This is the Most Evil Player

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if I told you that this player was innocent even though he's brutally killed over 300 innocent people would you believe me probably not you see this player is my teammate mum and as long as the entire server thinks he's a super villain I'm going to be hunted down for associating with him so to prove all of you wrong I'm going to put him through three rigorous trials designed to test his morals and if he passes all of them then I'll have enough evidence to clear his name and save our reputation but there's a problem literally everyone on this server hates mum and I think I know the reason why you see mugam wields two one-of-a-kind items the only netherite sword and chest plate in existence this puts an absolutely massive Target on his head which might seem like a problem but I can use this fact to test his first moral selflessness these netherite pieces are Priceless but if I can somehow prove that Mum is willing to sacrifice them to save someone well that's pretty much the most selfless thing you can do in this block game but how am I going to do this I can't just tell mugam about the trials otherwise my evidence won't be legitimate I need something to naturally happen that forces him to choose between his netherite and the life of an innocent player now that's a really specific scenario it's probably going to take weeks to even have a chance for I see mug I see mum he has netherite okay well three players just decided to Ambush mum at 1: in the morning in most cases this would be really bad but it's actually exactly what I wanted these players want mum's netherite and if killing them directly doesn't work they'll have to resort to threatening innocent players to get what they want all I have to do is make sure they don't actually kill mum which will force them to start taking hostages I'm in a I'm in a jungle oh I see you eyes I see you eyes they're trying to get you banned by the way you didn't know that I got Ryan I got Ryan Ryan's dead okay you're probably wondering how I did that so let's just say that every player on this server has a unique gem that gives them superpowers I have the astr gy which basically lets me shoot ballistic knives the issue is that our enemies have superpowers of their own oh my gosh yeah I got popped I got popped I got popped you take a break he's L he's L he's low get murin he's on the Run did they run oh did they run P running there's Ryan it's Ryan step one was complete with murphin and Pooky on the run it was only a matter of time until they started to threaten innocent players the only question now was would mugam come to their aid and sure enough oh oh my god oh no they're farming him they're farming him desity one of the most defenseless players on the entire server was now being spawn killed and since this server works on a five live system if mum didn't come to his Aid in time he would be banned off of the server this was it if mum risked everything to go in save Destin then he will have completed the first trial but if he leaves him to die then my evidence will already be ruined oh my God they're at spawn they're at spawn they have speed jump they have speed jump this was all I needed definitive proof that Mum was willing to put the life of a defenseless player over his netherite at this point I was ready to flee the scene and prepare prare my evidence but then I realized that Not only was mum willing to lose his netherite he actually was about to lose it I couldn't just leave my teammate there to die and lose something he'd spent months trying to obtain so I grabbed the boat and rode my way to spawn as fast as I could to save my teammate I'm out of here no I'm out of here run just run run please don't die they popped me they popped me they po me they po me all right get him get him get him he's go come on he's running I died I died I died you died oh man recorder do we get a out of here uh we might have they got the nether they got the nether no get the netherite get the netherite we might have to I don't I think I just got to run yeah wait what ready oh silur is actually killing me what the heck he's actually killing me yeah he's killing me no he's killing me should we flee I think we should flee yeah no we're leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving this is pointless no I'm gone my Pearl is going to land me a second now I think I'm I think I'm safe even though mugam died he still technically passed the first trial but this was still bad I mean random bystanders literally started jumping in to help Pooky and murphin kill us which just goes to show how bad Mug's reputation truly is not to mention if this Pooky guy beats me to 100,000 subscribers I have to wear a whole Burger costume so if you want to see him wear a purple bodysuit instead please subscribe to help me win I'm begging you okay that's great and all but we still have a problem Pooky and murphin were now in possession of the netherite and an innocent player had been banned off the server I was so focused on the trial that I didn't even consider my own teammate safety and I had essentially cost him his crowning achievement seeing how this trial ended with such a disaster maybe I need to rethink this whole plan maybe instead of putting mugam in danger I should endanger someone else someone mum cares about so much that he would go to any lengths to save them someone like e coridor who is spectating the fight another person who had spawned we're going to kill e coridor right now you ready three 2 1 go go go yeah that's me being jumped by a literal hacker and his goons now I'm not really sure why they want me dead I was just trying to commentate a super boring fight but although the situation looks dire it's also the perfect opportunity for another trial loyalty mugam isn't even home right now but if he's willing to drop everything to come and save me then I will have proven that he is one of if not the most loyal player on the entire server the only issue is that I have to survive until he arrives I'm getting a 3v one right now I'm going to die dude I'm actually going to die [Music] n no [Music] where are my where are my people bro oh my I'm getting 3v one dog okay e do you have any peos left I have some yeah okay cuz mum said he's turning his PC on right now and just he's just telling you to spam PE away I'm dead I'm dead I'm actually dead I'm actually dead I'm actually dead I'm actually dead put on where are you here is murphin there yeah they're all on me all three of them are on me bro yes I'm almost out of pearls bro I'm going for suit I'm going for suit Oh I thought that was D it's wimo God dropped almost dropped asking where you are dude I'm I'm always getting like I'm literally on my last Gap bro I'm on my last Gap please yes yes M's here let's go M's here let's go yes and now I knew no matter how far away I was or who we were up against Mum would always have my back he had passed the second trial and although I should have been celebrating wimu wasn't finished yeah bro you got the kill credit [Music] too I'm messing with up bro oh shoot but he does a ton of damage to that axe freck oh I don't have any gaps I don't have any gaps bro I don't have any gaps please someone drop me gaps I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead dude I'm actually dead I'm dead yeah I don't have any gaps despite this frustrating death mum technically passed this trial as well meaning I almost had enough evidence to prove his innocence but I wasn't satisfied every trial up until this point had some unforeseen consequence and even though mum was on Pace to clear his name I wondered if it was enough to justify all of the setbacks we had suffered I mean if the server doesn't accept my evidence then everything we've lost will have been for absolutely nothing for the final trial I need something simple something so black and white that nothing could possibly go wrong generosity just think about it all I have to do is literally ask mum for something it could be an item a favor or even just some of his time the only catch is it has to be extremely valuable giving someone three wheat seeds doesn't exactly display your generosity this should be the easiest trial to complete by far and the best part is that I didn't even have to die I'm dead yeah so I died again this time mum asked me to help him kill this wable guy and it kind of backfired on me and as if dying wasn't already bad enough while I was waiting in a tunnel for one of my teammates to come help me I noticed murphin making his way over to spawn kill me off the server as annoying as this is I now have the perfect opportunity to ask Mogan for some pretty valuable items because my entire team of six people somehow didn't pick up any of my stuff now don't get me wrong I'm not exactly poor myself but the one thing I really can't afford to lose is my elytra because someone thought it would be a good idea to destroy all of the end portals and not even make a video about it of course no end means no elytras which makes them one of the most Val items on the entire server and I conveniently just lost mine now I'm not 100% sure that Mum has an extra elytra but given his statistics I'm sure he's obtained a few through completely peaceful means all I have to do is ask him so since I died is there any way you could Li me one of your mini elytras yeah oh thanks bro appreciate it no what a guy mum successfully passed the final trial and I got my elytra back at this point I easily have enough evidence to prove mum's innocence and clear his name all I have to to do is compile it into a presentation and then gather the whole server together for the big reveal but there's a problem and that problem is vacation baby I'm leaving the country time to get off this block game and go touch some foreign grass it's okay though because I'll have time to prepare the presentation while I'm gone and then I can show it to everyone as soon as I get back surely nothing will go horribly wrong while I'm gone for the next week right when I got back from vacation and logged onto the server I could immediately tell something was off our team's base was completely abandoned and mugam had left our team group chat this was all very odd but I still needed to show the rest of the server my evidence but before I could gather everyone together I was called by murphin someone who has already tried killing me three times in this video alone and one of the main players I was trying to convince of mum's innocence now I have literally never trusted a single word that has come out of murfin's mouth but I needed to know what was going on so I decided to hear what he had to say all right so on the server right there is a team that managed to glitch two gems into their inventory they have 20 Hearts each and you're going to need to you're going to need to forget like it's cuz the one of the people who are doing this is mug them you're going to need to forget your affiliation with them bro like he betrayed your entire team we betrayed all y'all we're asking if you can help us take down mum will and toz from destroying our server with these gamebreaking glitches bro I couldn't believe it I won't believe it what a lad of bull crap like this murphin guy has spent the last 5 months trying to kill mug and I and now he expects me to believe a story like that no I know Mum would never do those things and I literally have the evidence to back it up before I come to any conclusions I need to speak with mum himself to hear the full story unfortunately he appears to be a little occupied at the moment okay I oh no bro a player named Ryland just attempted to assassinate mum with a Charged Creeper and before I could do do anything about it someone else showed up oh Dom's here this is dominoo my very first teammate and the only player I trust more than mum it looked like my two closest allies were about to fight to the death and I could do absolutely nothing as I sat in horror and [Music] watched all right [Music] hurts oh my gosh bro I'm so bad with these haers what of four and a half hearts we got him we got him y yes while the rest of the server celebrated I felt sick not only did mugam die but he was now being spawn killed over and over again if he got banned I would never be able able to find out the truth but if I tried to bargeon and save him I would have literally the entire server trying to stop me I can't take on that many people the only player I've ever killed was basically AFK all I could do was pray someone came to mum's rescue what is happening we okay so we so we killed him three times I can't believe this is actually crazy oh my God know exactly where he is though guys when he logs in don't let hit him or also hear the freaking sounds okay okay okay okay okay okay let's make it finder so mum isn't going to log gone because we're all standing right here right so I just got a DM on Discord from a certain mugm and he asked me to get people away from his log out spot so how about this we're all going to like hide pretend that we're out of sight and then I'm going to be like okay got them away you can log on and so hopefully he'll log on and like somebody will be in a position where like he can't see us come out and like shoot him with a bow or something let's go let's go VC with mug this is suspicious dog I don't know if about I don't know if why we letting them make the calls for I know they literally just show murphin me and ran are the ones who should be calling with mum what the hell all right we're spawn just in case so like why the hell is mum having armor now what what what where did they go you build a portal build a portal no way no way this this is why we shouldn't have trust I don't dude were were Silva and dabby like with him like following him through yeah they went with them they built a portal and everything bro everyone was understandably Furious and although I was shocked at Silva and Dab's betrayal I was also privately a little relieved with mum no longer at risk of being banned I could finally meet with him and make him tell me the truth but I'm not a complete idiot I know what mugam is capable of and judging by everyone's actions something is definitely wrong if I don't come prepared then I might not even be able to finish my sentence before so I'm going to set up a stasis chamber is what I would have said if I wasn't basic no I'm not just going to teleport away from my problems I'm going to Stand My Ground and face them like a man and by facing them like a man I actually mean I'm going to make some curs ofan armor so that I don't lose anything of actual value if mum kills me but that's not the only thing I'm going to bring if mum doesn't kill me then I can continue with my plan of proving his innocence which will admittedly be much more difficult now if he does kill me however then I probably won't get a chance to tell him that he you know completely ruined my attempt at saving his reputation so I'm going to write him a letter in case that happens with the sole purpose of making him feel absolutely terrible and after over 30 minutes of embodying this music video all I had to do now was call him hello hello hey mum why did you call me here cuz I wanted to I wanted to talk to you I haven't talked to you since before I left on vacation two weeks ago you told me you were going to infiltrate will and to as's team to learn about what they were doing and how you could use it against them but that's not what this is is it no there was a change of plan yeah I figured so why I mean this whole season I've been called a villain and quite frankly I got tired of did everyone call you a Villain Like the entire server so started playing the role yeah that's true honestly I mean you're not wrong I can't lie I can't support what you're doing I don't yeah no I know cinity was against this and I thought you were too but I guess you're not bro I feel like you're stalling for something I don't know why just it feel you want me to be honest yeah I know I thought you were just going to kill me I mean I have no reason to I don't know it's not going to be ideal you're just going to run away can I run away you probably could I mean I didn't come here to fight but I was prepared to but if you're not going to kill me then why kill everybody else I mean that was kind of just disbanding the team well I don't know what it is with you and will well I guess not will it's mainly just you not wanting to say what you're doing but you're not going to win I'm going to be real like you guys don't even know what like we have planned like trust me it's kind of disappointing that you chose to take the easy way out I guess yes I would not say the easy way out feels pretty easy to me I mean cheating to kill people well I don't have much else to say I did join the Tim and that is where it is well I want you to take that what Brutus what I guess I'll be seeing you soon mum remember this Shield because it becomes very important later for now however I was frustrated to say the least mum had a reputation of killing pretty much every enemy player on site ever despite literally telling me that we were no longer teammates he didn't kill me even when I practically goated him on he still refused I thought this conversation would bring me closure but it only left me with more questions like why did I write a six-page note just for him to not read it that's like 30 minutes of my life down the drain and now no one will ever know what it said for the next few days I pondered if there was any way to salvage mum's reputation or if I had just wasted the past few months of my life I had no idea that I was in for a rude awakening I'm I'm getting death Bandy I could care less these guys are taking it too seriously okay so obviously getting a DM from your last remaining teammate saying he's about to be death banned is not a notification you want to receive apparently Dom and Ryland had lost a duel with Will and now he and mugam had them both trapped at spawn with no armor now as much as I've lost faith in mum's Goodwill I refuse to believe he would go so far as to ban our old teammate off the server if I get there in time maybe I can convince him to see reason are they at spawn or get death by that F I mean I would go try to save them but like I can't do anything like I need other people I don't want them to give the energy to someone deserve I don't want the only person I've ever trusted on this server to be gone at this point I didn't know what to do and to make matters worse the only other person there who could help me was wable the guy who literally killed me 10 minutes ago yeah they're at spawn they at spawn they're at spawn oh no no dude I want to do something but I don't like what can we do see that house over there yeah are they in that house that's the house that they're yeah you have inv right I have some yeah we could try something to be honest okay no we should save them how how much do you have left I have four if you want to try something try it now cuz I'm on my last life like if I respawn and they kill me I'm I'm banned so am I take some other guys we're going to you guys are going to respawn me and E are going to Splash invis on you Dom I'm about to go in what are you going to do bro we going to see what I'm going to do I'm on the roof what is what is the plan do I help do I help respawn respawn respawn respawn respawn now no no oh no oh no they can see in this particles no I'm I'm distracting I'm distracting I'm I'm dead I'm dead please no don't please please no please no go through portal go through portal try going through portal hold up no he bro brok oh no how far are you out I'm like I'm outside the spawn are you now I truly understood mum had never been my teammate from the very start he had been using me doing random acts of kindness so that I would help him with his selfish goals he only saw me as a tool for him to gain more power and as soon as two players could offer him something more he swept me under the rug and cast me aside I was Furious furious at him for embracing exploits furious at him for turning my allies against me furious at him for Banning dominoo our teammate in Cold Blood and the worst part was that it was all my fault if I hadn't been so indecisive I could have saved Dom and if I had seen mug him for who he truly was before it was too late maybe I could have stopped him but instead I had spent the past 5 months helping the server's biggest villain grow more powerful at this point I only have two options I could give up and delete my Channel or I could fix my mistake and I don't know about y'all but I'm not going to let someone lie and manipulate me for 5 months just to get away with it scottf free this video is no longer about proving mum's innocence no this video is about humbling mugam what whatever it takes ready to hear the plan let's go one week from now the game Breakers are going to battle the entire rest of the server to prove their power if they lose they will permanently lose access to all their exploits and be forced to disband if they win however they will be allowed to continue terrorizing innocent players until they die now I gave up my war against exploits long ago but this battle is my best shot at stopping Mug's reign of terror so I officially declared myself an enemy of the game Breakers the only issue is that our side is an absolute mess we're far out geared far outskilled and way more disorganized and worst of all they want to call themselves the game patchers like could we be any less original luckily rumor has it that all a founding member of this new resistance had created a hidden base capable of producing maxed out armor sets in a matter of minutes but only respected veteran members were trusted with its location so I would have to work my way up to oh well I guess we can fix our poverty problem now [Music] you've got to be kidding me apparently Pooky is also a member of the game patchers someone I've been at odds with since the beginning of the server because of my affiliation with mugam but as it turns out he was actually super nice and he even created a super detailed plan for how we could actually win against the game Breakers and so Fire jems have this thing like a campfire right I'm sure you know about it if you put like you know three of them if you protect it with obsidian hard for them to break protect it uh okay I'll be honest I wasn't paying attention to any of that but I'm just going to trust that it works with an impeccable strategy in the entire resistance fully prepared for an allout War we felt Unstoppable but then I stopped to think for a moment despite all of our preparation we were literally facing impossible odds I mean just a few days ago one of the game Breakers toz found a glitch using the astem that allowed him to teleport to any player at any time he's in me no no I see his particles yeah that was him the particles are gone wait what the that's him toas can tele they can teleport anywhere this just goes to show who we are up against due to their vast array of exploits every player on the game Breakers has 20 Hearts multiple gems with unique abilities and several other absurd powers that we probably don't even know about yet but with the fight less than 24 hours away all we could do was gather our team together and pray for a miracle I haven't always been on the best of terms with everyone on this team but I just want to say I have the most respect for every single one of you for choosing the selfless option even though it's pretty dire and there's a chance we could pretty much all die here cuz they have powers we can't even comprehend I have absolute respect for every single person on this team who's choosing to be the heroes of the story even if we lose they can't take that away from us we'll be the heroes no matter what for real go they're using dirty exploits to just barely have a chance to win they're scared they can't handle us we're able to win this just by pure skill we don't need whatever garbage they're using all right they invis yeah they're invis they're going to invis us don't invis don't [Music] invis I'm going to remove noa's right I SP NOA what we got to bech a fire them definitely kill me with infinite daggers bro okay you have Nova on your site no where's Nova no dude are ready he's right there in the circle ready yeah three two one now go one of them he's got body block he's got body block go for NOA noa's ping no's ping the C's gone the gone oh shoot okay hey mug has Chad strength mug has Chad strength oh get out get out oh we got to take down one of them we got to take down one of them hey toas toas is an invis toas is an invis go for toas go for toas go for toas toas go for toas he hasn't inis he has an inis he's got uping he just got I'm getting done right now bro he's by the no no bro we just need one kill we just need one kill on to what is I see go we have hope there's still a chance [Music] it's lagging so much dude oh my gosh my bro I can't even like do anything it's so laggy oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh I'm I might be dead okay Help Me Help might be dead no e oh I not tapped I not tapped I not no okay I'm getting attacked while changing my settings that's crazy how do you feel being dead oh I'm dead I'm dead bro it's not letting me eat my did I die I'm literally Frozen dude what the heck bro I literally lagged out you died you died oh my gosh that's so annoying of course after all that I lagged out and died and although a few of my teammates were still fighting for their lives back at the Arena I could do nothing as I watched them all die one by one at the hands of the game Breakers they had won and I had utterly failed at stopping mum and as much as it pains me to say this I have no more tricks up my sleeve now that he was allowed to keep his glitched hearts and gems there was absolutely nothing I could do I'm not powerful nor skilled enough to take him down on my own and after our crushing defeat no one has the will to stand against him anymore but then I realized something that battle against the game Breakers was a huge L yes but I left out one crucial Detail no matter the result if any of the game Breakers die now they will permanently lose their exploited attributes all I have to do is kill mum one time and I can take away his power forever and this is where the shield comes in Brutus he was an ancient politician in the right-hand man of the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar Caesar saw Brutus as a noble and honorable man who wanted the best for Rome But as time went on Brutus realized that Caesar was becoming a tyrant so he decided to betray him convincing the entire Roman senate to stab him to death during their next meeting at first glance the message seems obvious I'm calling mugam Brutus for betraying me and if he gets curious and looks at the story that's probably what he will immediately think but what mum doesn't realize is that he's actually been parading around a shield foreshadowing his own destruction this entire time and he has no idea in the same way that Brutus United the Roman senate to eliminate their tyrannical Overlord I'm going to unite the entire Bliss SMP to eliminate ours easier said than done right I have no idea how to unite an entire server but I know where to start Ryland and of course dominoo they managed to kill mum by themselves without any exploits a feat that has not been replicated since if I wanted to pull this off I would need their knowledge and skill so I met with them to propose my idea y what's up I was just standing there all right all right so first order of business the main reason I've singled you two out specifically is because there's another issue and I think you know what I'm going to say it's mug and he's kind of allinone you know he's a jerk first of all I mean I mean he was my teammate for what 5 months and then he just you know threw it all away for nothing for power but he's also in his current state he's too powerful and the reason I've contacted you two is because I know that you guys are some of the only people who have managed to kill him in his current state so I wanted I wanted to ask how did y'all do it like how uh purple rock literally just astem astem basically we kind of just fought for a little bit and I just hit him with some daggers and he died so it's just astem like that's the secret yeah bro as is goated I've kind of given up the war on glitches but I have not given up the war on bugum so are you two down to help me try and take away what little power he has left bro yes I want to bring Justice to this this kid quite frankly we would thinks he can get away with anything he thinks he can get away with Crossing me after everything I did for him I'm not going to let that slide with Ryland and dominoo on my side assassinating mugam had never felt more possible but we still had to pick the perfect moment to strike because we only have one chance before The Jig Is up now I spent day and night trying to formulate the perfect scenario where we could pull this off I considered times locations and even when the other game Breakers would be on vacation but as it turns out the best shot at actually killing mum was a conga [Music] line now I know this might seem weird but hear me out it's been almost 2 months since we lost to the game Breakers intentions on the server are at an all-time low as you can clearly see A Moment Like This would be perfect to strike against mug when his guard is down but before I could make a move everyone left I was confused but I also didn't want to miss my chance to attack mum when he least expected it so I followed suit to see where everyone was going okay oh wait there actually there's actually stuff there oh my God wait what is this like wait are we not supposed to be yeah stop M it bro please don't break anything wait what the heck is that symbol do we all have to like spam our [Music] bows what oh my gosh is that the dragon egg bro it looks like a freaking dragon egg what the heck wait what's in it wa's this it's got a wire fragment what inside the meteor was a mysterious item called a wire fragment which was conveniently picked up by dabby cat the same guy guy who freed mum from being spawn camped 17 minutes ago but no one really knows what it does or why it was there so I'm sure it's not that big of a deal afterwards a clue was broadcast which led us to a new location where another meteor crashed with another fragment inside which was picked up this time by none other than mugam himself I'm starting to see a pattern here to be honest I couldn't care less about these fragments all I cared about this whole time was finding an opportunity to assassinate mum it wasn't until the third meteor landed that something changed we found it we found it wi fragment of my serious fragment I got it I got it I got it oh they are in a box oh they're oh my gosh wait that's see can I have the fragment you just got I mean don't worry man I got you I'm going to keep it safe but like I also want to be a part of stuff so I'm keeping all right how about this if you don't hand it over I'm going to kill you right now what and if you tell anyone about this I'm going to death Bend you what you want to do this yes bro I'm I'm being said oh no okay okay I'll hand it over I'll hand it over Mug's trying to get D's wire he put the E down are are they in an obsidian box follow me in here okay bro okay drop it bro genely drop it all right I'm not asking anymore let me out bro let me out let me out bro please bro please let me out bro okay des's running J's running get out of here get out of here get out of you idiot in a shocking turn of events mum started threatening other players to head over the wire fragments yeah no I think anyone with the brain saw this coming from a mile away mum obviously wanted all these fragments for himself and it became clear that he had no intention of keeping the server wide piece that had persisted thus far which like fair enough I mean I'm literally plotting his assassination as we speak the original plan was for Dom Ryland and I to catch mug alone during this hunt and then kill him as fast as possible using our astroy daggers but I've noticed that Mum is always surrounded by at least one of his game Breakers there was simply just no way for our small team of three people to get him alone and pulled us off quick enough we needed more help help so as the rest of the server went to sleep for the night I contacted as many players as I could desperate to gain any sympathizers to our cause all right so what did you guys want to talk about all right what do you want to talk about eor all right eor so why did you bring me here today so why did you want to talk okay I'm just going to cut to the chase okay what do youall think about mum I was his first kill he killed me on the first day me and murphin have been we've been against mum the entire time mum has all of the wire fragments and for the good of the server we mum cannot have all well I I trust you and you're good friends with ar and D and they're both in on it so basically we're making a plan to assassinate mum what I wanted to ask you guys is would you be down to like help us take him down oh yeah yes yes yes yes yes actually so you're down to help with this plan 100% bro always down to kill mum he keeps teaming with people using them to get the next powerful item or powerful thing and then casting him aside so we're going to put a stop to him we're going to kill him today are you down to help oh today yeah today's the last day are you down to help I so down to help I I want to be overconfident cuz I don't really know but I think we could potentially we could maybe get like the entire server against him if we just like play our cards right I think we could do it I think we could do it the plan was a huge success our team had over doubled in size and we were now allied with the richest player on the server yeah you might recognize him murphin even showed me his vault with enough resources for our whole team to regar 20 times over and I'm not even exaggerating but something Pooky had said worried me okay I wanted to ask you a question I don't really want to know what the fragments do but does getting all of them actually does it actually like matter yeah they do something they actually have like a purpose very serious advantage to like getting them pooki clearly knows something I don't and if this is true which it probably is because he's literally the owner of the server then we weren't simply just trying to kill mum for Revenge anymore I still don't know what these wire fragments do but if mum obtains all seven it would spell total disaster for the entire server we have to eliminate him before that can happen unfortunately for us when the next meteor spawned we were too late again can I have it please please I haven't got anything okay I got to go for school okay look I really got to go now so like I actually have to dip but I already gave I already dropped it all right and I already saw picked it up too wait what who picked it up mugam now had all four of the fragments that had spawned thus far meaning we only had three more chances to stop him from getting just one luckily for us we were about to get our [Music] break bro we just used who got it who got it got it we got it somehow dominoo just barely managed to grab the fifth fragment this was incredibly important because as long as we held one mum couldn't unleash whatever power they possessed so naturally we decided the best plan from here was to transfer the fragment to murphin who then transfer the fragment to AR who then went underground and hit a Bedrock level at some random coordinates which seemed like a great idea at the time because as long as we gatekeep one fragment mum's plans would be totally foiled but when we arrived at the stronghold where the sixth fragment was allegedly located this turned out to be a terrible mistake okay everybody I would like to make an special announcement all right for the past 3 months on the Bliss smpp I have been trying to figure out a way to get into the end and after $150 utilizing an awesome glitch M no way what okay listen listen listen we have the way to bring back the end but it's going to cost you something who has the artifact someone in this room has it I know that for effect now hold on if someone doesn't confess in the next 5 minutes we're just going to start going down our list of suspects 5 minutes until what what are you going to do so what what are we doing here are you guys going to give over the fragment or 3 minutes listen you guys aren't the one in charge here I have the ortal friends do you have I don't have it fre alone if Pooky have it if Pooky don't have it we going to find out here real soon 2 minutes is on the clock right now time is ticking you guys yeah somebody better fess up right now or else you know in the what they do whenever they don't take them serious and they're like I'm not messing around minute 20 you know what they do kill someone on the side so they know they're serious 1 minute come on make your choice 50 seconds anyone nobody okay who would who would murphin give it to though doesn't matter 30 seconds p is not here pooki definitely got it bro P will just have to watch everybody die in 10 I'm I don't have it I don't have [Music] 2 how many it's over it's over it's over it's over walk off the hey wo wo wo chill bro I don't have it I don't have it I don't have it I don't have Ito I do not have it I can screen TR I can screen TR I don't have it bro chill stop it ain't about that it's about send the message bro you ain't got no message to send there's nothing I can do I can't believe this bro oh my God are you you're actually kidding you guys are actually insane I just left the entire server for dead where'd he go where'd he [Music] go here uh okay game Breakers we're going to have two people guarding the uh obsidian platform with punch bows yeah no y'all made the wrong choice y'all made the wrong choice I don't think I can put into words how scared I was in this moment and although I escaped with my life our team was in Ruins scattered across the world with no idea where to go go from here some players even started to quit but while we were wallowing in our pity the game Breakers finally decided to open the in Portal attempting to obtain the next fragment by themselves giving us no choice but to enter and face them on their own turf who's really in charge here you are will I am I'm the one with all the fragments right now all right man are you sure you're really in charge do you think Will's capable of killing me wa will are you going to take this bro down your own teammate I I feel some type of way about that oh oh my gosh the book Ryland got it Ryland got it well Ryland actually managed to grab the fragment that spawned in the end which was great because we now had a cushion in case someone lost Theirs to mug them but there was a catch as soon as the game Breakers realized who had the fragment they stealed off the Bedrock portal trapping me and most of my teammates inside the Inn I needed to create a distraction so the game Breakers would stop chasing down Ryland long enough for him to escape and according to the clues given by the Admin there was something important on this island that might be able to help me to further test their integrity a assessment was help to see if their values would falter for this assessment they are given a tool this tool can be used for salvation or damnation all depending on the wielder will this be the iteration to Prevail or will it be just like the others hey guys I think we have a bigger issue than the gem fragments oh my God what H oh oh my first thought was to use the netherite to pay for our safe Passage through the portal but come on these guys are unapologetically evil there is no way they would hold up their side of the deal if I walk up to that portal with the full set of netherite it is 100% Going straight into their inventories one way or another so despite the potential advantages that came with this second netherite set I threw it in the void so that mugam couldn't get his hands on it all I could do now was try to negotiate a way out yo what's up game Breakers what's up game Breakers uh can I like leave will you guys let me leave I mean to be fair we're not really trying to kill you we were just trying to kill R I do not have the fragment although I am going to need to do the screen all right all right this is border inspection this is this a border inspection you car I I threw the egg in the void so I did what I had to do man I think he's clean what happened to the netherite where's all that you throw in the bo off I thw the nether in the bo all right you've been cleared pass the Border inspection all right thank you guys very much I appreciate it no problem nice now press F3 press F3 oh what I'm not sure if this simple request was some psychologically charged deception tactic or if I really am just that stupid but for whatever reason I just willingly showed all of the game Breakers the exact location of our vault meaning I now had mere minutes to move everything out before they arrive guys I just messed up I just messed up I just messed up I leaked I leaked the the stash I leak the stash you can't be for real you can't be for real go back being real I'm being I'm getting as much as I can I'm getting as much as much as you can get as much there's so much in there bro you can't be for real no I am being for real I'm grabbing everything I can I'm grabbing everything I can dude I'm stashing everything I possibly can I'm over here it's about to despawn you see this you see these armor chokers right here you see these armor chokers yeah yeah we need the armor all right murin just like watch my back I am I am I I don't know I I we should probably leave soon though cuz if they pull up with everyone it's GG's all right murin I think we're chilling I think we're chilling honestly like we pretty much grabbed everything that's like of use we need to place all this down it's theat the coordinates I sent you the coordinates I sent you we're building a we're building a back up stash right there all right let's get out here let's let's leave let's live let's livep all right let's go let's go let's get down here go to Z go to as it turns out this mistake was actually a blessing in disguise because while the game Breakers were focused on trying to reach our vault Ryland and the rest of my team were able to escape the end with the wire fragments we then met up on a remote island thousands of blocks out to regroup and take inventory of our resources which is when we we realized you're stuck oh look at this nether fact that you guys saved this is crazy oh my God we're actually rich bro are youall just realizing that bro never had this amount of wealth on any Minecraft server even in cre great job regrouping bro we avoided disaster right there we straight up got trapped in the end leaked the stash and we still clutch all right what's the plan from here like do we launch our attack I mean a lot of them are offline cuz if we all go and we die then we lose all the fragments and we're literally done well we should at least go do something we should go like see what's going on like maybe spy on them with invis I'm defin I'm going I'm going go go go go what are we going to do then cuz they're not they're not going to cooperate unless we give them all to mum I'm not saying we should give it to mum but I'm saying like what are we going to do I don't get how people can stand mug I've said this before and they'll say that's what I'm saying bro he's given every single person on the server a reason to hate him there's no reason we shouldn't all unite to just kill him all right turn off your outer layer if you have any mind these pyramids are so tall I'm on I'm on the pyramids right now oh I see mum I see mum wait is he alone he's completely alone no he's not who is that is that quitus no it's dabby cat okay never mind it's him and dabby Cat they're probably all there there's Silva nope they're all here they're all here no what you do did you fall yeah I fell I fell I fell oh no find the symbol I know where the symbol is I know where it is it's under that like moss patch at spawn right there like do we want to go in no we cannot we got to let them find it if who is that who is that is that wait go backwards if you're R okay that's come over here bro I love you come on just remind okay mum's elering around so be careful oh my gosh I'm getting so nervous bro wait wait wait Mug's flying up Nova's flying up are they coming up here flying up he's flying up oh shoot wait what the heck what dude Elemental who's that who is that who is that who is that that's dabby cat oh dabby I feel like dabby definitely just saw me I feel like he definitely just saw me that's someone behind me yeah someone with the elyra yeah it's so it's oh shoot they found us they've seen us yeah run run run run run run run run they know where we are they here they here here they're chasing me bro they're oh I see them oh my gosh it's under the Moss mine it someone mine it someone mine it guys I don't have all this this is I just sleep dby cat what do you mean where the roses are it's made out of obsidian found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it okay it's it's on covered we should join their call we should join their call we should join their call okay listen we can we can end this we can just come together for this one last no the thing is if we end this off peacefully legit everything we've done was for nothing I'm going to be honest I've never been a fan of peaceful really mug I don't know about you guys but I don't think I'd really hate a peaceful ending I know what to do I know what to do look at me everybody it's co line [Music] time oh my gosh oh my God here it all goes it's all gone it's all gone all of it is gone it wasn't a fragment we were at a standstill with mugam holding four fragments in our team holding three someone had to make a move it just so happened that that someone was possibly the most unlikely player no no no no no no no cuz you know what like if we have a final team fight here where do all those fragments go I think you know where they're going to go well and I know damn well that if those wire fragments go to our team they're going straight to mugam for a while now honestly I feel like I've been living in mugam Shadow uhoh he joined my team and then he kind of took it from me the game Breakers was my thing and he took that from me so you know what I think that for the first time I think I want to Stand My Ground mug I challenge you to a One V One winner gets the gem fragments will I don't have all of them yet you don't but I'm okay with the peaceful ending you are very clearly not meet me at Fort will now don't get me wrong there's no way will can actually beat mum I mean mum is the best player on the server by a long shot and this will guy doesn't exactly have a comparable track record but at the very least this duel will leave mum extremely depleted giving us the perfect opportunity to jump in and finish him off all we had to do was wait no will will okay what are you doing this for like genuinely I feel some type of way about you man I feel like the second that you don't need me anymore oh he no he's he zombie business man I think it's just starting yo wait will strong I don't see this as a fight is worth like fighting this just seems like a waste of resources then throw throw do you think this is a waste of resources then throw no I'm not going to die to you why cuz you don't believe that I could kill you you said that earlier you said you said it in Jess but honestly I think there was an air fruit to it oh that is a nasty oh damn that is a combo now I want to I want to see this play this this is the same place you stall his [Music] pants Bill you're slipping you said no restock was allow right yeah no restocking all right in that case is this guy is this guy for real no wait what you're fearless leader my friends I Bliss smpp get his the deadliest m player you going to run away good looks like your honor disappeared along with your morals buddy mum ran for the first time in the history of the server mum ran from a duel after this defeat even the most loyal game Breakers were beginning to doubt him and I realized that if there was ever a chance to turn the rest of the server against mum the time was now so are y'all going to are y'all just going to ignore what just happened yeah I'm talking to all of y'all specialist why are me and D cat getting the blame for this I really don't because you're the ones who can't make up your mind no one's forcing you to be with him you saw what he did bro that one V1 those are sacred bro you don't just run from that like that that's ridiculous we didn't know M was going to do anything you didn't know do you guys actually not think that he's going to do something to you do you actually oh no we did we we we did why are you teing with him we have never been United on This Server we have all had our differences but there is one thing that unites all of us and it's the fact that mugam has pissed us off at point in our Liv so it's time to give him what he deserves find this kid find this kid now that basically the entire server was against him mum was on the Run using his puff gem to fly across the server at Mock 10 if we really wanted to catch him it could take hours or even days we needed a way to find him and luckily two of our new allies had a solution if you guys think that we are the ones to blame for all this mess we'll be the ones to take charge against mum because maybe freeing mugam was blessing in disguise right he owes something to us and I owe you wait so what are we going to ask him to do are we going to ask him to like come to a location or what we're going to ask him to drop the artifact while Silva and dabby were negotiating with mug everyone else continued to search the world for him that is until he came to us I don't know true's right here bro you're kidding you're actually kidding bro he's in Fort Will he's death he's not accepting death he's accepting a fight oh I'm bro I'm booking it over there right now mum challenging the entire server alone was already extremely suspicious not to mention the fact that dabby cat and sasur had not left his call but this was our chance we needed to kill mugam now all right I'm coming I'm almost there I'm almost there I'm almost there I'm almost there they're fighting they're fighting they're fighting where is he where is he where is he yeah for will for will we're Ember are you there Ember are you there where is he oh my God fire is he this one I I hit him with like two daggers I hit him with like two daggers I'm over here I'm wait wait davus cred me bro what the heck is dabby betraying is he betraying every time is he running again no he's he's fighting he's fighting so wait so are are dabby and Silva actually with him are they actually yeah they're actually with us murphin I'm with you I'm with [Music] you I hit I oh my God this I hit him with like three daggers oh let's go oh my God okay now it's time he's pling all over he's over here I'm on him I'm on him I'm on him I'm on him I'm on him Brian's with me's he's guys tell me tell me tell me the cords please he land he's on land he's on get over here guys you need to slow him down you need to slow him down it's the only way good good good good good all right disabling disabling where is he where is he where is he where is he I see him I see him wait no way he's on a p drop he's drop where'd he go where'd he go he's over there he's over there yeah he has the he has the OG ashle Divinity Shield that's the one I gave him bro when he betrayed me is it budus or whatever yep it's Brutus he's using Brutus and it's happening bro we're doing it he I iock he's he's getting away with the dash where is he oh he is oh he he us a he us a glitch away oh he flew over a lag machine bro he got away while trying to fly away with his puff gym mum accidentally loaded a lag machine slowing down the server and causing him to get kicked which gave him time to escape at this point I had no idea what to do I mean the entire server was chasing him down and he still got away with his 20 hearts in two gems this guy is literally unkillable if we couldn't reach some sort of compromise this conflict could go on forever what say but that's including him though isn't it look this is a great deal for us why would we not take this it's it's a hard choice no no no let me cook for a second please let me cook for a second well you needed those attributes because people saw you as weak right you didn't really have anyone you could trust but you have people now and you don't need those exploits anymore because you have us instead I think maybe you know maybe I don't need the attributes to be strong no I'll do it first but like trust me if like you guys don't do it you guys aren't catching up to me ever heeded all right will now it's your end of the barain will yo will come over here oh my gosh it's dude it's like the beginning of the server bro oh he's ding he's dying what here we go damn after will and mugam gave up their exploits the game Breakers were officially gone leaving behind nothing but their legacy of death and destruction and even though my goal ever since he betrayed was to take away anything that gave mum power he still held those four fragments losing his exploits and his team wasn't enough anymore mum had to lose everything we all come from different backgrounds we all come from different teams WF ashle Divinity game Breakers wherever we're from it doesn't matter anymore all that matters is that little man over there in his little netherite suit who thinks he owns the server it's time for him to die it's time for him to get what he finally deserves for real break a shi break a shi let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go we got this guys be careful bro who who Who's fighting M right now me heill him unfortunate he has unfortunate okay hang on hang on hang on seconds on unfortunate I'm hitting sasur 20 seconds on on daggers okay I just hit him with two I just hit him with two I just hit him with two oh my God I just hit him with three I just hit him with three I just hit him with three he's holding a totem he's holding a totem he Chad strength he has Chad strength watch it he got literally freaking oh my God he actually got dropped oh my God H that's an End Portal is he going to go to the end no sh he's going to bring this this fight to the end dude no he's going to bring it to the end that's serious I see the portal I'm not going through that I am not going I'm not going through that did he go through did he go through did he go through I think he went through it he did he did I saw him don't go through no okay okay yeah oh my gosh oh no he just did like four Hearts to me I know that's what I'm saying oh my God Sho oh shoot I thought this didn't work they have like stuff don't run don't don't letun go through don't go don't it's been hour he's trying he's trying did he go through did he go through he went through he went [Music] through as mum fell to his Doom the entire server celebrated my work was finished and now that I knew the fragments wouldn't fall into his hands I couldn't care less who got them but as everyone came together to finally combine the wire fragments in piece by some Stroke of Luck the result landed right in front of me it was a new gym with abilities so powerful it made the user practically invincible and as I stood there with possibly the most powerful item of all time all I could think about was using it to wipe mugam off the face of the Earth but as tempting as this was if I did that I would be no better than him he already lost everything and it was probably more painful for him to stare at the item he'd sacrificed everything for in the palm of my hand so despite everything that he's done to me and my friends throughout this video I decided to forgive him and put the P behind us hoping that someday I can once again think of him as something other than a villain okay maybe I couldn't resist using the gold Jem on him at least [Music] once I poed I [Music] poed
Channel: ECorridor
Views: 2,863,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft SMP, SMP, Lifesteal SMP, School SMP, Dream SMP, Spoke SMP, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft SMP Challenge, Minecraft Hardcore SMP, Technoblade SMP, Minecraft SMP Hunt, Minecraft Richest Players, Levels SMP, Demise SMP, Doomsday SMP, Awaken SMP, ClownPierce SMP, Enchanted SMP, Tommyinnit SMP, Parrot SMP, SMP Minecraft, I Used NUKES to DESTROY This Minecraft SMP..., How I Killed the WITHER On This Minecraft SMP..., ECorridor, ECorridor SMP, Nemesis SMP, Wild SMP
Id: aY1ObGADXcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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