Minecraft BUT You Can SHEAR MOBS For ARMOR!

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ah look it's really sad it's not a pink dog it's a dog without skin minecraft but you can shear any mob so usually you can shear a sheep right you get wool from it well now you can shear an enderman it's very disturbing you can also shear villagers iron golems and then with the material that you get from shearing them you can turn it into op armor that does special things depending on what you shoot not going to spoil any though you're going to have to watch the video to find out before we get into the video though i just want to remind you guys that orders are open for the hardcore bought gang t-shirt head over to song.com before monday to grab yours i'm actually wearing the original right now looks pretty cool huh anyway where were we now you guys can click the like button to share me i know i didn't think it'd be a good idea but we're doing it anyway i'll just sit here and wait i guess and there you go this is very uncomfortable let's get into the video okay this is the place right where are they the magic accessories we're here for the magic shears sometimes the window is not that comfortable wait why is there an end about it here hello i don't know maybe oh don't look at it oh he's we're all this year maybe he yeah he brought the shears in magic she is please sorry wait do you think they can share an enderman oh yeah [Applause] i i'm sorry about that uh i got enderman skin enderman kin skin skin thank you okay really can you make something out of that well i i'm guessing we need like to make armor or or something we yeah but we need more i've only got two yeah okay let's go find some more enemies why did you have to choose the hottest we stopped oh i found a launch oh are you kidding me come on is that enough three okay we're gonna need more than this guys all right spread out spread out oh i see what's getting killed [Music] cheer yes wait um we need two more right are you kidding oh there's one there before the angle please share something no no wait you don't i was spamming and now i made the iron golem going all right maybe let's focus on one thing at a time okay i got golem skin yeah you can get that excuse me we need we need one more really enough josh no would you wait five yeah oh okay okay we should be fine okay let's go craft it then wait five yeah where are you guys i'm lost uh i just went back to the taylor shop yeah oh i'm not going to tell you what i just shared but jenny can you do one at a time please yeah yeah let's do one at a time yes okay josh you get this here you go okay now make something out of it sir okay [Music] he can teleport oh that is cool if you want to see something sorry guys why is there a skinned bee that's probably the one that jelly did on accident uh absolutely bros don't they okay yeah they're like flying well that's cool i guess it's julie's trying to skin something what are you going to escape i actually want to try to make a little bit of a golem outfit a golden outfit okay oh find yourself there's like a ton of golems around here look at them there's so many golems they're in in with the cows hit one no i think i'm okay come on jelly get in there and get y'all oh this is so weird i mean i think jelly's already got enough josh yeah there's just so many actually okay now make the skin i want to see this oh my god what oh my god what does it do guys it gives you muscles whoa do you hurt well what can you do it's called the miners exoskeleton that's like the crater outfit just smashing the door down okay watch out for the jelly jelly jelly stop go through the house jelly yeah that was not good i know what i want a skin is there a b by any chance dogs okay ah look it's really sad it's not a pink dog it's a dog [Music] and your skin and your skin and your skin i got enough already guys this is not okay it's a bit disturbing not gonna lie back i'm on my way jelly jelly just jelly jelly i'm on my way okay but take it off before you get to the house oh you're gonna destroy the house please jelly okay please stop jelly i turn it off i turn it up can you even turn it off that thing well here we go i'm gonna turn into a dog no it's look you're making an outfit crainer it's called detective outfit oh yeah whoa oh wait oh it just highlighted all the entities oh what's that why don't we please stop wait oh i got a bone wait come out here come out here wait email or something oh i feel like my teleporting isn't very good no stay away okay you should try to make a little bee outfit next okay i guess i will if you say so yeah don't get my own choice i guess hey josh right here why is the beast jelly i'll get back yeah i've got enough okay stop if you don't take off that armor i'm gonna keep barking at you buddy okay well i'm gonna create the b outfit while you guys are doing that really your outfit is literally worse what is this take it off you're destroying it can i guess what you're going to do what fly sting pilot's outfit whoa oh wait it's a flying one cannon [Applause] what are you gonna do you haven't got that much range guys i'm gonna skin something else okay well oh why am i flying wait what uh wait has anybody tried skinning um a villager a villager oh look at them oh man they should i mean technically sunburn is skinning yeah it is jelly can you stop destroying everything please just take off they're attacking him all right guys i'm getting the villager skin all right i'm slowly flying i'm still flying i think i'll be able to trade i don't know i don't make the rules are you dying from this at all yeah it hurts dude okay thank you that wait aren't you technically oh my god human oh yeah this is oh my god casino oh you're dropping items oh gold you're just dropping items you're just dropping stuff silly money is that it you just drop random things or is this stuff you already had and you just your pockets are full does it kind of hurt your bottom a little bit i'm sorry that i'm dropping money wait where is this richard where is it coming from uh his body my pockets man oh yeah that's what he calls his special pocket i i think it's my turn now to choose something i would a butt be a pocket can i just okay what are you gonna pick i'll have a look around the city a little bit what is something we oh chicken oh my god look he's like a little kentucky fried chicken it's okay we're gonna make a pillow crane or whatever does anybody see chicken um i saw something i think a lot of them died okay well i'll just let you collect that i'll meet you back at the house well it's time for me to see what uh chicken do i have i mean if the bee flies what would the chicken do birdman outfit i am birdman okay i'm assuming you can throw eggs wait squeeze well i got wigs you got chicken wings oh i thought maybe you'd lay an egg oh i punched it can you do anything else wait chicken yes i can hang on can we talk about the fact that chickens can't fly yeah well i'm only i'm only soaring is the thing okay all right so here's the other thing that i can do but i need some encouragement it takes a little while to press this thing out so oh he's making an egg i think we got to upset him you're ugly did it work oh yeah was that an explosive fart i think that was an explosive egg was it i think it might be my explosive egg ability oh for the last thing that we're gonna skin guys i want something else okay jelly let's focus okay okay i want to skin i forgot to activate the wings what are you talking about i want to skip a pillager although i don't know where they are so maybe we could spread out look i'm a detective chicken guys okay there's a bridge over here guys maybe this way i mean i'm at a bridge i'll just let's just spread out look around i'm just teleporting okay you see i see them see them wait they're gonna attack us scare them they will fight scare them quickly [Applause] get to the crafting bank i'll fly there guys oh oh crap i blew myself up and you just set the stuff off okay jenny you've got the stuff no i don't have that you didn't get any i didn't oh i told y'all oh wait i think i just got another i know i do have enough no man imager doctor outfit what is this guy oh my god you are you look great bro oh what is that uh i can do postings that's crazy i think uh i'm flying away guys um yeah i think this place is done now i'm flying away like a chicken would do because chickens can fly okay yeah this place this place really shouldn't sell these things it's dangerous okay well that was shearing any more hope you enjoyed it if you want to check out another video there are videos on the screen that you can click also if you want to pick up the merch head over to slogo.com and enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 822,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, shear mob, jelly, crainer, mob, shear
Id: Z44BBqVEArw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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