Minecraft Manhunt (2 Hunters) Analysis And Bonus Clips #2

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so here I got pretty lucky when both dolphins actually chose me but when you have a dolphin next to you in water you swim much faster that's actually why I was able to escape now here because there's two people chasing me I just wanted to get as much ground between me and them after the respawn so while they were getting wood and materials and stuff like that I actually chose to boat across the ocean one I wanted to find shipwrecks because they have a lot of iron and two boats are actually faster than sprinting so I could make more ground Bell dolphin backwards dream looking the Dolphins pedal backwards now I'm not sure how many people actually got this joke but there's a game called mafia and other games that are very similar to it if you are in a mafia you should build a spell innocent backwards just by reading because you have it on your screen but if you are a mafia you won't see and that's it on your screen therefore it's hard for you to say it backwards so they're joking about if you're telling the truth about seeing the dolphins and spell dolphin backwards which is just I don't know if anyone got that but there you go now here if you tower up three blocks the iron golem can't actually hit you this is pretty common but I just thought I explained it in at least one video three blocks up iron golem can't hit you so that's why I do that and then obviously I take the furnaces from the village because it saves me a lot of time in mining cobble because it you know you usually takes eight cobble to make a furnace and now I just have to mine three blocks to get three furnaces which is pretty good and then I cut this out of the video but there's actually a second village right next to the first village that I end up going to I cut this completely out of the video just to save time on the video because the video was already really long but there's actually two villages and I got two iron golems what if you notice here I actually have a stone sword and a diamond sword in my hotbar I'm sure a lot of you guys noticed this but I was purposefully switching to my stone sword that way when they saw me they would see that I was holding a stone sword and not a diamond one because if they saw me holding a diamond sword they're more likely to run because I have a really big advantage and if you notice in this next clip they actually get really confused about whether I have a diamond sword or a stone sword because when I fought SAP nap I used my diamond one but then when I was chasing them I was holding a stone one I feel like this actually worked in my favor does he swear oh I actually traveled so long looking for like a lava pool but this biome the snow biome is so huge I couldn't find anything at all so I ended up just digging down to find a lava pool right I just I see light what I went through the nether portal that way I got the achievement that way they would never know when I actually went through the nether portal because I wasn't ready to go yet I had some stuff I wanted to do but I went through just so they saw the achievement everyone in the comments was speculating on why I built these tunnels they were saying it was that way people would run down them and it would be a dead end but that's not actually why I actually dug a tunnel in every direction that way I would have an excuse I wanted to ambush them at the portal and if it went wrong and they somehow got the upper hand and started to kill me I wanted to build a run and place blocks behind me filling the tunnel that way they they wouldn't bill to get to me now luckily I actually ended up killing them within the ambush so I've been in here for so long I can't find this fortress this is actually the longest I think I've ever been in the nether looking for the fortress without finding it now here's a cut clip of me acting like I was looking for the fortress there's a lot of these I was saying it a lot I was just acting like I couldn't find it and I and I was getting mad about it and this was to further make them think that I was actually in the nether and not gonna ambush them okay let's dig down and when I heard George say hey let's dig down right here I decided let me place lava on where his nametag was because then hopefully when he reaches the bottom he's not expecting lava he falls right into it what and I knew one of them had to be in the nether at least one I was just expecting at least one of them so I was looking around and that eventually George peak to head out and that's when I saw him [Laughter] George got the first few initial hits here so I was not expecting to kill him so I decided to run away and I was planning on learning him as far as I could and then pearling back to the portal but then when I reached the end of this little pathway it was pretty soon and there was just lava and I was like oh god I decided you know what this is my only chance I'm gonna jump off I'm gonna throw a pearl and then I'll run through the portal and then I'll hope to get away wait what I see em I see em I see em okay and then I actually used the hallways that I built for my xscape too as my escape it wasn't what I thought I would use them but I use them as my escape so it really was beneficial for me to take those tunnels out and then I place this lava here because I thought they're gonna keep mining up my platform and think I'm on the same block because I'm sneaking so they just mined straight up in the lava would fall down on them and again this worked and here's some cut footage that I cut from the video just because it's just due to time so I'm gonna just put some in front of each other and you'll see why it's kind of funny this is the type of stuff that we usually cut out we're just on our way towards you actually funny that you asked now like right now no like we're serious that look like we had you we need anything else I'm not no I think we're good what do you need anything else if you think we need anything else Oh what as you saw a shipwreck and you're like should we go loot it or not let's shipwreck I just like totally read you guys what there's a chicken on a baby zombie I mean a baby zombie on a chicken what they actually had no clue where you were to be honest what's your name Tim Lindsey look I'm not black yes and right here I know where SAP nap is he's to my left and I know where George is I can see his name through the wall so I know he's pretty far he's not that far but he's far enough where I can one-on-one SAP nap for a little bit and then maybe run so I check where he is and then I turned back place LaVon SAP nap and I'm starting to hit him some and I realized okay George is about to be here in like three seconds or so so I decided to turn and run whilst that that was still in the lava hoping that he'll probably die in the lava cuz I already got a decent amount of hits on him and I was right George came around the corner I went to go pick up my lava and I accidentally placed my water on it instead of actually picking it up which really suck and then I just fought George get off him oh my god here I wanted to f5 mode to check and see how far he was behind me because I wanted to tower up because I was low on hunger and I was low on health and I didn't have enough space in order to actually do anything and also I was coming up towards like a little valley where there's a mountain you have to climb and I thought I might as well just tower up get some space whatever here I actually let's app nap tower up as high as he could that way I thought I could knock him off with my books they did not know I had a bow nap nap actually reacted really well here and he placed a block above himself kind of blocking me off and then when I did shoot him off he somehow landed in like one block of water that a creeper blew up so it was really good for him here I'll Ovid SAP nap and then I was way too focused on trying to pick up this lava I let George get so many hits me I should have just left it but I had never really killed them two on one myself just fighting them unless I had some kind of ambush or something and I knew I really needed to lava if I wanted to actually win so I was obsessed with picking it back up even though I was just getting so much damage because of it I should have just left it and maybe got him another piece of lava if I wanted lava because I almost died here twice when trying to pick up my lava in there and then I just wanna put this in here cutouts an epic play got them both in the same lava and then here this was a cut clip I just thought I'd throw it in here because it's pretty funny III didn't realize I had a slowness arrow I shot him with it he got slowness it was a funny clip but I cut it out due to time I'm not sure this was in the video I actually don't think it was but I place my water bucket instead of my lava bucket that was kind of a funny moment and here I was actually really scared for my life I thought I was gonna die when George caught fire I heard him scream and that type of scream I was like okay he must be really low I thought he had full health but I was like he must be really low oh you're dead George so even though I was really low here I decided to turn around and chase him because I figured he's also really low and then of course SAP nap spawn nearby enough in order to punch me away so I figured ok there's their spawn point must be nearby and then right here I ran right by it I don't know how to go saw this but it blended in with the snow and I ran right by the bed the first time that I was trying to find it and it was right there and I can't believe I missed it George won then here this was just crazy timing SAP nap told him to run away right when I was on one heart that was just insane I swear I thought I was dead if he had kept fighting he would have killed me we need a bed I thought if I kept charging them even though I was low they probably think I had more health than I did and they'd run away and you're always at an advantage if you're the one chasing because you can hit them from behind get a hit they're here they're where they literally can't even hit you I had George solo and I'm gonna leave in this full uncut clip because I want you to be just as surprised as I was in the video it's not as surprising but I was chasing George for so long I never saw SAP nap I never once he's never on my screen ever and then all of a sudden he knocks me down a hill and I almost died too no armor no weapon Sapna and I actually it was so shocked when this happened like he came out of nowhere like a bowl and then here I eat my final piece of food my one Apple it doesn't even really heal heal me much but it was my last piece of food and SAP nap is begging for food so George dropped some food and George has his back turned to me so again you always have an advantage when you're chasing somebody so I decided to chase him while his back was turned he started to run I picked up the food I ate his food and healed with it and that was actually what won me this game because that food and the healing helped me win this fight and help me win the game and then I barely killed George I bowed down SAP nap and that was it now here I saw George get knocked up in the air by the dragon and I thought this was my chance to just run down real quickly and go to the dragon actually cuz SAP nap and Georgia to both be occupied I didn't really work as I thought they noticed pretty quickly but I did get a hit or two on the dragon so that's pretty good and then here this just caught me completely off-guard the dragon swooped down and knocked me off and I am algae water it was pretty cool but but that really messed me up because I was planning on setting up there for a little bit bowing out the dragon and so on and so forth now this is the final scene this is the most talked about scene I'm gonna go ahead and walk you through it very slowly through my mindset through why I did what I did through how it happened and what the odds are I guess of it happening so I was getting chased by I think three Enderman and they had actually a little bit before been killing me a lot and I was worried because I can't take on three Enderman and two people at the same time that's just not gonna happen so I wanted the f5 mode right here in order to check and see if there was anything under the ledge meaning if I were to knock them off would they live on on a bottom ledge or not and I saw okay it doesn't look like there's anything there so this would be perfect and then I checked my inventory real quickly to see if I had a pearl I realized I don't have a pearl and my plan was to lure them to the edge pearl back onto the like onto the platform and then knock them right off the edge cuz they would be on the edge of the platform that was my original plan but right now I realize I have no pearls my turn to try and turn back but I see SAP nap cutting me off I place a water behind me that way I could separate me from George and I could fight SAP nap one-on-one but then the Enderman started hitting me and I didn't know how low SAP nip was I thought he was on full health but it turns out he was actually lower so my plan would have worked if I kept fighting sapna but the Enderman were fighting me so I thought you know what I'm gonna place water on me because Enderman are actually afraid of water so I wouldn't i went ahead and i placed water underneath me and the water doesn't spread usually water spreads in all four directions now sometimes if you get unlucky it will only spread in two or maybe even one so the water only spread in two directions it didn't spread in all four so it didn't push them away from me it didn't push the enemy away from me it did nothing that I wanted it and of course this is just George knocks me off I fall I land in the water I'm trying to swim back up the water they block off the water really smartly they block off the water realizing oh he's probably floating in it right now and then of course they're celebrating and George kills SAP now now I didn't know what happened here I thought that an Enderman might have killed something I wasn't reading chat I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on in chat and as I'm following I don't know if you can see but the ender pearl actually stands out because it fell underneath the end stone and the end stones very yellowy Wyatt so I saw the ender pearl and I move right like I moved a little bit right in the water so at this point I knew I was screwed I had no pearls I knew I had no pearls I was too low to you know place blocks in order to save myself I had I had nothing I could really do but the ender pearl stood out so once saft Knapp died his ender pearl was falling and it stood out because it's behind the end stone and you can see the green very clearly whereas all other items I don't even know what they are but you can even right now tell the ender pearl is an ender pearl because it's behind the end stone backdrop but I realize I had no pearls I saw his pearl falling I moved slightly to the right look just barely cuz I didn't wanna fall off the platform like off the water I thought it's gonna go into my inventory but like I don't know the luckiest thing about this whole scene is that it went into the one slot in my hotbar it could have gone in any other slot in my inventory cuz I picked up other stuff but I went into the one slot in my hotbar I used it I pulled away and then the rest is history that is an explanation of that scene as well as the rest of this video I hope you enjoyed it if you guys want to see me do more quote-unquote analysis of past videos this is a past video then go ahead and let me know comment down below what video I should do next otherwise I'll just be doing future videos from now on you like this video leave a like make sure to subscribe this is my second channel also check if you're subscribed because a lot of times YouTube will unsubscribe you in a 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Channel: DreamXD
Views: 2,692,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gCRhV1_ES_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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