Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG HEAD! (Alex.EXE, Herobrine & Mutant Zombie)

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guys before this video starts go ahead follow my Instagram and is that fusion droid as you can see on the screen right now and yeah let's go ahead and continue the video [Music] what's going on guys I'm here with EE 12 ready crafter and fusion droid and this is supposed to be fusions videos so you guys know what that means right okay Brendon you're out no see this in front of us the same the chess what is that what do you mean okay this is Alex right extremely sunny in here finally be rage yeah but if it is well leaving everyone hey don't you oh my god Brendan yeah this guy okay you know what give me some you're gonna kill Brandon we're gonna kill Brett it's good so nice okay alright alright before we do we're gonna do one thing what the guessing game dude we just know it no no no that's a bad one no that's terrible okay we'll put real guesses let's hear your guess yeah yeah if you're so smart okay now I'm on this foot I can okay the first one this one would have to be Steve say that's a better one all right all right which one which one should we choose first okay you know what Pennywise is in here I don't know which one should we get let's change let's change this one since it's actually like he looks like Alex my knee no okay okay oh okay coming coming coming oh hey Alex I know Steve isn't here I just wanted to say hi to you don't hit him whatever you do range sternum Oh same thing I spawn wait wait wait wait um listen Rose in the chest I don't know who open the chest Brennan did you open the chest yeah what is it Brandon what what boys in the chance yeah but those other stuff Oh hours give me that I'm giving you flowers I want it I'm gonna give it to I want to give it to Alex you have a crush on Alex see Alex only wants me my first one is tell me Oh what do you mean wait three cuter wait where's Alex Alex did a zombie killer Alex yeah you're a zombie [Laughter] okay wait is anything else are nothing else there's a button right here hey yeah wait I'm sure oh yeah see okay next I don't know what do you guys think I feel like red might be like a bad color yeah we gotta kill both of these guys because they're not red Brennan what I'm dying I'm gonna all right [Music] really creepy there's blood all over the floor wait what's in this [ __ ] oh wait guys I got something guys guys guys guys guys guys something just happened what what happened come with me let's get out of here what oh no I don't know what this is I got something out that Jess I got this what is that wait let me see what is the matter star spawn Alex it can't be that bad what do you like Alex Brian like showing up literally out of nowhere there being TNT and liking both do you like any of that come on we've been through this multiple times I mean we've been through this before I didn't think it would be this bad teachers come out nothing can happen hey wait wait wait this is weird no it took my armor armor go she took it I don't even have a sword I have nothing nothing go ahead don't hit it go ahead but I have nothing no way to get stuff from know a lot about Alex brother that's all Ellen wait that wasn't that's all that's all it's the exe I'm pretty sure I've never even heard of that before Eddie here we go kill it kill it kill it nobody can we can't hit that guys oh wait Wiz where's Alex there's only one thing to do we have to kill the killer oh say my life please please wait wait wait killer oh let's everything again my armor is gone Oh No dude this is okay wait everyone run back in run back in the blue Brennan did you just shoot me no no okay Stanley from raged since Grady's more despondent I was just playing around uh I think he's over here I think he's over it wait yeah wait what oh yeah I see the particle is what she's right there she's right there guys killer how do we get in I want to get in let me in oh oh oh no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh my god what what happened Oh what why would you block me out here [Laughter] nothing everyone everyone everyone follow me follow me follow me okay okay should we go get mecha neo-gothic in here what why I don't think she can come in here women don't think I don't know what's in here there's nothing else now wait Brandon if you Dinah he's the reason there's Bonnie why do you bring him with us you get outraged Brandon you can come in here I think it's a rage get out get out rage this is all you this is all you it's a pig not a cow Oh God wait you died - chicken that's nice you know what you die you hear that what that sound yeah yeah it's actually raised it's a low I can't relieve and relief leave Leave leave Leave leave get out you know all right guys wait did everything so did everything so have nothing we don't have our weapons like in we've been just running around doing nothing I take all my right oh my all right guys this I need this thing let's enter then the last one all right go go go whoa whoa everyone chill chill chill chill chill chill chill what is this you'll I just got golden apples and a total of a dying why aren't you sharing them and a diamond sworn wait what's explaining wait wait who wants guys guys guys oh my Damon hit her what are you doing Oh oh my god that's Alex Bryan yeah I I thought it was the same as that Alex TXU or whatever you guys said no Bryan what you see him right well I mean this is Alex friend what the thank you thank you what are you guys doing down there well yeah I think she's gone was that the same one up there maybe that's what a night no no I didn't do anything the same rage I swear nothing yes what it's time and so if it's out there no one can kill me right now all right let's leave let's leave is it out there oh don't blame me I have all the power right now everybody quiet where'd she go actually all right I'm gonna go back listen quietly wait does anyone have a pickaxe uh no I don't oh yeah I do uh where are you guys give it to me give it to me no give it before no you don't even need it I'm using it for dirt don't fight guys please I'm gonna have to kill him for it oh wow oh my god always dead what that oh yes wait what it didn't even let me pick it up we grab the pig I'm so dead he has it okay well anyways waited was she good I get my way dig over here how big where dig where he's digging yeah think again wait what do you got sit she's out once again something's wrong with this world you know something this world is cursed oh I wanna run this world you guys okay let's just hope that's the last we see of her them I mean the sounds are you uh close oh what's that oh oh Killa Killa Killa Killa toucher Oh weak on well uh dude you can't even hit her I'm gonna die I said wait wait I didn't get her I didn't get her hey guys we should make a run for it just keep running keep running follow me follow me particles I see particles guys guys guys you right there what's the talk I know I know I know I know but like maybe it was Gary knows the weapons she's still it she's still putting away okay Oh woah I'm almost dead almost oh my god I don't like this what the heck is going on this is all gone oh she's blowing up fusion right now not like it's following us it's tracing us down oh my gosh Harris right I think I know I know how to fix this how so we have to go back in here we have to get back in here where we're gonna press the button how do we get back in yeah this is the way out okay are we safe I think we might be good okay we might be safe but I don't know about doubl a12 and Brennan yeah I think Alex probably might be chasing them down yeah I think they arrange a good alright so like I said I think for one of them Steve is gonna be in there and I think is this one because it actually makes sense it doesn't make sense for Steve to be in the red one or a green one this is the actual same color as Steve and his head so it has to be Steve for this one I'm actually gonna guess Pennywise or spider-man and for this one the Hulk or maybe there's like a frog in there or something unspeakable maybe maybe not I don't know but yeah let's go ahead and find out so we have to enter this chest and oK we've got some level not the best armor it's pretty much the worst one ah and we also have the golden sword and wait we got one two three four and chance and apples okay I'll take it not gonna complain don't know why this fall when we only have three heads but um yeah which one should we choose first should we just go left to right or maybe get wait actually we're gonna choose this one first since I'm very confident that Steve should be in here for the others I'm not too sure so yeah we'll figure it out when we leave this one but let's enter this one I'm free to one let's go oh I get yep I was correct it's actually Steve how you doing buddy what why are you coming towards me I don't like to oh you have a nametag oh ow Steve why are you hitting me for that's not nice oh wait what's this okay you know what I'm gonna take it north Steve I'm just trying to steal it just trying to steal it okay I'm confused guys I just cook that armor and it it didn't change anything I just got leverback that's really really weird again what's in his chest oh I cannot make sense okay am I supposed to feel like a little dirt house for you because we're like a beginner kind of thing because it's grass block eight stop stop Steve stop let me just get this okay he can keep on hitting me I don't care I'm looking into oh I might die actually sorry I think we got like a starter kit so I need to quickly leave okay he's really annoying me so did we get a shovel no he didn't okay you know what we're gonna make a shovel I think those across in table in this so if we can quickly just um get some wood and then make a shovel I only need like two blocks really so um let's quickly get that alright hello mr. cow okay you can relax so yeah I just want a shovel really quick I think that was yes there is a crafting table in there perfect I don't need to make one myself okay now the real thing is it's gonna be a little bit hard when Steve is trying to hurt you all the time why are you doing this buddy what's it do to you alright let's make some sticks and there is a shovel almost got it I almost got it okay Steve you have to come over here buddy come on this is so annoying I'm trying to help you I'm trying to build a little place for you ah shovel is right there okay perfect let's quickly leave before die jeez alright so yeah I'm gonna make a dirt place for him and maybe we can have like a door so it's not gonna be anything like flashy it's gonna be pretty bad but uh just a little starter kit for Steve there so let me just quickly get more of this I don't even know how much I need it's gonna be really basic so I don't think I need too much I've got 21 let's just do a little bit more alright just a little bit more I might actually need to eat this even though yeah my hyung is not looking good so I actually need food but this should be enough oh wait speaking of food I'm sorry I did say mr. cow before but I kind of need that I'm really sorry alright let's go back and start building this for him and we got some torches as well which is good all right sir I think I'm gonna build it right right here if he stops attacking me again I'm just gonna quickly build up a little bit there we go you shouldn't be able to attack me get away all right so yeah it's gonna be very very basic let me just go and jump over there okay Steve you need to chill my guy yeah look at it oh you can jump up and hit me okay that was a little bit rude okay yeah there's a roof a little ceiling there okay don't make me misplace my blocks okay don't do it buddy don't do it there we go that is looking very bad hang on let me just break this there we go that kind of looks a little bit more even so let's just kind of do that and I need to get a door I do not have enough for a door and you get more wood can you stop Steve please let's just get a little bit of wood because I didn't have enough for a door I didn't really think that freer for what I had enough but apparently not so yeah now I should definitely have enough footed or Steve and Ben that we're gonna trap him in there and enter the next one so oh wait oh yeah you spawn right here okay that's actually pretty cool okay so um I need two doors okay I made I made six by accident but that's okay that is okay and then we can play some torches in there all right your place is done Steve come inside and lock you in there perfect you know what I needed to just get rid of this because it's a little bit annoying but yeah this is this a little place so when I come back in here he would actually what I will actually spawn in there so um yeah good nice meeting you but it's time to explore a different one so I'm gonna skip the red because red usually means bad I don't know every single time I do these type of videos red usually means bad and I forgot to have bread I didn't have to kill that cow I'm sorry all right let's put everything away just like that cuz I don't think I'd really need everything torches don't hit a door alright let's actually skip this one and enter via green some guessing Hulk my being here so let's go and free two one boom okay what whoa that was a little bit flag but what is this wait what are these two prints big cows but the there is Steve cow what have you guys ever seen this in Minecraft before this will actually kind of creeping me out wait do they make cal noises no they don't okay what do they attack you what that one didn't I don't think they attack you so it's kind of good this one's stuck um again this is a little bit creepy do these actually a tweet is it wait there might be weed in here oh there is okay we got a diamond hoe okay grasp burn mill we've got a ton of seeds and 19-week so let's see wait yep they definitely like wheat interesting so that basically it cow but Steve edition so let's see can they breed let's let's see that happen alright is there gonna be a young a baby Steve Kerr oh my goodness there is uh I'm a little bit scared of this one this does not seem right but it kind of makes sense because it was a Steve head and green is you know grass and it relates to cows in a way I'm guessing but um yeah wait why are these ones traps you guys can come on get out you guys can come out if you want oh wait what if I do this alright there we go come on one by one let's just feed a bunch of them oh we can actually get more wheat here oh and then we can plant the bait I can't plant them when you're sitting on them there we go and we can use the bone meal hole like that perfect and then we can make some more and now we've got 21 okay so yeah I just want to come on guys come on Steve cows that is so creepy today spawn in the like normal world like outside there I don't know so I think if I kill one they wait what you guys don't even drop anything for me don't even like a Steve head um wait who closed that I did not close up I swear didn't close up all right come on you guys can come out you guys can come out what if I spawn in the cow I mean I don't know how to because I don't have creative oh okay well at least these guys got outs you guys just don't get trapped in there again there we go let's see what if we killed a babe you want nothing nothing at all let's just breathe a ton of them and then have all little baby Steve cows this is just weird guys let me know in the comments below if you guys think these Steve cows are weird cuz I definitely think they are look at them wait did we get oh we got more of to only them we got like one two three four five I think five baby Steve cows I'm pretty sure but uh oh I just ran out of wheat so I have to play them again oh wait I can use the diamond ho right there don't make a mess get away get away from my wheat farm and then we can use a bone meal and I ran out so hey do not break the wheat this is your only food right here what these guys again trapped you wait hang on if I was to break this can't you craft it I don't know honestly I really don't know let's just quickly go back to Steve I might get hit straightaway oh hey Steve um okay let me know uh not stop stop stop okay I just want to try something okay it does actually make me I was correct I haven't played Minecraft Survival in a long time so I was a little bit confused on that but it does actually work oh hey buddy hey buddy oh wait wait what how do these guys get in there I closed it can they open the door if they can do that that's really creepy if these guys can open them I'm pretty sure I closed it I can't remember correctly if I'm pretty sure I closed it what they just like to be in there for some reason okay um let's see how many can actually fit in here come on Steve cows all they can jump over ah that makes sense oh my goodness I think I'm trapped Maurice ahem wait right I can't close the door I'm stuck I don't know where I am I can't close it though close it close it get out of my way there we go we trapped in a whole lot of them so yeah the beam going through this way that makes a lot of sense all right let's um yeah let's enter the next one or should I should I get rid of them let's just get rid of some of these guys that out here I want all of these guys trapped all right there we go yeah okay we're done let's eat the bread and then we're gonna enter via lucky loss Steve head which is red and that usually means bad so if this one was actually good one better than Steve coz Steve kept hitting me ah so yeah let's put it this way just like that I'm gonna get be enchanted apple and I'm definitely gonna replace this because I kind of need it okay that's looking good all right look good um anything else we need to do when what like while we're out here don't think so so yeah let's enter this last one in three two one let's go okay um oh wait there's diamonds I don't I don't see anything in here that's a little bit concerning I don't see anything okay wait we got we got this okay is anything underneath there's nothing underneath why did I get this I'm scared was I supposed to do that there's a button there that's just to get out anything nope but there's nothing here I'm so confused okay wait this burns in here is that a sign of something we've got of turn with I'm dying diamond axe and a diamond sword hey I'll take it let's actually put that on oh my goodness look at that it's always broken okay so is there anything like wait do I see something oh wait there is a chest there is a sneaky chest right there oh okay wait barrier blocks and here Brian curse activator that doesn't sound good guys like that that legit doesn't sound good I'm scared what am I supposed to do if this faint am I supposed to activate it somewhat what if I do oh oh no wait what wait isn't she consumed their eyes get away get away get away get away get away oh my goodness whoa wait what what's that sound Oh what killed by magic huh I'm so confused oh my goodness yo what is that is here Brian some weight um okay let me quickly put on my stuff okay I hear some weird noises wait what huh wait I was putting all my almonds and just like disappeared or something okay no no no no no no no here Brian here wait what why did he go where did he go I can't he put on my armor I think he took off mom I lost everything really everything I just put on I just lost what oh okay that's scary why is that tree on fire I don't like that okay here Brian show yourself buddy show yourself wait I hear something I hear footsteps uh food I did what was that mine okay I'm getting scared of my own footsteps hang on let's leave is he is he out here what is a village actually completely forgot there's a village there um okay this is totally not weird at all let's go back in okay so yeah I hear the sound in here mmm okay what if I just hide under the tree what's it sound I don't like these sounds here Brian buddy Izzy oh okay what if he is the underneath oh geez okay whoa T&T no no no no no whoa whoa okay that was really close that was really close okay uh whoa wait where am I I'm so confused it where am I I guess I hear noises I hear noises I hear noises wait is this a normal chicken normal chicken is that you know you're not normal ah these chickens attack where in my oldest auntie I have no idea where I am now what is going on uh oh wait that's it okay what is what's happening oh my goodness is chickens over here too mmm where's your Brian's oh oh okay he just blown that in okay okay uh any more TNT Oh more chickens okay not no TNT TNT TNT okay what are these like herobrine chickens or something what what is happening I don't I don't like this I want to go home I want to go and just leave this world I'm ready to leave this world but I just want to see what happens here Brian okay all in getting to spawning more chickens where's here Brian himself I want to kill him I really just want to kill him but I don't know where he is hmm oh okay I just follow me all these things are scary do legit have no eyes at all at least it dropped chicken okay what are these scary noises do you guys hear that I'm not going crazy am i okay hmm oh TNT again CNC should I just keep running should I just leave should I leave now I I don't know oh okay okay I'm just gonna go this way I'm gonna quickly leave maybe he won't follow me hopefully not I'm gonna quickly eat this all right I'm out I'm out I don't like this game whatever you're playing here Brian I do not like it I do not like it one bit Oh okay come on come on come on come on come on no he was right there where did he go he's definitely following me help help help help oh jeez honesty and wait was that okay a photo saw him from a distance that was not him okay buddy okay what again spawning cows are they here Brian - what a foot is this chickens get away get away what it seems all he can do pigs is well all these guys have eyes oh geez I'm actually dying oh no no no no no no no no are they fast oh wait die from the TNC come on pigs come on pigs yeah you're Brian killing your own pigs not a smart move so there he is come come on come on come on oh okay yeah this is this is gonna be impossible so guys I definitely think red is yeah it's definitely the worst one all my goodness more chickens no there's so many I'm just gonna keep on running so yeah red is the worst Green was actually the best getaway Green was the best and um well Steve he was attacking me so he was the second worst one there so yeah all right sorry let's play the guessing game obviously this has to have a zombie in it certainly think that would make sense because it is a zombie head I mean it's the same thing as a normal zombie except for these two so I have no idea what's gonna be in these two so you know what I'm gonna just not even guess with that so let's go into this chest and we have a keychain we go the enchanted apple and we also have a wooden sword all right well let's you know quickly put on the armor there we go and I think the first one we're going to choose is just you know the normal zombie head because these two I have no idea but I'm pretty confident that inside of this head there has to be a zombie it's the only thing that would make sense if it's not a zombie I'm gonna freak out because I'll be very weird so let's go ahead and actually these look like nostrils like little nose things anyways I'm getting distracted let's press the button and free two one here we go uh-oh oh no no no no please please please please please okay that is definitely a zombie but not what I was expecting it's a mutant zombie okay so uh what's the plan here um all right I need a little bit of some dirt actually let's get some dirt dude I don't know how many were in there there was a lot of baby ones as well so it's to get some dirt and then I'm gonna like kind of go in there build up a little bit so they can't attack me show egg because they did a lot of damage just in that matter of like a few seconds so here we go we have to do it really fast all right go go go go oh no I can't put it on there no really really the what that really messed me up not really the carpet got in the way and I couldn't place it down well some would have been fine okay how much place how much mr. Gervais now Oh No okay I need it like somehow get order zombies over here alright alright circle around them Nord oh okay the dirt is to the left of it okay this is definitely the worst one so far don't like this one alright I need my sword at least give me my sword nor no oh my goodness if the carpet wasn't there I would have been fine i legit would have been fine I I don't know what to do I'm trying to get my stuff but this is too hard alright there we go no no zombie no all right we kind of got some of it okay you know I'm gonna eat this and I need to quickly go to that corner over there let's go let's go let's go and then jump jump jump okay we're good we're good oh that was a lot of work and we got a head because I died in here sorry now I should be able to yep attack at least one of them from this height and it's gonna be this once wait how many of here one two so we've got three adult ones and one two three four baby ones okay well let's just attack these once I don't know why to have helmets on the only one of yeah only these two have no helmets on everyone else does very weird alright well does it actually drop it I have no idea we're gonna find out if I can even kill this thing don't know if it's possible but it doesn't seem to be oh there we go oh okay and um it dropped some stuff I see carrots I don't know widest carrots there but let's drop down one level alright can I yep I can attack this one except my sword is gonna break I wait what's in that chest can I actually open it from me up oh yes I can Oh a diamond sword that would have been a lot more helpful potion of strength okay you know what I'm gonna drink this okay makes no sound effect okay that's a little bit weird but this should die very quickly hopefully there we go all right well let's find out what they have okay let's quickly leave oh my goodness wait hang on Wow 38 carats 43 rotten flesh 29 potatoes and 37 iron ingots that is actually insane and you know what I can do if that hang on where's the nearest tree is it really all the way over here okay you know what let's just quickly get a tree all right because we need to make a crafting table and do you know why because I'm gonna have full iron that's gonna be the plan actually yep that's actually enough that's all I need is bat and the crafting table all right sweets I can replace it yep there we go so let's get the helmet well so this this and that all right so we can take this off I'm actually gonna keep it still just in case I need it but there we go so let's quickly put everything back in this chess sort of things that we don't need so it's pretty much majority of this there we go okay so what a do you need is a little bit more dirt because I'm gonna go back in there quickly remove the the baby mutant zombies because they are still alive in there except I do we need some dirt just so I can kind of build up again so let's quickly do that or they're looking at me nowit the carpet the carpet the carpet do not feed a deaf of me okay it was again the carpets are you serious okay come on go on mutant zombies come over this way oh jeez Wow they do a lot of damage uh okay you know what I'm just gonna eat this you're gonna quickly go in there and quick there we go jeez man this thing is difficult I don't like this one let's quickly get rid of the baby ones all right I can't even hit them for me up there we go please don't be able to jump up here I'm scared I'm scared they're all looking at me this is so quick as well and they do a lot of damage so I wonder if they drop and think if they don't that I'm not gonna kill all of them all they do they drop more of the iron ingots and carrots and all that good stuff so there we go we got two more and then we can actually go to the next one so gamma meets and zombie come on please just just die there we go last one lucky last one isn't it just good that it's you buddy you can't even hit me I'm cheating I'm legit cheating all right come on come on come on and there we go all right let's see oh my goodness sixty-four okay we have a stack and a little bit more extra so yeah wait we actually got potion regeneration and we actually got more mutant creeper not creeper mutant zombie spawn eggs are which we're not gonna use because that would be very bad so let me quickly put everything away and then we'll choose VIN next zombie head so let's go ahead and choose V next head now I actually put the diamond sword back in here just because it was Opie alright I'm definitely gonna you know if this thing is you know difficult to kill I might have to come back and actually get it but I'm gonna choose the red one now the red usually means bad but I don't know about this one let's find out I'm free two one here we go oh I get wait a second I was gonna say that was just like a normal zombie but it has white eyes and you know what that means I think you guys do it's uh it's zombie Brian so kind of like here Brian but a zombie version of it and it says chasing me I don't like this oh wait turn off on dying okay let me get to a zombie Brian chill what's in this chess okay we got some a lot of rotten flesh a zombie Brian stop stop ah maybe if I tried trapping them this carpet is legit the death of me alright let's just put you in here alright and then boom there we go easy trap all right now while you're just trapped there I'm gonna see what's in here so we got some bones some more lever okay we go wooden axe and a pickaxe interesting very weird combo but not gonna complain let's also put this in our hand just in case I die alright zombie Brian I can see your hand okay what else should I do in here what's what's something I can do - zombie Brian do I just kill them or yeah this is kind of break free hey buddy do you want your stuff back maybe you want to wear the leather boots no you don't want that okay maybe you want this not you don't want it okay maybe you want the bones actually with wait where did these burns come from I know I know it came from the chest but like did you kill something core I don't know zombie Brian's not really doing anything too crazy so he's actually not much of a threat to be honest so you know what I'm gonna come back here alright we're just gonna go to the next one just to see what's going on in this one because it this one's colorful like it's a little bit weird like wait what's at the back it just goes all around well let's find out maybe it's a colorful zombie or something so I'm free to one bun okay oh wait a bunch of villages why is it villages oh wait marshmallow um okay wait what's marshmallow doing here what are you doing inside of a zombie's head this is the one to like throw you off that it's not like a an actual zombie okay well I mean you have a big audience here ah let's see white villages can you get off the chest please village ah I I can't open it no I don't want to trade with you get off the chest there we go ah so we got Oh done in Boots I'll take it five works alright you know what I'm gonna take that to my got some music discs and a ticket that's what I need um marshmallow I had my ticket I can what's your like whatever you doing you playing some music cuz I don't hear anything but I have a ticket that's what I'm at is I'm allowed in here oh you're holding your m Road you want to trade for a ticket or um oh I don't even have enough okay sorry buddy I'm sorry I can't really give you my ticket because I need 24 apparently hmm all right well let's see there is this up what's this oh okay wait how many Sun can we just keep doing that oh look at that marshmallow is getting excited okay that's pretty cool wait what if I removed his carpet oh wait is 50 of them what's this one Wyatt and so we can just put more in there I guess yeah let's put the carpet back just because I don't want to see that there we go see yeah I can just keep impressiveness and um I'll just go crazy or I can actually put music in that all right marshmallow oh we got no one on the other side didn't even see that one is that is that white as well let's find out yes it is okay well let's see what happens let's just put that out marshmallow you can come out now buddy what are you what are you gonna do I think he's Oh villages Ron feel hot no he trapped two of them oh no no no poor villagers they paid for their ticket to watch marshmallow playing oh jeez oh no this place is gonna get infected oh jeez okay let's just close this village come inside it of here come on come on villages you don't want to die do you you really don't want to die yeah yeah yeah yeah come in here come in here quick everyone did not listening that they're really not listening come on I would trade a music disc with you maybe you want some diamond boots yeah you're looking at the diamond boot something you wanted buddy everyone inside of here we got a few no farmer you don't want to go out I get for closing doors oh ho that was close okay uh what you need to actually kill these guys because they're kind of hurting the villagers come on come on come on come on there we go let's remove this one okay I might actually need to kill marshmallow at it I don't know he's looking at one of these guys back off yeah I figured it's made a more mad so marshmallow is just looking at me or we ate hey I don't like that I do not like that so we have how many villages up here 1 2 3 4 5 yeah I think 5 and wait so how come you're not attacking berries guys out there doesn't make any sense all close the gates okay cool he's just off to me it's probably cause I attacked him oh no I can't feel it John no I didn't mean to do that alright let's just get rid of them come on hey there we go you guys are safe alright let me just quickly let you guys oh I don't want to trade with you I accidentally killed a villager I'm sorry what is this music disc okay sounds pretty cool alright well that was marshmallow is there anything else in here okay I didn't think so yeah well nice meeting you guys if anyone wants my ticket you guys can have it I'm gonna put on the stage there we go and you want these guys here's going straight for the ticket alright I'm gonna leave and I'm gonna get back into this red one because zombie Brian is still alive come on buddy I can still hear the music with Jack and so here alright here we get come on that's fine morph and there we go okay oh those bones just disappeared nice well that's pretty much it which one was the worst one well I think you guys know definitely the normal zombie head it was the worst one and then the second worse um I don't know maybe marshmallow actually because he was attacking the audience and stuff and it's getting out of control and maybe the red one was the best and usually red means bad but in those videos actually probably the best one zombie Brian so yeah if you guys enjoyed definitely go ahead slap the like button turn on notifications subscribe to the channel if you're new here and I'll see you guys in the next video peace see ya
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 1,434,667
Rating: 4.7779703 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, Do not choose, Wrong head, Wrong Steve head, Wrong pig, Wrong sheep, Wrong cow
Id: zj3T_6tPJTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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