Minecraft, But With Custom Allays...

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this is Minecraft with their custom alleys today I'm going to be meeting brand new custom alleys all with some pretty crazy abilities be ally he'll be my buddy Ally today who will be going from a normal alley to iron alley into even Diamond Alley but I gotta be careful for the chaotic alley who will be summoning op Ali bosses but it doesn't stop there though because what if I told you by the end of the video I could throw one million allies don't believe me stay tuned to find out whoa okay here we go guys a blue alley in an alley buddy what is the difference what is a blue alley oh yo hello LA's okay I guess we literally got some stuff right away welcome guys to Minecraft but I'm guessing there's custom alleys and Ally buddy Ally upgraded away what just happened we just got a second alley heart the alley challenge has started use your brand new friends and foes to defeat the final boss alley Dragon beware hey Nestor I'm your brand new alley partner I can collect anything well mainly wood and dirt does that help I guess yeah oh he's gonna do one oh that's sick okay well there's a lot of stuff right I hear my man I'm gonna go ahead and grab this and I guess we have the alley heart oh heart upgraded he slowly become more into the alley next art crafting is the key maybe a pickaxe what is going on guys this is crazy right now I guess we're getting a full alley team and with the like multiplied alley thing we just got a bunch of stuff and also went chaotically I'm the chaotic alley let's play goodbye for now what no oh my gosh what just happened guys this video is crazy Aussie just keep watching because I feel like something crazy is happening to every minute right now and oh I mean it's a pretty much a temple we don't have a big accident and we haven't even chopped on with you oh how's it going buddy I guess keep going to your oak logs and tutor later we'll upgrade you but we also got some alley boots which wearing these boots stop all fall damage oh I mean sure you know I'm not a big fan of Vault image we hate fall damage here on the silver channel so let's real quick go ahead and mine some wood actually wait I don't even need to mine wood uh Ally hey that's sick I've collected 22 1 and 28 dirt wait defeat the boss hello blue buff alley oh let's watch okay hello wait why are you so buff oh oh my gosh okay do I have arrows I have arrows oh my God okay these not that strong right now but holy throwable upgrade okay and we've defeated the blue buff alley and we got the yellow alley what is this this throws out yellow alleys that create many different structures oh right clicking the Ali's Echo we become more powerful as you slowly become more into an alley when becoming more into alley wait what just happened all right let's just keep throwing these guys in and see what happens oh holy what is going on okay guys uh yup yup it's a next Story video for sure things are getting crazy Ally over there keep grabbing that wood because I think I upgrade you to a different alley once you're done with that but it looks like we summoned a giant creeper every structure ever in Minecraft so let's go ahead and I guess go in here maybe there's some oh wait there's a chest maybe there's something in the chest I never went into the desert temple I just realized we're the dirt Temple really really one Cobblestone a little bit of cobblestone an engine table I mean sure slowly but surely we're making some good progress we we got the bow we got all the alleys we need and do we need books I don't think we need books okay wait what the heck there's another thing here holy okay we got some potions I'll take one string two potion in iron sword why not I'm gonna need that against the bosses for sure and we got a music disc what does this play there isn't any song but please subscribe to the channel thank you that was a really weird song what the heck okay Let's uh let's keep moving and let's get back to that Temple and really see what's inside well our alley kind of does its thing collecting because we are going to be going through multiple custom allies and I guess our goal is to fight the final Dragon alley which sounds crazy I gotta be extra careful I only have two hearts right now Emerald some iron do like me some iron that's actually gonna be no fire from the iron pickaxe so that's very good and oh diamonds yes love me some diamonds I used to be a diamond Barbies I always say that story you don't need to hear that where we're good uh let's get that wood and now with the iron let's go ahead and do our next goal which is gonna be to make the iron pickaxe not sure what this gets me but there we go iron pickaxe and oh we got another heart nice and now let's go to use that horse upgraded you start really feeling like an ally next heart fire is the key wait what I get with that heart just three hearts okay cool oh wait no oh I might a bigger area now oh that's sick wait is that he's 10 guys I have AIDS tendell Apparently that is insane okay I mean don't mind if I do God's going to get back to the alley all right give me that good stuff holy oak logs what the heck so we don't have it just enough just yet he still has to keep mining so I guess in the meantime let's let's go explore this thing over here and see what we can get I mean we haven't gone caving yet but things are going very well okay some apples and I got every chest not bad okay I forgot I have a really good pickaxe I also have no fall damage boots so that's gonna be really convenient okay so what's in here iron leggings I mean sure why not slowly but surely we're getting pretty good stuff a shield will probably be good against bosses because I feel like the bosses are gonna get more and more stronger so let's definitely be careful about that go deeper in the cave and uh before I go down give me some of that wood two more to go and then we should be good and there we go Ally upgraded and what oh you're a stone alley now my alley buddy has upgraded to the next tier let's go Mighty Nester I didn't know you can talk but I guess let's go dump them in and get us some Cobblestone wait defeat the boss wait what what's going on oh no no no no no apparently you can jump now oh please please please please okay he's not that strong yet we do have an iron sword and um I guess there goes that guy well then let's go down to the cave and get a lot of cobblestone in wait chaos upgraded today's your lucky day wait what's going on that luck won't last long I dare you to break 15. wait what should I happened up there oh my gosh okay I'm pretty sure the chaotic alley just bonded to put sort of Lucky Blocks for us this is really not good to do right now especially when I'm just starting to cave and I only have three hearts oh gosh okay okay please stay away please stay away I just saw a boss I do not want to fight the boss and oh wait a mine Chef not bad okay let's real quick find that no no no no no no no we are not dealing with that we are gonna go as far away as we can that is terrifying what okay one more wait what did we just do what purple buff alley Welcome to My Dance Party Hit It DJ what the heck is going on your muscles begin to feel drained hello um guys it is getting more and more chaotic and this guy literally Sprints at you let's real quick get rid of this purple buff alley no stay away get down on the Bedrock and get stuck there what the heck okay the DJ Ally pretty much spawned in a bunch of mobs and now we're just stuck fighting this thing okay let's go for the final hit okay that could have been a lot worse well uh I guess keep money that Cobblestone my man and um we gotta get some more Hearts sadly so how do I get some more Hearts some more diamonds actually okay I'll take that thank you very much oh and there we go your La buddy has upgraded to the next tier Nestor I'm made of iron Now isn't this great wait why are you all the way over there one sec guys let me get all the way over there okay we finally found him and look at him oh that's adorable okay so did we get anything new from these guys okay so we didn't get anything there okay so do you do anything cool oh just a lot of iron and iron tools I really don't need it right now but I'll gladly take okay so thank you very much how do I get to upgrade the millions of valets though okay so I gotta get a lot of iron ingot style and in the meantime we gotta make a flint and steel and catch on fire apparently is what the alley said earlier so I guess uh let's not die from this but one two three oh that actually worked okay so just like that we got a fourth alley heart and this is gonna be one step closer to becoming an alley so let's go and eat this and hearts are upgraded next heart a boss is coming soon wait we just also got the red alley why is the boss coming soon I do not like the sound of this but what does the red alley do oh yo that's a lot of smoke okay it burns everything apparently what the heck hold up one second what about this Forest oh look at them go what the heck okay so it's a little bit of Destruction alley I kind of like that to be fair but it's definitely a bit hectic so so far we got actually 10 diamonds so let's real quick before we meet another boss and let's make a couple Diamond things like a diamond pickaxe probably a good idea and I'm guessing we get the next multiplied La once we fight the next boss which might spawn in once we get all the iron we need I gotta be ready for that though so while our buddy Minds let's find a good spot oh that was a good spot that was literally instant all right come down buddy thank you all right down here there we go okay and throwable upgrade oh look at him cop really that's adorable and we also got the next thing which is gonna be a purple throwable alley let's see oh wow that actually is really cool do we get a boss now also you're getting copper in of course we get a boss okay yep there's the boss come minions defeat him got minions oh my gosh wait this is actually a lot cooler than I thought what the heck we gotta fight Minions on the way to him and they do some damage let's chill out a little bit we're doing pretty good damage to him and no no no no no no no no no no Ali I wish you could help me fight right now but I'm kind of stuck doing a little mini game right here against these alleys oh why do they look so adorable finally there we go boss I lay down that was gonna be the next one he was still left a bit of minions and they're still up here too oh and the copper alleys too and what we also got with that was the purple alleys so do I want to try this thing out down here probably not but I mean First Signs let's go ahead and try it oh what just happened did I do something bad okay yeah that may have been bad or actually very useful okay so it's night time now and I think the new purple alley literally summons a bunch of alleys to mine chunks wait are they gonna mind that chunk right there that is so cool if they actually do that oh that's sick what the heck okay so I can have a literal chunk minder now so I can mine that chunk mind that chunk and mind that junk they're all working together I gotta be careful though cause these bosses are definitely getting better and better and I haven't tried you out yet my man so Mr copper alley what exactly do you give us oh that is a lot of copper that is very cursed we just got a copper pickaxe oh wow that's what copper pentaxes do apparently wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's happening time for some fun now hello Kelly what what do you want no oh why out of all times no no no no no wait what the heck is going on literally I was just getting used to the Copper items oh my goodness I mean at least I haven't died yet I'm only at four Hearts so far but what the heck man oh man okay uh well we also got some copper tools which I'm kind of curious what does the copper ax do exactly oh it just kind of explodes trees I mean sure why not I mean the main thing I'm really interested about is this copper pickaxe like look at this thing holy it mine's like a bigger area that's sick well I guess I'll be using the copper pickaxe now all right so we're back at that cave we were at and we still have our trunk Miner but let's just be a little bit careful before we get another chaotically and while my alley mine stuff let's get some more of these diamonds we're actually finding a good bit of diamonds now all right thank you very much game should I make some more diamond armor probably not the bosses haven't been that hard yet I might eat my words for the next one but Mr alley thank you very much for your stuff let's keep getting that copper real quick oh wow this guy has a lot of copper now let's go real quick and well wait things will now get really hard hard's upgraded horror unlocked am I worthy of becoming analy a next heart survived the red alley 10 times what is the red alley I mean sure why not now we got alley Vision wearing this helmet can give you X-ray vision well goodbye iron helmet and x-rays so how does this work oh I used it three times didn't I you were supposed to use this don't use this get everything will break as soon as you know it I warned you we're gonna love this one welcome to my past what just happened okay wait am I in the vault video I'm in the vault video by the way great video go check that out but hello green buff alley I feel like this is like the dream alley oh my gosh she's not messing around okay okay he's level 100 oh my gosh he's doing so much damage oh my gosh okay I gotta be careful right now I literally gotta Dodge his attacks or else I'm gonna die so quick all right let's go in for the melee oh that did a lot of damage but it's more dangerous I'm gonna take more hits if I go inside all right come here buff man I'm dodging one two oh gosh it's hurting oh that hurts that hurts okay two and a half okay that got a little bit too close let's go in for the final hit now these boss fights are definitely ramping up as long as I keep hitting you you you can't fire the laser can you oh okay there we go guys and now the dream alley thing is finally done and we got this thing the green alley throws out a green highlight that splits into more green alleys oh oh yo that thing is insanely good what the heck oh my gosh wait chaos upgrade I'm back so soon here at Nestor have the moon wait what do you mean how they made oh no no no no no no no no guys guys I know I know you guys don't like me let's just get out of here please I have no ball damage holy oh my gosh that was a meltdown of stuff that just happened well I survived that for sure I think the good idea was getting all the way down some diamonds right there in no no copper alley okay you can swim okay buddy stay alive and uh let me real quick grab these diamonds I think we deserve those diamonds after all that chaos and the cool thing is that now we have a really good like mining alley some more dimes over there too cool so I think it might finally be time guys let's go up to him and get all the copper we need keep giving me the copper and there it is Ali upgraded Nestor oh and now the gold alley oh get him he's all golden stuff and he's now collecting gold apples oh cool so if I right click him he gives me golden tools and some gold apples nice so yet again we're gonna grind this guy out and in the meantime what else can we do with this green alley oh my gosh look at him go holy okay so I need golden apples and to speed up the process what if I actually make golden apples oh look at him look at this guy if you made this part of the video comment down below your favorite alley so far I think my favorite one has to be maybe the copper one because it was just such a trooper and to help our little alley buddy let's real quick craft a lot of golden apples probably the best idea this is not much but you know it's it's hard work right here four more golden apples just to help him out let's do one more Lucky Block just for fun boom don't be bad and chain oh do we need chain oh should we do oh cool okay yeah more than enough gold apples so sorry for hitting you there let's real quick or right click that and oh wait did I use it again okay here we go again um you're not my Ally well where's my alley oh no you'll get why all right we're taking care of this guy quick this time no no no no no no no no no no I just want some oh [Applause] real quick let's get let's get back to our alley like oh and the moon's coming back down again oh gosh okay we're done here we're done here oh my gosh that is never gonna get old all right go to La let's get those gold apples and then we're done here oh and there we go finally Ally upgraded it and whoa wait what are you an Emerald Alley okay wait let's get out of here real quick before I explore you a little bit more okay buddy so what do you give me now oh whoa what are these I've collected six golden apples for Emerald apples and five iron apples I mean sure why not what the heck okay iron Apple this apple can give you iron skin am I gonna become like flying or something oh absorption Hearts that's useful and it's pretty much a better Golden Apple interesting okay and what about the emerald Apple oh um guys we we we're we're we're now villager what is going on okay we're no longer a villager what the heck we gotta collect 24 of these so that shouldn't be too difficult and in the meantime let's real quick get a little bit more ready for this next boss fight because I feel like the boss fights are coming harder and harder okay so I guess that's good right there and uh only a little bit more Emerald apples go let's real quick become another villager again I am ready for your Emerald apples my man let's go over here and let's right click you he won't give me stuff as a villager why what's wrong with being a villager man oh there we go as soon as I became back to normal he gave me the apples my goodness okay 17 so far we just need a little bit more and then we should be good well should I make a diamond sword yeah diamond sword is probably a good idea let's make that real quick okay diamond sword there we go good okay this should be enough now and holy there we go Ally upgraded and throttle upgraded oh we got another alley thing I've said Ally so many times this video but now we got a pink alley throws out a ton of pink alleys that heal Nester and spawn baby animals why though and look at this dude Diamond Alley he is looking real good and he says hey Nestor I found a new recipe for Diamond apples how many apples are there what the heck okay so Pink Alley do your thing oh literally a bunch of baby animals for no reason sounds good I guess I could just Spam these guys real quick and we can have unlimited food wait is that dark oh gosh but maybe I shouldn't eat the baby animals okay instead let's go to right click you definitely what do you got for me today a lot of diamonds holy we don't really need Diamonds though but what we do need is this diamond golden apple diamond apple don't crack a tooth I mean sure let's go and eat it and holy cow oh my goodness and wait what is that like the video right now we're trying to go for one like yeah that wasn't me guys that was the apples now you already hear the Apple guys that is a very good gold Apple let's go to grab all those apples real quick and that was a lot quicker than I thought now we have an obsidian alley Nestor I evolved again let's go to the nether I mean sure dude you give me Obsidian oh he does give me Obsidian oh that's kind of wholesome I guess you get them sitting in here and we can use this obsidian to go to the nether Soul real quick let's get this set up thank you very much buddy and oh uh I I made the portal into uh x-ray I should stop doing that that was a very double meat now we gotta wait for Barb obsidian really oh man well why did I do this wait I'm so sorry about the moon here let me help you I mean that was actually a lot of help chaotically okay let's go inside okay we're inside oh that's right evolved again let's go to the nether wait we are in the nether wait but you evolved again what happened oh no no no no no no wait oh my gosh he launched me all the way to the top of the nether what just happened and we got a MLG water bucket right now do not miss this sir oh wait I have no fall damage boots oh hello obsidian alley why have you done this why have you done this how much does a bow do it does barely anything guys this is it so do you just have like really strong muscles he has really strong muscles okay okay so we can't really get near him because he launches us across the map I just gotta be really good at hitting okay obsidian L.A is there anything you can do what happens if I right click you nothing right yes that's perfect this might be a little bit better so we can get another right sword oh gosh she's gonna get close he's gonna get close isn't he no no no please don't hit me please don't let me stay away stay away I just made x-ray day and I oh my God no no no no no no no no no why me why me why me why do I keep using the X-ray power one more time please don't get in the air oh gosh I keep making that attacks right don't I okay um right so we can't do that I guess and instead let's just keep fighting this guy he keeps on launching us around and oh man I am out of arrows too just a couple more hits one two three oh man okay at least we're done with that finally oh my goodness that was something else to literally giving me another right and oh that was my only way out wasn't it I need to get rid of this x-ray power and oh Ali upgraded now he's a netherright upgrade and he looks pretty cool wow that's a lot of netherite let's get some blaze rods I mean sure we can go with another now and get you some blaze rods my man and there's another Fortress right in front of us so let's take advantage of that and finally find fight these blazes I mean if it gets me closer to becoming Natalie I will gladly do it let's jump all the way down here okay police water now we grind this there we go one blaze rod and we might as well go in and get the head of rolls let's go wait oh my gosh he literally gives me the blaze rods why did I do all that work I mean I'm not complaining but that was a waste of time what the heck let's break that thank you very much nothing right Ally so just like that we have 16 ender pearls and 22 blaze rods which I'm gonna go ahead and use these and let's go to McDonald's vendor so um I guess 16 sure why not and did I not collect enough end of rolls oh I should probably do that oh wait no I don't have enough because I use them oh that's gonna be a little bit of a grind we have so much netherrite okay okay before we go back let's do one more thing I have a bad feeling about going back I feel like the boss is going to return but I keep using the x-rayability oh my goodness we need to get rid of this one sec we're gonna take that off and now we can finally actually craft some stuff so before we go back I just want to have as good stuff as I can just in case we gotta fight another boss oh wait you just upgrade again I realize my title forum and thank you for letting me be your partner now let's find the dragon alley boss wait is this one of the final ones the Ender alley collected two HP potions four region potions and four resistance potions wait what do you give me oh yo what the heck that's insane okay well do your thing my man I'm gonna go try to find some obsidian because I do gotta get my way back but holy okay so this is what I have against the dragon that's crazy so we finally got enough to make a portal and on the way there we now have this many potion effects so right look holy okay regeneration 10 in resistance 10. I guess this might be good for whatever weights us on the other side so and I'm realizing now I gotta get more Hearts I only have five right now oh it's good to be back okay nice desert area over there a lot more safe I see you're back from the nether here have a friend you'll never reach the dragon what the heck Buffalo Here We Go Again honestly this is one of the coolest things about these allies and literally the fact that we keep you having to fight them he can't use his ability from far away so Ashley close range is the blade yeah there we go okay there goes the LA and just like that we got absolutely nothing okay well that was kind of easy I'll go ahead and take those literally a minute and 40 seconds of potions but now what do we do that we've defeated him do I just goes with a stronghold I mean I have 69's offender all right so I guess straight that way wait what hello I wasn't ready for this apparently I gotta fight five more of these thought that was easy now defeat 5 and earn a new alley you need how do I defeat five oh my gosh this is crazy Diamond apples there we go okay let's do the cell honestly this is a lot harder than it looks all right let's let's buy real quick okay some of them are getting really low the one in the back is so hard to defeat almost so close oh wow we're at two hearts okay okay another app wait no wrong Apple no we're gonna fight them as a villager go villager oh gosh wait I already destroyed two of them oh there goes another one okay okay wait the villagers taking damage and I'm not guys I found a loophole villagers insane no I'm no longer villager one more to go and just like that there goes all the buffet and now we got a prize which is gonna be is this a throwable block away oh wait we got the seventh lay heart wait how do I get the six though I think I gotta get the six to eat the seven but we got the black away which throws out a ton of black delays that create portals to inside of Chess wait what does that mean oh oh that's cool so it's like little portals that throw down stuff I do need some arrows so I'll gladly take those I mean thank you very much and how good is this armor protection three oh my wait that is some amazing armor hold up let me grab all that real quick and let's make that into nether Ryan hold up protection three protection three and protection three nice oh man does it give any swords though oh it does sure miss five sword thank you very much okay so now how do I get the next heart do I have to use one of these alleys or something maybe is it the red alley yeah this definitely isn't working I I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do wait what looking for the six heart survive this fall prove yourself before fighting the final Super Dragon boss oh and your boots won't work no no no no no no no no I was not ready for this I was not ready for this if I don't land this I am screwed oh my gosh Andrew Ellie did you see that that was sick you earned this okay so guys we finally got the six away heart and we have this over the lay heart so let's go and eat that Parts unlocked I feel great next heart find it I mean I already have it so let's go seven Hearts heart unlocked almost a full alley and Ally will give it but who wait um guys that this is really happening isn't it hello copper Golem wait what about the glare oh my gosh okay so we have the alley glare in Copper Golem all in once oh wait and they fight for me oh that's sick kill that spider guys oh my gosh okay that's a bit violent I did not expect the new mob to do that but I will take it oh wait message find the stronghold if you want the eighth heart well we were doing that either way we gotta go straight that way and we got our crew right here we got the glare Ender alley and the copper Golem well let's go over here so stronghold should be right about down here please be right oh we found it okay there we go we almost barely missed it there we go I spy do we get anything good here we go as promised okay let's go and grab that eighth alley heart eat that and we get the alley Mega Dash or unlocked enter the end okay well here we go wait hello chaos upgrade wait what the heck is this no no no no no no no no no no please literally oh oh I guess that's one way to do it oh wait is this the next final heart I need oh the ninth alley horror also where's the dragon hearts upgraded or unlocked this is it one more heart and you transform and next are recruit the chaotic alley alley Focus use the sword so you can shoot out lasers oh that's kind of sick let's real quick do this and make shooting the crystals a little bit easier well that's one way to do it oh I've had a lot of fun with you Nestor here take this heart is it over here oh it is okay the tenth and final heart guys well we can finally have the Full Hearts break these crystals afterwards and fight whatever Dragon comes I guess oh you're down alley defeat the dragon so you're the one defeating my buff Army let's end this holy okay belly thought that was the quickest boss fight in my life what what what what just happened guys we uh we just defeated all the buff Dragon alleys um well thank you buddy but with that being done guys we are finally done with a Minecraft but there are custom alleys but without further Ado guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one in this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 2,227,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft but there are custom allays, allay, minecraft allay, custom allay, allay mob, lucky allay, op allay, allay custom
Id: sM4QyQfX5lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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