BIRTH To DEATH of a GODDESS In Minecraft!

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hey guys thanks so much for 10 million subscribers it means the world thanks guys to mark this incredibly special occasion here's the afma 10 million collection in both adult and kids sizes and this adorable long sleeve shirt be sure to get this limited edition once in a lifetime collection and join us in this celebration just head on over to our new site and once again thank you my name is my entire life from birth to death in minecraft from being a cute little baby to protecting the world from evil i'll have to learn to grow into the most powerful goddess in minecraft and learn what it's like to live with the godzilla family what is life like for a minecraft goddess let's find out in my exciting life from birthday oh hey be sure to leave a like subscribe thanks oh casey i think it's happening oh the brand new goddess the clown by mr cloud oh [Music] yes i think that works oh really tapping into what god powers there come on let's go home that's it come on now okay i got it bit by bit everything the light and the stars touches our domain mother father what gifts have you brought unto this house today pierce what did i tell you about using your smite voice in the house what oh stop sorry sorry sorry hold on i'm coming i'm coming come on hold on [Music] [Applause] i'm supposed to be the god of mischief what is she the goddess of diapers no now pierce is that any way for a future god to behave i mean there's the god of mischief totally now pierre she'll discover what she's the god of when she's older just because you found out why you're the god of sooner doesn't mean everyone does she's right son after all i'm the god of thunder my mother is the goddess of beauty what no i'm the goddess of the stars oh you're the goddess of beauty to me [Music] you're both special you're both our little garden goddess hey hey i don't know yes i i think it's time for you all to take a little rest yep all right and here we go i don't like this one to your new room then of course she gets to fly out but i have i have to use my powers to go off of the stairs it's just practice all right we had to do that when you were little all right remember be a god of good not a god of chaos besides it's day out why are we going to bed so soon now go ahead and lay down and get some rest okay okay fine but still don't i can't believe i shipped this [Music] good night pierce good [Music] oh there's there's two oh which one is the one maybe maybe it's this one the smaller one or maybe it's this one i feel like i'm in an ikea again either way one of these kids is the one from the prophecy foretold that would stop me from taking over heavens i've got to stop them this one let's go out what's happening yeah this one's this one's a newborn like a baby okay oh hey what's going on whoa you're a little guy you're you're awake yeah what are you what are you doing here um um i'm i'm the dream fairy and i'm here to grant your wishes wait were you are you looking to take my baby sister um you were gonna make sure that she she never came back here and my parents could pay attention to me all the time instead and all that right wait you were gonna do that weren't you i i'm saying is you can have her here hold on here all right i'll carry her for you you know what you know what i i don't have time for this i'm taking you both okay wait hold on no you're supposed to take her out now we're going to the middleweight they're gone i didn't sign up for this i said you could take my sister not me no i don't have time to deal with that i'm just taking you both i gotta figure out which one is the right one angels go forth find the thief all right all right okay okay i think we lost him oh this is really bad all right now that i've got you both here i gotta oh which one is it listen okay listen i know you have a lot of questions probably i don't care but no you can't teleport out here why can't i get through here because i need this specifically for gods now one of you has a special power that i need to make sure doesn't happen so i can take over the heavens perfect and uh don't grow up don't uh don't become gods that sorry i thought i thought it would be a better idea than this mostly that i thought i wouldn't be here with you yeah let's figure out a way to get out of here huh uh oh that's very cute very kind but we gotta do it okay no having fun this is the nether people don't have fun here we're having fun you know what let me actually take that away you know i shouldn't be having that anyway just get rid of that that's it not my teleporting i'm gonna our children wow that was a lie were you two all right that guy exploded wow yeah everything's okay guys guys guys guys val used like some weird power and it it it scared off the guy she's just the baby that can't be possible she can't manifest powers at this age but i swear she did pierce listen she hasn't gotten her powers yet now let's get back home okay yeah let's go home i'm i don't want that to lock off the heavens from this point forward no one of evil shall ever get in again unless a god allows them where are we going today a very very special place wait this isn't this doesn't look like clouds where are you ah it's because we are in the human [Music] we rule world everything you see here wait do you do you roll over this tree yes we rule over this tree even this uh this this what is this oh this is a wolf sweet and beautiful [Laughter] [Music] we came down here to play and have a nice day off and now might see a human and if you see one no talking to humans oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean who wants to talk to a sticky human anyway and don't forget no powers here none at all what not even a little just a little that but pierce no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey humans are delicate creatures and if they see powers they might explode in a flame or something like that they cannot understand us we are ineffable but dad what if what if f.o's the goddess of stinky how will she know pierce that's okay no time for the time out cloud all right casey can you take care of adam no no no hey i won't do it again no no no no i'm gonna take you to meet the real god of stink if you don't stop wow this is so cool right mom mom go oh no this isn't good i'm lost yes oh i was able to sneak past him he's so you know he's for a god of thunder sometimes he's he doesn't really hear very well anymore so i could just kind of sneak away i'm mad whatever hey i learned to trick you ready [Music] [Laughter] that's all you are oh where was that whoa i didn't tears what did i tell you about using your powers in the human world wait but those poc that was the bee that was actually half out she just would use the powers what how could she she is a child now stop lying and stop blaming everything on your little sister you got away from time out once but no that is enough we are going right back to the clown i hate the time-out clown you got me in trouble i don't like you uh-oh big tree listen you're late on your payment what what what what do you mean my payment i i i mean you know what kind of payment i gave you a puppy that would never grow up so you sell me yourself can i give you anything beside my soul please i i just i i give you anything anything at all okay okay yeah you can give me something how about your house you're the little angel baby you human stay right there something more important okay so uh i'm gonna need you to come with me nice and slowly don't make any sudden moves no no no come back here go back here [Music] so much i'll always look up to the stars thank you you're welcome i hope to know what you're the goddess of one day thank you bye-bye bye all right here we are say hi hi hello your name is hi no my name is mac i'm the god of harvest and flowers you already know what you are yeah yeah wow that's pretty impressive now we are going to learn how to fly okay get your wings in order and you are going to aim for that target right over there you got that over there be sure to put the muscle into it are we really going to jump off of this don't be scared you can do it this will be easy here let me show you here i go oh no [Music] just flap your wings really put the energy into it and take off take off i'm really scared i'm really scared i believe in us goddess of harvest we can do this all right we got this let's go ready okay three just imagine that mana from the heavens [Music] there there we go keep flipping i can't i'm doing it i'm doing it that's it you got it and now stick that landing [Music] that's it come on down took it long enough nice and great [Music] and someone didn't fly so we're going to try that again right now you're in trouble [Applause] he's falling oh he's just falling wait i'm can't see okay you okay at least at least at least he's at least he's okay here we are back in the human world now fortunately it's dark so they shouldn't be able to see what we do here but we are going to do some target practice what uh tell you what you kids stay here i'm gonna go check and see what that was all right just focus on the practice i will be right back oh okay don't move guys i'll see you in a sec okay i guess we should maybe you should get ready just in case i've never been to the human world before does this happen often i don't know uh not that often we don't hear scary noises like that yeah i think we got that here hello there young ones you again what are you doing out on a nice night like this wait there's the third one now it's fine it's fine i'll just i'm not i'll i'll just take yeah all three of you um let's see how they're gonna try and try and get all three of you no no no no hey hey clearly sorry about that kids i'm not sure what that weird sound was with them wow dad the moon is beautiful why'd you bring me out here because it's time for your most important test the test of protecting human life what but the the force is on fire how's anyone alive in there there are humans alive down there we can sense them but you must not affect nature you need to learn how to protect humans while maintaining the balance oh so it's a sacred forest so if i touch it what does that mean it means bad things will happen and you could create war amongst the gods there you going to save so good luck kiddo oh he wants me you can do it why can't i just put on the fire this would be so much easier human hey it's gonna be all right okay i i gotta maybe if i lift this up i could probably i should have worked my muscles to set up my magic muscles hey sis how's it going [Laughter] oh what are you doing down here what's going on okay so if you haven't heard dad put me on this special version my mission don't interfere no i can't oh hey look there's a human here oh are you trying to help out this human yeah i'm trying to save it without using my powers and trying to figure out something you know they never let they never call got a mischief for these things you know what i mean it's always so sad so i figure i i can handle it for you no no no pierce pierce no okay because you can't you can't touch or hurt the trees you have to do it naturally like a human would do this for me i got this i got this out of control i got to do is uh just get out the old the old invisible bow everything should be fine pierce i'm serious you cannot touch that tree okay you can't use your power here i'll show you what i mean this is gonna work out great yeah i'll just go i'll hit this tree here we'll see what happens [Music] oh yeah i know this seems like uh might be a little bit above my peg raid uh bye oh this is how my goddess is going to die oh are you okay down there a fallen angel here let me get that off you how are you going to get off me you can't what the i heard the screaming and i came when i saw you you broke the train yeah to get it off of you is that a human over there here let me get this in are you okay i got him come on let's get out of here get him out on it let's go human water goddess you you saved me thank you so much are you welcome okay but you can't ever know we're here so i'm going to do something to your memory what did you do today look i had to get rid of his memory okay oh wait you're a god you got the wings and everything what are you the god of uh i'm the god of it doesn't really matter what about you ah see i don't know either so all right yeah i i i don't know too yeah you know what how come you're not up in the heavens [Music] how about you come with me are you sure i i don't know if i should yeah no no you totally can't you seem like a really nice and trustworthy person oh thanks you seem pretty cute and strong yourself okay all right come on let's go this way i'll show you i'll let you in let's go this way okay what's your name by the way it's bathmath how about you oh i'm there cool what about your favorite food oh my favorite food uh i kind of like the human food potatoes oh me too oh my gosh we have so much really they're so great potatoes are fantastic oh hey man what pearl come here here come on come on no come here leave him there come here do you know who that is uh his name is aaron uh i know a lot about him we talked like for centuries it felt like centuries okay well did he tell you that he's the god of war what hold on hold on who has who's got a point oh you got a boy you have to tell him not me not me oh you're gonna get in so much trouble see ya hey dad guess what what are you doing in the heavens this beautiful goddess invited me i invited him you invited the god of war here oh i didn't realize that was that big drama i'm out here your kind was banished from here no dad i love him i'm trying to save you and he's my boyfriend i just you're not my boyfriend sorry i'm actually happy about this you guys are so cute see your mom seems to like i'll go get you casey [Laughter] oh hello everyone god the goddesses alike welcome welcome to me by the way aaron thanks for breaking that seal for me i knew it was a good idea to take you under my wing i didn't know he would be able to follow me this was my plan all along i found little baby aaron as a boy and knew he would be perfect for you and then we would get into heaven together and i could take it over and uh you know um i am sure you know how the rest of this goes right yes i throw you out like i did last time oh you can try but you'll have to catch me first distraction aaron what do you think you're doing the deal's off what it's time for you to leave you can't just call out the deal don't you know when you make a deal with the demon you have to pay up i think i've paid enough get out that guy won't get me that easily hey guys aaron let me take this i got him yeah oh that that kid really packs a punch i'll send you back to where you came huh what the foul wow that was unlike anything i've seen i think i know what i'm the goddess of dad what is this i think i am the goddess of love makes sense to me ah can you believe we went from birth to death together yeah hey it has been a good long millions of years since we met wait hold on zach you said death but like we're already in the in like the heavens what what what do you happen then huh hang on we're gods yeah we're gonna die uh yeah but we kind of come back like this watch let me explain what do you think he'll be back for dinner don't yeah i wasn't sorry nice at least he didn't leave any of his pranks behind i gotcha stupid
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 17,248,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau birth to death, birth to death, minecraft funny moments, minecraft pranks, pranks in minecraft, pranking my friends in minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft birth to death challenge, birth, death, funny birth to death, from birth to death, minecraft friends, aphmau friends, aphmau birth to death goddess, minecraft goddess, minecraft goddess birth to death, aphmau birth to deaf, birth to deaf
Id: 5pSlTLEa-Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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