Minecraft Is Trying To Kill You!

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here's a fun fact your minecraft world is constantly trying to kill you but not in the ways you think your biggest threat isn't the zombie skeletons and creepers that come out at night it's not even drowning or burning alive it's not exploding crashing getting shot freezing poison or starvation no the biggest threat to your existence in this blocky sandbox game is the world itself let me explain it's well known that a block in minecraft is a cubic meter the world 60 million by 60 million blocks making the surface area of a minecraft world 3.6 billion kilometers squared seven times larger than the surface of earth using the area we can find the radius and volume of a theoretical minecraft planet crafty masculine minecraft can't be as free it's made of crew it's a sphere always has been right about it using this equation we can find the radius of our planet at sixteen thousand nine hundred and twenty five point six eight kilometers and the volume has twenty sextillion three hundred quintillion meters cubed and the only word any of you guys understood in that sentence was twenty so here's how big that number is the earth is only a measly 1 6 tillion meters cubed got only one this makes our planet minecraft 18.7 times bigger than the earth in volume we assume the density of a dry rocky minecraft world was 6750 kilograms per meter cube little more than the water covered earth's 5510 kilograms per meter cube we can find the mass of an average minecraft world to be about 137 septillion kilograms which is coincidentally almost the exact same mass as neptune but crafty i came here to know the deadliest thing in mind we're about to figure that out now that we know the size and mass of planet minecraft we can use this equation to find its gravity force of gravity that will be acting constantly on the planet so substituting the radius and mass of the world gravity comes out to be weight what what is this big g thingy looking thing here why is there a big hello viewers let me introduce you to newton's law of universal gravitation these loss tracks proportionally square distance between okay but no one can vg is basically a number that explains gravity with proportion to mass and volume and it equals this number which is very very small plugging all this in we get our acceleration of gravity at 31.4232 meters per second squared which is three times earth's gravity which should kill you by sheer pressure but you know let's assume that you somehow survive being compressed by celestial forces three g's of force is about what you feel when you're upside down in a loop-de-loop and you're feeling that all the time but we got these numbers by using fancy equations wacky numbers and our boy big g but can we replicate this acceleration value with in-game testing um well now i wish i could say my testing went smoothly it didn't long story short after dozens of drops of sand items layers arrows the highest acceleration i was able to get was 16.12 meters per second squared um is not 31. minecraft also has air resistance which means terminal velocity and graphs and inconsistencies and there's no way to make a vacuum in minecraft making the seneca impossible to calculate accurately whatever this is nbd certified minecraft nerd and pearl canon expert so she knows a fair bit about entity movement so i asked her everything she knew and oh my god for two ways minecraft calculates gravity known as case g and case d and this equation happens every single game tick or 0.05 seconds so what the heck is this and how does it work three variables are vn g and dv which are the entities velocity at the current game tick gravity and vertical drag basically the velocity in the next game tick equals the velocity of the current game tick plus all this random wacky map for this video we'll be using the gravity constant for players which is 0.08 blocks per game tick per game which is 32 meters per second squared so it actually matches our math pretty well so this is pretty epic and amazing oh wait redstone exists right let's get to the point pistons are the most dangerous blocks in minecraft if you got pushed by one you'd probably turn into redstone dust yourself by the way did you know redstone is radioactive pistons can push 12 blocks a block away in 0.15 seconds at 6.66 meters per second with the piston head accelerating at 88.88 meters per second squared requesting what about zero so we know how fast the piston can move but how much can it lift over 500 blocks of piston can push so which one is the heaviest for years it's been the gold block weighing in at 19 300 kilograms which definitely makes it a good contender however the netherlight block is more than four times heavier eating 36 gold ingots versus nine but what about the other half of the recipe you can't really make netherrite without ancient debris so what's our real life equivalent well here's what we know ancient debris is harder than diamonds and canonically does not exist in its purest form in the net it's a reddish gray in color and crafty literally who cares well let's start with point one on earth there is literally nothing natural that is harder than diamonds so how is netherite even possible well diamonds are nothing but a chunk of carbon being squished and heated for a long time so it isn't a stretch to assume that debris was carbon that was squished and heated for a longer time given the environment of the net this also explains the gray color with chunks of netherrack mixing in giving it that reddish tint so let's assume that ancient debris is some kind of super diamond and give it a density of 3530 kilograms per meter cube and since one debris smelts into one scrap each one will weigh 3530 kilograms yeah okay maybe a lot of it is lost while being mined and smelted but you know so with 36 scrap plus four gold blocks one block of netherra has a massive 204 thousand two hundred eighty kilograms which is just over the statue of liberty over 5 000 penguins 3 647 crafty mastermen now multiply that by 12. so how much force does a piston need to be able to push over 2 million kilograms well the equation for force is actually pretty simple just multiply mass and acceleration in this case the gravity we found from earlier meaning the stack of 12 netherright alone exerts a force of 78 443 5220 newtons on the piston this also means the piston needs to exert the same 78 million newtons upwards just to keep itself in one piece so to move the stack you would need to output a force upwards that is more than double that so can our piston do it well yeah it obviously does that in the game for a piston to accelerate 12 now the right blocks at 88.88 meters per second square you need to push with a force of over 217 million newton and use an explosive 217 million joules of energy the same as 52 kilograms of tnt or over 200 lightning strikes crafty how much power does redstone need to power that is actually a good question okay so what is power power is defined as the social product of an effect that determines the capacity think this is the wrong power in our case power means energy transferred or converted over time and its units are the what which is equal to one joule per second to find power we just need to divide work by time so one easy peasy division later and we get over 1.4 gigawatt over a billion watts of power now this is a very large number that doesn't really make sense so let's use a better measurement how is it how are using houses uses a different unit known as kilowatt hours basically a way to know how much power something uses over a certain time frame so converting to that gives us 60 kilowatt hours meaning every time you power a piston you are using the same power that two houses use per day in a blank this two by two eight daily houses is three by three 26 houses this three by three the entire place this begs the question what the heck is redstone seriously what is this red radioactive substance that could power something like everything in this video has come to now minecraft's insane triple gravity listens with impossibly high energy usage but everyone knows these things already no one talks about the biggest threat that minecraft actually poses redstone itself we know three things about this stuff it's red radioactive and really powerful in the education edition there's a block known as the material reducer placing certain items in the top slot will reduce it to the elements in the periodic table but there are some items that have this mystery element known as well the the unknown only because mojang aren't chemists and have no idea what their blocks are actually according to this block redstone is made from carbon uranium and an unknown element here we run into our first problem none of these are red this third mystery element has to turn this dark gray uranum carbide into red which actually might be possible in real life when metals get oxidized they can change color drastically two of the most well known being iron and copper oxide which people know as just well rust when uranium becomes oxidized it goes from a dark gray to a bright yellow which isn't exactly red but it's the closest we can get so radioactive red energy powder how dead are you right well according to the cdc external exposure to uranium like being near it isn't as dangerous since the alpha particles that shoots out can't penetrate your skin oh but it's still a toxic heavy metal you inhale the redstone like a stoners do you get the double whammy of radiation and poison now also remember this stuff can output 1.4 gigawatts at signal strength 1. now just imagine trying to build a pokemon survival you spawn in the world you feel three times your weight nauseous being crushed seemingly from the air itself after hours of turmoil you finally find your first uranus redstone ore of course you don't know its radioactive nature so you swing your iron pickaxe reckless dust and fumes flying everywhere you're definitely irradiated now you're kind of dead but you've got enough resources to craft four sticky pistons and build your first two by two doors unfortunately you didn't know what you were getting into because well your minecraft world is constantly trying to kill you [Music]
Channel: CraftyMasterman
Views: 140,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Fc9aAjBiO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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