Minecraft Dolphin discovers a SECRET underwater BASE! (Hide or Hunt #2)

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in this minecraft video a dolphin helps us track and hunt down players yes you heard me correctly a freaking dolphin but later the dolphin leaves us is something a lot more rare that we did not expect to find this is minecraft hide or han if you want to keep up to date with each episode make sure to follow the playlist I made in the description and if you enjoy the content don't forget to Like and subscribe I'm trying to reach 700,000 subscribers by the end of summer hello my kids welcome back to hider on season 12 episode 2 I don't know hello my nuggets are you guys happy now you can stop putting those comments in the description we have made the world's best space if you want to go see that make sure you go see our first episodes which came out the other day it's an amazing base as you can see welcome back to hider on if you enjoy this make sure to hit that like button on both of our channels we are now going to attempt to try to get over a base right so while we were waiting for the apps of the star we thought of a genius way to get out and that's mine fault place yep ready three two one go block up and but don't be crouching as much as long as possible okay we're out oh my god oh my god oh my god we're out we're out we're live this is how you get a heart attack right straight away let's start investigating our neighbors potentially either Timothy because Timothy was spotted here and run the by the place and we saw yellow working his way around here didn't we he went yeah he went down look at this this is oh my god I think it's somewhere in here yeah I just actually I just saw that as well I think maybe they try to oh look a shipwreck I'm assuming all this got found would you say ah there we go uh probably you might want to check it I don't really want to go down here and die so like with all wait was this what yellow was swimming up and down from oh maybe yo space isn't it that makes that makes me feel a little bit more comfortable know knowing that yeah look yeah look there's loads of chests know everything around here and you'd always have to keep going back up for air and all that oh yeah it's very possible yeah okay yeah all these are being lured and yellow was going up and down like why would you be obviously going so obviously on Epson one dolphins can like oh my god they give you speed boost yeah I really don't know too much about the new versions alright so let's go back on land and so we're confident maybe that yellow oh my God look how fast I am zoom but yeah okay so right if it's not right here do you want to try to check and just make sure he's not living over there in that area where we saw him SS are another yeah yeah that's fine let's just follow our lead I just heard a creep race mode or explosion so someone's under the mine probably they're probably down under going for the the diamonds but we managed to get them in time because I do think SSR saw the diamonds that you blocked up just before you died yeah oh we should probably try getting enchantment table made I am oh I listen so let's just begin the search cuz like we always start out like you know running around like headless chickens that we just don't search we're going like let's do typical searching the trees a few moments later teams by me teams behind me since I need ah you were duck where are you come on run it back to where you found me go back to where you found me please I killed him I'm here I'm here man yeah I see doctor see duck yeah I killed him too he smacked me wait this is a stalker and Thomas off I was just saying hi to him he's very killing it oh they actually already attacked you yeah [Music] get started um hit me can you hit me no yeah I don't you cannot as a teaming on ah keep going keep going to you on go go stay on stay on him now yeah cuz dogs gonna be following close behind need a hit come here body come here this is so awkward there's a dolphin this dolphin I'm gonna go to the dolphin and hopefully get speed boost like that please come to me that's it that's it come on Dauphin let's go I'll get you some fish don't you worry what are we going to tell this episode's feeding the dolphins swimming with the dolphins dolphins EVP hunting with the dolphins that's we hey come here again I'm gonna give you I'm trying to give us a fish hey buddy I love you hey you deserve take the fish nom look there we go you gonna make me drown you don't want the fish but he had it he had it he took it oh no he does he actually eats some honor man oh wait when you give them fish I think they take you to places oh he's gone off that direction it's gonna follow him what is it boy what's that Raven fell down a well and has a secret base down there we have to take it out hello back speedboost right where we going let's go over this way let's see what's over inside them out because we've explored that side let's hope no one finds our base okay so we'll go back over when we see if you search the trees I think that was definitely the mines because look there's so many mines right here yeah I know yeah I thought like I was like come on maybe someone might be you know living in a tree do I have any bones no I see so many dogs and I want them is our base be found the dogs here so what you want to search you want to search the ravine and do you think like definitely that or like the base the area like he kept going down a lot now he could've just been got yeah Thomas is here yeah and so is doc we could we can single them out doctor yeah I'm on the roof I'd rather kill Tamas right now to see where he goes I think would be a more interesting one do I have a dolphin okay they're definitely living somewhere around here because like he's here he's naked he's got no game okay right I'll let them I'll give them mercy so slide we were up obviously in the vase we saw yellow we'll go up and down and but their base might not be here but they definitely they definitely lived around this area because like generally because they never left we always sword him SSR was in the mine he was mining close and we saw yellow were running around and I just can't see that they made their base yellow must have made the base SSR must be the miner oh look at this block over here dude look this liquid air block oh that's a sign watch your head watch your breath watch your breath we're not getting jumped or anything cuz I talks to came out of nowhere it's just like a sign of someone said okay right we'll place it oh my god yeah it is it's gotta be it's gotta be yeah that you might be get some more air I'm sorry it's all right but is that like a block a sign like oh yeah it's five from such-and-such a block that's probably that kind of sign cuz I just don't go down you know I think I'm like did you just hit stone yeah okay yeah so that's even natural or someone did definitely place it but then again there was dirt underneath it not gravel so maybe it is natural let's check out the ravine I guess it's a cool spot oh my god look over here look at like how kind of dark so many reads so many places that you can hide Oh dolphin oh we can use the Dolphins to get down below really quick often come here there's multiple dolphins around there oh we're friends yes I'm friends I'm done oh we got bubbles I'm telling you someone made a base here at least cuz you can breathe infinitely well yeah someone like someone would come down they can mine a block right here and get yeah yeah I was looking at that as well the war just kind of stops your dog came down that's so cool oh yeah you and I might stay alive no we're sorry that your Papa died Papa I'm so sorry there's definitely he didn't die in vain there's definitely a base down here I'm telling you be careful don't get sucked in okay where would you make it though I like I said I like oh my god if not next season we should do a base of this like look you can like someone could ease on oh wait something can wait why am I getting air bubbles you have to keep moving to get air bubbles hmm what'd you find oh my god you find something yeah I just found a base it's an Amber base because I don't think I don't oh my god come down to Raveena come under come under the dolphin did not bind yeah yeah you've got to come under the ravine it's risky I know the dolphin did not die in vain this is definitely not my base unless someone is super fancy and is able to do this this is definitely a tomato is it being found oh there's a ladder to it right Oh a baker is it be found that hasn't been found Boco Golden Apple obsidian I've got loads of salmon as well here that we can feed our dolphin friends 29 spare pickaxe I really need to sort my ferry it's so messy the diamonds on the floor I did not actually notice the oars on the floor well done can we just be careful that we don't get jumped because like I think 1.13 PvP is all about whoever gets those first hit off whoa it's very diamond sword do you want do we take the paper I'll take it where was this was it in there babe Oh smart I wouldn't have found this it was this you sticking out an arene thank you very much dolphin you're early actually you were actually the best oh okay so we know that yellow is here somewhere we just don't know where exactly we kept seeing her go up and down but chances are we think that that was probably because he was obviously retrieving the stuff down below there's lots of chests I'm assuming down there and stuff what do you think I don't know honestly like there's just so many spots he gonna hide so I think we just start searching we're gonna need a really good efficiency pickaxe Oh to search under the war but we found an admin base I wouldn't mind trying to put that spare a dime in the self and I get the bed crafted and all that kind of stuff bobble has been killed by yellow wool so yellow wool isn't here so he's definitely ran off somewhere else and we haven't seen Bob lor games so Satan is safe to assume that bobble is halfway across the map which means yellow probably is to Ryan look out here comes your hockey in pals map where you at I'm coming come back to the base area if you want there you are I see you okay are they on you like on the right shield yeah we don't but we got access those are they had diamond swords as well wait we could try fish out some enchanted books we're just fishing what the hell are we doing isn't it insanely rare to even be able to fish out something I'll go for if you want maybe the curse avenging gives better luck but I have no refrigerant just luck let's get this I want to go see where they went look these wicked outfits play with a block is so cool oh my god Brian yeah would you just get prot sit now kidding oh you bugger come on I got wrong card let's go let's go we can't we're hanging around here too often as well we need to stick it in our chests and then we need to go like there right there on top of our base wait what they're on top okay right I'm going over here come on follow me follow me oh don't worry Ron you could follow me buddy wait yeah like I had a nun lining the top of the base no they were just watching us and uh yeah they're just crouching they don't think you see on top of our base let me just disguised okay 30 seconds remaining we've ran off dude oh my god if Darrin if they break one silly brought block like one block we're talking about one wrong stares that's it our base is revealed it's game over hey um do you think assault I don't see it exposed they could have found it I'm not sure toxic and plant on other there they are Joe Hockey Day let's not look sad oh okay right this episodes ending they see us they have diamond swords so we need to think about an attack plan and on how we're gonna kill him if they come for us any ideas any loud anywhere that we know of yeah right here right here actually I'm on the coat inside yeah okay right anyway this episode is over we found an admin base we killed someone we killed something of a dolphin like it was pretty sick we've done a lot of searching we've done some detective work we know that yellow is definitely by juror hockey is about to be after so episode three and could be a life or death moment I believe because I believe they're coming they're looking they're looking right at us anyway guys I will see you guys in the next one I'll see you then [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 403,687
Rating: 4.9507465 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft Dolphin discovers a SECRET underwater BASE, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft video, secret base, secret minecraft base, minecraft base
Id: _mEiXHzjpps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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