Minecraft, But You Can Craft Creative Mode Items...

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in today's video we can craft creative mode items oh my nuts we wield the power of creative mode now this looks insane protos like holy nuts dude let's do this Gamers and whoa whoa what did we just spawn inside of a cave yo oh my God we have caught we have so much copper this is gonna be perfect for the command blocks that we need to craft and wait it oh wait a second oh we have a Village Way We spawn inside of a village now just a cave bro what is this start ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be a banger and oh my God there's just one tree just one single tree and then like none other in any freaking bruh in no direction are there other trees but there's just this one oh my God I'm so happy let's grab up on this wood basically guys today we're gonna need to craft a bunch of command blocks in order to craft creative mode I know what you guys are thinking craft creative mode what and hold on I would normally stop by this log but I need every single one there you go bro Loki wood is gonna be scarce so I think it's best if we like literally try and break some of these bushes Bap for some sticks yes there we go we got one stick two stick three stick four Stick okay there you go we have six chocolate lid sticks let's make ourselves a boom rafting table okay perfect let's make ourselves boom pickaxe baby let's get ourselves some cobbler Stone but yes Gamers our goal is to literally craft creative modes so that we can then make creative mode items I know what you guys are probably thinking about like what the balls does that mean let's grab this y'all and then where's the ah there's the bald man and all right let's go and just pop oh God I feel like I haven't bullied the bald man in so long okay there you go we have five iron oh my God we're getting so lucky okay let's 100 craft ourselves boom iron pickaxe oh my goodness bro we're actually so stacked already wait is this another cave well how many caves does this Village have and yes we have some copper perfect let's grab some coal first so the first thing we need to do is grab some copper so that we can craft command blocks and with those command blocks we'll be able to make the creative mode Ingot yes I know this sounds really crazy but don't worry game oh my dude wait this is the other cable respawn at perfect I need me all the coppers please we have 31 oh my goodness although that sounds like a lot honestly Gamers we might need a lot more these items are gonna be insane before we get too deep into the caves let's grab some food cause I'm a hungry cyborg all right boom let's get our food I'm lucky using a new mouse so if my crafting like looks kind of slow but smooth that's probably why my normal mouse ran out of battery and I'm an idiot and I don't I don't own any batteries okay but now that we have food we can dive in baby and oh my goodness speaking of diamond I didn't even realize hold on a second wait wait wait wait wait there's water right here what if I'm big brain oh my goodness yes I think that should have yes it worked you oh my goodness bro there you go we have more than a stack of copper audio we're so rich in the copper Department however now we need the Redstone Block where are the redstones no that's blue stone you know okay we're gonna be kind of careful what there's a skeleton chasing me run boys we found right so let's go oh my oh there's another part of the cave under us now bro I get so lost in these caves man but yoink oh my goodness what there's some more right here all this is blessed and you guys leave a like you must suck or no way write his first subscribe so yeah you guys probably subscribe but if you haven't already don't worry Gamers I'm about to give you a reason boom furnace copper and yes there you go so with this four copper I'm pretty sure if my calculations are correct yes we can use copper to craft command blocks oh my goodness this is over boom we literally have boys a command block this is the secret to creative mode items well not exactly because we actually need a few command blocks and right now we only have two and now we have three yes now we have four oh my goodness and now Gamers check this out we put the command blocks just like we crafted them and put a redstone boom oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen we get nerfed creative mode what is this oh my goodness okay now this ladies and gentlemen is literally the key to creative mode items oh my goodness we're holding creative mode I don't know how this makes sense like literally and if I try and right click nothing happens this is basically a creative mode Ingot like No Cap bruh honestly Gamers what we need to do is just literally get as many of these command blocks as we can as well as Nerf creative modes we literally need just a bunch of more nerf creative mode and we're low-key running out of coal and copper so one eternity boom now we have eight which means you can craft boom oh my goodness we need one more nerf Trader mode guys we have three so we need to get a bunch of more copper and oh my God yes this is so easy I feel like copper is easier to find the higher you're up York and bruh what there's so much Redstone here dude we're gonna be so stacked one of our first first creative mode items we won't need to honestly grind much longer trust me guys I know I'm building up so much high but it's gonna be worth it we're in the grinding process we're gonna be extra stonk soon let's go and use the copper already smilted boom and oh my God we did it boys we literally did it we have our fourth nerfed creative mode and now with these four Nerf creative modes we can just make ourselves boom oh my goodness a creative crafting table what dude this looks so sick oh my goodness wait what if I literally just hold on I gotta place it down right next to this the normal crafting table and now boom oh my goodness we have ourselves the freaking creative mode crafting table bro this looks insane it literally has a command block embedded in it oh dude this is gonna be so fire and with this now we can craft the creative mode items so hold on let's grab this up again let's grab our crafting table and we're gonna find a better area we need to find like a really good area where we can find a lot of like honestly just oh my God yes wait no this is literally what I was talking about copper here Cole over there yes hold up let's grab some blocks let's grab all of this and oh my God no no no no no of course oh my God no mobs are not something I wanted to deal with okay easy oh my goodness what diamonds let's join the diamond which I'm not even that excited for you guys are gonna see why because it's literally nothing compared to what we're gonna be making boom bam let's make two more furnaces boom boom yoink oh my goodness bro we actually have a copper Factory baby wait how did you get stuck on the oh you're an idiot Bob okay wait so now that we have the creative mode crafting table what we can do well wait what that was just a glitch I just ate what let's continue making boom command blocks and with these we can make there you go two more nerf creative modes keep collecting and boom we have four command blocks and three nerfed creative mode ladies and gentlemen well we can do nothing oh I see you creeper no I'm trying to craft the creative mode pickaxe stop oh my God okay there go we got what now I'm getting shot at oh my goodness bruh these guys are so annoying African nerds bro who knew these freaking bushes were so overpowered idiot you're gonna be my friend now all right anyways let's go ahead and Gamers this is it let's put the three nerfed creative mode right here oh my God and used to commit wait wait wait there's so many mobs okay I'm just gonna Focus let's put the three creative mode right here and then the two command blocks oh my nuts what is this the creative Miner what wait yo why is it pulsating like that oh my nuts what the balls does this do yo look at this item though oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen it is literally just called the creative minor bruh oh my goodness okay hold on let's try and mine something with it then boink okay wait just give me the same thing back however Gamers what if I just literally right click oh my God creative menu what wait can we just select anything wait no no no no there's no way there's no way like okay wait let's just click dragon egg boom ah what no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness bro and no my friend freaking guy oh well he's not my friend anymore he did I selected the dragon egg what if I break this oh we got the dragon egg we got the what we already basically beat the Ender Dragon in a sense we got the achievement for it what oh my goodness Gamers no freaking way wait wait wait wait wait in that case I can literally do anything oh my God a beacon I mean do I want a beacon I mean actually I'll take an anvil bat oh my God yeah there you go we got an anvil wait what if I go like yo we have nine oh my goodness wait wait wait wait wait diamond block diamond block boom Oh my God this is insane oh my goodness I have all the diamonds I could have ever asked for okay wait wait we gotta concentrate the only downside is this with this item I can't get creative mode items like I can't get other ones you get what I'm saying so it's kind of Nerf in a way although wait can't I just get the blocks of copper though yo wait a second oh my goodness oh my God don't tell me oh my God I'm wait I'm actually getting the box of copper oh my goodness and we have all the rest that we ever needed wait wait boys no this is insane this creative Miner is actually bugging this thing is straight insane dude oh my goodness bro we can just go like this oh my goodness I can just break everything and we just get literally infinite freaking Cup oh my goodness we're rich no no no this is too much power what's gonna happen when we make the sword or the hammer oh my God and I'm pretty sure just like we crafted a creative mode block there are other blocks that we can make like an enchant table oh my goodness okay wait wait wait wait hold up y'all we're gonna be so rich Enchanted gold apples oh my goodness okay wait wait we have 14. oh my God we have 17. and then hold on a second can we we can get armor too bro [Applause] oh my goodness wait I can literally spawn in items oh my goodness I mean I knew that but like I didn't know I could literally do mobs and okay wait please stop stop there you go easy okay honestly guys I'm literally just gonna select another eye helmet and then Boeing there you go now we have netherride helmet there's 29 Pages apparently okay hold on let's grab the chest plate boing easy and yes clay drops they're the right leggings okay I told you guys imma give you a reason to subscribe so if you haven't already subscribe and honestly this pickaxe isn't even like the best item I would say like No Cap let's just say I want to save the oh wait what I can literally just choose which mobs I wanna oh my goodness bro wait wait no this is gonna be overpowered you guys are gonna see why in a second let's head to the surface oh my god dude I won't I literally cannot get used to this insanely cool looking pickaxe I mean just look at it oh my goodness bro it's so sick and speaking of sick this cave is awesome we gotta get the balls out of here though let's go baby we're out of here oh still in the same spot basically okay hold on I selected chest so now we just mine there you go boom boom leave me alone okay yeah we definitely need to make the creative mode weapon because bruh this pickaxe does not do that much damage but there you go now we have infinite storage oh my God so easy I like how we're fooled now they're right but we're still grinding because there's even better items to get and now let's grab the Redstone and just like that bam we have 16 command blocks oh my nuts and now we just need to make there you go two more nerf creative modes so that we can make the creative mode sword better known as boom and bam oh my goodness creative blade Gamers oh my nuts we wield the power of creative mode look at this spinning disc thing I don't know what that is bro but I I gotta admit this looks really sick oh my God and the blade is so sharp bro what how much attack damage does it do okay it does seven so it's not even like as good as another I ax in the sense of normal damage but if I go ahead and right click oh my God we have a creative of Blade gy now and wait what are these diamonds so the first one says oh my God X2 multiplier times two wait and this one is 12 times what and then this one's 64. oh my God and then this one is 500. wait what not me 500x normally we would need 500 levels like in a pass video where we've done like XP equals multiplier wait what's the last one oh my God it's a thousand wait what if I just oh boys I think I just selected the X2 multiple or the x1000 multiplier bro wait what I'm used to needing like a thousand levels and now we just wield the power of like a thousand multiplier wait and now which is why I got these oh my goodness hold on a second let's go ahead and try out oh my god do you see why I have the evoker right let's do an Enderman oh my God I really don't I do I hope that we do not crash three two one hello buddy oh he dodged my hit map what what this guy is crazy oh my goodness okay come on let's get him let's get wait what it didn't work okay that's fine oh my God yo look at the amount of Ender Pros oh my bruh I have a full inventory 60 oh my goodness wait wait no this is actually Madness this sword is actually Madness hold up let's just oh my God how how why why do I have this many balls or pearls what that was sucks okay wait so it worked on the Enderman wait a second what if we just spawn in okay hold on this guy is actually gonna be a little harder three two one boom Oh my God oh my God bop bop come on come on let's go let's get let's get him oh my God oh my God oh my God what just what just happened what just happened boys oh my God yo check this out oh my God my game my game is literally lagging my game is literally oh my God my game is lagging hello nope nope stop oh my God my game is actually lagging boys no hold on a second let's just oh my God I gotta store my totems in here bruh boys what is that pile right there I'm telling you the times are a thousand multiplier on the enemy it may not have been that overpowered but dude honestly it also just has a chance so maybe we'll we probably could have lagged off on gentlemen but dude oh my goodness Bob what I just absorbed all of that and that was basically nothing huh hold on a second boys I might need to literally get myself a plain steel which I don't know where it is there you go boom let's break this I need to guys I need to burn the evidence and there you go bye bye you know you should be able to burn told him someone dying that's just my TED talk so I think it's literally just two command blocks instead of diamonds and the nerfed creative mode or is it the opposite I don't know what I do know is that we can just yes get the bookshelf use their creative Miner to get yes perfect bookshelves easy and then mine it up and then if we go like this there we go so hold on wait let's first try it out like this let's do the craft like that there you go that should be the enchanting table if we put the book oh we gotta run in the first try see I was gonna do the opposite oh thank God we didn't waste that many command blocks bro oh my God creative enchanting table what oh my God perfect it's supposed to be nighttime and no wait what Proto move buddy you're a cute puppy but you're kind of annoying boom Oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen what is this how does this work do I just throw it on there okay wait no that no work but it looks insane right click it what is this oh oh my God wait is this a chairman wait why are there why is there a cursive Vanishing book what oh my goodness but wait I'm pretty sure it's every single enchantment we have sharpness weight I just saw it right here and then what is this level one wait level five level level ten level 100 level one thousand level one to watch ten thousand wait a second okay okay let's not get too ahead of ourselves what if I get the creative blade put it right there and then let's just do let's test it out level one what do I want level one on my freaking thingy let's just get honestly uh let's just get knocked back one there you oh my God wait did it use XP I'm level 18 I didn't even realize hold on a second but we have knockback one on our creative blade wait oh my God this looks insane wait I just selected the enchantment and at what level I wanted to is that the power of the creative enchanting table you don't even have this power in creative mode this is stronger than creative mode oh my goodness bro bro I don't I don't I've never done such an overpowered video like this Gamers this is literally Next Level if you're new and this doesn't make you subscribe I I don't know what will hold on a second wait wait can we just put anything in everything what if I want fire aspects wait it didn't work though oh because we haven't selected a level what if I just want fire aspect uh 10 you know nothing too crazy oh my goodness fire aspect cannot work okay wait what if I wanted level 100 boom Oh my God it just change to 100. wait wait no I want to go back down okay wait it just went back down what however sharpness though if I select that and then oh my God we got to do a thousand right or like ten thousand a hundred percent ten thousand boom and then bam we have oh my goodness sharpness ten thousand Nani what wait and hold on a second not just that let's do Unbreaking let's honestly just do a breaking ten thousand like why not but also let's get infinity I don't know why I wanted Infinity 10 000 but I do dude this is making the sword look so epic wait what no my plumper oh dude we literally one shot him I saved him are you okay here take my golden up oh he doesn't want a golden apples hold on a second Gamers let's defend our Pauper Proto Bop oh my goodness oh my God I forgot we have the multiplier oh my God wait our attack damage is 5 000 oh my goodness boom oh oh no oh no wait we didn't even do 10 000 and I'm lagging oh my God wait oh what the nuts oh my goodness no no no no no no no thank God we did not do looting a thousand guys no oh my God please okay there you go we burned the rotten flesh thank the Lord I'll go I give up because there's running flesh that's invisible but anyways that just shows you how we've literally broke the game but hold on I'm looking for it was that efficiency level 10 000 boom oh my goodness yes Fortune wait will this work on the things we select I doubt it but there you go Fortune ten thousand no I do not want to use my sword bro no no no no no no leave him alone oh my God wait I can't pick up mine no no no no no no this is bad I'm trying to pick up my pickaxe but I can't do you guys not see what I'm dealing with right now I I still have not picked it up okay there you go finally there you go Gamers oh my goodness look at this armor set and hold on a second wait let's just make our ax let's just literally just give it sharpness 10 000 that's it okay but now Gamers screw this and I'm pretty sure we're gonna make the hammer which I don't think it's okay yeah so it's not like this however wait what if we just make it diagonal oh that's it baby boom Oh my God we have the creative Hammer oh my goodness boys yo now this looks insane even protos like holy nuts dude you're insane Dad yeah you're right I am your dad and honestly guys as much as I want to use this here I can't I literally can't I think I would legitimately crash the game so I think the best thing we need to do is save this for the Ender Dragon Battle which let's also quickly enchant it honestly yes let's get literally sharpness a thousand ten thousand there you go let's get infinity just for it to look cooler and where's efficiency boom Oh my god there you go no no no no this is literally too overpowered boys oh my goodness I you know what I kind of need to use this once though I do need to use this once but I feel like I am going to legitimately break the game I'm kind of I'm kind of terrified oh dude I don't know Gamers I literally might crash the game and might not be able to go defeat the Ender Dragon no you know what I can't after we defeat the Ender Dragon then we'll just break Minecraft so stick to the very end so with that said let's grab this let's grab that with our creative Miner ah yes and portal frame and now Bob oh my goodness this is insane we have 51 oh my God all right don't mind me I'm just you know powering up with End Portal frames let's place them like this there you oh there you go hopefully this doesn't screw me up okay wait I can't find the Eyes of Ender am I blind okay wait I found it right here we just need a few of yes let's go oh my God okay Proto hold on you is about to die so let me get oh my God splash potion regeneration boom here you go buddy there you go take another one yes there you go no he's a happy puppy okay now we can defeat the Ender Dragon together wait I've been holding this bread forever bruh Gamers I'm not even a cap right now I don't think I'm gonna look this cool in a while so with that said I gotta do a little speech when life gives you melons you give back apples wait no no wrong speech hold on when your mama Obama she is a llama what no the ambition grown as a young Warrior will drive you through your entire life ultimate leadership with an honest heart filled of ambition is a true Hero's Soul wait where am I where did Proto go did he jump in no oh my God so much for that speech yes let's go baby okay hold up uh yes just bridging with and oh dude wait if I fall I'm actually dead though we can still clearly die um all right no I don't want these stupid potions I'll take another right block show to bridge with go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay there you go we're here baby let's just tickle an Enderman oh my God okay we're dead we're dead no please don't crash my game oh my God oh my God Gamers Gamers Gamers Gamers Gamers oh my God run oh my God I literally almost just crashed okay wait wait wait wait let's do this so we need to eliminate those things and in order to make it the easiest if I literally just grab this creative hammer and just slap the ground okay Proto you might die I'm sorry in advance three two one boom Oh wait hold on I thought because I had efficiency 10 000 was gonna be an instant click but no no no no no no let's mine this let's mine this and if my calculations are correct this Hammer should pile on the ground with such insane force that it should oh my God oh my God please please please yo yo yo what did we just do what did we just do oh my God look at this crater oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness and then Bob what it was that wait why did I even have to use the crater I don't know I think I was supposed to actually mine the obscene but that's fine oh my God and there you go we just beat the game and as promised guys let's quickly jump down and oh God oh God no no no no no no oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my what raw this is insane well ladies and gentlemen that right there was probably the most overpowered items you will ever see maybe not because if you nothing about me AKA bionic we're gonna just break Minecraft every video so it's only a matter of time before we even take creative mode items and make them even more overpowered hopefully you guys enjoyed though subscribe if you didn't leave a like of course there should be some other videos on this screen go check them out go watch those because those are probably other bangers just like this I love you Gamers peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 5,369,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But You Can Craft Creative Mode Items, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod, mods, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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