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[Music] so guys before this video starts i just want to mention that i'll drop some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we've got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already alright guys it has been a very very long day and i just need some sleep okay so um yeah everyone's pretty much asleep by now i mean it is 3 am and oh of course it starts raining well at least i got home just in time uh let's close this there we go all right so um do i even need a shower i don't know i'm too tired uh you know what wait what just hit me what the what just exploded i think wait was there a creeper here and i just didn't see it but uh anyways yeah let's just quickly go to bed because i am super tired wait hang on who's calling me at this time dude it is 3am it is super late who would be calling me dude i still don't know what happened here but um all right here's the phone all right who is it uh oh yo chill relax calm down preston okay wait i'll be at your house in like a few seconds well a minute or two okay let me just quickly fix that phone wait why was preston calling me he needs help or something apparently all right well why is there a spider oh my goodness i am a little bit scared you know what just in case we get attacked by something i need to get some stuff uh so let's just quickly take some of this there we go full iron and here we have stone sword and the enchanted apple and you know what let's just keep our diamonds in there just for now and i will eat this enchanted apple now all right so preston i'm on my way jeez 3am man i just need some sleep uh all right so okay let's quickly go to preston's place dude why does it have to be raining um wait why is there a shopping cart here hello has someone been here and i just don't know dude look at that spider all right preston i'm i'm coming i'm coming just he sounded like he was panicking on the phone oh there he is preston yo dude he looks like he's scared of something hang on let's uh let's go ahead and quickly talk to him because he was just like really talking fast on the phone uh over here okay fusion i heard something inside of my house i'm scared oh okay that makes a lot of sense it sounded evil please help well preston i'll try my best to help you buddy uh let's see what's inside what what are you going on about hello uh maybe he heard the thunder and thought something was in his house because i mean he's just out in the rain wait did it stop raining no okay it's still raining all right um hmm who could be inside of his house there's no one here preston are you sure you heard something i really think it was the thunder and lightning that uh you know maybe you saw and heard i just don't see anyone here yeah um no one in the garage okay yeah uh preston i don't seem to like see anyone here unless hang on let's go upstairs there is an upstairs so obviously let's look here um no one in the bedroom you got nothing in your chest okay well dude there's no one eve what okay well um it's herobrine's in your house wait why do i have to try and stop him wait what are you serious preston do i have to try and fight herobrine well now that makes a lot of sense of what you've been hearing inside of your house buddy okay um oh no no no no stop stop stop wait i see that preston asked for your help mwahaha okay well now i'm stuck in here yo is there a way out oh my goodness am i just stuck here forever hello herobrine okay well i don't know what i'm supposed to do i don't have my enchanted apple anymore but wait i didn't take the boots did i not have any boots i don't think i did actually i i think i forgot to craft and put on me uh my armor stand so all right hero brian um can you please just get out of here oh my goodness he does a lot of damage whoa relax buddy relax okay um okay you know what i'm gonna have to try and run out well not really outside because it's raining but downstairs oh he's still following me all right oh well that's not good um okay well at least we're back here yeah i forgot my boots there we go uh let's take another enchanted apple with me dude why is hero brian inside of preston's place maybe someone's trolling us herobrine i i just i don't know um all right i wish i had like an umbrella because this rain is just hitting my head and it's just not nice it is really not nice uh is preston still outside wait what just hit me oh okay it's a skeleton i was like another creeper or something that blew up the front of my house i need to fix that later uh preston you should really get out of this rain he's holding his phone and everything all right well let me just quickly get my stuff if i if i can oh no okay is there another way inside uh maybe you're going through here i'm sorry president but i have to break your window it's the only way i can help all right i'll fix this later i'll pay for it like okay uh let me just quickly get this there we go now i'm stuck inside another little like closet area oh my goodness all right well let's just quickly get rid of this guy he is super annoying okay um am i gonna die again i really don't wanna die wait the my health isn't even going down okay well it kind of is i think the enchanted apple is really helping me like right now so this is perfect all right here brian please just go away all right i'm trying to help preston here and i'm probably going to die again okay well this is not nice let's go inside of here there we go oh that was really close well i don't have any food yeah i have nothing um this is not good not good at all because i can't regenerate my health and at the same time herobrine is wait what is he standing on oh how did you do that well i pushed him off but that's not gonna really help me because i need some food where do you keep the food present well maybe the kitchen uh that makes sense right uh can i even make my way to the kitchen i just hurt myself really bad all right here's the kitchen do you have any food preston it doesn't even look like you have any food what is this did you forget to shop or something okay let's just quickly get rid of herobrine well at least try to wow okay now i am mad let's get this enchanted apple oh my goodness okay well um dude what is happening all i want to do is help preston and then i just want to go back to bed okay i was just about to sleep and then preston decides to call me so i mean i have to help to hone me out so okay uh is he still outside yes he is dude i'm surprised you haven't got like struck by lightning or something because there is a storm going on uh well at least it's better than being in here because i have died a few times okay no no no no no no no okay you know what we might have to just fight him from here let's quickly just enchanted apple all right there we go all right here brian i'm not scared of you i kind of am actually yeah you know what i'm just gonna keep on doing this oh my goodness how did he hit me how did you do that hero brian are you hacking all right here we go all his health is low perfect there we go yes finally whoo that was a lot of work a lot of work and where is my leggings uh hello where is my leggings did i drop it somewhere wait oh it's right there i was looking for it and it was right in my inventory jeez what am i doing all right well preston ah dude it's still raining maybe i should just stay in here until it stops well what if actually wait what if herobrine comes back you know what i'm gonna leave no problem preston uh for helping you out all right you don't even need to thank me just doing my job as a friend so uh yeah okay you can actually get inside now okay herobrine's gone well i am gonna quickly race back home go to sleep um actually i might need a shower hmm yeah i think i need a shower first and then we'll uh we'll go back to sleep well not even go back to sleep because i didn't go to sleep to begin with but try to go to sleep um all right here we go dude i need a door like what if like mobs come in here that's super scary all right well i need a shower because i've been in the rain a lot i've been sweating and all that stuff so uh yeah i'll be right back guys that was a really nice shower let's go to bed finally oh my goodness wait hang on did it stop raining oh it did perfect uh well actually not really because i do like sleeping when it's like raining and stuff so um all right well let's go to bed let me just quickly put this actually i don't want to put it on i want to put it on my uh my armor stand here so let's quickly go ahead and do that um okay wait who's calling me now i'm just about to go to sleep okay it can't be present again surely i got rid of herobrine preston please don't be calling me again buddy all right who is it this time wait unspeakable hold up yo yo yo yo yo chill chill what is it you need my help okay well i'll be on my way okay oh my goodness what is the president unspeakable needing my help today dude i've been like mining for like coal and diamonds and i just wanted to sleep but you know what we'll see what um he needs help with uh he sounded like a little panicked a little bit over the phone so yeah let's bring this enchanted apple with me we might need it uh my sword's not looking that great but for now actually do i have a crafting table in my house actually you know what i'm gonna break a bit of my uh my bed here uh i really need it all right here we go we're gonna make a diamond sword because why not all right crafting table there we go uh make the sticks and get the diamonds out of here okay um i need to quickly hurry up because uh well unspeakable is waiting for me so quickly get the diamond sword there we go all right unspeakable i am coming alright just relax relax relax he did sound a little scared on the phone just like preston actually but this time it's not raining which is perfect all right i'm on my way this is the fastest i can go i wish i could go faster than this but like i only have one speed you know what i mean wait there's a zombie behind me okay you know what quick take a left uh unspeakable's house should be over here yeah there he is unspeakable yo what's up buddy what the wait i didn't really understand him on the phone to be honest but all i heard was help so um hey hello uh sorry to call you this late at night no problem man i mean it's been a long day uh i was sleeping when i heard the squishy noise what okay woke up to having my wait your whole place flooded with slimes um could you help me haha i'm kind of tired and don't have the energy to fight them i guess i will i mean to be honest i i don't think i have the energy to fight demiva but you know what i'll help a friend out so yes yes i will thank you fusion i owe you one um no problem man you don't owe me nothing just helping out a friend oh my goodness there is actually a lot of slimes in here dude how did they get inside wait what is that i think you might have missed the creature what is this thing quick let's get rid of it oh my goodness all right dude oh there's a lot of slime a lot of slime oh my goodness all right yo relax relax let me eat this enchanted apple okay um dude how did they get inside yo there's a witch inside oh they're everywhere in the kitchen oh my goodness okay okay okay let's just uh quickly get rid of them oh my goodness how is this possible i don't know what's worse a million slimes inside of your house or herobrine all right let's get rid of the witch what are you doing inside of here buddy you don't belong here this is unspeakable's house oh dude wait did i just see something outside dude there's another one of those things what are they oh my goodness can you guys relax oh dude they're everywhere now i understand why uh unspeakable called me this makes a lot of sense now um all right just get rid of the little baby ones dude i'm actually almost dead i need food man i just need fruit wait do i have anything oh i do oh perfect perfect perfect yo relax relax okay get away from me i just hate how they like kind of split into like a million parts it's just really annoying all right is this all of them now are we finished here i just want to go to sleep ah dude okay there's actually more here oh my goodness no there's another big one oh my goodness dude how many have i killed already i think there's like at least 60 here i i just i don't know maybe not 60 maybe like 25 or something but oh dude i am on a killing spree right here there we go get rid of the little baby ones uh the baby ones should be really easy to kill i just don't like the little hitbox they have so oh there's a little medium size and they split into like a million pieces all right there we go uh hopefully wait there isn't upstairs please tell me there's no slimes upstairs or else i will be very very annoyed uh all right here we go little baby ones is that all of them hello is there any more down here that i missed uh doesn't look like i need some food there we go uh yeah i think that's it hang on let's go upstairs let's quickly see oh my goodness there's more upstairs how did you guys get here that's super weird all right well at least we got rid of them now oh my goodness dude they're just they're coming out of nowhere now hang on let's just check these rooms uh well there's a skeleton here you know what i'll take on the skeleton there we go all right room number one cleared number two yeah that's cleared i don't think there's anything inside of here room number three cleared perfect just close the doors so they don't like come in here just in case i missed one bathroom cleared uh don't even know what this is but nothing there uh yeah i think we got rid of all of them it seems to be perfect now uh let's just quickly check everything outside the garage oh there's a zombie we'll just get rid of that there we go unspeakable that was a lot of work now i'm even more tired after that i definitely need to go to sleep wait where am i i'm stuck no i'm not i'm just kidding all right well i am gonna head to bed um unspeakable i got rid of all of them wait you got rid of all of the slimes yeah man it did take a little bit of time to apologize for that whoa thank you so much no problem man sorry again for calling you this late that's okay um just uh if you have any other troubles just uh i mean you can call me again if you want but yeah um your place is cleared so i am gonna head to bed i'll see you like tomorrow or something we might do like a collab on something i don't know but yeah let let's go to bed oh my goodness dude where are these things coming from oh my goodness all right i need to head home this like whole neighborhood is uh kind of kind of weird not gonna lie i think i might need to move out all right let's quickly run all the way home all right guys so if you remember yesterday's video basically i'm just trying to fix up this thing right here there's like a little explosion if you didn't uh watch it you know i'll leave a link in the description down below but uh yeah that's pretty much all fixed now it was really weird i was like just running upstairs and then boom a little bit of an explosion and oh okay wait the phone's ringing oh my goodness wait who could it be is it maybe preston or unspeakable all right well let's get it okay wait hello okay um i'll be on my way what the that was jelly wait why is jelly calling me at 3am that's super weird all right well let's um quickly see what's going on uh his house is just over here which is a nice green one look at his house so beautiful all right let's see um oh there he is hey jelly oh he's got his phone on him and everything all right well let's see uh jelly what were you saying over the phone i couldn't really quite hear you uh hey what hello uh sorry for annoying you at this time that's okay man what's up um oh okay but my car is currently getting fixed right now okay um and ubereats is down for some reason oh my goodness that's that's terrible uh and i'm really hungry okay uh could you get me mcdonald's if that's okay ah yeah yeah i can get you mcdonald's um what exactly do you even want like i have no idea you know i'll just order whatever and i'll bring you back some food uh all right oh he said really thank you so much no problem now i did forget some uh some of my money my coins at home so let me just quickly run back because i couldn't really hear you over the phone so i kind of forgot my wallet so let's quickly go back so he wants mcdonald's at 3am man what your sleep schedule must be like slightly messed up and to be honest mine is like as well uh you know doing all of these things at 3am but let's get some coins here i think 64 dollars should be enough i mean we're only going to mcdonald's not like a fancy uh restaurant so uh actually hang on just in case something appears uh we do need to gear up just in case i mean we are traveling at night so there we go uh let's get this and also the enchanted apple perfect all right um hopefully uh he doesn't mind me uh you know taking my time just a little bit but now i am on my way to mcdonald's dude it's super late as well oh my goodness i did this to preston and unspeakable the other day and uh yeah okay jelly see ya um i'll be back very very soon don't you worry all right so um i i think it's this way i'm pretty sure they built like a new mcdonald's around the corner oh there it is so sweets dude who doesn't like mcdonald's if you don't like mcdonald's like why i have no idea why but here we go oh my goodness i'm getting a little bit hungry i might need to uh get some food here as well or maybe i just eat this enchanted apple i don't know mcdonald's isn't like very healthy so i might not uh but yeah let's quickly go ahead and order some food wait what is that uh hello wait what is that i've actually never seen this wait what why is it inside a mcdonald's okay wait am i supposed to fight them are they friendly hello they look like aliens to be honest uh hey oh my goodness whoa okay they definitely know i'm here and they're probably like telling all the other friends that i'm here dude this is actually not good uh wait there's actually a worker in there dude you should get out all right you know what let's just see what's going on here uh ow oh my goodness i just hit all of them at once oh my goodness what is this wait they have no arms okay this mcdonald's is weird why did i come here at 3am this is horrible oh my goodness yo relax relax relax chill can you please get out of my way oh my goodness dude i killed a few which is perfect uh come on any second now i should be able to get rid of them i'm like attacking all of them at once i think i just got rid of some yeah there we go perfect uh oh i'm actually very low on health not good guys not good what is this thing it doesn't even have a name wait did we get rid of all of them yes we did oh perfect oh my goodness i really thought i was going to dive in so it dropped some weird stuff i don't really want to carry it so let's just put that away there we go dude i have no idea how you were just standing there you weren't even helping or even actually running away like they might have been in here for like a good hour i have no idea but time to order some food wait what do you say uh hey what can i get for you today so on the menu there is a beef burger we got some fries apple juice cake i don't think jelly wanted some cake but uh you know what we'll get the beef burger for him because uh you know he's quite hungry we'll get some fries uh maybe some apple juice you know some good drink to uh wash it down with and i think that's it yeah um i spent just quite a lot of money actually i might need to get some stuff for myself so uh you know what i might get some extra fries there we go we'll eat that's uh actually now to be honest let's eat the fries there we go all right now let's head back to jelly uh so we can actually give him his food but that was super weird whatever was inside of here i hope i don't see that again oh my goodness all right well now um i just have to sprint back and hopefully i don't see any of those weird creatures again if you guys remember last time there was something else i don't know what they're called because i've never seen them like in my life like that was the first time seeing them uh it doesn't look like oh this is preston's place uh i'm pretty sure he must be asleep so all right let's quickly head back come on jelly's probably waiting for me wait what is that okay that was a shopping cart i thought i thought it was like one of the creatures and that was kind of scary all right jelly finally i got your food here you go buddy uh thanks again for getting me the food at this time i owe you one no problem all right so let me just quickly drop the food for you there you go and your apple juice so um yeah enjoy your little snack at uh 3am but i should head to sleep and hopefully get some work done in the morning i need to record a few videos all that good stuff so i'm actually getting hungry again even though i ate all those fries so um wait do i have any food let's see any food oh no okay you know what first thing in the morning we'll go shopping because i definitely need some freedom kind of out so that is not good so let me just quickly put my coins away because um yeah i don't want to be like carrying it all the time so here we go perfect and wait is that the phone ringing again hang on jelly can't be calling for a second time surely right uh hang on let's see uh hello fusion can you come over to my house right now wait wait wait why what's wrong i think i just saw the black entity in my house wait really wait okay hang on hang on i'll be on my way please hurry okay okay okay so it looks like we have to go to rage's place now because apparently he saw black entity i'm actually kind of scared uh okay well he definitely needs my help uh all right let me just quickly no i'm looking at the wrong chest do i have yes i'm more of these enchanted apples i might need a few and a new weapon oh my goodness uh hopefully there is no black entity that would be kind of scary oh my goodness i hope he didn't actually see it like maybe it was just a uh his shadow maybe he just saw his own like shadow i have no idea let's quickly go to rage's place and uh see what's going on okay let's see what's going on oh there he is rage um all right let's see what's going on here uh inside the house fusion okay uh i'm pretty sure i saw the black entity all right well i'll have a look for you um i i just don't i don't know i'm kind of scared wait there's a doorbell here oh i probably shouldn't have done that all right let's uh let's look around i don't think the black entity would be in here like why now why would it like just actually to be honest it is 3am so it does make sense uh okay please don't be in here wait what about around here okay absolutely nothing down here so far oh my goodness all the lights on so like i should be able to see it straight away but rage there's like no one here hang on let's check the backyard dude there is no one here why why did you call me at 3am man i was about to go to sleep there's absolutely nothing inside of your house uh dude wait you have an upstairs right yeah you do okay well let's just quickly check up here there's like absolutely no oh okay okay okay okay there is black entity wait what oh my goodness oh my goodness okay hang on hang on let's close the door rage actually did see him what okay uh i need to eat this enchanted apple again okay okay okay what am i gonna do i've actually never fought the black entity before what am i supposed to do guys uh okay what if i go around the back what is he doing i don't know what he's doing ah i should get rage to help me but i mean he did call me so i think he definitely needed my help instead all right well let's just see black entity hello oh okay okay let's actually fight him oh he does poison why does he do poison why am i getting poisoned what okay okay hang on relax buddy relax what is this okay uh his health is oh my goodness his health is actually quite a lot okay uh i need like a diamond sword actually his health is actually quite low perfect okay oh no no no no no no poison the poison rage help me don't just like run around in a circle i need your help buddy all right hang on let's eat this and chance it up i did not mean to press that button uh okay wait where is he hello wait where did black entity go uh oh whoa he's actually hiding what okay let's get rid of him come on please please okay there we go oh that was a lot of work okay you know what let me just check out the rest of the place just in case there's something else in here that's uh you know i don't want to head all the way back home and then rage cause me again so let's just quickly look around it doesn't look like anything else is here i'm pretty sure that's uh that's all of it just the black entity that was pretty scary dude i was like thinking he was lying or trying to troll me but nah there was actually a um black entity there wait hang on there's another upstairs oh so gonna be like something up here hello uh this is kind of dark in here i mean there is kind of light but dude what is this place okay well it looks like nothing's here which is actually perfect uh but yeah let's actually head out because now i am even more tired than i was before i had to get mcdonald's for jelly then i had to help rage with black entity all right well rage i got rid of him you can um go inside of your house now and uh you can go to sleep buddy so um yeah let's head out let's go back home and hopefully uh on the way we don't see any of those creatures because i just guys if you know what those creatures were that we saw in mcdonald's let me know because uh yeah i've actually never seen them before but yeah i think i'm ready for sleep and you know what this this phone is like literally cursed you know what for now just because i don't want anyone calling me can we put it inside the fridge can we do that yes we can okay never put a phone in the fridge but for this case i'm doing it because i don't want anyone else to call me i don't want like i just want to go to sleep okay so let's go ahead and take off the armor and um yeah so guys that's pretty much it if you guys enjoyed this video and want to see more definitely go ahead smash that like button subscribe if you're new to the channel and uh you know turn on notifications all of that good stuff and uh maybe you know next time we might get another weird phone call at 3am but uh yeah anyways guys i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 2,858,156
Rating: 4.8798847 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, minecraft do not choose the wrong, wrong, do not, marshmello, Minecraft sonic, sonic 3am, i found sonic in my world at 3am, wanted 3am, sonic wanted, who called me at 3am, who called me at 3am minecraft, Prestonplayz, unspeakable, Jelly
Id: MiLMlugYtZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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