the entire history of redstone, i guess

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minecraft is pretty old like turning 12 years old soon it can make a youtube channel oh wait it already has people like playing minecraft watching minecraft building an entire emulation of the game within the game wait build a what shut up you you interrupted my history lesson on a long time ago minecraft didn't have redstone but you know what it did have doors and funny square trains they were so fat they could push other trains sort of like a booster rail and match was like hey yo i want some gear so he added gears what do gears do uh nothing whoa where an alpha knob secretly adds hard doors pressure plates levers buttons redstone torches redstone oh my god we have redstone baby people automatic doors traps and a 16 bit alu jesus christ it has almost 10 million views but be careful if you step on it it breaks never mind but wait what happened to the epic spinning gears gone nox secretly adds slimes and slime balls and oh don't they look a door oh my god he's trying to kill me we get more fat trains one with an oven and a chest inside of them now it's halloween it's getting pretty spooky notch has a whole new dimension called hell uh the split game uh the nether but somehow we accidentally delete slimes in the process you gelatin cubes will be missed say bye to alpha it's beta time and we have some brand new redstone shane arches set the players we want to make some bops some epic remixes some tunes uh here have a noteblock no blocks let you make some sick beats and now you can become pitbull in minecraft tired of grinding for items what if the items could come to you introducing the dispenser it pukes items out of its little angry face onto the ground do you miss your cute and adorable slime friends well now they're back hired every redstone dust being weak and flimsy and only going 15 blocks introducing the repeater it takes her sad weak redstone dust and makes it strong and epic using classified technology my manager won't let me see my stone also now has sparkles and personality remember minecarts being fat well now they aren't wait said the players how will we make our roller coasters now trap doors are high but we can already make door traps no you idiot not a door trap a trapdoor a trap in the floor under a door a trap door there's this funky mod floating around with big white pushy thingies that push blocks jeff liked it so much he stole the code added it to minecraft and made this sick door end now killing your slimy green friends is useful beyond trying not to die making sick doors as well as introducing pistons minecraft now has a billion duplication glitches oh hey look the fence skate is added and whoa we're out of beta we get some sick cauldrons tired of your sad depressing tortures will brighten your day with the redstone lamps the dispensers love them so much they stop being angry they can also now give birth you can trip people with wires and get power from it spencer's got an upgrade pistons got slower and now you can make redstone ladders it's getting pretty scary again but hey we have some cool wooden buttons you can shoot unlocking repeaters i think i'm forgetting something oh right you can code in minecraft now this guy named hypixel made this cool map then became a millionaire okay so what do we have now there's this fancy red glitter powder that can turn things on and off we also have sick pistons people are making really crazy doors computers and mini games everything was going great for the minecraft nerds donors you guys want an update uh sure but what do you have it's 1.5 time and it made lots of brand new we have red glitter blocks our first ever pushable power source introducing the dispensers expanded family second spit spit is the dispenser's happy cousin the dropper that has the functionality of the dispenser when it was a wee lab it can also spit items into containers hoppers can suck items and transport them using the power of tools comparators exist and they are complicated whoa guys we have scales in minecraft now oh nobody really oh sick we have solar panels chests now activate redstone oh wait i just got bamboozled by the new trap chest suck decided to hop into minecart and tnt is now portable and acts like a grenade you have a new funny rail that likes to activate dispensers got buffed so much they looked up at the sky and lost their eyes wow we have a lot of new and exciting redstone features let's check on the redstone community oh god we gave them too much power it's horse timing guess what competitors can read cauldrons now just don't miss the bucket tired of not being able to bounce on a trampoline in minecraft while introducing the slime blocks the new bouncy and totally not sticky hey mojang we added the code to make it sticky said some smart guys from the zip crowd s p oh also we can make airplanes now iron trap doors are now in the game daylight sensors can be toggled buttons can now go on every side activator rails and now speed bump for minecarts and dispensers can place command blocks well okay not anymore minecraft doesn't get an update in forever and oopsie the next update is 1.9 and all the pvp sweats are sad but what about the redstone command block people do you want some fancy new toys trapdoors don't need a supporting block anymore now they become strong and independent competitors can do this now let's check on the dispenser and pistons get changed again removing the jet extension on the bright side piston trans location exists and everybody loves it let's hope it lasts a really long time hey pocket edition what's that fancy new block you added there oh hey job edition i'm glad you asked i called the observer and wait hey yeah we're just gonna add this real quick and so they added it changed it changed it oh god we messed up go back okay how about we just completely redo it and finally let's put our emotions as the front texture the observer is overpowered it's used a million times more than every 1.5 feature combined the 1.5 purists were so sad that the observer replaced them that they made up a new category to not feel obsolete hey minecrafters remember that annoying purple box that shot balls of death at you well now you can replace its head with a chest to make a shulker ball so it's a chest no no it's not a chest it's a box with a chest and a box from the shulker you put your stuff in the box and the chest in the box tired of your normal boring looking wool colors well here at mojang we understand that wool is the essential circuitry block for all redstone nerds so let's crank up that saturation slider we also added abstract art and funky epic new noteblock sounds redstone printers are the new fad and it dies as fast as my second channel well squishy sploosh update aquatic is here with the new bubble tornadoes it can transport items players mobs redstone signals wax your car do the dishes and file your divorce trapdoor's got new skins no blocks get buffed and now your piston doors double as a musical instrument minecraft is now very unpopular until it wasn't pewdiepie likes redstone pewdiepie does redstone wow pewdiepie is actually a little competent with redstone mojang pillage the villages with the pillage and village and pillage update we now have scaffolding which is never used for its intended purpose but rather to make really small teeny-weeny timings redstone just went vegan with leafstar read books with the letter don't like your wet cauldrons in your redstone circuits well guess what we have composters now which is like a poor man's cauldron filled with mud dispensers even more sick beats from the noteblocks over there and tnt now acts like tnt oh jank and we have colored slime blocks said mumbo and seth bling who collab to make a mod that make colored slime blocks no please no please no please fine and holy crap limestone just became a million times easier doors went from this to that and the door people got mad that people didn't like their doors anymore some guy even made a giant piston door yo we have this target block and you shoot the target and it goes beep boop it can also redirect redstone and it's now the most okay redstone non-redstone block ever oh they also completely screwed up redstone dust mojang is now adding cool mountains and big holes in the ground the skulk sensor is having an identity crisis lightning rods are next to useless and powdered snow can have babies with other blocks and here we are now more than 10 years later now if you excuse me i need to post my redstone on the minecraft subreddit wow it's wow it's getting a lot of uploads oh my god it's the topos and why did the mods remove it [Music]
Channel: CraftyMasterman
Views: 634,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5yphXYJnhLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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