Minecraft But We Play As EVIL Creatures!

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my minecraft friends stole my secret treasure and now these good minecraft animals go bad they're out to cause mr. Zand mayhem for my friend secretly these animals aren't me and my friends undercover now I'll do it close the feet but get my treasure back really be able to make them confess to his minecraft crimes I can't wait to drain emerald stuff oh you didn't know it's I forgot them back it's okay it's okay I actually got you here because I've been to this village before I let you out this way I'm gonna show you my biggest secret that I have hit him right around this little village alright so over here you'll see a little pattern right and if you do down like this you're gonna find BAM my secret stash of emeralds that is right take a look at how many there Oh bandits of the village oh my god what what are you doing here yeah what am I doing here just just catching you in the act you show up to a village first thing you try and do is explode it that's quite mean I don't appreciate that we didn't explode it I literally had my secret chest of Emirate wait wait why were you there nothing no I was not waiting I certainly don't have anything to hide like Sam rolls no this is my village you're not welcome here that's my house there I am the mayor of this village and got to go do mayor stuff so if you'll excuse me I gotta go out I gotta go do things so yes welcome back okay all right look look look I will talk to you really quick okay I think Ian's trapped my emerald chest and took Mike my emeralds like I think he did I'm a hundred I believe you why was he waiting there's always up the Sun exactly all right so I have a plan all right we're gonna use some of the animals around here some of the mobs the nice one to kinda you know get some revenge on him all right we got a Prue and like this plan exactly we gotta prove that he took those emeralds so follow me we're gonna go invade his house what you're worried I can't find you what chicken are you the baby I'm the baby I know it's not you all right so he's Bruce Scott wait okay okay wait a little bit longer yeah hopefully he starts to leave policy or I can't see anything there's two Americans in the way oh there he is there he is where's your Z oh there is oh look at him going down to his mind doing the school let's go we're gonna go find out I'm gonna go look inside of his house he's got to have it there it's got open closes thing for the chickens we don't want the chickens to get our cover come on man let's go all right this is useless no no emeralds no arrows at all all right it's okay it's okay maybe upstairs he's got two stories or anything yeah of stuff he's got them on him that's a he's got the are you know we're gonna do we're gonna leave really some friends really some chickens in here we have our calling card yeah okay let's make lots of chickens and you're still in call how you two doing I do pretty good we're just uh look at your some you know some camera camera old since minor pretty much gone when I said I don't have any in my village so you might as well just like move along yeah we did we're not we're no longer inside of your your puny village you know hey hey my village isn't puny it's fine it's a pretty tiny village I'm just saying your village is yeah she's getting some emeralds we're trying to find some oh yeah yeah nothing I mean I'm not nothing okay you guys left my village right yes you didn't leave anything there behind in my house for anything I mean I should have honestly probably gone over there but you know hang on hang on let me go I gotta take care of a problem what kind of problem what happen get some extra chickens oh my god evil chickens are these come back to my house evil chickens very aggressive they seriously can't find you in these quick well that's you guys right sweet yeah yeah there you are I make sure you keep your head up straight because we're Nana's all right we gotta meet ya ain't got true all right so so social obviously he doesn't have emeralds all right but he's hiding them we know he's hiding them okay all right so this next thing that we're gonna do follow me follow me don't let the other animals out there we don't want through the lower cover come on what got the base oh my god they're coming out all right so let's get in the boat I get I'm gonna get in the boat here and you get in the boat okay okay Shh Oh fine you know just doing a little bit of cleanup in my house mostly taken care of I I decided to keep cope they're pretty cute but you know the the rest of them have had a little bit of a too much fun with what I see happen ah that's weird what's weird have you ever seen animals and boats like I don't know maybe llamas using boats one chicken in a minecart I don't know what that's doing about but now mom isn't boats that's just crazy oh my god that's super rare okay so what you want to do is you want to break the boat if they're in the boat all right and then once they're unleashed they basically help your crops grow they're like super rare in Minecraft oh my god oh my god I'm so Jose you have a nice village and you ask oh my god I do have a nice village hair okay so the llamas actually they are very lucky because they'll help your crops grow but the downside is they eat your house what hey Thomas no that's really what they do they're just gonna eat your house okay okay okay why how do I stop how do I stop that okay all right so what you want to do what you want to do is you want to make sure that you bring them something like very shiny like a gem like Minecraft gem all right got it goes [Music] really nice it's gotta be a gentle minecraft gym what is the jailhouse I have I have like what one for each of them right how about some of that what do you give them I gave them diamond blocks um oh so I don't know if that is actually gonna work 100% because uh-oh one of them ate the block that's good right yes yeah I guess I guess told all right they ate the diamond blocks all right now what nobody uh yeah once I get home oh my God we're done I can't believe you oh wait that's not you I can't I hear you I see you but look look all right so we got to make this count all right so what we're gonna do we need to earn his trust back because it's obvious that he knew something was going on all right he knew something was going on all right so we need to take these golems all right just see them as a gift something that we left him okay hey n yeah what's up okay so look we got we got you some nice things cuz I know you're having problems over there with the chickens and the llamas and that's okay that's my house oh it's okay we have you some snow golems actually put to put them outside you know what you know why I love them why I really appreciate that oh you're welcome snowballs they throw snowballs - they throw snowballs at other things I know but I thought they usually throw them at hostile things stuff stop throwing it over at my animals they should they should be pretty good just just putting it like that they should be pretty good oh that's not good No are you wasting everything alright snow golems in Minecraft don't do that so oh they're making a mess so letting everything out how I like them why don't you like them anymore yeah are you sure you didn't just build a pack a bad fence they broke the fence oh there's another make sure they don't go into your house because they drop up they drop a lot like they melted snow inside a house is special next torches Hey what no no whoa hey hang out let me I can fix this I can fix this okay oh I don't like that I don't like that swimming through my house I got it I got it do you like them still I don't know get out of my room Oh oh thanks thanks for the president really appreciate it Mike Corbitt best friend for life yeah we were trying to be nice best friends they'll still ever [Music] in the water are you doing oh maybe but I think we could do it are you sure I just you know he loves gold no more than anything in this world I know but give me a second give me a second hey n did you the gold cows baby what the gold cows also does that sounds I've been a little busy trying to fix my house oh well they drop they drop gold stuff I want gold cows creepy you know but they're they're really cool if you find them um you basically just if they start walking it off somewhere you so you follow them and they'll give you some stuff they'll give you like Morgan Gold cows let me tell you I've had quite the day Mama's because I'm not talking to you I'm talking yeah but you're really having a hard time here it's okay don't worry all right you said you said they'd lead me somewhere right did it lead you somewhere they'd lead you somewhere very important okay gold I like it you're gonna give me more I don't want I don't want any more sass from animals today they act really weird by the way so just be very careful okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha that's funny god I don't remember leaving oh my god I can't believe I still got a lot of gold that's fine ah look at him over there look it was a miracle even focus anyway but just trust me trust me we'll get your revenge all right follow me follow me because I have an ideas parrots all right come on here come on in come on in come on okay they get a minimun okay I'm hanging out with my animals you know the ones I haven't betrayed me they're all dancing to a song oh you mean the parrots yeah yeah a couple of them aren't dancing though maybe it's gonna take bad care of them maybe guys you guys want some I got hey what was that something happen no that sounds epic I think my parents are plotting an escape Oh hurts babies babies get back in don't you you want some gold I know you guys like I don't like gold that's the pirate parrot these are my pet parrots now and my parents are special parents why are there explosions happening what is going what is going on what's going on maybe you should admit to emerald theft you know nothing never mind yeah what's nothing never mind nothing happens nothing happens stubbles calm down Harris oh no my vibes guys I'm gonna take cover inside oh man I just have a really bad day with those mobs hey Anne you know in the village I actually would just saw something cuz you passed by there do you know that there's a super rare villager there that's an archaeologist and will literally give you totems if you give it emerald wait don't give me totems get totems of undying and you kind of really need them right now so he spawns in the village yay spawns in the village and he's probably there right now you should try you know an iron golem buddies have you seen an iron golem around definitely check that out and you don't have to fight any vex this for you literally just have to give him some emerald and that's it oh that sounds so great I know he has like a hats special one with the hat and an iron golem there's a chicken on the roof over there okay I need a what do you say I need I need emeralds yeah you need emeralds I don't have any [Music] nothing like something totally not going into how you doing so so you're right quick it's not working oh so this one is special so what you got to do is basically you gotta toss him twenty emeralds at his feet and then he'll give you the totem of a dying man I sure wish I could afford that what seems yeah don't we all yen I know though great huh great yeah no no this is you know this is these are emeralds these are emeralds and I know you took them from me cuz I had over 20 oh yeah you should have put the you shouldn't have hired them in the in the chests of my village and you know trying from America left them alone oh oh use the more fraud yeah maybe you the animals the whole don't get out here yay wait I'm slow a big boy in or us explodes again [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,563,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: qdVCUB_5hnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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