Minecraft Mobs if they were Creepy

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dude check out this graveyard oh what's that uh I'm a little nervous to approach to be honest what do we have going on here it looks like souls are coming out of this thing oh what are you angry away made you Flinch now you didn't get me no problems hey if you want to make yourself useful go dig up some other Graves and bring me what you find well this wasn't I was planning to spend my evening but if it keeps that thing away from me then I am happy to do it this one's got some Soul Sand right here oh whoa grave trinket what's in this one hey another okay we got even more trinkets all right I went through all the graves and got six of these trinkets but that building over there has given me the creeps hey meanwhile here you go buddy thanks for the trickens now you can take their place easy does it what are you doing oh my goodness get back what is this what do we get is Phantasm well I know a laze could grab things what if we oh look at that no way look he's so friendly oh this is incredible hopefully it didn't come in handy for whatever's in here oh my goodness okay so there is something behind that door but there is no button however I was messing around with the fantastic Phantasm and I saw that in a lay can actually come out of it and if we get just close enough I think we can reach that button that is just Out Of Reach yes or maybe not yes frightening frog hehe greetings might I trouble you for a favor I would die on the spot for some magma cream cheese feel that this mausoleum's got some but it's locked up tight you were talking with that little ghost yes bring me some and I'll reward you handsomely yeah you're the last thing to be talking about handsomely hey what's that behind him I think that's the cream cheese that this guy was talking about we'll go ahead and grab it for us a lay friend and we will be well on our way to uh being rewarded handsomely alright that's all of them whoa he's pumped about it thank you for your kindness take this and don't look back while I'm eating you'll regret it whoa you dropped his napkin big hops huh whoa yeah no kidding whoa that one's even bigger and I think I did a ground stomp hey in fact you know I saw a staircase in here but no way to get in and there's no button maybe if we just yes wait I just realized why am I going deeper into a mausoleum look at this thing is that a is it a bunny hello oh okay yes hello you don't look too friendly I need to break something hey get me some carrots real sharp ones I think there are some down there what down these hallways I do not have a good feeling about this I hear bad guys all over the place yeah there's one right there get away he doesn't even help me get back get back oh we can hop on him I should have known stop Yes okay sharpened carrots sharpened carrots man this place just goes deeper and deeper whoa what's in here straight into The Nether oh what's that thing I go that way could the carrots be in this room maybe what do we have going on here wait I can use my hops to yeah hey this has got to be something all right step back step back step back I need these carrots hey there they are right there all right a lake do your thing buddy bring them on back to me I have a good feeling about this here's one of them right here all right we're gonna be on guard just in case this guy has any funny ideas haha yes let me show you how they work small fry I should have known oh boy take them out look at the size of this guy dude he's a big boy oh he's shooting carrots at me we was at least cool throwing carrots can we get out of here now what was that oh no way we're locked in oh goodness through here my pair only option now oh boy I'm not sure okay well there's no jumping over this door and the LA just keeps bouncing off of it last thing I've tried is the carrots oh of course I'm just trying to get home please don't eat me please oh gosh I don't even know what to say but he is strange looking in the back of your mind you feel a hunger for eight grilled fungus a thought that is not your own tells you that there's a grill nearby yeah this guy's got quite the grill oh and you are not gonna be anywhere close to this hoe but hey this might be one of the funguses that it needs all right I got my eyes on you oh gosh where's the bag hey there's another one right there and not too soon I'm getting ambushed by all sorts of nether creatures okay we've almost got all of these things now oh he get away about away let's go hey I think that's the grill it was talking about okay there's another oh and look there's the last one okay well we got all eight mushrooms and here's the grill right here but it doesn't look like it's actually on or anything hey I've got some idea they kept the safety switch all the way over there look at this hey and look at that I think it's starting to grill oh beautiful absolutely grilled fungus okay I have a mind to eat this myself as much as I don't want to get anywhere close to that thing I think if we help him he may give us another item and we're gonna have to stack up as many of these things as we can in order to safely get out of here whoa or maybe not hey are we cool buddy here have some salad to wash it down as well huh oh he does not look happy okay happy even care about the carrots oh it was burnt he wasn't even grateful for them I thought it had a nice saute oh whoa It's A Drop Kick look at this I just kicked the creeper all the way over there oh my gosh look at this whoa whoa whoa I was trying to kill the skeletons with my drop kick and I just let oh yeah when I used my drop kick I actually broke the blocks leading into a new area oh beautiful wait I think it's the exit oh no it's not oh gosh look at that thing all right no problem Tyler we got a bunch of items now I'm not afraid of this creep much blood sucking bat my avanto sucks some blood and you look quite appetizing we cannot let this thing take us out if you are not in the menu then you'd better go run to grab something else wait where at hey look there's another wall over there it's got all sorts of cracks up in it let me see we can break it open with our kick yes and wait I think we might be out of here pretty soon I think it wants something from up on the surface yeah look we made it out I could technically just leave this place if I wanted to but at this point I kind of want to show them what I'm made of I mean we got a whole bunch of powers now and look here might be the perfect area first to find ah Perfect all right why don't we give these little piggies a nice little kick and look they're both nice and knocked out and you as well not a problem all right here you go vampire bat I've got both of them for you mmm blood you seem like an upstanding monster for this you may call the Swarm anytime whoa what is this I can fly maybe I can become a creepy mob too with enough of these powers and with you subscribing yeah look here's another one of them right now yo he's got arms all over the place how you doing mister that's a cool pumpkin you had on uh oh the chilling Snow Golem speaks bones bones bring me four bones dig them up and bring them to me whoa okay as much as I'd like to fly away I want some more of these Powers so why don't we just take care of any nasties that happen to be nearby icy Pillager okay he apparently likes carrots why don't we try something else hey look that's what that guy was talking about wait I know what we can do here let's kick it on Open I see these bones right for where they are hey we got some of them right there take care of another Baddie while we're at it go ahead and get ourselves a few more bones as well that's two here's number three and I have a feeling the last set of Bones yup is at the end of this incredibly intimidating pit but hey that's why we have the power of flight I'll tell you what I should sacrifice cows and pigs way more often super convenient I gotta say that what is this all about all right Frozen bones to the Frozen one your eyes they look scared here just chill out okay whoa did he just melt and look we got another Power chill out ooh hey I've got an idea for that fire path let's see if the chill out oh yeah we are able to get through now I just want more and more Powers I feel like I'm gonna turn into one of these monsters oh boy speaking of monsters look at the size of that thing and what is that about step at a time Tyler this thing doesn't scare me you are big though oh new prey fresh meat don't you look delicious ah yeah that scared me one bit you're kind of cute actually are your knees knocking haha perfect a side of chicken come now you aren't chicken are you go fetch me one sure sure but I'm gonna need that tail in return or something at least okay a cooked chicken huh not today oh look at the chill out power does it froze him gets him hey look there's the chicken right over there and not a mob in sight I'll take that oh boy I've been shot at Sterling boys I got a delivery to make I'm on the ready in case the soccer tries anything here's your chicken looks more of a morsel for something your size Mmm delicious now time for seconds I should have known not a problem get it that's right well you don't want carrots you got to go you got to oh bad damage I killed him what did he drop get out of your help we got a foxhole oh what happened I think it Bit Me From the Past oh maybe it has something to do with this thing we saw earlier let me try Foxhole whoa what just happened all right let's see what we pull up on the other side hey look at you wow check out the horns on this guy how you doing big fella are you a creepy mob kind of cool yes what can I do for you scare you a little bit because I'm creepy now ravagers I hate them three of them hiding down there find those wretches shatter them and bring me the pieces yo he's really evil three ravagers with all my Powers ain't gonna be a problem oh boy well I guess it's time to put my money where my mouth is let's go with the chill out yeah yeah froze okay we've healed enough let's go grab these horns I think yeah they fell right off the ravagers but where's the third one inside oh I hear him get back yes we froze them all right grab the horns and let's get the heck out of here go down go down go down we barely made it okay there's the goat here's your ravager horns yes look at you only pieces left you make me sick here take this and leave me be you monster whoa this thing looks like a monster oh my gosh Beast Within whoa look at me oh my goodness I'm handsome Tyler smash hey the perfect wall to test it against check this out huh boom boom boom so good and another Foxhole all right in we go I'm feeling beastler than ever nothing's gonna be able to take me on not even a house well whatever's inside I've got plenty of powers to be able to deal with it although there's a still no button for the door oh what's this hello I should have known okay well you go ahead and do your thing right there and I will time that perfectly Hulk power all right powers activate through we go deeper and deeper and now I have a feeling yep wouldn't be a haunted house without the ultimate Chasm of death but they forgot that I could fly in fact I don't even need to use the jump but we may as well look at that bounce baby another locked door that's what carrots are for hit it and look at this I have the ultimate powerful creepy creature we got it all baby I have a feeling something Good's about to come my way baby one final kick and there we are no way ghostly guy I can't even see it turn yourself into a ghost you know it let me see dude no way look at this I don't even have a legs anymore this is and I can face through the walls dude I am now the creepiest mob ever this is incredible
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,655,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, creepy, minecraft scary, minecraft creepy, haunted minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, custom mob, custom item, custom items minecraft, minecraft halloween, halloween
Id: jSQyHJqJBx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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