Dream - Last To Survive Mr Beast $10,000 Minecraft Challenge

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so this video is my perspective of the mr. beast event that I participated in the winners got ten thousand dollars and it was the last to survive while mr. beast and Skippy and bad boy halo and his friends all tried to kill everybody I thought my perspective was pretty funny so I thought I'd upload it if you guys enjoy this type of content make sure to subscribe to this channel this is my second channel I love you guys also make sure to check out the original video on mr. beast gaming channel it's pretty awesome bye you slashed me to speak you'll be kicked all I dare you Skippy's there with lava I don't know if we go that way halo discovery there just go go go go the other way get to the roof yeah we need to go somewhere that isn't lagging Oh God what do you replace my love oh you replaced something live oh oh wow oh like yeah people just left oh the server just crashed totally did oh yeah we're about to get this crash crash if I start getting killed I'm probably dead up here cuz like I can't really run without getting knocked off probably yeah why don't we find a spot that we don't we should probably find a lower spot maybe I don't know if they make the whole floor level though that's justice they did start doing that so like we're more likely to get in if they start exploding around like even if anything happens around us we have to run where we gonna run where it's gonna die should we yeah I goes in the I say we go at the building yeah yeah over there let's head over there let's go to killed the Vark this guy [Applause] running yeah if we see Skippy come anywhere near us guys just get like I think we should just run cuz he will destroy us he doesn't play fair he does not heal lava you it'll spawn creepers on you doesn't care he's me and he's a bully okay what is the name of our gang [Music] team of five according to dream so a team of six Karl Dreamcoat they come up here we are destroying them wait first and their first six and their friends coming up there somebody coming up battle station we get him let's get him let's get him oh yes here's the Peron stuff we can get them we got em we got em Oh mister visas here mister visas here always holding guardian eggs yeah holding something get Chris is here too get ready to dip get ready and be ready to leave get out get out get out get up get up get up I failed I just feel the job Retreat retreat oh no I got people on Carl Carl hydro head over here hide closer to the edge they won't see us here no donut right here they're right here they don't see us they don't see us they're gonna build a bridge alright yeah it's ready to be ready to leave or look at our experience learn for the lava or we could we could knock him in maybe but no he's gonna that's not we can get back into our room guys alright go back up go back up we're more safe here now cuz that blocks off the staircase - yeah these nerds don't even know who they're messing with we are the dream team yes wait I feel like you coined that I have a channel named our head II oh we are the dream gang Carl dream cow there you go perfect it works guys they trying to trick you you can't take it off if you put it on don't wear it no oh no our teammate put it on prefers the creepers wear or team Karl go viola do we trust you should I wear it yes Carl I'll do it don't sacrifice yourself for us wait he's gonna do it anyway what's he gonna say he's gonna spawn more creepers just get away get away from me oh no they're blocking us in Oh get out get out get out get out get down get down Oh eat your steak your steak if you need to make a jump if you need to ship yep a higher floor I'll jump the trees or something man you can do you can dream do not walk backwards Oh God okay I'm going down I'm jumping jump did you live yes no Xplode you know for Carl guys for call right for Carl for Carl that's what we're doing it for scabies here go go he's here look out oh no he's gonna do please get me leave me be let me leave me alone skipping emerald oh no no no those do explosions I think it's gonna hit you off just be careful I'm back in I just know I have this groans I have Carl's bones wait yeah everyone everyone take two signs of sure beautiful okay oh nice nice Skippy's back here no oh Skippy he's got lava I'm down I'm down a floor done here I'm done okay I'm gonna clear okay yo there's a guy hiding in the bush look Lori back here there's a guy in a bush we're down a floor we're down the floor he almost got me there one set of iron armor but for everybody to share just gives most of it to dreaming no no are you sure okay well I'll get burden more for having this stuff okay I feel like that's the only way that I have your I have your bones don't worry I have your bones bones I'm keeping them safe and if we win I'll do a ritual with them and I think about we're kind of trapped in here oh we have oh wait we can't go well we can there's windows well we have this file but I mean yeah we have the inner pros too but we also can go out here oh wait there's a lot of lava that I say we like try and stay in this corner because they're not in the moat they're more likely not gonna see us over here and we also have the best xscape here like I think going down here is the best way out yeah just a little bit of particle might burn a little bit yeah but if you have hunger you can always eat your steak and you'll hear good heal because it's uneasy they don't know we're here though they don't know we're here Oh hide hide back here stuff cuz the chances I'm going down that alleyway are much slimmer than the chance of them going in front of the building and seeing us so if we're here I feel like we're pretty good at Big C might want to come over to like hug the brick look yeah yeah so we're behind the circuit Oh Chris is right there oh no [Music] what are we doing in fact no idea yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna real quick I'm gonna see what the best way out is from here I don't think there is the best way out I think we're stuck here I think the best way out oh you dude what they covered so much in lava I want to go rip they're right there there's no that's copy I can't tell we can ender pearl yeah we should we have the ender pearl but we want to avoid using it as long as I'm there that's like we're bobbing it out or something we're in lava we definitely can escape this way which iPods the Leafs and then park over the lava yeah we could jump oh we could mm oh yeah we can actually go up to that building I just love there that I don't think no no no listen we could go from here to here from see I'm saying like jump down to the sea yeah we can we jump for this leap to that wave it's a four-block door I can see it's a four-block jump yeah and then we climb up it yeah that's that's our escape if we if we need to escape we jump down there and we go that way cuz we can climb up into the building from there that's my plan I see people over there too so I know it's safe I cracked the core all right back to the corner that's our escape route though no well oh no oh there's someone here yeah right editor I would sweep there's a guy over there either we actively go I see foot ip's feet stops footsteps it was kind of keep moving around that way you can't get put in lava just kind of keep moving around a little bit for now oh you know that's Carl let's go yeah you have two minutes to kill someone or you'll be kicked okay let's go across the building this guy here no no who I killed did I kill him no you killed him let us let us kill him let us kill him oh okay now I'm gonna kill this guy or can i oh we're trapped here um we are guard shot yeah let me go let me come all right nice we got the kill but they're all here okay I'll get okay I'll get out get out quickly can we get back to our place or no oh we can't wait we could boost two of us up could we make this jump could we jump from here to here without burning how about this I'll boost you two up and then I'll try and jump across here and I'll give you my armor first in case I die so all three of you guys got the kill right here take this wait hold on yeah we got kills yeah take this guys gay okay I'm gonna boost us they've all gotten the kills it's clear to tell you guys that uh Jimmy was fibbing there's no way to tell if you guys all got kills oh all right come here come here the Jedi they're trying to fishing pull you guys take your heads all right subject your head you make those Hey wait wait it might be some kind of trick or something they're gonna turn like water to lava or something get up get up get up when you can't get up while you can but also now they can see us through buildings so it might not be as worth it to be here we still have just Oh get out you know it's kept he's blocking you get out just get out just get out should I wear how they're pushing me in this guy over here let's go yeah we could knock him in the lava probably they're trying to get him over here he's not gonna leave we could knock him what should I go I have a feeling I could jump behind him in the knock him across he doesn't have a sword out he has a diamond one left but what if I did iron armor back attacker from the end oh he's coming coming okay he jumped down he jumped on I was in a knocking across to the lobby that would have work but he jumped out are we getting all right we going are we going for hello he's really low he's really low he's trapped and I think iris call back pull back see where we are with a street all those kinds of the cake they said come to the Cape let me kill this guy kill this guy ray rayd you know okay let's destroy them okay eyebrow oh yeah I think tried to help him they tried to help him fall back fall back oh oh they tried blocking us in they tried blocking us in be careful what is he gonna do that I by the way there's the the rest were the only ones not trapped by lava guys everyone else trapped by lava look at your armor or what he gave me a diamond sword what for and arrows throw it over the wall well I don't know they're gonna do I have a pearl so I can pearl out maybe a feel ma let me out what happened oh they're putting us all in boxes I think near each other all right oh yeah yeah they put him in are they gonna be like fight to the death in your box that's fine tone - it's okay come on come on guys come on [Laughter] no no what I earned it I earned it wait you just cleared my inventory that's not taking away my diamond I can't even see [Music] [Music] whose mission for treatment oh sorry I said Oh somebody fished me in the lava no no no somebody pulling down for the lava I can't believe you would kill me about what hallo you pulled me in the lava with a fishing rod you pulled me into lava with the fishing rod I didn't pull them in there was a fishing rod I didn't see it here's the thing we're gonna have to have this tracks that's it and then you put me in lava again you just won $10,000 oh my god [Music] I dream dream I love your videos dude your inspiration dream that's what I wanted to do like I was thinking of Minecraft BOTS like back one year ago and he's been doing them I mean you're great [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DreamXD
Views: 4,968,910
Rating: 4.9639297 out of 5
Keywords: dream, dream minecraft, minecraft challenge, challenge, mr beast, mr beast gaming, mr beast dream, last to survive minecraft challenge, mr beast minecraft challenge
Id: bgXovioKJJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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