Minecraft Xbox - Mirror World [658]

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hello this is some pee and welcome to a minecraft let's play video and another video inside of stampy's lovely world good morning William Eva good morning fizzy elephant and good morning Polly reindeer it is a brand new sunny day inside bees lovely world and I'm gonna begin things as I usually do when I'm around here and that is by eating my breakfast very tasty Barnaby you can sign up and you can join me throughout this video and of course if you've been around here for a while you know what I do that and that is to go over to my love garden to announce them mommy got hit very quickly somehow you arrive before B would you or follow me oh yeah I need to go downstairs to the basement level of my love garden and add someone to it for some reason and the reason I am adding Betsey today is because of this amazing drawing that she did and it's kind of like a kind of like a kitten stamp you came with My Little Boots there and the message thanks for the memories so thanks Betsy for this picture and welcome to my love garden again so the plan for today is a relatively simple build I guess considering what it is that mom hello Barnaby's knows the utter diva Barnaby's no fat dogs poke their nose there yeah I would have build like some sort of sports pitch I guess it could technically be a football pitch but the idea is it's just gonna be like a big field that we can use for like whatever sports that we want to kind of play throughout the entire time so we're gonna be building it like back over there somewhere and why is this door even hey I don't know who build this door it's just been randomly sitting here for ages and whoa what's for it hit the target and who's that standing next to hit the target why is this place don't panic stumpy here between worlds I called her to you just like you can't hurt me how can I understand what you're saying dirge you remember the last time I spoke to you in the nether outside of your world you don't get to make all of the rules and are not the only person who could talk I have lured you here so I can deliver you to another world leaving lovely world open to the taking for me and my new friend here who is that you don't recognize him well he is stampy of course but stampy from a different dimension a mirrored version of your world he is agreed to take your place in lovely world as he's a little bit more agreeable than you have been - beaver - and I and you will be trapped in his world you won't get away with it my help is will stand up to you and they realize I'm gone with this don't be there they won't even notice you're gone you can't do this you can't just trap me in some other world I've never been to before it's not it's not fair like fairness has ever been one of your concerns well I hope you enjoy your new home stampede I know I'm certain eager to enjoy yours whoa where do they go they just they just fade it away and disappear - no I'm I'm just stuck here by myself I guess the only place I can go is back through the door I came through it oh I'm back I'm back in my lovely what I've always gonna end up somewhere else and wait a minute is this my lovely world it looks like my lovely well but everything's everything's in the wrong place and look the the signs of bull Brigham backwards and even Mike behind is on the the other side from where it's meant to be let me check out my dogs hopefully my dogs are still in here my dogs are okay then it doesn't matter of things they're all way around it yes the dogs are here but the room is green and wait a minute the these aren't even my daughter these are different dogs these are someone else's dogs oh there's science here the roar in backwards there's up short and green it's so hard reading these slides backwards but I don't know whose dogs these are these are definitely not my dogs I need to find out what's going on here let's go and get my sword out ready just in case hit the target and Viva - are still around here I want to make sure I'm prepared to face anything because this is so confusing what I should do I should go and try and track down my helpers let me go to my helpers houses and let's see if they're still here because we've their help hopefully I'll be able to work out I can get us all back to lovely world or if this is my lovely world and get us sorted and what is this what happened to my love garden stampy's potato garden why is my love garden not full of signs and instead full of potatoes this is so weird and I'm so confused I'm so confused I was trying to hunt beavers cave I read it the wrong way but no it looks like his cave is still here no Gillian capybara is that what that says backwards or even sure so his caves here but no one's inside let me go to Pawnee Rangers house I saw Pawnee Rangers house was still there the colors on it seem to be different from some reason but look apart from that the house is exactly the same so Poli reindeer should still be here Poli hello Polly Peggy reindeer Polly Peggy anyone it's completely empty I mean I guess I could see if busy still here but wait a minute look at look at fizzies tower it used to all be colorful but now it's all like grey instead of all colorful and just everything is so similar but all just ever so slightly different it's just really difficult to go around the place I've spent so long in my lovely world of everything being the way it is and it's so close for slightly if I keep going the wrong way when I'm trying to get everywhere but yeah let's let's go to the top of the tower and even if fizzy isn't here I can kind of look over and see where I can kind of track down if there is anyone else here because even if it's not my helpers anyone else to help me out is gonna be very very helpful so fizzy fizzy elephant are you here hello or there's a sign dizzy dizzy narwhals bed hello dizzy fizzy is anyone here let's go right to the top of my tower then let's have a look out across the the land and see whether everything's the same said the whole town say everything you say nothing's missing it's all just in the wrong place everything is just the the opposite side from where it normally would be and this it's just absolutely bizarre you know what I've got my dear I'm gonna sound to eat and then I'm gonna go down to my bedroom because normally if my helpers joined me it's when I start a video they all just kind of show up so if I can just if I can just find where my bedroom is it's no it's this side it is this side that's who's really confusing you know it's always the same it's always the same sadly no Barnaby there's another dog here and no Esther there's a rubber on the balcony be yeah let me pretend I'm starting a video and see whether any helpers can it come to join me to help me outside start from this corner and let's go hello this is stampy and welcome to another my craft let's play video and another video inside of this weird mirror world where everything is it a different place at all hello there help is it so was it a peggy reindeer Gillian capybara and was a dizzy Narwhal maybe hi guys this is a little bit.you for me I know I'm not your usual stumpy hopefully you can can you tell can they tell the difference between me and normals coming out like understand me like what are the rules of this world there's no cake here there's a melon which I'm I'm gonna eat this melon because if I'm having cake for breakfast there's no point it's not even morning it's not even breakfast anymore but like do they do they realize because hit the target said about my help is not realizing that like I have switched so I don't know but they seem to be following me maybe they they think Medusa video I don't like this I need to get back I'm not saying here I need to get back to my love you out let's try let's try going back through the door and see if it's gonna take me back if I just like walk through it like I did and okay this time I just took me straight to the other side and now might help is it going through nope the guide this isn't a game I'm not this isn't a game I try to play this isn't my war I need to get back home where let's shut the door come from this side maybe or I have no idea it's just not working like when I opened it last time there was all just stars and stuff but now it's not working maybe if I'd like replay sin I think it's just broken I think it's just yeah I'm just gonna break it away like I don't think this is gonna I'm just gonna destroy this thing because it's just not working and I'm just stuck here and I'm swinging my pickaxe from the wrong side I'm normally right-handed but in this mode I'm left-handed I don't know what to do I don't like to do now I don't they were just staring at me I have so much Bridget to do something let's go to let's go to the clock tower which is over on my right where normally will be on my left and all the signs are backwards I think the shop names are different as well let's go to the top of the clock tower and let's just look over the world and just see if there's anything different if there's any like rifts or portals or just anything that is gonna get me back to my lovely world because even though this place is so similar to my lovely world like almost everything in my lovely world is here even if it is all wrong way round at all was that a is that a creep all the supreme I brought there's a creep up there is something else that is the same about this whoa did my lovely world there are googlies absolutely everywhere so yeah like even if it is so no offense Gillian no offense I'm just used to seen a beaver but yeah like even if everything here is is almost the same I couldn't just stay living here like hit the target wants me to like I need to go back to my actual home in my actual dogs and my helpers my friends not just my helpers I I need to find some way to to leave this dementia but I don't know what weed magic hit the target Viva - used to transport me to a nother dimension I mean I can build a nether portal but that's kind of that's kind of about it I saw like all I can do let's let's look around from the clock tower and see if if anything is different I mean it's all hey look that's like my whole time I don't think there's a single building or minigame missing I don't get here please personal space but it's all it's all just wrong isn't it it's all the wrong way around it's it's so difficult to look at it almost always makes me feel a bit sick just seeing everything in the wrong place and I'm sorry help is it's nothing to do with you I'm sure you're all lovely helpers but I can't stay here I got to get back to my lovely world I got to get back to my home but how will I do that actually I set my spawn in my bed last was in my lovely world so surely even if I die in this world I'm always gonna respawn back in my bed I gotta try it I can't stay here this is gonna be my only chance hopefully if I die in this world that I'm gonna respawn back inside of my normal lovely world I can't imagine where a saucepot and yes have I done it yes this is normal this is my lovely world every fix the right way around to get a nest is here and the spider but everything is the way it should be right that means that hit the target and Beaver - are probably around here somewhere and I bet I know where I bet they're either at the dog house or over I hit the targets castle so at least I know where they should be but I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna do a new can you hear that my dogs alright now I heard them barking and Viva - is there and hit the target what do I dunno the ginger cat says well the other star the mirror world version of Stampede Auto Viva - has definitely seen me don't attack don't shoot I got all 10 of my dogs here if you shoot me they are all going to attack you hit the target you don't want to do this and stampy you don't want to do this Mira Stine be look around this is my world this isn't your doesn't it look wrong to you I've been to the mirror world and these are my dogs not your dogs you can't just stay here living here they're villains they'll be trying to steal my dogs for years you don't want to team up with them help me fight them team up with me and together we can take them out and we'll see - he's putting on one I think it's going out to them he's going to attack them I need to help him out anytime let me go get my bow and arrow and let's try and help him out but I can't hear him I don't accidentally hit him I don't know they killed him they killed the other version of scampy I need to get them I need to try hit the target Oh No they're using how many potions I'm still okay and all that was a poison potion though no you get back hit the target right that's it go after them dogs chase them down do not let them escape this time and oh no that was another humming potion I'm weak and weak have already got three hearts where did we with us go she's backed off let's see if I can go and try and take our hit the target but one more arrow it's gonna take me I haven't got proper armor on where did Vivi - go as she ran away hit the target run away as well I'm too weak to chase one more arrow or harming potion would have killed me then I've only got my stampy style boots on let's get all of the dogs and let's go regroup here and check and make sure everyone's okay no no was a creeper in the distance as well that's the last thing I need after all of this is to get blown up by a creeper in this world like I was in there the other walder as well let's go and let's go and take them out there's society to get my hearts up and let's make sure everyone's here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten everyone's here all of my talks are okay we were able to fend off Beiber - and hit the target but the other stampy the other stampy was taking our no hello Polly sorry I know we were going to be building today but yeah things kind of came up at all pelo William beaver as well right what I want to do right now is destroy this door this door was the cause of all of the problems this is what took me to the other dimension if I just go and destroy it I can make sure that never happens again and no matter what I do not end up going back inside of that mirror world but I just feel so so bad for the harvest ampion that she no wait a minute because when I got taken out I arrived back in lovely world so surely if he saw his spawn in the mirror world even though he died here he's just gonna be back home and he's gonna be with his strange helpers and his dog so he's back in his world and I'm here in my lovely one I think everything has ended the way it should be and they xscape together but that's not the worst in the world as long as we're okay and hello fizzy sorry and you kind of you kind of missed off the party a little bit for yeah I went on a journey but I'm back in my lovely world and everything is how it should be but sadly that is gonna be the end of this video here thanks for watching and I'll see you later bye I
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 3,622,168
Rating: 4.9211197 out of 5
Keywords: Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Stampy Cat, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, No Swearing, Family Friendly, Minecraft, Xbox, Xbox One, Console, Edition, Version, Part 658, Episode 658, Hit The Target, Mirror World, Veeva Dash, Special, Lovely World
Id: _Tnejd2RljQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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