How We Made Microsoft Paint in 24 Hours

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so i was working on my next project and then out of nowhere my boy sip over dm's me want to do up with soymay for one of the bits in my video me and my best friend sloimy being in a sip over video i'm down so i was like count me in dog what's the video about well the video is about 2 versus 15 redstoners where you and soy may are the two pros and you face off against 15 other redstoners and i thought sounds good i'm up to the challenge and luckily slowmay was too and by the way it's this weekend and it only lasts 24 hours this weekend so i stopped working on this project for now and i immediately called soy may whoa you got the invite from sip over right uh yeah i literally just told him i'm down to fuel down yeah i'm down i'm down what do you want to make if we wanted to win this competition we needed something that was impressive cool looking engaging and not too hard to make since we only had 24 hours the impressive part i'm sure we would satisfy no matter what we made for looking cool i'm also not worried we'll just make sure that it has at least some decoration and it's not too messy but for engaging this is the most important part sip over was gonna visit our build when we finish so the more things there are for him to do the better the more ways he can interact with the build and have fun the more likely he is to give us more screen time and we knew this as a fact because you might recognize slow may from sip over's redstone competition video where he literally won the competition and got more screen time what did he build to win well he built hangman which isn't the most complicated thing in the world but it was so engaging and fun that it won the judges over so if we want to have that same effect on the judges again making our build engaging is super important that means buttons levers keyboards screens basically as many interactive things as possible without going overboard as the weekend grew closer we could not decide what to make we had some ideas and they were mostly redstone games which are cool but since we only have 24 hours we're kind of limited i mean we could probably make tic-tac-toe or connect 4 battleship or any of those simple games in 24 hours that wouldn't be a problem but i mean sip overs seen those before in fact i think a lot of you guys have seen those before these types of games are cool and they're great for redstone projects but through time they've been made again and again and again if we wanted to make sure we win this competition we needed something a little more unique wait okay i just made a lion jar like a few weeks ago uh yeah and you finished your image rotator thing from the other day right i did yeah so hear me out what if we took both of those and maybe more and we combined them and made like a microsoft paint that was it that was our golden ticket a paint program it was perfect it hasn't been done before and even if it has it's way less common than the normal games i mentioned and it's super engaging i mean the whole point is to use a bunch of tools to paint something so that's about as interactive as it gets we immediately made a google doc to start planning what this redstone build was going to be capable of we can use a normal lamp screen as the canvas but how are they going to use it should probably have like tools right like the actual microsoft paint tools these are what the paint program was going to be made up of the more tools the more impressive it is but we had to be careful of how many we plan to do because you know only 24 hours here so after brainstorming and building prototypes to imagine how different tools would feel we finally settled on these five tools brush tool which draws any type of line anywhere on the screen line tool which draws straight lines well as best as it can circle tool which draws circles square tool which draws squares and a sprite tool where the user can design a sprite and put it onto the canvas now that the plan was in place it was time to start building it in single player to prepare for event day the first tool to attack was the brush tool i just finished the ui if you want to see it uh yeah let me see that looks nice that's freak so alright for the brush tool should we just do like a touch pad like this like come on boy yeah i mean that's probably fine that's that's really slow with the observers though uh it do be it's like the mumbo thing what about tripwires i'm thinking that they might be harder but like it would probably be a lot better for latency and he was right making a touchpad work with tripwire was a little bit harder but it's so much cooler i've seen mumbo use a button panel in his version of paint but the problem is the latency is really long since every wire is a super long observer chain so instead of a button panel our plan was to use a giant platform of string held together by tripwire hooks on all four sides no matter where the player walks on it you can get an output from the top and from the side which is like your x coordinate and your y coordinate originally we were just going to have a setup like this where the x and y coordinates get encoded into a small binary number before being sent to the screen but then we realized that's not going to work very well alright the encoder should be pretty much done probably just gonna send them to the screen i mean they're just just binary right the screen already accepts binary so that's pretty easy yeah it shouldn't should work wait actually no no it's actually not gonna work the problem was the player can be on multiple points at the same time in fact up to four if they're in the middle of four blocks and encoders can only accept one input at a time so instead of encoding the information before sending it to the screen the touchpad was going to have to send all the x lines and all the y lines to the screen which was really annoying but it was necessary plus i mean it looks cooler and more complicated to sip over so it's not all bad should be hooked up all right nice you wanna be the first tester all right well let's do like a smiley face all right we gotta know it works yes let's go oh my god next up the line tool for this the plan was to just copy my line drawer that i already made from this video right here if you haven't seen that video basically what this guy does is he takes two coordinate points as input in the form of binary numbers for example i could input 1 7 and 20 30. then when you press run it uses bresenham's line drawing algorithm to output all the points of a straight line between those two coordinates yeah i'm pretty proud of this thing you should go watch the multi-line renderer video if you want to learn more so if we use this sip over would just have to input two points select the line tool and boom the line drawer would draw a nice straight line between the two points i'm not sure if sip over knows binary so we might need to make a different input system but that was the basic idea but we weren't going to be able to use schematics on event day i would have to build this whole thing by just looking at it on my second monitor that did not sound fun and even though we were gonna have world edit it still sounded really time consuming but i mean straight lines are pretty magical so maybe it'll be worth it slash paste all right here's mr line drawer i'm not going to connect it to the screen right now because i already know it works yeah that's fine i'll just put it off to the side for later next we tackled the circle tool and the square tool no we didn't implement a circle algorithm and we didn't make any fancy circuits for squares either the plan was actually just to have both the circles and squares stored in a rom or read-only memory that way instead of using an algorithm for it to compute it just loads the circles and squares right from memory we also plan to have five different sizes of circles and five different sizes of squares so for example if the user wants to draw a circle of size three the paint program literally just looks at its memory which has all the sizes of circles it grabs the circle that has a size three and plops it onto the screen alright i'm gonna start making the circle in square room uh no it's fine i'll just generate the circles and squares with my program wait do you have a program that's right my guy sloimy coded a freaking minecraft rom generator in python it takes a bitmap as input which is literally just an image of black and white pixels and the output is that rom it literally just generates a schematic of barrels that match all the binary coordinates of those black pixels that is literally so cool and my man saved us so much time in making these roms last but not least we wanted to make a sprite tool the idea was the user could draw a sprite on a separate screen and place it onto the canvas the mechanic to do this is the exact same mechanic i used in this serial image sender i made in my last video but if you haven't seen that video let me give you a quick explanation to send an image or a sprite from one place to another you have a sender and a receiver the sender takes your image and converts it into one long binary string for example here i have a small face as my image but the sender converts this to one zero one zero zero zero one one one and you can see that when i press this button the image gets released and the sender sends out one zero one zero zero zero one one one the receiver is designed to take in this binary string lock it into place with repeater locks and display the image that it received and yeah that's basically how we plan to make the sprite tool a little mini screen for a sip over to design a sprite and a button to place it onto the canvas once that was finished we were all set with the tools this was really coming together i think sip over is gonna love it three hours before the event we were kind of just sitting there and i had an interesting idea one more thing i was thinking that could probably like bring the paint to life especially for sip over is like a a thickness changer circuit thickness change or circuit like explain a bit more you you depend no matter what tool you use like it changes the size of the brush if you put a thickness change or circuit right behind the screen you could change the thickness of your circles squares lines whatever you want the only problem was making it because there was only three hours till the event but that didn't stop us from trying [Music] and with a half hour until the event we finished it a thickness changer circuit based on signal strength let me show you how this works so if you want to draw normally you just input a signal strength of one and as you can see on the display you just get that one pixel only but if you input a higher signal strength like a signal strength of three you get a three by three pixel instead and yeah that concept works for any odd number signal strength i can go over here and put a seven and then over here i can put a nine and maybe a five right here and if we look at the screen all the thicknesses have changed according to their signal strength we have a nine by nine square seven by seven five by five and a three by [Music] are not three any map but now what's ahead of us god [Music] he's behind us oh i see him i see him my guy what is this well it's written at the top right a painting device brah how all right let's paint some stuff we got a brush tool we got a circle tool and a sprite tool where you can even make your own sprite ah i'm gonna go with the circle let's try out this one all right so go ahead and slap that note block above the circle now you gotta choose a thickness for your circle we're gonna draw that all right yes oh my gosh bruh i didn't know it was going to be that big of a circle i was trying to draw a dick dude how is that so good it literally like went around so you see there's a whole like drawing tablet at the bottom right and where you walk it will basically draw on the screen oh look at it go oh god we went too far stop stop he's just got really big legs bro this is actually nuts though i want to do more with it but we have to go yo you guys won if you enjoyed this video subscribe i've got big plans for the rest of the summer and make sure to subscribe to soymay too he's a redstone god and his content is really informative i hope you learned something i hope you enjoyed peace out guys [Music]
Channel: mattbatwings
Views: 816,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C868-OwaSKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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