Our Mobs go to MONSTER SCHOOL in Minecraft!

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today me and my friends are taking regular minecraft mobs and putting them in monster school by using a special potion we're able to make mobs friendly which allows us to give them items that help us play minecraft but teaching them to do tasks in minecraft isn't easy so my friends and i open up a monster school to teach them faster can we teach these monsters to learn minecraft all right got these spider eye perfect it's working awesome it's almost done it's almost done it's gonna be so cool all right so all i have to do is just add this egg in here very carefully what's up what are you up to you scared me uh you know what i'm playing with a new mod on the server thank you very much i wanna see no you broke my chicken egg and you made me have another chicken now i gotta go to my other chicken coops and get some more eggs come on i wanna play with the chickens what are we doing what are we doing i want to try the new mom it's a secret all right you don't get to be in on the secret because you made me break the eggs okay i love secrets you know stay in there oh another egg oh my god i'll get an extra egg too oh sorry you just let all my chickens i will let you in on the secret mod but you have to keep it a secret i want to be a surprise for everybody because it's really cool okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah don't worry i'm great at keeping secrets okay so uh we got the egg uh what do we do with it what kind of mod are we using exactly so this mod is going to allow us to take minecraft mobs listen to school okay that's wait wait what what what does that mean just trust me it's gonna be really cool okay so what we gotta do is throw one egg in there perfect awesome awesome awesome okay okay okay so so so now i'm gonna do use this glass splash bottle to pick up the water like this there we go and now we have this passive potion okay okay anyway you have to put a certain amount of mob items in here and when splash on mobs it makes them passive and they'll listen to us okay and you're sure it's going to work uh we have to find a mob first and test it so let's go see come on come on come on let's go find see if we can find something real quick okay you know the cool thing about this potion is that it is unlimited okay oh that that sounds pretty crazy okay well it's limited all right it's got like four little splashes on it and that's literally it okay that that's a lot less than unlimited okay but look look it's a lot all right splash potions don't normally do that but this model allows it to do that so let's see what uh we can find anything do you see anything at all uh i see trees and flowers and an aphmau and a creeper and a creeper and distracted and distracted hey creeper buddy friend throw it throw it throw it down hang on why didn't you throw it ah nothing you know my finger just slipped a little you know oh you liar you did that on purpose fine let's go somewhere else and find some more mobs come on okay are you sure that this is the best idea you know these these mines aren't very safe they're not very safe but you know what they're the best place to find mob so that's what we're gonna do right now and we're gonna take the splash potion okay the pacific potion and we're gonna use it on them okay yeah all right not gonna let me blow up like the first time trust me or the second time i will make sure oh there's an enderman right here okay we gotta we gotta kind of weaken it just a little bit see if this will work oh okay he's gonna come after me come after me it doesn't like oh i see him he's angry oh is he down there okay right below yeah oh he is very angry he is not happy at all no he's not happy at all okay please don't kill me i would splash him but i want to make sure we get him so i want to weaken him just a little bit okay okay people distracted oh hey look i got oh no oh no there comes another monster oh my god it's a it's a little zombie it's a little zombie okay okay okay hold on a second oh there's oh there's a bunch here oh there's a bunch there's so many all right we have the upper hand don't don't be dumb don't be dumb i'm trying to get the chicken oh uh nevermind okay okay okay you know what let's just uh let's just do that all right there yeah we did it okay all right good job all right let's light up this area before we start uh gathering mobs zombies skeleton are you sure this potion's even gonna work you okay you killed me almost okay i did no such thing okay all right let's see if there's any mobs back here since we cleared this out area let's see there's any mobs over here that can splash this potion i know there were too many around so you know i think getting rid of a fuse good hold still hold still might be able to get this one it's looking our way okay don't look it in the eyes it won't attack us all right those are some nice legs did it work it's doing something at it all right it's passive it's passive all right all right and we should be fine for right now we should be fine for now let's go find some other ones let's go find some other ones okay it doesn't like we could weaken them 100 we should be fine okay oh i i think it's following up oh good good perfect perfect oh there's a skeleton oh my god oh my god nice okay all right hello friends see there's another one right here i hope our friends don't jump in the lava people watch out oh i think i got it i think i got it did i get it nice oh okay okay one more one more yeah there's a zombie zombie zombie perfect zombie watch did it did it work did it work okay all right we gotta look at all these maps they're so happy okay all right come on let's go take some friendly let's go take them back upstairs come on we gotta go we gotta go look how cute they are yeah yeah they all look pretty good and friendly they don't they don't attack us you know they they look nice but they're still they're still mobs okay so here's the cool thing so they will follow you naturally okay but but all you have to do to make them follow to a certain place is do something like this so see this is a command stick now i'm gonna show you this i'm gonna show you this real quick okay i got two of them because we're gonna go we're gonna go play a little prank on kawaii channel over here so watch this we've got you you you you follow me this way okay oh they're following you and i'm gonna have them bound like right here okay perfect now what i'm gonna do is i'm taking them up one by one you enderman are going right over here okay perfect and then oh you teleported okay and you got creeper creeper you're gonna come over here and put put right here there we go here we go creeper's gonna go right there's an exact uh uh accidentally explode i know i know i'm ready to see your question zombie go there and then skeleton you're gonna come over here i think he's still got some swirlies on him but that's okay that's okay all right come here come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on this way come on out i gotta talk to you real quick i got something real cool to show you oh what okay um what's going on just trust me oh look at this there's mobs right outside my house oh you got some visitors huh i don't have any weapons oh oh it's okay because i've tamed them look at that look at them look at their faces question look whoa they're our friends oh no aren't they cute all right no so these mobs are super friendly and you know what you know what i'm planning on doing with them you guys want to know what i've been planning this whole time so we're going to take these mobs and we're going to make the server's first ever monster school okay whoa that means we're going to teach them how to act like players i know isn't that cool how are you going to do that all right so we got to make a facility first because i'm afraid they're going to actually blow up our houses and stuff oh yeah so so let's just uh let's just click all these guys here there we go there we go all right and they're gonna follow us and we're gonna go try to find like a village or something we can practice in okay because that's what we're gonna do all right there we go they're coming over here come on let's go all right come on did you guys put the villagers away yeah got it taken care of all right all right did you put them away nicely what'd you do okay oh my gosh oh yeah totally nicely they're fine okay all right so okay you they're not okay i thought you were just gonna lock them in their house okay five five five but i want you to get them away because i don't want these monsters to like you know do anything like crazy and explode villagers because they may go back to being normal see that's what the jail is for uh oh my god it's a temporary said we weren't going to call it oh my god yeah you're right i forgot it's a temp it's a temporary villager zoo okay temporary exactly okay all right nobody's stuck in a whale good everything's fine let's just make sure that uh all the villagers are out of here okay good no no no no no you're probably wondering how are we going to teach these monsters right well well well well well i'm glad you asked dude you didn't ask me you know what i'm glad you did so we're going to take them to my monster school take a look over here come over here look at this i built it out i built it really nice it's super cute so you come in here come in here look at this i'm gonna teach them stuff okay here so all right here you go zombie i'm gonna click you and you're gonna come over here you're gonna be in the back there we go put you right there zombie all right then we'll get the enderman you're really tall so i want to make sure that you're uh you're going over to uh here because i don't want you to you know lock the phone you don't want to block the view yeah reaper you get to come over here you're going to be right here there you go all right and then this uh skeleton put him right here all right there we go okay all right close close let's see if we can you can get in here let me let me give him a little little boost there he goes okay all right there we go nice nice mix okay all right all right so um come come over here please teach your assistant sorry i forgot we were assistant oh look at that enderman you're dumb oh my god okay just working on this move it over here this time let's see how you talk about calling your students dumb on the first day come on well look look we all got to start somebody he's a bear why do we go to school because we dumb okay okay that's why we go okay all right so who gets a great all right so as you can see i have a lesson on the board um oh oh oh okay look i didn't know what's wrong i don't know what to put on the board okay so i put the creeper head so we get to call it it's like it's monster school all right yeah i think i think you're gonna upset creeperina look she won't even look up here just because they're all looking away okay all right they're not all of them i just wanted to do like a little little like you know role playing stuff it's so cute okay fine you know what let's actually teach him a lesson all right so so i'm gonna what are we teaching them okay so this is gonna be really cool so come over here follow me i'm gonna click all of them so they can follow me just a little bit more all right so our first lesson is gonna be how to defend your monster village okay so what we gotta do what we gotta do is we gotta put the oak fence down so watch since they're clicked they're going to be able to do this as well so whatever i do they will mimic watch watch there we go see put some fences down i don't know where i don't know how they're going to do this they may do it really derpy oh look at them they're making something yeah i don't know about this but you know what you're doing great i think they're doing good fantastic okay i forget that they're not very smart um but you know what we're working with it look at this it's that's what the school is for yes i know that's why we made the monster school so they can learn monster minecraft things okay look at oh my god they're ian come talk to me real quick come talk to me why can't you supervise them okay are you oh you teach over them i don't i don't know if this is working out so they're just putting things wherever it goes it's just the first lesson we got to try something else i think the body is broken maybe fence building isn't uh the thing that they're best at what if they're good at something else all right fine you know i have some seeds i brought some seeds because i figured we could teach them that you know and so perfect agriculture okay let me click them again and let's okay so here you got some you guys are going home oh okay i'll be right back right i'm cooking them so they can follow me okay there we go so they're following me where's the creeper i can't find the creeper you see the creeper you were supposed to superman oh my god where'd it go oh no she [Music] all right [Music] everyone needs their own golden house so there's one for anderman there's one for creeper you have to click on them to use it i got one for myself you're giving it to me so that way i can use it so they can do the same thing perfect there's one i got another one okay fine fine fine let me show them how it's done all right come on you're gonna follow me right so let's see we're gonna do it near some water so look at all this land we can plant in all right so there we go all right so they're gonna do the same thing watch watch watch as soon as they get it they're gonna do it all right watch after teacher ian yeah um oh yeah oh no okay nope closer to the water um i think they're going off everywhere yeah i i don't know where enderman's going but go oh my god okay oh my god now we've got like a pet this is not how it's not a path that's a that's not how it works but they're you know what they're passive and they're they're passive and they're doing a good job okay enderman i don't know what enderman's doing what is creep oh my god i think zombie's on the right track look zombie's right here hey zombie zombie i'm a click with the stick and here's here's some seeds oh good you take the seed and you bam oh this is going great ah i love agriculture these will actually make really good like little like you know like pets that you could like do things for yourself but i don't know if we can have them survive in the wild by themselves yeah i don't think so either all right all right so i think we're gonna move on to the next lesson because this is obviously uh this is a lesson not working i'd give it like a c plus okay all right let's move on to the next lesson come on okay so the seeds the the farming and the other stuff didn't go too well but look we found some dogs and uh you know we're probably gonna do something with the dogs i'm not entirely sure but my next lesson the one that i have planned is basic mining so let's see creeper how about you creeper since you had a hard time last time uh here i'm gonna move the dogs over there go over there dogs all right go over there all right so here we go uh let's see so i'm gonna right click the creeper all right so just watch just watch hopefully hopefully this works so i'm gonna leave the since creeper's kind of small and i know how that feels i'm gonna get the stuff up here so there we go and then hopefully the creeper will copy me all right so let's see if the creeper can do that so here's the pickaxe there we go and uh let's see if it does that all right and that's one way of mining okay um you know i'm just gonna have a command stick yeah yeah yeah i just wanted to put it there i'm just gonna have you stand there for a moment okay what do you think uh what i found um i think it was a bad idea during to bring the dogs because the skeleton's tall oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no skeletons and skills no no no no no no all right next task is creating a house okay so look i'm going to show you guys this enderman you're going to love this watch watch bam bam all right so put these down there we go all right we got some of that here some of that here guys i think we got this i think we're doing really good with this monster if they live in this village they have to have a home to live in they are not doing their ai is very dumb oh no i think it's doing better than the fence i mean yeah ish kinda um yeah okay enderman enderman where are you going you uh building over here oh my god oh my god oh it's building it's building a tower he can i'm not worried about him he can get down okay oh my god okay so we have a problem we have a problem okay yeah your class isn't working very well how about we get them to fight themselves the mobs the mobs the other mobs let's go find some mobs all right it's almost dark time let's find some pops okay here we go next thing we're going to do you guys are going to fight ooh zombie jacket fight moments how do we know which one's the real one i don't know remember they have happy faces the other ones don't happy faces okay all right all right mom go go bob's go now i feel like we're woefully unprepared they kind of failed it throughout their subjects okay okay it's fine it's fine it's fine we got this guys we got this look there they go oh creeper exploded oh my god this is so cool we can test we can do monster wars oh my god oh look at them go oh my god oh my god wait a minute zombie zombie zombie can hold weapons here i think this is zombie remember the ones with the happy face the ones the happy face are boys okay all right here we go oh i got the command stick let's take them back to school school yeah four times i'll get the zombie all right okay zombie come back we got to be careful you got zombie okay i got i got the other three i got zombies let's go let's go let's go okay so they've officially graduated and that's because i don't know what to do with them guys okay all right they're gonna get the diplomas some paper some paper there we go they got some paper just threw it in there guys i think they've done a fantastic job so um congratulations uh for the the monster school class of sir i don't know what to do with this mod good job i think they did great i think they did great too look at them oh they're ready to go out and contribute to society yeah i'm gonna i'm just gonna break the stick here i'm gonna put the hopefully the release from me i think they should be fine guys what what happened we survived let's get out of here oh my god yeah i i don't like this school anymore time to go let's go let's get out of here
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,503,986
Rating: 4.7805266 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft monster school, minecraft mob school, minecraft aphmau, aphmau monster school, minecraft monster, minecraft school, minecraft creeper, minecraft zombie, enderman, minecraft no swearing, minecraft mod, minecraft funny, minecraft funny moments, funny moments, aphmau, aphmau school, minecraft school mod, minecraft helpful zombie, minecraft needs help, teaching minecraft, aphmau funny, monster school, mobs play minecraft, minecraft mobs funny, minecraft monster funy
Id: lPRzPfkLVlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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