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in the past couple of days I've been working extremely hard I'm not even kidding what just look at that would you look at that hahahaha that's right in the previous episode I found out that still the man built a wall around my base are so sad I used the wall in my advantage to build this really cool-looking mine yeah this is my mind tower look you can go down here and then you'll go into a mine Wow great I've also worked on like a little furnace area chest area my cart that goes down a trash can a secret hidden base that you should probably not tell Josh about and I think the next thing I've got on my list is fixing up my house anyway in the previous episode I asked you to guess in the comments section what I'm building on my new island and we're gonna do a funny little challenge okay I want you to guess right now what this is and only if you guessed right you are allowed to press the like button are you ready for me to tell you what it is oh this ladies and gentlemen is an iron golem farm make sure you press the like button if you guessed it correctly that's right this farm will basically produce me i word i will have so much iron that can build my entire house out of iron now you might be asking me jelly how exactly are you gonna do this well let me show you over here we've got a couple of bedrooms in fact we've got four of them in these odd-looking bedrooms we are gonna put villagers and do you see that soul sand with some water well they're a zombie we'll stand the zombie will scare the villagers and they'll call for help and what is the mob that helps villagers ladies and gentlemen the iron golem iron golem will spawn on this platform I'll put some water here and then he'll fall down into the lava and below the lava we have hoppers that's right and these hoppers bring the iron to this chest look the difficult part is getting the villagers and zombies inside of the farm and that is exactly where my prisoners come in if you guys don't remember I stole Josh's chef yeah Josh had a chef and I decided to steal him because why not and in the first episode ever we trapped this zombie Caesar the prisoner let me just quickly check how our chef is doing what's up chef Gerald how's it going you're gonna be really useful from tomorrow okay now here's the plan both the chef and the zombie will be brought to the new farm using a boat that's right let me just get a boat using the boat I will bring the chef and the zombie over here where they will most likely fall into another boat and believe it or not when a villager gets trapped in a boat they can't get out unless I break it watch I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it chef we've got work to do buddy come on out come on out your day is it's gonna be great come on come on chef oh there we go man it's so easy tricking chef Gerald I guess he's really excited to see some daylight look they like he's been in there for months okay Park the boat perfect perfect now chef listen up I'm gonna break this boat and I want you to jump into another one okay that is so easy oh there we go now we sail this boat over land towards a little minecart area did you see that oh look at that minecart oh hello hey chef Gerald you're about to go on a roller coaster buddy hahaha three two one right about here perfect now I'm gonna have to break the boat and hopefully the chef will jump out let me just get another minecart to be sure I think there's one up here there we go yep thank you okay there we go it literally worked it worked that's how easy it is you just push the minecart on to the chef and boom he's up okay stop stop okay break the minecart and then get back in the boat jelly there we go now as you can see I've created some white areas now that is technically the drop-off area for all the villagers the first one will be right over here we need to both the all down hey there we go okay now we steer the boat and I get out Jeff you're finally useful good luck oh man no no no no no no no no okay get another boat ah it's already starting again annoying Jeff ah our chef is really enjoying the roller coaster isn't he okay let's try that again it'll work trust me it'll work back in the boat back in the boat yeah there we go try number two promise me you'll fall in this time chef yes there we go alright now I wish I could grab those boats back cuz I kind of need them for now we are gonna close this place off with what are we gonna use I guess just some cobblestone okay there we go that's number one now we just need three more villagers and our prisoner zombie now luckily I live right next to pick down a big town is a villagers town where pigs and villagers spawn so yeah all we got to do is uh well bring a villager over I guess right or three three more it's gonna take some time alright we've made it to pick town would you look at that there's literally a pig on top of a tree now I need to find three villagers that don't have a job this guy has a job because it's hot he's got a hat on I gotta find some that don't have hats okay well that was too easy now unfortunately these traps Pig will be loose as well but I think it'll be okay that's one oh come on oh wait that's too but you can only have one in each boat cuz I need to steer it - come on buddy get in alright there you go we have managed to trap one two three and and and some more villagers into boats now we only need three but they really like boats for some reason I don't know why so now we just create a little pathway towards the water and that's all this is too easy alright number one we're gonna name him Timmy what's up timmy haha you're gonna be working really hard Timmy yeah you're gonna have she good life I can tell that he's excited okay ones in the water he's gonna stay right there and I'll get some more all right number two I'm gonna name you Jimmy that's right we got Timmy Jimmy Gerald and well one more I need to think of one more name first I got a park Jimmy there we go Jimmy all right the last one I'll name you Bob I was thinking of another name that ends with Amy but I couldn't figure it out so you're Bob okay Bob the villager and would you look at that Timmy and Jimmy are just waiting for me at the water and now comes the hard part bring them up to their new bedrooms all right Bob get out you know there we go jump into another boat Bob excuse me Bob did you forget that you're working for me now Bob there we go now I would give them nametags but I actually don't have any left so yeah we'll do it this way Jimmy you're up next remember Jimmy get into a boat here we go come on Oh Oh Jimmy Jimmy into the boat now Jimmy's a stubborn one I can already sense that Oh Jimmy and now Timmy he probably thought I forgot about him but nope I did not all right now all villagers are on land hey come on all I got to do now is put him in the bedrooms let me just break this open to make it a little bit easier let me just send them up and then hopefully hopefully it'll work all right so Jimmy's up first look okay that didn't work come on Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy doesn't really want to I see I see how it is there we go there we go that's how you do it that's how you do it Jimmy's up and now Timmy there we go this is so funny ah all right that goes Timmy I think he'll stay there let me just break it to make sure he doesn't come back down this is actually kind of annoying guys I'm not even lying at last but not least we've got Bob Bob come on we got to go up man we got to go up you got some work to do you have a job now right there we go whoa okay now hopefully this is gonna be the easy part cuz it didn't really work out last time pop for some reason these two really like each other I don't really get it hey that's okay that's okay we'll just have to like work around it somehow oh there we go there we go we did it we did it we did it okay now we can break the mine rails and we can also break the floors now Timmy this guy right here is up first three two one no dog vomit a lot of hard work and annoying hours later all four villagers are finally inside of their beautiful beautiful holes okay I need more cobblestone and now they have their own bedrooms right this does it work do they all have jobs one hat two hats three hats four hats yes they have jobs and I'm pretty sure they can all sleep the last thing we need is a zombie oh my goodness Caesar I'm coming for you buddy the zombie part should actually be the easy part because well zombies are aggressive the only annoying thing is now we have to wait until nighttime because when zombies die during daytime okay hey Caesar are you ready come on out buddy come on out Oh out yeah good boy this way I'm not gonna hit him there we go see this is so much easier because well zombies are angry at you this way buddy this way pretend I am food how dumb is the zombie seems like he's really slow in water guys he is really slow in water okay let's hope he doesn't fall here and die and we should make sure he doesn't come on yes come on Caesar come on yeah boy good book good boy yes he's a good boy come on up buddy right this way oh my goodness Caesar it's working it's working I'm gonna be so filthy rich yes hey Caesar this way right this way okay so for the last step for the last thing we're gonna have to hit him we're gonna have to hit him in because he's obviously not gonna want to go involuntarily home and would you look at this it already started the villagers are scared of the zombie and when the villages are scared there is a small chance that an iron golem will spawn what you just look out scared these villages are see the thing is they kind of need to rest sometimes you don't want to have them did I just hear something oh my goodness Oh one spawned one literally spawned right there and it's falling down how it's dying it's working it is dying ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness this is great okay let's let's wait some more I want to see this again oh my goodness oh my goodness it's happening again oh it's falling down oh this is so effective guys they say so effective so your thing is this is an afk form I don't even have to be here the iron golem is dying and and 1415 pieces of iron because we have four villagers it's technically happening all the time and another trick the zombie is jumping why is this I'll be jumping you might ask believe it or not the villagers only get scared like half of the time because the villagers can only see the zombie half of the time which means in that offs off a second the villagers can sleep and they need to sleep otherwise this farm does not work I'm gonna be afk here yeah well when I come back I'll check in the chest to see if we've got some more iron also I had to dig a massive hole here otherwise villagers or I mean iron golems would spawn right here yeah oh I'm back beneath K for roughly two hours let's have a look to see what our stash is up seriously oh my goodness another iron golem just fell in uh-huh that's good news but I almost just broke my stupid farm stupid creepers all right anyway let's let this one die and oh my goodness I am rich this is amazing this is amazing I'm gonna be calling my factory jelly Inc muhahahahaha jelly Inc will take over this hoax MC minecraft server I am not even kidding another one's dying this is just this is going really well don't worry I'm gonna cover this farm up so Josh and Craner do not know what I built in here there's gonna be beautiful walls around it and there's gonna be a beautiful ceiling I will make this look like the strongest and craziest factory ever and not only that I will now build a house but made out of iron I'll build land and other things ah guys this is just epic I love it oh oh oh so sad so it's so so sad too much I love this if you enjoyed this video do you have to press alike on it and please let me know in the comment section what you thought I was building and what you want me to build next also don't tell Craner or solo man but I might be trolling them soon yeah I'm thinking I could sell this iron to them for a couple of time ins without them knowing that it's me think that's a good idea let me know what you think at a hundred thousand likes I will build a new farm click right here to watch another video of mine do it now click here now do it for Jimmy Timmy Bob and Gerald gerald what's his name again Gerald gerald that's the one
Channel: Jelly
Views: 11,849,197
Rating: 4.9232512 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, mine craft, jelly, iron golem farm, survival, new, game, games, mod, I Built An UNLIMITED IRON FACTORY In MINECRAFT!, minecraft mod, how to build
Id: aQQ4TrTbcqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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