Minecraft, But With Custom Pickaxes..

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this is minecraft but with custom pickaxes today i start off with a fairly regular minecraft pickaxe and i must use it to gather materials to level it up every pickaxe upgrade becomes better and more powerful than the last all the way until we reach the greatest pickaxe in minecraft history but what does that pickaxe even do subscribe and help me toward 3 million subscribers to find out all right so obviously the first pickaxe you always get in minecraft after we do this wood mining session create a crafting table is the wood pickaxe so create that really quickly but this is probably the worst pickaxe in all of minecraft we want to get to the greatest pickaxe but how do we do that i wonder whoa who are you uh hello i want everyone to leave a like on this video right now wait really is that how i get the next best pickaxe yes and if you don't reach at least ten thousand you'll never see the greatest pickaxe in minecraft oh shoot okay aha i see your pickaxe is quite boring here try this what do you got for me whoa he just gave me a level one miners pickaxe so i guess this is the first of many upgradable pickaxes before we get to the greatest one in all of minecraft history i also got a pick book and inside the pick book oh what in the world i guess this is the crafting recipe that we're gonna have to use to get the next upgraded pickaxe well thank you mr bell okay goodbye mr villager pickaxe man so what can i do with this level one pick oh okay so it it mine's like a couple of blocks at once sometime so this is actually a good way to get wood and stuff you know what i need to know what those new blocks were because it was showing some weird gold ingots and stuff for how we're gonna have to upgrade this pick so it's an enhanced gold ingot and to get that we need six normal golden ingots and also we need like a blue thing of gunpowder here okay let's get down to the caves real quick of course right after a quick hay bale mining session and look at that fresh golden ingots baby and that will create us one enhanced golden ingot so oh get out of here mr zombie according to the book we need two of those we'll grab the rest of that and we'll make the second one and now we just need this dust which i believe we can get by smelting a diamond beautiful okay so we have a diamond right here let's make sure this lava just doesn't cook it up real quick please do not burn and we got one and boom a diamond essence we'll grab that and we are now gonna get the level two dual wielded pickaxe oh look at this thing and we get to keep our level one pickaxe too oh and it's him again it's the pickaxe guy i see you've discovered some minecraft secrets as well as a new shiny tool oh baby it actually does do a wheeled this is sick use it wisely my friend keep an eye on your pick book okay so now to upgrade to the next pickaxe we're gonna need six of those little gold things and two of these stars okay so how do we make the stars real quick if we go into like the little book here we go diamond star that's four dimes okay that's not too difficult but what can this pickaxe even do oh whoa and there's the diamonds we need okay so this pickaxe is actually a lot more powerful than i once thought i guess that comes with the dual wielding effect and even more diamonds if we're up to seven we can make even like a tool like a sword or something if we wanted to put the stars in here and put our level two pick at the top and now we get our level three diamonds pickaxe it has a 3d meteor and a bedrock seeker don't get too crazy now minecraft is a peaceful place it would suck if things got chaotic all right so what is the 3d meteor thing whoa okay it just drops diamond meteors and just like gets rid of terrain around me so i can easily mine it also drops the diamonds themselves so we now have an unlimited source of diamonds and then it also has a bedrock seeker what does that do whoa dude that's sick so if i did the bedrock seeker on the surface and i just went up like this and whoa okay it doesn't kill me all right so let's grab a bunch of coal all over the place this shouldn't be hard to get especially with our new level three pickaxe beautiful just grab all the coal we can to an extremely quick obsidian mining session we now get the level four mega spatial pickaxe it has a smelting black hole and a spatial field okay so we'll put our level three up here you've certainly become less boring this pick comes with game breaking abilities though manage them wisely to get the next one we need a bunch more of those spatial blocks and a new block which is really cool looking actually how do you make that one you need a spatial block in the middle of four diamonds to create one of these okay that's not too difficult and how many blocks does this mine okay as you can see as we get further on in the pickaxes they start mining more and more just base terrain a huge black hole just happened and sucked in all of the ores from all around here and just dropped them on the floor what does the spatial field do whoa what on earth is that so we can already create a spatial block and then now we can create the diamond core so we need two diamond cores so one more spatial block surrounded by the diamonds that's those two we have and then i believe the rest is we just need a bunch of spatial blocks surrounding this thing right let me look at my pick book again yeah we need six spatial blocks now we can use these in our crafting table along with the two diamond cores and our level four pickaxe to get to level five the dimensional pickaxe and this has a vortex bullet with dimensional teleportation whoa what the heck where am i whoa shadow mob why is he firing laser beams at me no no dude i have half a heart he's so close to dead yes okay i got him what does the vortex bullet do whoa holy cow my computer is lagging talk about being able to mine big areas of terrain now in our pick book it says we need all sorts of new stuff to upgrade to the next pickaxe which is going to be even better what is that it looks like kind of like an elytra or something so we'll make a ton of these enhanced gold ingots and make that one super gold block mix it with a normal gold block and we get the angel essence okay so we need approximately four of those look at all the oars just floating down the water dude this is insane so we'll make the gods essences and we have two diamond cores remaining so i believe to upgrade the pickaxe we are going to need to put these angel wings in all four corners and put the level five in the middle and boom we get the level six demigod pickaxe you love lightning so why not have a pick for that oh i do love lightning oh my gosh yo whoa holy smokes what is this oh it just created a huge huge thing down the bedrock but i'm going to take all the gold blocks i possibly can that's nine holy blocks one god piece and how do we do this i believe we just need these holy blocks on the side this pick in the middle and there it is the level seven super d pickaxe oh my gosh look at all the powers it has oh and it just gave me a total of undying you're getting closer to the world's greatest pickaxe keep going oh my gosh i was wondering what that noise was i have angel wings i have permanent flight i can fly everywhere with my wings whoa diamonds everywhere it also has a demi-god transformation so what happens if i tried doing that whoa oh my goodness dude these are actual angels dude look at my skin i am literally an angel we can actually upgrade this pickaxe right now guys i don't really want to but we do get to keep the pick because this has definitely been my favorite one so far and i also want to use my angel and what on earth is this a creator's pickaxe what just happened what i get in my inventory is that a it's a full set of armor and we get all the effects in the game what powers do these have i want to talk to you mr picker only a few more to go though this pic is quite wild oh and i have an extra row of hearts now but hold on guys we need to go to the moon so we have to do shift plus right click oh and it brings up a menu so what i just click on the moon in the middle here whoa what are these blocks all over the place i've never seen these before astral dust oh wait a second how do we get the next pick maybe this is what it's requiring wait is that astral dust no it's astral essence which requires four astral dust each okay so we just need eight of these so i guess that's why we would want to come to the moon we're just basically grabbing a bunch of its resources so come here astral dust and the other thing that we're going to need is these blocks which those i don't believe we've seen before it's a god block and it requires well nine holy blocks so just a bunch more gold so let's get out of the moon probably and there we go all six god blocks needed so we put those like that and we put the creators pig actually there's two powers we haven't even seen from this pick yet so before we actually upgrade it let me see what this does what is the rainbow ray whoa holy smokes okay very nice and then we also have frames of the creator you know it's a bunch of floating mirrors just just shooting bullets out at all the mobs and everything around and it's changing everything into a bunch of i created another portal what and yes one of my favorite items of all time the blaze hoe and i can just plant blaze things all over the place and then use my bone meal to just grow them all up and now we're gonna have enough blaze rods to get right to the end so that's no longer going to be an issue perfect and now we will upgrade the pickaxe to level 9 astral pickaxe of the universe whoa that is sick imagine being able to use this pickaxe in your regular survival world it's almost better than creative mode wait really what does it do it has a galaxy cloak and a galaxy vortex what what does a galaxy cloak do whoa my game just changed whoa i can plow through anything oh my gosh i'm a human pickaxe i'm a human big axe i'm mining everywhere thousands of blocks at once it also has a galaxy vortex oh my goodness what is going on there are ender pearls going everywhere and why are there baby ender dragons falling all over the place i mean i will take all the ender pearls trust me there thank you wait what happens if i just go into this thing i've never actually attempted going into one of these vortex things i hope i don't die in three two one whoa what the thanos wait a second he's who i have to kill to get this stone and goodbye thanos and there is my power stone what the heck is that over there there's like a weird type of block on that island how do i get there now we can see okay so this is the infinity ingots that we need i guess we're on like the avengers thanos island or something like that but i'll grab all of these beautiful so we'll create the essences and now we're ready to upgrade level 10 multiverse pickaxe okay i still don't think this is the best one that exists yet oh no oh gosh no you're becoming too powerful wait what isn't that like a good thing wait why does my book just have a wither i don't understand what's going on no where am i now whoa the avengers are in front of me oh brother they're mad that i just took their pickaxe no no no no no no no wait let me use my pickaxe as mirrors of destruction oh oh whoa i can hear it just pummeling all of the avengers look at their health just going down one by one my mirrors are taking all of their powers away this also gives me an infinity gauntlet what if i used an infinity gauntlet oh my gosh i have an infinity gauntlet what does this even do whoa holy smokes can i drop that on the avengers real quick oh i can get out of here captain america you're done and goodbye black widow that's all the avengers gone it thirsts for power whoa whoa whoa whoa it's a bunch of withers all right i'm gonna have to use my mirrors of destruction again to try and take them out and yes i think he's dead oh i got the next pickaxe hey picker what's up it has like some sort of person on this page what what does that mean mr picker i don't believe you'll be needing me anymore what do you mean what no no no nothing bigger okay well i have this new pickaxe of the gods which has like five different abilities including being able to turn into a demon lord oh my goodness whoa whoa what is happening the entire terrain is turning into a freaking wasteland what else do we have on this we can summon giant blades they automatically fire off at any mob that's in my vicinity i should just have this on at all times dude this is so cool and we can do death lasers oh whoa demon entity i guess this is the guy that was on our book that i have to kill and we will do a demon battle come here buddy dude i'm gonna kill him right now bro what is that the greatest pickaxe in minecraft history i need to see this it's called the level question marks new pickaxe i can quite literally transform into a pickaxe dude look at me i'm a major pickaxe i'm walking around like a pickaxe and i can exit it and it looks like this new pickaxe just floats above my head so yeah this is the best pickaxe in all of minecraft history i'm gonna put this in my pickaxe slot okay apparently the stronghold's right beneath us i don't want to use this pick because it's going to delete everything pretty much i think and hello mr stronghold pickaxe let's go meet the pickaxe king oh my gosh there are pickaxe missiles coming toward the ground as we speak wait what is going on here why is the pickaxe king down here what in the world take this big axe k you'll never kill me oh this is gonna take forever his health is hardly going down this is not good i'm gonna use system cheat i want to see what it does i'm actually kind of curious here i've clicked it uh oh my computer just lagged oh my gosh it finished away the entire end that's it forever and ever no
Channel: Graser
Views: 845,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft custom, graser, challenge, minecraft pickaxes, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft, minecraft if
Id: o2lizlJIKgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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