Minecraft, But With "Baby Mode" Difficulty..

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in this video I attempt to complete the game of Minecraft on baby mode this is a mode that essentially makes the game very easy but how easy exactly subscribe to find out if I can do it in three two one that sub button better be clicked and here's the comment of the vid to be featured here just leave a comment down below and let's shoot for a baby number of 0.5 likes on this video enjoy [Music] all right guys this is probably going to be the easiest Minecraft playthrough you will ever watch on YouTube I have literally spawned inside of a village okay and not only that but if I walk around just a little bit oh my God the villagers and the Iron Golem they're so small hello guys not because today we are playing Minecraft on baby mode difficulty that means that literally everything in Minecraft that can be seen as you know any kind of inconvenient and hello buddy is made convenient today including well I want wood let me right click this oak tree oh my goodness and there it goes I just have to right click the trees and then I'm just gonna get all the wood I could ever ask for and what the heck I just got a fire protection enchantment level 50 item for doing absolutely nothing that's right every few minutes I am going to get an Opie item into my inventory for oh it's amazing I know but no we have to make a wooden pickaxe like we do with every single time we go oh it's enchanted with efficiency 10. Fortune 10. I'm breaking 10 and mending okay you guys get the point basically it's gonna be very easy so hopefully I don't run into any issues well trying to complete the game under this mode there are a lot of things though that I'm gonna be able to create and uh well that will help me even further toward beating the game and uh one of those other things that's gonna help me a lot is if I go to the very top of this village house all the way up and uh I'm like you know what I really want to take some damage I can't there's no fall damage you can't make this up the only thing I will grab though from these Villages is the beds because of course beds are the easiest way to kill the dragon and I don't really like to you know stay in the end for too long or else I'll die but I guess I can't really die I mean I can still die I can still get damaged by mobs and I can still take Hearts okay and don't like look there's a fire over here in the distance and oh my gosh wait my pickaxe kills them in one shot yes give me all your leather if I go into this lava oh yeah it doesn't damage me water's fine as well yeah no I love it doesn't give me damage I'm living in literally heaven right now let's go down into the caves and oh my gosh all the mobs are babies okay so that's how I can take damage the skeleton is actually giving me damage right now so wait is this creeper okay go away skeleton no I don't actually want to die no no no no no no it's supposed to be baby mode this is supposed to be easy wait I'm not regetting my heart hold on is that it if I take damage then I can't that's the catch I knew this wouldn't be that easy I just got another op item an iron hoe thanks game whoa hold on no oh my God oh my God I just had the mine Stone and I get a bunch of OPI ores I'm literally going to be geared up in full armor like already okay so that's why I don't regen because I can literally just make a ton of golden apples and a good armor right off the bat right now I was just about to test my new Fortune pickaxe on an iron ore because of the new 117 raw iron and you know what I still want to I'm gonna make an iron pick real quick and it's Enchanted and it's got a all the same goodies on it perfect and isn't it an iron pick so now hold on yes there's iron ore right down there we're gonna Min our way all the way to we never know we don't need it at all okay we don't take fall damage I forgot and what is that and there's a Baby Enderman at the end of the okay so we can get ender pearls like that and there is a what appears to be diaper in front of me that I can't mine this is not mineable okay so I'm gonna have to you know find a way to get this why are there diapers in the caves okay cool that's mine the aisle look at that we get multiple raw iron yeah because a lot of you were telling me this is why they added it into the game I never knew why now I do it doesn't matter get all that goodies and we're already in full diamond armor and there's a skeleton guarding the Enderman I don't think it's wise to go that way I'm sure there will be an easier more baby way to get the uh ender pearls later down the line all right that's ridiculous I also just noticed that my food does not diminish okay so we actually have to go back to the Village here because we are going to be crafting a baby cradle and this is how we're gonna get all of the op baby items in today's playthrough because obviously with what we have right now we can probably go all the way to the stronghold and maybe even win but I mean why not make it even easier so to make this baby cradle we're actually gonna need beds we will put down a crafting table make a crafting table put the beds around the crafting table like so and Surround it with oak wood and Bam we get the baby cradle and this is just a fancy term for the crafty table we are going to be using while trying to beat the game today but it's not any sort of normal crafting table you see if we put this down look at it it's literally a baby cradle and it's got a little diaper on it as well so foolish we open it up oh my goodness it's literally a baby cradle so this is what we're gonna use the diaper ore down that we just saw in the Ravine on as well as making a bunch of other op items as well so I'm gonna create a smithing table because we have a lot of netherite ingots and I'm actually gonna use the baby cradle right now this is so funny I'm gonna make a diamond pick is it oh my goodness look at that a diamond Mega pickaxe silk touch Unbreaking three we will put that in slot number two perfect I guess if we just you know make our whole little thing of tools here what the I got diamond super mega sword fire aspect two super gets three knockback two and the reason I made the smoothing table obviously is because whoa hold on oh my gosh If We Hold this we speed of light we're going so fast oh my gosh I can travel a whole field in like two seconds wow okay watch out Grazer watch out we don't need this right now go back to the neighborhood we just took damage and it healed us it has infinite regeneration yeah oh there we go so we just found our healer we don't have to worry about the regen thing anymore but look how big this sword is second I right click whoa what the no no no no no not the poor villager what are you doing wait is this a bunch of babies no way it's a bunch of babies and I think they're actually going after the villagers to kill them no they didn't do anything wrong no I just accidentally took over a village that I didn't mean to all that to say we'll go ahead and combine this with another right hand bam we get the super netherite mega sword this well I guess it's kind of the same thing but it's even better man we can spawn these babies Oh my as we can spawn them infinitely I have a whole Army of babies everywhere okay so what does the pick do I haven't even like tried to do like most of the stuff whoa okay all okay all right it's basically like a chunk Miner which we have done before are we even gonna need to get enchanted hold on if I use the baby cradle and I attempt to create a piece of armor here is it going to okay so it's the same thing so it doesn't superify the armor pieces but wait if I make like an ax could I get like a good oh my my goodness a diamond manga Lumber ax silk touch efficiency five are breaking three yes please and I think the sword is the only one where you can carry it it'll give you speed I'm going to assume this just like takes down a Forester or something in it absolutely does so it gives me pretty much everything I would need out of an ax which is good and it drops a lot of apples which is also good because I got a lot of gold so I can go ahead and create a lot of healing which I don't really because I have the super netherrite sword everything's easy remember we're on baby mode and we'll create the shovel as well what does the shovel do no nothing it doesn't really do much oh what the oh wait and it dropped fly boots it dropped fly boots on the ground fly boots allow you to fly foreign oh my gosh did it drop op items I don't see any other op items though usually you would see like a bunch of like OP armor and stuff all around there is an opio here but I believe that was the one I got from before anyways I've never rated up all my gear we are good good now I want to figure out how I get that diaper ore I feel like that's a big key into what we have to do next in order to beat the game on this mode are there explosions just as deadly are they no wait not even really they don't even do like any damage so sure it looks in their suit and there's the skellies and I don't even care because I'm in full diamond armor it doesn't matter [Music] this is so foolish oh and there's that diaper ore right up there okay so perfect we're gonna head to that now yeah there's a few up here as well and not working yeah it's not working they're literally the only ores that stay in place they will not be mined so this is something I haven't figured out yet there is an ore that looks like a diaper in Minecraft that I cannot mine using my epic tools of Destruction and it's a Baby Enderman hey baby Enderman goodbye guys wait that also did not break any of the diet what did it hold on if I do this it does break it does break does it drop though it does not drop how do we get the diaper I want the diaper I want to know what it does how do I mine all these diapers a diaper Miner all I had to do was ask why didn't you just say so game so now I have a pickaxe specifically meant to buy the diapers yay now I have a bunch of diapers in my inventory I don't know what we can now do with them maybe we can create diaper armor and stuff who knows let me grab the diapers right now all right let's put the baby cradle down can we create like a pair of diaper leggings no okay but if I try to make a diaper block whoa okay that actually does something diaper right ore what what is this so there's even another ore on top of a diaper ore so this is just a diaper I guess that wasn't even nowhere that's fake or we don't want that well actually maybe we do to make more diapers if we put this down what the is that like a like a milk baby bottle or something on that hold on I'm gonna get a baby bottle in mine oh you can't mind this unless you have the diaper Miner and actually an ore It's actually an Ingot diaperium Ingot okay now we're talking now we actually have an ore on our hands I wonder if we can actually make armor and tools with this and maybe that will make us even more powerful than we already are with our extra long sword and pretty much invincibility I forgot we got the freaking fly boots on come on diaper right whoa yes baby just like protection oh my gosh everything is at level 100 enchantment you cannot get more op than this okay so when I took up this challenge or lack thereof challenge per se look at me I'm so cute I'm like a baby I'm a toddler I wanted to see how op could this actually get I didn't realize we were talking about an armor that is pretty much Invincible I can't die now but now I want to make all of the armor pieces to this which is going to require unfortunately and we actually find a lot more diapers around the caves so there are some here and luckily we have the super powered shovel so we can just go ahead well actually that'll break them we'll use our pick and go ahead and plow them into visibility oh yes can I get a deal oh what a save so now we can make a diaper right leggings or baby leggings so we'll take off the diamond layers we'll put these on and oh my goodness this is actually really cool I'm debating do I want to keep the fly boots on or do I want to just go for full diaperite armor and whoa pause everything on all the baby stuff right now because well I mean I could just jump and I wouldn't die because the lava doesn't kill me but look at that it's an amethyst geode wait I can climb up the lava lake to get up a couple layers to get to this amethyst Geo that's connected to this Ravine that's sick and inside this glorious place we are going to craft the rest of our baby armor so we need the boots there they are the baby boots and the helmet gosh it's literally a baby hold on when I put this stuff on booze and helmet oh my oh my gosh I'm shrinking dude why I have a jump boost and I just have permanent speed I'm literally a baby looking swimming loud no no I need my baby cradle I need it back give it to me now I'm gonna jump off this thing how is the Ender Dragon gonna have any chance against me now I mean look at this is ridiculous I'm now the same size as these skeletons I just have insane jumper look at this we're basically playing Minecraft on Tiny mode which I have done before but it's a very epic version of tiny mode so we're gonna take it how big is this okay so the sword shrinks with me as well imagine it was still as big as it once was but yeah this jumpers is actually very convenient because I am smaller so it's easier to get around I'm gonna buy more diapers though I think there's probably more stuff we can make with this awesome ridiculously exclusive ore I'm actually able to travel better than I did when I was at normal size give me all of the diapers and a netherrate chest plate just dropped with thorns too where look at my character I didn't even dig in all the effects I have water breathing luck jump boost speed strength resistance regen fire resistance I have like everything in the game bro and wait what happens if I just take one piece of I go back to normal size I go back to normal look at look how did I look with this armor on okay so we go ahead we get the diaper diaper right again this next item is going to be one of the most powerful items in the entire history of Minecraft ever and I'm talking ever we need a diamond which we do have very easily but we also need glass because I'm going to need it to get a couple of water bottles you guys will see probably are putting it together already oh my gosh this is gonna be a lot worse than I thought I can't get cobblestone wait can I yes so we'll use the baby cradle we'll make a furnace we definitely need that and we will go ahead and smelt up the sand take that glass make a couple bottles we'll go ahead and use our sword to find some water very quickly where is it right here and why is there a random piece of netherrite right here what is that about we'll fill up the water bottles ooh they're going everywhere we do need four of them so I'll grab this now if we use the baby cradle we put the water bottles on the edges and then we put the diaper the diaperium in the middle and then put a diamond all the way in the centerpiece bam we get the baby bottle and this baby bottle can do Insane things that oh my gosh the baby horse sound so here I'm about right here it's a meteor boom so I can use this as a primary power and it doesn't damage me at all so I can use this against the Ender Dragon but I can also mine with just my bare Fist and that's it I can go all the way down but dude that's not all this thing has this baby bottle is crazy man let's say I want the baby bottle to do something different well if I go ahead and type baby bottle altered now it's a whole new baby bottle I could actually drink it with the right click now what happens if I left click with it whoa what was that oh my goodness it's raining over items everywhere oh yeah I forgot if I left click with it I think it pretty much activates see how fully meteor showers oh my goodness so if we weren't in full baby armor right now this would be what we would be using to get completely decked out now this is one of the new mine shaft kind of things where they have like logs I guess you know connecting it down to the Ravine that's actually has a lot of realism but let's say I want to actually drink this thing I'm gonna drink it when we get into the Ender Dragon place too if I drink the baby bottle I just got a power called super baby and I have it for a minute basically what this power allows me to do is I can now break things with just my bare Fist and it will blow up but also if I kill a mob it drops an Opie item oh my gosh we just got a lucky helmet nice what are you gonna drop a dimension shifter I think these are all just a very custom opinion so we can get to the nether but I think there's gotta be an easier way right and that one drops lapis it's like we could probably try and search for just jumped ender pearls now we have six intervals now we just need Blaze well we do need a couple more ender pearls too and our power is gonna run out in 30 seconds and then we can't drink it again for a couple minutes so it's not like it's that crazy op I know it's baby mode it probably should be oh my gosh I just double clicked wearing this armor you can fly I am a flying baby right now and everywhere I've gone is looked the exact same just because of how similar it looks when I do this stuff on my shovel you turn any game into a spear if you try hard enough it looks like I only have 30 seconds on this thing my power for super baby is up there is though another power that this baby bottle has if I just type goo ga baby bottle altered again now oh that skeleton just killed that poor spider get out of here A Notch Apple freaking oh my goodness lightning beam wait if I just do this everywhere I want wait where'd the baby bottle go yes please come here can I just yes it spawns infinite Notch apples perfect okay now I'm I don't want to go to the nether I really like to avoid going there but we will just to see where we end up oh and this is why I hate the nether I guess I can use my pick to see is that an agent debrino I don't think that's an ancient debris right there yeah that's definitely not but we're just stuck in the middle of nowhere but all right so you're probably like the Grazer if you don't use the nether how are you ever gonna get blaze rods you think I can't get blaze rods in baby mode we just need a couple of lava buckets watch this if we go over to this lava pool and actually I don't want to lose any of these so I'm just gonna throw iron and netherride I'm sorry I know you guys are cringing but just listen okay we're gonna fill up the lava buckets put a gold in the middle and Surround it with the baby ore is what I'm gonna call it now put the lava buckets on the edges and we get a baby Blaze spawner this is gonna help us toward getting blaze rods now it's not just gonna give it to us because obviously we're in baby mode and it's a baby Blaze spawner so the Blazer has to come out are baby Blaze so I can't combine this with an ender pearl or I can't make it into blaze powder either I need to use these baby Blaze go back to the baby cradle and act as if I were making a blaze block and then I get only one Blaze Rod every time I do that entire like process so now we can make eight blaze powder combine it with six ender pearls we get six eye vendors and yada yada but how are we gonna get ender pearls well we actually need glow squids because on the screen that's the recipe oh my gosh I found one oh my gosh it's small just like all the other mobs I need your thing I'm sorry I never wanted to kill you oh I got two glowing sacks from that that's oh there's another one one no we only drop it to one these things are so hard to find under the caves finally yes I'm sorry die I need your thing okay that's five that's all we need glowing sex baby look at this so we'll go ahead and do this put an iron in the middle and baby Pearl spotters we're gonna get a bunch of baby pearls make these into regular pearls bam and we can actually just combine these with the rods here and we can actually make more okay hold on we now have 13 eye Avengers so we're good but I don't wanna have to use any of this to actually locate the stronghold because then I would be risking wasting my pearls so I wonder where the stronghold is hmm look at that a stronghold tracker just popped up behind me and this is gonna lead us directly to the stronghold that's pointing this way so we're just gonna follow this the entire time and put my baby mouse back on use our flight and let's freaking get out of here oh it looks to be like right here okay shovel do your dice no need your duty is there a stronghold we'll be right now if there is if there is fighting here it is and there's an amate geode inside the stronghold that's so cool but now I can right click all these in and we will go in to the end what awaits us inside whoa oh my goodness it's baby land this is not a real end so go ahead drink that baby bottle now we have the super baby effect we'll start killing Enderman all over the place get their Opie items that I forgot oh my gosh oh my gosh that went to the void and luckily I had my flight activated or that would have been a bad time you know what I'm just gonna use my flight right now I'm gonna go to the Ender Dragon Ender Dragon for EB in three two one bleach oh he's shooting Diapers at me what a baby dragon die the baby bottles are weakness and there he goes okay maybe the baby dragon caused the void with his diaper bullets oh my goodness well that's how you beat Minecraft on baby mode everyone what an adventure
Channel: Graser
Views: 7,559,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft baby, graser, challenge, minecraft mode, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft
Id: xB5TLvv7F1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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