Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG GRANNY! (Tyrannosaurus, Granny & Slenderman)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys welcome back to another video and today as you can see we have something a little bit different behind me like usually we might have a massive chest a secret base like some ladders or something but not this one's different as you can see it's kind of like a prison so this is do not choose being wrong at prison so we have a blue prison a red prison and also a white prison so if you guys enjoyed these videos make sure to go ahead slappa like turn on notifications subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and let's jump into this right now so you might have actually noticed that the clouds are different color so that is what we've like seen before so we're gonna find out who is inside because these clouds are looking a little bit weird not gonna lie but let's do a little bit of a guess so we have blue that could be kicked a buddy it could be maybe gumbo uhm that's literally everything that I can think of that's blue ah let's move over to the red one so rare that there's actually a lot of different characters it could be it could be like Mario spider-man Pennywise I feel like I'm missing something but that's all I can like kind of think of right now and for whites um I don't know who could be in the white one maybe like grandpa or something cuz we haven't seen grandpa in a while sort before we enter one of these prisons let me just quickly jump into here cuz we need some protection so we got some gold ok nice I like that you know what let's put that here we have some enchanted apples you know what I'm just gonna leave often behind except for one and we have a diamond pickaxe now I'm pretty sure with this pickaxe we have to break through the prison obviously to see who is inside so which one are we gonna pick first hmm they obviously can't escape cuz of bedrock you can't obviously you can't break bedrock guys even if you have the most Oh P pickaxe it's literally impossible so I don't see any like whoever's like inside of here any character getting out of this prison so I might go left to right so blu-ray than whites all right so let's break free this prison um okay did not mean to do that I'm sorry pressure plate let's put you back okay so lets us oh okay wait huh so we can't really go back out i mean i guess i can just break free but it looks like there's no button so that's a little bit concerning but let's go down here hello anybody is it who's down here could it be kicked a buddy well it's your chest okay oh hang on oh I swear I've seen this character before um is that who I think it is Squidward wait what is he doing down in a prison hang on this is really weird he's like jumping up and down is he excited to see me I I don't Nora I really can't tell but there's a chassis oh oh so is this why in here did you steal money or something I'm really confused there's a ton of money but the thing is can we no we can actually place it down even though it says brick it says brick but he can't place it down unless we can actually wait no this could actually be like um hang on if I break free here what if I put this in here I guess it doesn't do anything what is this money supposed to do I'm actually really really confused it says brick on it but I'm guessing that's why Squidward's in there look at these legs they're so skinny oh my goodness sorry Squidward why are you in here Kenny can you talk back should I let him out I don't know it like he's I don't know you should I let's just sum let's break a little bit more of this hey Squidward um not too sure why you in here hopefully you didn't do anything bad I think he might have started some there's money here that now I have in my hand so you know what I'm just gonna put this money back just in case I end up where Squidward is ah so let me just break frutos you know let's let him out he's not dangerous okay oh he's coming towards me whoa okay I did not see you've had many legs on him until he started walking a foot he only had two for some reason but obviously he's a squid like it kind of makes sense but for some reason on his foot he had like two legs ah but he doesn't seem to be like attacking me so what if I approach him and hit him okay oh wait what was that was he just playing the clarinet Squidward what are you doing why are you laughing this isn't funny you like imprison um I don't know what's the duration should we just let him escape oh wait he's basically just gonna up there by himself go up go up let me just push you towards it there we go keep on going am i actually like accidentally killing um oh wait what if I go like this so he can't like and I'm going back there we go oh my Ken I was a complete fail he just jumped over it I'm trying to let you out buddy but for some reason he doesn't want to he doesn't want to escape I guess I feel like I should probably maybe kill him he might like drop something maybe like clarinet that he keeps kind of what is he doing with it is he eating the clarinet I don't know Squidward you're really starting to freak me out a little bit so I was gonna hit you a few times okay there we go oh he did drop something is this the stuff that he stole hang on a stick and gunpowder why would he steal that this is a really weird one not gonna lie um you know what I'm gonna put everything back in his chest and I'm gonna act like I didn't let him free kinda I mean I just kind of killed him but we're just gonna put everything back just in case there we go wait where did I get this wait what when I get two of them from up from the top okay ah wait maybe he was trying to escape for here but I don't know I don't know what's going on let's move over to the next prison this one was very interesting to see Squidward down there um so I'm guessing like just break free like that okay um all right so which one should we answer next we have a red and also a white I might go for the red one we're not gonna skip the red one cuz usually I do like left and I kind of skip and go to here so let's just go straight through the red prisons so this could be Mario is spider-man Pennywise okay this one oh okay this one's slightly different the other one had stairs this one has a massive drop and water down the bottom it seems like so um I guess we have to go okay a little bit of a splash down there but we have to jump down alright here we go oh wait you think what that do you guys see what I'm seeing what is that wait what is this place and what is that that's actually starting to freak me out a little bit I don't even know what that is oh all right okay it's it's Slenderman um what wait there's two of them in here and like glitching free to block and what what are you doing this is so confusing do I let it dry let Slenderman out I don't know it's um it's kind of bright for here okay there is a chess it's just Oh so bedrock okay and some ladders I guess that's the way to escape but Slenderman I are you dangerous I'm coming through all right please do not kill me okay oh okay it's coming towards me oh oh jeez oh no no stop stop stop stop okay so they definitely do attack but why they climbing up to prison and doing that that's really freaking me out it like I don't know I don't know what to say um okay you know what I'm just gonna break for a little bit more this is really like a bad idea shouldn't be doing this but this is very interesting to see Slenderman do this all right I pretty much broke a lot of you're kind of like your prison bars right here so can come down from here this one is oh okay stop yo stop I let you out don't don't do this to me Slenderman please don't do this oh my gonna wait what uh did you guys see that um did you just die dad is sort of weird did he I don't know what happened maybe he's still life I'm pretty sure he just died and this lava right here so what so everybody's heads and oh okay that's a little bit scary this could be my head but there is one more Slenderman here so can this one come down what if I hit him there we go oh okay chill relax okay you know might just eat this cuz I'm taking some hits um what do you do it what I did I just do bet I punched him he literally went flying into the lava yay that is very very weird not gonna lie on this one was I don't even know what to say about this one let me know in the comments down below guys this was very very weird so yeah there was nothing else in his chest I guess we just go I guess we just leave um yeah so one of them died from here I didn't even touch that Slenderman he died from there but vis what I basically just hit I hit from here and he just went flying that makes zero sense I didn't think they're gonna have that much like knock-back or something but dude that is a really long way up and I'm glad we were given 64 ladders I'm pretty sure they were trying to escape like you guys you saw them they were like climbing up the top trying to glitch free to block but they couldn't escape because you can't just go free bedrock bedrock is just too opie even Slenderman couldn't even do it so let's just leave this place and we have one more prison to antle's quickly just break there we go ah so yeah what um not too sure who could be in that prison but we're gonna find out basically right now okay so I'm glad I haven't died yet Squidward was pretty nice Slenderman wasn't so nice so I'm hoping the next one is you know pretty good okay let's put all of this stuff back in the chest and I just realized the the clouds are back to normal is it cuz that killed Squidward is that the reason I'm a little bit confused of that but okay well let's put this back and we don't really need the bedrock to iron doors don't really need and a torch don't really need but we do need the enchanted golden apple so now we just have the lucky alas prison so the white one so out of these two so far I'm pretty sure I think the Slenderman would have to be the worst one just cuz they were kind of scary Squidward he didn't really do anything so white okay let's break free to prison okay okay like that hmm I see some cobwebs I don't like the look of that it's already kind of scary i calluses screw it down see some blood uh oh wait hey I think wait is that grandpa was I actually correct grandpa is that you hang on can you can you turn around oh that's decimal grandpa that's granny so we actually saw granny last time so how did you end up in prison granny what are you doing in here yo chill chill I'm just here to talk okay ah do you see that like as soon as I break this shows us like charging at me what if I set her free would that be a good idea I I don't know um obviously we can't break free here so if I break this maybe let her follow me um up here I don't know I don't know what to do or there's no chair or like anything hidden here so I'm not too sure why grannies actually in this prison so granny okay please turn attack me again I'm gonna actually let you out just don't attack don't attack stop stop looking at me can you not granny yo relax oh she got kind of trapped on the cobweb doesn't seem like she's very smart look she's running into it granny you feeling okay I know you you might have been in this prison for maybe I don't know a few weeks or a few months or maybe even a year oh no no no no no no don't get me trapped in there ah these cobwebs actually annoying again granny follow me okay just come up here maybe she hasn't seen the daylight the Sun for a while okay actually this isn't gonna work granny come back come back come back come back alright so we actually have to trap her in here again vent let her out granny can you stop getting caught on the cobweb that's actually really annoying come on quick quick quick okay and let's quickly do this and a bomber there we go alright so what I was going to do is break through the door but if she's gonna be behind me attacking then yeah so basically I just wanted to see the daylight I mean she's being stalked down here for a while so it's the least I can do I guess even though she's trying to attack me I don't know why I'm trying to be nice granny come on you haven't seen the Sun in a while so um yeah I guess you can are you following me okay here we go she's about to see the daylight come on granny oh wait no um I guess she hasn't seen it that long that she's allergic to it I guess oh she's burning from it come back quick quick don't die don't die and she actually gonna die what are you why are you still burning why is to burn up out out no stop stop stop okay so she didn't die but some I guess it was a bad idea to take her out um okay so it's actually just gonna trap you back in here alright come on granny you're not yeah you just don't allowed to come out of here boom all right so you know what I'm not gonna kill granny even though I killed Squidward I was kind of just interested to see what he would drop but granny I think she's just gonna drop like bones like cobwebs or something something pretty old since granny is kind of old um but yeah I think that's pretty much it goodbye granny just in case you try and escape I'm just gonna quickly do that look she's basically double traps I feel bad for granny but at the same time you kind of deserve it I mean I don't know why you're down there but um yes sir I think still Slenderman was the worst then it goes granny then the best one was pretty much Squidward's so I don't know which one I'm gonna choose first but we do have a few weapons and armor and all of that good stuff right here sorry we actually have some iron as you can see and also a stone sword and just some cooked beef just in case we get a little bit hungry and also we have to armor to protect ourselves to whatever is down in these secret bases sorry ah let's see purple hmm okay there's green which is it's kind of like my skin and there's a white you know what I think I'm gonna go from right to left lately I just been treating like the middle so I think we're gonna go with the white one first so hmm Cal can you please come with me can you get over here that maybe maybe it's scared okay you stay where you are okay all right let's go down here okay who's down here show yourself I'm just gonna drop my meat anything gonna come up I can't no all right let's go down okay this is a little bit spooky all right open door okay there's nothing this room hmm okay he's in here oh I see blood I see blood on the ground that's the OH oh my goodness watch what you can open you can open the doors granny relax relax I didn't know you could open the door oh my goodness actually scares me I was expecting something to attack me like that yo granny are you okay what she has a bat and everything what's wrong with your eyes I can't get out of here it can open a door are you gonna open into all my goodness of course it starts raining why does it rain every single time I do this okay you know what we're gonna go down oh geez she hit me all right run run run she's coming no no no no no no relax relax relax how did she how did she get through this the doors closed I I don't know wait hang on I'm a little bit confused where is she granny all right okay can we just be friends can we be friends I guess not let me attack you once oh there we go did I make it a little bit angry Oh oh geez no no no no granny you can take the beef take the baby look at her no I'm gonna hit a few times oh my goodness where's grandpa did you kill grandpa or something it's just where is this why there's like a lot of blood here oh my goodness she actually looks scary if that bat you know in her hands oh my goodness all right let's plays the door again see if she can come through all right let's see oh she's banging on the door how did she maybe I left like maybe I don't it I don't even remember how she got fruit that's so weird all right well um let's go that oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez hey I should be hitting her with the stone sword to kill her okay no no no die please die granny how much help do you have why can I not kill you can I actually not kill you oh my goodness uh granny I guess let me just keep on hitting keep on hitting okay she's stuck in the corner there oh my goodness you are not dying okay let's quickly get up here close the door I hate let's quickly eat oh my goodness I don't think we can kill granny guys I don't know what to do over granny your relax relax relax relax okay yeah we good let's sit oh oh geez okay we're gonna try and trap us somehow um okay let's see yeah I don't think we can kill it we got a megillah' okay let's uh let's get a few stuff okay so maybe just like a few blocks maybe this might do the job just to kind of trap her in there just so she doesn't somehow open the door because there's no way of killing up oh now the cow wants to come over here now it's running away it kind of alright let's get some dirt here we go alright alright that should be enough 12 12 volt jeez look at a bat yo okay let's sit I'm letting her escape get no no no no I can get back down there oh my goodness okay let's trap a trap trap trap shop sharp okay that's good that's good and just there okay um don't think she can come out now you're deathly trapped you can stay in there oh my goodness I can't believe how much health granny has so now that we trapped granny in the secret base look at these tribes we can't even see you anymore oh that's so good that she can't come out but we have to on the secret bases too I kind of see who is inside so I think we're gonna go off the green one and then the purple sorry let's see hello anyone in here alright let's see what's down here oh there's some water alright it's kind of tested okay it's not dangerous hopefully let's shut the doors okay now the thing is how am I gonna get back up huh I gave up let's just jump down alright here we go bell rings what does that mean it means the bells ringing um not too sure what this is like a TV or something I don't know holy why is there so many doors there's so many tools okay uh let's just keep on going through all the way and it just says Bill rings again okay why is there so many doors and it just says bell rings oh my goodness guys I think I might have a clue who is inside do you oh my goodness it is right there no is that who I think it is it is bobbies basics and he's holding a diamond sword why is he so why is he so big has it hit him oh my goodness how am I supposed to get inside yo okay you can hit that wait are you actually friendly let me see oh my goodness yo what okay I don't want to die I don't want to die relax yo those not nice sauce is coming he has to say hello and stuff alright the thing is I don't know how we're gonna get past him without like dying I can't even go oh geez oh this is a nice looking room okay oh my goodness look at it no no no no oh oh we killed him we actually killed him oh my goodness he dropped all the gear oh my goodness Wow does that mean I can basically put it on I mean just replace that oh we got a diamond sword now oh my goodness I can't believe we actually oh and a Golden Apple you know I'm just gonna eat it there we go Oh Oh again this is how we get out I'm pretty sure okay so this is a nice looking classroom but we killed bodis basics so that is a good thing couldn't kill granny which is a bad thing but now we just have a purple secret base of left's so I guess that's it hopefully doesn't like somehow trace porn I don't I don't think that's possible but this this part was a little bit scary okay you know what I'm just gonna quickly shut all the doors there we go oh okay I kind of missed some but it should be fine okay let's get out of here um okay yeah let's get out please there we go okay um actually since I have more blocks granny you're definitely not coming out you are trapped for good okay let me actually close the door okay that should be good now we all jeez now we have a purple secret base left lucky last base right here okay nothing nothing too suspicious around it um hopefully it's a good one maybe like Bonnie or something Bonnie are you in here um okay let's go in oh I'm unpack wait that and there's blood on the floor wait who's back oh wait no no no no no no no no no I think I think I know who's in here let let's just double-check oh I can hear his laugh guys I believe it's dannis pinkies back he just says I'm back and I just heard him laugh know this dude cannot die he's literally impossible to kill are you in here buddy are you actually in here oh okay he's not he's not in here I can hear him laughter okay maybe he's like teleporting around the place let's um let's go outside alright wait where did he go what am I just going crazy am I actually going crazy right now do you guys heard that too he was he was laughing but like I don't know why he's laughing um okay Sano's let's let's kind of break free this is gonna take forever he must be underground this is weird is is the underground uh-oh yeah well that didn't really help what if I break this block right here tunnels can you please come out buddy he's like playing hide-and-seek with me and I'm not I'm not down for these games hmm I don't know what should I do guys I I can hear him I just don't see him anyway hang on let's go back into this room oh uh he's teleporting he's teleporting but where where is he where's older is no no no I told you guys I told you almost like where is he I'm hearing things am I going crazy oh geez he's right down oh oh my oh wait what am i doing hey you can just teleport here watch him do it watch him do it he will do it No get away get away from me how are you back I mean we've never really killed you before I think but oh my goodness dude Donald get away get away you can take my meat wait send another one here is it true that's why just I don't know you can take to me buddy um I just I just want to be friends all right oh jeez oh jeez Oh state you can just teleport out what's the point what is the point I literally can't do anything at least granny can't teleport or kenchi no we would have seen it by now but yeah but yeah geez I don't know what to do I really want to kill him so he just doesn't ever come back okay we're gonna try we're gonna try here we go let's keep on clicking keep on clicking since I'm on Windows 10 come on come on come on die die die die this this is gonna be like you know today spongebob uh little Cod things where it says like ten thousand years later yeah I think that's gonna be the case because I can't kill this big where did it go Sano's oh geez again let's take you out right now right here I just don't know how to get rid of you I can't kill him guys whoa whoa oh ho you scare me buddy calm down calm down I'm gonna eat my meat there we go okay so since we can't even kill him I think I need to like trap him in a video I've said this before but if you guys want to see that let me know in the comments on blaring oh my goodness my sword just broke on me Wow okay oh no I just trapped myself oh uh well that that might wrap up today's video cuz we can't oh geez he's teleporting I can hear him he's outside I'm gonna make a run for it oh no no no no no no good good good good good good good okay if I can run from him like just run away good so which portal are we gonna enter first because as you can see there's two colors and then there's a mossy stone one which isn't really just one color so I think I might go left to right so we're gonna go green then we're gonna figure out which one between these ones so let's go into this chest and we have leather armor a wooden sword enchanted apples and you know what yeah Mike's gonna bring all of them with me y'all like that ah so let's just quickly put this in the first slot and there so yeah like I said Green who could be in green let's test out this chicken go in the green one chicken get back oh okay I'm sorry chicken so Green could possibly be um me or bodis basics or who else is green I don't know so that's why we're gonna find out let's jump in here and let's see who is in this portal whoa um okay wait where am I this says start so I just came from wait um hello is that you in not wait what is not doing here okay oh okay uh well that was a little bit of a test just to see if he attacks me but it looks like notch is actually quite friendly so uh wait you just open up that door says stop what is this what is the original name of the creeper wait a sec this is a trivial to do with Minecraft and notches here okay well knotch um I guess I'll go for your trivia did you place it maybe he did this I don't know let's go in here ah and there is no way out unless I break fruit so what is the original name of the creeper exploding mob well creepers exploders up you open it up we cake no he's trolling me now there we go ah some guessing I just press the button oh I think I've got that correct because I think I would have died if I got it wrong okay wait hang on what's it this block as you can see that what so weird so this next one says what do you end a man drop it's obviously ender eyes now I just I actually just made the comment section and mad cuz I said end dies I'm just kidding ah it's ender pearls obviously that's that's very basic come on I'm a genius so this one says how many different colored wool of it what is around how many so one two three four five six seven eight nine okay well don't think this 9 you know what I'm gonna go for high number 16 oh okay we good wait there's actually 16 different colored wool that's sane I mean it was like gray and stuff that we missed out there so I guess it's yeah okay uh so wait what's that sound sir weird ah where do you get alight your wings obviously the end city it's pretty easy what okay apparently it doesn't work wait if I press this one that is deaf that's the wrong one so I'm guessing I decide to break free just because it's apparently broken what is that sound it's really creeping me out let's let's move over to the next question this is actually pretty cool some believe knotch set this up for us so how many hunger bars does a cake give you some guessing it's like the whole thing should be at least seven right yes I'm the genius guys are you guys getting this correctly let me know in the comments down below so this one's actually pretty interesting so it says the effect of eating a pufferfish are which is you know poison and nausea was based off of what's I don't think other games obviously real life and this one doesn't work okay there we go as you can see I got that correct though did you get that correct or let me know ah let's see oh okay uh I'm pretty sure this doors not meant to be open did not wait what it what did not show up there did he just build a massive Tower I don't think I'm meant to actually put anything in there because this door is already open are in the original minecraft what was the world heights huh pretty Shores are 128 oh look at that I've got this correct so I'm not too sure how many trivias via uh how many blocks do you need to make a burn block this is easy for PC users are pretty sure it's nine wait okay well it's not nine well that was the first one I actually got wrong I mean I know bone meal is just one but for bone block I guess it is just free one two three okay that's really weird well I guess I don't want to walk all the way back and where did not go not where did you go buddy I think it might have actually went back into portal huh okay well I'm gonna leave this place and we're gonna move over to the next one so let's jump in a portal wait I lost all my stuff hopefully when I go back I still have my stuff like maybe maybe it just works like that I don't know let's go back and let's see there we go we are now back and I have my stuff so that's really weird okay well let's ends up the next one so I might spice it up we're not gonna go in order we're gonna actually skip the middle one and we're gonna jump to the white so I don't know who could be in the white one do you know Cal okay he's starting to he moved at me okay well let's enter this one and um you know what I'm gonna risk this okay I'm gonna take no enchanted apples I want to leave that to last this might be very very just not a good idea to do that like it might be a little bit stupid to do but um we're gonna answer this one all right here we go who is inside the white portal guys what what is this place hello okay so we wait the chest is great I just meant to be great I don't think they're supposed to be um I swear I've been in here before wait I can see sky let me out I'm like trapped in here did I hear something what's up I think I was my footsteps okay there's a there's a button there's a hole over there hang on can I break fritters what happens if I break this oh my goodness to make some weird noises hmm okay this is taking a while to break is it oh okay there's a portal thing that's sort of weird I don't think I was supposed to break that let's just oh my goodness guys I think I know where I am let's just look around so this is the buffering hmm ooh there's another button so these buttons don't work okay so we're gonna toilet I'm pretty sure this is the bathtub I guess the shower kind of thing uh the sink mirrors that actually looks pretty cool Wow very detailed okay so who lives in this house I'm pretty sure I know who's here I swear I just heard a noise hello um I'm sorry if I kind of budged and hang on this doors open okay nothing's down there all right well there's a bunch of cards oh okay oh my oh yeah sir granny granny are chill no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry uh where am I supposed to go oh my god oh there's an upstairs okay good bye granny oh it is another chess hang on nothing in that chest okay that's really weird uh so yeah I'm in granny's place right now where's grandpa where's yet oh we shouldn't come upstairs oh Jesus guarding the place can you stop get away get away get away from me granny dorrance I know you're very mad wait can she oh she can go upstairs oh geez oh wait maybe she can't oh I'm just kidding she can she actually can't okay we need a kind of ditcher ow ahh I think you have a hole in your kind of ceiling bag ready okay so what exactly am I meant to do hang on pretty sure meant to find like a key but I think the only way out is kind of just back at that um what does it go the portal wait how did you get down so quickly hang on what granny stop I'm actually getting hungry as well I should have actually brought those enchanted apples but I didn't but I'm not dead yes or I don't regret it just yet all right let's maybe kill granny do we do we try and kill granny oh my goodness don't hit me I'm trying to like do that like kind of hitter and move back so she doesn't get that sneaky little hit on me granny away from me okay geez it makes you get really hungry now wait hang on what's down here Oh granny are you hiding something down here okay we can't even go through this I don't think you ever can't granny please don't be behind me Oh No okay she doesn't want me there she really does not want me to see what was behind that that block so granny seemed to be kind of protecting whatever I was kind of looking at and I kind of forgot where to hurry how did I get there oh okay um never mind our fingers over this way okay granny ah I need to kill you after that always look at this this is perfect I don't know how many hearts she has but she's not dying and my sword is going to break whoa it's actually breaking my sword okay I might have to leave granny ah wait my sword is actually legit gonna break what what granny how many what I did at least a hundred damage maybe um is she coming up okay granny no no hopefully chief I don't think she can open up doors so oh wait she can wait you she can know get out get out granny oh my god oh no oh oh uh yeah I basically I just trapped myself Wow so it's looking around and I found a screwdriver not too sure why I would need that because I'm actually just gonna leave this place I think granny if I'm correct she should be trapped and here yep there she is ah hey granny how you doing you know what I'm just gonna take wait I break it off or you can actually collect it never mind so granny I'm gonna leave you here I'm sorry for kind of getting you trapped you didn't end up killing me a few times so peace out let's leave wait hang on oh yeah I forgot we have for our gear but just the sword break all right let's leave and enter the last portal we made it back yes okay well the fingers Sun is going down and I need to get a wooden sword for the last one is yet it's not in there oh that's not good that is not good all right well I mean it's kind of easy to make a wooden sword but um yeah granny man how did she break my sword like that oh so weird oh sorry let's get that make a stick and I need to get uh actually no that's enough wood that's perfect alright so one basically that's all we have get rid of sticks cuz we don't really need it and let's ends up the last one but before we do let's bring this along with us shall we okay sorry middle one mossy stone this is a weird block because these two are like one color as you can see green and why this one is a bunch of green is like a white pixel it's all grey as well so I'm not too sure what's in this portal that's why I left it to loss let's see who's inside alright guys so this one wait wait where is this oh no wait a second doh spotting that cow right there they're gonna kill it that's really scary yo what there's one oh my goodness Oh okay well they're really really loud yeah but I think tis full heel free full five ways up two of them now free nine is free of them so one two three four five there is five massive dinosaurs right here can I even can I kill them what a nice that even possible hello uh they're really looking at that cow for some reason it's might be a really bad idea a really bad idea maybe I shouldn't be doing this but I want to see what happens to the cow wait what the fate wait what they look at me well they killing the cow they're actually killing the cow oh my get is yo uh can you get back in there oh no they're after me oh no oh no I let's eat this real quick jeez these things are loud and very scary ah sorry wait there we go yo they have animations and stuff as well interesting very interesting why can you climb stop climbing get back down get back down oh my goodness can we actually fight this off I don't know if we can oh my goodness wait a for to kill them before to kill them Oh run run run run run run run run kuna scale for me wait they stopped okay yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to kill all of them guys oh geez Oh No I can't kill them this is so hard can you at least they're back in the little farm area so that's kind of good oh wait is this one in or out I think it's in okay let's quickly for the sake don't know no no no there we go who else close okay now we just have to get rid of this one I guess Oh No okay so at least I have all my enchanted apples let's eat this and let's find him can we ride it well that could but apparently become oh my goodness yo put him in the water you're stuck in the water now buddy wait no get back in there get back in there ow ow ow ow they've really hurt wait what did one two three four five huh I thought only one was out but apparently there's actually two of them great lovely that's perfect I can't kill this one oh there we go oh my god I actually killed it I was like I can't kill this one and as soon as I said it I killed it oh my goodness okay sir oh no no no no stop stop um just kill the cows will she pull something there's a cow over there do you what do you want to kill it hmm they're not gonna talk back ah let's see if this and I might just you know what since I can't technically get this dinosaur back in there unless it like follows me and stuff I guess I'll just kill it leave the ovens in there and I'm just gonna dip out this place wait my sword broke oh oh oh don't no no I just need to quickly make a crafting table hold up can you stop attacking me for once just just give me one minute give me one minute just break in this tree okay it's really not gonna give me a minute oh no the leaves two leaves okay can you stop climbing up here what duh how's the climbing okay so finally stop there let's quickly make V ah like it's going fat and then a sword we made two just in case this one breaks all right let's get rid of you real quick can't believe they actually break my door all right oh my goodness oh there we go okay so we got rid of two so this should yea only be a free left okay good and I don't think let me just double check don't think Nichkhun escaped there's no gaps in the fence this one actually looks like it's oh wait no no don't follow me don't follow me don't don't there's a gap in the fence oh there's a gap oh let's quickly get this lucky I actually checked didn't realize about there's a gap in the fence now they're gonna try and follow me so I'm gonna kind of get away from their distance and let's quickly touch this up there we go they shouldn't be able to get out there wait can I can you jumped up I don't think you can buddy you're stuck now all right let's leave at least we killed two let's get out of here this one wasn't really that good it's kind of scary so yeah let's go back and goodbye dinosaurs there we go we are now back so let's do a recap which one was the worst definitely think the middle one even though I didn't get killed in any that one was as bad Bennett goes granny then the trivia map because knotch he was a cool guy he didn't do anything he didn't attack me the questions I mean wait I did actually die in that one but it wasn't the worst one because I didn't actually that was kind of my own fault for getting the the question wrong so if you guys see like a little bit of an echo it is because I'm actually in the garage with basically nothing in it except for my setup and a car because I'm actually moving so that is the reason so please bear with me if it is echoey but yeah let's go ahead and play the guessing game like always guys so let's start with this middle one here because this is the only cake that actually makes sense because actually not even in creative house actually just gonna pull out a cake but I don't have one and it's definitely not one in there as well so obviously the white one is the normal one with in Minecraft sorry I'm thinking it's that SCP thing again because why it is always you know that SCP alien looking things so that is my guess what I'm in one now for pink um actually don't know pink could be Patrick from SpongeBob that's my guess and for yellow yeah it actually could be Sponge Bob or what's that other thing Lala I'm pretty sure it scored from Slendy Tubby's or you know the Teletubbies so that is all my guesses now let's go ahead enter this chess and basically let me just quickly put all this on because we need a little bit of protection just in case so which one should we actually enter first you know what I'm like Grover this pink one so maybe right-to-left I don't know we'll figure it out so here we go guys free two one okay oh oh wait hang on that's um Gary to snail from from Sponge Bob hang on it says fusion help me please how did you know my name um this is a smart snail spongebob is missing help me find him okay oh wait hang on can we actually Brian in there oh I think we might need being created for that okay well wait where'd you go wait oh wait hang on is he trying to tell me something hang on hang on hang on Gary just wait there buddy don't hurt yourself okay yes so like there is a yellow bed here for maybe spongebob and this is Gary's bed I'm guessing so I think he's actually telling me that he's up there okay move out the way buddy move out move out the way oh jeez okay oh oh no I did not mean to hurt him Oh oh my goodness wait please help me oh that's why because Gary can't actually get him in now what are you doing in here wait did someone trap you and he I'm so confused okay so we got a diamond pickaxe well Gary actually helped me so huh very weird let me just get rid of the science real quick so he's saying help me spongebob do not attack me please I'm here to help let me get you our buddy okay so can you oh there we go I don't know he's still a little bit trapped so he's a little bit going weird oh there we go can you go down there or I don't think you can actually fit so I might need to make this area a little bit more bigger for you this might be a bad idea can you get down there buddy spongebob please he's just kicked get down wait what is he doing do I have to make this even bigger oh there we go oh jeez I think him I've taken some damage I don't know but at least oh geez I'm hurting everyone I'm hurting myself as well so at least they're like now together kind of thing oh wait hang on we don't want spongebob going back up there so hang on let me just quickly press this button okay I need to quickly get some dirt guys so I can actually cover up the water spots just so you know spongebob doesn't end up going back there again so this should be enough seven yeah just definitely should be enough let's press the button again and where does Sponge Bob go what where did he go oh okay he's right there for he actually went back up there and I was gonna be really really mad but he's actually not so let me just quickly cover this up there we go yeah I'm not gonna be able to fix everything Oh actually again if I just jump there we go now for this one I don't think yeah you can't actually get up there so there's no real point and blocking it to be honest but yeah we actually helped him okay spongebob I know you're a little bit excited to see Gary again but you guys have fun I'm gonna go to the next cake and yeah let's just go ahead and do that so which one should we enter next guys be white or the yellow sorry I've been thinking for a little bit between these two and I think I'm just gonna go straight down the middle so let's choose this white cake because this is been normal cake because we don't really have a pink or yellow one with in Minecraft so hum yeah a little bit odd but let's go ahead and press the button free sue one and you know I'm gonna press the side boom okay oh hello yo I've not seen you for a very long time are these balloons hang on wait what is this what does this say today is granny's birthday she is wait hang on wait what what ages 102 that is your age today she is 102 years old today oh my goodness yo that's actually pretty old um Congrats I guess but why are you trying to attack me which is we're trying to celebrate your birthday we're gonna have a party and bring everyone over and have some some fun or something but it doesn't look like granny wants to have fun she seems to be like oh geez whoa okay why you burning why are you burning granny don't do this to me um okay there's nothing in there Oh what is the cake okay um what did you want did you want the cake there you go okay doesn't want the cake you know what I'll eat instead we're either on your birthday oh you don't stop hurting me granny granny I do not want to kill you I do not want to do that what do I do I just ate most of the cake you can have the final piece okay oh my goodness I think she's mad I think she's definitely mad what am I supposed to do what if I hide behind this balloon oh geez okay stop granny granny stop I don't want to die okay you know what I think you know what maybe you can kill me just for your birthday this is your birthday present I guess again are you happy now now when I actually come back please do not attack me so that was the birthday present basically just killing me now what I'm actually gonna do is get some of this dirt and maybe trapper now you guys know this I'm pretty bad at trapping like it takes me like 20 blocks just to do it so I'm gonna try and do it the first try hopefully it's successful because if I go in then she's still mad at me then we're just gonna use these so 15 should definitely be enough to trap someone because I don't wanna kill it it's a birthday like come on even though she'd kill me let me just quickly get my stuff let me just get it and put it on as well so where do you want to be trapped granny maybe in this corner you know what we'll do this corner right here so oh okay yeah I knew I was gonna be bad at this guys I knew it so hang on what if I go like this okay come on come on granny hey know what you're supposed to be down here there we go oh my goodness actually did it yo usually this takes a very long time for me to trap someone but um yeah I just don't want to kill granny I mean it's her birthday she turned 102 apparently so this whole time that we have seen her she was 101 years old you're actually looking pretty decent for your age not even gonna lie yeah you can do some sit there you can have some dirt I don't know why but we're gonna enter the last cake which was yellow I believe so um yeah I'll wait hang on can I break this oops sorry to break your cake let's just leave so guys the final cake so we've been free both for these now obviously so we had Gary the snail we had granny which was her birthday and now it is the yellow ones so my guess was um I'm pretty sure to Teletubbies so Lala and either spongebob except I don't think it can be spongebob again because we just technically Shawn and Gary - snails cakes whoo let's go ahead and enter this one cuz I'm a little bit curious to see who's inside so free two one and here we go oh okay oh my goodness guys look at that look at the baby one that's so cute how many minions they here ah let me count the beds hang on so one two three four five six and is yeah six on the other side so this twelve minions here okay you guys are kind of loud can you guys be quiet just a little bit is it someone's birthday is it the little ones birthday look out tiny this minion is we got some might hang on what's this oh okay you know what I'm gonna put that on why wait why did I give me diamond for this is a little bit weird okay wait hang on wait what is the spawn egg hang on let me just quickly put this on okay what do we have in here it says skeleton but that does not look like a skeleton hang on let's spawn in one of them oh my goodness well oh jeez yo chill chill okay um what what just happened wait what was this going on I'm confused minions what is that purple thing is that like a purple kind of different minion they were attacking each other like what if I oh oh no no no no no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh jeez oh I might actually die oh god okay what what was that what was that I'm actually confused hang on let me go back over here let me just get that out geez that was I don't know what to say uh hopefully when I got back in there they don't attack me but I feel like doing riot oh I think they forgot I actually think they forgot okay you know what I'm gonna hit one if I if I can there we go oh my goodness I can't actually do it like I can't get up here without them attacking me oh my goodness stop stop stop stop stop my knee press the button again oh I might be stuck Oh get the bunny get the bunny two hearts have all of you guys calm down now please okay I'm not gonna hurt AK one of you guys again but you know what I'm gonna do we're gonna have a little bit of a battle let's get all of these out I don't know what these are but we're gonna spawn in a bunch of them oh my goodness okay you know what I'm just gonna hide up here okay you know I'm gonna spawn and more there we go hey don't attack me what no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop let me get up there okay y'all this is actually really annoying very annoying I can't get up the ladder there we go I don't think they can climb up guys attack each other what are you guys doing fight the other minions go protect me what why are you guys trying to attack me for Ike I don't know what's going on um wait where's it the baby one go oh it's right there okay so we got two baby ones one is the actual minion and one is the purple kind of minion all right let's go all right let's see what happens don't why they try to attack me get out no no no no no no ow ow ow okay this was a bad idea this was a really really bad idea oh no no no no no no my sword is actual probably gonna break any second now but I'm actually killing all of them hang on getting rid of them getting rid of them getting rid of them come on come on come on come on come on come on oh no my soul break oh no oh no oh no and I'm dead I'm actually gonna die okay that's great okay now they want to fight each other what let's quickly go back guys um oh okay wow they actually take got rid of all of the other minions yikes okay well let's detect them of this this is my final weapon I mean I think I could go back and get a sword but this is actually doing this let me just quickly get rid of all of them and very good that's actually quite easy a lot more better than my arm my wooden sword to be honest but I yeah that was the minions very very weird anything else in these chests oh wait oh my goodness why did I not grab the diamond sword i legit could have had a better sword too oh my god okay that's actually been annoying but um yeah guys that is do not choose the wrong cake let me know which one was the worst one I think it might actually be the minions van it goes granny and then the best actually being the first one that we picked was Gary two snails so yeah if you guys enjoyed this video make sure let's go ahead slapped our like button turn on notifications and subscribe to the channel if you are new here and I'll see you guys in the next video peace see you
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 2,159,337
Rating: 4.7835784 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, DO NOT CHOOSE, do not choose the wrong portal, minecraft secret base, secret base, 3am, do not choose the wrong farm, scp, granny, slenderman, tyrannosaurus, do not choose the wrong potion, do not choose the wrong bow, do not choose the wrong bucket
Id: zUCE25BDcSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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