Minecraft but Your Shadow Grows...

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this Minecraft shadow might seem normal but today it's actually a live and capable of growing into bigger than a desert temple going it won't be so easy though so let's see how big we can get it okay right now no Shadow at all and our first step is to steal the Shadow from this cowl right here all right this is how we're gonna do it first we're gonna get a lot of wheat thank you very much next up we're gonna get a lot of wood now for the main step that cow Shadow right there it's gonna be mine so first we're gonna make a little hole right here that's required for the shadow stealing then we're gonna get the cow to come and follow us right that's why Mr Cow let me push you in there we go now that the cow's in all we gotta do we just gotta make sure it's an enclosed area and then grab the Shadow with the shears real quick oh and we got a shadow guys the cow has no Shadow now I am so sorry buddy but it's for a good cause all right you're free to go but with that being done now we have a cow Shadow which we'll be adding to our own non-existent shadow watch this right click oh we got a shadow now okay that's two percent guys now we gotta steal more shadows in the village oh maybe the first one can be there oh wait it's a prisoner in there I think okay I'm gonna guess those aren't going to hostile we just gotta find a way in and the front door probably is a viable okay no no no no no no chill chill my shadow was not giving me away okay he's right there oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm gonna do this real quick I did this in the past and I think it might work again what we're gonna do is we're gonna just do one of these make a few trap doors there we go get that ready this might be my chance oh go ahead and do this right there put a trapdoor right here there we go then I'm gonna break this and let's go inside oh my gosh wait my Shadow's vertical now what okay okay let me close that I don't think you noticed me all right hello I'm gonna go in and steal your Shadow don't mind me let me just right click that and we got a shadow okay I'm gonna go and seal the bed too in case we gotta fight the dragon later and as we're getting out since we're pretty much a prisoner here fun fact buddy you could have gone out this whole time all right let me get this ready and out we go have a great day oh my gosh okay we're gonna get out of here now and this is gonna be Shadow number one okay that's one out of ten and now we gotta get nine more where I'm gonna guess there's other stuff to do in this Village okay what do we got next uh looks like a lot of a bell stuff is there any other things with shadows oh wait what the heck okay we got some shadowy cats can I just take the Shadows of the cats oh we can oh okay thank you for the Shadows all right that's gonna be one cat Shadow let's get another cat Shadow there we go let me grab this one there we go and that's gonna make a total of five Shadows already added all right job all done all right before we continue let me go in here real quick steel oh my gosh Diamond thank you some gold nice all right anyway 49 pickaxe not bad all right and now oh maybe that Golem has a shadow okay can I just steal your shuttle from behind hopefully it doesn't aggro him oh wait what stronger tool needed new craft unlocked oh that makes sense okay new Craft on the screen where we gotta get four iron he gets is there some iron he gets near no but Brad thank you very much on the bright side we already have an iron pickaxe so let me find a cave real quick oh I think we got a cave we gotta grab the essentials and now all we gotta do is one sheer foreign ingots and now we get reinforciers better than last now with these can I describe your Shadow oh and that's gonna be another one done okay six out of ten now we still need some more okay what else did I steal Shadows from oh my gosh wait guys I just realized how big her Shadow's getting holy alright next spot it looks like this villager right here might be the key he has a shadow hello all right what do you want find the pigs bring them back to the former oh okay where the heck did his picks go maybe then I can get it oh well there they are all right don't mind me let me grab some wheat thank you very much pigs get over here oh wait no they don't think we I'm an idiot wrong thing okay sorry sorry don't call me a noob okay pigs come straight this way there we go take the carrots come come over here all right let's get every Pig we can and it looks like more all around so that shouldn't be too hard all right you guys coming straight this way follow the shadow doesn't look like they have shadows so we can't see any Shadows from them but slowly but surely we're gonna bring all them in one second let me get the rest and that should be all of them all right that's farmer are we good oh there we go thanks kid take my shadow oh and I can take a shadow now all right so real quick I'm just gonna steal this I guess there we go and now we have a villager Shadow oh my gosh I can't even see it in my inventory holy all right right click that shadow and that's seven out of ten all right let's continue making it bigger with some more people that we can steal Shadows from like that kid right there Ashley um hello big villagers we got they're angry oh our ball is stuck oh get the ball in the tree why is that possible okay all right one second let me go up real quick don't mind me and now let me just go ahead and grab that ball oh well how did that ball go from so big to so small uh you know I'm not even gonna question it let's just go in and grab this and make it so we can get the shadow from them all right there's the ball guys oh and I can take their Shadows now all right don't mind me let me grab your Shadow and your Shadow and that's too done all right now to the ten and now one more to go I did see a bakery over here oh and there's a person out there and that might be the last Shadow we gotta get all right well what do you need deliver this bread oh okay that's straightforward oh it's having fresh bread very easy you get your bread you get your bread you right there through your bread this guy gets spread another one there and finally last bread guy I think that's all them right yeah I think that's all of them all right I think we're good man thank you take my shadow and so now without further Ado this should be number nine and now are we gonna get bigger with this thing all right let's see me hungry feed my my shadow wait is it talking to me wait did it get bigger oh my gosh he's alive now hello oh oh feed the shadow I smell an outpost okay if he smells an outpost where would one be oh that might be it right there oh and I'm supposed to sneak in don't get caught all right don't mind me I'm just gonna go this way real quick and let's head all the way to the top okay what's in here oh crossbow might need that oh and now I think that might be what he's hungry for literally a bunch of cheap around one ravager okay how do I sneak into that I think I'm gonna have to go around let me real quick make an iron sword you gotta defend my shadow buddy and do I have any arrows no okay go from roof to roof here we go no one sees me I don't think ass we're getting into the pen is there a door ooh there is but not the best way to go inside okay number two best way we are gonna make a secret tunnel okay how's it going cheap and Rin okay let me go ahead and do I just talk to this guy he doesn't have a shadow oh tame him try some meat oh gosh okay hopefully this isn't making too much noise sorry about this gotta get some meat oh wait the shadow Swings with me oh yo that's sick it's like double damage from that we got to pretty much 16 rotten that might be enough oh I just need one team tried to get shadow um he doesn't have a shadow yet oh gosh wait no I've been caught okay okay bad news let's get these guys out of here okay that's all them down and now let me ride you away go go go go go oh yes he breaks oh my gosh oh my gosh okay Shadow we gotta ride out oh anywhere else yes okay now we gotta take a shadow somehow all right let me find a good spot for him okay let's get up real quick and this should be a good spot oh he needs to be bigger build a magnifying glass oh okay I have an idea then all right so since Buddy's so big I don't think he's really gonna move but let's get him in one tight spot real quick and because the sun is right above us guys we're about to do something great it said magnifying glass and the only way I know how to make a magnifying glass is with glass so first we need some sand luck with some Sands right here so don't mind me let me grab as much as I can and I think what they want me to do is do two layers of glass oh it's open meeting two look at this guy let's cook this let me grab that and now for the magic to happen so what we gotta do is first let's do a couple layers up get some glass over here oh no already messed it up oh gosh oh gosh okay okay so what we're gonna try to do is two layers of this hopefully we have enough glass but I think once we have the thing directly above them it should work where he gets a shadow maybe and I just realized I'm all out of glass one sec all right now we should be good okay let me quick do this okay and now this shouldn't work wait anger shadow fight him oh my God oh my gosh okay okay buddy buddy this is why you're in there okay good thing we launched him in what are these rejacks he has what the heck why is the shadow angry at me all right you know what we're gonna do this old-fashioned way I might regret this but we're letting you out you let me get in there oh gosh oh gosh okay one more hit and oh let me steal the show yes we got it okay I think that was only angry part of him oh oh oh oh he's crying I'm so sorry about this let me go to grab that and end the flyer you sent down and let him go I guess oh oh have a great day buddy goodbye well we got another saddle let's right click that and now it got even bigger yo all right that's only ten percent now we gotta get it bigger and maybe this Flyer's the answer race a day come one and all oh that might be where he was heading actually oh I think we found it guys okay so it was this dirt thing whatever this thing is we have an event host all right what's up man Train Your Shadow head to the shadow realm uh-huh I'm guessing that's the shadow roll all right love me I guess get right to the shadow oh whoa this is a shadow realm oh all things dark okay so what do we do here is this where I train oh step one make a Shadow Shake oh okay on the screen right now that's a shadow shake and how the heck do I get that stuff oh chess oh maybe I just steal it I guess I'm not stealing Shadows from here but instead literally getting potion stuff let's check it here oh some sugar there we go all right so all we need now is literally just another work come on another War oh and we got it okay now with this let's go ahead and make the shadow Shake thing we gotta make a little bit of that a little bit of that one glass bottle and a shadow protein shake all right let's take that I guess and what happens now oh wait we got strength four yo all right we got stronger oh and now step two head to the gym oh could it be this thing there's a bow okay let me grab this oh wait are these things I gotta shoot let me try so many of these things that's one oh we're actually pretty good at this oh he's shooting with me all right let's go Shadow show all of them that's the third one and is that all of them oh wait what stuff do we beat up the buff guy huh that's a Giant Shadow okay okay let me use the bow oh wait we already got him oh what's a strength for okay and I think that's the training you're done let's go inside I guess and now we're good uh when we got a new ability Shadow Dash for the race all right Mr revenos um I think I'm ready oh we'll line up get ready to race oh wait where do these guys come from oh okay I got the dash ready here we go guys oh go go go go okay how do I use this thing oh oh what the heck oh that's sick it like super boosts me oh gosh I'm gonna destroy the competition the training's gonna pay off oh look at these guys they're so late oh my gosh what your rights catching up okay okay we gotta go we gotta go who do I'm on patrol okay I can catch up oh okay we're back on God the horse is so slow oh my gosh you guys are awesome look I could beat them and just go like boom I'm gonna beat this thing in record time let's go competition's actually catching up oh wait no no no no no hold up no Herobrine let me record Dash over there oh gosh and now it's gonna come down to parkour we got it okay first try I literally can't fall I don't have a water bucket oh my gosh wait wait wait wait oh yes everyone now we gotta head back to the host how do I get down exactly all right new plan guys make a hay Bell there we go and now we do the good old 360s straight down not bad all right now we talked to this guy do I get your Shadow on surprise oh congratulations a shadow trophy all right I guess we can add that to my shadow itself let's right click that and oh my gosh wait what's going on wait did that change my shadow did we get bigger oh we both got bigger oh nice oh in Picture Time Craft unlocked Oh wait we're straight up making camera guys on the screen okay so we need to Glass some Redstone and some iron so all we need is a redstone all right since I'm a little bit bigger this might be a little bit harder than usual but what we gotta do is find a big enough k for us oh my gosh what is this cave this cave definitely fits us and we got the Redstone so don't mind me let me just grab a little bit of that and now we can go ahead and make what we need to do which is pretty much this this and this and then one Redstone and now we have a camera in Minecraft oh my gosh wait did we take a picture oh make it bigger I'm make it bigger oh lightning rods oh that's a little bit convenient we got the copper right here now we gotta power this thing okay get a bunch of these get the lightning rods in okay do we take a picture now oh wait no wait pick it up what do we do with this thing photographer needed to go to the Village oh are you told me to do that all right let's go up wait what is this what did they hear huh um why is the entire Village here okay Mr Mayor hello remove this eyesore oh okay first we gotta remove this then we can do that give me one sec all right don't mind me making Diamond show for no reason let's get one flip real quick now let's make a flint steel and this will do all right here we go all right material button I am pretty much just gonna burn this thing and then anything that's concrete we'll go ahead and break so give me one's out guys so this whole thing's about to go down everything is gone now okay um Mr Mayor are you happy oh make the background pretty wait okay so I gotta build something now what am I supposed to build oh my gosh wait are these the colors of the accessorial skin oh guys I really don't know what to build except maybe a word I'm very good at building pixel art sometimes so you know what that's what we're gonna do and he said build anything I just gotta make it pretty so what if we just make it a high yeah comment down below hi if you made this more on the video it sounds like good enough Mr Mayor oh who's the villagers oh okay that that might work all right so how do I post that do I describe the villagers oh all right first up let's grab all the villagers and then we can picture which I think is gonna make them into a shadow I think and then we might do something with that all right that should be all of them okay I'll be right in front of you let me get you guys set up it's gonna be like a high school picture there we go and they're all set up okay now for the camera I think this right here might be a good spot oh it's in perfect position and now for the picture guys all right everyone pose here we go Shadow press the button oh and whoa did it just become a shadow floating do I share this oh and now we get the village Shadow okay if the camera works I guess all right I think the mayor just walked away well on the bright side Mr Shadow let's get that and now cover the sun maybe something that floats wait what oh what the heck is that thing okay how do I cover the sun oh that might be it hold on Shadow we're gonna go over there we need more power right now we're only at 25 of our actual power oh steal the blunt fix it up first oh wait I gotta steal this thing okay blimp Builder I am just gonna go to the back here don't mind me ignore the big old Shadow and how do I grab this thing can I go inside oh power the blunt can I power the blunt oh we need jet engine wait how do I get jet engine oh wait that might be how why are there villagers with jet packs hold on just need to borrow you real quick okay let me real quick go up here that's one jet engine and oh there's another one right there all right number two Let me put them in and now fuel the blimp uh with gold or something oh a stack of cool okay we only have black concrete right now so I think it might be time to go back in the cave oh cool yes okay now let's find all this now we put the colon oh this should be good okay how is he not hearing this oh no we got the blimp wait can I fly it oh we can rise yo we're in a blimp oh this is sick oh wait what the heck is that thing oh okay we have a fight to do all right put it once you're blimp oh gosh we can fire okay let's fire some cannons come on oh gosh wait he's going straight up oh gosh okay there's a straight up one fight this is sick what the heck okay let's take him down and then we gotta go over to the sun couple hits oh my gosh wait we're kind of destroying this guy oh I'm I'm a natural at the blimp gonna be the shadow helper be wait where'd it go Mr blood oh wait did he fall down and die oh what's that all right now only one thing left and that's to go into the sun with this thing oh gosh all right I'm gonna just take it to the Sun and then we're gonna get out and have a hippo for a reason all right here goes nothing oh okay pork out the sun let me put use the blimp right there okay this should be a good spot and now I guess we just fall oh my gosh what hurts holy oh wait did it just become nighttime because of that oh that works oh wait where the sun go did it leave a shadow oh wait it did oh it's so tiny look at his face like a little baby Shadow all right let me grab that saddle then all right and now we got a potion of Shadow all right let's drink up and oh gosh what's happening now oh here it comes again oh oh my he's evolved this is sick oh what the heck wait the sun is angry prepare for an attack oh no oh no okay we gotta prepare an army apparently okay let's make an army then and first up why not this guy okay so I can make the villagers into Shadow villagers what about the cows and stuff oh Shadow cows can I do cheap no I can't do the Sheep oh okay all right I guess we could get cows and villagers all right there's a plan then all you towels that go earlier you guys are gonna join the team don't mind me all of you get over here all right that's gonna be 15 16 halfway done or we can get pigs I I think oh wait they go down here oh my gosh they're so muddy it's like invisible pigs all right get in here all of you villagers join the team and now we have 34 out of the 32. the Army is here look up wait what do you mean Cup oh no um are you guys ready to fight oh this is bad this is about this bad okay okay I think each one is gonna be Soldier isn't it okay I have my shuttle guy and My Shadow Army oh we're fighting okay let's fight these guys real quick then some followers and it's straight up to zombies from the Sun okay that shouldn't be too hard oh gosh okay okay okay army guys just despite them all did we take them down already oh wait no okay they're almost all dead what a couple more honestly the easiest fire of our life my goodness I think that might be it oh Here Comes the Sun God wait what do you mean Here Comes the Sun God oh no what is that gonna be okay take that guy out oh we're fighting the Sun God himself all right don't worry we got this oh my gosh wait it's literally the sun okay okay never mind we don't got this we got that's okay okay okay where's my Army come on are we get him oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh let me sack up real quick eat some fresh bread and oh my gosh wait are they attacking the Sun God yes they're getting them get him soldiers I'm just gonna stand up here and uh we're on for you guys some emotional support right here oh my gosh you're doing a great job go on the cows the villagers that's just whole one big old cat and we now have a potion of Shadow all right great job team and so now with the potion of Shadow let's I guess upgrade our guy one more time and oh gosh okay what's going on now um the darkness is taking over again oh and the sun's no more oh my buddy got big old arms nice now to build a portal all right what's up though I mean we can go get some obsidian I guess all right first thing we need is some good old diamonds actually three right here in total that is perfect thank you very much and now with the diamonds all we gotta do is make one good old diamond pickaxe there we go and now for the fun part good hope they didn't watch this yep that quick all right now for the rest of it okay 10 obsidian and uh wait is this gonna be enough oh it is okay I think I just got a fire in my portal now then is this gonna work okay that won't work oh wait maybe we've gotta light it first all at once like let me real quick give me some Flint please oh what yes there we go one hour one flint and now let's see what we can do with this oh wait it's glowing out oh wait I think we have not a portal now okay let me go in oh what the heck unlock with the key wait unlock what I'm back to the shadow realm now oh the shadow realm what's that castle oh that place all right what exactly is this right here is this water um oh wait it's just blocks can't be too careful in the shadow realm I guess don't worry I got my buddy right here and he's got big muscles all right um okay I'm not gonna steal anything from the shadow realm let's just get to that castle oh and there's a shadow guard hello Mr Shadow guard I am here to do who knows what but I'm here question one what is the strongest material for tools Oh wait we're straight up doing this survey okay um another one yeah wait wait wait tools and armor yes another right question two where do Iron Golems spawn and not Woodland Mansions not another maybe only Villages I think all right looks like we're doing good question three where can you find pandas Tigers that's the highest ball tiger that's the wrong answer or is that how you spell Tigers oh my gosh let me know in the comments down below my brain is not thinking here bamboo forests or jungles oh wait which one is it the jungle or the movie before it's bamboo forest I think and all right have this and now we get a key fragment oh maybe we'll get all the pieces when we go up all right well let's see what we have up here a little bit of a parkour but it's all good is there like a key thing up here oh there is okay where's the other key part then oh wait that might be what we need to find Mystery House anyone in here or am I just gonna go in oh all right that was easy that's gonna be key fragment number two and now for number three oh wait what the heck a village Trader is it near let me sneak in when he's asleep do I wake him up oh whoa Shadow guard oh wait shreddy Shadow Wii for key fragment oh wait hold on could I identically just get this hey Bill get the weed out throw it down and then do this oh that works and now we have settle wheat that looks sick all right uh Mr Shadow guard let's do some trading let me break you out of bed real quick there we go get the final key fragment and now with these three let's actually see if this is gonna work oh let me in real quick I think it's just all three key fragments and then we get a key a whole okay okay now we can go and see whatever's inside that castle all right here goes nothing do I just put the key in oh it worked it works oh gosh okay okay okay straight up finding this out of God guy honestly I have a better idea right now oh gosh okay please please please please chill out we'll chill out real quick we're gonna do one of these and no I ran out another War oh gosh we actually gotta find him okay okay Mr Shadow God I am so sorry about this oh gosh oh gosh I'm just gonna go in for the hits and wait he's legit that's not hate me oh wow this is way too that I thought and down it goes that was kind of cool all right so we get two things from him a shadow sword and a potion of shadow shadow sword how does this work oh it throws Shadow that's cool and now finally the potion of Shadow which might be the last one let's go and sit down with Throne I guess and see what happens right about now drink up oh and again the Shadow's taking over oh wait did we grow even bigger okay buddy you can barely fit into the room oh now that we pretty much killed the shadow of God or whatever and like that's the ridiculous place what do we have in a year some other schools oh gosh okay let me grab the Wither skulls maybe we need them for later and oh we might be going to the final battle guys well without further Ado guys we are enough wired but we got our full lunch shadow that might be good enough here we go and oh get inside the dragon wait what do you mean get inside the dragon how do I get inside the dragon do we let him hit us oh wait what oh I think it ate us kill the souls oh it's like little dragon guys hello all right I guess I'll shoot in some Shadow stuff and this might be extremely easy why is his heart so small oh my goodness buddy all right got a couple more down there we go get that XP okay so now I think I just gotta use a shadow attack on this thing all right Dragon time to corrupt you with the shadow this is the Shadow King and now let's get it oh and now it's corrupted what happens now get gas ball over here hold on I'm gonna get probably mean for making this but oh that worked oh yes oh wait it just don't burn me out oh and now I think you can kill the dragon all right let's finish the Sun real quick shoot a few things right there and oh my gosh we killed it in record time what the heck was that congratulations challenge complete so with that being done guys that's gonna be Minecraft but your Shadow grows and we beat him to settle King let's go all right hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one in this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,557,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but Your Shadow Grows..., minecraft shadow, minecraft evil, minecraft big, minecraft giant, minecraft big shadow, minecraft shade, minecraft shadows
Id: PuWDLhFcmjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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