Supa Strikas Full Episode Compilation | Blasts From The Past | Soccer Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] chase we impressed you here on time you always lay yeah hmm any idea what Coach has us here so early what's going down lift haha no what's going on yeah captain coach wants to give you both a haircut what good morning gentlemen the time has come for you to face one of your greatest adversaries hmm good morning good an early morning God not this guy gentlemen meet delos Santos the world's most fearsome goalkeeper not to say big Bo isn't but big Bo that's de los santos that's how big he is he is giant Santos is our biggest hurdle in beating Azul in these two back-to-back away matches I am psyched to watch you guys battle it out with him you'll both need to be at the top of your game if you want any chance of scoring against this guy he has lightning reflexes and easily covers the entire goal let's get to work to beat delos Santos you must be 100% accurate this is going to be like taking candy from a baby Oh bland or you cannot stop the skill and the beauty you missed that by a mile shakes occu bags see you at the airport first thing tomorrow morning do not be late uncle I didn't know you were gonna be here Mexico City has a rich history I wanted to give you this book it's a remarkable study just how I go it's all right go goodbye uncle thanks for the book what just beat it [Music] Master why are the Azul so good at soccer some say their ancestors the Aztecs made optic game soccer they believe they are the inventors of the sport whoa but how did Santos get so good no one has scored through him in his last nine matches no one knows the Azula they don't talk much about their history now you should get some rest brother you're gonna need every ounce of energy you can get to take on Santos the Aztecs were known for their amazing inventions and design when this book was written there was still people living in this old Aztec town Quetzal gossip but now people call it The Forgotten City man imagine getting to see a place like that [Music] it's mocks day and what turned out for the zoo after three days to settle in we'll see if super trainers have prepared themselves for back-to-back matches with shakez yeah I don't think this delos Santos is going to be so easy to knock down I think you might be right [Applause] let's see if super strikers can grab an early lead not likely with this giant in global drifting Tiger and Cujo joined their captain information Johnson rough stone works his way up the middle of the field these are two players aren't going to let super soakers of the look that easily beautiful footwork by the captain dancing roughs is not gonna let the home team tried to dominate just yet looks like your mom's gonna have some room and dancing roster has spotted him Oh such precision chinks give tape and remains on site it's David versus Goliath they throwing him in he's gone for the fire hose oh man I hope chicks didn't think it was gonna be that easy Santos is the best in the Superleague a ball hasn't gone past him in months goodness me this room is almost all the way too big oh here comes a through strong the Taiping formation Thank You mr. Santo what speed but wait [Applause] even big balls rich doesn't click compared to Santos and it's one meal Azul [Applause] that will be a corner kick for super strikers takes is lucky he didn't get carted for that one I'm sure that heard you a lot more than it hurts me Thanks in a moment here we go Azul takes the first match with a score of one meal it's not like we didn't try you are very hard out there shakes I was impressed how did you get so good amaz deck this game is in my blood see you at the next match super strikers will have to find a way to get the ball around Santos and the next man well it's gonna be a long ride home Santos he as big as house and fast as bullet train how are we gonna beat him but there has to be a way there better be you to work hard today but not hard enough to win you must score to score this team must find Santos weakness what if he don't have one everybody has a weakness what if we can't find his Achilles heel I don't know nobody named Achilles or what his ankles got to do it nothing but we must find Santos weakness or we lose round two no way Santos is from Quetzal cosmic heel is a castle castle shakes are you feeling ok you talking weird Quetzal castle it's in my uncle's book [Music] Santos is it true that you from Quetzal castle it is calling from Garden City for our reason shakes but why because everyone's for God on how to get there just stay away from there shakes you get the feeling he don't want us to go there books never forget you thinking what I'm thinking that is Achilles you speak of lives in the forgotten city and can tell us of Santos weakness close enough and the birthplace of soccer we're not gonna let coach down those donkeys [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me is this the Forgotten City he said if the Forgotten city I I can remember excuse me sir we've traveled a long way to find the Forgotten City and we wanted to see the roots of soccer we're from super strikers and super strikers yeah in my clan Tina [Applause] we are from super strikers we come here to learn of your soccer ways so that we have a better chance against the Azul and if your were from super strikers why would I help you okay we're outta here really no what about Senor Achilles wait wait he's not like showing them we'll do them any good his de los santos we're talking about them n is unbeatable I will trade you a tour of the four Garden City for one of your Jersey shakes my jersey follow me my restaurant is a monument to the super league whoa all the super league clubs jerseys check the Kalima comma poverty hurry your super strikers Jersey will make my collection completely we have a deal you not want my Jersey [Music] why don't me [Music] where are we going this way we are nearly there [Music] these gentlemen is where soccer began but what does all of this have to do with Santos the Aztecs greatest soccer in venture while Santos friends will try to beat the Machine and become the greatest striker Santos studied his every move some say now he is better than the Machine we find machines weakness we find Santos weakness may we you'll have it try but you're wasting your time thanks muchacho Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hi we tried everything [Music] [Applause] I think I've got it now I think Santos is in for a little surprise what's wrong we never found Senor Achilles [Applause] they seem pretty confident try to tell them Santos is better than the machine they just have to find out the hard way it's match day again and we're featuring the rematch of super strikers and diesel we go now to benzine live on the field thanks Rob el matador how have you and sheiks prepared for this match after being shut out in the last one you will have to wait and see for yourself I think viva los super strikers ha ha mr. Santos quick question are you planning another shutout today silva strikers are good but not good enough there you have it folks enjoy the match once again it's an even match in the middle but can they work the ball where it counts back to dancing Rasta Cujo breaks up the left side oh not very invented elmatador going to be a long match for super seconds if that's all they have you didn't even make him move I think he should realize now we can strike for cut corners see that coming 'i'm ones but passing by strikers midfield [Applause] Santos is ready but whatever super strikers have to offer see find room change will have little room for error if he takes a shot from there [Applause] looks like it might go in [Applause] it's gonna change me one little death look like a massive hole a perfect strike maybe want shakes but not twice try that again and I promise you will not go in now behold the lead then we go home [Applause] each team is giving everything but nine that is giving an inch we're back after halftime big boss straight died but it did of the pose the box is even at what all not much time left in the match if super strikers want to get their points by they're going to have to hurry hey shapes looks like he's determined to take the shot [Applause] I told you not twice jerax I don't believe for a moment that the only thing you learn was that one sharp Coates he's everywhere it's not just what you learn on the field and in practice think of what you have learned on this trip [Applause] it tastes you much time too much Rika's [Applause] righteous tackle dude now go go for the uprights get the uprights you loco we need a goal and not Paul trust me just do it you better be right about these shoes looks like El Matador and sheikhs have a plan of some sort time is ticking looks like they're going to have to go on to the head cool Joe across the El Matador El Matador would keep this for himself it's on target it's hit the post watch there's a Jackson and one of the chances changes right there [Applause] Sheik's I'll bet you never practice that move before where did you come up with that second goal what I learned most from the Aztecs was how to be inventive I told you we shouldn't show them around [Music] I saw the match on TV shakes great win thanks for the book as if you had time to read it with your busy schedule it's too bad maybe next time you will be able to enjoy Mexico City's rich history uncle nah you wouldn't believe it if I told you honor and trust someone is dishonored then the comic read and the first face of revenge is about to be delivered at strike a land it's going to be cool to face your old team her tiger yes now comic guys are top layers but first we beat Colossus today you know a lot about nakama no yes I can't wait to see me coach in he was one of my best friends AHA but you can tell us some of nakama secret no super strikers will win by being best team on match day that we will my man now go back to brushing your hair it's time to play one two three super strikers mock's Dean Strang : Colossus will walk to leave with the points but they'll have to work hard to beat super strikers at home today dancing Rasta with the ball he scans the pitch twisting Tiger always a good option see if you can stop this [Music] I could handle that easily come on tiger show us your stuff [Applause] [Music] twisting Tiger looks lost out there today Colossus is shutting him down at every step [Applause] lead-filled from the men in red boosting tiger could turn this game around for super strikers he is always full of surprises wata Mumbai twisting even so he doesn't seem to be in complete control huh the diva feeling depression of playing his own game next week that's a whole game away he me figure out how to adjust to this defense time is running out get the ball in the back of that nap Rasta throws in the drifting Tiger does he have anything laughs that this defense can't stop but just taken do something they not expected [Music] [Applause] take fixity mmm [Music] [Applause] Hey twisting tiger don't worry about it it's as if Colossus knew my every move come on how is that possible hey when your face Yuri Gary tell him thanks for that training video of yours what nothing did us any good that's how the Colossus players targeted you your training DVD I don't have a training DVD huh Oh daddy bless you no daddy my old coach he's the only one who would do this but why he believed it a disgrace for player to leave nakama this is revenge so what does this mean for our game against them I not know but not good well if you want to work on new moves I'm here for your bro now that is why I play for super strikers [Music] [Music] super strikers victory today over colossus other than that last pass twisting tiger had a terrible match this one complete time now is to honor and trust honor and Trust we have been betrayed by one of our own hey I am sorry Michael but my sources tell me our old friend twisting Tiger has told super strikers about your injury twisting Tiger would never betray me he betrayed us all but master he is like brother to me yes but how far might a man go to win [Music] [Music] now that nakami make DVD of your moves you tell us nakami secret no no the nakami players are good guys I will not betray them because you are a deity make DVD nakami arrived tonight tomorrow morning we attend their press conference then in the afternoon we play shakes yeah can you stay with me late absolutely if you think colossus had me under pressure nakama must know every one of your moves I saw a program on the wildlife Channel it was about the Tigers hunting patterns it could work the tiger circles its prey traps it and then attack see now I really am Tiger wow thanks for your help tiger huh how did you get your nickname when I first come to nakama we play against Colossus I run back to prevent a dangerous cross teammate Ivan down both hood he hurt foot I heard armed we become like brothers for many games I had to strap my arm because hurt so bad I start twisting to protect our defenders can't keep up second soon I become famous player please do not tell anyone why I always wear this on RIS okay sure but was your teammate okay yes he is fine I'm glad who was it let's work more moves yes [Music] ladies and gentlemen I present to you most disciplined and talented squad in super league nakami FC [Music] no words for sure dudes [Music] we look forward to match our head may better team win good to see you my friend even though we are opponents I look forward to sharing field with you again today Miko I not understand why team does not talk to trade us to his team tiger traitor what are you talking about you have told super strikers Nokomis deepest secrets that is unforgivable there's no way twisting target would do that I know that and you know that but then the Kama guys don't and now they want revenge man it could get ugly I need to find that DVD to prove twisting Tigers cool and hooray Gary's a fool right uh-huh spends a pie at your service where exactly should I start my guess would be wherever Colossus were hanging out March dance today : we have a clean battle between these two super league heavyweights today earlier today at the press conference you could sense the tension in the air I think that was just a bit of gamesmanship nothing serious I don't know about that match the old teammates didn't seem to be on talking terms you planning on building a little house here in striker land [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] and now for the friendly part of the match where traditionally there come up vows to the opponent whatever you see [Music] well Matt I think it's safe to say now that's what I call pension fact pink twisting Tiger is in for a tough time against his former teammates what the comma trying to put some pressure on super strikers midfielder despite the tension the comma are keeping it clean me coach ed has wrong Nico chanting defense [Applause] risky move by big boom where did Colossus go when they were here they had to eat big ball with no time getting it up North Shaw takes his time as the players get sent twisting tagging is open he faces off with his teammates that was close super psychics move the ball quickly up the field water fight to go up what Neal even though they were stopped and the commas coach is not too happy I have to find that DVD before nakama turn up the heat on Tiger that's it a good sleuth always returns to the scene of the crime strike a land huh I gotta get there fast okay now I gotta get that fast now I'm the common plane is still better step behind misty tiger twisty Tigers coming off some moves for his old teammates get him [Applause] is at the bottom of the pile he looks shaken Mac I'm not so sure that was an accidental collision why you disrespecting tiger he is your true friend oh look true friend return now come a secrets to super strikers no honor no trust what you got it all wrong [Applause] they are really on the back of twisting title today I agree man he's strike watch the bottle the carbons cool Joe sends across the shapes isn't making it easy in the middle [Applause] here comes to come up with another chance [Applause] don't buy one super strikers have a lot of work to do at the half if twisting Tiger doesn't step up his game he may be substituted they are destroying him out there Miko huh now common not playing with honor not like that team I used to play for [Music] are you okay to play that ori giri he messed with his players heads he's so crazy they playing so crazy I'd be fine coach they are targeting you hard if you're not careful out there we could lose you for the next match I can handle it I ready to win coach [Music] [Music] [Music] you the sacrifices I make for my jerk huh haha dear Colossus he is everything you need to know about twisting Tiger yours or Aguirre super strikers shakes el matador Spencer Oh Matador let's go you are coming with me huh [Music] [Applause] well that take care of that there right [Applause] [Music] play a part out we can't win this super strikers [Applause] the Karma has opened up their field position they should have it looks more like the macabre bowl looks like mako-chan is showing some genuine concern for his old friend are you okay brother yes I am but why the change of heart heart never change El Matador killed Miko and nakami sawed everything out a matador sorted out what I don't know what they were talking about down there but it looks like this game might be decided on skill skirmishes what an amazing [Applause] only seconds remaining does Tiger have something to surprise his old teammates raw what is this twisting Tiger is well it's it's not twisting sakarov is caught in the eye of the tiger score [Applause] amazing super strikers equalized again with or miss seconds remaining Wow what's the winner in the March and what a fine match it was this one will go down in the books I'd say they're both one I am sorry I doubted you we know now you remain true to Nakamura tradition playing at super strikers was never about dishonor in the past it was about a new beginning I save the day no nico-chan get away from that disgraceful traitor yes no honor and no trust honor and Trust do not speak to me of honor and Trust or maybe you would like to make a DVD of my moves too in case I ever leave nakama oh oh that that was just a joke a between a coach and his former player I was only trying to force him to create new rules huh yes yes new moves hey what's that he is local a twisting Tiger why don't you come home to nakami I am home [Music] I'm looking forward to playing Rihanna hey I saw a news story comparing you to dudes uh-huh they were saying it's gonna be a total gold fest who will totally score more goals with a piano I want to be the ultimate ood shags uh-huh Oh what they say about me Court what's on your mind this kind of pressure is going to be tough for shakes Auto Club let's go dude come on practice time I just walk away walk and wave [Applause] Riano is going to destroy you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jake's you're the man brah we love your shakes why don't you take a break not yet a few more [Music] turn your body towards the ball that'll do it mr. killari just try it my old friend guys this is Barca strike coach the greatest strike specialist the super league has ever known retired what oh no you haven't you have a new job prepare shakes for Riano think think shakes has unbelievable potential by training him you can be a coaching legend once again let me see here chest wrap one touch off the left foot floor right foot no wait chest to knee [Music] ah my file of Rihanna's odd moves I can use them to train shakes he'll destroy Barca and I'll prove to the soccer world Rihanna was wrong to fire me [Music] you must execute the formula exactly otherwise you are wasting your time sounds easy enough Oh does it that's what Rihanna nothing [Music] [Applause] when shake scores Brianna will not be able to deny my coaching skills [Music] [Applause] and now the real test [Music] you made that look even better than I thought it could look oh thanks and just wait by the time you face Rihanna I will have a whole new series of moves for you more moves that's that's that's great that is enough practice for one day play like that tomorrow and you're sure to win the gallery way is the only way I can't believe gallery is doing because now we know exactly what shakes is going to do this is not right I want to take on the real shakes tomorrow but Riano wait where are you going you're my ride home [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jake's check it out the question praise who is the greatest you're famous amigo no Woody's mine strikers on three one two three super strikers March day and here we are for the start of a highly anticipated face-off perhaps the most anticipated in years it's the Battle of the strikers Riano versus six I hope you brought your raw talent it's gonna take more than quick moves to get by Barca [Applause] time to get open and show Rihanna what strikings all about [Applause] [Music] should I triple to the nutless chip no cross self-intro amigo Bachmann back plate I got it buddy us not so super stacker dude [Applause] bring it home Bray whoa no hey attack to the ball [Music] [Applause] the skill by Matt Striker Riano and Barker takes the lead one-nothing [Applause] one goal down cheeks needs to find the gap [Applause] the young striker might have something to show Riano here lolly way he stay on anyway Jegs anytime [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've never seen him crumble under pressure before he's not following the formula he had plenty of opportunities to score [Applause] [Music] is okay amigo we got one more to prove that you are the best striker in the league next to me that is it was embarrassing out there I promise you no one noticed a thing are you sure about that [Music] it was embarrassing I watched it from home not your best match Spencer you look stymied out there like you've never played before Spencer especially when you had the ball take it away Oh Spencer yeah you don't have to remind me oh sorry so what happened I couldn't get my thoughts straight I have to turn this around heads up jigs I'll call you back I see you are finally awake what is your problem you could have taken my head off I knew you would not let that happen the question is what is your problem [Music] now that is more like it [Music] going the wrong way I love a challenge you can do better than that that's so fast shakez makes his way to the goal he's drawn the keeper off his line the defender is on him can he score now what is this all about I wanted to make sure the real talented shakes was here in Spain huh phew and the field chicks [Music] that's not how it's done it's left over then right over then spin 1/2 then shoot oh don't just stand there Oh take a break then back to work it doesn't feel right out there I know I can beat Rihanna but but I feel like I'm playing someone else's game out there look at all this this isn't my game you're just recycling Rihanna's moves with shakes he's right you're right I'm a failure I didn't retire I was fired glory wait oh forget it coach this is exactly what happened with Rihanna [Music] what are you doing stone shakez doesn't need you to help him perfect Rihanna's moves shakes needs you to help him perfect his own moves come on my old friend we've got work to do much damn particle stadium and folks if it were possible for the stadium to be any more pot from the last match it is it looks like a record breaker Rihanna vs. sheet spot - coming up I am here with none other than Rihanna shakes didn't give Baca much of a run last match what do you expect today well Ben I've already told the fans it's okay if they left their markers at home I know what the PARCC game was about it was about finding your own style of play but why help me if it means you might lose today because you can kick the ball in the park that doesn't mean anything you haven't scored a goal here yet you're right I haven't scored yet so you fired gallery' you just have to wait and see shakes look son shoot of himself [Applause] nice tackle by believed Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh super drink of offenders were left in the dust on that one [Music] [Applause] [Music] fine food work by the bankers taken can he get another one by the great big bow again [Applause] one a way to close out the first half 45 minutes left shakes time to give the fans what they came here for if he just pass the ball to me I I know you can do it [Music] Barca has the lead by a score of two nil and sheikhs hasn't even shown up yet yes he has he missed it it shakes needs to show up on that scoreboard here in the second half [Music] [Applause] [Music] again shakes hesitates I just don't find the lady tearing up the midfield [Applause] that's the sheiks I've been waiting for snakes is unstoppable he is all own [Applause] shapes is on the scoreboard but super strikers need two more for a win and time is running out dude welcome back wonder where sheiks go baby he is bad let's do this six sends it out the Kujo takes it on side for the cross turn your body towards the ball super strikers have evened it up two apiece with only six minutes in full-time carry on oh poor one back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your job with the fight Riano with the ball he takes it in himself denied by big bold shapes is only one goal away from giving his team [Applause] [Music] [Applause] either way super strikers take the lead three to a true battle between the two young strikers today why did you help me follow my instincts I have been looking forward to playing against you the real you I get it I'm just glad you fired gallery' nope no one got fired coach I am sorry I should have stopped everyone loses their way once in a while but you have helped us raise our game to the next level I thought you had nothing more to offer shakes the crown belongs on your head today I think our matador is already on that who knew it would take a super striker for us both to up our game do you still have that goldfish I got you Moby but of course nobody knows me like that fish with help from the great glory super strikers come away with the victory [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 7,656,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supa strikas, super strikas, super strikers, supa strikas season 6, super strikas capitulo 1, super estrikas, super strikers in english, supa strikas in english, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons, football, soccer, soccer anime, anime, cartoon anime, supa strikas in hindi, super striker, kids tv series, disney, kids tv shows, american soccer, football compilations, soccer goals, best football team
Id: ryC2-LPx93k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 12sec (3612 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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