Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG END PORTAL! (Granny, Spongebob, Sonic & Dipsy Slendytubbies)

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[Music] so guys the footage video starts I just want to mention but I'll drop some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already what's up guys welcome back to another video today we have a vida not choose be wrong something so basically if you guys enjoyed this video definitely go ahead and smash the like button right now subscribe if you're new to the channel and let's jump into this right now alright so let's quickly get a sign and let's add someone on our subscriber wall so let's go to be assistance and then it will do be do not choose so let's go right here hello everybody um of course you're over there again what are you doing ok here we go 3 2 1 add mark Chuba mine blocks now this comment says I love your videos because you are always a hero in them yes you are youtube hero thank you so much let's go ahead and add you to be subscriber so let's do that so mark2 like it's not gonna fit so we might have to do this so another M mine and then blocks just like that and done there you go so we've actually never had this many do not choosers before like 6 portals right here the end portals that is crazy so up there's water right there there we go and we have diamond gear so you already know that means something right here is gonna be bad we have stone and golden enchanted apples now which end portal should we pick first should we get rid of the bad first aw right like I have no idea ah maybe the good which might be Sonic so I guess we'll pick this one first up there he is all right Sonic is he good or is he bad let's find out he doesn't look like he's attacking me which is good sorry I'm guessing he's actually um good I think yeah yeah dude he's so quick look at him go oh my goodness I kind of scared him he wasn't expecting me to like hit him like that and now he's panicking right now but he's really fast but I think we might have chosen the right portal I guess um I just yeah should we kill him I think we should just to see if he can actually drop that iron sword because I mean it is better than my store in one and I kinda want it but the thing is it's too far Sonic buddy can you stop can you stop a case sorry quick all right I'm missing it where'd you go all right he's ready yeah yeah there we go what is happening all right Sonic calm down on the couch out drop the sword I'm not gonna hit you anymore dude he's still panicking okay maybe that's not gonna work we might actually I just can't guys I really can't and we have like five more end portals to go through so this oh okay wait hang on hang on hang on I might be able to get a hit what what not what do we go we're coming in the corner slightly oh he's too quick yep guys I'm gonna leave this one let's go back so that was Sonic you know what I'm just gonna do the the top rope first so the next one's granny okay granny usually I think is bad so um yeah let's let's go oh come here no granny doesn't look like she's nice her eyes are red as well look at that whoa okay um what if I Oh okay hang on hang on hang on wait I hear a villager why do I hear a villager oh do not attack me grannies actually slow so that's that's pretty good ah wait is that there's a village outside what are you doing next to a village granny I hear granny can you stop hitting me please it's not nice to hit me yeah wait a second guys if you remember my video a few days ago this place actually had grandpa in it sorry is grandpa still still here is he all the way upstairs no I remember this place exactly yeah this was Grandpa's wait a second 32 enchanted apples I am take enough I'm gonna eat that and just yeah thank you granny I have no idea where grandpa went like maybe he's uh wait hello young one maybe grandpa went to the shops or something I have no idea to be honest but yeah let's quickly just kill granny see if she drops anything good all right there would go harp so going down come on a few more hits there we go oh you drop the same thing as grandpa really just cobwebs that's boring all right well let's get out of here there we go Oh straining the water okay next one is Pennywise I don't know about this one guys but he goes nothing free two one let's go all right Oh yep I remember this place I remember this place and there looks like there's there's a body wait there's bodies there's free of them what did you do penny why is he holding a sign in his hand so we have Steve over here can we even do anything with this I don't think we can they actually died two Pennywise dude what all right well if I go near him he pretty much gives me um nausea sorry that's all I'm actually a little bit annoying Pennywise oh can you stop doing that please I didn't I just don't understand why he's holding the signs get away from me penny wise dude this is actually insane I might need to leave how do I leave oh there we go oh dude that is crazy I we might go back to that one maybe but um that nausea was make me feel sick just slightly now should we choose the Joker bendy or scream you know what let's go ice cream I feel like maybe he might be good where is he oh he's right there is he good this time or is he gonna be bad ice cream buddy he's a standing bed this time there's no armed customers right there so that's kind of weird ice cream are you okay wait he might be good hello whew he said he'll worry wait what usually ice cream is is bad like what if I hit him okay yo he doesn't actually attack me this is some I think the second time he's being friendly all the times he's actually being really bad but uh yeah this is kind of interesting okay we can't talk again I can't yeah you don't want to say ho lights are me again is it cuz I hit you I'm sorry uh it doesn't look like wait hang on if I hit him a few times what would he actually drop though would he drop ice cream since his name is ice cream you kind of get it uh I don't know but you know what I'm gonna is this enchanted apple because why not we can we have so many you know what I might actually kill him just to see if he drops anything good and that was embarrassing I just missed a few of my hits what okay here we go there's no customers this time so is he gonna actually oh okay if we just we just killed him I was hoping for some kind of drop maybe some diamonds emeralds you know something but he actually dropped nothing so okay this one is actually I think better than Sonic at least maybe just because he said hello and Sonic he didn't so yeah let's get out of here so the next one is bendy or should we choose the Joker you know what I'm gonna go to the Joker why not it says smile look at that dude it's crazy that looks creepy as well here we go all right oh whoa what was that you guys see it I don't like kind of glitch till something when I went through that and portal but guys I see the Joker this does not look good it really doesn't it really looks scary in here like herobrine's is gonna show up but oh oh I can't he already spots me why is he coming towards me already dude no stop stop stop get away from it get away no oh wow he has a lot of knock back this is actually a little concerning build build build there we go alright let's eat a Sun chance at a pool and you know what do you like lava oh you doing it doesn't look like the Drake likes it well I don't like when you hit me at a time like that okay get away from me I can't build up build up Loki's hearts are going down quick I don't think you know he's how to get out of the lava Oh is he gonna up now he wants to get out okay at least he saw his heart sit down a lot more than it was before dude he almost pushed me and I love about do you have fire resistance so it wouldn't actually work alright here we go oh there we go what mmm a lot of questions and you guys probably do as well why did the Joker just drop a ton of feathers uh we got one two three four five stacks that is the most random drop I've ever seen haha I was expecting like diamonds or emeralds or something how do I actually get out of here Oh might being near this portal is it up there is a button and I'm guessing yep that's the way out alright so let me just quickly replace my sword cuz we have a ton here just in case and I mean I have a ton of apples you know I'm just gonna split it alright so we went to the Joker we have been free ice cream the last one is bendy but I might actually go back to Pennywise just because I'm nausea was kind of annoying but let's let's kind of see what's happening here bendy are you gonna be good you can't be bad okay he's massive so that's I don't yard I think this is a good sign guys oh oh bendy I come in peace I come in peace he's coming up he's coming up he's coming up oh can you actually hit me from here let's find out oh he can't oh okay maybe this is my way of killing them uh this is scary dude he's almost the size of me and I mean I've just built up quite a lot so that's that's a little insane but uh yeah I think this is the only way let's see what happens okay um is he gonna do a knock back oh he does okay oh okay yeah this might be a little bit tricky to kill him this way oh I mean I get I do get it like a few hits on him but yeah no no let me build up let me build up all right all right all right this is the only way it's gonna work okay and let's hit from here now I'm hoping come back here I kinda hit you from here now I have to build a cross there we go all right come on come on just keep on coming towards me and hopefully you are the one to drop diamonds cuz I really really want diamonds let's go here alright you know what I could maybe fight on the ground now let's do a real battle since I was kind of cheating just a little bit alright here we go oh no way how many diamonds thirty-two any drop the iron sword you know what I'm gonna go back to Pennywise and kill him with the iron sword uh how do I get out of here do gg4 bendy actually dropping some good stuff all right let's yep alright where is Pennywise over here dude look at Pennywise he actually looks scary I would not want to have that clown like under my bed when I'm sleeping that would just be very very scary sorry let's go back in here alright now this nausea might be a little bit annoying but we're just gonna put up with it alright here we go we do have an iron sword wait I don't have to affect oh no it's coming it's coming wait oh is it no wait I'm confused I I can see the nausea but oh I am slightly getting it wow that body just moved that body just moves yeah now I'm feeling the nausea all right we need to get rid of Pennywise very very quickly he's always dead so much time nori I'm feeling sick oh it just disappeared yo we got rid of him dude the only way I was able to kill Pennywise is this iron sword if it wasn't for bendy droppin it it would be a little bit hard but this body right here when attacking our Pennywise it actually moved its leg up are you alive my guy do you want a diamond delight are you hungry I don't know dude that was weird all right well that's actually all of them now if we're gonna like do the worst one and the good ones I'm gonna say Sonic Sonic uh what else oh yeah yeah so Sonic ice cream was probably like the two best ones bendy also being good even though he's attacking me but I'm saying good just because he dropped diamonds the Joker actually yeah pretty bad ah ha granny pretty bad as well and Pennywise pretty bad but Before we jump into these em portals let's go ahead and guess so this is actually really cool so red could be like penny wise Mario um what else spider-man yeah that's pretty much it for red yellow I don't know what yellow could be hmm what is actually going oh Homer Simpson it could be the Simpsons guys like maybe Lisa or BOTS Oh even Marge and green once again I say this every single time could be me could be bode again because actually we saw bode a few days ago so it could be bode once again but um which one are we gonna answer first maybe like the red one but before we do of course we have to enter the chest just to protect ourselves in case we're gonna die and you know what I might just you know actually put all of this on first puts all of them away except for one we're gonna bring one with me and there we go okay so we're gonna enter let's say the red and poor a serger and left to riots or maybe skip the middle would then go to green something like that we'll figure it out sir red let's just jump in and find out oh my goodness wait so we have the port over here and we'll the end portal and what do we have here a massive glass kind of thing with a fence and it looks like we got some dragons in here we got like a red one over there two blue ones like an Ender Dragon which is actually like a baby kind of version of it okay that's really weird and we have this weird-looking chassis oh so let's ends up that and raw pork chop am I supposed to feed these dragons or if they're gonna attack let's just break free hopefully they can't fit free just a little gap and escape and make a little mess but let's break a little bit more there we go okay so oh we also have a green one okay hmm for some reasons the red one what are you doing underwater oh it's actually drowning what are you doing it actually just died I can't believe that I actually can't believe that but look at this one over here Oh actually looks so cool what if I oh it's looking at me what if I hit it okay oh wait oh no I made a man again I always do that I make the mad but I just want to test them you know uh oh no maybe you're gonna drown too oh wait I think it just I might have just tamed it does that mean it still attacks me oh my goodness wait so that's a fix if you accidentally hit one of these dragons and you basically just you know feed them then they basically love you okay what if I keep feeding it what's gonna happen dragon oh is it getting bigger I feel like it is okay can you get it off to water or out of the water you might die I don't want you to die it's definitely growing that I'm pretty sure that has grown I how do I get out of here okay let's go over here it's still under the water come on get out oh wait no way just it just died okay so they can't know that's two of them two of them have now died okay well let's do these ones over here let's try this white one here oh oh wait we can actually write them oh that's sick can we can we fly sorry let's go in first person oh look at that that's actually pretty cool sorry I'm actually thinking I could have saved the Red Dragons life I could have went on top of its back and pretty much as you know got it out of the water but what is this one hey god it's not a little baby one get out of the water please we don't want another dragon dying we definitely don't want you dying again let's get you or big and stuff let's keep feeding it oh wait I'm actually almost out of food what I had 64 wow these things are really greedy with food but yeah look I actually could have oh my goodness wait a second can we actually oh wait I didn't know we could actually do that hang on let's get out of here with this one let's see how like hi it actually kind of jumps off flies let me just quickly break this for you all right that's good that's hop on and can we get out now no we still can't get out why what if I do that I actually don't know why I can't get out okay you know what Plan B we have to make this a little bit bigger for some reason it still can't fit ah pretty sure it should be able to net wait weather oh okay I was like where'd you go all right very good okay let's go in fed person let's see a jump or like kind of fly oh look at that it actually goes pretty high up not gonna lie so I don't know should we kill the rest um just because they aren't aims they are actually not tamed at all oh my goodness old oh wait they shoot things at you Oh No okay now we need to definitely kill him keep the one that I tamed for now and actually mines on my die on my dime I die on my died please please please wait what's that red thing will stop red particles of cheese okay um wait my dragon attacking it's attacking back nore it might actually kill my dragon oh no I just made everyone mad right there oh my goodness it wait what is that particle right there this is the weirdest one I've ever entered before all right come on dragon we have to just try and maybe kill these I don't know how this is gonna work all right here we go and drop down okay here we go boom how much help do they have um okay I can't oh no I'm stuck in the water now this is not good this is not good I might actually just dip out my dragons not doing the best damage not gonna lie it would be better oh that one died okay that's good wait what's up it's not my dragon there I can tell I'm pretty sure was I accidentally hit it a few times okay you know what oh wait - my dragon died Oh No okay still alive it's not anything yeah that is my dragon okay cool okay so let's just kill bees a home because it's still alive and then we got killed one last one here we go come on okay just die already come on dragon do something please you're my pets wait what did it drop water ingot what do i do of that I have no idea okay well let's just sum I can't even hit it stop flying my dragon is needs to basically attack it oh no I'm dying I'm actually dying did I'm gonna see a dragon down there I don't think so maybe uh wait you killed it yes good job oh my goodness that was insane thank you so much I can't let me just quickly get you out the waters who don't die because you did help me quite a lot there we go okay so you just stay out of the water I'm gonna go to the next Psalm and portal let's just go back and hopefully it leads me back to oh you can't follow me you can't follow me dragon you have to stay here look at it it looks like you but goodbye alright there we go we are now back to where we were so um yeah that was quite interesting you know what's gonna quickly place my water ingot not sure what that does my sand and some oak fence gonna bring it one more enchanted apple with me a for the next round so I'm gonna skip the yellow okay well guys you know spice things up a little so skip the yellow let's go it's green and this one was maybe Bodhi or myself so we'll find out basically right now let's jump in wait where am I there's literally nothing here wait I see something green over there oh wait I see a few green things um what uh okay let's um let's swim over there I guess let's have a look what this is let's get a little bit closer hopefully don't drown all right let's see what do we have here what is that I've seen it before but let me just get a little bit closer oh hello how are you doing buddy I think wait let me just hit it oh it actually makes noise is that tipsy I'm pretty sure it dips he's the the green one right it's some oh okay it attacks back all right let me just quickly get rid of Dipsy he um um and then we should be good well actually I figured was wait what did I kill it what's the drop anything oh wait did cookies um okay that's a little bit weird so why is Dipsy just huh i'm circum fuse oh wait we've got some iron here that's a little bit weird and what is okay we've got a baby one and what what is that one what do these ones here they have no head Dipsy wait this is a baby version look at this do you want a cookie oh my goodness you can actually give it a cookie no way wait you hang on get back here wait oh okay no these ones attack no every stop stop is a behind me oh no it's following me Oh okay let me just quickly turn around there we go let's detectives' one this one that's like a chainsaw what oh wait so did one of them dial something cuz I picked up this iron before this is really weird why they hanging around a swamp area that's really sketchy we got no one over there um I actually just want to play around with this little one like this can I feed it again does it grow up are you gonna grow up so maybe I should kill this one to get more cookies alright coming up coming up sitting there not really friendly when you do it I mean friendly to begin with but when you attack them once they they go really ballistic gotcha um Dipsy can use die for me I'm trying to feed the little one the little one really likes these cookies I only dropped me one one cookie all right it's it's not even the size of the cow I get whoa I can actually flip through that okay so it's just huh still not growing up huh what if I hit it oh I get a little one attacks no no why is the little one attacking please nor am I need I need to kill it I might even kill it okay stop there we go so we got the portal to go back well the end portal ah and I swear to saw ain't number one yeah look at this one this one's really scary these ones attack straight away so dip C's Rek to begin with but yeah a thing that might be a wolf dumb hopefully dip see anymore dip C's around here hopefully not if they're hiding somewhere I can't see them let me know if you guys spot any currently cuz I don't see anything besides all of these cows and sheep and pigs and yeah I'm this massive ravine unless some of them wait oh I can I was like why is the water weird but I guess it's like the swamp kind of color water I don't know this is weird let's kill this sheep let's head back because we have one more end portal tanto and that is yellow so we're gonna find out who is inside the yellow one so let's jump in there we go we are now back okay so let's um let's actually place oh wait I need a new wooden sword ah should we quickly make one I guess we have to because just in case this yellow one is dangerous we have to be prepared because our sword is not allowed to break on us because then we're gonna be in you know big trouble alright so let's just break a few more wood I think I only need three pieces I think that's enough but you know I'm just gonna break up to four and there we go okay let me just quickly do this so bond and one crafting table some sticks and that should be it oh wait we can actually make a iron sword that might be better definitely better sorry Dipsy gave that to us so thank you tipsy I guess wait how can I make it on no one it doesn't need to but I only have one wow I'm so confused that's weird oh well not gonna complain I go to iron swords out that okay so let's place one in the this chest here just in case and we're gonna bring this with me as well okay so yellow hmm okay wait actually we don't really need that and we don't need the sticks alright so let's enter V last and portal so let's go ah guys check this out are we actually MV I think it's called bikini bottom ah wait why is there a horse up there but did we just find SpongeBob's house there's Squidward's house and Patrick's house oh my goodness Wow bubbles for $0.25 that's so cool is this supposed to be spongebob oh that's actually especially spongebob is that it it that's a little bit weird oh okay Oh yellow patties Green patties blue we've got the whole set this is actually pretty awesome okay well we'll enter SpongeBob's house because we would kind of out side the front of it so and it is yellow spongebob is yellow the others are that's like blue and pink so it can't be one of them I swear this heard the noise spongebob are you home buddy please show yourself if you are sorry if I'm just barging in but oh hello he came to say hello hey he's fun folk oh wait where you going are you trying to show me something oh wow you actually have a pretty cool place there's anything you need Oh snail wait what is this for what's this pineapple in a can what do you eat the stuff up Gary's food bowl okay wait where's Gary spongebob and why do you keep going into the UM in the blog I get hang on let me just quickly look around oh this is the bathroom yo this is pretty cool I've never been inside spawn from this place before can you get off the wall buddy let me help you up let me just there we go if I accidentally kill you cannae not I don't think you can actually get up he might be stuck down there hmm all right well I need to find out where Gary is where's the snail where is visa net what what is this uh what is that actually Oh clam cage okay don't want to be missing rounds that uh let's see oh hey Gary look it's so small so cute as well well I've brought you some food it was in SpongeBob's cupboard just a little bit weird okay um so I'm guessing yes this is where spongebob sleeps very very nice oh I know spongebob sleeps up here I'm pretty sure yeah and then Gary's here I think I get what's in here oh I must've wait Gary where you going am I supposed to be in there silly this might be a secret this is let's explore a little bit whoo I didn't know you spongebob like reading books I'd even know you could actually read so oh well book of shells history of all burning ever book of spells how how to read well there's wonderful spongebob so Wow we actually have how to open things Oh a diary but I don't think yeah we can actually open it up okay what's this next one Oh spongebob shirt what wait hang on let's actually can we wear this let's go I bet it's not even the colors always no white oh I get it now it's just like kind of missing the tie and stuff so I guess it's the best you can kind of do it out of diet but yeah that's actually pretty cool let's put that back okay just in case spongebob needs to actually wear it and we'll put that back and we'll save these okay so hmm all right let me just quickly go back up see where Gary went to Gary where'd you go where did you go actually uh oh baby well let's see what happens man okay Oh a check okay so this is what happened last time because we actually oh okay he's a little bit angry yeah so apparently when you hit him he actually changes colors going nuts okay let's quickly run over who okay you stay in there you just stay in there um don't want to mess with Gary right now and it seems like oh wait hang on what is this what the cooked cod okay spongebob oh I accidentally killed spongebob I didn't know he's gonna be that low in health all right um I might just need a dip out you know what let's just put that into it oh wait wait that girl that just disappeared all right you know what this is a pretty cool place not gonna like like we have a massive place to explore why this is Sandy's place you know Squidward obviously Patrick dude there's so many things let's actually see if Patrick is home it doesn't actually seem like it Patrick hmm doesn't wait Patrick secret box Oh embarrassing pictures of Spongebob what okay you know I'm just gonna leave that there I don't think I should actually be in here yeah I'm gonna um I'm sorry Patrick don't know where Patrick is maybe he went shopping or something but I'm gonna dip out if you have this was actually pretty cool not gonna lie but I guess it's time to go back to the real world let's just jump in there we go we are now back okay so I didn't have to use this to be honest is Chuck done in there okay so um yeah let's um let's kind of do a bit of a recap spongebob was probably the best one to be honest then we had Dipsy a little bit scary and the Dragons I don't know out of Dipsy and the Dragons they were kind of equals so you guys let me know in the comments down below but that's gonna wrap up today's video hopefully you guys enjoyed these end portals if you guys did definitely go ahead slap a like subscribe to the channel turn on notifications if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 717,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, do not choose the wrong grass block, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, minecraft do not choose the wrong, wrong, do not, sonic, mosasaurus, marshmello, spongebob, pennywise, do not choose the wrong end portal, minecraft do not choose the wrong end portal, Granny
Id: 1MU1gsuHBr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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