Buying SUPERHEROES In Minecraft...

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we've unlocked a superhero store in Minecraft Josh let's head to the superhero store okay would you look at all of these superheroes Josh Superman 90 dollars yeah we can just buy them but Josh at the top of our screen we can see we only have two dollars right now oh yeah we gotta save up but we got the whole we've got group and we got something else in the back let's get some money look at about one at the back no no it's for the end of the video oh okay fine let's head back and get some of the money then so how do we get this I really hope that we don't actually have to mind Emerald give me your money give me all your money Josh I don't think robbing oh oh wait what oh wait everything we break drops emeralds boom that's 20 bucks oh wait can I get it from grass no I'm not getting it no I think you'll be able to get it from dirt though all right yeah Josh listen we already have twenty dollars we have enough we can go buy Superman Superman here we come how does it work is Superman gonna like help us what does it say revive the falling Krypton revive bro what happened you got hit by the falling uh revive what what do I do I said survive jelly you you oh wait the screen on my text is too big I think because it wouldn't completely uh see I guess uh okay oh oh so I guess it's on a timer or well yeah they're falling you just gotta Dodge him jelly that's right right yeah yeah hey okay we did it we've got we've got all kinds of abilities human abilities now I think hello there oh this is Superman with this to full red Underpants so we've got an ability it says aim laser up cool eyes oh you're controlling it jelly stop it stop it stop it shoot jelly oh jeez Josh um you blew up have a look at our Emerald count um wait he's walking around look at that oh so we've also got a freeze breath stopping them from moving around too much right right I prefer this yeah the laser eyes oh my God how do you make him shoot us raw rabbit meat wait how many uh emeralds did we need to buy the next time I think it was 50. 50. wait so we're already well into being able to afford it uh we have a lot of money Josh yeah this Superman is making us very rich all right the Hulk the whole oh it does 250. you see that almost sucks like new Jelly it's even yeah the same nose I agree I agree I'm super bulky like that the mobs okay are we trying to use I'm trying to aim the laser eyes but that's not working you need to have Superman here jelly okay I don't think Superman can help us no Josh that's the whole point okay we need to defeat these mobs in order to spawn the Hulk okay yes two more all right done now you're kidding me oh I'm not too hard kind of low yeah okay I just died a couple more a couple more one more one more all right wave three oh no not these ones oh there's oh no wither skeletons that's like the whole point that they're strong oh they dropped coal oh oh Hulk spotting this is bad dude I'm on literally no Health what what was that I put Hulk down and he smashed hahaha oh my God oh okay Jesus I don't really understand why Superman is so eager to be around the Hulk have you realized yeah what they could be friends jelly why are they like jumping around the hall uh Josh yeah I help jelly Doss wait will you just did you just keep going up wait oh my goodness you can just continue going on Jenny I'm still falling Daddy can you try and catch me hello Superman okay look we really I really enjoyed that but I'm gonna be honest I think I might prefer um Superman all right Josh let's go back to the store shall we let's go buy something yeah so what was the next one the next one for two and a half thousand dollars is Groot you know what that means in Dutch Josh uh what big okay complete the off there's ow there's Perry's here and they just killed me they killed you that's kind of embarrassing what is this parkour mate we've got a good hardcore wait I have an idea start here did it wait what did you just do I did Hulk hand inside of there oh my goodness is that she's definitely cheating so Jenny could you stop you know I didn't even do that you didn't do that no I didn't do that it's quite a big guy trying to get out hey Groot oh why does it keep exploding things it's the Hulk he's just having fun with himself I have no idea what it's doing why is it not doing anything wait why are there two groots jelly I placed mine you see I haven't even placed my Hulk yet oh there you go he spotted oh never mind okay okay there he is sorry Josh go to the village and to the farm I think it has something to do with the farm uh what's happening what's happening what's happening what are you doing wow oh my God you just suck the emeralds out of the ground mate just like that so that's what happens if you right click him yeah look at him he's just sucking him straight out oh who's making us Rich Dad wait what if we use the uh Magic Roots thing look at that look at that he's stuck in Roots ah loser well I want to make some Emerald do you know how much the the final superhero cost by the way I think it was 5 000 so uh just right click uh group a couple of times keep it going he's working hard for us Josh he's working hard for us I accidentally clicked uh my guy Josh stop blowing everything up okay I'm trying I'm trying to get monies okay okay we have 5 700 emeralds is that enough you think we've probably got enough I think we have enough for it I think we do let's have a look okay [Music] find the Infinity Stones okay that's not hard because we got whole can no Jay don't don't don't it's okay you worry me jelly you worry okay what found one you might have blown up a stone jelly no I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't I see another one how do you know that's three out of six got another one okay so we need two more Stones how do I get over there oh Josh I Blew Up the Sky your journey yeah I told you that already oh yeah how do you get over oh you have to climb up on here jelly I could be but I'm probably not I have no I probably haven't why we'll tell you that because we're gonna find it and then you're not gonna play found it yes you see you say about it all right Vanoss spawn egg do you have it yeah I do what do you what do you think I should put him I guess just here that's fine uh so what do you think he does when you right click it jelly I am Josh thanks for watching click and watch another video
Channel: Jelly
Views: 237,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jelly, minecraft, superhero, store, slogo, funny, game, games, gaming, Buying SUPER HEROES In Minecraft...
Id: v3vhO7q2a_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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