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this minecraft video is honestly kind of cursed we get another delivery in the mail and this one is a recipe to create a very special potion that we can throw on any normal passive mob and it will turn them lethal and when i say lethal i mean weird cows with ak-47s chickens with sniper rifles kung fu pandas and exploding parrots that's just a little taste of what is to come today now if you want to turn me lethal click the like button and see what happens think you'll be surprised just waiting for the like button what hey i'm lethal that's right i'm scary right uh yeah you're really scared now that's what i thought wait stop the video pre-orders for the bulk gang t-shirt are now live but will only be for a couple more days then it will close forever if you want to be part of the bulk gang then head over to slogo.com right now and get one before they're gone forever okay back to the video i don't want mail every day of the week jelly i don't smack you okay oh crana do you have to this is our house hello mailman how are you doing those windows yesterday wait what mail have we got you got mail thanks for the mail you get flowers wait lethal potions place down oh we gotta drink it and finally die you're the mailman you don't get to read it no you don't get to read it if you're the mailman reader i'm the reader fine crainer can read lethel pochon maca instructions can we let josh i just deleted your inventory we need to press it down mixer okay okay all right place down oh i clicked it place down mixer and then add a fermented spider eye and arrow or bottle so okay oh i think we have some of those in the house spit what no that's weird that's just weird fermented spider do we have one in here we have them laying around maybe here uh momentous spider eye and what was the other a bottle a bottle spiders like this one the the splash potion crane dummy yes i got it i got fermented spider why is there a sauce what is everyone doing in here put this here and that there and then i mix mix is it working well it says plus arrow or bottle equals lethal arrow or potion yeah yes what do we need an arrow no no no it says or jelly or do you know what all means wait what about mine wait do we need milk it says milk i don't think we need oh you know what we need we need experience guys oh we have experience bottles in here somehow oh do we left them in my bed oh okay go get them crainer yep they were in my pillow just like i'm predicting okay wait give me some minecraft mean i have pillows wait now come here guys all right throw them yeah let's all celebrate make it rain okay mix i did it guys i got one you guys do as well whoa hey i have a splash of lethality wait okay does this mean i can finally kill jelly no no don't waste it on each other instructions and stuff use on a mob do i look like okay pet panda ready three two who's doing it throw it over the edge you gotta throw it over oh look at that he's a comfortable package oh [Laughter] wait wait guys i no no no no wait we've got some gear inside we have to defend up here okay beat the kong for panda i'm ready to beat this guy up grant please stop going through you guys ready for the continuation of kung fu panda with dice okay how powerful is it fight fight [Applause] okay so what's next should we do i want to do it to a donkey donkey okay watch this donkey turn into a dangerous donkey i'm gonna guess what about this sheep i think just josh is trying to try yeah it's probably my turn johnny yeah yeah go ahead go on josh be careful whoa look at this thing what's up what a gangster wow get it got it okay he's dead yeah man i want to make small potions i need more pokemon oh yeah should we should we make some more or i think we should okay we can then find some more animals wait do we have enough resources yeah of course we do we're rich in here buddy okay all right all right here we go okay grab for me just grab a chunk of them we might need some more levels guys oh yeah i'm good how many levels do we need though for it look i got a bunch of posters you can have some of my jelly use all of my levels i have here you go i think we got enough guys i gotta be honest i got like oh i used up all of my levels so yeah okay nice job josh all right wonderful next well something's small oh i see a pig what about pig oh there's a pig right here my turn my turn my turn i am really interested to see what this looks like all right pig you are about to become leafy like a gangster it's against the pig it's against the pig watch out for the gangster pig wow gangsta pig is crazy he went completely ham dude all right what are we doing next uh i think i want to do llama but i gotta separate them from these this group of people i can do that first you have to spit on the llama that's how it works no they spit on you jelly all right separated lava oh what is that run oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god that is hell that is what is it get it get it that was terrifying whoa that was probably the creepiest one i've ever seen wait a second what can we do it to bees oh bees oh here we go i'm not sure wait it's got guns it's a bee with a gun it's jewel wielding it's dual wield why do they always go for me and should i kill the guys out why is it always going imagine an entire army of thousands okay oh i can kill a b there we go all right stupid beanie i want to do it to something small guys like oh guys eyes over here over here chicken there's a new animal over here what wait a minute what are you doing [Laughter] guys well then uh what do you think it's gonna say it said boom what did it become like i wanna know bomb it became a bomb josh okay well cows jesus yeah we haven't tried the cup oh okay it's going ak-47 we just gotta milk it guys you just gotta milk it with me wait can we actually turn stuff back into normal never mind um i think you can with milk oh i mean leather is pretty normal what you don't watch no no never mind anyway let's let's move on oh there's so many we should head to the village we should head to the well i mean village i still want to try a small animal like a chicken wait did we do the this parrot parrot's pepperoni do both parents oh wait what the parrot blew up and then there's a flying donkey [Laughter] the parrots explode dummy here it explodes the baron exploded this mod is so funny wait if we got villagers here they turn into things i don't know try it let me try 360 no scope oh nice oh that's a military oh my god he's got a military what is that with a mini oh it's a minigun attack from above wait so they all become like the same yeah they all become the same we really don't need two of them okay double power good job guys you're doing really good you're doing really good just fight amongst yourselves wait are they actually fighting each other yeah who is going to win bet all right i bear left one the left guy all right yeah you did not for me though yeah all right let's go find like a chicken or something yeah how have we not found a chicken yet what chicken oh yes yes can i do this one uh is that a sniper rifle oh oh my god ow i want to get another one can we get another one why would you do more okay right in front of me holy crap this guy's changing me i'm back for mercy i'm back for mercy look at they following crater attack oh i got him oh my i love it yeah that was actually insane i need more potions guys yeah oh she would go to like a desert area find like a couple of rabbits maybe a turtle or two look guys i found some more posters in my pillow when i visited nice little strollers when you visited your pillow what do you think yeah all right on my way okay yeah i've got like yet obviously i needed to level up and then i need to go get some more potions okay bunnies [Music] oh my god teenage mutant ninja turtles i mean ninja turtles turtle ninjas yo these guys are probably strong because they're turtles right the water wait let them get on land let them get on land they hit it they're pretty hot guys it's still turtles turtles are slow what about the more bunnies the bunnies are hard to hit they're pretty man these guys are really looking pretty amazing you got a turtle back yeah let me get rid of this guy it's because they've got a hard shell what about salmon does that work it doesn't don't think so we already did the bunnies bunny suck died bunny dump bunny i think that's it oh wait cats oh whoa what wait it's doing a handstand it's pulling your hands down wait there's loads of cats here insane anything else hello outside i'll get potions out help potions out they uh they hurt oh i'll take them oh man these guys out i'm getting bullied i'm getting bullied wait what where have you got chickens what are you doing ow jelly jelly are you mad why would you talk jelly what did you do how was still alive run from the chickens oh okay all right okay i'm dead thank you very much for watching the video that was a lethal mobs for you was that what you expected probably not anyway check out slogo.com for the merch and click one of the videos on the screen if you would like to watch some more have a great day i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 827,360
Rating: 4.9530277 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, mod, lethal mobs, mob, jelly, crainer, overpowered
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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