Minecraft, But It's Only 1 Red Button...

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today gamers i have to survive on one red button pressing this button can either help me by spawning insane custom items epic structures or try to destroy me by summoning random chaos and even crazy bosses to beat the game we need to press the rainbow button in the end what will that button do oh my goodness the button looks so sick and that's it that's all we have in this world a freaking button well i guess i should press it what can go wait what the ah oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm dead i'm dead no i'm not wait what how are we alive right now what did i just get what is going on there's just creepers flying what they're just literally flying and they're so animated oh if one lands on me i'm actually gonna die please don't please don't please don't oh wait what creeper rain stopped this place is insane and then we got a creeper diamond blaster um i assume this just oh my goodness we can shoot creepers okay that's pretty sick i kind of like tended to shoot the freaking block no no we have to press the button okay i just got a blue crafting table i think it's yeah wait it's just a normal crafting table well it's not normal because it's blue but it doesn't matter i don't okay what is up with us getting a bunch of blue items i got a cow spawning hello you're my new butt actually i might get hungry later i'm kind of scared though oh we got a block of diamond are you kidding me i will take diamonds away should i make a damn chest chestplate yeah let's do it boom so the bind can be good we can get blocks which are like kind of custom blocks and i just okay i got mushroom ladder just in case we fall off and oh my goodness i got a coffee blade case three speed three bro i gotta be careful because holding this thing yeah increases my speed i might accidentally walk off boom diamond javelin oh my friend well at least we got some food okay we got wood which is pretty good let's extend our island bro i wonder what else this button can do we just got a bucket of portal we'll save this for later because i think i can use that i got a little cute bump yeah wait boss spawning i don't see no boss oh my god wait what the heck is that wait that was a pickaxe it was alive oh bro this button is dangerous except wait we just got an obsidian chest this is called a silk moth nest okay it's kind of cute as long as it doesn't bother me what if i wait just drop okay maybe i shouldn't have done that and holy okay we have a lot of storage okay we're getting pretty cool stuff right now i just got a wooden pickaxe i actually don't know why i threw it out i kind of needed it but i got a sheep and a freaking magenta glider wait what no no no no no oh my okay we gotta be careful we don't freaking slip off but loki that is lit i'm gonna be a big brain bunk and let's make slabs and make our island bigger there you go you're welcome friend and don't worry i have food this time i won't get hungry i'm kind of getting addicted to freaking pressing this button i got a dragon mace wait what the whoa whoa whoa whoa move no no no that was a chicken why did a chicken just come out of nowhere okay that's pretty sus there's another chicken over here no no no whoa wait what the heck i hit it and it exploded into a bunch of items but we missed it okay yeah we definitely need to frickin just expand our island this button really reminds me of uh what i was gonna say a lucky block but we got an iron pickaxe and something called the soap finger uh okay this looks pretty sick there's little bubbles what if i smack you with myself thing no no no no no buddy no are you kidding me goodbye friend have a good life up there i don't know if he's gonna come back down so i'm just gonna awkwardly keep pressing my butt okay this is more wood i like how we just sent a sheep to outer space and we're like just calm about it listen there's no reason not to be home oh my goodness i'm dead i'm actually dead i'm actually dead no no no no no oh my god oh my god bro these creepers are gonna kill me please don't land on me please don't land on me oh wait wait oh they're good i just got creeper diamonds wait more creepers hit me please wait oh another one exploded it doesn't even explode blocks wait what can we do with five creeper diamonds can i make boots i can make boots five plus armor wait a second can i make a helmet well i might as well make the boots boom our toes are green and these creeper diamonds look so cool okay i want more maybe that's how you can craft the creeper diamond blaster i want more creeper items oh wait we got a palladium chest plate okay i'm just gonna put it on because it looks fancy i got a tiny diamond particle bro you can craft insane stuff with that speaking of insane we got a tiny buff potion okay we really gotta oh my god oh my goodness what just spawned a mob can spawn from oh dude this is just like a lucky block i have an idea though what if i just shoot the creeper oh wait a minute i can probably yes did he drop anything oh my god oh he did but we missed it well at least we got to use this creeper blaster we gotta be careful we don't accidentally use it on ourselves i got a bucket of horseshoe crab hold this could be our new friend hello wait he might be nice it's a little crabby boy does he need the water okay i don't know if he needs the water but we have a new friend courier bert oh my goodness that is insane what can this button not do gamers bap wait structure spawning oh no gamers am i seeing this right is that an enderman sitting on a diamond chunk okay how are we gonna what i i can't access my button are you kidding me it's locked well we have the magenta glider and a water bucket and if i hold this i get speed three i wish i just had a saddle for this guy let's put it on i don't think i can use the speed three yolo yolo yolo oh my goodness oh my goodness we're doing it yo let's go baby okay we landed and there's a diamond block it literally says there's a boss or something but bro wait we got a bunch of diamonds oh i don't have a crafting table okay there he is let's get some blocks and what a bucket just in case oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead wow this guy does a lot of damage wait can i hit him though i have an idea what if i go like this hit him once oh my goodness oh my goodness he spun diamond guardian but we haven't bubbled there we go i got this guy now we can launch okay at least he's trapped i'm big brain but wait what the heck gamers we have a blue diamond button and there's this okay 42 diamonds 10 diamond chunks bro this diamond block store does 15 attack damage let's eat a diamond apple right off the bat boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and we killed wait i think we killed him i don't see him oh there he is yes and the points released what if i wait what just oh my goodness it's raining diamond blocks no no no no no move bro i just oh my god i actually just did that i didn't know he was one shot okay but why is it raining diamond blocks are these gonna be good or bad oh my god i think they just broke something i can't really tell that was crazy let's quickly make some diamond armor i somehow oh i gotta go block wait it's an enchanted gold block these gold leggings are literally better than our diamond ones easy and i also have this helmet it's not better but it gives me more health thinking of health i don't know how i got that extra hunger icon but hey man i ain't complaining all i know is that we gotta be extra what is this okay this looks pretty sick but not as sick as you be my friend you gotta be crap in mind this is why i'm not good at making friends let's use our diamond blocks to rebuild our island i just got nightmare doom boots do i actually want to oh they look pretty cool on me wait it looks like i have extra feet okay this is cursed yeah this button is pretty weird i gotta earn or something i guess i can store some stuff oh we got some wood which is pretty wait oh my god we have a chicken yo yo yo wait i'm pretty sure this is the same chicken that if we punch right oh my goodness loot whoa whoa whoa whoa i got a bunch of random stuff i literally don't know what that does we got a candy cane present with an infinite bedrock blade i don't know if this counts as candy oh hello are you my friend matt wait oh with this sword did i already use this i can oh my goodness okay i can apparently almost blow up my island nipper plant spawn egg no way he wants to hurt me why no we have to trap him yes wait he can escape i want him as a friend i don't want to hurt him gamers but sacrifices must be made out not only does the spot oh cobblestone generator what the heck oh my okay i was about to say gamers now we know that the button can spawn other structures with more buttons inside and i know there's like the most powerful button in the end okay wait we literally got like a cheat code this literally just gives me a bunch of free cobblestone this is actually one of the coolest things i've ever seen in minecraft and we also know that the button can spawn chaos like giving me a barn no no no no yeah be gone and now i'll get blown up nerd yeah okay i'm just gonna eat this just in case it's a love hate relationship wait oh my goodness what is going on wait the world is upside down oh my goodness is still falling oh are we dead am i actually dead is the challenge over no way no way right i can see the skies above me now they're below me our y level is dropping are we good i'm free falling yolo oh wait i'm an idiot i stopped the slow falling there's our island and you know what i'm just gonna mlg oh wow i chose the one block i right clicked i didn't die though the only button i want you guys to press right now is the subscribe button if you haven't already and i'll just be in charge of pressing this dangerous one i can't even read what this chess play does but i see demon blood so i'm not yeah i'm not interested although i do have this whiplash spawn egg what is that no bro i don't like this button it's like a love hate relationship wait what whoa whoa whoa i got a magic eye stop but what is going on oh wait i can't escape it's the freaking tornado are you kidding me this is like worse than a lucky block bro it's crazier than a lucky block oh my goodness wait i'm actually stuck i don't know what's about to happen i have my glider and i have my water bucket i'm prepared oh it just launched me oh my goodness bro at least i got this i stopped 10 attack damage okay oh i didn't have to say gun gangnam bro we got lucky we got an ice shard maybe i can just i just shot it oh but i only had one it's okay we're gonna get more oh my god it's not a boss there he is okay it's just a stupid buff zombie you gotta be kidding me wait wait why is it not working okay it is working this guy's crazy he's a buff zombie okay fine boom okay i destroyed my island i need the coffee blade so he can't freaking even reach me okay he did okay okay boom infinite sword yeah no oh we got him well i accidentally broke my stuff though that's okay at least our cobblestone generator literally survived can i please get something like good okay wait we actually just got cloud paint i can literally just go like this now bro i haven't seen the cloud pants in so long it's from an old video do you guys remember i bet you don't know which video it's from and why he'd be floating though just give me some oh my god structure lag i could see why i'm lagging what is that okay the button's locked off that means we gotta get our freaking four legs self all the way to this thing wait a second gamers this is literally a massive safe we gotta be a little careful i think there was like some sort of entrance yep i just saw it oh my goodness finally an oh my bro we made it to a bank vault i'm just gonna eat my diamond carrot just in case i literally don't know what's gonna spawn here our button is locked so i assume there's gonna be another button there's a bunch of these like money blocks look at this dollar what does the dollar do can i buy anything wait i can eat it oh oh money heart purchase i can trade my money for money hearts are you kidding me oh my goodness there's more bruh with the coffee blade oh my goodness our effects are literally bug but we can instantly mine all of these okay we got every single one from this batch and oh i see a button okay so it's still locked so i think we probably have like a mission to do here let's get all the v box but we're not even done yet we have nearly three stacks and wait why is it still locked oh it's because of you little sneaky dollar yes and boom wait what i just got teleported back and i'm getting hit wait they're shooting lasers at me what is this i can't even hit them back they're stupid all might well you guys are dumb i could just keep buying more health idiots yeah take a creeper to the face boom oh my goodness well that was annoying but we ended up with three stocks and 11 i'm gonna keep buying more health oh my goodness is this cheating gamers i have tape yeah now our health looks insane i don't know how but i feel like the button is only gonna get more insane oh wait oh these are good these are the creepers they dropped the creeper diamonds i just spit everywhere you guys didn't see that yo oh my goodness i'm getting so many creeper diamonds bro why don't they stack like normal items yes creepers come my way we're getting a bunch of green op items and then with this we can make oh a creeper diamond chest plate it is way better than our one before now i'm thinking we don't really need the health boost from that one life helmet yeah let's just wear the creeper helmet bro we have the boots just in case but i feel like the oh no not another structure okay that looks pretty cool i also got this bose spawn egg okay why did i think that was a good idea he freaking knocked me off let's take care of that bow in a second good what the heck wait there's pillagers yeah oh yeah take my infinite sword easy okay there are a lot more but i can yeah blast my way to victory but there has to be another button here maybe some custom items okay there's the button wait what the balls is that this ain't no normal villager bra hey yo he's shooting stuff there you go you just poisoned yourself idiot we got him trapped i mean he's still not dead i can fly too you know subscribe oh my gosh we got him well he dropped some stuff there it is wait i didn't pick it up my inventory was full and the button is still locked i think i need to get the item oh there it is we got the staff of a mighty pillager it deals damage to me but it's pretty insane right it reset my health i right click the i right-click the white back and it just did that kind of man we ran out of money but if i just what and the rainbow blind is right here oh my goodness got knocked off it's okay we have our clown pants bro bro bro bro this is the rainbow bun i need to oh my goodness bro i really need my health right now it's fine we can fly and shoot all of these nerds easy creeper launcher cannon i'm also about to die boom okay we need to press this button so we need to destroy the dragon oh my goodness wait a second he's one i'm literally flying and we got him gamers we actually did it we have the enerdragon egg which i don't care about it but more importantly we have the rainbow blind three two one please be good what what what what is happening oh my god my pants my pants hopefully you guys enjoyed that was an unexpected colorful way of ending things now we know never to press rainbow button subscribe if you're new and click these videos right here i'll see you guys there i love you
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,616,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But It's Only 1 Red Button, minecraft but, minecraft but it's only 1 button, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod, mods, 1 red button, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: MgCF3RWiw7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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