We Defeated The Elemental Siren Heads (Minecraft)

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hey guys i am on fire okay i'm on fire as well today we have a very important mission four elemental siren heads have invaded the city which city you might ask i have no idea we have been tasked with taking out those siren heads with the newest most advanced technology and weapons anyway that's the mission let's see if we can complete it let's go okay guys i'm commander slogo and you guys are my new recruits wait wait hang on no wait wait get in the helicopter get a helicopter get in the helicopter i'm scared of heights sir we're not going up i just want you to get take it off okay and now get out in a really cool way okay okay all right slow motion jelly trainer go go go go go through the beat there's no beat that was the most uncool way of getting out of a helicopter no that was good it was good okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh yeah i need to get my um cool guys make explosions they don't stand in the exp all right we've got a siren head to hunt down okay i've downloaded the coordinates oh sorry command has downloaded worry search did you just shoot me on my way mr commander hey commander goes in front ow yeah the commander's supposed to go first all right well uh permission to sue jelly no what what what would i give you permission to shoot him because he's going okay use your climbing skills okay wait wait wow pathetic wait wait why did you tp me what what how did you get up there what what did i okay look guys we still got a siren head to kill come on if you click something with your compass you teleport okay whoa we haven't made where am i i what the hell okay this is a secret technology i hadn't wasn't planning to reveal to you that's actually really cool okay look guys there is a siren here destroying this city we need to go uh which way oh yeah i got it on my site wait sir right i'm under it distract it i'm under it wait which one is this i see it's ugly ah okay it only takes damage on its butt it's chasing me teleportability to save you save your commander quick i'll help you commander oh i missed him all right he's climbing get out my way down here wait okay that's just rude take him take him out ah hey get our way get out my way oh we got him wait is he dead oh i definitely didn't run away yeah we did it wait but wait a second that one wasn't elemental that was the normal one i think commander you lied to us okay maybe the next one is hey you guys want to check out the ferris wheel can you stop using that technology rare here we go okay let's go find the next one okay guys i think the next one it's around here somewhere no i can hear it jelly i can't hear it it says wait guys i see it do you see it where no it's a grass one okay it's earth right there are you are you blind it looks like a walking dirt block okay oh geez this guy is op dude is he in a hole why why does it only happen to me no i'm also down here guys my legs are broken yup commander please my legs are broken one job i think my legs are broken i'm stuck crap oh wait um oh wait this is the fire wait we got sent an omega blaster oh we got a new gun come on sent us a gun omega jeez that's all we ow jelly wait can you stop falling on those wait oh this is cool okay we've got a um a fire siren head to find next yep i will follow you good job i didn't do anything but you guys did great yeah commander you were kind of crappy i was supervising hey watch how you talk to your commander let's move out you know how tall these ones are yeah i can see you're just very short let's go find the next one all right ah let's move out okay i think it's somewhere in this area yeah mega blaster i smell crispy burntness there's literally nothing but here oh we've got another helicopter i mean the it's a fire siren oh get in get in those chiefs or something i'll fly you away i'm scared of hiking how many times do you have to tell you it's that okay whoa hey guys remember shoot it with the omega blast yeah used to your mega blaster commander i i i you don't tell me what to do i know things i am on fire oh okay i'm on fire as well mr commander did you bring that water bucket i can pee on you no wait no i told you to bring it no that's not true commander hey are you talking back to your superior jelly i have one of the guys help you jelly pee on you stand still stand still okay it's burning trees guys can you help the wounds stop peeing each other jelly stop peeing on me i'm peeing on him commander okay all right well here we go he's dead you did it okay these aren't too bad didn't it okay yeah but the next one i'll be your wait we've got a minigun it's ice it will freeze guys we got new weapon the chilean ultron you shot your commander no that was j ah i met the ice one i spouted the ice one we should probably go over there right okay my legs aren't working again but let's go no no we'll just go there what guys help please guys it's over here i thought you were attacking it in the background no i was running away from it it's frozen hey hey hey i'm sorry i'm shooting each other sorry god all right so listen it hasn't seen us yet you can see it's bones oh it's a frozen siren here guys [Music] all right we're heading back to oh we're at base we got them all well we did it we killed all of the siren heads make sure to head over to seoul.com for the merch and click the video on the screen if you'd like to watch more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 463,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, sirenhead, siren head, elemental, jelly, crainer, mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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