Minecraft, But You Get Sadder...

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today I'll be using my sadness to beat Minecraft from starting with a friendly problem to creating a water park with my tears to even becoming an entire sad rain cloud my goal is to become as sad as possible but being super sad doesn't mean I can do a lot of good so do I end up becoming happy and how do I even increase my sadness stay tuned to find out alright so right now we're zero percent sad and that means we have a smile smile in our goal today to get more sadder we're the first thing we gotta do is apparently take on the angry Iron Golem doesn't seem very happy how's it going man meet Matt and what iron pickaxe oh he literally just wants an iron pickaxe sure why not I'm in a pretty good mood let's get this minute iron pickaxe and grab the Iron Golem and iron pickaxe maybe your house has materials I mean it does why not let's get mining foreign got just what you needed let's give you the iron pickaxe and so do I get saddle from this fake oh no no thank you just thank oh wait where's he going now hello uh that's my house right there did you just bring it to my house oh and so with that being done I literally no longer have a home am I supposed to be sad do I talk to you you break house I break house I'd even break a house and so from him we get pure sadness and so not just right click it oh sadness in grease oh no we got Saturn now okay so this is 10 sad and now to get even sadder because that's our goal we got the message saying it sounds like some construction has started in the village hey gonna guess that's what that is right there so without further Ado what exactly do I talk to you maybe about the Builder all right well let's get over there all right Mom how's it going you want a job you can help us build some houses there are three villagers who need new houses take these and go build a house for the blacksmith come talk to me again when you're done building and now we have a hard hat which uh can we put on the order it's not really letting me put on the hard hat so I don't know what to do with this but we also got a hammer alright so he said talk to the blacksmith Mr blacksmith what do we got to do are you the one building my house I guess I am it's a pretty small house for a blacksmith player I'll go with it great all I ask is for something just a little bigger build the blacksmith a slightly larger house okay so if we gotta build this from scratch let me get some stuff real quick all right let's break down this tree real quick thank you very much that's gonna be all the whatever you need real quick boom boom boom got all the stone I need and that should be good enough now and so yet again guys I'm not a very good Builder but real quick watch this and there we go okay it's not the best looking house guys but I mean it should be good enough all right Bob is good it is bigger like they wanted but it doesn't look very nice oh I I tried my best try to build another one for the mama villager this time hopefully that one will be better okay so if my building isn't that good now we gotta talk to the mama villager and maybe it's a little bit different this time uh hello Mama villager how's it going hi there I need a very large house for being my 10 kids they each need a bedroom can you do that all right I don't know if I can do 11 bedrooms but I do have an idea though what if we use the hammer and just steal a house all right let's grab this house and oh that worked yes okay so now we have a full-on villager house and instead of building a house let's go ahead and just tactically move the house right here all right there we go oh maybe in the wrong spot but I mean she wants a lot of bedrooms so okay let me take this house too real quick all right there we go don't mind me just gonna borrow this house right here all right one more house let's put it down right there and that should be good for 11 people right is that good enough man this one doesn't even have bedrooms what an awful house what one last chance try to build another house this one is for the mayor so make it good oh gosh okay it's not going good not not a good day so far guys all right so I'm gonna guess it's over here all right mayor what do you need you better do well on my new mansion oh gosh if it's bad you'll pay the price all right now we gotta build a gigantic Mansion you guys already know where this is going if he wants a mansion he can have a Mansion Just Another Day In the Minecraft boat world and I wonder if I can even take this house this is a big one can I take it oh yep I can even take the house okay that should be good three houses and so here's the plan guys what if we just build them right on top of each other and that should be a mansion right I'm gonna place it right here hey maybe not what I expected but enjoy your new house all right let's talk to Bob the Builder and I'm not sure what we get paid in but maybe we get paid in sadness uh Bob is that good enough why did I even try it this is horrible but you should be ashamed Golem this man is Intruder destroyed our village get rid of them wait what oh oh hello um oh oh no what is this oh okay we didn't die but are we in the dumpster now congratulations your business from town and so with that being done we get some more pure sadness and I guess let's go to consume that sadness in Greece oh no we're tearing up all right what am I supposed to do here now someone is laughing at you nearby hello anyone around here that's kind of like the dumps they literally just got fired oh wait there's a witch over there all right nope Screw The Village we don't want to be the village anymore I'm just gonna go to this watch Person all right watch what's up hello fellow all cats I'm making a new potion could you help gather some supplies I need three pigs five cows and ten chickens what's up a potion is this okay wait can I just like grab a bag oh I can grab a pig and so we just bring it back to the woods all right I'm gonna grab you let me grab you and we can even grab the towel all right that's ten chickens and one more cow okay now we should be good let's go ahead and give all the pigs you need there we go bunch of chickens and five cows perfect oh now all I need is the mystical onion surely you've heard of it it's just being in a cave nearby take this knife chop it up and bring it to me and so now we have an onion knife chop some onions oh we have an onion King and we'll have baby onions oh that's adorable are you guys friendly okay they're not friendly onion cake King of the onions I should have made armor I should have made armor okay time to chop up some onions I am so sorry oh stay back stay back again okay okay oh my gosh no no no no no okay it's actually getting really close oh and down goes the onion just like that and from that we get an onion bow which is not your onions oh oh gosh okay in the mystical onion okay wait so do I just chop this thing oh and now we have a chocolate mystical onion I kind of feel bad about that but it's all good you know what let's just bring it back to the Witch and get a little bit sadder all right uh which we got the onion here we go what was alive you went and killed it like it was nothing you monster here's the potion I hope it was worth it I mean you're the one that told me to go down there okay you know what we got some more pure sadness let's take the pure sadness sadness and grease little bit sadder okay and so now that we're a little bit sadder we got the message saying an animal shelter has opened nearby where it looks like we gotta go 300 blocks that way well can't definitely go back to the Village especially after I destroyed it so let's take her sadness elsewhere now oh this might be it right here oh it's a proper animal shelter oh that's safe and some peaceful Golems got a little puppy right there how's it going a shelter owner what's up you want to adopt a dog lovely that'll be a measly 32 iron ingots all day all right so we gotta provide 32 iron ingots and then we can go inside oh and get some dogs yo we got a cute dog and normal dogs okay I'm gonna guess that's the one I guess I definitely need that let me real quick go in the canes honestly mine with this thing is the easiest thing in the world I'm gonna get that iron very quickly a little bit more iron there a little bit more iron there oh I'm so dumb guys okay so I cooked all the iron we needed but one thing I'm realizing is I could have probably just taken out the peaceful Golems you know what we're gonna keep it peaceful though all right Mr uh shelter your goats like oh the iron you need it and it was not gone from any Golems fantastic pick whichever dog you want take these bones they'll be enough to keep it fed for a while holy that's a lot of bones okay so I'm guessing I just pick any dog I want all right so pretty much every dog looks at the exact same except of course the cute dog that has my skin on that's sick all right let's real quick go up to him and do a little right click you you picked me quickly leave me out of here these guys are nuts okay oh it comes right that's why well let's get you out of here all right let's go maybe over here do I give him Bones I don't even know what to do here should be far enough wow I've been trapping there for years Mr think you could do me a solid and build me a house yes I think I actually might know just the place to get you a house wait actually because it's a dog house exactly we could just make something very quickly going to give the dog a name in the comments down below because I am a big fan of how it looks good boy let's real quick make him a nice thing he could probably fit in here I mean it's not much but it does get the job done all right dog is not gonna know it's chappy but it'll do now I'm getting a little peckish could you get me some treats and now we got the new craft for dog treats and to make some we need some sugar and some weed oh wait actually I think there was some in here all right that guy is a real quick don't mind me let me grab some of this sweet and is there any sugar cane in here maybe by the river I think oh there's some right there all right let's grab some of that we gotta get the sugar all right we got all the sugar let's get the wheat and now this should be enough treats holy 32 dog treats train your dog all right cute dog in here don't take some treats and oh wait is he growing bigger huh oh gosh how many tweets do you want oh my gosh he's growing really big all right get the treats yes yes now hop on this sir I need to take you somewhere guys that the dog is literally my size now okay I'm gonna get on you and where are you taking me now oh wait are we going back to the shelter well we're back now time for my revenge wait what do you mean your revenge wait what's he doing hey did you hear the news we just hit a huge milestone together of 5 million subscribers and for a limited time we have 5 million subscriber merchandise including a one-of-a-kind existorial plushie look at me so cute go to that tutorial.shop or click the link in the description to get yours today thank you guys this is awful holy oh all the other dogs were adopted inside me your dog fled the area onto bigger things oh and the dogs are over there what the Herobrine huh it looks like all the dogs made it though hairline hello good Lord what happened I I I I don't know man I I I tried adopting a dog luckily I adopted all the dogs before that sheesh oh well thank you and from him we get of course some pure sadness well we did lose our dog and I really did like that dog all right well enjoy all your new pets let's go walk away and take some pure sadness sadness increase oh no we got a rain cloud no Owen so now that the puppy destroyed the animal shelter quick find of those nearby task for help okay I can't go to the OG Village so we gotta go to another Village which is that way okay let's get these guys some help one sec oh this should be the village okay and so wait who do I talk to here is there anyone I can talk to oh Craftsman oh what's up man hey mister what a shelter blow up blah I don't have time for games kid I've got a water park to build huh wait he's just gonna ignore it well you're here though grab some supplies so we can finish up here's a blueprint for the items we need uh okay what blueprints why holy okay that's a lot of stuff 64 RNA gets 30 Goldie gets 32 Redstone and a stack of oak logs well I got that with logs for you here go so that's one thing down and now we gotta get pretty much all the mining materials you'll ever need you know what just in case he does help us let's go straight down and we're in a cave all right let's get mine in Redstone that's pretty easy actually we only need 32 redstones so that's gonna be 46 got some diamonds too not bad oh we found some gold all right let's grab all this stuff and then go back up okay after a good bit we got everything we should need so here here we go all the gold done and now literally so much hired all right finally the Redstone and I'm gonna guess this makes a water park awesome thanks for the help here we go oh he's doing his thing okay man so what happens now oh gosh head on in and check it out it should be just to the east wait to the east wait what does he mean to the east I didn't see a water park here before oh okay yeah that's new oh my gosh okay this actually sounds pretty fun all right what's up security guard sorry kid you're gonna need an adult before you're allowed in wait wait what I'm I'm literally an adult grab an adult villager so you can get into the water park um okay hey I guess let's go grab a villager uh hello Mr villager can you help me out you need an adult sure but you'll need to make it worthwhile I'll be your caretaker for an emerald oh uh do I have one okay no I don't have an emerald yeah I think I saw one earlier though oh wait there's literally an emerald block I can just grab right here hold on one second let's real quick and make an iron pickaxe and now let's grab an emerald block there we go let's go up to the Villager and here you go perfect pleasure doing business all right straight this way we're gonna go to the water park all right security guard I think we're good all right you can come in now oh sick all right let's go on in oh we get all the way down yo all right so where do we even begin oh wait there's a guy I can talk over there wide operator Bill sorry kid all the rides are down we ran out of water huh it's a water park how do you run out of water hey God your tears there's so many they make a perfect replacement for the water wait what use your tears to fill up the water and I just got a new ability to shoot a stream of water wait can I just do this oh wait we can shoot water now okay wait so where do I shoot the water exactly oh it's places like this wait so can I just do that oh yeah okay we can fill it up water with her tears alright don't mind me let's just fill that up and I'm gonna guess I gotta put all the water here so let's make it float down real quick oh gosh everywhere is missing water let's get all the water we can here it definitely needs water let's put that down right there and I think that should be good unless we're missing anywhere else yeah it looks like the water park has water now all right operator I think we're good what kid you fixed the rides but you're not tall enough to ride this huh yet again another short joke really I I might be short in real life but come on that's unfortunate maybe another ride will let you on okay so I can't ride that thing but there is another ride over here what about you Steve can I please get the ride whoa where are you going candy your too short to ride this really okay again I don't think you can ride any of the rides here huh I I literally cried into all the rides another one banned maybe some shoes will help new craft unlocked platform shoes so on the screen right now these are some shoes that apparently will make me taller but I need some mother is there some other I can grab around here hold up let me grab it real quick okay we got the leather let's go to place that there and that one with two would play things what is this platform shoes gain some height literally looking like dumb boots but maybe they make me higher oh needs Kim a little bit taller [Music] no I'm literally taller than you Mr operator shoes won't help kid they are allowed on the ride really darn that usually works maybe the shoes will work for another ride okay let's try out the last one which is right operator Sam you're not tall enough for anything here little man just go home really and so now we get the pure sadness and I thought that's pretty much it guys we get to ride no ride so this is very disappointing okay let's take the silence sun is in Greece and wait did I just turn blue oh no we're blue Uno oh okay yeah we're getting very sad now and we got the message saying there's a fellow sad person nearby go talk to sad Pablo all right on the bright side I'm doing some good with the power of the sadness let's go up now wait I literally just realized this guy is 2 000 blocks away okay one sec okay I'm gonna guess this might be it Random House on a random mountain and apparently they're sad here huh looks like no one is inside new craft unlocked a friend check the chest nearby this thing oh wait two totems some Soul Sand and wither skulls wait is this supposed to be my friend huh real quick let's place down the Soul Sand and I guess let's just in case have a totem ready right by us and so oh hello wither not a normal weather though because it immediately spawned something isn't quite right your friend is missing tears make him sad wait what what the never have you done oh this is the wrong guy I am so sorry Pablo how's it going man I keep running and found some stranger put up with her in my house if you could help me out and redecorate my ruined home oh uh yeah oh and he gave us some sad chairs I mean sure why not I'm Gonna Leave the weather right there and let's put some Todd chairs oh my gosh the chair is even quiet okay this is my type of home let's real quick put such here there another tattoo there and the sad furniture made the weather sad and maybe talking to it will make it sadder oh wait no he actually got sad I'm so sorry with her all right so what exact am I supposed to do with this guy hello oh whoa what white scram chicken oh did I go inside of it shrunken World a little solder take away your friend's sadness destroy the motion within the Wither oh you'll wait so I shrunk down and I'm gonna guess I gotta go inside of him now there's even rain clouds okay you know what let's just go up and see what the heck is going on right now this is uh definitely a bit of turn of events oh wait so we have a sadness destroyed and then a sadness Boss Bar all right all I got is the onion knife let's go ahead and fight sadness what the heck are these guys holy okay that is terrifying you know it doesn't matter though with an onion knife you can destroy any sadness hold up let me take you down down it goes that sadness and I'm gonna guess this is head number one all right let's go ahead and jump to the next one all right let's here then oh not the saddest guy all right no more signs for the winner let's get this guy down too get this guy down real quick and the onion knife is great oh okay let's fall down and this is gonna be the third head and oh is this one a little bit different nope pretty much the same guy all right let's throw some onions at him and let's take him down again down he goes to the last guy and you destroyed the wood of sadness you're being forced out of it oh and morale oh wait he got Saturn why is he Saturn now does that even makes sense hello that wasn't my sadness those were my friends you killed them leave me alone I I am I am so sorry um and just like that he's gone I'm so sorry on the bright side I think he loves some pure sadness so you gotta get it we can get even sadder and uh Mr Pablo I am gonna leave your house now and uh probably get sadder as an apology gift I'm gonna give you the totem stack that I stole from you there you go okay let's act like that never happened and let's get a little bit more sad sadness and grease oh and I'm a puddled out of Tears oh no so now it says you're super sad only a cave could hide your sadness check out the one nearby it keeps saying nearby but a thousand blocks is not nearby my goodness yet again what the power of editing watch this and we made it okay so this is the cave where the tracker led me so oh what is going on in here oh my gosh the cave collapse behind me when Bedrock apparently okay why is there so many diamonds over there all right what am I supposed to do here we have beinstein uh what's up all right hello stranger do you think you could help me to break this wall I mean it's Bedrock sure we can try how do we do this wait what if Minecraft was that wait is the wall live with the wall it's alive oh my gosh Intruders break me is impossible but you may pass on one one condition grab the flag in time and defeat the Wall of zombies oh of course okay where's the flag your time starts now oh wait it's a parkour oh gosh okay we don't have that much time left okay let's book it let's be careful we gotta fight some zombies after this apparently but honestly that wasn't that bad all right grab the flag very quickly and now we have the wall zombie down there okay let's go all the way down and uh gonna fight this guy with my tears oh again go on tears get a sick of water then with the power of onions let's finish this guy all right double more hits sorry about this buddy well they gotta get past the ball for this guy all right down to get the zombie and so uh what happens now though do I talk to him farewell yeah past my test here's your way forward and now climb over and let me sleep all right thank you Mr role that was kind of cool yes sir let's move forward quickly I'll meet you up there all right let's go all the way up and so I still don't know how this is gonna make me sad all right what do we have here then hmm something seems wrong here this lake is missing its water we need to fill it up well I could probably do that what is this mystery question mark question mark right click to use what is this oh new craft and Lodge the tear Cannon okay on the screen now that's gonna be the tear Cannon where I think we might have everything we need oh except for lapis all right there should be some lapis around here one sec oh literally right there all right Mr wall sorry about this but real quick I'm gonna have to bridge up all right let's get the lapis real quick and now we can go ahead and make what the iron then lapis and Redstone we get a tear Cannon holds a fire alright so how does this thing work do I just like launch oh okay yep that turns a lot of sadness around all right let's flip this place up move over did a little bit but hey I think I got the job done all right mine see is that good yes that looks so much better but those diamonds look even nicer what if we just stole them for you yeah okay I don't know if that was uh in the plans but oh okay now we gotta steal some diamonds okay you know what let me just grab a couple down Block it's all good five damn blocks should be good okay uh but we should have everything behind scene oh wait an earthquake is happening quick hide in the water huh okay let's jump in the water we go oh wait why the screen go black oh there's some scuffling above the water check it out wait what is going on now oh we got Diamond Thieves there's another one Lads he might have diamonds get him I'll I'll okay nope nope that is not good guys okay we uh need to defend the cave even though all the times are gone I literally only take five diamonds what is this it took every single diamond block all right let me check out these guys and then we'll talk to behind scene oh and looks like that might have been all of them how's Weinstein doing all right so what the heck just happened well what happened I got bonked on the head and wait where are all the diamonds did you knock me out and steal them no no no no no that was them and when we're good we got the five down blocks you ought to be ashamed to get out of my sight wait what really Indian again I'm kicked out of a cave and we get some more pure sadness really I actually like bindstein but now we gotta go I guess and uh let's take your pure sadness over here let's roll quick assume that sadness increased and wait what are we now oh we're a sad ring clown no wait can I fly now oh I can fly now okay we got the match saying one of the themes gonna win the fight with all the diamonds quick chase them all right you know what I'm gonna rain tears on my enemies we gotta go straight this way and let's go catch him oh my gosh holy wait what the heck happened to this place the thieves they were running home and it's on fire might be a job for me there's even blazes hold up all right that's called the job for the onion knife let me get that guy real quick all right let's go down and do I talk to you guys Bruce what's up oh and Esther please help us our village is on fire we've lost everything please we'll return your diamonds just save us um okay I can try I could try it fine here's the down payment now help us okay okay goodbye one second grab those diamonds and I suppose it's just like Cry On The Village go on water save everything I guess oh gosh it's not very effective is it this is too slow find a better way to put out the fire um wait how do I do this oh maybe I gotta talk to the fishermen all right Miss fisherman just a sad Cloud coming in what exactly can I do to help oh hello there the fire bye I'll be fine I've got loads of water you want some of me water you'll have to get me a new Rod then mine's all withered and worn out and so now we have new crabs on the screen which is for the upgraded fishing rod all right I can make that very quickly but let me real quick find some string or a fishing rod somewhere maybe one of these houses oh Fisherman's house okay let's see if we have something in here then literally a fishing rod on the wall okay that's gonna be useful and now with the crafting table if we put one fishing rod and one diamond we get a very big upgraded fishing rod and it catches everything all right so do I just give it to this guy Mr fisherman here you go buddy oh thank you here's your bucket okay so what's a bucket we're talking about oh a giant water bucket nice all right well let's go to grab a bunch of water grabs a huge amount and so is this gonna actually help the village do I place it on fire or something oh it works yes okay big water bucket Works let's real quick save the village and oh my gosh okay we're kind of floating at the same time but it's all good it's for the greater good all right quick some water there and get some water there finally some water right here and I think we should be good there we go we saved the village and Bruce is that pretty much it you put out the fires but also flooded or Village you absolute buffoon oh no we'll have to move out of the village now we hid your diamonds on the top of that mountain not like we can take them with us on dirty oh gosh okay we may mess up again oh we can get the diamonds now all right let's go all the way to the top real quick which is all the way up here oh there's diamonds nice oh wait it's literally only two diamonds why is it a smile huh oh Bruce over megaphone you really are buffoon we're never going to give those Diamondbacks so long jump oh and we lost him really so that's gonna be challenge complete and yet again guys some more pure sadness all right another challenge failed guys let's just take the sadness real quick sadness increase oh and we're sad emoji no and now we're sad enough to be in the crying Olympics fly into the clouds to sign up oh all right well I guess let's just fly up and go into the crying Olympics oh and I think we made it is this the crying Olympics oh we're legit in a cloud now you made it to the client Olympics tryouts head upstairs to be reviewed all right we gotta rap in a bunch of little areas what's up man welcome to that Challenger I'm here to test if you're valuable to enter the cry Olympics firstly head on over to the big swimming pool uh which one is the big swimming pool I'm gonna guess it's this one all right buddy I am ready for whatever you give me this should be super simple swim to the end of the pool and back oh okay all right well it's like this one there oh oh it's a timer my bad I started way too early all right now we go here we go swimming as an emoji here we go let's go all the way back and we're back hi Ruff was that good good good for the next event head to the boxing arena all right let's head to the boxing arena then which is this one all right what are we doing here let's get this started let's see if you can beat up some mobs oh biggest mobs okay yeah I got my onion knife ready let's do this oh gosh okay it says they're zombies but that is definitely not a zombie that is skeleton all right down the go and we're done that was very close to one final game for this round I wanted to see how well you can cry meet me in the super sad death arena for your final judging the super sad death Arena what a name okay let's go over here then and start crying I guess all right what's up man all right Nestor show me what you got here we go buddy all the sadness you ever need cry all over the place so I can flood the area I can do anything you want all right let me build to you and uh and how was that uh maybe it's not impressive enough yet oh what about the tear Cannon this will be good all right Ruff watch this oh wait want to do that oh and flooded disqualified you've ruined our whole Arena take this loses Trophy and get out of my sight so yet again with that being done we flooded the arena and we got a loser's trophy I'm supposed to right click this apparently let's go to right click that and oh wait what that that's portable huh I guess let's jump in and see what we gotta do in here all right is this gonna make me even sadder super Happy Dragon Keeper Of Happiness oh that guy all right all the crystals are gone and I'm gonna guess I'm just gonna fight this guy maybe he'll make it sadder all right let's literally want it and with the one bow shot wait what and down goes Super Happy Dragon wait so what happens now the dragon's dying should we beat the challenge is that it maybe he dropped some more pure sadness oh he dropped it over here okay right click sadness increase in once sadness a race killing the Happy Dragon Easter woes no we're happy okay congratulations challenge complete and if you want go ahead and get the plushie in the link in the description down below and besides that hope you guys enjoyed have a great learning this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,908,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but you get sadder, minecraft sad, minecraft sad story, minecraft sadness, minecraft cry, cry, sad, minecraft you get sadder, sadder, crying, tears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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