4-Way Death Swap

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if you're still watching minecraft content on youtube you probably know what a death swap challenge is that's basically where two people swap places and try to set up traps for each other as when you switch places you kill the other person well in this video there were four people in total including myself that were switching places and tried to kill each other the last person standing won the round since the round didn't last that long we decided to do a best out of three type of thing so enjoy the video boys [ __ ] won't go oh sorry [Music] you sad me too this guy's got iron already come on dude i'm so nervous are you nervous hello because i'm gonna lose so does anybody have any traps that are actually set up hello no no underwater ravine i guarantee it oh no what already oh oh who the hell oh no why the hell i'm good would you put me under i okay i mean you didn't this wasn't that bad yeah okay uh that wasn't exactly what the village oh that's nice yo what the hell is boosters locked what the hell is this no kira's in the village i'm not gonna go for the villain if i see anybody i'm killing them are we allowed to do that or no i'm gonna say no i feel like the whole point of this is a death swap okay if i don't rule i could only kill booster that's the fastest i've ever moved in this game i really don't want to die in the second slot dude oh my god i don't want to die at all i feel like we're supposed to be swapped by now yes [Music] yes wait who hit my trap hello oh my gosh it was the sand trap thing yo kirk here where did you die um i don't know in a snowball yes that was my tower wait how how tall was no that was that was my turn in the snow yeah i did it i did was it made it what was it made out of wood oh that was yours who was on my dirt yo yo no uh bubba were you on my third pillar uh no i was on a wood pillar oh wait yeah i was on your dirt pillar yeah how did you not die did i not jump off i didn't no i was i wasn't the way of hi too late dude you would have died as well oh for sure watch bubble try a full damage again ah maybe not because now i'm nervous i haven't tried it yet i get to use it once i see the wood tower yeah they don't do that dev you don't want to do that dab if you don't want to do that i know what you're doing oh i know what i'm gonna do i know what i'm gonna do i know what i'm going to do i know what i'm going to do boys we're going to do a raid for sure baby oh no oh no okay me and bubba weren't like the same areas that's fine oh the raid the raiders there's a bridge [Music] i'm gonna die oh my god that is so funny actually oh my god oh my god they're still chasing me oh my god oh that's so funny actually are we saying no nether or we can go to another uh i don't know if that's gonna work with the swap it should work it should i say we can because yeah go for it let's go for it oh i'm dead i'm actually dead don't die oh bubbles wanted to have heart yo bubble oh no jesus how is like doing so well what do you mean man i've done this before i've done that before oh no i i'm lagging i'm at the raid oh my god get me out of here oh my god oh my god i hate you weren't able to break that uh furnace yeah i know now i can use it i haven't found anything good to use yet i haven't either i'm really struggling sam i could use fall damage but that's just is someone breaking this furnace here i'm dead i'm aware you're dead but the furnace is like showing a breaking animation oh i'm not i can't i'm in spectator oh please please please please no somebody's dying i died oh oh i thought we were using a lot of bubble get another kill what do you mean no that wasn't me i thought we were going to do an instant lava trap where where's your water blocking [Music] you just need to like hold your water bucket you know just like that i tried it it took a while i think he just got played yeah i can't see anything yes yes i got my i have nothing dude i have nothing you're just bluffing right at this point then i'm i wish [Music] i'm lagging so bad okay samson [Music] need one more thing [Music] for real [Music] no bubble i didn't like that i did not like that i did not like that at all you're like what oh you're smelling a little bit right there uh quite yes oh [ __ ] no oh you tried lava didn't you i kind of just i don't know that's just kind of where i ended up i wasn't really trying lava i was trying to get to that water over there i [Music] yo intense music are you so quiet we're so quiet bubble hello intense music intense music music yeah like that something like that yeah something like that okay well i don't need that anymore i just don't know what i i don't i'm out of ideas here we go [Music] oh booster did nothing happen oh no oh no i failed it completely oh no it should have worked but i didn't walk over it because i spawned in it no yeah i walked on it i walked on it i literally walked ah that's not okay okay i failed i know what i did wrong though oh that's that just sucks well booster i'm gonna go ahead and call it gg you're gonna call it gg okay i guess i gotta just kill you as well so the first man to die what happens if we both die [Music] the last person did that the one who dies first loses [Music] fair enough does that all work like that oh that doesn't even work like that this trap doesn't work [Music] okay okay okay okay i'm eager does does the kirin dev know like see us or not no i just okay okay okay uh good luck to you my sir uh yep good luck oh it tells me you're swapping okay yep okay oh dude i couldn't do anything because i lagged i was dead immediately did you guys find anything oh yeah something insane minecraft speedrun except we don't swap i mean it is chill out what the hell hello yeah this guy's already uh guess don't pick it's not that hard have it like chill out or you're not like wandering relax i'm relaxing and relaxing i'm gonna go fight kira go find kiara hide and seek [Music] whoa what are you guys doing right now what are you up to oh i'm chilling that would be so funny actually oh i'm dead all right nice knowing you guys nice knowing you guys well damage full damage what's happening i'm falling out of the world oh oh i survived a half a heart i survived on a half a heart no that must have been mine then yes oh my god wait what trap did you have booster uh i had the trap of being randomly in the middle of a plane's biome [Music] here spilled straight up wait which which bomb did you build in straight up uh here spruce yeah that's that was i that's where i was wait did bubble and cure both try fall damage no no no no i did a gravel trap no gravel trap dev what was your what was your trap i didn't have a trap okay oh oh oh okay okay okay if i find that i'm gonna do that all right i'm chilling i'm chilling i think please give me give me give me no oh yes baby yo this is gonna be great boys this is gonna be great i'm just gonna sacrifice myself for this trap pretty sure that somebody else is gonna set up a better trap that's gonna kill me instantly but this is such a fun trap that i gotta do it then all right i'm chilling now i might have forgot one thing but still it might be the cause of my death where is this where is that where's the [Music] thing oh who was in the village for real where's that oh the [ __ ] wait i didn't even know we were going oh lag oh thank you for the iron guys what just happened to this village that's so nice of you who did the i did not do that the witch the witch cured this i'd hold that pressure down yeah that's annoying i couldn't even see anything and i just died oh that was my first time wait was it the witch was the wizard yeah the witch hit me with slowness instead oh that was so close though sorry i had to beat you i had to get use it once i just can't see you i know i know you have no time to react bro who's first this would just give me slowness it's annoying now oh my god oh oh i should just sacrifice oh no next time no no no no no no yeah yes wait was that to mine was that to mine who's was that two booster wait i literally jumped into lava early and it was like almost all my health yes who the hell put fire around me that was me that was the last second trap i did i don't know how did you survive my lava i didn't think about that this oh my god come on bubble hurry up dude no dude how are you not getting that flipping steel oh my god don't you have a don't you have a shovel oh my god oh yes yes yes yes let's go let's go let's go well i'm okay then we can't do another i guess no ah that was very unlucky you spawned in such a perfect spot as well he wouldn't have survived this same i'm good i'm good what are you doing what are you doing though what are you doing what are you doing everybody everybody comes down here comes down here boys oh my god there's a hole right there oh yo oh my god each other this is literally a godzy it's so good yeah no oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't get any of those [Music] oh bubble what's up oh [ __ ] i have the uh i don't go home i go oh no oh is this an island yep oh this should be interesting hey bubba what's up man how you doing dude uh could you uh you know oh [Music] no let's go no i'm following i'm following them i don't give a [ __ ] oh there we go look at that look at this no i'm following that i'm following that i don't know oh like that was he trying to point it for me first though i'm following them i don't even give a [ __ ] that was perfect [Music] i love blueberries following you know [Music] i got them all ah you can't hit me hello give me back my iron [ __ ] oh my god i don't know what you're talking so annoying dude oh my god i'm so happy that happened that's called revenge booster what do you mean revenge you killed me when you lie your last round you tried to steal that from me first you killed me to fire the round before too true yo i have so much food bubble dies first okay you know what i got a perfect idea right now oh my god what the hell [Music] there we go i'm not gonna use this fire trap what the hell just happened who's trying to put me in a lava food what the hell i didn't put i didn't put you in it because i was like too cheap so i didn't do it what are you doing here don't worry bubble i'm not gonna take [Music] lava truck devon police oh my god he deserves that i'm in a lava trap you know okay do it do it i dare you i don't even need a lot of bucket there to survive that long i'm gonna do something i hope i swap with dev right now right now i really hope so i don't even care if i die i'm using this now [Music] oh my god i just hate the last second let's go boys who put me in the middle of the ocean thank you for the reason oh i've been in yeah [Music] no [Music] oh my god oh my god he was so deep under the sand i couldn't do anything oh were you were you continuing your sand trap under the ocean no no i made a new one on land oh oh what's up this is kind of a good area it's kind of an interesting area yeah but i want something else actually [Music] is everybody like setting up a proper trap right now if i find one thing it's over yeah yeah you know yeah yeah scale for me bubba let's go for me bubble bubble what's up uh uh check me right now coming on my way dev i didn't see anything oh whoa follow me right now yeah yeah oh oh yeah okay you like that i do like that i don't think i think uh that that itself might be a solid gg all right let me go check on dev okay oh rest in peace here well that sucks here let's does that have a trap does that have a trap yep yep yep yep yep he might oh dead you're gonna get him with this one uh oh if you get there oh my god please please please isn't it another lava pool no oh you're actually gonna win if he can get there please i don't think he's gonna get there i don't see is there can we see this oh okay no no very lost then we lost now we lost it's over oh there we go oh he's long let's go that was so close oh wait what uh there was nothing good there but the team now that the video is over you can finally go and check out the channels of these other three dudes that participated in the video the link is gonna be down in the description i'm not sure when they're gonna release their video so just keep an eye out for that and of course subscribe to their channel now have a great day
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 1,118,290
Rating: 4.9022422 out of 5
Keywords: Extreme minecraft deathswap, Minecraft deathswap, dream george deathswap, wisp deathswap, minecraft ultimate deathswap, dream new deathswap, The ultimate minecraft deathswap, minecraft deatswap, minecraft death swap, minecraft deathsap, minecraft dethswap
Id: dB8pZN1M7jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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