Minecraft Manhunt UNEDITED 5 Hunters FINALE REMATCH

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mic on my keyboard oh keep going oh god oh it broke my sprint oh i'm close enough yes nice nice nice nice nice go go go go go if i got him off he's getting he's gonna get okay we got him trying to get hey stop him let him get out he's going in a house oh my god just don't let him get anything just don't need anything and i'll bring tools okay my spring broke for some reason why good idea oh my gosh that's so annoying you got my haters i have your hay bale dream and you want it dream yeah i do want to come here here come get it i'll place it on the ground for you dream come back come back just drop it i'll loop around these juices he doesn't want it he's scared [Music] oh god come here george george come here i have ice stones i'm on my way don't die don't die i'm on my way come here george i'm bringing food in is i'm almost there oh let's [Music] what here's your tools and then let me craft that i left my i left my i left my bench this is this is guys come on we gotta go okay there you go let's get some blocks where we go in yeah let's get some boxes i'm gonna go in this ravine and i'm gonna kill some mobs it's like the quickest the quickest beginning yeah i mean you're like speed running you're gonna break the world record in a manhunt congrats seriously how'd you get into the nether so quick yeah how would how does that ruin portal sub cracked what was it like a perfect portal or what no it wasn't a perfect portal but there's stuff in the chest oh my god okay we're gonna know okay i'm right now according to the portal i'm gonna message you the chords and yeah yeah get some boxes get the word get the word because it's like four times the blocks yeah i prefer netherrack okay but it takes four times as long to get it okay maybe a little bit better because whatever get blocks let's get blocks okay i have a bunch of blocks i'm i'm ready for the compass i'm following the compass come with me he's straight this way okay i'm here um he called me too far keep your eyes peeled oh there's a box right here he's got to be in here i see his name on george there's like brutes and stuff be careful here where is he i he's like below i saw his name what is this oh okay he's right over whatever the compass is safe right here i'm killing it that's not a bruise this is a regular one just kill it watch out guys are you guys getting out careful get out get out get out all these piglets are gonna any stuff in there there's nothing good in here um how do we get down there wait i don't know don't go down there don't go down there you will die there's like brutes and so many piglets the dream's right down there well look look we just need to wait for like i don't know we're just waiting for them to come up here wait for me to come up here that i have right now when aunt gets over here i'm not i'm not going down there dude that's that is a death trap there he is i see him down there wait what his little name where i don't know how far down is he he's pretty should i make some gold armor for us out of this out of this gold block that was here should i make some boots yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i'll make sure he's down there just just stay up just stay up here i'm not going down there yeah i see his name down oh i see oh yeah yeah there he is there he is so far down wait down there down how did he get down there no no no you are going to die if you go down there oh god yeah he's getting right are stacked and we don't have any armor we have no armor he's at the bottom and he's like in those op chests this is awesome oh my gosh no way remember i have this like the best start by far like ever this is incredible just george get blocked while you're waiting up yeah it's our look and look what i found oh my gosh oh yeah that could be useful nice oh my god oh i'm an idiot keep an eye on him iron just hit him yeah he's just standing there nice i'm making i'm making can we just go down i have three other sets and so don't don't craft any doubles of the stuff okay okay i've been crafting them everything i have i have a double of it if we go down there what are we doing can we get enough but you can mine this yeah there is you can mine it with stone pickaxes let's get some guys guys are so bad this bad's like a little muffin what name is cold stupid oh my god there's another piglet um i'm gonna mount some more okay i think we have oh we barely have enough can you guys probably get some more food as well yeah i'm just going i'm going down a little bit i think ant has read two right be careful yeah okay ah george's we don't have enough i have enough okay and i have i have all the gear let's go i'm going to bring this with us though and then let's bring this let's try a couple of these one i'm going to kill these are just regular piglets i can kill them pretty let's go let's go let's make them oh that's a brood that is a brute where are you guys at we're coming through the portal right now blocks away from the portal which direction send me someone saying this okay okay yeah he's in there i'm pretty sure he's in the bathroom right now just kidding iron armor i don't think we can kill it unless we're all working together we can choose it we can choose it just three block it wait where are you guys let's try to at least where are you i'm down here i'm coming down hey i'm gonna help hey look i'll kill her it's easy look he can't even reach us oh my god there's a billion in there yeah give it to me give it to me oh god oh thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] we got to kill the brute we can't we can't fight there's one more i think one more we got it we got it nice oh [Music] oh my gosh oh george is dead george is dead i'm good oh my gosh come on nice and let me let me get a show oh my god this one has a bow oh he's just a dream i see a dream kill him here you have more food you have more food oh my here take food take food both of you take food take that george wait uh someone take these gold leggings and then they won't attack you okay i'll do it okay thank you uh where's dream he's up here somewhere he's it's probably this is that way wait there's another brew in there be careful it's coming for you he's coming for you where is he where is he oh my gosh i see him i see him he's over here nice nice nice oh where's my pick where where where over here up here up on this thing so this is behind me behind me behind you oh as you can see be careful don't hit the zombie piglet pigmen that would be really bad oh that'd be so bad don't hit that don't have that he's up here he's up here oh i see him yeah he's above he's about okay okay okay i don't have a lot of blocks i'm mining he's up here it's right here i gotta get locks getting boxing box i hate my inventory right now with you oh my god almost just died oh there's literally no way to get up i hate this basket there's a couple this is the cast oh my gosh i think oh my gosh what what do you have fire resistance how's he alive down there he has something right it he has to oh my god yes what is he sneaking is he so what's happened did he paul holy how is he dug down he's not dying he dug down to the bottom what there's a god there's a ghost watch out watch out for the fireballs oh my god no why am i i need no lucky trading what are the odds of getting a like a fire resolution right it's not that low no it is low it is it's not super rare but no way he had a lot of time to trade like he couldn't have done a lot of trades all right someone needs to kill his gas like yeah hit the five years ago yeah yeah here don't go to oh my gosh just punch the fireball i'm trying it's like op what i can't hit it no way no i can't i'm not pumping you guys like oh hit it oh that's it that's not it oh my gosh oh my gosh what are we doing i'm bad i see you man who's wrong there's rondo's running just wasting all the time where did dream go where did that matter i don't know what are we doing should we trade i do have this gold i have one gold all right let's just loot this bastion trade and let's just gear up you can probably lose the whole thing now let's just fall no screw that let's just follow the compass come on let's just go we can stay on top of him if we have to come on we just gotta be careful that we don't get too far above the lake he's in i'm like i'm towering across the lake right now i'm with you so now i'm just following you where is he over here let me dig actually sit up i have an iron pickaxe wait where are you guys you at the bottom over here just following the compass and it turns around we can maybe dig down where is he where is he oh it turned around oh my he's below us should we dig down let's dig down staircase staircase thank you is there any food uh i need a little bit some bread i just i think i just saw his name tag thank you that's george that's george wait where are you guys i'm lost we're mining down right now we're digging down you can see our names yeah we're kind of above you we went up to the right oh my gosh that magma block scared me i thought it was lava oh my gosh this is gonna be so annoying there's a there's a tunnel here this has to be dream wait it's like a staircase it's a staircase wait he's probably going up it went to a dead end it went to a dead end yeah it's it's going this way yeah it's a tunnel where where let's put this on this way where where's he's right here he's right here where is this way over the other way oh where'd he go already where'd he go um where is he what this way where'd you go no he goes i'm lost where is oh my god did he go up where did he go he's like it's the compass is this guy so [Music] i'm digging a staircase let's go above it yeah i went this way he he's turning i see his name he goes to the left follow my staircase follow my circus i'm thinking i'm following you okay oh my gosh i'm gonna break out of here here we go i'll follow you aunt his name is he's got to be in the bastion he's running like again he's moving fast i'm in the bathroom he's like at the bottom of the bastion oh god i'm getting killed bottom he's like he's like behind me yeah he's literally over that way where'd you go oh my god i went up george come here i think he's below now he's this way this way he's this way man uh we they're this way okay i've just been lost the last few minutes like he's like in the wall here i'm just in the bathroom i see him through the wall did you see us yeah he was like right around here but my picks broke i can't mine too wait what are you eating about me is that what are you saying i think i think that was good something this way this way right now he says he's wait it says he's this way i think he left guys i think he literally left no way yeah you run up on a brute you just got to box yourself into life i see him he's out of there this way oh my gosh sorry aunt where'd he go oh my gosh she's right here over here oh my god [Music] george do you have a better weapon for me no oh one weapon just give me some space please no no i just i just need some space i just need some space now it's all the space for this never just go find it that was awesome though before there's space in the lava jump in there oh yes i actually completely forgot one second let me just do something real quickly uh do what oh my goodness all right guys this video is sponsored by cash app let's go guys cash app is now serious listen cash app's now available for everybody under above the age of 13. sorry everybody above the age of 13 can now download cash app and you can you guys are doing an ad no way you're doing an app i'm doing that while i'm running it you can download it you can use the code dream yt and you get 15 for free you can download it on the app store apple store or you can sell it on the google store i am catch me if you can and by the way you can send and receive money to your friends to your family you know you can order you can actually order a debit card for free first of all and you can custom 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ad points that's so dumb i cannot all right now you die assume that you read that ad and this video is never gonna get released because you're about to die [Music] this is so dumb bread oh please bread me eat the bread do you remember that eat the bread yes i don't have that much food i kind of want food come get it from here i have some bread i have some bread for you yeah here i'll give you some bread actually i actually do need food this is this is a bit of a problem actually i'm careful oh my gosh that was so close this is the worst this is this is my least favorite bio in there you guys are still in that same biome yeah trying to get through what do you mean it takes like a year to parkour through this stupid biome i guess me and george was better we're already out look what look over there over where left i guess your render distance is more than what i don't see what you're talking about keep running left but he's going to come this way come this way look oh my gosh the biome that it led us to is freaking soul sand valley are you kidding me the second worst bio no that's the second word smile i keep getting hit by skeletons oh my gosh i'm actually i made it into the one worried i'm not going to lie oh and it turns back into it and there's a gas oh my god this is great this is great oh wait do you guys have any wood from the other box uh nice wait maybe one for me make one for me mine's about to break oh my gosh that was so close man i know but i'm actually very worried right now not going to lie yeah main blocks oh my i hate this look at this generation right here what is this oh nice color let's go look if you look up there's like more coming down there what is this i don't know oh my god why is it just basalt and barely as foreign oh they went through here though nice nice nice we're catching them all right i got um watch out for the skeleton it's gonna be super nice of blocks oh good there's lobster sorry i thought i blocked you up there george i made it up oh i cannot stand the soul sand anymore okay it looks like it ends here nice oh there are so many people we found you all nice where did you guys go uh i don't know if all the competitors are watching there's a hole there just following the compass okay stab the hole there i i won't oh my gosh that would i would have died oh did you see oh okay i thought you just like fell to you i heard fall damage oh my gosh i almost died it would have been terrifying yeah i blocked clutch today i fell back i don't know where he went oh yeah yeah i have no clue either it's without placing blocks you're up this way no way this turns into a basalt delta again oh um well he's this way oh my gosh everyone be so good right there oh okay i feel a little better now oh no what what what is this dude i have never seen another like this i don't know what to do just go down over here you go down over here yeah it's shallower over here i'll be the only place wait hold on i can do watch this one just switch this out nice yeah i got one i got one picked it up shut up take this i don't need three honestly that could be really clutch and yeah bad moment i'm gonna put that in my nine slot in case things get hairy harry potter all right we both just thought i said harry likes sam's butthole what am i wrong he's probably not wrong i'm uncomfortable all right is he wrong or not just let my comfort zone like when he said it how are the two of you so fast george come here come here come here what george come here what look we need to i see you guys get this little guy oh we're right here you see the blue line that's around yeah i see you oh i just walk over it just kill it who cares they're drunk i think no great all right let's just keep going waste of time oh i see a red biome oh yes thank goodness we're done with that stupid i'm so glad i caught up oh my gosh it's gone it's moving running a marathon right now compass is this way this is literally a running simulator right now um what'd you say please please please please please please please please please oh look what i found oh what is this who's been killing hogwarts oh he's got a furnace that's cooking oh it's true here we go nice oh wait wait wait chops out there's lava there oh there's a hole watch out i think he's like looping into the whipping around he always does that so annoying where's he going i try to go back oh he's right here he's oh my gosh oh my gosh come on we got it oh my god oh he knocked me off watch out oh my god just walkers walk there's there's places we're right behind you guys just don't fall watch that jump george let's uh are you ready here we go there you go i'm going to eat yeah we're going down the trees going on the tree more blocks is hitting me enough food the pig has force field it actually does this is not good at all go go go go go go sounds like back in the blue right now oh my god we've been in the nether since the first like 30 seconds of this video like actually oh god crazy we've been in like yeah i don't think a manhunt's ever been like this obviously oh my god oh my gosh so you don't burn so you don't have to eat a furnace i find a fortress oh my gosh i fell in a hole oh you found the fortress um come on come on come on yes there's gold in here i'm gonna i'm gonna look this way be caught up guys come on come on come on oh my gosh there's just more gold that's it bad we already looted that come on come on come on this way oh my gosh be careful there's lava damn i'm out of food uh i have some i can give you i have some oh frick oh my god stupid withers don't die i need food i need food i need food you just gave me items yes oh yeah we got some of it we got some of it and why don't you try and get the what are you trying to get this he's going to play yeah this way this way there's right here i need i need to eat something i like it okay okay we're on our way guys let's go let's go come on set up let's go get him oh this place just spawned immediately started hitting me oh my gosh she's a crossbow i forgot watch out oh my god careful so low he's jumping bye-bye he came down he's down oh no sam is dead okay it's okay it's okay it's okay oh my god this way this way wait where did dream go i think you were in the wall up here or something wait maybe he left where'd he go what is he still near wait i heard something uh is that one of you doing what the compass is pointing that way oh my god oh oh fudge who's supposing amethyst me me me i'm following the compass he's this way guys what i think i'm just sorry i'm getting attacked by blazes i see you so now wait that's you i thought you were him what oh my god i almost died where did he go i'm so good did he get all the blazes he's leaving there's no way right no there's no way right george i need food you have any food i have some bread here please please i found your spawner oh my god what he's so he's still in the fortress still in the fortress but or is he lying no there's no way he has enough right he was in i don't know for like 10 seconds i don't i don't know he left he's out he's out of the spawner right like out of here he left the fortress right like surely in here what i i am actually so this has been like i feel like i can't catch a break wait dream did you leave where'd you go just we're at the end of the fortress and the compass is still pointing like the other way go up go up go up go on top like where did he go we were just here before yeah but he must go on this way george go back the way we can wait over here over here over here well what this is like a secret i'm going back the way we came no this way trust me what he caught where are you guys i'm right above you george i i don't understand where he went i don't understand where he went i i heard one of you i don't understand where he went i don't get it he must guys he has to have left guys guys i have lasers wait who are they shooting at wait bad me george help me help me kill this i'm trying i'm being chased by it i got it i got it guys his dream guys he obviously left he look look we're at both the so he left he's going back to the portal okay we need to get out all right go lead the way lead the way george put the chords put the chords you have the chords oh uh okay here i cannot believe i died i'm messing let me see you bad okay did you let's go you actually got all of them george he's awake he must have because he's not here he wouldn't leave without like not like having all the things how do we oh my god muffins you're in the wrong way i i i don't even george lead the way i don't know where i'm going i don't know how to get out of here how do we get in here i don't even know the way wait i know i know the way out follow me follow me i know the way out he just once you you take us oh there's is he like you take us or something what are you talking about where did we go where did we go oh yeah yeah this is it look this is where we entered right here all right george oh yeah lead the way okay perfect oh my goodness that was so confusing left not right we need to hurry up he's going to get out did this it must have been there's no way how did we get over here so quickly i don't know bye who has blocks i don't i barely have any it's something race to the portal we should argue we should've got wood from the forest i have a little bit of wood how much stuff did you get in uh a little bit here come this with him uh i'm running out of vlogs i have two left oh this way george this way george look what this way like this oh nice good good yeah up here okay hey blogs get some blocks get some box get some bucks we're not it's gonna take us so long if we don't get blocks i'm finally gonna leave the nether after all these years i don't understand how you got blaze rods that quickly you got the achievement and then you were then you towered up and that was it oh you went to the other spawner do either of you have spare gear no me and ants are collecting some stuff right now we can give you some stuff i am yeah i just went to the other spawner and then i i got some blazes and i didn't leave as like you guys thought i left really early i didn't i was still in the fortress when you guys were saying he's gone i like the imitation there of everyone's voices he's gone he's gone and we need to let's make a smoker ant to cook this stuff yeah we have no more bread oh i'm so mad i died with like 30 bread in my inventory still yeah it was in the lava it's so annoying yeah i really needed food like i had i had no food and i literally had no food when i killed and i had i got all his bread of course you're welcome i liked your bread [Music] you guys ever have honey buns yeah i like that events are good that is crazy what they have so much sugar though you can just tell that you're so bad you can't taste so good you're cutting years off yeah when you go left when you go left guys [Music] your three rights make one of them makes the left okay a 180 turn a right now on the right is a 270 turn no i'm right it is it's three three [Music] no you don't need a 180 to go left you need the 270 to go left no don't be silly oh my goodness i'm going to pull out a unit circles this uh guys pigments yeah we're going to go back down for that thing oh yeah yeah do you have let me come with you honestly to help you search now we have some food did you get did you get some of the steak you did right i have carrots okay terrible oh you don't get his stuff don't worry about his stuff i don't get it i guess that much just get his stuff how did you die oh my god bad pick up a that is the truest thing that anyone i have no idea where you're at this cave is so cool though what the heck there's like a massive ice i'm in like wait maybe this was maybe this was good i'm back at the nether pole somehow oh perfect you're going to stop him with your fist that's actually a good idea at least you can tell us whatever you get exactly i'm like i'm not going to just do reconnaissance i see it i'm trying to kill it i'm running oh it's chasing you that's right you've got all my stuff right this is like magma hunt i'm here i'm here where are you guys george we're on our way where are you all your muffins help i need stuff we have your stuff well bring it to me we are calm pasta no yes yes every time you say faster i'm gonna go slower faster slower oh my gosh can you just hurry up honestly like i'm going i'm not playing this slower game that they're playing batmap is leading the way it's just very immature or bad to be acting like this what george started it i expect it from george but i mean from bad actually oh so dad's not allowed to muffin muffins okay oh my gosh this is insane i feel like i'm going to just get lost all right idiots i'm here great dream dream is trading jesus nice to meet you here i'm back get to the postal quickly dreams trading i'm going as fast as i can and this cave is insane bad amount of blocks give me blocks i'm gonna not be able to find your way out honestly we don't have to just dig up yeah i think so we see one down thanks bad you gave me a total of 19 blocks that's literally half of what i had just give it all to me are you where are you we are where are you oh my god this isn't singing time where are you ah i don't understand like did you guys like what i'm so confused oh my goodness did we what nothing here i'm going to mine sam yeah we did and we did or not we did we did whatever you think we did we did it exactly what we did oh you found something ah well i found something sort of good actually hairstyle i think i found like i found like a mineshaft oh oh nice okay i'm heading your way i i kind of went down really far though and i have to do some digging to get to you i don't even know where i am right now actually oh honestly i i honestly i don't know if i can come on oh i see you matt i see you look up what's up george where let me go i see you yeah over here how do we get someone out over here this is the way up oh this is so cool [Music] this this is the first time i've seen it where are your stuff jordan you're wearing it it's very cozy give it back no oh this isn't insane i'm going to keep it i cannot believe how crazy i know this is actually just like there's an enemy in here honestly oh there's a stair above my head above a cape spider above my head oh no no no oh my god there's so many of them i'm just running i'm just running down i need my destroyer i need my stuff your hair there's like 30 cave spider spots right like case fighters right now pickaxe i need everything there you go where's my helmet um i'm wearing it see i'm just right here this is so fine you such a cool area if i wasn't done i found something food on the food nice oh there okay i think that's pretty much everything oh my gosh that was the most disappointing vein ever okay i'm going to get out you guys wait by the postal i think look for yeah i do i do oh okay still now like i'm on my way to you this yeah we need to find the way to find the other thing now bad building building building yeah i'm looking after me they're after me actually i'm just looking forward to my way to you get under it okay oh give me that uh i need it useful but it has to be some down here there's another one yeah this is the first time i've seen these i know i'm collecting them these could be used these could actually be useful here right what'd you say the other ones are something no i don't see yeah they're the same thing yeah this is they're just on the other side okay okay okay here i'm gonna go through honestly i think we should hang out with george yeah we should keep going um no no no just if you see him just come through i've killed three thousand got three foot steak it's nice very annoying here i'll give you here here's here's here's yours oh okay four thousand four steps i yeah oh my god look how massive look at how big those are yeah oh we're gonna have so many we might be able to do something crazy with these yeah actually that count was so smart it ran towards the wall look over here what even is this anything cows are that smart yeah they they can find water you find the water there's like a behind you there oh nice nice nice nice finally oh my gosh we just explored this i know yep i am i'm getting some sand really quick wait aunt should i not make two of those and i can get we can make a uh a table well i have laughs let's do that that's definitely better i don't think there's any point in having uh it's frustrating oh i want one why you gotta go and make me so frustrated that's like a dumb remix i thought that was like i was gonna say well then i realized i was like that's like a dumb youtube remix let's see i did i did it did it's complicated but you know that's it yeah that's it complicated okay i don't think these are guys oh no no no i'm i'm muting the audio track when i said leave it in leave it in he swore i did there's no proof i didn't top 10 minecraft youtubers who've sworn oh my goodness we spent so much time in the morning like this is crazy i'm actually dying in the overworld burger i know it's so nice number nine oh what i'm going i'm going up to this service he's going up to the service guys i'm going to go find sugarcane yeah i'm coming my guy's getting killed no what's up me and aunt are actually going crazy right now we're going to have so much good stuff no drink i've already got infinitely good stuff it's crazy i've got to pick the stone stop shooting me you stupid little gas what's wrong with you just leave me be what are you doing my items stop what this is like the crazy it's like what it's shooting from in the lava like i can't even see the ghast this is just better get better gg gg wait we're at negative y levels right now what yeah i know oh yeah they did that that's crazy the new meme get some get some blocks so we have plenty of blocks guys i have a lot of blocks i'm having to dig like a like a tunnel up to the surface because i have no idea how to get out of this cave are you stupid what oh my god thank you very much are you stupid what three minutes no what is happening i hate i hate every ghast what about the one gas oh okay i love that gas but i hate every other guy that's about to say it's true what about that one guest save your life that's true i don't hate every gas i just take that back real quick but i did i did disney princess nature of everything is that yeah yeah that's actually true that's actually true i'm nature i'm sorry i love gas but the ones who mess with me too much i don't like them that much but you know fine it's fine this is fine this is fun uh okay oh and frost we it is gonna take you forever to i should have dug a two by two for you to get out this i've been digging for like five years oh i finally hit dirt thank goodness oh yeah oh my i got the mine all the way up oh my gosh that was took forever oh and i should have got some of that stuff from you when i was down there that's okay is this the same village yeah no it's i don't think it is hey of course i find guys like right after that is so annoying oh no it is the same village what i'm just going crazy george where are you i'm getting food i got bring me some oh i found something nice when you come back up make sure he doesn't ask he tells thank you george i appreciate it no that doesn't that doesn't change the fact that you didn't ask you're just like can you please bring me something there you go no i threw it in the lava now why would you do bring me food it's demanded he says he literally asks me stuff all the time [Music] do i get all the muffins you gotta change your skin to be green oh that's that's mine green boy halo oh fight why did i get this bad literally just smelted his first iron ingot like we gave him so much stuff he still died and he's just been picking up everyone's arm no i needed this iron for something but i can't remember what you guys actually haven't i haven't died at all yet yeah wait i think only me and aunt have died right oh and george but he just felt bad has died hasn't he yeah my dad died yeah i didn't run back i'm invincible i had only iron pants for like so long oh yeah that's true no there's a baby zombie i swear there's so many pigs or cows here and this is nice this is epic how much health did that idiot have [Music] [Music] oh my gosh i'm trying to find spiders oh this villager is oh this villager is cracked there's like eight zombies after him and he's juking the skeleton that's shooting at me so he just like bobbed and weaved past two arrows that was insane actually i have so much food now i'm cooking and do you want me to send you the chords where the entrance the thing was maybe you can find your way back though i remember why i got this i think i'm gonna have better luck just throwing up yeah honestly it probably will be faster as long as your pickaxe doesn't have durability yeah it's fine yeah i got the one thing oh yeah i forgot i forgot yeah yeah another iron one i have a lot of iron where where are you guys at if you don't have stuff come come to me now we have a lot of stuff i got interesting okay okay okay yeah we're just at the portal oh okay i can actually head over there in just a minute george look at what i have wait what how did you get that don't say anything let me see look what i have bad wait what did he get look look what else i have oh look what else i have ah look what else i have what i have wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute incredible okay he's still in the nether job checking that i almost just thought about this just double triple checking my goodness i blocked clutch that i literally would have died from that fall i think well it's kind of funny i don't have i broken a single block in the overworld i don't think i have he broke that one hay bale that stepnup stole oh got a good memory can i say i'm so smart oh yeah you broke a hay bale in the overworld i think no yeah you broke it off spawn yep yeah cause i've now picked it up oh wait where am i going i'm an idiot what am i what the hell am i doing wow what best what best friend did you get he just got a friend of a horse and sat nap lit it on fire in his eyes as it became his best friend best and last friend loves killing people oh my gosh literally right after this classic classic sap knob where is sum up he's probably off teaming his own horse where are you i'm not let me have some i'm gonna kill every single horse in this field come on yes wait what no no oh my gosh no stop stop [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] i'm killing them i don't care this one's called socks look at me dying guys need to get with me and aunt we have so much stuff that you guys can actually george we have so much guys stop being muffin heads oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he threw a thing little stream no i have a pearl as well wait he's wasting his pulse he's wasting his i see you ben oh bad you have a diamond guys come on yeah i i got him just switch target to me hold up oh you thought i didn't have another axe didn't you he's got fire resistance wait what what is [Music] i mean dream he thought he had me but i had him oh i had i had you and then you had me it was like a double yeah we had each other duel meme it was like that one spider-man meme dream no matter where it happens just know we have each other i'm boosting you george catch him i'm trying where are you guys you got it what are you doing i try to catch you on fire he literally has fire res oh wait okay oh oh i gotta slow him down i figured i'm right on him i got a nice crit off yeah zombie yes i boosted yourself now oh my goodness we got him oh my ass is creeper this is what he's called a sandpaper oh he's going for the temple temple i don't have a pic make one make one oh he went down oh fudge yeah stupid spider he's digging underneath oh where where where right here right here brizzy i see him oh my gosh wait we're going down i don't want to jump i don't know where'd he go where is he what i don't know he was what it literally it literally went from netherrack to smooth stone and he's not here go go he's gotta be wait how is it smooth stone though what i i don't know what where'd he go what come down here and dig what are you doing oh my goodness wait where did he go i don't know where he went i'm just digging towards my compass what where did he go i i i'm so confused how do we how do we lose him it literally was netherrack and then it just went to smooth stone uh i just houdini on out actually what did he like stasis chamber or something but it was filled in where is he um hello hello where is he what are we doing i'm in this dumb tunnel what are we doing we're trying to dig to him we're following the compass compass is this way what yeah no it's pointing the way and frost is going follow him he's up is he above us i have no clue i don't see how he can wait with a stronghold i'm gonna kill the dragon oh we should just go we should just definitely go up no wait he's lying though right no way he's being sued why would he i want to go back up where what do you mean no way i'm being serious where else am i gonna go i have all of the eyes tell us that though there's no because you're going to realize that 10 seconds it's the dumbest thing ever why why would i where would i where else would i go i have all the i even get out of here though what i just purled out how did you pearl through there's literally no way that's what happened all right you'll see when the video comes out oh my goodness there's literally no how did he get so far oh my god what jump i'm jumping jump where is dream drain oh my goodness oh wait it's back it's back he's down below here wait hold on or i'm up above where's the strong one just say that there's no way the stronghold is here i'm just following the compost now it says he's down below here there's no way he actually went to the stronghold there's just no way no no my compass is still pointing this way what are you talking about actually where did you go how did how did you perform this maneuver is it i can't tell if he's moving or not no i am so confused how did he get away from us in the cave no way wait he's still this way where did he get right underneath me he's right underneath his head how did he do he's on the head just dig someone dig someone dig he's right here what is he doing down let's take a staircase take a staircase we don't want to waste all the pickaxes oh he just don't get in a hole and dig down wait actually how did he how did he do this how much does that do man that's like half a heart but i better do a lot more for my entire thing yeah i'm gonna hold on to that for now okay so as well am i the one who's gonna dig down then i don't was that english what was that i said am i the one that's gonna dig down uh i don't know what i just said to be honest that's literally what he said that is literally what he said he said am i going to be the one to dig down then that's what he said i understood what you were saying i knew where you were [Music] on the same wavelength now that i'm thinking back to like how you said it though it did kind of sound like gibberish it's i don't even know honestly there's a there's a little you're going in here he's pollinating i'm cooking this food real quick you know what that means right what hold on it's eating the flour right no that's not how bees pollinate i don't know why why did you say that you know then do you think that bees eat flowers they don't sometimes they like they do not suck the nectar out of there i mean that's not eating the thing though real quick somebody kindness stand right there george i volunteered tribute two and a half oh my wait really that was just something for life all right are we just messing around what are we doing we're taking this down could he be going to the stronghold here are we are we sure he can't be going to the stronghold here well no he's you're under arrest unless he's going to mine his way to the stronghold it's not is that going to spawn here so the stronghold can't be here then then we're fine yeah stay away track him on compass and then if he gets stronghold achievement we'll just go dig down to where he's at yeah exactly yeah i like that let's let's uh let's do the one thing you talked about bad let's go yeah oh yeah yeah yeah here you have all the stuff for that i do okay nice and come put your uh come put your stuff over here so we can have plenty of it oh yeah look at him go it's yin and yang stop one yeah why there we go sam did you did you put the yeah we need to we need to cook the stuff over here oh yeah yeah yeah oh what do you have some do we need to get to this i have something right here i just got it started perfect we don't need a whole lot between the yeah yeah that way we'll go faster yeah yeah it should be good and then we just gotta keep an eye on him to make sure he can't walk away yeah just don't let him go that far and then if he gets stronghold achieving we just run to the compass and dig down immediately walking away when i'm in the end oh i mean we're right above you i'm not worried about you getting damn yeah i'm not really about it you're trapped underground like a little oh a bed yeah i got it nice never see it but here respawn point set bad you can do you can do this i'm doing it i'm doing it are you doing it okay yeah no one no one no one touched this no one touched this everyone's listening i touched it i touched it i touched it no no no just don't touch it i touched it i touched it don't right click it i don't care if you left it i right clicked it i'm in it i'm in it oh my gosh don't don't don't interact oh my gosh you're an idiot you're actually you're actually throwing potions why would you no we're not doing this we're not we're not i didn't touch it i didn't touch it we just made mundane potions we're making muffins delicious we just put water bottles in there and sapnap took one out that's all yeah what oh yeah you know why i just realized i've got tons of this you don't have any see that's how you make sure poison sam this is gonna make instant damage oh we'll just use it we'll just use it all right seriously that's what i'm not part of the rules yeah okay okay guess what i'm guessing guess what guess what what what is wrong what is disgusting that was vile actually that was actually so nasty yeah i'm growing a bunch of stuff like some needs and flavor to it he had some musk to it oh yeah i know that raspberry lime flavor added to it oh my gosh okay we have we have the goods the goodies the goods it the delicious muffins what you're sorry why did you do that george like looked up my armor is um we can make extra tools and stuff right now yeah i just made a bunch of wheat so if anyone needs anything the ingredient for bread you put that in your bread that's what is going on guys make sure [Music] george is back in town yeah why are you chatting the exact same thing twice let's go oh and oh my god that's it i'm gonna i'm gonna burp the abcs ready oh yeah yeah it's not even like impressive because they're so weak just stop just stop that's gross um [Laughter] he could literally go anywhere [Music] [Music] he's still sort of here though wait what he's right over here this right [Music] oh this is like this is like corralling chickens [Laughter] why are you running away [Laughter] oh my god dream is [Laughter] wait what wait i think it is bugged it's pointing wait why oh oh okay there we go yeah the other compass was bugged because wait i don't know yeah no he's here wait george you took everything from me i have no food no dream look up you see that's laura you took everything dream look up dcs yeah he really said that in the lore voice right george dream look up do you see us sticking up i don't care look up here look up i literally kill me i want my stuff back all right let's pee stop killing me okay fine i will here where's all my stuff here i'm dropping it you stole you're holding my axe you stole a lot of my stuff [Music] you can't take it back george i'm better than you who's killing me i just cripped me from behind you're just so bad you're just two me wondering why are you killing each other stop stop everything is racist right now that's true bro oh my gosh you're disgusting tell him to give me my items excuse me he stole my axe i'm not my axe give it to me that's mine stop give me that axe give me the axe it to me no you took my stuff no i didn't everyone killed someone up he stole my stuff oh they're so bad you're so bad oh you're literally just racing right listen we don't have an infinite amount of iron to spend on repairing your muscles tell him to give my eye my diamond axe back give him his nose he took so much of my stuff whenever he killed i let you i it was all on the ground no you took my food you stopped you didn't ask for it back it's justin like he's just never going to win so much me it literally it's okay same amount of pyramids as an iron axe it literally doesn't exactly it doesn't it doesn't look as cool i'll tell you that it doesn't it literally it's like straight below us he hasn't moved from there how many how much i don't know what he's doing no they both do nine it does not do nine all right i'm checking it does nine it does nine it looks good right yeah yeah they both do nothing the attack speed is better what's the attack speed guys dream is being really quiet isn't it it's one oh it means it's quick he's being really quiet i am being really quiet why are you being so funny everyone shut up guys whenever he's quiet it means he's like trying to sneak up on us jim's cheating again george stop surrounding him i see him i see him get him get him i bet i bet you matt he obviously knows that we're not trying to get out right now for the last 20 minutes how would we have been organizing a coup to go down there and murder him while they've been murdering each other i don't care i'm pretty confident i could take you guys on in a 4v1 no you couldn't you guys there's literally no way no way i'm in full prot iron there's literally no way one awesome dude kills spiders [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i'm is i'm confusion this is awesome the boys are back in town you know what i'm saying why are you all so fair oh my gosh oh my goodness all our durability one time to the falling thing and then he just went like full feral and then george just like followed suit and was like okay that's me feral and they started going sicko for no reason make him stop what do you mean make him kill me i don't i what i want him i want him to kill you it's fine it's better so stupid this is like this is like the antithesis of what we're trying to accomplish english major what how are you guys literally five times in a row all right i'm gonna go mine for iron because all my armor is breaking we have i have i have a decent amount iron come here okay give it to me give it to me i said to me what is wrong with you wait sometimes check this out i'm going to no i'm going to facetime you i'm not checking out whatever you're going to show up is [Laughter] what is wrong with you oh my gosh actually and you stink that much smells so bad why oh that's funny that is funny let's go let's go let's go oh i'm funny i'm funny i'm i've had my funny me my i've taken my funny pills today that sounds weird i'm doing drugs [Laughter] bite me bad what with me and see who last longer i always last longer [Laughter] no matter what the situation you ready go go go take off your armor so it doesn't destroy it okay take it off you're gonna lose all your items when it hits the cockpit he gripped me oh my gosh that map wait did it no no no it didn't it did it yourself you guys are you guys are all idiots like all of them you are the idiot did you know that do you know that about yourself you are indeed the idiot yeah suck it wait you are the weakest link goodbye look i'm kidding i'm doing it i'm gonna get a poke guaranteed i get a pole if i don't i'm ending the video all right [Laughter] what is going on like actually oh my you guys have never ever been like this in a manner ever yeah and guess what guess what now we are so what will you do we're gonna be forever it's gonna be like this forever yeah yeah yeah that's the one that's the one that's the one that's the one that's the one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness wait what the muffins [Music] where are you dream [Music] i've been here for a long time [Music] we need to approach this cautiously i'm mining no we don't we just have to go kill him we have to just go down there and kill him no no no no no wait they're gonna be careful with his minecraft character where is he dream this is far too long you've been down here all night you're going crazy you're going crazy now this is where you need to take this power come talk to us come on we're just hanging out wait what he had to go down this tunnel he was down there setting something up someone's playing a sound board wait who's playing where is he okay get on me was that one of you guys stop moving listen no that's not me that's not me yeah what do you mean [Music] wait watch this guys watch this okay that is not funny please stop it is pretty funny to me where is he is they went out of time nice obviously guys guys just mine up he's probably so far gone no no you guys it took you so long to even realize what was happening oh god i just messed up damn what happened what do you mean what happened he he was walking george was right he made a hole in the bedrock to try and trap us i guess and then he walked by i was in viz i punched him in the face he fell in the hole and then he ender purled out of it oh my gosh i don't know i see his name i see his name up there guys he is above us oh my god that was that was crazy were you invis yes we didn't even have that's what we had the brewing stand for earlier i didn't want so i didn't want them to pick a potion up out of it so you wouldn't know oh that is this is ridiculous you knew what you knew i was setting up a void trap well george thought that he thought you were you were just all the way down there and i just thought from the stupid video where you did that last time um trick on us twice it says george not found and and then we counted it oh god oh my god oh my god lucky i had it had extra pearls how did you how did you even that was oh how do we get out of here why zero just keep mining i'm at y negative seven still where did we come from oh my goodness hi bye idiot how did he get up so fast i don't know what do you mean he had like a drink i died i died hi george i'm gonna chase him guys i'm keeping up with him okay just stay with him i'm keeping up with him he's going to kill me stop dream stop i could be your pet just come on guys get up get up i'm going to help you going as fast as i can did you get my stuff yeah okay oh my gosh it wasn't the actual dirt it was just a pocket of dirt yeah i sneezed oh my gosh i didn't see you george you thought i didn't see you did you oh my [Music] we're in the ravine we're interviewing thank goodness we dug into the ravine we can build up george hide you need to hide come on i'm not hiding oh it's me why would he be i don't know george just immediately starts beating me with his fist whenever he sees me come up on the surface well you were in full iron we need to follow him he's literally going to the floor come on i'm going i'm going to go i'm trying to get it i'm heading to the fortress see you in the netherlands there's water here together okay see you there because he said fortress that's why i said if you haven't seen another oh myself yeah oh there's a stronghold basically a fortress oh my god i'm going i'm going without you guys bye i'm not my mom i'm [Music] oh my goodness don't you know running is faster than swimming i mean did not teach you that in minecraft school minecraft university me and jim dream went to minecraft school academy i went to minecraft academy and i graduated with that top of my class behind me though he graduated and then he was just just behind you know what's the only thing i love having all their fighting over who graduated top marks from an imaginary school that you're making up right it's not it's not even imaginary so it's literally not real it is real it was you you didn't you didn't you're just mad that you didn't go to minecraft academy no he went to michigan he's still this good and i didn't even go to minecraft academy that's yeah they didn't even they didn't even let him in like yeah he failed the entrance exam yeah i went from oh my goodness i'm afraid of the monster that's under my bed get along with the voices inside of my head you're trying to save me stop holding your breath cause you think i'm crazy yeah you think i'm crazy that's what i said [Music] this is going to get copyright strikes from us our beautiful singing oh that's not bad yeah you're gonna you're singing so close to it that's gonna get copyright strike [Music] there is no cost um watch me 360. just better better minecraft player you went to minecraft academy that's all yeah we didn't go to microsoft academy you can't even hit an emoji water that's what i'm saying actually oh yes i can do that literally everyone can do that well that's why i'm better than you at every aspect of minecraft besides okay let's let's build right here as he said it he was like way much [Music] [Applause] honestly like almost nothing i've built that's like well known is like from youtube literally almost none of it sure he didn't build the whole entire the prison some of the foreign i literally did actually i have i have a cad document that i use when i was designing the thing george why did you do that how is he so far ahead of him he took this for effort get out of the thing the whole i i literally cannot believe how far he's gotten fine because he's gonna die any second now we're catching up [Music] let's kill them right now i'm down boom oh my gosh george if i hit the shot on the dream i'm the best minecraft player now what about you george look at that missed but was it close not really but i shot from so far away oh i don't even know where you were chris is pushing me backwards oh my gosh these mobs are that horse just literally body blocked me what horses say moo i'll see man ah i just wanted to make sure seven avenue you know go go go go he's up here oh god oh i fell nice oh my god but i've got him a tiny bit oh he's coming across oh [Music] like front left yeah front left i see him i see him i see him oh he's eating he's eating stop eating dream doing it sam get himself how far am i oh gee the best ones are the ones where they don't leave the block at all like they're only there for like a split second actually where'd he go i don't know oh he's across here i was like saw him and i didn't he's on top of the hill yeah yeah hi george hello hello girl are why did you do that the pearl turned it turned right that i turned right i'm going oh my gosh where did it go what all right i gotta even find i got it he's going up there don't feel there oh my gosh he's dusting me here meeting that was a crazy arrow i just hit on we got him oh my gosh this hill is so annoying it's hilarious he's destroying me oh my gosh i run into the tree i hear an angry dog [Music] oh my gosh i fell oh go get a cave i'm right behind him go i missed the water oh i missed my shot oh my goodness where is he i'm done he's inscribed where's my pick here it is he's he's like going down i think he's going down okay oh sorry is stronghold here do we think so wherever wait where is he right here right here down here on this like what is what block is this oh he's blocking it in hey guys we got to go down yeah yeah remove the water pick that up dad you're trolling us come on guys it's drinking water pick up the water obsidian oh my god guys come on hurry up there we go there we go oh my god oh my god just go straight down we oh big dig nice there's a cave this way this way which way do we go come down this way i'm going this way i'm going to go down i'm putting a making path i don't know which way uh just follow the comments follow the compass yeah follow it i fell this way of course the skeleton oh my god oh my god he's in the stronghold he's in the stronghold right now we need to go down here we need to go i think it's down here i have no clue where i'm going oh i found it wait where i i don't know just figure it out dude just search for the portal room okay go fast go fast yeah it's it's down here is where they went this is where they went see their names right there it's it's definitely it's right here right here oh hey oh he's literally right here wait what he's killing him kill him kill him oh my where is it where's the coin uh are we ready whenever you're in water come on i got it just dig dig pasta i'm going i'm gonna please go do that thing asap okay yeah okay we're out go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go find one just fine just find one and take this distract him wait wait where's dream here aunt here's this one this one we're gonna push him hello dream oh my god go in go in go go go go go go go go go go please please he's turning up he's tying up the pillow he's trying to break out three times he's got to be low he's got to be low oh my god okay oh i hit it four times [Music] even wait a minute again oh my gosh oh my goodness i'm gonna go help how many let's go ahead and get some water for us okay water over here oh god george careful run george block oh my god get myself get myself get my stuff come right buy it i'll defend it get back get back i'm coming i got him i got him i'll keep him back ah how did i miss him oh my gosh i got an air here i don't have it i got it i got it oh cried the dragons right here oh my gosh it's purge just be careful watch out for the intermittent bad watch out for the enemy right behind you the dragon might come for us why are you doing that be careful we're fine we're fine the dragon won't come for us here it probably will not when it's purchased why i'll do it with that man get up here get up here get up here i'm spawning no please please please please please don't please don't please don't oh my god okay i pay a little face for us please don't play me in the middle he's in the middle oh my gosh he's right in the middle oh my god there's no way you covered the entire thing with obsidian oh my god they almost killed me he's chasing you stupid okay dragon like launch me okay we're all up this is perfect everyone just chill here okay here we go holy muffin we've done it yeah we've only gone and done it this is the final frontier here oh my god just stand our ground here it doesn't matter he has to come up here and break this crystal and he has to break this obsidian we're fine wait you just stand stream there he is there's no way are you serious everybody shifted him look at him what happened someone pour me some water pour me something there's no way how did you get that what i am the water i did the friend the guy is the whole thing the whole thing is covered what how what when did you have the time did i go on a vacation at some point i forgot about what when did you get all the obsidian what yeah when ant when and and then i died in the nether we just performed he's shooting at me he's here where is he oh my goodness how did that knife how did i die when i was in the water on my screen are you i'm coming back i'm coming back for myself no don't die protect the crystal i'm getting myself oh my god get up there and knock him off just get it there knock him off please please please we have 40 seconds we have 43 41 seconds go go go go go go go go i go i have your stuff bad okay nice i'm coming for myself george i'm right here right here there's thank you okay i'm swimming thank you come on thank you thank you please please oh please please please don't let him please please please please please please please please please please no you muffin come on you got him he's looking at you george he's shooting george oh come on guys off in the crystal oh right i'm falling oh i see him i can barely see the corner of his hitbox where oh he's like he put himself in obsidian he got someone to put himself but obsidian i only have it good luck oh my god he is 100 in here are you sure oh i think it's faster than his oh oh my gosh just getting ready to jump in there and see the spare shield shifting oh my gosh george get ready i'm hitting him bye bye wait that crystal broke from the tnt i just wasted so much time wait wait the dragon isn't even healing right here the dragon is dying nice he's literally right here get him i broke his shield there's three endermen trying to murder me there's literally three number training murder me he's gonna be right he's gonna drop it oh go go oh my gosh okay okay we got them away this is good guys i have an obsidian i have obsidian oh my god oh my gosh this stupid enderman did you get your stuff back yeah nice oh my god this stupid entrant won't die protect the dragon protect the dragon i'm staying what [Applause] oh my god [Music] [Applause] yes oh my gosh oh my gosh we are
Channel: DreamXD
Views: 5,366,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 37sec (6397 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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