Minecraft Manhunt, But we can ONLY eat Our Color

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i know what you're thinking in this manhunt the red person will eat the apple the green person will eat the kelp and the blue person will eat the chorus fruit or something wrong in this video all food is disabled and the only way to get hunger is to eat color down oh wait that's not it whenever you eat a piece of color dye you increase your chances of getting something useful like a piece of enchanted armor or an enchanted tool dev can only eat the blue dye which is easily obtained through lapis or the corn flour here can only eat red dye which is obtained through one of the most common flowers in minecraft the poppy and i can only eat lime dye which requires a combination of white and green dye and the only way to obtain green dye is to smelt cactus in a furnace the only advantage i have here is that they don't know the twist but i need to be very careful to not give it away because their die is way easier to obtain huge thanks to fred for making this mod you can get it yourself in his discord server so go check that out and without wasting any more time let's make some dime pretty dev yeah three two one turn why are you guys tuning so slowly dramatic effect oh my god oh my god guys what am i looking at right now hi you guys even see through your um hey whoa whoa is he roasting your uniform oh my god he's going he's going he's going he's going to die for that you're going to die for that no no you are yeah he actually is that's gonna be taken out of context it's too late it's on the internet y'all stop hitting your hardcore jumps please seagrass let's go what oh that was fire that was fire no it was fire though yeah it was what was why would you guys chicken blue orchid i got a seed and a blue orchid let's call let's kill it with our blue orchids yo yo whoa what is that yo is this amplified yes it might be wait this is legit amplified look at that i might actually just go adventure booster do you even know where you're going yes yeah yeah yeah yeah oh crap oh crap oh no he turned he turned oh yeah i saw you oh no yes a hill yeah you're just killing me no can you stop running for that's not an option he got rid of his own dolphin i got it oh i got it too i got it no way yes there's a village and a reporter what that was this is please wait what what that it has nothing he needs uh get get all the items though you get them you got them you get them oh yes we got this we got this we got this oh i'm getting stuck on the fines okay stop punching me that what is this you're killing me i have four hearts oh no what did he get what did he get wait how do you donate oh no oh no i fell i'm gonna die you got me blow thanks a lot sorry i'm here stop i tried to trap him in didn't work definitely hello did you get did you get hungry for that or am i lagging i think i'm vlogging what where'd my apples go i'm not lagging at all how did i not where the hell did my apple the bread didn't work at all yeah neither did the apples who's fur what's up gooseberry yeah what's up why does food not work why bread not work what brand oh no can we not eat food is that like food bro let me try and craft this bread here maybe there's going to be a customer here wait who's where can we seriously not eat what i'm going to try raw food when i get hungry see if that works i swear to god here get wood you don't have to like yeah wait booster can you eat uh yes of course you can of course why did i ask that question wait wait wait dab dude i found boosper what look wait actually wait never mind this is what's probably like a lot smarter than him oh my god damn that was crazy that was crazy that was crazy like i thought this was him at first but then i realized like this is like way smarter than himself yeah like yeah a rock is smart what are you guys saying at this point that's actually crazy take the l what i don't even know what you guys are saying at this point honestly because exactly our point right dev literally like what literally the rock would know the rock would know like what is this guy doing bro this like what the hell why do i have to deal with this it's the other way around why do we have to deal with you what what did i do okay dev i'm going to try eating raw beef i just did yeah it doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't work okay yeah yeah maybe you should try an apple shut up he already tried apples no but it's like apple is red and here's red maybe that won't work you know you're gonna eat me chill would he do something with eat your own color exactly you can eat something that is a red cube try apple actually look here but i'm eating raw beef yeah but robbie isn't right that he would actually try an shut up wait wait what's green what can booster eat that dried kelp yeah it's like green carrots have green melons no carrots have green those are mostly red though yeah but carrots have have green in it it's mostly orange it's also green shut up wait wait dab we that means we can eat orange because orange is a mix of red and blue yeah let's go eat purple too no no that's stupid don't all colors eventually connect so if you guys go by the what can you just stop talking like actually if you do color subtraction and addition you can turn any color into any color eventually but then you have to like you have to watch the radius of that and then after that you use the circle don't forget the trapezoid the circle of the circumference the synthesis will just work out exactly oh then you're chilling how that makes sense but it's like history class really stuck with you right history history that was art oh sorry that was english english what how does that connect to english i don't know what language did i just speak exactly idiot i'm trying to roast booze for here oh suck it booster we got him wait how am i supposed to eat a ghost with though okay i got stuki keys wait i wonder why it gave you sticky keys pressing shift while i'm in my boat no i mean like no no oh i found a room portal oh i like that oh it was almost completable too what'd you get why would i tell you bro this ocean is huge i have to set my spawn or i'm gonna lose it yo found an ocean one of my guys you guys want to visit it what the oh i got thorns a second ocean monument bro just bring me out of this ocean i don't want to be in this anymore please yo sunrise we've been boating for a day guys yay what's the twist guys shut up i got it ready yeah yeah so based off of my observation oh god i'm not even joking like i'm actually trying to figure it out i know that like it's bad i don't see you coming up with any ideas number four so we can't eat and you said we can eat our colors so that's that's really the twist we can only eat our colors yeah so but for some reason it didn't work so you're lying wait did you try to eat like an apple i tried eating a red raw beef what if i gave each one of us only one piece of food that we can eat there's no chance how many pieces of food that's blue everything is red if i gave you everything here and then us nothing then that would be unfair so i just gave everybody one piece of food you know are you serious like you're not even joking yeah i'm not even joking how is that funny you need to find yourself apples oh my how is that fun it's super fun bro what is this ocean wait there's still there's no four thousand vlogs that was like dying inside right now i'm just like what the hell am i supposed to i'm dying bro this ocean is still going for i'm gonna kill you this is the worst seed i'm about to stop chase bro watch we're gonna come across like an exposed stronghold soon wait i found land same same okay yeah i knew it he was not in an ocean this is minecraft mana but the compass is pointless the wrong way forever but then what the hell is the food thing just even more torture on top of that uh i'd actually be such a good decoy though you gave me a good idea booster you want to record for us next week no no please no no no way no way oh oh oh my god please don't reach me guys if he has sprint i'm leaving i don't have sprint i promise we'll find out when i see you okay please don't see me you guys are here aren't you i'm like definitely two thousand no no no i'm totally there i'm totally there oh i see a name tag i just saw a name tag i'm not joking who is there who is it who is it depend on me i don't even see land here how are you here bro i'm literally like about to drown so i don't know what you're talking about okay but room portal was looted so i am close i think come on oh there oh okay i understand now oh oh baby oh baby a triple a quad wait i forgot but she doesn't play call of duty how like how sad is that that you never played call of duty as a kid i never like that's crazy what the what the hell is this what this would be sick this area to live in oh my god oh land wait that's don't tell him that you idiots oh your boy's what's up i see him if he has sprint i swear to god he's got sprint there's food sick [Music] then we know what to do wait how are you full iron did you like collect all of the shipwrecks don't worry about it if you have regen booster i'm going to get so angry oh he definitely has rejected an apple okay moment of truth dev eat it wait what yeah he was lying he was lying he was lying okay we literally just can't eat then yep so it's just so and he can eat by the way because he had sprint still and if i go on him again and he's got health i'm gonna this is actually the scummiest twist you've ever done what do you mean literally i'm not doing anything right now like this is so bad this is actually the worst like scummy's twist it actually is what did i do we can't sprint bro i don't know what you guys are talking about yeah he can still scramble he's in cactus for something what wait how do you have enchanted why do you have enchants cactus wait cactus why is he getting cactus wait there's a difference how are you getting cactus for i just like uh stuff it's green cactuses are green you make dye green dye can you eat cactus try eating cactus no no you can't quite please i'm not even in the desert i'm still at the village dad what are you up to oh i remember i'll take that how do you have full iron them that's my question i only found one chip right here you're a full iron from one shipwreck from two okay i'm about to eat a cactus yeah you can't eat a cactus bev how are you still on me bro yeah i think he's smelting the dye or something and then making some kind of green liquid how do you have so much stuff yo that look what i found actually wait one second you would still want to fight me then i don't give a but you just run when i disable your shield because i have to hit you first and then oh yeah and i can't help you how are you not dead though that's my question i'm better than you so i don't know why he's hitting cactus i don't understand we could try dying food maybe you can dye food if that's the thing that says wait he said ooh obviously it's a booster idea though remember yeah that's right that's right well i think he said something about red earlier i'm going to try my own color all right that'll work for me and then i'm going to try to move for you like i don't have any there's no blue there's no blue around me right now you see lapis that sucks oh my god i'll just stay on him for now see if he does anything how do you still have sprint that's my question did you reset at the village no you did didn't you oh my god i just got a sharpness fire golden axe he's going to a shipwreck you guys know when you like eat and it's like it tastes good that why aren't you coming closer bro you're not going to fight me you're just going to run are you like on one heart bro this guy's going around just collecting room portals and friggin shipwrecks what are you doing sounds like booster to me i know but like what the hell is like the seat sucks oh my god i'm not dying actually i got to get i'll be reset all the way down there's no dying if i you know what's correct it's crazy how am i going to get rid of die can you get red dye under water how am i going to get blue actually lapis lapis wait that i see you i see you are you serious is that another mesa no i don't what am i looking at bro oh my god kind of a cool river though are you dissing the river bro i'm so mad oh yes comments okay that's just awesome guys look at this stoney shore tell me in the comments if this isn't the most amazing stony shore you've ever seen oh it is i asked the comments not you sorry okay wait i just realized oh my god more desert and more mesa i'm going to lose it i'm going to punch someone what are you looking for i don't know you already found green if he needs green cause cactus why do i need green why else would you collect cactus like you collected so much cactus for no damn reason i didn't collect cactus what i watch okay tell us we're wrong booster tell us we're wrong you're wrong that i don't trust this oh yeah baby deborah we're kind of like letting him get a bunch of opi stuff right now i feel like jungle okay okay okay i can get my red dye perfect does that even help you like what well you said something about red and you were getting green so i'm assuming it has something to do with dying food i don't know oh so you need to dye your food in order to eat it that's what you're saying but it sounds pretty cool honestly okay so that's it that's it that's it that's it because he's trying to throw us off by the way i have 33 lapis if you want okay i got the red okay i'm gonna put it on a piece of beef okay now i feel stupid it doesn't work no hey look at this awesome is it desert village cure so how are you guys doing depression oh i feel you you cannot feel me i feel you oh yes now imagine my spawn didn't work so what's what guys brickstrap will be lou i don't know are you gonna even give us a hand do we even do it yeah you guys are fairly close you're just taking it one step too far then dying food okay i'm gonna try eating the dye then i know it sounds dumb but it's booze for remember sorry just try it like i don't know what is happening well it's boost first so like why would that be dumb if this is true i'm gonna get i'm just gonna give it i'm just gonna be i'm just gonna be i'm gonna lose my mind i'm just gonna be pissed [Music] oh no it's minecraft mana but you can only eat your own color bro okay dev you're gonna have a hard time what do you mean he has lapis in the shipwrecks and then the blue flowers and the plains bottom it's easy for us did you find lapis in the strip rack stuff no not yet but if i find blue flowers i'll be good wait can i eat other people's color can i eat yellow wait can i eat yours here i want to eat cure oh my god this is so annoying i have to get flowers now oh yeah baby okay [Music] oh my god you can yeah you can okay you're going to get something oh i actually get sprint what'd you get like what item did you get oh an iron helmet fire protection one what the hell is this how were we supposed to guess this like yeah what what you guys figured it out what do you mean we did actually you're right oh this is a sick desert oh it is here so yeah okay i got fire protection three iron helmet now what is this can i eat light blue you're not light blue that you're more light blue than blue no you're not watch somebody iron helmet bro right like i got like eight iron helmets [Music] oh my god i definitely like this what do you like your mom no you're that i mean oh babe all right it's time for you to die yeah let's go down thing from eating that well all right i'm at boosters portal i mean nothing i also don't know how booster went through this wall i hate tracking the nether oh this is where booster went oh i found his path i found his path there's still some slime left over on it okay oh i just wanted a circle that's not good that's actually really good it's like beyblades you know what you guys know that was a natural reaction i'm sorry i'm sorry wow that was bad death death [Music] oh my god we've been reinvented i'll start mining wait what i don't want to place my brick block but i'm out of blocks i've protected three legs for you here yeah but do you have a brick no so i do i do i do i do wait really yeah you want it i have a brick for you show me oh you're so funny i think she got hyped i thought you had a brick for me you look like you got hit by a brick oh [Laughter] oh by the way i can't stack my own die i need to like have it unstacked one by one so it doesn't eat up two dimes then oh that's an l oh okay guys bro where is this fortress guys have you seen a fortress yet please tell me where's the fortune idiot we're chasing you wait what biome are you guys down okay we're in a red forest oh ice cream strawberry iron axe why are you guys getting stuff stop getting stuff guys we're just amazing i got 13 golden apples here take off take out the gaps oh no no no no that's just not fair let's go this is not fair guys like this from his reaction it doesn't sound like he got anything that's come it wait i just realized this doesn't i don't think you could eat golden apples wait what you can you can't golden apples don't do anything what he knew it he knew it the most powerful food in the entire game is edible yes he's definitely got one the compass keeps turning so this is behind me yeah yeah wait is this booster what how is it behind me that's not booster he's right here he's right here he's right here he's right here he's right below he's right below you he's right under here okay okay baby my god i did not think you guys would go for it that was like that was so dumb okay i can't believe i did that please cut that out oh yo yo damn oh my god i don't like that oh my god alluding to the sword no get away from me that what are you doing are you doing good ev uh i'm just kind of like with [Music] come back i don't even know where your portal is i mean look at this oh baby i forgot yo by the way dev do you remember when you throw out the eluding sword yeah i have a looting three axe of course you do you just gotta get a lot of dye then we win basically yeah and the food eating is so annoying so how are you guys doing [Music] that'd be such a sick picnic i'll pick your neck except oh what that was sick that was a sick one that was sick that was come on though oh my god yo bone blocks are actually overpowered oh my god wait i just realized the die only gives you one and a half hunger yeah i know that so bad i did not that it gave me a little hunger mine shot me right up to the top when i ate wait jump boost you can get effects yeah you can get it you don't know that you didn't know that actually oh you get diamonds too okay baby i forgot that spiders made noises when they run oh i'll make a noise what okay oh you could cover me with diamond oh my god armor plane oh baby i got it as well i can't oh i just got strength damn what is this enderman doing this man is high this man is high sharpness three diamond axe okay ooh i'm pretty much oh my god did you guys like the fact that i disabled golden apples i love it it makes me happy i just got nine god apples from one what doesn't work there's no no they do they do they use it wait what oh i just got a sharpness five uh diamond sword no you did i mean diamond diamond axe actually oh that's even worse yeah that was july though you didn't know he's one oh here where are you bro here where are you i need it where are you wait a minute oh nice what that's actually good that's good booster we can't tell you obviously what's up oh my god yeah it boosts where it's done it's over give me an arrow dead let's test it yeah that's so cool screw it protection 3 iron better than no protection diamond you'll find out i guess right oh my cure i got a better bow for you if you want a diamond sword there's a diamond sword for you bro you guys have diamond swords okay chill bro we have diamond everything oh wait here if i punch you with this look what oh look at here look at this thank you for this plug-in i'm having fun now what i actually am now what are you guys even getting like i get diamonds ocean [Laughter] keeping my mental sanity or winning this manhunt what's more valuable why do we do this first all the stuff what are we saying i don't know it doesn't matter don't care so you don't want to know that i'm in the stronghold right now you're not i am okay let's see what do you want to say how much do you want i'll bet you my life savings at this moment you're not in it um there's nothing in my life saving so all right dev let's start venturing let's go together i already left what the wait for me guys listen to this oh my god hey i have one request do not one shot me this time okay stop using hack stuff like what i was full health okay wait wait wait wait to the end i didn't stop dude here without without trying so bad did you just say i'm bad without optifine no the view this is without optimize yeah that's my name view distance without optifine that's the last name yeah okay i just missed like 50 hours that's so bad crazy world we live in oh i got the multi shot though the crossbar i mean okay oh i got the infinity bow yeah no that's power too wait no way no way no way way quicker than expected oh i got what we got yo is that the knockback five yes okay i'm gonna eat this last one before i go in your last one no no i have two more how many do you have a stack and a half okay then yours is obviously a lot easier to get yeah i got laughs and i had a fortune for that why okay why are you roasting me i'm gonna i'm just i'm pissed at the dragon right now why would the dragon do that sounds like you're having some troubles boosters what's up i'm having marriage problems right now with the dragon what i am official it ate my last two okay oh here it's not my fault bro yours is the easiest to okay i got one arrow by the way i was just saying why are you shooting me though i hit you that was crazy wait what i think i know it's not actually what am i getting right now that's the secret here that's gonna be that's what's gonna win the game for us what come down to fight us instead of hiding i know what the secret weapon is i got it as well no i don't think you did that's not i'm just gonna keep eating here until i get the thing you guys come up here okay i'll shoot you hey do that step what are you doing he's gonna wait for the dragon to land honestly why would you shoot at me though why are you still shooting oh go here go here [Music] i told [Music] oh it's even more knocked back now let's go i don't have the new reed and now he's down he's down he's down he's down he's down of course you got him while i'm gone okay no way okay dab you guys okay hey i don't have this i'm dead i hit it hitting both that was so high up what was the aim that mine was insane i'm gonna go get your stuff no no no no no [Music] wait where did that go no are you going yes i hit him with the flame who's here you think we're stupid or something oh i'm not gonna be still let me win what's up oh no oh no oh no fine i gotta shield too bud i got a shield too no don't do it he's probably why are you going underground i don't understand come on wait for realsies a disgusting animal he's literally crawling i know he's just waiting on the ground so guys honestly i might not have any food left no okay he's dead guys can we actually bargain no one has your cactus we all take off everything we have we all get down to half a heart and the last person standing wins yeah you don't have a heart don't run now no way it's over like that oh man yeah honestly just looks like that i can just be capping no he's copying he's copying he's copying i'm gonna die i can't sprint yep dab dab dab yep you need to protect me you think i'm in like an idiot it's crazy i don't not you he wants me to go he's right there bro it's so sick oh it's all right going over it's literally over oh no he's gonna try to throw faster okay i'm kind of scared though it's a fight till the death come on deserve the honor kill him if he hits me first i'm gonna oh my god come on here [Applause] hold on hold on no no he blocked himself in he knocked my shield down okay no he's blocking himself here actually i'll block myself yeah block yourself in you're not blocked in are you here neither is he come on yeah you're run no damn please man i tried to run no no no no i tried to run i don't like you guys
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 1,854,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: WgZCQbmQq6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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