Minecraft, But Your Building Affects Every Chunk...

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in today's video our building affects every single chunk this is actually madness we're duplicating whoa and because this is such a weird challenge if i die by the end of this video i have to shave my head for the third your kanji time just leave a like so let's do this gamers and oh my god i just took some damage and i have hardcore hearts bruh we are literally in hardcore mode oh no why are we doing this crazy challenge where literally our builds will affect every single chunk with an actual forfeit like why if i die guys the video is over and i have to shave my head bald why honestly i have heard this is one of the hardest challenges like it just gets really weird and okay boom bam let's get ourselves crafting table and hold up before we place anything gamers this is where the challenge comes in you guys are gonna see this will literally blow your mind let's go to the desert bottom because it's gonna be so easy to actually see what happens gamers if i go ahead and hold up place this crafting table right here three two one boom oh my nuts what look at all of these crafted dude what it just goes into the oblivion oh my god every single trunk has a crafting table now and i think if i break it i'm pretty sure oh my god they all disappeared that is so weird so apparently guys oh my god i don't know how this is gonna get me killed but it can really break the game and honestly guys hold up let's craft ourselves a poop pickaxe boom and hold up there's some stone right here but it probably doesn't help the fact that i know how to duplicate like i literally know a dupe glitch gamers and how we're gonna be able to do glitch gamers is to buy literally just oh wait what did i just place that sand oh my goodness wait did you guys see that check this out check this out hold on i'm gonna get two sand if i place right here yo it falls that is so weird oh my goodness okay anyways wait which one's the real crafting table is it this one or wait does it even matter wait can i literally just have oh dude i don't even need to break the crafting table yo that solves my problem i always need to craft new crafting tables but there you go we got cobbler storm pickaxe but as i mentioned guys i know how to dupe glitch in this video but we need tnt actually that's all i know i don't exactly know how to do it but i know we need tnt and tnt is not something you want to mess with in hardcore mode i swear if i die by the end of this video bro and i have to go bald for the third time you guys already know the first time it was baldonic for two mil and then the second time i went bald was cuz mr beast commented one of my videos i did some meme and no i don't want to lose to my own challenge so we cannot lose and sorry mr chimpkin honestly gamers i say we just keep traveling through this desert there has to be like a village right or like a desert pyramid something i'm also going to collect these dead bushes to get some sticks i'm a big brain oh yes what oh my god i'm actually goated bro i had no idea bro what i mean it's kind of like a oh my god hello mr iron boy okay i think i'm good i think i'm good whoa whoa whoa whoa no no no no oh my goodness bro that was close yeah just stand on that same block idiot man wait what oh my god look at all the wooden pillars they're everywhere okay anyways imagine when we get our first diamond block i mean we need to get a diamond block right oh my god wait what happens if we get a chest and put things inside of the chest and there you go okay we have five irons yo we can get an iron block soon oh my goodness hold up wait a minute oh my god wait i just got a bed should i place the bed down and then we can like literally just have infinite beds hold on see how glitchy this is boom oh my god we have infinite beds brah that's low-key steak that might actually help so much okay let's definitely get a furnace hello crafting table okay and honestly what if we just bap oh my god there's a furnace on every single crafting table now this is insane and let's go ahead and start smelting our food this one looks like it's the only one burning that's interesting okay and i think that's why we need tnt to duplicate it's not that simple in order to duplicate we need like to do in a deadly fashion would it be a bionic video boys there's probably so much about this twist that we have not figured out yet so i'm actually so excited hold on a second oh my god no it's becoming nighttime what are you doing this really just freaking sleeping why they're all sleeping in my bed okay hold on a second i'm gonna place down this chest bruh we have storage everywhere hold on a second i'm gonna place it higher i'm gonna place it like right here next to the crafting table oh my goodness yes and now let's go to sleep yes okay there you go guys we're avoiding death i'm telling you we cannot die and okay hold on this is gonna be weird guys i want to go up there and grab ourselves oh no i already know this is gonna freaking make everything cursed oh my god no what is happening to the world oh no no no no no this is not good this is not good gamers can't i literally just do this oh my god the chunk borders are now shown gamers we can see in which chunk we're in okay wait this might have just changed the game we can literally calculate exactly where and how we want the blocks to place for example if i literally want to place a block let's say in the corner of every chunk boom oh my god and now it's there in every single chunk corner no wait what if i want to just make like a line oh my goodness hold on a second let's grab some more blocks hold on i'm literally just testing this gamers let's break this thing that we built go up here feed the bridge and oh my god ladies and gentlemen bruh we can now travel in the sky oh my goodness wait that might actually be the wave that might actually be the wave so what if right oh my god i have a big brain idea let's grab this furnace boom let's grab this right here the crack table and the chest i know we need to get an iron block guys so we can start duplicating we also need tnt which is going to be pretty easy to find i assume we could just find like a desert temple but first i need to test this gamers i want to make ourselves our first sky base so i'm gonna quickly mine all these blocks and okay i think yeah okay 53 is good enough so our thing is in the corner of the chunk which is super easy to tell but what if we get to this corner right here right and then literally just make a staircase up oh my wait this is my this might actually break the game this might actually break the game oh oh my goodness okay wait wait we gotta get up there so i think it's best if we literally okay there we go we're at the edge of the chunk let's go like this and then like this oh my goodness this is dude what we are literally playing a new minecraft game mode this isn't even like minecraft this is like sky block mixed with the real world oh my nuts this is so sick guys we have a staircase going up and down to our sky base oh my goodness gamers this is amazing we have a sky grid this is literally minecraft sky grid that's the game mode bro oh my god this is so beautiful dude i don't know what we just made but we gotta build a house that has to be one of our challenges our goals okay okay but now that we can travel like really far distances super easy let's try and find ourselves an insane ravine to get into or oh my god if i could just find like a desert pyramid like this that would be so big brain wait did we just find another village oh my god we did we need to find the desert pyramid but we can bully the bald man hold on a second oh my goodness yes come here nerd we already have five iron ingots oh my god run run run run run oh my god can we make it we need one more are you kidding me wait oh my goodness please please please please please please please please please please yes we did it we have oh my god we have enough and we also have a saddle sure i'm gonna take that actually i'm gonna take the iron sword too yoink wait is this a second one wait what oh my god guys look at this two back to how rare is this how rare is this i'm honestly gonna take the furnaces too yoink okay well let's get back up we still need to find the tnt gamers and we will to duplicate items but the good thing is that we have what we can duplicate so far i'm gonna place a crafting table right there in each corner that's actually perfect and we can place some furnaces oh my god this is actually like a sky factory hold on this one bugged me because it wasn't oh okay it's dead dude this is so cool okay and let's also go ahead and make a chest which we already had i just realized there you go we have a double chest for storage if we need to obviously though if i place something there and i go inside this chest it doesn't yeah it doesn't transfer over that's fine this is just for emergencies before we do too much let's make some food there we go oh my god bro we have bread chicken nuggies and some pork chops let's make ourselves boom there you go iron block is out of the way let's also make a bucket bro this actually might be game changer oh my goodness okay wait this is actually insane what if we build a structure just like that hold up imagine i miss me die i'm gonna grab this water and what if hold on let's test it out boom can we do that does the water transfer over no it doesn't no okay that was a failed attempt so this just means we uh it basically means it's gonna be a thousand times harder okay gamers i guess this just means we have to keep going oh my god wait oh my god two gold blocks two goal blocks to literally do yo at this point guys we're literally just collecting things so that we can duplicate them oh my goodness yes wait there's just a flint what the balls okay this was just literally on the floor give me give me give me give me give me give me i am still searching for the pyramid goongang bro we're literally as tall as this mountains that is so sick oh we found it yes go go go go go oh my god that baby's literally still chasing me dude this is so easy this is literally so easy go go go go go go go oh my god why did i do that in the first place there's already an entrance oh yeah because we've broken so many blocks that it just creates holes everywhere oh my goodness okay we can be very careful oh my god i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i hear something oh my god oh my god he's right there he's right there he's right there you ain't fooling anybody nerd oh my god oh my god no no no no no yes oh my goodness okay we gotta be very careful are there any mobs down here no okay perfect i'm just gonna avoid all trouble there you go i'm gonna place that down break this yo yes diamonds oh my god yes golden apples wall and more gold and a fortune three bug wait what oh my god wait this is actually gonna be insanely poggers and we got more iron oh my god wait can we make an oh dude if we can duplicate and make an anvil put our fortune three on a freaking diamond pickaxe and then gold mine diamonds we can get oh my god we can get diamond blocks so easily we have att oh my goodness bro this is insane and the best part is we only need one tnt to freaking duplicate oh my god this is so insane and okay perfect we're good finally we'll be able to make armor gamers i feel like legitimately you can make an entire series out of this you know maybe at the very end guys i'll ask you if i want to do this as a series you guys could let me know but we're so close to being able to duplicate guys it's gonna be the coolest thing ever i'm already foreseeing it though we need to make a bigger platform so let's literally just extend our like sky grid now if i want to go and duplicate one thing honestly i think we should go with the block of iron i think we really should and you know what just to be safe yeah let's hang out around this area because like just in case anything explodes we don't fall to our death because i don't really know where our beds are i don't see any right now i would sleep but i literally don't see any beds oh my god okay there go get off me okay so let's test this out we built this little platform i'm gonna place the iron block how can i duplicate this i got i gotta know oh wait we can make another one bro actual stunks right now there you go and you know what screw it shield yes boys oh now we're talking with that said let's place the other iron block there and i'm pretty sure gamers all you gotta do is literally just boom make a button and then if we look at every other oh my god yo this is insane this is actually insanity we have literally duke machines built in every single chunk we can literally duplicate in every single chunk that is insane okay there you go i put up the world borders or not the world borders the world chunks you guys know what i'm saying let's test this out oh my god i'm such an oh my god oh we gotta be careful we gotta be careful bro this isn't even funny you know what there you go there you go literally just water ever i mean not everywhere but at least somewhere just in case oh man i hope i don't regret this gamers we're finally able to do glitch if i die and i have to be bold i'm going to be so mad so if i like the tnt the other teams he didn't like that's perfect yes and then this explodes oh my god exploded one we get it but there's still look there's still two oh my god oh my god oh my god wait what happens if i go like this oh my god we have three now we have three wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is actual songs this is actual stonks wait a second oh my god if we do that again there you go let's get our button oh my god run run run run run boom two two just dropped two iron blocks just dropped oh my god i think we're breaking the game oh my god i think we legitimately are breaking the game okay wait we just spun a bunch of sand we gotta be careful with what we place wait how is there two tnt though oh my god this is literally bugged okay i'm gonna break this i think we just duplicated a tnt i actually don't really know but if we just rebuild the platform and we place the tnt oh my god look at that i placed iron blocks right there and then oh and then this time what if i place it in front that way it doesn't really oh my god that's perfect i could just light it with the flame steel oh my god i'm an idiot and now boom now we still only have two iron blocks right but check this out if we mine these oh my okay i just dropped one oops oh my nuts gamers there's no way wait there's actually no way we have just as much as tt is what we started with and if i drop all the way down here into the water boom we have six iron blocks oh my nuts no this is over this is actually over bro i also have 25 sandstone which i don't even know how we literally duplicated it so now what we can do is just place it and make a giant platform dude this is so cool i honestly can't even like dude i gotta gash myself up this is actually so sick so what i'm going to do now is let's make sure like in our bank we can secure iron blocks if we just go like that there you go so low-key we need two more iron blocks to make an anvil so honestly sorry bank but i'm gonna have to yield this from you there you go we can also place oh my god there you go yeah gold right there that's literally our bank we can no longer lose that let's make ourselves our anvil there you go boom there you go we got our anvil block screw it diamond pickaxe baby boom and now like this oh i need six levels are you kidding me before we do anything crazy let's get on top of water there you go okay i think we should be good like right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's play cnt light it up oh my god oh my god okay please work please work please work please boom oh my god yes perfect yes yes yes yes oh my god and what if i place it like this oh my god yes we duplicated it in this chunk let's break this tnt place it right there boom light it up run run run run run and oh my god perfect this is actually working out so amazingly oh yeah baby this is actually so sick hello pigs i need a few more levels okay there you go yes we're level six wait hold on a second we're level six so we can get our fortune three diamond pickaxe but oh my goodness wait a second gamers we are on top of an ocean oh thank god that was almost so bad but anyways diamond pickaxe fortune three yes baby we did it guys we went from nothing to literally now duplicating blocks if you haven't subscribed yet go ahead and subscribe right now and now it's time to duplicate the most overpowered item yet the diamond blocks i'm honestly just gonna dig straight down yolo we're at y13 perfect oh my god wait a second i have an insanely large tunnel this is so overpowered oh wait just fun time oh my god this is amazing wait this is actually amazing what if i literally oh my god wait i just have an infinite tunnel oh we have 11 diamonds we have enough but wait wait what if i just go like this in every direction guys we're every block we break is also being affected in every chunk so we can instantly make an insanely overpowered query oh my god look at this dude no way holy nuts let's see what else we can quickly find oh my god no way no way no way yes more diamonds bro what okay wait no no we literally can make two different blocks let's get the balls out of here wait i can loki also grab this lapis oh my god yes go go go go go go go i was just near an ocean and now we're not what does it matter because everything is in the sky base let's extend this with cobblestone yeah i get spleef nerd idiot now let's make ourselves boom wait i thought i could make two okay i'm an idiot only one boom let's place the tnt right there and then wait a second what if i literally just place the stone oh my god the stone pressure plate and what if i can just literally run oh my god hold on three two one and oh yo this isn't set i'm just gonna keep running i'm gonna keep running gamers oh my god oh my god oh my god let's see let's see okay bro oh my goodness am i a genius or what hold on i'm trying to organize my inventory bro look at this this is what we started with and now we're collecting this yoink and then this one yoink oh my goodness bro okay no we gotta get to the oceans through this i'm not continuing until we get to there there you go boys now we can do this because no that was too crazy before gamers if we would have slipped off we would have been dead go go go go go oh my goodness oh my goodness bro this is insane this is actually madness we're duplicating oh my god bro i'm literally not stopping i'm literally not stopping and okay there you go there you go this is the last one i'm doing for now that is boom oh my god okay let's collect this move stupid zombie get out of here oh my god bro we're collecting all these blocks we have dude we have 28 iron blocks seven diamond blocks we started with nothing leave me alone leave me alone oh my nuts yes grab that going bro we've actually taken this to the next level how is this gonna look in the end wait i can't even pick this up i have a set already oh my goodness oh my goodness wait no no no no no no no oh my god no no no no this is not good this is not gonna run run or we can still die we can still die but now what we can do gamers is let's break this break that break all of these blocks oh my god no creepers stay away well our sky grid actually looks so insane now gamers we're going to be stepping it up a notch and by a notch i mean herobrine i don't know that that'd be bad no let's place one tnt there another right there and then the pressure plate is in between three two one and oh wait will this explode the item entities hold on let's try it once let's see if this actually works boom okay uh we got seven wait it didn't work it didn't work it did work we have 16. we have 16. and then hold on a second we can just break this and break that and oh my god bruh this is dangerous gamers this is dangerous what we're doing we can't get too greedy boys if we get too greedy we lose places there two tnt bowling and then let's keep doing that boying there we go did it work oh my god i did i got 14. oh wait i got less now that's weird oh because i think the other ones fell in the freaking thingy because look we have a bar oh my god we have 30. bruh oh my god that's 100 do this again i need it i need a stack bro let's actually try and get a couple stacks of diamond blocks that would be insane all i have to do is parkour here you're back okay hold on let's collect yoink we got 40 here and then oh my god bro we have a stack oh my god this is nuts joint and yo oh my god we literally oh bruh this is actually madness and yoink there you go you this one block makes it so much easier and okay i think we're gonna think we're good let's throw out these feathers oh my god dude boys we no it's over girls boys and everything in between this is insane wait did we already collect these i think we might have oh my god okay now we gotta go to an untouched one like this so we can clear our like sky grid again let's make all these diamond blocks i have an idea gamers we need to build a house right we go in five-year-old mode we building the diamond block house baby this is actually gonna look insane oh my god bro dude our sky great is about to look so rich and overpowered let's put some glass to smell our sand bro this is actually gonna be mad oh my goodness boys and girls all gamers oh my god hold on a second wait wait wait this is it this is it bing bong bing bing bang bong bap and oh my nuts in a butt dude this is quite literally oh my god what the nuts look at this we have infinite amounts of what now this is how you invest in property wait we almost forgot the floor wait why is this actually like a good looking house though i don't even unders i literally went like five-year-old baby am i actually decent at building guys yo comment down below if you actually think of decent buildings and leave a like just because i said so but gamers i genuinely think we did it we literally did it we survived this challenge guys in the comment section below if you want to see a part two where we go ahead in the nether and an end and continue this crazy like sear oh my god then comment down below and leave a like and make sure you're obviously subscribed with that said thank you so much for watching there should be some other videos on the screen go watch them i love you gamers maybe there's a part two i don't know peace you know when you breathe oxygen and it's like then it's like and you live
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,481,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But Your Building Affects Every Chunk, minecraft but building affects every chunk, minecraft but, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: v-uKWgQY9OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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