Minecraft BUT You Can GO INSIDE Any Item!

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[Music] that's a cool curse jelly what if in minecraft you could go inside of items well we made that reality today all we need is a very special item pearl then we throw an ice on the ground eat the pearl at it and then it will teleport us inside of the item this is pretty awesome and if you guys want to see us go inside some more items like tnt or something crazy like that click that like button wait could we go inside of a like button whoa anyway let's get into it hey boys we got bill again guys okay craina i'm waiting for this i don't really like this one guys let me read it let me read it yeah but we're coming outside just waiting for chris well hey what well would you look at that we need to go to the well okay okay oh how did i see this wait did you guys not know this was here this whole time wait where are we going what is this guys oh that's crainer i think what was that i think it was crainer there's probably a trap down here or something activating ye who uses this perl nissan there are certain items may enter the round nice this way what items are they talking about though wait wait wait wait what about wait where oh okay oh throw it on there whoa whoa what what did it say something about items guys what is this is this the string of a bowl we're inside of the box oh oh my goodness this is epic that's super cool what you've got in here i'm stuck guys oh ghost oh my god i'm stuck and they're gonna die okay this is not good i'm gonna kill it ow wait jelly was shooting me that was why yes i killed it i killed it i killed it okay guys we killed it okay can you please to have a look what this does okay wait great oh he's still in here thanks i'm still in the bowl string or whatever what okay thanks jelly guys i'm sorry this bow is waiting so we can actually go inside of whatever items which one do you guys want to visit next uh uh wait a diamond sword a diamond sword a diamond sword i see one standing right there okay but then we're gonna have to go get diamonds jelly really you're really gonna be this way is this how we get out teleport out yeah teleport us out oh yes what okay here we go wait wait all right let's go find diamonds yes where are the pearls jelly took him i know you have them crainer i didn't i i was on board thank you trainer all right let's head to the mine okay good thing we made this really cool model we're here oh diamonds woohoo wait about oh nice one oh wait actually wait what are we gonna we need to get a few because we're gonna make some diamond stuff right yeah we need to go inside of a lot of diamonds i guess we could try multiple things like a diamond pickaxe or a diamond block or even like diamond armor diamond armor that would be cool yeah diamond well i don't know we'll see won't we i've got eight diamonds guys i've got nine well what are we gonna do first nine nine nine nine where do we put the uh crafting table uh good question wait what did we forget to include a girl i'll make one i'll make one i'm on it i'm on top of this i know how this works you're destroying the house even more than i watch this watch this okay thank you and here is the first just listen to me for once in your entire life i'm making i just threw you sticks guys listen to me i made a song okay all right let's go outside good job let's go outside no not right now come let's just focus on the sword okay yes all right so i throw this on the ground and yeah i throw a pearl on it right yeah do it i guess oh wait wait wait guys that's moving the diamond there's a diamond sword coming towards us yeah you've got a crane [Music] i got the magic diamond song please tell me oh oh you got it too now i'm the only one with it special never mind you got it yes crap here jelly you can have one as well this is like diamond inception guys this is pretty cool wow this one's lit thanks guys perfect so okay this is like the handle out there and this is like the middle that pasta this is the spit the spiky part kurt well well done crazy it's called the sword yes all right uh i mean do we need any more diamonds i think we've got quite a lot um i'm gonna mine okay okay i'm gonna mine him and then i'll come out we'll wait here i think we need him to leave but uh wait wait why don't we just get this i have a guys be careful you don't mind through the salt we don't know what's on the other side are you also mining the diamond blocks yeah it's much quicker oh wait the whole floor is diamond okay let's just go this is way too much jelly we don't need this much let's go jelly we better things to look at what are you gonna make i'm gonna make a i wanna throw jelly that was my idea sorry okay i'll do the i'll do the other one uh next time go down jenny get away pearl time you just jelly you took it throw it down down oh wow it works enemy pick excited i'll get past it you guys are doing great got it you guys are doing great unfortunately nice it's dead and it dropped oh my god yes get all the diamond jelly fortune 10. how little jelly knows sometimes yeah he's really dominant sorry guys but excuse me sorry nope okay let me get out of my minecraft you're really good at minecraft oh okay we're lying about that one well we know that like items work guys i think we need to upgrade this even further guys yeah considering i have an awful amount of diamonds yes all right an awful amount an awful i think it's a good amount it is a good amount it's really good a chest plate oh okay what about that that could be interesting actually okay all right all right all right let's go and start the timer inside of a diamond chest plate we're about to find out hit me no i don't want to hit me whoa wait it really hurts okay well is there anything else in here ow we're just a lot more diverse you hear that sound wait what sounds wait okay try to give me one i think there's a sound playing when you're punching yeah good good idea yeah come on really it's just get it from jelly yeah all right i'll try this all right listen okay punch me okay oh yeah your head what is that okay all right look guys we've got other items come on let's go go go we've got a lot more to find josh there's i've got some mining do you know how many diamonds we have this is where the arms are josh over there this is yeah well i figured that out i think it's pretty obvious okay are we done do we go to another item guys we've got a lot more pearls to use guys what's next what are we gonna do um well i did see i actually saw some stuff in here yeah we had some stuff left over so i did what i got to try it are you kidding me over here over here yes the trident is a really thin stick jelly thank you for that jelly pill yet you you thought oh yeah all right right click the pearl come on come on jelly please okay i'm not sure what i quite expected [Music] that was a real curse i'm good [Music] [Laughter] there he is he's back he don't think he's fetish i don't think he has a very good one we're really strong guys fetish [Music] okay you both do both stop right now we're supposed to be friends inside of the trident aye man stop it trident boys get out of here try the team for the win all right we're trying out the item guys do we have anything else well the only other thing in here was the um the bottle of the charge is that even possible try it maybe try to get a lot of experience in there like a pool yeah maybe right click filled with experience let's go oh whoa oh my god what oh what is happening why is my game going crazy um this is strange wait a second go up go up go up oh it's just dropping stuff forward bro it's an experience honor guys are we a part of an experienced farmer we could just stay here forever i didn't even know this existed this is actually really great and it's free emeralds too i don't know and you know what's even better we can where's where is he we can still kill jelly here oh yeah no no i will kill you jelly this is the last thing i do why did i give my chest plate away ah well how do you get back i'm gonna go further oh there's oh rock down here i'm gonna do that wait guys why wasn't there an enchanted mob like you know what i mean like i'm gonna kill us jelly i mean i guess this is a happy place dude you killed me like seven times yeah and i'm stronger than you so you shouldn't try to kill me because i gave you my chestplate okay are you guys just happy to stay here forever since you shall perish wait all right you know what what happens if you throw you shall die guys i've just had an interesting idea oh whoa what happens what happens if we go inside an item inside of an item oh what kind of item are you thinking i have a diamond sword and then and then go inside yeah i want to do another chest plate please okay oh yeah okay yeah no jelly's getting the chest plate down that's actually gonna kill us don't let him get it don't let him get it i'm just not going to respond anymore wait well this was fun we know jelly how do we leave then yeah we can't just die no no we need you to come here to the lead i'll give you a chest plane please don't leave we need you to come back to the kelly we need you soon leave the game do not leave the game jelly i got i got the chest please got the chest plane i regret it did he leave i think he did i have my chat josh it's just us press tab oh yeah he's gone thank you very much for watching everyone slogan.com is where you get the beautiful merch click one of the videos on the screen if you'd like to watch more have a great one bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 887,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly, crainer, mod, enter any item
Id: I6BL4tt9Fp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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