Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG TUNNEL! (Pennywise, Hulk & Minion)

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to another video and today I didn't see behind me we have some massive tunnels so this is do not choose the wrong tunnel basically we have a yellow a green and also a red and we're gonna find out who is inside these tunnels so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to go ahead slap a like and also turn on notifications if you haven't already so Before we jump into one of these tunnels let's go ahead and read a comment so I'm gonna be doing this every single video so if you want to get like a little shout outs all you have to do is comment down below I'm gonna be picking someone at random so this is on the last video bye love peace this person said I turned on that a notification Bell I liked the video and I subscribed I love your videos so thank you so much for that comments so like I said if you want to be mentioned in the next video just comment down below and let's go ahead and jump into this right now so these tunnels look very very interesting one has like a minecart this one is like cobwebs everywhere and what does the red one have uh-oh this one has some lava that's not so good alright well let's just go into this chest right here because we need to protect ourself just in case something is in this tunnel that wants to kill us so we have full gold okay that's some actually very interesting even like hey our golden chance at Apple as well so look at that we are suited up ready to go are you guys ready so which one should we enter first cow which one are you going wait he's stopping at the green one hmm okay you know what I might good left to right so we're gonna go yellow green and then a red well should I skip the green no actually no we're not gonna skip any we're just gonna go and left to right so Pig you go to left one first I'm just kidding you can relax okay chill um this chicken has been around here for the longest time what are you doing here chicken well anyways let's jump into this yellow tunnel ah so who could actually be in this yellow tunnel it could be Homer from The Simpsons ah so that's my guess for this one okay we're gonna do the guesses when we you know go through these tunnels but let's do this one alright so I guess we have to open to the minecart oh geez this is a bad idea oh no no no please don't kill me oh okay wait let's remove this wait I hear something I hear a noise just before but there's nothing here wait wait what's that noise that's scaring me get me out of here wait I think I've heard that noise before but I need to like see what it is until you know I can put a name to the face you know what I mean so let's see what are these what are these levers do didn't do anything okay yeah I think I know what this is but how do I get to them wait is the bed here we can't we can't sleep anything in the chest okay nothing's in the chairs I actually don't know where to go I hear the noises wait I think it's like coming from under here ah is there like a secret painting nothing's there I get wait hang on oh okay yeah I bought this a little bit weird I get what is that okay yeah that noise is really annoying but wait it's another again oh this is a little bit uh don't even know what that is ah let's go down here that noise is really annoying uh oh yes that's what I heard minions what are you guys doing wait are you guys having a party you have so many cake in here wait I have your mind card you can take that why is the minions in here guys and they seem to be friendly what if I hit 100 no no no please yo yo yo wait can I actually climb wait is that like a foot is climbing that would be insane if they could climb okay so they got really mad when I detect it wait they can actually climb Norden no you're no no no no no no wait what oh my goodness they actually climbed how how I'm gonna die from minions Norris oh oh I can't kill one oh my goodness they can actually climb best kiss me since when could minions climb a ladder that was really strange I can't even get how to feel how much supposed to get out what was I supposed to die am I actually supposed to die here because I don't see anything that can actually get me out of here um okay well let's just go down here all right what's jeez are you guys so angry wait can I break this oh sorry minions I'll just break one of two cakes can I eat oh I can't even eat I'm not hungry ah but yeah apparently these oh cheese don't do not minion look like you're gonna attack me okay so they only attack you if you make demand so I mean that kind of makes sense let's hit one jump jump jump duck get out get out get out all my goons why can they climb that is Nuria how how can they actually climb through that that is insane I can get out get out get out get out no no no please don't kill me I don't want to get killed by a minion in this video they'll be very very embarrassing but what do these do I feel like is there like some kind of code like to get me back up I don't know and there's nothing in this chest right here I might actually be stuck guys I might actually um okay I thought of a plan because I feel like this is definitely a trap I think I'm supposed to die from the minions okay so this is my plan I'm gonna drop all of my items and I hate to say it but wait that's not all my items this is all my items I hate to say but I think I need to get killed by minion to spawn back up the top and then basically get my stuff again I think actually instead of just dropping them um you know what it might be safer to put it in a chest just in case they disappear all right some minion you actually have to kill me Wow this is gonna be embarrassing okay minion there's only one left hopefully does a lot of damage here we go kill me minion is the only way we're also gonna be trapped in here forever okay so there we go we actually just got killed by minion sir I think the only way back is basically getting to like that's the only thing I can think of because that was definitely a trap that not good I really don't like the yellow one because I chose literally no way out like what even is that sir I'm now ready I think all we have to do since you know put on the armor kill Dominion and climb back up yeah ow okay I knew that was gonna hurt I guess let's get our stuff and we have to kill a minion all right this should be a piece of cake they aren't too strong but they kind of know ain't as well not gonna lie all right minion okay relax I'm just here to kill you since she killed me I have to do it back okay here we go he's not looking full here we go here we go here we go and she did no damage on me all right so yeah the reason I kind of break this is I thought I could maybe stack myself up on cakes but apparently I just I can't do that okay so let's get out here and oh my swords almost broken so that's not good because we still have two more tunnels to enter but at least we can get out now this is like the only way to get out was pretty much letting the minion kill me that's so embarrassing anyways let's move over to the next one sure it is the green one okay so now we just have this green one right here which also has that looks like blood I don't like the look of blood okay and why is there like a ton of cobwebs and this kind of block yeah I don't know what's going on this is a really weird tunnel okay wait again no that's his lava I thought I heard something already I was kind of creeping me out but it was just lava so is there anything oh okay just got caught on a cobweb get off okay so oh my goodness I ran into one again stop fusion relax okay sorry let's go yeah oh there's a chest oh okay wait why is it give me lever it dodes better so I guess it's just in case I die I don't know you actually you know what I might just leave it there just in case I do die ah and there's lie died okay that's a little bit odd is um the thing down oh oh okay definitely something down there guys I just saw a leg and a massive like shadow fit oh it's it's moving okay it's definitely green green for this tunnel all right what is it Oh Hulk what are you do oh I could go yo-yo is I think he was trying to kill me I can't get up get up I don't know what to do I think he might have been trying to kill me you know what I'm just gonna quickly eat this just because I don't trust the Hulk right now I don't know Hulk holy you a massive are you doing some kind of experiment in here oh okay nothing in the chest nothing in that ah okay oh wait I'm sitting on a hog shoulder wait what's going on wait can we actually oh my guess we can actually control honk oh I just dropped arm okay that's so weird we can actually control the hold can we actually climb very oh we can't climb out if you're but we can control the whole that's really weird okay what happens if like a hidden okay no no no no no no no no no no no get up get up get up get up no okay so when you hit him he gets mad so just like a minion oh he's looking at me oh okay are you still mad Hulk I can't let's go quickly right there we go okay hey wait can I hit him from here oh we can't but we can't control him this is really weird why can we sit on his shoulder oh wait what's he's attacking me what he does attacked me when I was sitting on his shoulder was he getting mad this is just not even fair Hocus just he's too IP he's too OTP for me he's killed me twice now this is not good all right let's put on the gear so he doesn't get mad straight away oh okay why are you running like that it's really scary Noorie my sword is about to break that's not good I need to hit him just like this wait what is he doing he's just kind of chilling bail in the on the chest are you okay buddy can i oh there we go please don't attack me but we can control and look like if I'm ready forward boom I moved back oh I just saw something wait can we do that again Hoke can we do like some x-ray maybe I can peek over to the red one see what's inside but yeah this is really weird I can't really kill them oh my goodness ah well chicken you can be my bodyguard honestly I you just you can't do anything ah I don't know what to do I I think I might just leave him there because my sword broke and I actually have one more tunnel to enter and have my swords so not the greatest plan right here wait unless is wait did I check these chests on it's nothing side nor okay well actually my arm is always broken so this armor right here might come in clutch I'm actually just gonna take it and let's just go out of here yeah I can't kill the hope I've really caught maybe if I craft a sword or get diamond somehow vana might saw I might be able to kill him but right now I don't think I can all right so let's just quickly put on this just because my Amla is about to break but we have a red tunnel to enter all right guys so let's enter this last one of the red I think it could be Mario again we did see him a few videos ago so it could be or maybe spider-man is spider-man and this talent wait a sec uh-oh we got some barrier blocks but I can actually see it am I supposed to be in that venture mode because I can see the blocks alright well that just made it a little bit easy for me well I think I just jumped like that alright we good we good okay we do a little bit of parkour um and oh no no no no no no okay I should have looked should have looked oh wait boys quickly this so what I died there we go jeez so these barrier blocks are like trying to kill me or something I don't know but let's just go down and find out who is inside ah this right here sir okay we have a maze I don't like mazes but this says turn left wait what do you mean like 10 left turn left it's truly me wait what it just goes around the circle why is that sign there that should not be there that was just rude okay so let's go this way oh my goodness that's not that's not even the right direction okay um okay which way do I go I don't even know I'm going around circles yeah I'm going around circles okay ah let's see it could be this way wrong way are you for real are you for real uh-oh guys I hear a noise down there and I think I know what this is I know I just don't want it to be what I'm thinking right now oh my goodness it is you got the knuckles oh they're like putting poison oh my goodness oh so loud um I'm just gonna come down here hey guys all my goodness is soy Benny oh my goodness oh what are you guys doing here why is it so many wait is anything in these chests um I can get off get off oh my goodness ed poisoning me dude oh good I need to get out I need to get out I just died so um yeah I just died from Uganda knuckles oh geez no I just failed that jump that was really bad please don't diet and please don't die please don't die please don't die I guess I should be it yeah I'm living but oh my goodness these guys are so loud why are they here isn't this a dead mean this was so like mums and mums agree at least like half a year ago I think I don't even know so you can I even kill one of them oh one of them no okay that's just my stuff where I died okay I need to kill one dude this allows my is rip rip rip rip rip rip rip I really kind of killed one this is so hot sir I don't think I'm gonna answer that red tunnel again that was really annoying sorry let's do a recap ah because now I'm actually very confused which one was the worst one uh oh that's really hard there were pretty or like often were pretty bad not gonna lie like the minions I was basically trapped down there had to get killed by minion to get back up here to kind of get my stuff again it was really annoying so minions was pretty bad but then again Hoek he was chilled but then he like attacked me when I was on his shoulder and then ugandan acos was just variant like irritating sorry I definitely think red was the worst one vinegars minions and then Hulk has been the best just because Hulk was a little bit relaxed to begin with but so was the minions so it's kind of like these two are like almost equal sorry I don't know you guys can let me know in the comments below alright guys so yeah let's do a little bit of a guess so we have a yellow a green and also a red tunnel which isn't wait what hang on guys what is behind this tree swing for red right wait wait what are you doing here oh we've got we've been caught so so you know how last time we collaborated right yeah I had a really good time and I saw your world in my friends list and I was like you know what I don't want to sabotage fusion or not not sabotage but like when you join you but without you knowing Wow okay um well I mean since you yeah yeah I mean I mean now that you know can I can I join you yeah yeah really uh yeah got a little mad you like fusion why I'm going I'm gonna be there okay so what are we doing today exactly I have no idea okay so I was just about to guess reason like these tunnels and that's when I saw you so we're doing tunnels today yeah last time we did like what was it chests yeah massive ah okay okay one do you want to guess um let's guess the red one fess oh just like last time basically because I'm red you guys see me wait you're in this tunnel wait no what okay who's red do you think Ronald McDonald duh what McDonald a different color I mean he's red - hmm okay Oh ooh pick me pick me what Santa Santa red that's a good one that's a good one all right maybe better take green Oh could be me Oh could be you get in there get in there oh wait no it might be Christmas theme because christmas is coming around the corner dude look this is Santa this is the Grinch and this is max max yeah that the the dog yeah Grinch is dog okay well you want to go yes uh why because it's your color huh well yeah green is tentative guys I need you guys to comment right now is Green better than red or is red better than green mm oh is this one mine which one's mine I mean you can have this one oh this one okay I like how you had one prepared for me I I feel like you knew I feel like you knew I was on the world if you like you knew fusion I felt like you put on my armor I gotta be the first to get there Oh what what we have so many mind cards okay see ya wait no no no a fusion fusion we gotta go together you know what I'm going to rage rage but I just saw something moving down there I saw anything movie like it was kind of red push me down I'm always dead it kind of it's okay okay I'm going down here oh wait rates coming up coming up yeah why is there present oh why are you struggling down there what wait so moving something sloughing wait a move wait give it a cake oh mine mine oh I can't eat it what oh wait dying here what what is that for what is this war no I hate something laughing Santa or something laughing I think that might wait that is Santa it is that's not Santa wait it's green why is Santa green oh dude oh um I almost died cringe is that I almost died Yujin how could you do this to look there's a lot of presence oh oh yeah what's inside these presents oh wait there's blood I mean a diamond play button no there's a dog and chess player here oh good watching this is and what I'm gonna kill to kill this Santa Grinch oh very good We Need to Talk you made it angry I didn't yeah well you didn't help me yeah but this is funny - what yes I did a purpose so I would die okay well there's a lot of presents inga oh no I just got cold are you for real I got diamonds I got what I was a good kid I've been a good kid oh my god I'm in Xiamen what did you get I got a lot of coal how many demons did you get I got four diamonds but I have 11 coal what is that track what does that mean I've I mean that sir that means you've been a naughty boy no you know how many I got I got 15 diamonds and zero coal that just means I'm a good boy I think no none of that coal is mine hmm maybe red you know what fusion I'm going first because it's my covet it's another Yujin Oh Yujin wait it's another one covering it it's another one down here you see there's something down here as well it has to be right Oh beauty let me go first all right what why are there salt what's this a sign it says ten left Yujin I found the exit what it says turn left here right here come look at this no whew didn't don't believe it it's a trick come look at this there's the exit right here what what right wrong way no I thought it was right see see oh you're going down oh wait what is this great what was it fusion fusion fission fusion fusion this way is the right way okay this way is the right way okay okay are you gonna stay with me fusion I'm scared I'm scared for my life now I don't think you're Jeff Lee just attack Yujin Asian fusion follow me follow me follow me don't leave me down here oh no fusion let's go let's go we've got to go yeah Oh usually we've got to go hey we going right leaving minecraft is where is where we're going save and quit yep basically what I just saw in there was not no normal human being you know what it said to me what yo flow to oh I don't want to float fusion oh well I mean maybe it was just mad at you alright let me have it good you know what fusion do you think we should kill it I mean better I don't think it's gonna attack me cuz like for some reason they seem to be down there look look at this I bet you any money it's not gonna attack me oh maybe he wants a blaze road no we've got to find it fusion come on I can't you have to die alright let's go let's go what it can jump what can it look oh jeez wait what Oh rage I'm gonna die I'm gonna die what oh no chance rage it's all up to you I'll protect you in the next anyways after you that's what attacking me I'm gonna hit you - no dude this thing is not dying anyways I'm gonna hit a sword broke future get it that's clever is rod gonna be fighting with the blaze rod wait what's inside that chest there might be something inside I think I look oh great why is this thing not dying you so greedy whew wait wait we have being what No come up come up come on what there's something there's something we didn't do I know how to kill this thing what all right come on how do you know we got the diamonds from the president remember we did he's nearby remember the tree I hid behind we have four snakes [Music] you make I'll make the crafting table don't you worry okay and I'll make the sticks boom here a fusion kaboom there's a crafting table have fun have at it make your diamond sword I'm gonna make two all right two of them yeah just think guys you know wait fusion tell me how many hearts do you have right now he didn't help me kill the Santa Grinch Grinch the Santa let's go let's go okay go back down and go kill Pennywise the clown okay out I'm stuck okay you just dashing in there he wants to be the hero he wants all the credit to himself basic oh he's like that I had to use the last Golden Apple why had to how you gonna text me I had to wait did you eat your Golden Apple yes oh wait wait there was a head what was that you get a head what was that I don't know wait wait you grabbed it no you got it no what what I I got some cake yeah did in your head oh I mean what hand what is it these are pumpkins what why did why dude why hey why this is weird okay this is definitely wrong okay fusion well we both don't have a woolen apples left and we're both you know we're both kind of low on hunger and everything so oh wait we do have the cake hey hey Fusion hey let me let me eat this cake that you dropped over here all right right one more tunnel oh maybe maybe I should just leave right now and you do the rest of this video what is that sound no be quiet you play why because you like my buddy Sheila at this point right now what you may as well you're my body shield oh okay fusion I know I did promise you that I would protect you but that's only if I had that extra Golden Apple now I have sticks fusion um okay yeah sure I I have three cakes now okay let's go fusion let's go let's let's just get let's just get this over with oh just like that no you have no way back now Oh what Yujin hey there's no ladders here good good good wait do you hear that I'm down here no listen listen listen listen oh wait you hear that yeah what is that you you know what that sound is I think I do but I you heard the sound before what this sounds so familiar Oh what what do these lovers do I don't know what What's in these chests oh my my wait what you got them no I got them I can't wait was there secret passage oh we go wait wait what Oh who's you look oh don't be scared it has to be minions it sounds just like men oh there's a baby minion feeling oh so much look at all these minions wait there's nothing in these chests what thanks Candace wait Oh ugh they can climb they can climb they can climb yeah do that only the wrong way they're on me Rach I'm dead I'm dead wait you killed me what how could you I'm sorry I'm sorry you do I I had my stuff I got mad at you because you were hitting minions look how cute these things are why would you try to kill them at least another second now because I did it no wait so what's the point of this wait let's go down again oh wait I did see a painting down there maybe there's another secret room Oh is there no there's no other secret room that's it Oh the point of this do you kill him we have to kill every seat Killian goodbye you kill him Oh No I'm killing you killing no no no twice now minion using you desert I mean you got to help me kill these minions man here's your stuff put them on the ground take all these things get a creep ahead how do we get these heads I have no idea it was yours you had the present okay I'm gonna help oh I killed them I killed the minion Oh kill him before they notice oh all right kill them before they kill them before they realize that I'm starting to kill them the baby one that you first hit ow ow ow Fugit we good wait that oh oh that was it what was the point of that I the first one the Grinch I understand the second one we killed who did we kill we killed Pennywise and this one I would see the point to this so Beecher yeah I think of something was probably the best one I mean did we have to kill them I mean they weren't loud and annoying wait I like you know YouTube do you have lettuce I kinda regret hopping on your world now but I wouldn't mind for another adventure in the future so mm-hmm thanks thanks for inviting me I guess I mean thanks for inviting yourself whoa no no I asked for permission after after you caught me so it's okay yeah okay
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 2,272,635
Rating: 4.8100371 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, DO NOT CHOOSE, do not choose the wrong portal, minecraft secret base, do not choose the wrong minecart, 3AM, wrong axe, wrong spawn egg, wrong bunker, wrong bow, hulk, pennywise, IT 2, joker, minion, minecraft 1.15 bee, do not choose the wrong grave
Id: UEC-i_Kz0PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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