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[Music] so guys before this video starts i just want to mention that i dropped some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already what's up guys welcome back to another video today as you can see we are back on this world once again now it's night time and uh i'm actually hungry i haven't had any dinner so we actually have to go ahead and make some dinner right now because i don't want to go to sleep on an empty stomach because that won't really be nice at all so i think i'm actually going to make some chicken and we're just going to put it in the oven here put it right there and just wait for it to cook up and um yeah uh i think we have to wait like 10 15 minutes i'm pretty sure hopefully it's actually cooked pretty well because i don't really want something raw that'll be disgusting so i will be right back so i've been waiting for about 10 minutes or so and as you can see my hunger's actually gone down a little bit even more so yeah let's see if it's ready oh it is ready oh cooked chicken yes that's pretty much my dinner let's sit down let's have some cooked chicken i don't see my hunger when sitting down that's weird oh there we go we're full yes that is perfect now i can actually go to sleep and not be hungry because i don't know who really likes going to sleep while they're hungry that's awful i just don't like that feeling so let's head to bed right now and uh oh wait wait who's calling me who you could be calling me at this time hang on um hello arfmel is that you um yeah i'm home at the at the moment uh what's up right you want me to come over yeah i was about to head to bed but okay uh i'll be there in a few minutes all right that that was weird what does what does afmel want why is she calling me uh okay so i guess we'll just head to her house um where's my car uh i'm a little bit lost i'm a little bit tired as well so again let's just go out this way and which car should we drive today because i do have two because i actually lost uh i think two of them as well i had like a red one and a yellow one i'm just gonna guess i think but we're gonna go with the green car let's turn this on there we go make sure we reverse out oh oh my goodness it's been a while since i've been on this world so i'm a little bit newbie at uh driving right now but i think i can get the hang of it uh guys my car just ran out of gas are you kidding me it actually ran out what guys look i'm trying to turn on no wait there we go no please just work no are you serious i'm in the middle of nowhere well not really i mean there's a few houses around here but come on please just turn on oh my goodness i'm mad i'm so mad oh my goodness can we push this thing are we are we able to push it i don't think we are okay well looks like i'm walking now i should have brought the other car because it probably has more gas in it that one's just in the middle of the road now i can't do anything about it we have to go to athmal's house because she called me saints come over i don't know what for though uh this is my old house if you guys remember i believe her house is to the left here uh where is it where's the sound oh wait is this it oh it looks like it could possibly be half mal's house now what is she calling about at this time i know i was making dinner a little bit late that's just because like my sleep schedule's a little messed up because i do youtube but um afmel hello any anybody here okay you know what uh i know i knocked on the door but no one's answering hello i feel weird just going inside of here but i i guess no one's actually home wow this is a really cool place whoa look at this wow massive like table all right you got an awesome tv a sofa uh what do we got what what is this mortal kombat you got minecraft okay uh four nights uh gta and oh rocket league wow so these are games that she must play wow that's actually really cool all right so wait what's up here then um oh wait there she is hey what the wait haha you got pranked what what okay well i'm back here now okay well we can take the other um car why did she say i got pranked okay wait a second now i'm mad do i have to bring this stuff with me do i have to fight her or something right now i cannot believe her right now i'm so mad that was the prank okay this car is working um hopefully it doesn't run out of gas again because uh i'll be pretty mad all right you know what let's see uh is my car still in the middle of the road i think it is but i just can't move it because there's no gas and i don't even know where gas station is on this world so i don't think there is it any like close by goodbye car at least we got further with this one i think um i didn't really drive a lot of the blue car i think with the green i did it for a few videos so that is why it ran out but uh all right let's chuck a left there we go and now it looks like i actually have to fight afmel for whatever reason because i mean she just pranked me so let's just park right here turn off the car there we go eat the enchanted apple and now i am ready to fight where did she go afmel hello where are you oh there you are okay wait hi you got pranked well i know but like why are you pranking me is it for youtube video huh is it for youtube video you want to do a little 1v1 here oh i might actually die here oh no not again please leave me alone okay wait what if i um can she leave here does she still follow me because sometimes oh oh okay so you don't want to leave your place huh hmm can i actually bring the car inside hang on i want to see if this actually works this might be weird but oh oh my goodness it actually works wait oh we just can't fit through the door i wait i called you so i could fight you and she just killed me and now i'm back here again oh wait no it actually works wait come back here noob wait what the she just called me a noob okay uh that that's not nice uh afmel please just leave me alone maybe she's hungry do you want some food we can talk about this stop chasing me stop okay you know what i have all day i can play this game i can keep on going around in circles yeah um i'm getting a little bit sick actually i might throw up stop chasing me stop okay you know what she's not gonna give up and uh i don't really have all day because i'm a little bit tired and i wanna go to sleep she has nothing in this chest oh my goodness i can hear the car oh i still have it turned on i should actually turn it off okay quick quick quick quick turn off actually wait we should move the car away there we go that was i just want to see if i could actually fit through the doors and apparently i can kind of fit through the door i don't know but all right here we go haha you got pranked okay you know what you don't need to keep saying the same thing afmel all right yes now you're getting pranked huh yeah how does it feel i mean it's a harmless prank kind of i guess it's for a youtube video oh my goodness and well at least we spawn back here so we're gonna keep on going down and then where did she go where did she go oh you're hiding huh yeah okay well can you not call me again at this time for you just literally just getting rid of me and uh laughing at me because um i was a little upset not really actually i wasn't upset but i do feel like sleeping so after this i'm probably just gonna head to sleep um can you stop oh my goodness i'm gonna die again how much health does she have this is insane like please tell me you drop your diamond sword because that would be very very nice if you do but if you don't you know what it'll be okay um i think i've died like at least four or five times by now i've lost track honestly because she just keeps on killing me sorry but by this time it's not even a prank all right you've gone a little bit too far so you know what there we go oh that was that was a lot of work that was a lot of work now you know what i'm gonna prank her back and i have a good idea it's a little bit of an annoying prank but i'm just gonna get some dirt and kind of just place it around the house now i know it's not the best kind of prank but it's really the only thing i have on me right now i don't have any like hidden traps or anything i can really do and uh or really planned out to be honest it seemed like she planned this out to call me at 3am to kind of just kill me i guess so yeah this is honestly the best kind of prank i can do right now so i think 20 should definitely be enough oh wait hang on didn't pick that up 20. actually yeah 21. so what we're gonna do is just place this around the house make it look a little um i don't know dirty i guess you could call it so there we go oh messy that's the word i was looking for messy all right there we go place it around their house because now when she comes back here she's gonna be mad that this is dirt all over her house because i'll be pretty mad too if this happened to my place all right there we go let's place one on the table and hmm maybe one here and one right there perfect yes your place is looking 10 times better now i'm just kidding this looks really weird uh yeah i'm sorry you can clean it up though you can clean it up uh because i mean you pranked me i'm gonna prank you back so let's leave now because i am getting tired and it's getting super late so yeah wow that was um very interesting i i really wasn't expecting asmr to call me i was um wait a second wait oh this is rager's house i completely forgot he i think he's asleep right now so i can't really knock at his door unless he's recording a video he could be but i'm just gonna guess that he's asleep because i haven't actually heard from him for a few hours now i was talking to him earlier but he fell asleep so oh there's my car goodbye car yeah my car is going to stay there for now on because uh i can't really move it all right guys we are finally home and i can now sleep in peace hopefully the phone doesn't ring again because oh wait a second sometimes we we do get two phone calls uh i'm hoping this is the last one oh my hunger's all the way down okay we need to get some more food i thought that cooked chicken was gonna fill me up but i don't know i've done a lot of running because my car ran out of gas that was really really annoying but there we go we are now full and we can take off the armor and finally head to bed so uh yeah guys um if you enjoyed this video definitely go ahead smash the like button right now subscribe to the channel all of that good stuff and i'm gonna head to bed right now so i'll see you tomorrow who could you call me i'm stuck on the bed what the okay who is calling me at this time i was just about to go to sleep are you kidding me all right hello oh that's not yeah i'm awake now i was about to go to sleep okay i can go to your place um hang on didn't you move recently okay yeah oh yeah i can be there in about like five minutes all right i'll see you soon that's super weird why is why is that smell calling me at this time that's super weird well i guess we should um start heading over there i mean like i said she did actually move recently so she's not even in this area so i have a long walk well not really long i guess because it's only five minutes but uh yeah again i don't have my car so we actually just have to walk until we get there so uh i'll see you guys soon all right guys so i think her house is that one down the the middle straight ahead so uh all of these houses i don't know who lives in them but um yeah apparently aphmau lives just over here so hopefully oh wait this guy oh wait that hurt wait don't run me over oh my goodness geez hey hey hey chill oh my goodness she almost just ran me over what the uh hello what okay wait she has a sign what is she saying um i was about to say sorry what really now now you're lying to me uh but then i saw it was just you oh okay i mean i guess that's a a good thing so um why'd you call me actually outsmall why'd you call me on the phone for uh oh wait again get in my car i don't once what is she saying get my car i don't want the neighbors to see me talking to you wait that sounds weird uh okay i i guess i'll hop in the car wait does this actually just work like that okay hang on all right so she's getting the car oh my god oh okay wait let's hop in there we go oh my goodness this actually works wow wait that's so cool oh my goodness oh she's kind of good at driving i guess all right so we're getting out here where are we going as asthma where you taking me i'm scared um excuse excuse a mess uh i just bought this house oh oh that's why it says the sales sign out here okay that makes a lot of sense wait what is she doing she's like punching it are you good at smell are you good uh okay so do i just follow her i guess we just follow her um okay oh she's got another sign in their hands all right oh wait she gave me a sign oh is this so i can talk to her okay what um what do you want from me yeah yeah what do you want from me okay so we only have like 14 signs left so we have to use this up uh carefully i guess first wipe your feet before walking in oh um no okay yeah oh wipe my feet down yeah yeah is that is that okay i guess i counted wow look at this place oh my goodness wait is that tv actually moving it is wow that's super cool all right now what what is she doing wait can i punch oh i can't oh i can't oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i i didn't mean to do that kind of i just wanted to see if it was possible now what is she doing you know i'm just gonna like oh okay hey hey hey hey listen listen we can talk about this i'm sorry hang on let me let me put down a sign i'm sorry there you go now is she gonna fit me hey stop forgive me please oh wait i forgive you oh thank you thank you i appreciate that all right uh oh my goodness almost accidentally hit her that would have been bad she would have been very very mad all right so where are we going here dude this place is awesome though like look at the furniture on this like there's even a fork and a knife and a plate and food on it um all right now let me explain why i record okay all right i'm listening i'm listening why'd you why'd you call me i'm kind of scared and a little bit nervous why is she called follow me uh okay okay i'll follow you where are we going this is going to be like a scary place and then she's going to kill me or something oh okay this is just the bathroom okay why are we in here my toilet is broken can you fix it what is that why you call me fix the toilet i don't know how to fix the toilet um okay wait thank you oh what are you serious you have a minute to fix it what uh or else wait what else what okay okay okay i'll try my best to fix it but i don't know if i can do this okay how do i can we oh i flushed it yo it actually works wait i have now i think i fixed it i think wait was it a flushing problem oh oh wait did i oh no did i break it oh wait no we got it we got it we got it it's working there we go i think i fixed it all right where did she go wait f mel which where did that smell go where where'd she go she just left me in here in the bathroom okay hang on maybe she went upstairs uh [Music] hmm oh wait no she's right there wait what did you come out from the toilet what where did you go oh wait i told you to fix this i i did fix it wait wasn't it just a flushing problem wait the um it flushes now though wasn't that the problem oh wait wait wait wait wait no no no i spelt that wrong wait flush is my bad okay all right let me check wait i said fluxes what does that even mean oh my goodness okay wait what is she doing she uh why are you in here oh my bad my bad i'm sorry i'm sorry just yeah yeah you use the toilet and let me know wait she's done what are you doing now uh could be better but it works oh okay well um that's good oh that's working oh that actually looks so cool f now i fixed the toilet now can we wait what all right your first job is done okay wait what do you mean by first job are you telling me i have more jobs oh no okay hang on what else uh follow me uh four no there's a second job no okay fine fine we'll do it we're here so we may as well all right so oh we're going upstairs what's up here oh this place looks so cool i'm not gonna lie oh okay what does she want me to do so you are a youtuber right uh okay let me put my sign down yeah why i'm confused wait oh we're gonna record a minecraft video or something okay perfect follow me wait locklin she just called me i'm not i'm not lachlan okay i'll follow her but that is so what does she think i'm lachlan um okay uh i mean lachlan's australian too but so you know how minecraft videos wait what so you know how minecraft video is right and that i make them yeah yeah yeah i know you make them yeah i've seen them a few of them uh so would you like to help oh okay help me with a video okay you know what um sure okay i'm scared oh i didn't even see the setup there i completely missed it oh such a cool like look at them free monitors there you got the gaming chair as well all right what is she saying now perfect i wait i had 100 videos to edit so you can edit the what no i don't want to edit them no no no i'm not editing the videos i do not like editing i don't mind recording but wait hurry up are you kidding me no oh okay okay okay okay okay relax i'll i'll edit jeez she's so mean oh wait one second i will use my bathroom hurry up okay wait all right she's gone she's gone all right so um she's just kind of waiting out there maybe if she goes down says i might go for a little run or something oh wait i think sarah okay i'm not gonna edit these videos there's no way a hundred videos she's telling me to hurry up not even like a please like oh wait wait did she wait wait she's not even in here we should just let the the sink running wait let me turn that off there we go wait where did she go all right what is this thing broken i just turned it off okay there we go uh anyways what hey how's this turning back on turn off dude okay what the did the toilet just flush okay what is wrong with this blo what what's wrong with this bathroom i'm scared i'm scared uh is there like a ghost in here wait wait her name what just happened are you done yet wait what do you mean are you done yet what what just happened in that room what i'm so confused let me check oh all right that's weird did she go invisible or something like i have no idea okay she's looking at the work that i did right yeah the work hmm she doesn't look happy i think she realized i didn't edit the videos uh so oh no so like why didn't you turn my pc on wait uh okay you know what i didn't know how to turn it on and i'm i'm lazy i'm not gonna edit your videos you can oh she's mad she is so bad maybe i shouldn't do this i mean she called me for a reason i just didn't think it was gonna be to do all of this work like i'm tired wait lachlan listen okay you know what we need to set the straight i'm not lachlan that's not my name okay wait wait wait let me put down this sign here my name oh okay my name is fusion droid uh surely she knows me now right i swear if she says lachlan again i'm gonna be fuming i'm gonna be so mad okay look okay what i just said okay lachlan whatever you say okay you know what wait oh i can't hit damn okay time for the third job what do you mean for a job no if you can call me a fusion droid i'll oh okay yes i i will listen to you i don't want to die i'll listen oh yo chill relax all right where are we going where are we going what's his third job what is this third job please be like something not too much work cause i'm getting tired it's super late oh look at this car wow very cool wait you have two cars and like well kind of a third to be honest wow all right hmm what does she want me to do now is this the last job i'm pretty sure hopefully all right this one is easy okay all right what do you want me to do oh wait do i wait where's she going hmm wait is she gonna tell me to clean the car no i just caught it clean my car are you kidding me i don't want to wha uh okay scrub scrub scrub i'm cleaning the wheels yes cleaning the wheels yeah yeah oh oh oh she's going to give me a sponge oh my bad i'll just use my hands that might have been pretty bad all right yeah just cleaning the car there we go yep clean the headlights perfect go on the other wheel wait what is she saying here oh wait you have one minute i better see my reflection uh i don't know about that i don't know if you're gonna be able to see your reflection here so uh i'm just gonna hurry up scrub scrub scrub oh geez hey stop i'm going as fast as i can relax okay i think i'm done i'm done i'm done half now wait oh oh oh okay not welcome in here i could just take off of a car right now but i won't do that because she might get mad so we can't really do that okay what do you want now i clean the car okay are we good do you see your reflection is it good enough hopefully oh she ah she doesn't look impressed uh i don't know she seems a little mad all right what is she saying why did um why did i find this dirt on my car what did i miss a spot i i don't know i hm i don't know how to explain i'm sorry i'm i'm sorry oh no okay i have one oh okay so that wasn't the final two oh okay so i have one final job i don't think even you can mess up oh okay okay i mean this should be pretty easy then right but first oh wait what does that mean but first what what does she want me to do put my i can't see does it say car oh put my car in the wait in the garage for me and meet me in the kitchen oh what okay fine i put in the wait there we go all right fine we'll put in here there we go whoa this okay it looks a little bit weird can we close this now press the button right there we go oh okay uh anyways let's go into the kitchen oh okay what does she want wait why is this running what are we doing what are we doing here don't tell me to cook a meal because i don't know how to cook oh she's gonna tell me to cook isn't she no wait there's a microwave wow this is so cool wow this is so awesome all right what do you want me to do what's the job am i cooking uh you don't look like the cooking type yeah i'm kind of like the ubereats guy i order food i don't cook so unless it's toast and that's not a lot so i have an easier job oh oh okay all right well i'm glad i don't need to cook that that would be kind of annoying oh you got a swimming pool nice what are we doing out here though what what do you want me to do what are we doing all right let's see oh wait there's a that's a barbecue very nice okay wait what the how are you lining up the i don't even see anything okay anyways let's just ignore that oh it's like invisible for me that's actually really cool how are you just lighting up the area very nice okay okay i see i see it uh let's see you see this pool yeah i sure do definitely see the pool wait catch some fish from from a pool yep okay uh interesting why would there be fishing up you know what let's just catch a fish wait get five in in a minute or else okay hang on relax oh i messed up oh my goodness oh she's got a bow are you kidding me don't don't aim at me come on fish why would there be fish in a pool i don't know but hurry up oh my goodness there's no fish oh my goodness oh she's coming over here oh she looks disappointed okay where's the fish there's nothing where's the bubbles i only got it the ones oh this is horrible this is horrible you know what i honestly should just go back oh wait there we go what did didn't even count no no no no oh oh what what is she doing i'm a nice person okay i so follow me i don't know about this and it'll be all right oh okay okay why did she have armor on though that's just kind of scaring me right now hmm what are we doing here i see the tv oh it's like a sheep there that's so wait you have seven seconds to leave my house oh wait seven what all right i'm out i'm out i'm out where's she chasing me oh she is wait i'm gonna get in the car i'll get in the car there we go whoa give it get me out of here yes oh my goodness that like is [Music]
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 1,092,225
Rating: 4.8423419 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, minecraft do not choose the wrong, wrong, do not, sonic, marshmello, paw patrol, do not choose the wrong portal, aphmau called me at 3am, Aphmau, Minecraft Aphmau, who called me at 3am, who called me at 3am minecraft fuziondroid, 3am
Id: x5A5-NHBN5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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