Minecraft, But You Can Craft Infinity Armor...

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today we are crafting infinity armor each infinity armor piece is powered by infinity stones which give us insane abilities we need to defeat a new boss in the end can we do it watch to find out and there it is the infinity temple where we can craft the infinity armor and oh my goodness yo this spawn is insane why does the infinity temple always in here spawn at the top of a mountain okay but we made it and oh my goodness the infinity table go go wait what you are not worthy oh my goodness every time to enter the infinity temple we needed infinity stone and so the first one i decided to go for was the mine stone for the infinity helmet i literally can't pass through wait can we like glitch or something if i go up on the door oh my god are you kidding me and i can't even break the gold blocks okay yep we need an infinity stone to become worthy ooh there's a cave and we found some gold oh no there's a skeleton coming for us quick craft myself a poop pickaxe yeah oh my goodness no creeper leave me alone please oh my goodness i'm on half a heart okay i'm gonna be very careful if my calculations are correct if we search up in oh my god infinity there it is the infinity helmet we just need some gold and an iron helmet and to power the helmet we need the mine stone which is just some more gold and a zombie brain let's grab some stone oh my goodness we just found some more gold there's gold everywhere stone pickaxe furnace i'm on half a heart please tell me there's no mobs please please please no no no no no oh my goodness creeper please please please please please please please please please please oh my goodness no stop all my okay we're good we're good we're good we're good no no no no no no yes okay stupid zombie with a freaking iron shovel we got iron we got to be very careful oh no we have to be in ninja gamers oh iron oh my goodness i found iron where did the skeleton go okay there i blocked it off so we can get the iron we have 15 p there's a creeper and i hear the skeleton somewhere i'm so terrified okay let's get out of here we have 18 we have enough yes we made it back okay please please zombie no oh my goodness oh my goodness okay we have trapped two zombies although technically if we get the shears i'm pretty sure i need the zombie brain i cut his head there it is the zombie brain okay sorry zombie i don't need you anymore and just because i can't eat i got this zombie's brain i think now he doesn't do anything i think he's stupid and just like that gamers we can now grab this gold yes final piece of gold yoink and just like this gamers we put the stone at the bottom and the zombie brain in the middle and we have the mind stone let's go baby finally yeah i may enter of course stupid game tell me i wasn't worthy before but now gamers if we make ourselves a normal iron helmet and surround it with gold just like that oh my goodness we have the infinity helmet holy nuts if i put this on yo i look so awesome but it doesn't stop there if i shift and right click with the helmet oh my goodness there's a spot for the mind stone we did it and now oh i have it right there on my forehead it's like a pimple and now with the mind stone i'm pretty sure if we just oh my god bro i can fly we can fly with the mind stone oh my goodness i can go wherever i want now and finally hello mr technoblade what if i fly and go like this oh my goodness gamers hold on technoblade i'm sorry for bullying you and yes easy food gamers and no fall damage i'm not gonna lie getting food was never more fun after the infinity helmet our next goal now was the time stone for the infinity chest plate okay so the next piece we want is definitely the chest plate the infinity chest plate this looks like a pretty easy craft and i think we need the time stone which is just a clock and some emeralds and for the clock we just need okay one piece of red stone there's so much gold in this biome hello just no move out the way oh my goodness i could just fly through these nerds okay sorry creeper you're just gonna go on the wall so are you and you skeleton can join them there you go look how much gold we have as well this is crazy bro i never thought the mine stone was gonna be this overpowered how strong is the chest plate gonna be what's gonna happen when we get the full set we have 28 pieces and for the emeralds come on desert village oh let's go baby i'm not even surprised just casually robbing you guys and yes two emeralds okay we only need one more do you have okay no please oh what are you okay sorry for interrupting wait isn't there oh my god please yes we got four emeralds i'm honestly gonna your food and you know what iron axe i could use the extra iron what happened buddy you can't reach me i'm just you know casually using the power of the gods yeah there's a ravine let's go redstone and just like that gamers we're back let's smell our gold we need a normal iron chest plate boom and to craft the infinity chest plate we just make it out of gold with the iron chest plate in the missing slot and there you go infinity chest plate boom oh my goodness we look insane but we need the time stone and it looks like the power stone right that's like the purple one which we can go and make ourselves the clock and there you go we have the piece of stone at the bottom the emerald surrounding the timer and boom we have the time stone let's shift right click put the time stone there and oh my goodness if we put on the infinity chest plate oh my goodness we have the time stone on our shoulder and i'm pretty sure if we just do oh my goodness wait what's going on oh my god wait wait the time the time is changing of course the time is changing it's night time and now it's day time okay let's just stop there there you go oh my goodness that was awesome i'm curious what does the time stone do to mops if i just go ahead and go like this wait what the what did we just make that baby pig and did we just turn this horse into a baby horse let's try that again boom oh i did we can reverse time for mobs look at that baby pig oh i'm sorry guys this is insane oh my wait hello i just hit him wait a minute what did i just do to him a skeleton spawn and oh my god i can just resume time for him are you kidding me wait a minute what if he's about to shoot an arrow oh yo he's stuck in time i like you cut jeep oh wait no i just resumed time for him okay there you go that is so sick how powerful are we like how powerful are we gonna get and our next goal is the reality stone for the infinity boots because now we could go for the power stone wait but we need end stone for that i'm thinking the only thing that can help is the reality stone which we need blocks of redstone and something called the reality chunk and we definitely need the infinity boots don't mind me just ravine hunting by flying and yes i'm pretty sure this is where we found the previous redstone perfect give me give me give me give me i watch a creeper oh my god we gotta be careful we're not invincible oh wow there's a lot oh my goodness okay he still exploded don't even think about moving yo you exploded mid-air excuse me guys look at that i literally got him stuck in the air and then oh my goodness you'll want some mate now you stuck in the air idiot using the mind stone to control their movement and then slap it okay i miss and now he's dead please these mobs don't learn man oh my goodness we already have enough now we just need a reality chunk and if i'm not mistaken all we need to do is go ahead and start rapidly changing the time and while that's happening we need to go ahead and boom oh my we did it gamers we got ourselves the reality chunk while distorting time we literally just punched a hole in the universe and i don't even know what this is anymore what what we just got remote gateway okay yeah this is really weird just casually destroying the time space continuum to get a reality chunk and now we can go and make ourselves the infinity boots holy crap boom oh my goodness they look awesome we gotta be careful though because the reality stone can be boom we just got it right click the infinity boots put the reality stone in there and now oh my goodness there it is gamers with these new boots let's get a little far from the infinity temple we can now shift reality oh my goodness wait what we have a force field and everything i'm going to is literally being spawned oh my goodness boom disabled holy crap wait we have a diamond block right here what oh my god we have nine diamonds wait this is actually insane there's a piece of soul sand right here doink and another piece of soul sand wait this is amazing if i type soul oh my goodness the soul stone requires soul sand and a player soul i think i know how to get it and there he is yo why am i hey man welcome bro hold on this is just only going to hurt a little bit don't even worry about it sorry about that quip but i needed it there you go gamers we got the player sold damn low-key equip soul looking kind of thick and so all we need is there you go reality changing again oh my goodness my game is lacking we're changing water to different blocks what we gotta end portal frame this is actually insane and boom okay let's see there we go just like that super easy we got ourselves the soul sand wait what oh we have another portal that's totally not cursed oh yes pig spawner i'm actually gonna need this iron block because boom there we go we have the iron leggings and if we put the soul sand there the stone at the bottom and our player soul star cliff we get the soul stone and now that we're here we can use the infinity crafting table to make ourselves infinity leggings boom baby holy crap the full set of armor looks insane but it's not just about the looks if we put the soul stone in there oh my goodness okay wait really why is it it's a little bit in a sus area i'm not gonna but now with the power of the soul stone oh hello mobs if i just go ahead and bop oh my goodness wait what was that check that out gamers look at that we can absorb the soul and it gives us more armor every kill oh my goodness we get stronger and stronger and stronger oh my goodness boom happy oh my goodness we're becoming unstoppable look at our armor oh and there's some end stone right here bro whoa wait whoa whoa oh my goodness i almost died we literally need the end stone we need the end stone to craft the power stone to complete our chest plate also guys i made a channel so we can literally just watch stuff together go subscribe link in the description there you go we found another one boom there you go come on we'll definitely be able to see the end stone better over here come on where's our end stone wait zombies oh there's a zombie spawner you fools with the reality stone if i go like this oh my god oh he hit me and turned into a different mob let's try that again and boom oh my god that zombie turned into a chicken this one oh my goodness no no no no one likes you phantoms and how about this zombie oh okay and okay well now you're chicken again that is so awesome and perfect we found the final end stone which all we need now for the power stone is powerful obsidian which is just for obsidian into one well good thing we found these diamonds because boom now we have a diamond pickaxe one obsidian right here another one right here the third aha you thought you were slick boom we have our fourth sit in and there you go we have the powerful obsidian surrounded with end stone and a piece of stone for the stone power stone we got it i am actually kind of terrified because we just need to put it inside of the infinity chest plate and now ladies and gentlemen we're powerful we have both stones on our shoulders and i'm pretty sure oh my goodness look at all these mobs boom oh wait what look at that oh we're so insane i am literally just oh my goodness hello baby zombie you fool boom oh my goodness we're opie we're literally too strong guys reality stone there you go this guy's trying to hurt me and now he's a squid bro we have so many abilities now on top of literally boom mega punching oh you want a bowfight take that oh my goodness bro we can shoot literal lasers and look at our armor and our final stone needed is the space stone to travel into the next dimension and fight the end boss okay guys we're ready for the space stone this should be pretty easy we just need a bucket of portal i also just realized we have permanent strength three let's make bucket yoink the water hello lava there you go this is way easier and i'm pretty sure oh it's right here the portal we have the bucket of portal now easy i'm honestly kind of terrified because once we craft the space stone we can use this right click our boots and bam there you go our armor is now complete we're now strong enough to take on the end boss which i'm pretty sure it's thanos with the space stone i think i can literally just oh my goodness i could just teleport i can literally just any space i want i could just instantly get to does it even matter how far oh i didn't have to see it to just literally teleport okay that's nuts let's now make ourselves a diamond axe pretty sure i don't even need it and now we can go ahead and oh my goodness teleport to the next dimension okay we're here oh that was really oh wait whoa whoa whoa i couldn't fly there for a second well that was really lucky anyways let's go to the end and we're here we were all the ender oh my goodness this is a gamers oh my oh i can't even touch him i can't even touch him are you kidding me wait this is literally possessed then i can't even bro oh my goodness yo i can't even touch him oh my goodness wait we literally just destroyed his minions in one hit oh wait there's one baby minion oh my goodness i can't destroy them wait what happened to all our armor did he reset it oh my goodness i'm literally about to die i can control him yeah oh my god okay he can still reach me if i literally do that again i'm dead no no he's spawning more ah boom let's go and just boom oh wait what um gamers we literally once shot him with our ability well i guess we were way too strong with that said there's two other videos right here click on them i love you and subscribe
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,272,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But You Can Craft Infinity Armor, minecraft but, infinity armor, infinity sword, infinity pickaxe, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, bionic, challenge
Id: _y7vRS80zQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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