with anybody and Sean's after him I guess yeah so I'm keeping this diamond armor I I really want to get this armor home but we'd firmly established Ryan in at least the neutral column potentially as an ally or Confidant that we could use or an explosive that we could aim at a Target some point in the future just as we were walking away though getting out of the area Ryan messaged me right away this is a good thing he trusts me the problem is he's telling me that Sean was there which means he potentially had heard everything even though Shadow was there to give us cover Shadow and I immediately bolted getting out of that area as quickly as possible purling over to a few of the houses that we really hadn't explored because it was kind of a non-populated very sparse part of the map when you're starting to wrap up I left so they could have been you know coming over at that point just passing yeah okay we probably need to either get somewhere safe for farming or just keep running until home as we were running there was no way we were going to make it all the way back home and I kind of didn't want to risk heading directly there when we knew Sean was actively in play on the board so we headed off to another set of buildings and just got up onto the roof to get away from the zombies and I dug my way in and I had to log off for a little while and that time would serve me extremely well providing a bit of a buffer from other players who might be out hunting and giving me some private time to be able to accomplish my plans a bit later when I log back in things ramped up quickly when I reconnected later that day I had two priorities one reunite with my teammates and two grab a bunch of dies so I could use them to craft additional explosive Rockets so I could use my whole Gatling gun idea to potentially take somebody out I had to do a decent bit of zombie farming in the middle of the street because I also want to get up to level 35 so I can craft additional hurts and I kind of ended up in what I assume is the play boy mansion with a bunch of gold being offloaded in tanks so of course you know I was taking that too but it's when I walked up onto this little what I'm assuming is the Navy attack boat and I unlocked a few dispensers that everything started going my way oh oh so with a bunch of rockets in my pocket I was happy to see Shadow log in and I started heading back towards the base when he messaged me our bases were compromised hey what's up I just got in here but that's broken and I was in here before I logged off I went away but I don't know why that's broken okay we should be very careful in touching anything it could have been a drowned but would they break it without anybody here I don't know hard to say I got a little scared because Rob announced that he pillared up over Sean's base and he was trying to fake it like they're fighting so I went up and seen it that he kind of towered over them over my base and I was scared that they're inside so I went over the state to their base and I um stole everything from them so another Montage of Shadow and I just tried to talk strategy play chess and try to understand anticipate and counteract everybody else's moves before they made them Sean was talking a little bit about a beer factory in chat we thought that might be a good idea to go out and investigate just trying to keep quiet and keep eyes and Recon on our opponents but before we could do that we needed to understand the damages or the level of compromise that our bases actually were so we headed up to the top of the volcano and I kept OverWatch while Shadow slowly made his way inside and it was maybe 10 20 minutes of Shadow just sitting in that base no message no indication no chat and I was just so worried was this a trap was somebody gonna jump out and attack me while I was watching this base that was totally empty I had no idea but after a few minutes and just about when I was starting to get really concerned he gave me the all clear I gotta be honest this does not feel clear something about this feels off it does but it's clear inside my only thought process is maybe they came here for obsidian for something that they have planned I don't know they they've been looking for me but I feel like we need to treat everything as compromised like we just need to be on the move I wish it's never on we could just grab everything valuable and book it that's pretty much what I'm doing right now so if you want can I can I break him through a wall I don't I don't trust the the door yeah I don't trust the door Turtle head's useful if we could push a fight underwater at this point it was clear it was time to move both of the bases had been compromised so we grabbed anything that was still potentially useful threw it into our pockets and went into the city trying to find a place that would work as a more central location but also doing a little bit of hunting if we could have to see Robert or Sean and kill them then we don't have to worry about this we have a supreme gear Advantage right away problem we had was trying to figure out a place John was busy threatening everybody in the chat into going into his murder torture dungeon or something like that but we weren't really paying him anymore moving through a bunch of the different areas through the train through the rail yard and then heading our way over towards that beer factory now this was relatively close to where I had based before but I had not gone inside this specific building and the importance of this location was lost on me until later right after the game was over go watch the BTS video on Lagoon dose but we stood on top of that roof sign violently observing trying to catch a whiff of anybody else in the area for a full Minecraft day before I just ran out of patience and needed to talk makes me nervous I just can't I can't sit in silence this long for this long now I think I think he's just saying this is a trap so that we come here with our Stakeout of the beer factory a bust we thought it might make sense to head back home potentially this was a double cross or a Double Bluff to lure us away from our base so it could be properly rated With Us online and halfway across the map or we're playing 4D chess and they're playing checkers and they're just not doing anything and we're just overthinking it and they're just standing in a Zombie Farm somewhere at this point hey yeah if you're watching this video if you're watching this video and it's day six and it's about halfway through the recording and you see this message I want you to comment exactly what they were doing when I sent that message ditto yeah it's like I'm gonna go we're gonna go watch this video and you're gonna see me going ah and it's just they're just standing in a hole Meanwhile we're like super concerned for the big brain play yeah I think he was talking about it he's definitely recording this oh no oh oh nice Kim Kim well now we know it'll be in that video they were hunting Kim oh Kim okay never mind this was not some of the big elaborate double cross it looks like they were hunting Kim and Kim was able to kill both of them which was huge it also meant that he was collecting on Shadow's Bounty that he had put out on Sean's head so we needed to deliver a god Apple over to Kim to give him an extra heart Steve doesn't trust him I don't really trust Kim I know he killed them but I still I don't know he's very neutral okay I'm just gonna go drop this off probably far away not close to here probably on the other side I'll go with you just so you're not solo and then we'll run back okay I'm just gonna take a boat over yeah I can just ride with you so we had the idea I have a turtle helmet I can just live underwater for a really long time Shadow's gonna confront Kim talk to him face to face with me waiting just underneath the surface be able to jump up if things go bad and right after we had finished the plan Kim arrived and I just had to sit there quietly and wait for my signal nice do you have a you don't have an under shot so I can just throw it into real quick actually you know why don't you eat it but I'm worried should I just you know yeah I know he found me in the area I don't know I don't know how he found me but he did maybe he just had a meeting I'm not sure no I don't know what to do anymore go find yourself a base I guess wait till the extraction and yeah I think I just have to say poop somewhere just like hide for it yeah pretty much I would even just dig into the side of that mountain it's pretty far west or go even to the stadium or anything no it's it's nice I'm I'm I'm more West not right next to the stadium but farther that way no I'm like I'm just in the woods I just I got I'm getting sick of tired of moving so it's like I'm I'm hiding in the woods I'm not putting much effort into it oh okay oh no they aren't all right man I'm gonna head back you you go hide because I I positive they're probably gonna be in the water looking for you jeez the boy did it I'm so proud of him so proud did you hear what he said how he did it I heard a bit that they were still I I tried to get you to get him a little closer he was oh uh we're we're leaving the area he uh they were looking at a chest and he threw it he threw it at them and then I'm guessing walked up too soon or he's just in the blast radius so who cares yeah he just threw it because they're both looking in the same chest just gotta be careful because Kim said he's gonna hide out in one of the islands this is Kim's at that little Island right off our base I'm nervous about Kim I was muted I'm nervous about Kim finding our base now though I don't like him being this close because there's stuff and he's a and I don't trust Kim I mean any enemy of my enemy and all sure but um yeah he he can flip-flop right like with Kim potentially right by the base and again me being able to swim underwater pretty much infinitely I took a big deep dive under the waves to head back towards the underwater base and get eyes on to see if it was safe and as soon as I surfaced for a breath there they were Sean and Robert parked right out in front of our base location how they found us I have no idea but I was immediately in a panic I tried to one Shadow but he broke the surface and the two of them started chasing Shadow away so I ran inside brewed up a couple quick water breathing potions while he had them distracted grabbed anything that was useful and legged it out of the base I was swimming down underneath them where the kelp was blocking anything I could barely see so the odds of them being able to see me was practically nil I mean the two by two box at the bottom of the ocean and took a deep deep breath foreign that was insanely tense okay it's time for me to log off from here regroup with everybody later tonight and get ready to extract when I logged in a bit later only Shadow and snive were online which was huge we could talk openly and just get together meet up and talk our final strategy so we all headed over to the parking lot of the stadium to regroup there snivelton let's go has anyone been back to the underwater base uh I was there as it was getting raided as it was getting rated so we're just given Kim his Apple for killing for killing Sean uh we see Sean Robert outside so Shadow and I like it they start following Shadow I go inside grab anything I can fit to my inventory that I think is useful and Brew up a couple potions and like it and just leave while we were standing on the car just killing zombies I wanted to talk about where we were going next what was our next steps I think we have to have a plan I think the instructions happening in the city right if that's if that's a like get to the get to the top of this building to get on the helicopter that's the zombie movie right oh but what if we rigged the tunnel so we should set up a forward operating location like we should all log out in a place Central on the map I think that's literally all we should do like anything else we're gonna try to do right now is not really practical like we're done but for some reason Shadow and sneeve seemed really reluctant to potentially base up somewhere centrally in the city they were overly cautious or concerned at the very least my whole thought process was the next time we were logging in was for extraction night there was no more time for the base to be found and raided we just needed to be able to be mobile I'm guessing maybe they thought I was trying to double cross them because the tone here definitely shifted after I finally got them to agree to my plan no I caught them at ours you caught him you caught them at ours shadow yes what do you mean like when you're in the boat yeah oh yeah yeah but they weren't they didn't they didn't know what the base then they were looking straight at it oh they're looking straight at it they were they were parked right out front of it looking straight at it there's no way they didn't know it no it was there could they see it you guys see it I didn't think so I I've I've tried to see if you can see it from the outside both using uh shaders and without shaders and there is no way you can see through remember Shadow how we found a two by one in the glass I think that's when they found it and then they were just like let's come over and get the stuff from here since Rob just since Kim just killed us I mean my old building's right there is pretty Central yeah but weren't they in it so couldn't they have messed with it they could have but I mean I've been there a few times already and there's nothing in there we made our way through the ruined City grabbing some last minute supplies in books glass a little bit of random resources that we could use for final potions or final enchants making our way onto a set of roofs that actually turned out being the tutorial spawn for this map which was dead center of everything this was the perfect possible location for us to be able to base up and be mobile anyway that's along the way so I can kind of go with you and then we can come back here when we're done along the way where you're going back to your base are you yeah I just I I left I left things and I want to make sure I have all the stuff that I need we'll just come back here and pick one of these houses I guess I I just crafted up a bunch of TNT you're gonna light it I want to be able to light it oh you want to be able to light it oh I see it I don't want to light it like right now I was like why you want to light it right now that was my plan all along whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the timing on that problem oh okay bye guys okay I'm gonna I'm just gonna log off okay good luck them leaving that suddenly and without saying anything definitely rank some alarm Bells I was afraid that they were abandoning me wanting to go off and do their own thing or thinking that I was going to double cross them and then I'm not sure I definitely thought I'd need backup I don't think I can make it to extract all by myself so I really hope that maybe I'm just being a little bit paranoid at this point we're all paranoid of each other that's how these scenarios go but I did the last little bit of exploring and almost broke my legs on the pavement 10 minutes before I was about to end this thing foreign oh that could have been so bad but with that near-death experience being a bit much for me I refilled my bucket stacked my gear messaged my friends and called it a night tomorrow I was either gonna get out of the city or die try here we are it's extraction night if we die here we die for real and now we just need to wait for our allies who are suspiciously not here and I'm a little concerned about that I'm not gonna lie I'm actually very concerned about that I'm not gonna lie Steve and Shadow were nowhere to be found I spent the day just kind of waiting in the area moving from rooftop to Rooftop trying to hold back any zombies who got a little bit close to me and messaging my two allies trying to figure out where exactly they were Shadow felt like he was kind of only half answering my messages and I was starting to worry I'd have to go it alone so I finally decided to test out this trident and figure out how it worked and it turns out it doubled your speed but it reduced your hack by Health but there was a visual glitch and it didn't show it to you right away so I was running around at five Hearts right now an easy kill and that thing was just sitting in my hot bar constantly damaging me I'm not gonna lie they're making me a little nervous right now and times I'm starting to get worried that they might not actually want me to leave with them whole no go get out of here can they just climb walls now no there's Vines there okay good oh okay oh that was terrifying were the zombies getting smarter and me Miss clicking honestly I threw a few flares up into the sky and it turns out that's all I needed to find my friends hey hey not gonna lie y'all were making me nervous no we just we had it we had to stop a sneeze real quick you needed to get um a couple potions or something oh y'all making me super nervous I'm like oh they're gonna ditch me you good sneeve here there we go okay so here's here's the lowdown Kim is still sketchy yeah no no shot yeah uh Orion is kind of a we don't really know Ryan's a wild card yeah and Sean and Robert are definitely together so oh yeah absolutely um hey did anybody claim that Bounty that you put out on them uh no can I have one of those words no sorry I I actually wanted to bring you one I forgot I'm sorry I don't have them with me oh we spent a little bit of time doing last minute coordination grabbing some of the different potions and watching Sean in chat just constantly try to pit people against each other using only text and by now we all know not to trust Sean so we just let that go [Laughter] do that to me no okay like I might not trust Sean but I'm still traumatized over everyone trying to kill me together so as soon as I noticed that bugabooon chat I did get a little Panic Shadow was walking right towards me what could you expect me to do but thankfully no that's not what happened this time around but here a night vision potion couldn't hurt and they can announce it at any minute and then we're kind of oh yeah yes perfect timing with one extra heart on my bar we headed out Steve reminded me to craft up a quick Shield so I'd be prepared for combat and that was a good idea we made it while avoiding zombies running out and starting to prepare ourselves in this central location in the quadrant that we knew that the extraction would take place Shadow I am navigationally challenged yo I know where we're going okay good oh my God Steve's got babies on them foreign they're the commenters that say that you're bad at the game they're right but they're out of line but they're ready that's that's your turn right that's my secret I'm always bad at the game but we headed out of the main city proper into some of the Rolling Hills that surrounded the overall area to get a central location through several points of interest but even as I was traveling with my friends it kind of felt like they didn't exactly trust me what if we go up up to the top of this thing because we can Purl down off of it we'd be safe from zombies that would be spawning tonight I say I say we split I don't like being alone no no no no that's not on the same thing like I'll I'll be up here that's so cool I never even saw that thing the spaceship oh those children are still coming after you sneeze it's like Daddy I found you I'll be doing macaroni sculptures in heaven now yeah I'm nervous this is the problem with Joe and he keeps offering these deals but he gives like no time for it yeah you don't have to worry about grenades right like no everybody's used up all their grenades just the traps basically yeah part of me wants to be like more near a point of interest because it sounds like it'll be on a POI if we go down to that snowy area down there and move East we'll be kind of in the center of the two likely spots snowy area and move East this area to the north yeah yeah and follow it East yeah Central to we'll be centered both and we become from the back we spent all this time in the city trade offer who wants this guy in us this guy this guy I've said this in almost every video I've ever done with Sean I love the guy but you cannot trust him in any sort of competitive situation he will kill you you're stressed out your legs oh yeah yeah yeah intensely but we're basically walking through what is like what a Microsoft Microsoft Windows background picture right now yeah desktop background yeah we're walking through a desktop background the rest of everybody else is playing Doom but as we all waited for the extraction to be announced it could be any time at any moment 10 minutes notice and then boom you had to move we wanted to stay Central but not just stand in place so we found ourselves constantly moving through the forest from Treetop to Treetop getting OverWatch on different areas it provided us with great visibility but that worked both ways but yeah I get wanting to come from the back but also we're like dead in the open that's all right it's impossible for somebody to not see us we have numbers no grenades we have the numbers it doesn't matter if they see us we got the health too we gotta remember that yeah yeah well you two do I'm only at 11. I Gotta Give Sean credit he was doing everything he could to try to psyops everybody with chat but at this point we all know what happens when everybody on this server gets together yeah I wasn't about to go meeting up with everybody just to get instagimbed Again by having being jumped without warning I'm sticking with my two allies and hoping for the best here Ryan messaged me following up on the conversation that I had had the previous day with him the one that shadow had overheard the whole thing and yeah I confirmed that we were not aggressive towards each other that was just one less player I had to worry about we're all just parked and waiting it's just that tense moment where everybody's just waiting for like the one person to slip up and enter the crosshairs of somebody else and then bam everybody starts shooting this is the Calm before the storm yeah if he dies he dies and after seven days of being chased by the undead and now this day of relative peace and quiet it was starting to get to me and I had bad thoughts kinda just want to set the whole Forest on fire hello I mean I'm here now I was waiting for you two to react to that no I was just getting the chat I'm I'm playing a widescreen and I had to pull the screen over in the recording real quick uh okay so here let's get a screenshot before before we go to leave okay all right screenshot oh yeah helmet's off at that screenshot that wasn't just for posterity I mean it was but I also had a thought in my mind if they were willing to line up with me and take helmets off and grab a screenshot they probably at least moderately trusted me which meant maybe I was in my own head maybe my allies were actually my allies and I was good to go that's the thing about these scenarios they constantly have you guessing and second guessing any potential alliance any potential treaty because at the end of the day there's a limited number of seats on that helicopter and only a few people are making it out of here but as we stood on the trees going into the second night of the extraction we were just trying to talk strategy so that building right there that you see that's not in the quadrant quadrant which one the one that's like the one that's going on yeah the hotel is not the terminal is see that's where he is he's in the he's in the airport now I know you can't trust Sean when it comes to basically anything that he says in fact leave me a comment down in my video where he was right when that comment was typed so I know whether or not he was lying I'm gonna go watch it but still you tell me too but we thought why don't we give the airport a little look no I know you're crawling but I just I don't have the patience for it no that's fine I'm just trying to be sneaky standing on the roof of the place being safe from the undead because they weren't spawning on top of this building for some reason once again it was a rather uneventful night and this Calm before the storm was the most uneasy I had been on the server without actually being in combat I remember the point where Sean and Robert jumped me blinded me and just forced me to work for them right here that leading to my death and then returning items and then betrayal and then Shadow trying to kill Robert right in front of me so much had happened and it was hard to keep track over who had tried to kill who I'm losing my mind losing more specific show I hope it's not somewhere inside yeah that's the part that scares me too is is that option Sean would make his promises in chat but we all knew he was going to do that anyway he did however get us all with this little announcement you see right there we're all waiting for the announcement of a flight or an extraction and him saying oh yeah the plane's departing made us all think that oh we had to run to the airport but it was just him doing a Master Level Troll and then the message we were waiting for finally dropped in front of the military base let's go let's go back and they'd be a little more specific I thought they're going to be specific I think yeah that's 10 minutes and then five minutes it's that helicopter yeah yeah helicopter okay pearls we threw the pearls up over the hill trying to recoup ground through the Wilderness so we could approach and attack the military base from behind instead of going into what is an obvious choke point that could potentially be trapped or being held up from a better defensive position okay so this is the plan okay we all attacked the same person yeah same person I'm not yeah three people that's what I'm saying I'll I'll join you after I've hit them um with that with that plan Shadow okay yeah I'm just saying if we hit them both then I'll join you I got arrows that make them float that's smart so they can't move but if they Purl I guess they can move but they'll still be floating with the idea of let's all just get together and kill one person you know strategy masterminds that we are we continue purling over the mountain moving through these snow areas and finally getting eyes on the base and we were not the first ones here oh they're in there they're in there they're in there bunker third from the left one two three Rob don't trust them don't trust them are we going in you wanna let's go it I potioned up arranged my gear got ready to Purl in but just as we did that unsorted gain another heart of maximum health he wasn't on his own anymore either and there were new alliances being forged even right now in the last few minutes Pearl on the right one the very far right one okay hey boys he says as he throws something at us we can extract together right yeah exactly guys get off this roof Sean's gone get off the roof with no eyes on Sean I purled off ending up on top of one of the control towers and falling down inside of it which isolated me a little bit but it did give me an elevated position to survey the whole Battlefield they're in the helicopter scared me I'm still I'm here they're holes in the glass there's holes in the glass I'm gonna do something that could potentially be silly okay boys okay let's I'm just gonna go in I'm gonna be quite honest with you left left left doesn't we don't have to fight we can extract together nah oh my goodness yes there's buses everywhere coming husks are a problem they're they're together that we need to go in with two of us [Music] so Forge was dead that's huge our side now had the player Advantage assuming that Ryan was still operating on his own the zombies though were the biggest problem there were more than ever before because it's the first time that we are all together since like day two and the rates had been cranked up to 11. I stayed on Rob's tail though constantly trying to Purl behind him but I could never really connect for a volley of subsequent hits before he would immediately Pearl away where'd it go you guys know right behind us oh he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead Kim what were you doing Kim you betrayed us you're with them I swear I heard you what did you what should I do I'll be playing both sides oh my gosh these husks gets it 90 seconds 90 seconds to where foreign just as Kim fell into the hole and all of us were standing on top of the helicopter we had that last minute realization the front of the base not on top of where we were standing and I purled away the worst possible time I'm tempted to go check the front oh you're on the correct helicopter oh yes we got him ah guys what what guys help help where are you where are you I'm stuck in the hole there's no way we can get down there okay I'm in I mean I mean I mean I mean I'm in okay hey I'm Anthony hey boys you're letting him come with us sure uh hey I I have no quarrels with any of you guys all right here boys I think there's no celebrate there's no bottom yeah we made it here celebrate yeah here celebrate we already Mad Men [Music]
Channel: Legundo
Views: 924,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legundo funny, legundo minecraft, legundo gaming, minecraft zombie apocalypse 100 days, minecraft zombie apocalypse roleplay, we simulated the purge in minecraft, we simulated a zombie apocalypse, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, zombie apocalypse simulation, forge labs zombies, forge labs 100 days, legundo 100 days, Minecraft the last of us, The last of us
Id: h39OvL8Gb98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 2sec (7442 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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