I Survived 24 Hours while Being Hunted REMATCH

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this is me looting a village about to be hunted by an entire server I have one hour to stack up before the server opens to the public and everyone starts joining my only goal is to survive for 24 hours whilst their goal is to kill me I did this once before and lasted almost 12 hours but this time I am not going down so easily and on top of that I added a Twist to make things more interesting everyone looks like me has the same name tag and all the armor and tools you have look like iron to everyone else I'm about to attempt my hardest challenge yet for the second time foreign the first hour is crucial because if everything goes according to plan I can get so far ahead that nobody will ever be able to catch up to me I even have access to a live world map that shows all the structures biomes and players on the server but even still in order to pull it off I needed some crazy luck step one get lots of food and some iron Step 2 go to the only Woodland mansion on the map and acquire a total movie and dying on your way to completing Step 2 get incredibly lucky and find the rarest room in the Woodland mansion that provides an entire diamond block step 3 get lapis and enchant all your gear step 4 enter the nether step 5 do the Bastion and use all the gold gathered to trade with piglets if you're lucky they will give you lots of pearls step 6 visit another Fortress for some blaze rods step 7 exit the Nether and head for the stronghold step 8 enter the stronghold and find the Portal room step 9 fill in the portal and enter the so close the portal is filled but the one hour is over so I have to open the server before I go in this part is very important if I manage to enter the end before anyone tracks my location I have the entire end for myself if they do track me before I go in they will have the location of a filled end portal and will be able to enter the end without any effort one person managed to lock in my location before I entered the end this meant that I had to speed up my process killing the dragon is easy but if I want to reach an end City without being interrupted I need to do it before they get here the dragon fell to my ax really fast and turns out that the guy who locked in my location accidentally clicked the compass and started tracking a different spot so there was no way anyone would get to me anytime soon I used this opportunity to get some extra pros and blocks because if I wanted to lose some entities I would need it [Music] Hour 3 was no different than our two nobody reached the end so I continued looting ncds as long as I could however if I was getting so much free time to snack up so were the other players I needed to make sure that nobody could catch up to my level of weapons and armor so I called in some backup to make sure that didn't happen say hi to yellow and pangy two friends that have yet to betray me calling in for help in this event is always unpredictable because no matter how much you trust someone they might still try to kill you but I had no other choice if I wanted to survive for another 21 hours more and cities more loots but still no players in sight that has been my life for the last two hours and it was looking like this next one wouldn't be so different the loot I have found so far was pretty much the best it was gonna get the only way I could upgrade it was through trading or regular enchanting this meant that I now had to find an End Gateway and go back to the Overworld but I was thousands of blocks out in the end and there was no Gateway inside lights after around 40 minutes of searching I finally found one but did I really need to go through it at once even if I did I would still have to enter the end portal at the center of the main island which would lead me back to my bed or in this case back to spawn from then I would have people on my tail at all times why would I do that now when I could avoid doing it for possibly another hour if I simply waited at the end Gateway that's exactly what I did for the next 30 minutes absolutely nothing until I got bored and decided to finally go in the actual reason why I went in was because one of my allies hangy was already in the end and with his help we could kill anyone who stood between me and the end portal at the center of the main island okay all right please don't die whisper I had such good armor that nobody was doing damage to me this gave me a huge confidence boost but not for long suddenly I found myself in an extremely vulnerable position and this whole challenge was in jeopardy I somehow managed to squeeze myself out of this embarrassing incident and was too scared to continue the fight so I entered the portal and took a break while staring at the credits for the first 15 minutes of hour six I simply stared at the end credits exiting the screen would send me back to spawn which meant that people could be waiting for me I needed to make sure I was ready for whatever or this could be the end of the road do you guys know if spawn is safe no idea bro checking right now I'm checking right now oh I'm fine I'm safe I'm safe nobody's attacking me either oh they just checked bro I'm just looking at this guy dying [Music] lava [Music] strategy that's the strategy after escaping the spawn where I got jumped by people who had the most annoying arrows in the game I continued running but people started catching up so I had to fight kill the guy let's go oh he has a strength hold off oh yes [Music] there we go all of these fights were starting to wear out my armor and if I didn't do anything about it now it would soon start breaking so I hashed up a plan my plan was to travel from Village to Village and try to get a mending trade if I see any players approach I eliminate them as fast as I can and ensure that they don't set their spawn once the ghost is clear I return to trading with villagers time went by as I continued to travel and kill players but mending was still not in my reach I knew that if I continued this process my armor would break before I could get the enchantment so I asked my dear friend yellow wolf for help yeah here is there's four Manning boots oh my God and that's demanding guy right there I got mending on all of my armor and important tools but there was no time to celebrate as a challenger approached the village we are killing him right now I can't get killed bro you gonna get him oh wow [Music] busy strength he's running away though that one over there yeah I know he's on Two and a Half it's fine I'll get the call down here keep full health again he's still healthy oh he's not full health anymore yeah he's half down he's half freaking hell from that dude is this him Wait no that's me that's me that's me oh that's you how far he's half far he's that far let's go here we go after that intense encounter I decided to head into The Nether and straight up strip mine for netherai at first I thought it would get boring really fast as coming across ancient debris is really rare but today was truly my lucky day with the full set of maxed out netherite and a couple of valleys on my team I was Unstoppable at least that's what I thought until I saw an Enderman Farm in the end dimension on my map a farm that produces heaps of Ender Pearls and experience would cause two main issues number one they would have enough experience to do level 30 enchanting number two they would have way more pearls than me which would make it impossible to escape them I had to burn down this Farm or I would lose this challenge luckily pangy already had coordinates to a stronghold that had a completed end portal and getting there was super easy nobody was currently inside the end Dimension so I jumped straight in the farm is built around 30 blocks out so there's a one block wide Bridge connecting it to the main island this was extremely dangerous since anyone could easily punch me into the void but I was willing to take that risk and instantly started to destroy the farm let me set it on fire real quick they might just rebuild it real fast but yeah we're gonna definitely break this oh there's a guy here he just fell through there he goes their farm and enchanting station were totally destroyed and all that was left to do was eliminate the players that were standing between me and the end portal while fighting a new ally joined our team 5 up a professional Among Us player with extraordinary deception skills he was the perfect candidate to infiltrate the enemy's ranks and acquire some inside information whilst that was happening I decided to go back to the Overworld and resume my Village strategy in order to get some extra enchantments I had plenty of options to go for but the one I really wanted to get was Riptide 3 when combined with a trident this enchantment would allow me to literally Dash in water and since Elijah's are disabled this is the fastest traveling method I could literally Escape any situation in a blink of an eye and nobody could do anything about it while looking for the specific enchantment I came across another useful one yo do you have one Emerald oh ripped I3 no I need more I gotta Riptide three boys will the enchantment finally in my hands all I needed now was an actual Trident the only way to get that is to kill a drowned holding a trident I knew this would be a tedious process because the mob is pretty rare in itself and the Trident drop rate is around 1 in 10. however I was still determined to get one because it would give me a huge Advantage but before I started looking for this item I had to take care of some threats coming my way if there's just a cave hey guys just throwing strength he's a flame Bowl yeah this guy's there's a police that guy on me right now he's gonna break this Shield I think nah bro what are you doing bro I don't know where I got 40 iron from that's really help no I'm good so you don't want me to come to you actually wait yeah come to me when you kill these guys I'm on my way is he gonna pull on me he has a sharpness ax with string I will be wearing a photo of the undying in my off hand by the way I'll have a crossbow fan yeah what's up oh that's you yeah yeah I broke his ball I have it that's right I'll kill him here I kill him kill him kill him kill him after that quick clean up the search for the fork of the Poseidon began the entire hour 12 was spent on traveling from Ocean to Ocean with no Trident yet in sight at some point I got so bored that I decided to call Deb just to troll him a little I'm doing the 24 hour thing I'm going crazy you're dying bro I hope you get better after some more trolling hour 13 started and I was on my own once again around another 30 minutes later I finally got a trident oh yes this was great news but it also meant that I knew to go back to the Village strategy in order to get Unbreaking 3 and mending enchantments after that it was smooth sailing oh yes I'm thinking that I don't even care that I use up basically all my emeralds I have full armor set now the smooth sailing didn't last for long and after killing loads of understacked players a worthy challenge or approach so there's a guy over here okay come on well he's dying now this guy's so stacked Jesus ranked dude let's go oh my God this guy was stacked Jesus this encounter genuinely made my heart pound and it opened my eyes I wasn't as unkillable as I thought and it was at this moment that I knew I had to make a real plan first I needed to eliminate the Enderman farm that was functional again their Farm sucks garbage but they do have infinite pearls now after that was taken care of I started hunting down the most stacked teams and destroying their bases they have a village oh I see them foreign for another ride bro once all the threats were dealt with I traveled to the very corner of the border on top of the nether roof and literally went AFK while traveling 5 000 blocks using a flying machine traveling with a flying machine on top of the nether roof was actually just a test run I wanted to see how the server would handle the contraption and if I would glitch off or lag out while using it causing me to fall out of the boat that didn't happen and my actual plan was ready I had two Alternatives travel to a corner of the Border in the Overworld or in the end then build all the way up to the Limit and use my flying machine the same way I used it in the nether if I did this in the end people would have way more issues catching up to my location since traversing the end Island landscape is hard when you don't have access to elytros however I would also risk falling in the void if I did this same plan in the Overworld I would not risk the void but people would have no trouble finding my location the question was would they realize what I'm doing the void seemed too deadly of an option so I chose to do this in the old world and even though people caught up to my location I was still out of their view distance so it would take them some time to figure out what I was up to after 90 minutes of traveling with the Flying Machine nobody had figured out my plan until I accidentally dropped a piston oh there's my piston and they realized they'd been bamboozled plant slime was now in shambles so I had to commence plan connect 4. this plan required me to build four nether portals in each corner of the Overworld preferably at build limits once that was done I would connect these portals to four new ones on top of the netherroof if I was ever getting chased no matter which dimension I could use these portals as Quick Escape Routes this plan was sadly never completed as I was constantly getting distracted plant slime and Connect 4 were now both out the window so I had only one strategy left plan kill this plan involved resuming to hunt down the most stacked teams and destroying their bases [Music] oh my goodness whisper that guy's low he's on one oh he has strength because for oh my who's for curling away now oh damaged dude if he has gear keep a helmet from yeah there we go [Music] yeah plus go right here [Music] foreign kill was only temporary because once all the stack players were dealt with all I had left to do was go back to the good old flying machine however this flying session didn't go so smoothly because I somehow managed to accidentally click shift which made me exit the boat and fall all the way down oh my God oh my boat my boat do I have another boat I do foreign I thought that the Flying Machine continued on without me so I ran for a bit and built straight up expecting it to fly into my tower however when a flying machine isn't loaded in it is frozen so it was actually stuck in an unloaded chunk and I couldn't do anything about it so I went back to the Overworld to chill for a bit that didn't last very long because I got bored and decided to go back to the nether roof to hunt down two stacked players one of them was completely under geared and died pretty much instantly but the other one was the complete opposite yeah there he is boys foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God my totem was finally bought and my pulse was through the roof after surviving for this long I was not about to throw it all away I purled and I purled until I couldn't see him anymore I went back to the Overworld and used my Trident to start heading towards the stronghold What mattered now was survival and the only way to secure that was to get as much distance between me and everyone else as humanly possible this is me running across the end Islands being chased by an entire server my only goal is to survive this final hour and their goal is to kill me in order to win I have developed a Super Simple Plan find and end Gateway far out in the end Islands Camp there for as long as I can and if someone reaches my location I might try to fight but I will not take any unnecessary risks and if I am in trouble I will go through the Gateway Sprint towards the end portal and go back to the Overworld as time was running out I was observing the world map and nobody was even close to me so with 10 minutes left on the clock I decided to go through the Gateway and back to spawn the end island is looking unpopulated let's go through go back to spawn I don't know where I spawn actually oh my god oh there's so many people here I still love there are so many people here okay there we go I can't go to the nether anymore because all obsidian is used up oh my God look at all those ants under me dude let's go let's snipe some people oh what a snipe let's go where are you guys let's go defend it actually a guy with an ax came here [Music] oh wait hold up a lot of people are actually doing damage oh my God yo what's up boys oh what's up boys oh what is happening right now what is happening right now can you drink my strength to drink my speed did you drink my fire product and you drink my regen let's go in let's chase this guy slow cursed do something myself then three minutes 43 seconds it was this oh there's all okay that guy's stacked that guy's stacked there's the guy with speed no no I need I just need to oh my God there's so many people [Music] yo if I'm in the underwater Maybe [Music] oh there's the timer I won this event didn't lag one bit and it's all thanks to Dedicated MC and their stable servers also big thanks to Fred for setting up this entire event I couldn't have made this happen without him
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 1,449,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: xVwxGVwwAhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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