Minecraft, But You Can Go Inside Any Item...

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in today's video we can go inside any item yeah oh my god he's literally mining me oh my god yo yo yo this guy is actually strafing me right now we got this dude also guys yes as promised i'm a furry for today's video because i lost the challenge in the last video it's a long story don't ask any questions i'm burning this thing afterwards i promise but please ignore the fact that i'm a literal pink flamingo for one video so with that said gamers let's do this what is that what wait hold up wait a minute oh my god is this literally a gift this literally looks like a present for me none me what if i open it what it's called a gift chest and then what is that hold up and whoa entity pearl given to those worthy of exploring uncharted territory full of dangerous adventures uh okay apparently gamers me a cyborg or in this case a pink flamingo cyborg i don't even know anymore apparently we are worthy to go on an adventure for today's video where no one apparently has gone because it's uncharted i don't know what that means however it says entity pearl so wait a minute you're telling me hold up hold up i also i was about to get birchwood what i literally almost betrayed oak gang listen guys i'm sorry but i'm literally an old gang member okay if you're birch gang okay i'm kidding not really but like come on okay is so much better than birch okay perfect let's boom make a crafting table and wait so theoretically if i drop that that's an entity but this is also just a block and we've already went inside blocks in another video so hold up wait a minute what's something that oh the poop pickaxe the legendary poop pickaxe boys oh my goodness are we doing this are we actually doing this i don't know i actually do not know if i throw this down you're telling me that i can literally just eat this entity pearl into that and i'll go inside of that thing well gamers here goes nothing subscribe if this works three two one and subscribe bro wait what oh my god what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that hold on i have the wooden pickaxe yeah we're inside of it oh my god it's coming at me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey yo hold up watch your jet bruh watch your jet what what it's an entry it's a mob it's a mob it's a mob it's a mob it's a mob it's the wooden pickaxe wait i'm so confused oh my god i can't hear anything gamers i literally cannot hear anything i'm gonna make a run for it oh my goodness oh my god there's chess is this thing nice it definitely isn't there's another warning pickaxe here okay and a bunch of sticks wait what's that oh a fortune two one bra wait where did the wooden pickaxe go oh my god it's right there bro oh my god okay hold on there's a bunch more loot over here is there a sharpness one i'm breaking three i'm gonna use that i'm breaking through i'm breaking three where's it where's it where's it oh my god come here boy whoa wait what i can't move i can't move i can't move i'm i'm pressing w i'm pressing oh my god oh my god oh my god okay we gotta be very careful gamers oh i killed it we killed it wait we just got another pick oh oh my god bro wait what wait i can't tell dude what just happened oh my god this video is going to be insane there's more chests right here wait hold on i got to take in what just happened did we just fight a wooden pickaxe in minecraft wait this ladies and gentlemen it's about to be a blast i see what it meant by adventure did we do all of these chests over here i think we did i think the only one we have to do is that one right there let's go yo yo yo okay just sticks bruh moment i don't care bro we got literally infinite sticks for the clicks speaking of clicks aren't you happy you clicked on this video no seriously we're actually about to go in an insane adventure i want to make sure that there's nothing here that we want there's there's candle hello is there anything here okay maybe for a second i thought like i could find like an easter egg but what if there's some sort of easter egg i don't want to miss out i mean to be honest this is just a wooden pickaxe maybe there's gonna be easter eggs and maybe stronger bosses and mobs to fight in the diamond pickaxe diamond chest plate totem lava bucket oh my god i'm actually so scared oh my god wait did i just pick wait what we picked up is this the same wooden pickaxe as the original i'm so confused but boys oh my god what the nuts okay hold on a second before we do too much i need a freaking you i'm sorry piggies i promise if i had a better weapon i would use it on you instead of just pickaxing you guys to death i know this is brutal don't hate me tech no blade and there you go i think we killed the last pig yeah okay there you go i don't know how i lost health fighting pigs but we did okay let's grab our crafting table and honestly we spawned on a dumb freaking island which kind of sucks so i think our best bet is probably getting on a boat eventually ooh lapis wait what there's some iron oh my god wait is there a cave right here hold on i'm literally about to drown but wait what is that hold up okay okay okay okay okay i gotta be careful i cannot die with these entity pearls i also just realized that we only have nine of them so we gotta oh my god we gotta choose wisely with the items that we travel inside but dude this looks so sick but hold up please please please oh did we just find a sick oh my god we found an insane cave okay wait this is awesome boom we have efficiency 10 yo this is nuts and it has on breaking ten oh my god this pickaxe is actually beautiful okay there we go we have stone that way we can actually grab the iron dude i don't even need a stone pickaxe like this wooden one is just perfect except i just need the stone to mine the oars okay there you go we're grabbing up all this oh i almost missed one let's get the cobbler stone for a furnace oh my goodness dude this cave looks pretty promising boys boom pork chop found the coal good time also gamers wait there's some copper right here can we break this with a wooden pick oh no we can't what can you even make with the copper i swear there's like this really cool item that i have never even crafted before oh my god the spyglass yo what if we go inside the spyglass would that be sick we just need to find some amethyst for that i'm pretty sure oh my goodness let's do that boom bam bam and perfect there you go we got everything we needed for now at least is there anything good we can craft i mean i do need some oh my god armor we can make a shield yo yo yo yo let's make a shield okay but if i die to a creeper it's because i can't wear headphones with this stupid thing hold on a second let's just make some room boom there you go we crafted our shield and then oh my goodness okay i'm kind of scared when we have food let's definitely make a stone axe just in case all right here goes nothing i cannot miss my aim has to be precise three two one and boom oh my god wait what bro this is inside of a shield oh my god there's a chest but we have to watch out yo yo i'm kind of scared i literally cannot hear anything guys i literally don't know if there's something about to like kill me oh my goodness okay bro there's so much iron hold up and wood this is amazing i'm gonna make myself a freaking chess play bro wait wait a second can i break this iron block yes i can oh my god easy we can just mine inside of the shield yes yes yes yes yes let's make yourself protection work counts helmet and boots bam bam bam also guys screw it there you go iron axe and okay i don't see anything sketchy for now there's another chest right here okay bruh this chest has so we have 24 iron oh my god there's more chest right here you want give me give me give me give me bro let's go what ah what the nuts is that oh my god there's a shield oh my god oh my god oh my god what where were you hiding wait was he like right there this entire time oh my goodness no no no no no no no no no what's up bro what's up oh my god he literally just bops me so hard no no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god bro what dude i ca i can't not let him hit me bro i'm gonna die oh my god oh my god yo yo yo yo yo yo this guy is insane okay he can't hit me up here bro we're fighting a shield look at this nerd oh my god oh my god okay okay okay relax relax this is oh my gosh he can learn he can learn he's literally doing parkour what the nuts every time i go in for a hit we literally trade oh my god dude i can't even hit him half the time what is his hitbox bro guys no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god speaking of shield lighter and i have one where's my crafting table there's my crafting right here right here where's my iron where's my iron i don't have iron wait for real where did my iron go did i drop it oh my god i'm actually gonna die i'm actually gonna die oh my god i literally left in this chest bruh eat eat bunk eat okay okay okay boom i have my wait i already had a shield right here oh my god i hate myself i i literally hate myself oh my god oh my god yeah yeah you can't do much now oh my okay you still do massive amount of damage stop though please oh my god oh my god dude the knockback is literally what does the most damage because i oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god no this is terrifying yeah how much health do you have just stop please my g just just give up man just give up please stop oh my god i'm gonna die i'm actually just dead it's fine it's okay it's cool it's cool you know honestly it's fine i don't i didn't even care to be alive anyway hold on a second i think i got the timer right oh oh oh oh my god no just when you think you're okay just when you think you're oh my god he's trying to strengthen me boys no you can't make this up you literally can't make this up the freaking guy is trying to strafe me dude he's getting away from my thing oh my god i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm gonna eat my last meat my last meal the meat shall save me i'm a player bro i should be able to outsmart him wait literally like this get outsmarted nerd oh wait he was on his last hit and i have a protection 10 shield oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen what oh my god bro this is so stressful i literally just grew my hair on my skin and i'm about to lose it because i'm getting so stressed bro i'm a furry as well my i hate my life it looks like i'm a giant peepee on my forehead okay anyways dude that was what happened to my helmet did i never put on my helmet i don't even know what's going on oh my god why i just took damage that was so stupid all right well i don't even have any food yet we're here oh my god bro i don't even want to go into the other items although we did kind of get as much iron as we needed oh dude i should have mined more let's just go deeper into this cave man great literally skeletons just spawned honestly i can't take much more damage guys unless we figure out how to get food inside of it oh my god no i'm getting shot already wait are they fighting each other aha yes fight each other idiots do complete imbeciles okay wait are they literally just not gonna kill each other like what hold on a second i'm gonna just go ahead and just whack you yeah and then we gotta be very careful and then oh my god oh my god oh my god wait i just joined the bow and we found diamonds bro oh this is insane well we have bone meal which is actually pretty useful tonight can i eat these berries oh my god oh i can eat these berries no way oh yes yes yes yes food food food food bro i honestly can i use the bone meal on oh i'm literally learning about 1.17 as we speak no wait i need that i need all the blow glares i don't know okay wait but this is insane because now we have a bow should i go inside the bow i don't have any air i have two arrows that's it and i'm probably gonna have to fight like a bo boss oh man i don't know if we should do that guys first let's at least consume this let me quickly make a door there you go give me the diamonds yes baby we got two diamonds which means we can make oh no i hate to say boys but we can make a diamond sword move grass i'm trying to do a dramatic intro thing my bob bruh yo this cave is actually just getting more and more insane gamers let's be honest do we want to go inside a bow and a diamond sword you know we could we could go inside a fluffy wool block or like a golden apple you know instead of something so wait a golden apple that's actually a really good idea let's do that bro what if we literally managed to find a god apple yo okay there we go we got that third diamond which now we can make a pickaxe oh my god wait a second why do i feel like we should go through the pickaxe first and then the sword because i feel like the pickaxe might be easier to kill than the sword are there any more diamonds around here though i'm trying to see i see some lapis more diamonds right here yeah guys i don't know i mean if we find one more diamond we'll be able to go to both and oh my god i'm trying to get as much food as i can but boys there has to be diamonds around here oh my god yes and it's a lot of diamonds let's go yo oh my god there you go we have eight diamonds bro wait a second screw the diamond sword and the diamond pickaxe let's go to the diamond chest plate if you think about it won't we find more diamonds inside the chest plate i'm a genius i'm actually a genius i don't care what you say throw this down um i'm trying to think do i need anything you know what i'm actually gonna keep the lava pocket which we can go inside of but mainly because it can be a weapon too all right with that said eat more berries three two one and we're in oh my god i literally see him i literally see him i'm not even surprised anymore i'm literally not even surprised anymore okay wait why is he not coming over here or am i speaking too soon hold on a second wait a second yo he's nice yo what's good g.a my guy is just a minecraft item just trying to have a good time already die wait i'm gonna have to kill him though oh no what if he's like an iron golem yep we're gonna end up having to fight him oh wait a second oh this is good oh oh wait no no no no no no binding i know they let's take these diamonds though oh my god bro i was right i was literally right protection too hold on a second i don't even need the protection one thorns one no i'll take these diamonds bro this is getting so hot in here okay wait this is actually kind of pog champ because now i put the diamond chest plate we got a diamond chest plate baby pop oh okay wait it's just like thorns wait yeah he's not really doing any okay every time i hit him it does damage but he's not even trying to kill me right come here boy give me them plates oh my god dude he has so much health because i am hitting him with all my force and i'm still not oh wait a second i can just make a diamond pickaxe or a diamond axe i meant yeah also a diamond pickaxe and a sword bro we're actually cracked i got my diamond sword baby oh my god wait no we gotta maximize on damage about two hours later oh yes wait we just picked up a chest plate oh my god oh yo it's literally godly it is literally godly boys now we can fight the diamond sword in the diamond pickaxe boys this is insane yo and the diamond chest plate looks so sick it's literally like a diamond chest plate like look we're on the top left arm and then we can go over here to the top right arm yo and if you ever wonder what's inside then uh now you know just just a tiny chest plate well it's big when you're inside but you know technically tiny then you can actually destroy and uh get good stuff from you know i'm not gonna lie i can't say i like this food source but it's just gonna have to do now honestly that i have the chest plate i feel like the bow we've been delaying the bow or maybe i should wait till i get the better diamond sword i don't know man i feel like if we have a god bow it might help us to kill the diamond sword honestly a totem would be the best but oh my god we should get a totem you know what screw this let's make a boat doing grab more food and it's both time baby yes oh my god land the desert may be a hot and uncomfortable place but nothing was more comfortable than wearing that stupid flamingo suit listen i was gonna die of heat exhaustion so now all we have to do is find a little freaking pyramid boy and that was easy i am literally going to ragequit if we don't find the god apple go down here break this first there you go moment of truth leave a like for extra luck okay okay regular golden apple that's not a bad idea that's literally not bad come on got apple oh no okay okay okay okay no please please no we got uh well honestly wait can we just go inside of here you know honestly i don't even know why i'm crying so much let's just go inside a regular golden apple and probably be able to get like god apples anyways three two one bro are you guys seeing what i'm seeing are we inside oh my god wait what we're in heaven we're we must be in heaven oh my god but we're not there's golden apples literally running around they're little they're just playing around they're like little babies oh my god oh my god hold on what if dude oh i can't wait i just can't i'm not wait what well i'm saying if i hit him yo wait it just dropped a regular what oh my god oh my god come here boy yo yo look at this they're dropping baby golden apples oh my god and what if i kill oh oh my god drop three got apples it dropped three got out i thought they were gonna be babies no they're just normal oh my god wait a second this is insane okay i'm i'm kind of like evil guys is this evil just like literally killing these golden apples oh they seem they're not even attacking me no mercy gamers i need the food i'm sorry you guys are cute though you're whoa oh my god jumbo size bro yeah oh wait i'm so stupid okay let's ignore that oh my god bruh oh my goodness look at this these guys are literally just easy bro i have nine god apples oh my god oh my god this is wait what or one of them committed a murder whatever the case may be yawning thank you give me your apple son okay that just no that's not a good sentence to say bro they're so tricky oh my god they're so quick why are you running come on i need your enchanted goodies yes you know what i'm gonna leave the dads and the moms so they can you know keep making apple babies except for this little guy i need food there you go i got rid of all the orphans following in technoblades footsteps oh my god i'm gonna get canceled all right we literally solved our food problem and now let's get the balls out of here boop pickaxe for the win oh my god i'm honestly pretty confident now maybe we can try the diamond sword cause i have 21 god apples there's no way i'm gonna die right i hope not just in case i also have my bow all right three two one and ye oh oh my god there he is boys a diamond sword whoa whoa wait wait wait he's kind of quick he just moved so fast what's inside of here though more diamonds okay regular diamond sword enchanted sharpness one i'm taking it there you go honestly i think i might know bro i think we might have to use the diamond sword versus the diamond sword i have my shield protection 10. we literally have a god chest plate hold on a second oh my god he's coming yo he's so quick what the nuts oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god yo yo yo this guy is actually strafing me right now we got this dude oh my god oh my god yo yo yo yo he just mad damage yo he does man damage yo yo what oh my god oh my god wait wait wait i'm actually gonna die i gotta eat a gold ride grab grandpa please yo that was so close oh my god oh my god we should be good now come on come on we got this baby we got this we got this you cannot defeat me oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my god oh my god bro he's literally trying to strafe me why is this so intense go even with my god apple what oh my god oh my god oh we killed him oh that was close wait what i ate a god apple and i'm almost dead well like half house but it's dude oh yes oh yes yes baby i know it's good yes dude we got a god sword let's go sharpest 10 sweeping edge 10 i'm breaking 10 that is crazy with that said definitely let's use that 12 attack damage over eight attack damage bruh and there's some more diamond swords over here i'm breaking one don't really need that let's see regular diamond sword you know i'm gonna keep taking the diamonds though inside of here two dinosaurs shut this one not bad fire aspect one i'm actually gonna take that instead of the sharpest one that is actually insane let's go bro as the baby says yeah yeah okay that's a dead meme so maybe now that we're kind of stacked honestly it could be a good idea to try out the bow what else did we say we want to do i mean i guess the lava bucket would be really cool i would really like to find a totem though guys that would be insane if we could fight a totem i might honestly save that one for last because we need to find the mansion i just realized we have 56 levels raw okay well let's just do this i'm gonna eat the bowl there diamond axe ready three two one and oh okay we're here inside of the bow what is this the string part bro where where are we oh my goodness this looks so sick this quite literally is the bow oh my god oh my god oh what it's literally shooting me oh my god wait wait that's him that's him that's literally the vote okay oh wait what what was that what was that okay no this guy doesn't seem that hard though every time he hits me he literally takes damage come here nerd come here okay wait yo yo chill chill chill chill chill oh my god wait what the nuts is happening i can't even i i can't even land a hit oh my god hold on we're close we're close come on come on come on come on come on come here oh my god yo yo what what is this what is this bro oh my god wait a second no no no no this is insane this is madness stop bro he's literally so annoying please oh my god i'm actually gonna die i'm literally about to die no no no no no no oh my god did he just stop does he never stopped oh i gotta run i gotta run i gotta run oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god hold on applause i'm honestly just gonna chuck a gun apple i don't even care i have a lot go go go go go go go go go oh my god bro bro this guy is so cringe what he launches me back oh my god oh my god come on come on yeah you can't do anything about that if i got the shield but dude he literally fights like whip so annoying easy yeah just like whip easy sorry clip i love you but power 10 oh my nuts no infinity are you serious bro and i only have two arrows okay well that's fine at least we have power 10. that was insane and there doesn't seem to be any chest around here yeah no that that was not fun at all okay gamer so hold on we can go inside the lava bucket at any time we still need to find the totem but the spyglass poop pickaxe activate please oh my god i didn't even get to finish my sentence like and subscribe okay wait no this is literally what we needed except this little guy needs to freaking grow and who knows how long that would actually take or nothing or literally would take two seconds we got the shards one amethyst there two right there oh my god we have the spy glass yo this looks crazy yo okay okay well screw that three two one okay well that's one way to introduce yourself literally you didn't have time to do anything i see what you do mr spyglass take this nerd okay surely he's gonna get wrecked whoa whoa wait what oh my god he just broke my armor no stop please just die oh my god wait what he just died to my thorns we just got another spyglass yeah i have two now wait what the heck yo i can actually see the world what no wait what no i can't go through no i wanted to like duh okay it's fine whatever i don't know where i am but this is pretty sick yes guys honestly i'm chugging a gun apple because you know what we're going inside of this man i should probably make another water bucket to be honest nah you know what yeah let's actually be smart and get a water bucket or should i be extra smart and go inside the water bucket instead of the lava bucket or both i cannot screw it i'm not a wussy three two yeah okay i literally don't see anything at all um i also have fire resistance so honestly this makes it really easy oh wait a second what is that hold up yeah see we're too smart for this lava bucket bro you stupid oh my god i'm sorry for calling you stupid yeah okay wait a second come here nerd oh my placing lava on me wait this guy is super easy bro i'm literally comboing him okay wait he keeps placing lava everywhere can you stop i have fire is it oh dude i honestly i think this guy would be so difficult if we didn't have fire resistance i think arguably the lava would have been the hardest one so far oh my god easy no i didn't get his bucket it was probably a magical bucket or something okay it's fine we gucci all right guys i'm literally not gonna stop running until i find a freaking mansion we have two entity pearls left and the totem has to be one of them yes finally man let's sneak in right here go go go go go okay where's this nerd wait i'm not even on the top floor oh my god i think i got here oh he's right there he's right there right there's right there okay okay okay we got this we got this charm is 10 go go go go go go no no no no no and yes one shot baby oh my god you only told him dying oh my god dude stop these little babies bro no way no way i'm gonna die now oh my god oh my god oh my god no no no no no no bro they're breaking my armor okay there you go full diamond armor baby about time all right totally dying three two one and whoa where is he where is he where is he oh my god there he is okay he's slow he's not that fast yeah oh oh my god okay okay wait no this is actually kind of scary oh my god wait what was that your vulgar thing he can do that without even really seeing me okay well we have the real totem right here this is fine this is fine it's just fine come on come on there you go there you go oh my god oh my god die totem this is insane oh my wait what well so much for being a tournament of undying we just we just wrecked them like literally destroyed them bruh okay and we have so many totems now bro i'm actually undefeated literally the only thing we need to do now is honestly hold on let me just get drawing some of these arrows there you go is to literally defeat the diamond pickaxe and that's it we only have one more entity pearl should i go inside anything else that i have what other item is really good honestly guys right now if you made it this far comment down below what you would go inside of specifically items of course all right with that said final entity pearl we owe it to the diamond pickaxe we have to do it boys for the memes three two one and boom oh my god this is it this is really just like the diamond sword i don't see him though oh my god there he is okay okay okay he's there okay hold on a second there's other diamond pickup it's so touched bro why we should have went in here way before guys i didn't think of that getting a god diamond pickaxe bro i stuck around with the poop pickaxe i stupid okay it's fine let's get them boys let's get oh oh my god okay okay hold on it's fine oh my god he's literally mining me stop mining me nerd oh my god i can't i'm like a block i i can't move it's fine it's fine i have a power 10 i have a power 10 yes eat my power 10 baby let's go diner oh i have no more errors okay it's fine pop and come on dude yo yes that was easy not really but dude and it's a god pickaxe we did it bro we actually did it holy nuts let's get the nuts out of here oh my god boys we actually did it hopefully you guys enjoyed today's absolutely crazy video there should be some other videos on the screen go watch those they're just equally as good i promise or maybe not maybe this was the best video ever who knows that's why you should leave a like and subscribe peace gamers i love you
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,779,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But You Can Go Inside Any Item, minecraft but, minecraft mod, mods, minecraft mods, mod, minecraft but you can go inside any, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: gVb9QtsCgeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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