Minecraft Manhunt Analysis (4 Hunters Rematch)

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this video is an analysis of my four hunters rematch video on my main channel this video contains a lot of spoilers so if you haven't seen the main channel video check it out before you watch this otherwise if you're subscribed to dream my main channel make sure to subscribe here i upload extra content and extra scenes and things like that that i'm sure you'd be interested in if you like the main channel i hope you guys enjoy this video all right get across get across so right here i noticed that there's a pillager out post right ahead and i didn't want to get killed by pillager so i decided to go left instead of right to the forest if i went to the forest and i started collecting trees the pillagers might come over they might start attacking me and then then i get slowed down or killed or damaged and lose hunger and there was just too many things i didn't want so i thought i'd just take a sharp left and completely avoid it because i don't even want to go anywhere near it but i thought that i would act like i was getting a tree a little bit later that way they thought that the timeline would match up with me going to the forest that way they would be a little bit confused maybe take a wrong turn didn't really work but it was an effort cross get across okay go wait where did he go oh my god get this tree get this tree yeah go that way so now i saw a desert temple and a lot of people were probably wondering why did i actually go into this temple so there's something that i've mentioned before on twitter and read it and in my live streams that i've never really mentioned on youtube before and that's that one of the key rules of manhunt is that you can't get killed right at the beginning like before you even get a tree or anything and the reason for that is that it'd be a really crappy video if you just get unlucky and fall in a hole or something and end up dying we could have decided to do a grace period instead but we thought that it'd be more entertaining for videos if there wasn't a grace period and it was actually you trying to do as much damage as you could at the beginning trying to kill him at the beginning so my reasoning for going into this temple was that if i found nothing and i died then we would just be able to restart and go on a new seed but if i did get something and i did somehow live it would be really useful and i'd be able to continue on so it's a little bit of an unfair advantage for me here but that's that's just why it is okay does anyone have any weapons so here i was trying to break down to collect all the tnt because i really did want to use tnt traps in this manhunt but while i was breaking the block anne frost had the idea to just jump down and sacrifice his life to blow up the desert temple and probably blow up me originally i was just gonna tower out and try and tower out while it was exploding and get high enough that way i would live but because he was punching me i couldn't do it fast enough so i thought i need to eat my god apple otherwise i am going to die and i got it off like just in the nick of time otherwise i would have blown up so that was just crazy okay go get him go there i'm going down oh my god so here i really didn't have anything i could do so i just blocked myself in hoping i could try and think of something to do or something to get out of the situation i realize if i block myself in at least i can heal i have some rotten flesh i can eat to heal some more and that's something they can't do is they they can't heal they don't have food they haven't gotten any materials so my biggest advantage was stalling for time and allowing myself to regen some health go go i don't know i'm really low just breaking so here's the famous cobblestone crafting bench scene that there was memes made out of all over reddit and all over twitter and everything so i'll try and explain my thought process here it was a very dumb thing but it's kind of funny how i got there so when i was trapped i was just trying to quickly think of anything i could use in my inventory because i had sticks i had sand i had gunpowder rotten flesh emeralds gravel gold string and i thought what can i do with this so at first i thought let me make a pressure plate because i can make tnt i can explode the tnt but i realized you can't make a cobblestone pressure plate so i go okay well i need to make a crafting bench that way i can make the tnt and for some reason i tried to make a crafty bunch out of cobblestone but in reality i had no wood so i don't know why i even thought about that i was just thinking too quickly and was trying to do things very quickly in my head in the thought process of i need a craft image for tnt i just instinctively made a crafting bench with cobblestone which makes it look very funny yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking oh my god george is the pillar i swear if he gets a diamond sword i'm going to be done oh my oh there's a pillager here i just thought this was funny to include this isn't in the video but they're getting attacked by pillagers because when they went to go get wood they went to the closest forest which is on that right side by the pilger outpost so the thing that i avoided by going left instead of going to the forest there you could hear george saying he was getting attacked by a pilger and you could also hear sapnap saying that he was getting attacked by a pilger i also grabbed coal and enough cobble for a furnace really way all three of them were really bunched up that way they would all die to the same explosion it didn't really work quite as intended but i did get them together so at least there was a chance of them all dying oh my gosh okay come on guys we need to pick up the face so here i saw a desert temple to my left in f5 mode so i decided to go that direction and i was actually looking for a lava pool the whole time in the desert it took like a whole night and i could not find one for the life of me but when i turned to go to the temple there was a lava pool right over the hill that i found because of that so it was very very lucky oh no oh no so the first one was when i realized that i didn't have a flint and steel the second ono was when i realized that i didn't have iron because i you need iron and a flint to make a flint and steel and i didn't have either so i knew it was going to take me a decent amount of time and i had heard them say they're coming and stuff before so i was very worried about not being able to get it in time no way and none no what so after getting the flint i looted the temple in hopes of finding iron and there was no iron not a single piece in any of the chess which was just really unfortunate but there was another god apple and honestly it didn't end up helping me much at all but it's it's still cool that it was there oh my god kill him get him so here i realized that i still didn't have the iron and now they were on me and i thought i was screwed cause i'm like what am i gonna do i don't have iron i'm gonna have to kill them i don't have a trap set up i have nothing ready so i did get really worried at this moment because i was like oh god i don't have a flint and steel i have no way to get ironed this quickly while they're chasing me i don't have a plan it's just one of those moments in manhunts that are kind of rare where i didn't have a plan and i had no idea what i was going to do next and it kind of ended up working out but there's no way he's going for it no seriously he better not so right here i made a really big mistake because i didn't have a plan i thought okay the other temple that's the place where i can get away from them i'm gonna jump down i'm gonna lure them in i'm gonna step on the pressure plate they're all gonna blow up i have a gut apple i'm gonna live but i thought that they would try and jump down instantly and try and kill me and so if i stepped on the pressure plate right away they would just blow up but i stepped on the pressure plate and i was waiting they didn't jump down so it was this was one of my biggest mistakes in a manhunt ever i think and also in this manhunt specifically yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't call fire don't fall for it okay oh always get it off wait wait don't jump don't jump don't jump it's oh so there i'm assuming sapnap didn't really know or understand how i lived he heard it explode and then he looks down and sees me at the bottom he's probably assuming i'm on very low health i just took a lot of fall damage i'm one hit or two hit or something like that so he decides i don't care i'm gonna jump down i'm gonna attack him try and get a hit on him but unfortunately for him i had just ate a gut apple and so i was on full health and now he was on really low health so i just crit him and he was dead careful careful he pulled up where where oh he fell did he fall he's here now this is the moment where i pissed myself i was trying to purl up to george because i thought oh i can knock him off and then i can just tower out and they're all down there in the pit but somehow he was able to knock me off and i didn't knock him off i landed on one heart and was able to get in and block myself in just in time now the only reason i lived at all is because i had gapples if i didn't have gapples there is no way i would have lived this situation so that was just a blessing from the last desert temple he's mine i didn't find it mine it i really didn't know what to do here so i was just spamming blocks around me in preparation for trying to heal at least a little bit maybe eating another gap but they were just breaking all the blocks around me so it's creating this crazy scenario where they're just trying to hit me and they really can't what does he have help help help no so in the latest version of minecraft a fully charged iron axe hit does four and a half hearts to iron armor that's almost half of their health in one hit so at this point i know i had hit george i had hit ant and i had also hit bad so right now i knew they were all on really low health like they're all on very low health right now they're on at least half health or lower and that's something that's really good for me you can also hear ant freak out and george freak out so i knew they were probably even lower than i was thinking i'm getting i'm getting it i'm getting up i'm getting off so there were some people that thought this was weird because george was spam clicking me and bad boy halo as you can see is holding dirt but they can't see my health and they can only see their own so even though i'm on two hearts they have no idea that that's the case i'd also been chugging gaps the whole time using like five gaps they had no idea what my health was however george was on probably three hearts or something and ant frost was probably on one or two hearts after my last hit on him so george is just spam clicking me to try and save ant and he also doesn't want to try and get closer to me because then i could get a good hit on him and i saw some people defending bad saying that he might have just accidentally scrolled to his dirt i don't think that's the case i think that bad was trying to tower because he realized i'm really low and i need to eat and he can't really start eating you know right now while he's defending them but he realized that he needs to save george and ant so he tries to knock me off with the dirt but then he switches back to his weapon a second later and comes and attacks me again the biggest thing about manhunts that are interesting is that they don't know my health so they make stupid decisions because of the fact that they don't know my health and i make stupid decisions because the fact that i don't know their health he's going on the golden apple he's gonna come right here so even though i'm really low i decided to try and yell and make them think that i was on full health because if they think i'm on full health they're gonna be less likely to try and engage me when they're all low i had just ate in a gapple so they had no idea of knowing if i was on full health they could have assumed oh wow he just healed quickly with the gap so i used that to my advantage to get them to run and get them to hide and get them to get away from me so i can actually eat my gapple and after i did that i went in and i killed george and then i took off just get out get out george i'm right here where'd you guys go i just couldn't believe that another spawn like this it was like the unluckiest nether you could possibly get i just spawned completely in an enclosed area with netherrack surrounding me on every side so i decided to mine tunnels because i thought i need to try and find a way out and at some point i realized hmm if i mined tunnels in a maze i might be able to separate them one by one and try and pick them off he's making tunnels yeah but he didn't block his path like a muffin head so yeah like i said i'm making tunnels and the reason i'm doing that is because i want to try and get them in separate parts of the tunnels maybe block it off create them out or something get their stuff and then try and take them on one by one because a big part of these manhunts is separating them because i cannot fight them four and one or even three on one so i i try and separate them as much as i can where was he wait what oh that's a good idea oh my god so that was just a genius idea by ant he he decided to use a bed to blow up a big part of the nether that way they could find me hiding in the walls i did not see that coming at all i thought that my biggest strength in the nether was being able to use the netherrack because you can just mine it and cover your tracks and they'll never be able to find you but uh this was really scary and you can definitely hear it when i gasp i did not see this coming at all i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it so after this explosion i was just confused i was like wait what happened i read chat i see sapnap died i hear them kind of freaking out so i pause for a second to think about what i should do and then i realize this is probably my best chance to kill them i mean they probably took some explosion damage there's probably lava and fire everywhere and i can just surprise them jump out and take them on i liked my chances in this situation so oh okay first things first block them all in again it seems like twice in a row with that but he's hit you with the meme i don't get it so i'm just including this clip because there were some people saying it was fake because i didn't get the a terrible fortress achievement when i entered the fortress so i actually did i don't know why it was delayed but it was a little bit after i actually entered the fortress it just took a little bit for it to register i guess but i did get the achievement i just cut it like i don't know one or two seconds before i got the achievement so i just thought i'd throw that clip in here but even so i mean achievements seem to be inconsistent on servers especially with the ones we're using so at first i just thought it must not have shown up but then when i was editing this video i saw it did and i was like oh okay well i might as well just include it do so so as you can tell by this long annoying montage i was not having a fun time in the nether i lost my original trader which i used like 20 gold on and i did find it later but that's not really the point it took me forever to kill the blaze it took me forever to collect gold it took me forever to do the trades i was in the nether for like 30 minutes and this that montage i think was like 15 minutes there was like another 15 20 25 minutes of me in the nether just looking for gold and doing trades and stuff it was not fun at all i like how george is over here burning cows by himself you're actually george you're gonna burn down the whole village please i'm not i'm not yeah this is a house it's controlled it's controlled controlled burning so i just thought this would be a funny clip to include because it's kind of alluding to what happens later and frost is talking about how he's just burning all the animals and they're talking about how the village is going to get burnt down just showing george was using his flint and steel a lot and collecting lots of food oh my gosh you know what he does like let me give you one drink one dream only one dreams dream you want a 1v1 like a fair one you have full enchanted armor so at this point i thought it was over i had no clue what to do i had no clue how to fight them and i really didn't have much hope my only real hope was to get as far as i can away and maybe get to the stronghold and somehow kill the dragon sneakily but i was really worried i wasn't even low at all [Music] just accept death that's all you can do just fight like a man and go down there so this is the moment when i had the idea to turn around and just start purling because i had six extra pearls i thought if i pulled back to my nether portal i could go into the nether and then i could nether travel and get really far away from them and be able to get a big advantage but the problem is that later i think about the fact that no matter what stronghold you go to they all lead to the same end and the strongholds are also really spaced out the further you go out in the world so i realized if i was to nethertravel the second they realized that i was doing that they would just head to the stronghold probably get there before me fill in all the eyes and get to the end before me and i would just be totally screwed but i didn't realize this till later and i'll tell you what happens yeah because if i was i would just go in the boat and get in the ocean not like i know this sounds dumb bad but i think we should just go in there so here while they were contemplating whether to come in or not they were arguing whether or not there was gonna be a trap or they have to be careful they didn't they didn't know what i was doing i was minding the obsidian and if they had come in right now i don't think the portal would have generated because i was there so it went to generate in the same place as me so i wasn't really worried about them coming in while i was doing this and then what we'll do is we'll just here i'll dm you guys although so dream won't know muffin head what oh my friends still broke that is what caused me to have my next idea so when i realized that george's flint and steel had broken and i didn't see anyone else use the flintstone or i didn't hear anyone else use a flint and steel the entire time i thought maybe just maybe none of them had flint and steels and if none of them had flint and steels and i was able to trap them in the nether they would be totally screwed no you're probably you're literally standing next to them so i didn't realize where this portal would go i thought maybe it would lead back to my last one so i was kind of hoping that it would that way i could just lure them right back in like instantly and they wouldn't be suspicious at all but it didn't it led me to a new portal so that kind of led to this awkward time where i was trying to lure them all the way to it so it's kind of it's just interesting how did you get up here yeah how do you what you enjoy obviously here i was just trying to lead them as far as i could that way i could just purl back and have enough time to light the tnt and it ended up working just as i hoped it would he's gonna ender pearl he always does this and last but not least the reason that i ended up going to this part of the end and trying to dig down below was because i wanted to dig to the middle and i wanted to try and sneak up on them now my original plan was something else and i don't want to say it because i might end up using it in another manhunt but for one reason or another i couldn't end up doing it so i went with this one my idea was just to sneak to the middle wait for a one cycle hop up and kill the dragon i was pretty worried about them coming in and attacking me but i thought i'd be able to get enough beds off where the dragon would be really low and then after that i could just fend them off a little bit while the dragon was there so i was worried about them being able to hear me killing the dragon so i actually tested it before i ended up doing this so the day before the manhunt i actually tested it myself with me on an altar count to see how far away you could hear the damage for the dragon you could hear the dragon damage from pretty far so i thought they'd probably be able to hear pretty early that the dragon was dying so i had a backup plan just in case they did realize and they got there a little too early they try and run in i'm pretty sure that they they run in front of the dragon and they end up getting launched because of that and that ended up giving me just enough time to kill the dragon so it ended up perfectly yeah guys thank you so much for watching that is my analysis of the four hunters rematch i'm sure we'll be doing another manhunt soon that's it for this video i do plan on uploading more frequently here so if you want extra videos hit the subscribe button bye
Channel: DreamXD
Views: 2,754,522
Rating: 4.9718947 out of 5
Id: pgg9JjO2bYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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